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Document No. Revision No. Page Date of Issue
FM-02-AKD-05 02 1 of 1 August 31, 2020

Course :
Basic of Mathematics Learning Semester: V Credits : 3 Course Code: 18X01693
Process 1
Program : Lecturer : Dr. Mohammad Asikin, M.Pd.
Undergraduate Program in
Mathematics Education
Lecturer Group Coordinator of Program Coordinator
Academic Field


Dr. Mohammad Asikin, M.Pd Dr. Mulyono, M.Si

Graduate Learning Outcomes Attitude
(GLOs ) /CPL
S14. Internalizing appreciative and caring attitudes in preserving the environment and noble socio-cultural values.


P2. Mastering deeply the characteristics of students from physical, psychological, social, and cultural aspects for the benefit of
P4. Mastering learning theory.

General Skills

KU3. Able to study the implications of developing or implementing science technology that pays attention to and applies
humanities values according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce
solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compile a scientific description of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or
final project report, and upload it on the college page.

Special skills

KK1. Providing educational learning services to students according to their characteristics.

KK3. Adequately selecting approaches and learning models, teaching materials, and assessments for the benefit of learning.
KK4. Applying information and communication technology in lesson plans, conducting classes, learning evaluation, and learning
KK5. Improving the quality of learning based on process assessment and learning outcome assessment.
KK6. Creating a learning environment that is safe, comfortable, fun, challenging, and developing students to be creative.
KK8. Managing the curriculum at the educational unit level.

Course Learning Outcomes CPMK 1:

(CLOs) /CPMK The students be able to know about the essence and characteristics of mathematics in general and mathematics for school,
paradigm and purposes of mathematics learning, standard and principles of mathematics for school.

The students be able to know about mathematics learning models, mathematics learning theories, and mathematics curriculum
CPMK 3 :
The students be able to know about the capabilities of mathematics teacher and competences of mathematics teacher

CPMK 4 :
The students be able to know trends and innovation of mathematics teaching and learning.

Course Description This subject discusses the basic knowledge of mathematics learning processes at school. It is expected to provide provisions to future
mathematics teachers so that they possess the sufficient knowledge which leads them to be more capable of becoming mathematics
teachers in elementary, junior, and senior levels.

Course Reference 1. Asikin, Mohammad, 2005. Kapita Selekta Pembelajaran Matematika. Diktat Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang.
2. Asikin, Mohammad. 2004. Teori-teori Belajar Matematika. Diktat. Pascasarjana Unnes.
3. Asikin. Mohammad. 2005. Building Discourse Communities In RME (Realistic Mathematics Education) Setting. International
Conference On Science And Mathematics Education. December. Penang Malaysia.
4. Asikin. Mohammad. 2012. Basics of Mathematics Learning Process 1. Handout. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang.
5. Permendikbud No 24 tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 Pendidikan Dasar dan
6. Permendikbud No 22 tahun 2016 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
7. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000a. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM: Reston VA.
8. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000b. Learning Mathematics for A New Century. 2000 Yearbook NCTM: Reston
9. Noor Shah Saad. 2008. Teaching Mathematics In Secondary School. Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Malaysia.
10. Slavin, Robert. 1994. Educational Psychology: Theories and Practice, Fourth Edition. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon Publisher.
11. Shian Leou. 1998. Teaching Competencies Assessment Approaches for Mathematics Teachers. Proceedings National Sciences
Council ROC(D) Volume 8 No 3 pp 102-107.
12. NCSM Journal ( National Council 0f Supervisor Mathematics) Tahun 2004 sd 2010 dan The Mathematics Educator Journal 2004
sd 2011.
13. Kristin L. McGraner, Ed.D. 2011. Preparation of Effective Teachers in Mathematics. Australian Council for Educational Research
Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, Victoria.
14. Peter Sullivan. 2011. Teaching Mathematics: Using research-informed strategies. Australian Council for Educational Research
by ACER Press Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, Victoria.
15. Glenda Anthony and Margaret Walshaw. 2009. Characteristics of Effective Teaching of Mathematics: A View from the West.
Journal of Mathematics Education December 2009, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.147-164. Massey University, New Zealand.
16. Howard, James P., II and Beyers, John F. 2020. Teaching and learning mathematics online. Taylor & Francis Group,
17. I Ji Yeong, Chang Hyewon, Son Ji-Won. 2019. Rethinking the Teaching Mathematics for Emergent Bilinguals: Korean
Teacher Perspectives and Practices in Culture, Language, and Mathematics. Springer Nature Singapore.
18. Hanna Gila, Reid David A., Villiers Michael de. 2019. Proof Technology in Mathematics Research and Teaching.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
19. Calder Nigel, Larkin Kevin, Sinclair Nathalie. 2018. Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of
Mathematics. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
20. Allsopp David H., Lovin LouAnn H., Ingen Sarah van. 2018. Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully Solutions for
Reaching Struggling Learners: Second Edition. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

Learning Forms; Learning Methods; Student Assignment

Meet Actual Classroom (AC); Practicum (PM); Time Assessment Techniques and
Expected Skills Learning materials Seminar (S); Practice (P); Field Practice (FP); Score
-ing (minutes) Indicators
Individual Task (ID); Structured (ST)

1 GLOs / CPL : S14, Course Contract Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 5
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 At the end of this meeting,
CPMK 1,2,3 and 4 : Centered Learning approach through students are instructed to answer
ID: 3x60
cooperative learning, Lectures, Questions and the questions about the definition
Determining strategies
Answers, Class Discussion/Brainstorming. of mathematics capabilities, the
to join and understand
purposes of mathematics
the lecture materials. Online: Materials, Discussion using
learning, and the mathematics
teacher profile.
Students answer the following questions: Explaining the general overview
of Basics of Mathematics
a. What do you expect by taking this subject
Learning Process 1.
(Basics of Mathematics Learning Process 1)?
Explain the answer.
b. In your opinion, how the profile of ideal or
professional Mathematics teachers are?
Explain your answer in a comprehensive view
c. Theoretically, there are eight teaching skills
which must be possessed by a teacher.
Explain as far as you know about this theory.
d. There are four teaching competencies:
professional competency, personality
competency, social competency, and
pedagogical competency. Explain what have
you done/are you going to do in mastering
those competencies.
e. Up until now, what kind of preparations have
you done in order to become a mathematics
teacher? Explain briefly.

2 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, a. Perspectives on Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 10
KU3, KK1 Mathematics
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
CPMK 1: Centered Learning approach through contributes to ask questions
b. The Essence of ID: 3x60
The students be able to cooperative learning, Lectures, Question and or give opinións can be
Mathematics and
know about the essence Answer, Class Discussion/Brainstorming. listed in a teacher logbook
and characteristics of (in every meeting, a student
Mathematics. Online: Materials, Discussion using
mathematics in general
c. Mathematics elena.unnes.ac.id is on duty to list any
and mathematics for
Objects. Tasks: student who participates
school, paradigm
and purposes of d. Statements and actively during the class).
Axioms in (Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) 2. At the end of the meeting,
mathematics learning,
standard and principles mathematics. the lecturer provided an
of mathematics for evaluation and notes related
school. to this meeting.
1. Explaining the definition of
mathematics in general.
2. Explaining the definition of
mathematics for school.
3. Explaining and giving
examples of how to think
4. Explaining the direct objects
and indirect objects of
3 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, a. The paradigm Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 10
KU3, KK1, KK3, KK4, and purposes of
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
KK5, KK6, KK8 mathematics
Centered Learning approach through contributes to ask questions
learning. ID: 3x60
CPMK 1: cooperative learning, Lectures, Question and or give opinións can be
b. Characteristics of
The students be able to Answer, Class Discussion/Brainstorming. listed in a teacher logbook
know about the essence (in every meeting, a student
mathematics Online: Materials, Discussion using
and characteristics of
teaching. elena.unnes.ac.id is on duty to list any
mathematics in general
Tasks: student who participates
and mathematics for
school, paradigm actively during the class).
(Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) 2. At the end of the meeting,
and purposes of
mathematics learning, the lecturer provided an
standard and principles evaluation and notes related
of mathematics for to this meeting.
school. Indicators:
1. Explaining the new
paradigm of mathematics
2. Explaining the purposes and
characteristics of
mathematics teaching and
3. Explaining the purposes of
mathematics learning at
4 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, Principles for School Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 10
KU3, KK1, KK3, KK4, Mathematics
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
KK5, KK6, KK8
Centered Learning approach through contributes to ask questions
ID: 3x60
CPMK 1: cooperative learning, Presentation, Class or give opinións can be
The students be able to Discussion/Brainstorming. listed in a teacher logbook
know about the essence (in every meeting, a student
Online: Materials, Discussion using
and characteristics of
elena.unnes.ac.id is on duty to list any
mathematics in general
Tasks: student who participates
and mathematics for
school, paradigm actively during the class).
(Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) 2. At the end of the meeting,
and purposes of
mathematics learning, the lecturer provided an
standard and principles evaluation and notes related
of mathematics for to this meeting.
Explaining the principles of
mathematics learning.
5 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, Process Standards for Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 5
KU3, KK1, KK3, KK4, Mathematics
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
KK5, KK6, KK8 Learning
Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 3x60
CPMK 1: cooperative learning, Presentation, Class questions or opinións can
The students be able to Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
know about the essence Teacher (in every meeting,
Online: Materials, Discussion using
and characteristics of
elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
mathematics in general
Tasks: every student who
and mathematics for
school, paradigm participates actively during
(Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) the lesson).
and purposes of
mathematics learning, 2. At the end of the meeting,
standard and principles the lecturer provided an
of mathematics for evaluation and notes related
school. to this meeting.
Explaining process standards for
mathematics learning.
6 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, Mathematics Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 10
P4, KU3, KK1, KK3, Learning Theories
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
KK4, KK5, KK6, KK8
Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 3x60
CPMK 2: cooperative learning, Presentation, Class questions or opinións can
The students be able to Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
know about Teacher (in every meeting,
Online: Materials, Discussion using
mathematics learning
elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
models, mathematics
learning theories, and Tasks: every student who
mathematics curriculum participates actively during
(Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) the lesson).
2. At the end of the meeting,
the lecturer provided an
evaluation and notes related
to this meeting.

Explaining mathematics learning
7-8 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, Mathematics Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 6x50 Techniques: 10
P4, KU3, KK1, KK3, Learning Models Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 6x60 1. Every student who
KK4, KK5, KK6, KK8
Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 6x60
CPMK 2: cooperative learning, Presentation, Class questions or opinións can
Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
The students be able to Online: Materials, Discussion using Teacher (in every meeting,
know about elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
mathematics learning every student who
models, mathematics participates actively during
learning theories, and Tasks: the lesson).
mathematics curriculum (Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) 2. At the end of the meeting,
the lecturer provided an
evaluation and notes related
to this meeting.
1. Mentioning mathematics
learning models.
2. Mentioning the definition,
characteristics, syntax, and
implementation of
mathematics learning models.
10 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, The Competence of Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 3x50 Techniques: 10
P4, KU3, KK1, KK3, Mathematics Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 3x60 1. Every student who
KK4, KK5, KK6, KK8 Teachers Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 3x60
CPMK 3 : cooperative learning, Presentation, Class questions or opinións can
The students be able to Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
know about the Teacher (in every meeting,
Online: Materials, Discussion using
capabilities of
elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
mathematics teacher
and competences of Tasks: every student who
mathematics teacher participates actively during
(Individual Tasks/ID and Structured/ST) the lesson).
2. At the end of the meeting,
the lecturer provided an
evaluation and notes related
to this meeting.
Giving examples of teaching-
learning situations according to
the competence which should be
mastered by a mathematics
11-13 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, A New Curriculum Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 9x50 Techniques: 20
P4, KU3, KK1, KK3,
Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 9x60 1. Every student who
KK4, KK5, KK6, KK8
Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 9x60
CPMK 2: cooperative learning, Lectures, Question and questions or opinións can
The students be able to Answer, Class Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
know about Teacher (in every meeting,
Online: Materials, Discussion using
mathematics learning
elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
models, mathematics
Tasks: every student who
learning theories, and
mathematics curriculum participates actively during
Individual: Submit 3 article titles from the lesson).
international journals 2. At the end of the meeting,
Group: Arrange and present several topics: the lecturer provided an
evaluation and notes related
a. Mathematics Learning Principles to this meeting.
b. Learning Theories Indicators:
c. Mathematics Learning Models 1. Explaining about Curriculum
d. Mathematical Literacy 2013.
2. Creating an example of
e. Trends in Mathematics Learning indicators and learning
(International Research Based) objectives in mathematics
3. Creating an example of a
lesson plan.
14-15 GLOs / CPL : S14, P2, Trends of Learning Forms: Actual Classroom (AC) AC: 6x50 Techniques: 10
P4, KU3, KK1, KK3, Mathematics Class Activities: Class Teaching, Student- ST: 6x60 1. Every student who
KK4, KK5, KK6, KK8 TeachingLearning Centered Learning approach through contributes to deliver
ID: 6x60
CPMK 4 : cooperative learning, Presentation, Class questions or opinións can
The students be able to Discussion/Brainstorming. be listed in Log Book
know trends and Teacher (in every meeting,
Online: Materials, Discussion using
innovation of
elena.unnes.ac.id a student is on duty to list
mathematics teaching
Tasks: every student who
and learning.
participates actively during
Individual: Submit 3 article titles from the lesson).
international journals 2. At the end of the meeting,
Group: Arrange and present several topics: the lecturer provided an
evaluation and notes related
a. Mathematics Learning Principles to this meeting.
b. Learning Theory
c. Mathematics Learning Models Indicators:
d. Mathematical Literacy Explaining various trends of
e. Trends in Mathematics Learning mathematics learning.
(International Research Based)
a. Assessment Aspects
1) Cognitive aspects through oral and written tests
2) Aspects of skills in delivering presentations and conveying ideas
3) Attitudes and behavior during lectures are considered in the assessment
b. Grading
1) Daily Grade (DG) : A (30%)
2) Midterm Exam (ME) : B (30%)
3) Final Exam (FE) : C (40%)
4) Final Grade : A DG + B ME + C FE

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