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Why Are Success Stories Necessary?

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November 2013


Why are success stories necessary?

Success stories are helpful to further educate the public about food assistance programs,
particularly to demonstrate the impact that food assistance programs have on peoples’ lives
around the world. The stories should describe the food assistance program in non-technical
language and explain the results or benefit (where feasible).

What type of stories is Food for Peace (FFP) expecting?

FFP seeks descriptions of successes that go beyond the specifics of how much food was
delivered and focus on progress made in reducing food insecurity in the populations receiving
food assistance. In other words, they should showcase broad-scale sustainable development
projects and/or highlight new, cutting edge innovations. FFP would like success stories from all
regions. We welcome stories that focus on transformational impacts of our development
programs – for example:

Reducing stunting
Raising household incomes
Increased agricultural productivity
Regenerating watersheds or other natural resources
Improving and maintaining community infrastructure
Empowering women
Mitigating future disasters or existing threats through disaster risk reduction activities

We also welcome studies of our Title II and EFSP emergency programs and seek compelling
stories of:

Early response that clearly prevents loss of life or mitigates impacts of disasters
Why flexibility to use cash-based resources was critical to an emergency response.
Lives saved and suffering alleviated
Documented reductions in malnutrition or other key indicators
Food for asset and other activities that protect and/or advance livelihoods while saving
Creative approaches applying technology or other tools that clearly improve response
Strategic application of multiple resources to improve overall impact (e.g., sequencing
EFSP and Title II programs that demonstrate the benefits of both resources and the
improved response that results because both are available)
Resilience building as part of an emergency response
November 2013

New opportunities and impacts for beneficiaries as a result of FFP and Feed the Future-
funded projects (or other USAID projects including OFDA projects) running together or
in close proximity to each other.
Program outcomes and results. We know this is a much more difficult ask than simple
output information (e.g. number of people trained vs. how did that training change a
person’s behavior), but to the extent possible, USAID encourages partners to submit
stories with this information.

The most effective success stories focus on the following:

Individuals Empowered to help themselves

Sustainable change rather than one-off successes
Permanent “leave behinds” created, such as new infrastructure, skills that have a lasting
impact, or reduced need for outside help in the future due to program results
A “new” approach to aid, one that empowers targeted groups and works to avoid

Also keep in mind that moral and ethical imperatives are a central part of the motivation for
supporting assistance. Americans believe that the U.S. must act as a world leader to live up to its
founding ideals. Try to factor this motivation into your story.

Just remember, all success stories should point to results!

How will my success story be used?

Selected stories may be included on the FFP website, in the annual U.S. International Food
Assistance Report and in other communications products that highlight the work of FFP and its

What does a great success story look like?

The formula is simple: use powerful statistics; communicate progress; frame your story around
USAID’s larger Mission, not a specific program; and bring it to life with a personal narrative.

Success stories should use the following format:

1. Title or Heading (approximately 5-10 words including country and/or region of project)
2. 1-2 sentences (approximately 50 words) briefly describing the situation in the country
that required FFP assistance.
Example: In December 2010, violence surrounding the contested Presidential
election forced many Ivoirians to flee from their homes. There are currently
15,725 internally displaced persons within Côte d’Ivoire and 69,561 refugees in
November 2013

Liberia, where UNHCR reported 160,000 refugees at the height of the

displacement in 2011.
3. 3-4 sentences (approximately 100-150 words) describing the program being implemented
in country.
Example: FFP is currently supporting an innovative World Food Program pilot
program that uses cell phones to facilitate cash transfers to 54,000 people living in
impoverished districts of Abidjan. These districts were badly affected in the post-
election crisis and the lowest income families struggle to put food on the table.
Through this program, more than 10,000 vulnerable households receive text
messages on their cell phones alerting them to withdraw money from local cash
points. This unconditional cash transfer is being implemented as a pilot program
over a two month period, with each household receiving a total of $75 per month,
equivalent to the food basket of an average family of five.
4. 1-2 sentences (approximately 25-50 words) describing why that program was the most
appropriate response to the situation described.
Example: Beneficiaries describe how the cash transfer has allowed them to
improve the quality of their family’s meals, by purchasing meat and fish to add
protein to their diet.
5. 1-2 sentences (approximately 25-50 words) describing the results and success of the
implemented program.
Example: This innovative program pioneers new methods of fighting hunger in
the technology age and shows how these tools can provide new solutions for
providing food assistance in a challenging urban post-crisis setting.

If including a picture, use .jpg or .tiff format and a file that is at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).
The photo caption should include the photographer’s name and organization as well as a caption
of 25 words or less summarizing what is occurring in the photo, including date, location, and
names of person(s) in the photo.

For all beneficiaries named or photographed, verbal consent must be obtained prior to being
featured within the story. USAID understands that beneficiaries may ask to use a different name
to remain anonymous. This is especially true in situations where naming or photographing
individuals accepting U.S. Government assistance poses a potential threat to their life. If this is
the case, please note this within the submission.
November 2013

What are some DOs and DON’Ts of writing Success Stories?


DO try to use quotes when possible

DO use powerful statistics
DO lead with results
DO tell stories that demonstrate sustainable change
DO create emotional/personal connections that bring viewers into the scene
DO think big picture


DON’T use acronyms

DON’T use technical speak
DON’T use statistics that present numbers or percentages with no sense of context or
DON’T lead with $$ amounts

Last but not least, remember that success stories are a way to tell the world about the great work
that USAID and our partners accomplish every day!

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