The Central Chile Mega Drought (2010 - 2018) : A Climate Dynamics Perspective
The Central Chile Mega Drought (2010 - 2018) : A Climate Dynamics Perspective
The Central Chile Mega Drought (2010 - 2018) : A Climate Dynamics Perspective
DOI: 10.1002/joc.6219
Geophysics Department, Universidad de
Chile, Santiago, Chile Abstract
Center for Climate and Resilience Central Chile, home to more than 10 million inhabitants, has experienced an
Research, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, uninterrupted sequence of dry years since 2010 with mean rainfall deficits of
20–40%. The so-called Mega Drought (MD) is the longest event on record
Department of Geophysics, Universidad de
Concepción, Concepción, Chile
and with few analogues in the last millennia. It encompasses a broad area,
Centro de Recursos Hídricos para la with detrimental effects on water availability, vegetation and forest fires that
Agricultura y Minería, Universidad de have scaled into social and economical impacts. Observations and reanalysis
Concepción, Concepción, Chile
data reveal that the exceptional length of the MD results from the prevalence
Correspondence of a circulation dipole-hindering the passage of extratropical storms over cen-
René D. Garreaud, Blanco Encalada 2002, tral Chile—characterized by deep tropospheric anticyclonic anomalies over
Santiago, Chile.
the subtropical Pacific and cyclonic anomalies over the Amundsen–
Bellingshausen Sea. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a major modula-
Funding information tor of such dipole, but the MD has occurred mostly under ENSO-neutral con-
CONICYT Chile, Grant/Award Numbers:
FONDAP 15110009, FONDECYT 1170286
ditions, except for the winters of 2010 (La Niña) and 2015 (strong El Niño).
Climate model simulations driven both with historical forcing (natural and
anthropogenic) and observed global SST replicate the south Pacific dipole
and capture part of the rainfall anomalies. Idealized numerical experiments
suggest that most of the atmospheric anomalies emanate from the subtropical
southwest Pacific, a region that has experienced a marked surface warming
over the last decade. Such warming may excite atmospheric Rossby waves
whose propagation intensifies the circulation pattern leading to dry conditions
in central Chile. On the other hand, anthropogenic forcing (greenhouse gases
concentration increase and stratospheric ozone depletion) and the associated
positive trend of the Southern Annular Mode also contribute to the strength
of the south Pacific dipole and hence to the intensity and longevity of the
MD. Given the concomitance of the seemingly natural (ocean sourced) and
anthropogenic forcing, we anticipate only a partial recovery of central Chile
precipitation in the decades to come.
Chile, climate change, drought, ENSO, PDO, SAM, South America
then provide a brief description of the observed precipitation regional scale, the Chilean Directorate of water resources
anomalies in central Chile (Section 3), updating a more com- (DGA) and the National Weather Service (DMC) maintain
prehensive analysis in Garreaud et al. (2017). Atmospheric more than 500 rain gauges along central Chile (Figure 1).
reanalysis are used in Section 4 to describe the large-scale From the original daily observations, we computed monthly
circulation anomalies during the current MD and past accumulations when less than 5% of the days are missing,
droughts during the 20th century. We also evaluated the his- thus retaining 220 stations with data from 1960 onwards.
torical and present-day association between central Chile We also use lake and groundwater levels in a few stations
rainfall and relevant planetary-scale modes (ENSO, SAM operated by DGA. All the station data is available from the
and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO) to infer their role Center for Climate and Resilience Research Climate
during the MD. To assess natural and anthropogenic contri- Explorer (
butions to the current MD, in Section 5, we use a large The large-scale circulation was characterized using the
ensemble of Global Climate Model (GCM) data, including National Centers for Environmental Prediction—National
both fully-coupled runs and simulations with prescribed Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis
SST. Additional numerical experiments were conducted to (NNR; Kalnay et al., 1996) available since 1948, including
isolate the ocean-sourced forcing of the dry conditions in gridded (2.5 × 2.5 latitude–longitude [lat–lon]) monthly
central Chile and propose a physical mechanism for such means of geopotential height and air temperature at several
connection. Conclusions are summarized in Section 6. levels. NNR-based results were contrasted against the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ERA-Interim Reanalysis (Dee et al., 2011). Our study also
2 | DAT A AN D M OD E L S employs monthly mean SST fields from the NOAA
extended-reconstructed sea surface temperature (ERSST)
2.1 | Observational dataset available from 1860 onwards on a 2 × 2 lat–lon grid
Several sources of information are used to characterize cen- (Smith et al., 2008) and the NOAA Optimum Interpolation
tral Chile historical droughts and the current event. At the (OI) SST - V2 available from 1981 onwards on a 1 × 1
lat–lon grid (Reynolds et al., 2002). Global precipitation is including three runs from the Community Earth System
depicted using monthly mean fields from the Global Precipi- Model CESM1, that used time-varying GHG and O3 con-
tation Climatology Project (GPCP) available from 1979 to centrations (Cionni et al., 2011). Table 1 presents the basic
present on a 2.5 × 2.5 lat–lon grid (Adler et al., 2003). features of these simulations. For each CMIP5 model, we
combine their historical runs (1950–2005) and RCP8.5 sce-
nario runs (2006–2040). Since averaging across the
2.2 | Atmospheric only simulations
models/runs effectively removes internal variability, the
In Section 5, we use several families of GCM simulations to multi-model mean isolates the signal due to anthropogenic
gauge the role of natural variability and anthropogenic forcing climate forcing. We refer to these simulations as CMIP5.
in sustaining the ongoing MD. First, we use a 40-member
ensemble carried out with the Community Atmosphere Model
2.4 | SPEEDY experiments
(CAM5, the atmospheric component of the Community Earth
System Model, Kay et al., 2015) by the NOAA Earth System SPEEDY (Simplified Parameterizations, primitivE-Equation
Research Laboratory. CAM5 was integrated from January 1900 DYnamics) is an atmospheric global circulation model
to February 2018 at approximately 1 × 1 lat–lon resolution, (AGCM) of intermediate complexity. It is based on the primi-
forced by observed SST and Sea Ice (Hurrell et al., 2008). tive equations with a spectral dynamical core and simplified
These kind of simulations, with prescribed ocean boundary con- physical parameterizations (Kucharski et al., 2013). It is a
ditions, are referred to as AMIP as they were employed in the hydrostatic model with a spectral transformation in the
Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (Gates et al., vorticity-divergence form described by Bourke (1974). The
1998). They also employ time-varying greenhouse gases model resolution used is T30 L8, which corresponds to a trian-
(GHG) and stratospheric ozone (O3) concentrations. The GHG gular spectral truncation with 30 wave numbers (96 × 48
evolution is based on observed estimates until 2005 and the Gaussian grid points), about 3.75 × 3.75 , and eight vertical
RCP6.0 scenario thereafter (Moss et al., 2010). The time- levels. The top two upper levels represent the stratosphere, the
varying O3 is from the SPARC observed database (Cionni lowest level the planetary boundary layer and three levels of
et al., 2011). Consistently, this simulation is referred to as free troposphere (Molteni, 2003; Kucharski et al., 2006). Physi-
AMIP-ORF (observed radiative forcing). Note that these simu- cal parameterizations include large-scale condensation, short-
lations include 8 out of 9 winters of the ongoing MD. Since the and longwave radiation, shallow and deep convection, surface
ensemble members are forced by identical boundary conditions fluxes of momentum and energy, and vertical diffusion.
and only differ in slightly different initial conditions, the ensem- In addition to topography and land–sea mask, SPEEDY
ble mean attempts to isolate the SST-forced response of the requires surface boundary conditions at the ocean (SST and sea
atmospheric circulation under observed levels of GHG and O3 ice fraction coverage [SIC]), soil temperature in the deep soil
while the ensemble spread informs about the SST-forced signal layer (1 m), moisture in the top soil layer and the root-zone
to internal atmospheric noise ratio. layer, snow depth, bare surface albedo, and fraction of land-
A second set of AMIP simulations, also performed with surface covered by vegetation. The last two levels are defined
CAM5, consists of a 30-member ensemble spanning January with an annual mean value, while the other fields are defined
1979 to December 2016, but with GHG and O3 concentra- as monthly means, which are linearly interpolated to get daily
tions kept fixed to their 1880s values (Cionni et al., 2011; values during the calculation. The climatological fields were
Meinshausen et al., 2011). In this case, SST has been originally calculated averaging the 1979–2008 period from
detrended and adjusted to 1880 equivalent mean conditions, ERA-Interim results (Dee et al., 2011). For the SPEEDY
AMIP run, we prescribed global monthly observed SST and
but retain the observed interannual and decadal variability as
SIC from 1870 to 2017 (Rayner et al., 2003). A total of
in the other experiments. Sea ice is set to a repeating seasonal
50 ensemble members for each run were created by adding ran-
cycle of roughly 1979–1990. This set of simulations is
dom diabatic forcing. Ensemble member 1 was perturbed
referred to as AMIP-PRF (past radiative forcing) and attempts
1 day (72 time steps), ensemble member 2 was perturbed for
to reproduce the atmospheric circulation in response to natural
2 days, and so on. We also employed SPEEDY to conduct a
SST variability previous to major human interference in the
numerical experiment described at the end of Section 5.1.
climate system. Thus, comparing AMIP-PRF against AMIP-
ORF is useful to precisely gauge that interference.
2.3 | Fully-coupled GCM simulations
We used a total of 30 fully-coupled simulations from Despite of marked meridional rainfall gradients, year-to-year
26 GCMs participating in CMIP5 (Taylor et al., 2012), precipitation and streamflow variability exhibit a notable
TABLE 1 Main features of the fully coupled models used for the historical and RCP8.5 scenario (Taylor et al., 2012)
Nlon and Nlat indicates the number of points in longitude and latitude, respectively.
degree of spatial homogeneity in central Chile (Montecinos two analogues of the ongoing MD during the last millen-
et al., 2000). Following Garreaud et al. (2017), these com- nium (Garreaud et al., 2017). Precipitation deficits over 25%
mon variations were tracked by considering annual rainfall were observed in more than three-quarters of the stations
accumulations in six stations between 32 and 37 S with along central Chile in every year conforming the MD,
nearly complete records from 1915 onwards (highlighted in although the rainfall anomalies have some spatial variability
Figure 1). For each station, the annual series of observed as illustrated by the station-based maps for individual years
accumulation was divided by its climatological value (Figure 3). These data support the findings in Garreaud et al.
(1980–2010). The regional precipitation index (RPI, (2017) regarding the more persistent and extraordinary char-
Figure 2a) was then calculated every year as the median of acter of the MD in the southern half of central Chile.
the seven station values. RPI has a high correlation (r ~ 0.7)
with individual precipitation time series almost everywhere
in central Chile. 4 | O B S E R V E D LA R G E - S C A L E
Given our focus on regional dry spells in central Chile, ANOMALIES
drought events are identified as those years in which
RPI ≤ 80% (≥20% deficit in rainfall), a threshold often used In this section, we use reanalysis and observed data to
for hydrological and agricultural applications. This simple describe the large-scale circulation and attending SST pat-
identification agrees well with those based on more sophisti- tern during the MD. Most analyses are performed using aus-
cated indices (e.g., SPI or the Palmer Drought Severity tral winter (MJJAS) mean anomaly fields from 2010 to
Index; see Garreaud et al., 2017 for details). Between 1915 2018, calculated as departures from the 1980–2010 climatol-
and 2009, 24 years were classified as regional droughts ogy. We also consider dry years occurring before 2010 (see
(about a fourth of the time) mostly composed by one to Figure 2a) to provide a historical background. For both the
3-year long events (Figure 2a). MD and past droughts, the precipitation anomaly maps
The Central Chile MD stands out in the RPI time series (Figures 4a,d) reveals that dry conditions in central Chile are
as the uninterrupted sequence of dry years since 2010, with the easternmost expression of a broad band of rainfall deficit
RPI ranging between 55 and 80% (Figure 2a). This 9-year across much of the subtropical southeast Pacific. Dry condi-
drought is substantially longer than any other event in the tions extend across the subtropical Andes into central Argen-
20th century, although it does not include extremely dry tina but with weaker amplitude. To the south of 45 S, there
(RPI < 50%) years like 1924, 1968 or 1998. The histogram is a tendency for wet anomalies from the central Pacific to
of mean RPI considering 9-year blocks further illustrates the the south Atlantic. A narrow dry band over the equatorial
extraordinary character of the MD in the observational Pacific—all the way from the maritime continent to the coast
period (Figure 2b). In a longer-term context, tree-ring-based of South America—is very prominent in the historical
precipitation reconstruction for central Chile reveals only drought composite but mostly absent in the MD mean. As
FIGURE 2 (a) Annual series of Central Chile regional precipitation index (RPI). Droughts, defined as years with RPI < 80%, are identified by
the red circles. (b) Histogram of 9-year average of RPI for the period 1915–2009. The light blue bars show the observed frequency, considering a
9-year sliding window throughout the 1915–2009 record. The blue thick line is the distribution obtained from 5,000 randomly selected 9 years from
the historical period. The orange arrow indicates the RPI averaged during the MD (2010–2018) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
FIGURE 3 Station-based rainfall anomalies during the MD. In each station, the anomalies are calculated as the annual deficit (observed minus
climatology values) divided by the climatology value (precipitation average 1980–2010). The map in the left shows the rainfall anomalies for the
full period (2010–2018). The graphs show the anomalies for each year and station, sorted according to their latitude. The thick box encompasses
Central Chile [Colour figure can be viewed at]
we describe later, this difference is connected with the vary- and less frequent weather fronts reaching this region
ing impact of ENSO on central Chile hydroclimate. (Garreaud, 2007; Solman and Menéndez, 2002; see also
Figure S2a). Reduced westerlies also weaken moisture trans-
port from the Pacific (Campos et al., 2018) and orographic
4.1 | Circulation pattern and SAM impact
precipitation forced by the Andes range (Falvey and
The composite map of 500 hPa geopotential height (Z500) Garreaud, 2007). By the contrary, enhanced transient
anomalies during dry winters (Figure 4b) provides a dynami- activity—and hence precipitation—occurs over the tip of the
cal perspective on central Chile historical droughts. Of par- continent and the Drake's passage, immediately downstream
ticular relevance is a dipole of positive anomalies across the of the anomalous low over the ABS (Figure S2a).
subtropical Pacific and negative anomalies at mid-latitudes. The strength of the geopotential height dipole over the
Such dipole, strongly related to ENSO variability, has southeast Pacific can be gauged by the difference in Z500
been referred to as South Pacific Oscillation (SPO) and between a subtropical box (centred at 30 S–110 W) and a
emerge as the leading mode of a Principal Component Anal- mid-latitude box (centred at 65 S–90 W). Figure 5 shows
ysis of the pressure field over this ocean basin (You and the scatter plot between the winter mean height difference
Furtado, 2017). and central Chile rainfall anomalies (RPI) for the period
The South Pacific dipole is very prominent in the MD 1948–2018. Consistent with the previous discussion, there
composite (Figure 4e) and evident every winter during this is a negative relationship between both variables with a
period, although the centres of the pressure anomalies correlation coefficient of −0.6. The strength of the dipole
exhibit some variability in their position and intensity has been consistently high from 2010 onwards resulting
(Figure S1). In average during the MD, the positive anoma- in a MD-average about 20% larger than the historical
lies further extend over the tropical Pacific and the negative mean (Figure 5). The winter mean series of Z500 used
anomalies are very deep over the Amundsen–Bellinhausen to calculate the strength of the dipole over the South
Sea (ABS). The positive anomalies in the subtropics drive Pacific are shown in Figure 6. Both series exhibit sub-
tropospheric-deep easterly wind anomalies over much of stantial year-to-year variability, caused by either internal
central Chile, a key factor behind regional dry conditions dynamics or remotely forced by SST anomalies in the
(Montecinos et al., 2011; Garreaud et al., 2013). Weaker equatorial Pacific. Superimposed on that variability there
westerlies associate with suppressed baroclinic instability are negative/positive trends in Z500 in the mid-
F I G U R E 4 Composite anomalies (departures from de 1980–2010 mean) of austral winter (May–September) precipitation (GPCP, 1979
onwards), 500 hPa geopotential height (NNR; 1948 onwards) and sea surface temperature (ER-SST until 1980 and OI-SST from 1981 onwards).
Upper panels: Historical droughts (identified in Figure 2a). Lower panels: MD period (2010–2018) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
latitude/subtropical box, evident since the 1970s and sta- stratospheric O3 depletion and increased GHG concentra-
tistically significant at the 1% level. These opposing tion (Arblaster and Meehl, 2006; Eyring et al., 2013; Gillett
trends result in a southeast Pacific Z500 dipole strength- et al., 2013), thus, supporting the hypothesis that anthropo-
ening of ~20 m/decade between 1980 and 2018. The genic forcing have played a relevant role on the drying ten-
magnitude of this trend is substantial and accounts for dencies and on the maintenance of MD in central Chile
one-third of the dipole anomaly observed in average (Boisier et al., 2016).
between 2010 and 2018.
The positive trend in mid-level geopotential height over
4.2 | Influence of ENSO
subtropical latitudes can be linked to the overall tropo-
spheric warming during the last decades (e.g., Sherwood ENSO impacts on the hydroclimate of central Chile in the
et al., 2008). The negative height trend over the ABS dur- form of a warm/wet - cold/dry relationship by exciting the
ing wintertime is more puzzling. Only weak trends were South Pacific dipole (e.g., Aceituno, 1988; Rutllant and
found in that season in the last part of the 20th century Fuenzalida, 1991; Montecinos and Aceituno, 2003). Ind-
(Fogt et al., 2012), but after year 2000 reanalysis data eed, the composite map of SST anomalies during historic-
shows a marked drop (R. Fogt 2018, personal communica- al droughts exhibits a marked cooling across much of
tion). The SAM pattern strongly projects upon the strength equatorial Pacific, weaker cool anomalies over the subtro-
of the height anomaly dipole (r ≈ 0.75; see also Fogt et al., pical southeast Pacific, and a horse-shoe pattern of warm-
2012), so part of the augmented meridional gradient over er anomalies rooted in the tropical western Pacific
the south Pacific arises from the SAM trend towards its (Figure 4c). All these features conform the well-known
positive polarity (Marshall, 2003; Jones et al., 2016). In pattern of SST anomalies during a La Niña event
turn, the SAM trend has been largely attributed to (e.g., Rasmusson and Carpenter, 1982; Capotondi et al.,
5.1 | Ocean forcing an MD-average rainfall deficit that reach and even exceed
the observed value as summarized by the box plot in
The left panels of Figure 10 show the CAM5 AMIP-ORF
Figure 11. Similar findings emerge when using the AMIP
(i.e., observed SST and radiative forcing) ensemble mean
ensemble runs with SPEEDY.
anomalies of Z500 and precipitation averaged during the These AMIP results strongly suggest that the protracted
MD (austral winter of 2010–2017 given the data availabil- Central Chile MD was substantially driven by global SST
ity). The ensemble mean replicates the key dynamical pat- anomalies, while internal atmospheric variability would
tern sustaining dry conditions in central Chile: negative enhance its severity. Such inference is somewhat surprising
anomalies over the ABS and positive anomalies over the given the mostly ENSO-neutral conditions during the MD
subtropical Pacific (Figure 4e). Consistently, the simulated but consistent with the mostly negative PDO phase during
area of negative rainfall anomalies over the west coast of this period. The outstanding question is then, from where in
South America and adjacent ocean is in good agreement the SH extratropical oceans is emerging the atmospheric
with its observational counterpart (Figure 4d). The MD forcing of the dry conditions in central Chile? A plausible
mean pattern of Z500 and rainfall anomalies is also found candidate is the subtropical southwest Pacific (SSWP,
in individual winters. The amplitude of the CAM5 ensem- 30–40 S, 190–210 W), a region that has exhibited a sub-
ble mean Z500 anomalies at the mid-latitude and subtropi- stantial warm anomaly throughout the MD period
cal sectors of the south Pacific are about two-thirds of the (Figure 4f). Such surface warming may shift the tropical
observed values. Likewise, the MD-averaged ensemble convection or lead to anomalous deep convection locally
mean rainfall anomalies in Central Chile reaches about (Figure 2b), perturbing the tropospheric flow throughout
−17 ± 5%, below the observed value of −30% Rossby wave generation (e.g., Hoskins and Karoly, 1981;
(Figure 10). Nonetheless, five members (out of 40) show Hoskins and Ambrizzi, 1993; Mo and Higgins, 1998). This
FIGURE 8 Scatter plot between multi-year winter (MJJAS) average of the PDO index and the concurrent Central Chile precipitation index
(RPI) average. The periods were selected as sequences of years in which the PDO was predominantly in its cold or warm phase (see inset with the
PDO time series). The MD period in the PDO-RPI space is highlighted. The PDO index is defined as the leading principal component of North
Pacific monthly sea surface temperature variability (poleward of 20 N); monthly values obtained from
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
perturbation eventually reaches South America in a way that Sensitivity simulations with intermediate SST perturbations
is favourable to dry conditions in Chile. indicate a mostly linear response of central Chile precipita-
To test this hypothesis, we conducted an ad-hoc numeri- tion deficit to the warming over subtropical southwest
cal experiment using SPEEDY (Section 2.3). We first pro- Pacific.
duced a 50-member ensemble of 30-year SPEEDY Specific details on the mechanism linking the SSWP
simulations using climatological mean SST (CTR simula- warming and central Chile drought warrant further investiga-
tions). The ensemble mean of wintertime precipitation, SLP tion. As a first approximation, Figure 13 show the
and Z500 are shown in Figure 12a and reproduce well the streamfunction anomalies for the 0.2101 sigma-level from
key elements of the large scale circulation. We then repeated NCEP NCAR reanalysis. The streamfunction anomalies are
these simulations (50 runs in each case) but adding an SST calculated as the average of the anomalies for individual
perturbation of {+0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.5} C in the months from May to September in the period from 2010 to
SSWP domain. The difference between SSWP+2.5 and 2017. The period between 1980 and 2010 is used as a base
CTR ensembles in precipitation, SLP and Z500 are shown in for climatologies. The W-vector shows the horizontal wave
Figures 12b,c. The warming of the SSWP produces a local, activity flux (Takaya and Nakamura, 2001) corresponding to
baroclinic response that features a drop in SLP, enhanced this stream function anomaly field. W-vector has been previ-
precipitation and increased Z500. There is also a barotropic ously used to diagnose Rossby wave propagation from the
response downstream of the region of warming that include tropical Pacific into South America in time scales from daily
negative anomalies at higher latitudes, centred over the to seasonal (Montecinos et al., 2011; Rondanelli et al.,
Antarctic Peninsula, and positive anomalies at subtropical 2019). Anticyclonic and cyclonic anomalies in the upper
latitudes, largest over the west coast of South America. atmosphere are located nearly in the same position as the
This pattern strongly projects upon the dipole that favour a 500 hPa geopotential high and low anomalies previously
reduction of precipitation in central Chile (cf. Figures 4 and identified as a dipole. The anomalies have a barotropic
12). Indeed, the SSWP+2.5 wintertime precipitation in cen- equivalent vertical structure. Wave activity flows from the
tral Chile is about 25% lower than its CTR counterpart, a maximum heating region (indicated with a rectangle) and
significant difference considering the role of internal vari- into the polar upper level cyclonic anomaly. The maximum
ability within the various ensemble members (Figure 12d). mid-latitude upper level anticyclonic anomaly also seems to
F I G U R E 1 0 Mean anomalies during the MD of 500 hPa geopotential height (top panels) and precipitation (lower panels) from the (a,b)
CAM5 simulations using observed SST, SIC and radiative forcing (AMIP-ORF) and (c,d) CAM5 simulations using observed SST, SIC and past
radiative forcing (AMIP-PRF). The ensemble-mean (40 members) was first calculated for each winter (MJJAS). We then calculated the anomaly by
subtracting the ensemble-mean climatology (1970–2010) and finally we calculated the average over the period 2010–2017. Panels (e,f): Difference
between present-day (2010–2020) minus recent past (1970–2000) in winter (MJJAS) fields on the basis of the multi-model mean from 43 CMIP5
fully-coupled simulations [Colour figure can be viewed at]
contribute with wave activity towards the polar low. Since relevance, the ensemble mean rainfall anomalies in central
W-vectors are nearly parallel to a quasi-stationary Rossby Chile is −8 ± 4% and none of the members produce a def-
wave at each point, poleward wave activity flowing from the icit as large as observed (Figure 11). Thus, while both
surface heating region seems to be consistent with a low CAM5 AMIP-ORF and AMIP-PRF simulations reveal an
wave number quasistationary Rossby wave. A low important ocean-forced component of this drought, this
wavenumber propagation is also consistent with the horizon- forcing seems to produce an event with a severity close to
tal scale of the anomalies, cyclonic and anticyclonic anoma- the observations only when the model incorporates the
lies covering about 90 longitude, translating into horizontal current—anthropogenic—atmospheric levels of GHG, O3
wavenumber 2. At around 75 S and near the Antarctic Pen- and aerosols.
insula, wave activity shifts equatorward and into the The differences between CAM5 AMIP-PRF and AMIP-
Atlantic. ORF may be interpreted as an indication of the anthropo-
genic interference in sustaining the Central Chile MD. A
more direct evidence is provided by the fully coupled simu-
5.2 | Anthropogenic forcing
lations (CMIP5) including all climate forcing (Section 2.3).
We now return to the CAM5 AMIP simulations but now The rightmost panels of Figure 10 shows the multi-model
considering those integration using 1880s radiative forcing mean difference between present (2010–2020) and recent
(CAM5 AMIP-PRF). The overall structure of the ensemble past (1970–2000) global Z500 and precipitation. Note that to
mean Z500 and precipitation anomalies during the MD increase the signal to noise ratio, the averaging period
also agree well with the observations but the amplitude of (2010–2020) for these simulations is slightly larger than the
key features is reduced (Figure 10c,d). Of particular observed MD interval. As noted in previous studies
F I G U R E 1 3 NNR
streamfunction anomalies (colours in
m2/s) and W vectors (m2/s2). Both
fields are calculated from monthly
anomalies in the period 2010–2017 for
the months from may to September.
W-vectors after Takaya and Nakamura
(2001). Climatologies are with respect
to the period 1980 to 2010. H and L
indicate the center of anticyclonic and
cyclonic anomalies, respectively. The
black rectangle shows the subtropical
Southwest Pacific (SSWP) region
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
• The exceptional length of the MD results from an SAM trend has been largely attributed to stratospheric O3
uninterrupted reiteration of a large-scale circulation pat- depletion and increased GHG concentration (Arblaster
tern during austral winter hindering the passage of and Meehl, 2006; Eyring et al., 2013; Gillett et al., 2013).
extratropical storms over central Chile. This pattern is Indeed, fully-coupled GCM forced by observed radiative
characterized by tropospheric-deep positive pressure forcing also produce a dry band over the subtropical
(anticyclonic) anomalies over the central-eastern subtropi- southeast Pacific reaching central Chile, with a multi-
cal Pacific and negative pressure (cyclonic) anomalies model mean deficit of about 5% for the present decade
over the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea. The strength of relative to the recent past.
this dipole has been substantially above the long-term • A subset of CMIP5 simulations produce a rainfall deficit
mean during the MD. closer to the observed values and feature a La-Niña like
• Historically, ENSO is a major modulator of the south SST anomaly pattern, stressing again the relevance of the
Pacific dipole, producing low (high) pressure anomalies ocean sourced forcing of the MD, that is currently
over the ABS (subtropical latitudes) during La Niña enhanced by changes in atmospheric circulation driven by
years. Unlike historical droughts, however, the ongoing anthropogenic forcing.
dry period has occurred mostly under ENSO-neutral con-
ditions, except for the winters of 2010 (La Niña) and In summary, both natural variability (PDO shift causing
2015 (strong El Niño). This has resulted in a substantial SSWP warming) and anthropogenic forcing (SAM trends
decrease in the ability to foresee central Chile hydro- towards its positive polarity) are at play in sustaining the
climate based on ENSO predictions (J. Vicencio, personal Central Chile Mega Drought. While it is not possible to
obtain an exact partitioning, the seemingly natural, ocean-
• Nonetheless, atmospheric-only GCM simulations forced
forced component appears as dominant, accounting for at
with observed global SST and present-day radiative forc-
least half of the dry signal in central Chile. Given its origin
ing (AMIP ensembles) replicates the south Pacific dipole
in ocean–atmosphere variability, a reversal of its sign can be
and the area of negative rainfall anomalies during the
expected for the next decades, partially relieving the dry
MD. The simulated precipitation deficit is 1/2 to 2/3 of
conditions afflicting central Chile. Nevertheless, the anthro-
the observed values, and much smaller if the radiative
pogenic forcing is also important—about a quarter of the
forcing is set to pre-industrial levels. These results con-
MD signal—and it will keep pushing Central Chile towards
firm that the protracted Central Chile MD is largely
a dry condition during the rest of 21st century with an inten-
driven by global SST anomalies of the last decades under
sity that depend upon the emission scenario that humanity
the current (anthropogenic) levels of greenhouse gases
will follow.
and stratospheric ozone.
• Further numerical experiments suggest that most of the
atmospheric forcing emanates from the subtropical south- A C KN O W L E D G E M E N T S
west Pacific (SSWP), although specific details of such
This research emerged from the collaboration with many
link deserve further investigation. This area has experi-
colleagues at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research
enced a marked sea surface warming over the last
(CR2, CONICYT/FONDAP/15110009) that also provided
20 years, with mean anomalies over +1 C during the MD
partial funding. R.G. also acknowledges for support by Fon-
period. Such warming is capable to excite a Rossby
decyt project 1170286. We thank two anonymous reviewers
waves response whose propagation lowers the pressure
for constructive criticism and comments on the manuscript.
over the ABS and increases the pressure over western
South America, projecting upon the pattern that lead to
dry conditions in central Chile. OR CI D
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