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Naji, A Esmaili Z Khan, FR - Plastic Debris and Microplastics Along The Beaches of The Strait of Hormuz - 2016

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062

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Marine Pollution Bulletin

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Plastic debris and microplastics along the beaches of the Strait of Hormuz,
Persian Gulf
Abolfazl Naji a,⁎, Zinat Esmaili a, Farhan R Khan b,⁎
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, PO Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Currently little is known about the prevalence of plastics and microplastics (MPs) in the Persian Gulf. Five sam-
Received 5 September 2016 pling stations were selected along the Strait of Hormuz (Iran) that exhibited different levels of industrialization
Received in revised form 11 November 2016 and urbanization, and included a marine protected area. Debris was observed and sediments were collected for
Accepted 15 November 2016
MPs extraction via fluidization/floatation methodology. The order of MP abundance (par/kg) generally reflected
Available online 25 November 2016
the level of anthropogenic activity: Bostanu (1258 ± 291) N Gorsozan (122 ± 23) N Khor-e-Yekshabeh (26 ±
6) N Suru (14 ± 4) N Khor-e-Azini (2 ± 1). Across all sites fibers dominated (83%, 11% film, 6% fragments). FT-
Plastic debris: microplastics IR analysis showed polyethylene (PE), nylon, and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) were the commonly recov-
Sediment extraction ered polymers. Likely sources include beach debris, discarded fishing gear, and urban and industrial outflows
Iran that contain fibers from clothes. This study provides a ‘snapshot’ of MP pollution and longitudinal studies are re-
MP characteristics quired to fully understand plastic contamination in the region.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction marine regions are abundantly studied, such as the Mediterranean Sea
(e.g. Collignon et al., 2012; Fossi et al., 2012; Cozar et al., 2015; Alomar
Plastic pollution in the marine environment is a global phenomenon et al., 2016), whereas less is known about other areas of the world.
and, owing to the durability and persistence of plastics, presents a sig- Reports of plastic and MP pollution in Asia are generally scarce and are
nificant threat to aquatic ecosystems and organisms (Derraik, 2002). particularly limited in the waters and sediments of the Middle East.
The ecological risk is likely to amplify as the majority of plastics prod- Reporting from these areas is vital as plastic use is predicted to increase,
ucts are discarded within the first year of production (Hopewell et al., but there are limited capabilities for recycling and waste management
2009). The degradation of discarded plastics debris by photolysis, bio- (UNEP, 2014). Khordagui and Abu-Hilal (1994) were amongst the first to re-
degradation and physical wave action (Andrady, 2011; Bonhomme port plastic debris in this region, finding highly polluted sites with densities
et al., 2003) provides an ongoing source of microplastics (MPs) in the as high as 80,000 particles/m2 along the coast of the United Arab Emirates
aquatic environment (Jambeck et al., 2015), where MPs are typically de- (Khordagui and Abu-Hilal, 1994). More recently, Sarafraz et al. (2016), main-
fined as b5 mm in diameter, though this definition has been subject to ly focusing on larger sized plastics (N50 cm), conducted beach surveys near
debate (Cole et al., 2011). The heterogeneity of these secondary MPs the Iranian city of Bandar Abbas (Sarafraz et al., 2016). Their study showed
in terms of polymer type, size, shape and density, not only presents a the majority of marine litter on sampled beaches was polyethylene and poly-
challenge to environmental monitoring programs, but also increases styrene, and that the largest source of plastic was through recreational activ-
the variety of ecological effects, considering that different characteristics ities and tourism, which accounted for N 90% of the debris.
may lead to differential fates in the environment and influence interac- The present study is conducted in the same region, along the Strait of
tions other chemicals and biota (Syberg et al., 2015). Moreover, envi- Hormuz (Persian Gulf), with the primary aim of documenting the pres-
ronmental conditions may heavily influence MP behavior, for instance, ence of MPs in sediments. Although, MPs have been found in all com-
plastic degradation rates are accelerated in strong UV light (Andrady, partments of the marine environment, as with many pollutants,
2011; Bonhomme et al., 2003). Such considerations must be accounted sediments are likely to be the ultimate sink, but there is little data on
for when reporting plastics from different world regions (i.e. temperate the occurrence of MPs within this complex matrix, not least because
v tropical climates), and although a global picture of MP pollution in the of the lack of extraction methods (Nuelle et al., 2014). Whilst focusing
marine environment has emerged (Ivar Do Sul and Costa, 2014) some on sediment MPs, we also report the presence of larger items of plastic
⁎ Corresponding authors.
debris which has been often cited a major source of marine MPs
E-mail addresses: abolfazlnaji@gmail.com (A. Naji), frkhan@ruc.dk, (Jambeck et al., 2015). However, the presence of debris does not always
farhan.khan@gmx.com (F.R. Khan). correlate to the prevalence of MPs in the sediment (Dekiff et al., 2014).

0025-326X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1058 A. Naji et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062

Thus, our objective is to report the prevalence and characteristics of MPs 2.2. Extraction of MPs from sediments
in the sediments and relate this to the assemblages of plastic debris
found at the sampling locations. To separate the MPs from sediments the recently developed two-
step air-induced overflow (AIO) extraction procedure was used
(Nuelle et al., 2014). The principle of this method is to use a combination
2. Materials and methods of fluidization of sediments in a lower density salt solution (NaCl (1.2
g/cm3)) facilitated by the pumping of air into the solution (step 1),
2.1. Study area and sampling followed by flotation of MPs in a higher density salt solution (NaI (1.8
g/cm3), step 2). Laboratory set-up and method was conducted in accor-
The Persian Gulf has a total area of approximately 240,000 km2 mak- dance with Nuelle et al. (2014), but modifications from the established
ing it one of the largest gulf areas in the world (the largest being the Gulf method are described herein.
of Mexico). It is considered to be highly anthropogenically impacted, In their method, Nuelle et al. (2014) used an initial air flow rate of
particularly when considering the oil industry and associated potential 0.1 L/s to moderately bubble the NaCl solution. As the volume of NaCl
for pollution (Nadim et al., 2008), and that industrial and urban waste- was increased to create an overflow the air flow rate was increased to
water often discharge directly into the sea (Agah et al., 2012; Naser, 0.2 L/s to recover the MPs and reduce the sediment mass. Differences
2013). Furthermore, an estimated 40% of the coasts of the Gulf have in sediment particle sizes between studies, and also between sites in
been subject to development (Hamza and Munawar, 2009). the present study, likely influences the air flow rate needed to achieve
To the northern coast of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman lies fluidization. Thus, prior to extraction, aliquots of sediments from each
Iran with a coastline of approximately 1770 km (Fisher, 1968). The site (n = 3) were subject to particle size analysis, in which percentages
Strait of Hormuz lies between these two gulfs and provides the only ac- of sand, silt and clay were determined by the hydrometer method (Gee
cess from the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea (Fig. 1). As such, it is an im- et al., 1986). This method is based on the differential rates of sedimen-
portant trade route particularly in the case of petroleum. Hormozgan tation of particles suspended in water. At sites 1–4 grain composition
Province provides the northern coast of the Strait of Hormuz with Ban- in the sediment followed the order of sand N clay N silt (i.e. domination
dar Abbas being the capital and main port city. In the present study five of the larger particle class), but at Bostanu (S5) silt (finer particles) was
sampling sites were selected along the Strait of Hormuz covering a total more common (Table 2). Similarly, Nuelle et al. (2014) made an initial
range of approximately 200 km from the most easterly site at Khor-e- sieving of the sediments at 1 mm, whereas we used a 4.75 mm stainless
Azini to the most westerly at Bostanu (Fig. 1). Khor-e-Azini is dominat- steel mesh in order target larger plastic debris. This again would have a
ed by mangrove forest and has been designated as a Marine Protected bearing on air flow rate needed for fluidization in NaCl. Therefore, sed-
Area (MPA) and is thus without urbanization. As the four remaining iments from the 5 sites were subjected to air flow tests with initial bub-
sites are within 50 km of each other, Khor-e-Azini is also the most geo- bling at rates of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 L/s and increases at 0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and
graphically distinct. The other sites exhibit differing degrees of urbani- 0.6 L/s. These tests showed that for sites 1–4 an air flow rate of 0.3 L/s
zation and industrialization with Bostanu being the most developed in was needed to fluidize the heavier sand-rich sediment in the NaCl solu-
this regard. Table 1 describes the 5 sites with their location as deter- tion, whereas 0.2 L/s was sufficient for Bostanu's siltier sediment. In
mined by global positioning system (GPS). both cases an air flow rate of 0.4 L/s was sufficient for fluidization in
The sampling campaign was carried out between January and Febru- the NaCl overflow. Sediments from all sites contained little biogenic ma-
ary 2016, and samples were taken from the within the intertidal zone at terial, thus the AIO extractions were performed without the H2O2 ‘oxi-
high tide. At each site three sampling spots were randomly selected and dation step’. In developing the AIO protocol, Nuelle and co-workers
1 m2 sampling areas were defined with a wooden frame. Sediments showed that without the oxidation step, the extraction procedure was
were collected with a stainless steel spoon from within each frame shown to have a recovery of N90% for the majority of tested polymer
with the removal of the top 5 cm of the sediment surface. Approximate- types, and N 95% for common polymers including polyethylene (PE),
ly 3 kg sediments were collected from each 1 m2 square. The spoon was polypropylene (PP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
cleaned between samples using sea water and lint-free paper. Sediment With these adaptations to the protocol in mind, the method
samples were preserved in brown glass bottles and transported to the proceeded as follows. Two kilograms of wet sediment from each sample
laboratory. Sealed bottles were stored at room temperature in the labo- (15 in total, n = 3 per site) was transferred to ceramic bowls, which
ratory until analysis. were covered with aluminum foil, and placed in a drying oven at

Fig. 1. Study sites along the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.
A. Naji et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062 1059

Table 1
Location of the sampling sites along the Strait of Hormuz in Persian Gulf.

Site Station Location (longitude, latitude) Description

1 Khor-e-Azini 57.107433, 26.329806 Intertidal, Marine Protected Area, mangrove forest

2 Khor-e-Yekshabeh 56.369933, 27.177631 Intertidal, estuarine, mangrove forest
3 Gorsozan 56.292903, 27.180464 Intertidal, urbanized
4 Suru 56.231442, 27.144414 Intertidal, urbanized, domestic sewage and fisheries
5 Bostanu 56.007581, 27.082828 Intertidal, industrial, industrial sewage

60 °C until the sediments had dried to constant weight. One kilogram of analysis. MPs were washed in distilled water to remove salts. The pro-
dry sediment was weighed and sieved through a 4.75 mm stainless steel portion of suspected MPs recovered between the two steps per site
mesh. Larger MPs were the target of this first sieving and an initial in- can be found in Table 3.
spection was made by eye and under light dissection microscope for Optical analysis of plastics on the filters was performed using a ste-
plastic. The first extraction step was performed based on the fluidization reomicroscope (NOVEL NSZ-810, Ningbo YongxinOpitics Co., Ltd,
of the sediments in a saturated NaCl (grade 99.5% Darmstadt, Germany) Zhejiang, China). Images of suspected plastics were taken using a digital
solution (26% weight/weight) with a density of 1.2 g/cm3. A 2 L glass camera which was connected to the microscope. A representative sub-
beaker was placed within a glass vessel (25 × 30 cm). Approximately sample of particles that had been optically identified as potential plas-
1.5 L from a total prepared 6.5 L of saturated NaCl solution was pumped tics were analyzed by FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy).
from a glass storage tank into the 2 L glass beaker. The pump was then In total 81 individual MPs were analyzed across all five sites.
stopped and the NaCl solution was moderately bubbled with air at 0.3 L/
s (0.2 L/s for Bostanu sediment). The 1 kg of dry sediment sample was 2.3. FT-IR analysis
added quickly to the NaCl solution and stirred well with glass stirrer.
The stirrer was rinsed into the solution with NaCl to remove any poten- MP polymer composition was analyzed using a Fourier Transform
tial microplastics that had adhered to the glass. The remaining 4 L of Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) instrument. FT-IR absorption spectra
NaCl solution was pumped into the beaker at a rate of 2.4 L/min were recorded at an average of 64 scans in the mid-infrared range of
which induced an overflow into the outer glass vessel and the air flow 4000 cm−1 to 400 cm−1 at a resolution of 4 cm−1 using a Bruker Vertex
rate was increased to 0.4 L/s. The NaCl overflow and floating particles 70 spectrometer (Bruker, Billirica, MA, USA). Polymer type was identi-
(sediment and MPs) collected in the outer beaker, whilst sediments fied based on the absorption frequencies for specific chemical bond
that had not floated remained in the inner beaker. The latter was types present in relevant polymer samples.
checked for MPs by eye then discarded. Floating particles were sieved
from the NaCl through 25 μm stainless steel sieve and then collected 2.4. Quality assurance measures
on to filter paper. The filter cake was rinsed in distilled water
(700 mL) to remove NaCl and then the filter was dried (60 °C over- To exclude inadvertent contamination of the samples, all laboratory
night). If possible, MPs were removed from the filter cake at this stage, equipment and glass vessels were rinsed twice with double distilled
but irrespective of the number of MPs recovered the samples were water left to dry at room temperature inside the fume hood, and then
weighed and preceded to the second extraction step (NaI floatation). covered with aluminum foil immediately after drying them. Laboratory
The second MP extraction step used a 60% weight/weight NaI solu- coats, cotton clothing and gloves were worn at all times during analysis
tion (grade 99.5% Darmstadt, Germany) with a density of 1.8 g/cm3 to reduce contamination. Sieves were covered to prevent airborne plas-
and was performed without modification from the method of Nuelle tics affecting the sample. Post-filtration, the collected samples were im-
et al. (2014). One 200 mL volumetric flask was used per site, with thor- mediately wrapped in aluminum foil. All work surfaces were
ough washing between site replicates. Briefly, sediments were trans- thoroughly cleaned with alcohol, and hands and forearms scrubbed to
ferred into the volumetric flasks followed by approximately 150 mL of prevent contamination from skin, hair, and dirt particles.
NaI solution. The flask was shaken by hand (20 s) and then filled to
the calibration mark and shaken again (10 s). After a settling time of 3. Results and discussion
10 min, the MPs floated near the top of the flask and were decanted
into a new beaker. Additional NaI was added to the volumetric flask to 3.1. Abundance and distribution of plastic debris and MPs
fill back to the calibration mark, shaken and left to settle (10 min).
This process was repeated 5 tines with supernatant containing MPs Plastic debris was noted on beaches at sites 2–5 (Khor-e-Yekshabeh
decanted to the beaker each time. The collected supernatant containing to Bostanu), but was absent within the marine protected area at Khor-e-
MPs was then poured a through a vacuum filtration unit fitted with a Azini (site 1) (Fig. 2). These observations are in support of the previous
0.45 μm nitrocellulose filter (Sartorius Stedim Biotech, Göttingen, study Sarafraz et al. (2016) who attributed the presence of beach debris
Germany). The filter was air-dried and MPs removed for further to tourism and recreational activities. Debris of this nature would be ex-
pected to a major contributor to the MPs extracted from the sediments,
especially as rates of degradation are accelerated in conditions that are
Table 2 typical of those found in the Middle East's coastal environment, namely
Grain size composition of sediments at sampling locations along the Strait of Hormuz. Par- high salinity and high levels of UV light (Andrady, 2011; Bonhomme
ticle sizes determined by hydrometer method with three replicates per site (n = 3). Pre-
et al., 2003).
sented as mean value (%) ± S.D.
The distribution of MPs amongst the sites resembled that of the plas-
Site Station Particle size (%) tic debris. Although MPs were found at all five of the sampling sites (ex-
Clay Silt Sand amples shown in Fig. 3) along the Strait of Hormuz (4265 individual
1 Khor-e-Azini 14.5 ± 8 4 ±2 81.5 ± 8 suspected MPs in total), there was considerable spatial variability. An
2 Khor-e-Yekshabeh 21 ± 5 9 ±3 70 ± 8 average of 2 ± 1 par/kg (dry sediment) was found from the 3 collections
3 Gorsozan 17 ± 6 8 ±2 75 ± 15 made at Khor-e-Azini, but at Bostanu, the most industrial of the sam-
4 Suru 27.5 ± 4 15 ± 2 57.5 ± 22 pling sites the average abundance was 1258 ± 291 par/kg (dry sedi-
5 Bostanu 19 ± 3 63 ± 18 18 ± 10
ment) (Table 3). Between the five sampling sites the mean
1060 A. Naji et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062

Table 3
Mean number of MPs (par/kg) (±SD, n = 3) found in the surface sediments in each sampling station. Mean MP numbers are provide and then the proportion (in %) found in each step of
the air-induced overflow (AIO) extraction procedure; F1 (fluidization of the sediments in NaCl) and F2 (flotation in a NaI). The proportion of MPs that were classed as fibers, films or frag-
ments are presented (in %). Size dimensions (in mm) given as minimum and maximum width and length describe at least one dimension (width, often termed as diameter) in the MP
range (b5 mm), whereas maximum lengths may exceed the MP range in the case of fibers.

Site Station Mean MPs AIO recovery Type (%) Dimensions (mm)

F1 F2 Fibers Films Fragments Width (min.) Width (max.) Length (min.) Length (max.)

1 Khor-e-Azini 2 ±1 0±0 100 ± 50 100 0 0 0.03 0.06 0.97 1.40

2 Khor-e-Yekshabeh 26 ± 6 94 ± 16 6 ±3 81.3 3.1 15.6 0.02 4.69 4.36 50.00
3 Gorsozan 122 ± 23 18 ± 16 82 ± 16 73.3 25.3 1.4 0.55 2.03 1.83 46.00
4 Suru 14 ± 4 44 ± 11 56 ± 22 77.8 16.7 5.6 0.17 3.85 5.69 7.50
5 Bostanu 1258 ± 291 1±0 99 ± 16 99.8 0.2 0 0.07 4.44 0.14 32.60

concentrations of MPs from most to least abundant was Bostanu (S5, recreational activities. Fisheries activities was also thought to contrib-
1258 ± 291 par/kg) N Gorsozan (S3, 122 ± 23 par/kg) N Khor-e- ute, but less so. Our study suggests that MPs in the sediment appear to
Yekshabeh (S2, 26 ± 6 par/kg) N Suru (S4, 14 ± 4 par/kg) N Khor-e- confirm this as both PE packaging and some proportion of nylon
Azini (S1, 2 ± 1 par/kg). would likely be attributed to the discarded debris (Fig. 2A–C). However
Bostanu had approximately 10 times more MPs per kg sediment urban and industrial outflows that carry wastewater effluents contain-
than the second most polluted site Gorsozan. The area is heavily indus- ing MPs should not be discounted as a likely source, particularly in the
trialized (manufacturing, oil refineries and industrial sewage) with the case of fibers that result from the washing of clothes.
presence of industrial parks, ports and nearby fishing ground. Mean-
while, Gorsozan appears to be primarily polluted by urban activities 3.3. Regional comparisons and future research needs
and MPs found here were more heterogeneous than those found at
Bostanu. Thus, amongst the five sampling sites the spatial pattern of Our study provides the first assessment of MP pollution in the sedi-
MPs in the sediments reflects their relative level of industrialization ments of the Persian Gulf. Studies conducted in other parts of the world
and urbanization. The proximity to anthropogenic inputs has been in similar substrates (beach or sediments) that express particles on dry
found to be a key determinant of MP abundance in numerous locations weight basis (i.e. particles/kg) are presented in Table 4. MP concentra-
globally (Browne et al., 2011; Castillo et al., 2016; Lozoya et al., 2016). tion in the most polluted site in our study (Bostanu) was considerably
lower compared to other areas located in large industrialized and
3.2. Characteristics and identification of polymer types densely populated regions such as China sea coastline (Qiu et al.,
2015) and East Frisian Islands (Liebezeit and Dubaish, 2012). The MP
Fibers were the most common MP type identified (average of 83% concentration of the latter study (62,100 par/kg, Table 3), is based on
across all sites), followed by plastic films (average 11%) and fragments the extrapolation of the 621 par/10 g reported by the authors and is
(average 6%). At each site fibers contributed N 73% of the MP burden therefore dependent on the homogenous distribution of MPs through-
and all but one of the 1258 ± 291 par/kg found at Bostanu (Table 3). out the sediment. Bostanu had a similar sediment burden to those
The disposal of municipal wastewaters contaminated with fibers from found at sampled locations along the Lagoon of Venice with the maxi-
washing clothes has been reported as a major source of MP fibers mum burden of 2175 par/kg at Palude dell Rosa (Vianello et al., 2013).
(Browne et al., 2011). The abundance of this MP type could indicate However, amongst the 10 sampling stations in that study, the lowest
an urban origin of this debris. Fibers were identified predominantly as MP concentration was 672 par/kg indicating that MP pollution at the La-
nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in composition (Fig. 4B goon of Venice is relatively evenly distributed and that all sites are sub-
and C), both of which are commonly found in clothing. Additionally, ject to some degree of anthropogenic input. The gradient of change
nylon is used in fishing lines and since sites 3–5 are located close to rec- along the Strait of Hormuz is much greater due to the inclusion of the
reational fishing sites, fixed and floating fishing gear, and discarded or MPA. The pattern of differential MP concentrations amongst sampling
abandoned nets, could also be considered an important MP source. FT- locations based on proximity to anthropogenic inputs has been ob-
IR analysis was used to identify common polymers from representative served in numerous locations including the Lagoon of Venice (Vianello
subset of MPs recovered from all sites. Of the 81 samples analyzed et al., 2013), Belgium coastline (391 par/kg at harbour sites compared
across all sites, PET (polyethylene terephthalate, 38), polyethylene to 72 par/kg in coastal areas, Claessens et al., 2011) and recently in
(PE, 26) and nylon (17) were the most abundant polymers found (ex- recreational beaches in Punta del Este, Uruguay (Lozoya et al., 2016).
amples of MPs and spectra shown in Fig. 4). In particular, the red PET fi- The spatial distribution of MPs along the coastline of Hormozgan
bers almost completely accounted for all the MPs found in sediments at Province is also appears to be dependent upon proximity to source.
Bostanu (99.8%). Only 2 par/kg were found at Khor-e-Azini (in the MPA) and this level of pol-
According to Sarafraz et al. (2016) the origin of marine debris found lution compares favourably with other sites which have been found to be
on the beaches of Bandar Abbas is primarily due to tourism and relatively unaffected by anthropogenic activity (Table 4, Ng and Obbard,

Fig. 2. Examples of plastic debris found at the sampling sites. Beach debris including refuse, packaging materials and rubber tyres found at sampling sites of Bostanu (A), Gorsozan (B) and
Suru (C). The marine protected area at Khor-e-Azini with the absence of plastic debris (inset: close up of sediment) is shown as a comparison (D). Variety of plastics collected from all sites
A. Naji et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062 1061

Fig. 3. Examples of MPs found at Khor-e-Yekshabeh (A), Bostanu (B and C) and Suru (D) comprising fibers, films and fragments.

2006, Dekiff et al., 2014, Mohamed Nor and Obbard, 2014). Nevertheless, levels of industrialization and urbanization we suggest further
owing to the proximity to more polluted sites and the recreational uses of investigation into the sources of the MPs.
the MPA, continuous monitoring of this location is advisable. (3) Given the importance of this region to the oil industry and the
The present study is only a ‘snapshot in time’ of MP pollution in the potential for MPs to sorb hydrophobic organic pollutants
Persian Gulf and longitudinal studies are required to fully understand (HOCs), we suggest analysis of environmentally relevant con-
the prevalence of MPs in the region, which are likely to fluctuate both taminants (i.e. HOCs and trace metals) on collected plastics.
spatially and seasonally. Based on our preliminary findings we suggest (4) Investigating the impact of MP pollution to resident fauna, with
that waste management and daily human activities should be closely focus on regionally and economically important fish species
monitored in order to mitigate the release of marine plastic debris in and sediment dwelling invertebrates. Studies should encompass
the study area, particularly around the areas of Bostanu and Gorsozan. both the impact of MPs themselves and their potential as a vector
We suggest the following focus areas to assess the current state of MP of other contaminants, as has been discussed elsewhere (Cole
pollution in the Persian Gulfs: et al., 2011; Syberg et al., 2015).

(1) In order to establish a complete picture of MP pollution in the

Persian Gulf, we advocate a continuous environmental monitor-
ing program for MP pollution that encompasses water, sediment 4. Conclusions
and biota sampling at a number of sites.
(2) Based on our findings concerning the spatial distribution of MPs This study presents the first report on occurrence and distribution of
along the Strait of Hormuz and how this relates to differential MPs in beach sediment of the northern part of Persian Gulf.

Fig. 4. FT-IR analysis of representative MPs found in the Strait of Hormuz: transparent polyethylene film (PE, A), blue nylon fiber (B) and red polyethylene terephthalate fiber (PET, C).
1062 A. Naji et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2017) 1057–1062

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