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Manual Installation Operation Maintenance: e-AHU

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Basic Double/Single Skin Air Handling Unit

MODELS e700 to e9600

s700 to s9600

VER : O-eAHU07-MAR18-3

The design and construction are subject to change without any notice for future improvement.
Table of Contents
1. General ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
2. Shipment …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
3. Handling / Rigging …….……………………………………………………………………….. 1
4. Storage ………………………………………………………………………………………..….. 2
5. Assembly and Installation …………………………..……………………………………….. 2
6. Commissioning and Operation …………………………………………………………….. 5
7. Maintenance ……………………….…………………………………………………………….. 5
8. Trouble-Shooting …………………………………….………………………………………….. 7

1. General Place of service should be equipped with

the necessary protective equipment, which
1.1 Foreword provide safe maintenance.
This installation, operation and
maintenance manual is given as a guide to 1.4 Unit Decommissioning and
user of e-AHU. The manual do not limit Disposal
the users to add other necessary At the end of the unit’s useful life, a
procedures or services for the continuous suitably qualified engineer should
successful operation of this equipment. decommission it. The parts/materials must
be disposed of in a correct manner and
1.2 Warning Notes comply with the local laws and regulations.
Warning and Important notes are The unit components shall be disposed of
appearing at appropriate places in this or recycled as appropriate in the correct
instruction manual. Follow the warning manner.
notes carefully to ensure correct operation
of the equipment and personal safety. The
manufacturer assumes no liability for 2. Shipment
installation, operation and maintenance
The items should be carefully checked
undertaken by unqualified personnel.
against the bills of lading to ensure all
crates have been received. All units should
1.3 Occupational, Health and Safety
be carefully inspected for damage when
received. Visible or concealed damage
Connection and start-up of the unit should should be reported immediately to the
be done in conditions, which are in carrier and filed damage claims.
conformity with Local Codes and Double skin e-AHU is constructed with
Regulations, especially in the field of heavy-gauge steel or extruded aluminum
operation of electrical devices. while single skin e-AHU is constructed with
The mains voltage must not be turned on heavy galvanized steel (GI) with painting
before the unit is connected to the finishing. All parts are thoroughly
protective system. inspected before leaving the factory. Care
It is forbidden to make any repair and must be taken during installation to
maintenance activities if the power supply prevent damage to units.
of the unit is not turned off All fans are dynamically balanced before
Servicing person, who makes repair or leaving the factory. Rough handling can
maintenance of the unit must have proper cause misalignment or sprung shaft.
qualifications resulting from the Therefore, blower fan and shaft should be
qualification certificate, which is carefully checked before commissioning to
determined by International, National or avoid more damage cause by unbalance
Local Codes and Regulation. fan.

CAUTION should be used on the outlet and inlet
DAMAGE OR LOSS OF PARTS IN duct connections for all units. A minimal
SHIPMENT OR AT THE JOB SITE IS amount of air leakage is normal on the
NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF cabinet and it will not affect unit
MANUFACTURER. performance. The e-AHU is not design to
be suspended from the top of the unit.
Therefore, when the unit is ceiling hung,
make sure unit is supported with a base
3. Handling / Rigging rail of channel. Adequate space should be
e-AHU is delivered as completely left around the unit for coils & drainage
assembled unit. Transportation at the piping, filter replacement, and
building site should be done using forklift maintenance. Sufficient space should be
truck. The forks must only be applied provided on the side of the unit for shaft
under the unit base frame or wooden removal and coil removal should that
pallet and not against the panel. become necessary.

4. Storage IMPORTANT
For external storage prior to installation, COIL MAY CAUSE MOISTURE
the units must be protected from dust, CARRY OVER. THEREFORE,
rain, constant sun exposure and rodents. UNIFORM AIRFLOW ACROSS COIL
Although covered in shrink-wrapped SURFACE IS CRUCIAL.
plastic sheeting, this is not intended for
long-term storage and should be remove
as soon as it is offloaded. Unit therefore 5.2 Vibration Isolator
should be more protected by tarpaulins or
similar. Avoid exposed the units for coil Due to the unit design is no internal
connection damages by transient load. isolator the external isolator must be fix to
The fan impeller or motor drive must be absorbed the vibration. For hanging
rotated once every month. Should the mounting type, use ‘rubber hanger’ and
units be stored for a period of exceeding 6 floor mounting type use ‘rubber pad’ at 4
months, then it is recommended that the corners. (See figure 1)
drive belts be removed and store


5. Assembly and installation

5.1 General
The system design and installation should
follow accepted industrial practice, such as
described in the ASHRAE Handbook.
These units are not designed to be
weatherproof (unless equipped with
canopy) and therefore should not be
installed outdoors. Flexible connections Figure 1 – Vibration Isolator

5.3 Coil Installation/ Pipe Connection 5.4 Drain Pan Trap
Drain pipes and traps must be at least
The coil will performed as per rating only
same diameter as the drain pan
if the airflow is uniformly pass-through the
connection. Drain pan must be level to
coil surface. External pipe-work must
permit condensation from coil drain freely.
be adequately supported to ensure
See figure 3 for the recommended depth
load-free towards coil connections.
and distance of drain trap installation.
Swing joints or flexible fittings are to be
provided in all piping connections,
5.5 Electrical Installation
particularly those adjacent to heating
source, to absorb expansion and The electric supply to the motor must
contraction strains. Failure to comply will correspond to the rated voltage stated in
result in damage to the coils & headers. motor nameplate and be in conformance
Water supply, water return, drains and with the National and Local Electric Code
vents connections are extend through the and Regulations. Motor supplied able to
end panel of the coil section. All operate within 10% tolerance from the
connections are labeled on the end panel. nameplate voltage. Motor connection
For control equipment, follow details are contained in the cover of the
recommendations from the manufacturer motor terminal box (See figure 4). The fan
regarding the types, sizing and installation section metal frame must be grounded.
of equipment. Suitable electrical protection isolator
should be installed to protect the motor
and other electrical equipment.
IMPORTANT Cables passing through panels must be
TO AVOID DAMAGING THE COIL made with gland or grommet.

Figure 4 – 3 phases motor connection diagram

5.6 Drive Belt & Sheave

Improper sheave alignment and belt
tension can cause excessive vibration,
premature failure of belts and bearings.
See figure 5 for correct motor sheave and
fan sheave alignment.
Tensioning of the drive belt is achieved by
moving the motor in relation to the fan
(See figure 6). When inserting new belts,
do not force belts over grooves, Loosen
Figure 2 – Coil header connection method
the adjusting screw at motor base until
belt can slide smoothly over the grooves.
When all belts are in position, proceed to
adjust belt tension using the adjusting
screw and nuts on the motor base.
Use recognized belt tension gauge to
check the belt tension by apply a force
large enough at the center of the belt to
Figure 3 – Drain Trap Arrangement
deflect the belt by 16mm per meter (See
figure 7). The deflection force for any belt

should be within the min. and max. force max. value when it drop to min. value.
shown in table 1. Readjust the tension to

Table 1 – Belt Tensioning Force

5.7 Filter
WARNING e-AHU is supplied with washable flat filters
OVER TENSION TOWARD DRIVE on external sliding type filter frame.
Connections to unit cabinet are made by
site drilling into the frame on the unit inlet
or fan discharge collar. This should be
load-free toward cabinet collar when initial
Compliance with the Codes of Practice in
duct assembly and acoustic layout are
necessary to ensure the best possible
performance of the unit whilst avoiding
excessive pressure loss in the duct system
and minimize undue air stream noise.

5.9 Component Removal and

Figure 5 – Alignment of belt pulley

5.9.1 Panel Removal

To remove side or top panel of double skin
e-AHU, simply unscrew the fasteners
located along the aluminum clip on the
frame of cabinet. Once the aluminum clips
are removed, lift the panel off.
To remove side or top panel of single skin
e-AHU, simply unscrew the fasteners
located along the access panel of e-AHU
Figure 6 – Belt tensioning cabinet. The casing is insulated with
10mm thick polyethylene foam (P.E),
ensure that all the sealing and insulation
are not damaged when remove the access

5.9.2 Fan / Motor

The fan shaft, motor and drive
components can be removed and replace
through the access door/panel opening or
side panel removal if additional access
Figure 7 – Belt deflection distance required for e-AHU.

For fan replacement, dismantle the Check the pipe-work to coil is correctly
intermediate fan supports and discharge connected and the fins are free from
collar follow by loosening bolts & nuts at foreign matter or damage.
motor and drive belts. Then remove the Check that the condensate drain is trap.
belts and nuts from fan mounting frame.
Take out the fan and replace with new fan 6.1.5 Filters
with care.
Make sure all filter media are installed.
5.9.3 Coil
The coil can be pulled out from side or top 6.2 Start-up Check
of cabinet. The coil is fastened with bolts
and nuts on the coil support bracket at the Competent, well-trained personnel must
end plate and baffle plate. Before removal be employed in the following operations to
of coil, ensure the piping connections at ensure Safety Rules and Regulation being
header are disconnected. adhered to at all time.
a. Check the rotation of the fan
impeller. If the fan rotate in
opposite direction from desire,
6. Commissioning and reverse any two phase connection at
Operation motor terminal.
b. Check that there is no unusual noise
6.1 Pre-run Check or vibration. Stop and investigate if
found. (refer to section 8)
6.1.1 Preparation c. Measure the voltage and drawn
The complete e-AHU and all accessory current of the motor. The drawn
components should be thoroughly cleaned current must not exceed the full
and all dust & debris completely removed. load current mentioned at motor
Ensure that all bolts & nuts, panel and belt nameplate.
drive setting are secure due to change
during shipment or installation. 6.3 After first 48 hours of operation
a. Make sure complete isolate the
6.1.2 Fan / Motor Electrical source.
Check the fan impeller can rotate freely by b. Re-check and Re-tension the drive
hand. Check the tension and alignment of belts due to stretch.
the belt drive. Check motor connections c. Check and adjust the pulley
and make sure correct voltage is supplied. alignment to ensure the motor fixing
is properly secure.
d. Check all bearing, wheel bolts &
nuts and sheave set screws (or cap
screw) are in secure position.
Check for soiling, corrosion, damage and
6.1.4 Coils tendency of excessive vibration.
Check that all bolts and nuts and flexible
connections are securely fixed.

Inspect for any obstructions or blockages pressure drops and reduce cooling
at air intakes and discharges. efficiency. Dry cleaning is done by using a
Check fan bearings are secured and no powerful vacuum cleaner on the dust-
undue noise by observe/listen using metal accumulated side. If coil is very dirty, coils
bar as a conductor. need to be removed for wet cleaning by
If there is any undue noise or knocking trained personnel. Ensure coil fins are not
from bearing, replace both bearings. damage when performing dry/wet
7.2 Drive Belt In the event that fin edges have been
bent, treat with aid of a coil comb.
Belts that are split or have frayed edges or
any other sign of damage (rubber shred
7.4 Filter Section
on floor) must be replaced in full set.
Check the belt tension and alignment, re- During system start up, filter are likely to
tension and re-align if necessary. Refer to become rapidly blocked. Washable filters
Section 5.6 for belt tensioning procedure. must be cleaned periodically.
New belt drive must be re-tensioned after
the first 48 hours of operation. 7.9 Maintenance Plan for e-AHU
For replacement of belts, first loosen the
adjusting screw and move the motor The schedule provided in Table 2 gives
towards the fan to enable old belts to be recommended maintenance intervals for
taken off and put on of new belts. the e-AHU unit (Guideline only).
(Matched belts must be used) Tension the Intervals are based upon normal running
belts by following instruction at Section conditions, in a moderate climate and
5.6. assuming 12-hour running. Units operating
outside these guidelines may require
7.3 Coil Section shorter or longer maintenance intervals.

Periodic cleaning of coils is required. Dirty

coils have tendency to increase airside

Table 2 – Recommended Maintenance Intervals

Maintenance interval
Component Description Action
Weekly Monthly 3 Monthly 6 Monthly Yearly

Fan / Motor Fan in general Check / Clean ●

Fan bearing Check / Replace / Greasing ●
Motor in general Check / Clean ●
Motor bearing Check ●
Motor temperature Check / Repair / Replace fan ●
Belt drive tension Check / Re-tension ●
V-Belt condition Check / Replace ●
Corrosion Check / Treat / Repair ●
Bolt & nut secure Check / Tighten ●
Excessive vibration Check / Resolve ●
Flexible connection Check / Tighten ●
Vibration isolator Check / Tighten ●
Intake air not obstruct Check / Clear ●
Coil Section Fin block Check / Clean ●
Drain trap clog Check / Clear ●
Corrosion Check / Treat / Repair ●
Leakage Check / Repair ●
Bolts & nuts secure Check / Tighten ●
Filter Resistance(Washable) Check / Clean ●
Electrical Control box & wiring Check / Repair / Replace ●
Control Protection breaker Check / Calibrate ●

8. Trouble Shooting

Use the table 3 to assist in trouble-shoot

the malfunction in e-AHU operation.

Table 3 – Trouble Shooting Analysis

Symptom Probable Cause Recommended Action
Motor fail to start a) Blown fuse or open circuit breaker. a) Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker.
b) Improper wiring. b) Check wiring with diagram supplied.
c) Mechanical Failure. c) Check motor & drive rotate freely &
bearing lubricant.
Motor stall a) Short circuit or phase to earth. a) Check line phases and terminal block
b) Overload motor. connection.
c) Low line voltage. b) Reduce system load.
d) Over tensioned belts. c) Check supplied voltage within motor
e) Misalign drive. voltage range.
d) Adjust belt tension.
e) Re-align drive.
Motor overheats a) Overloaded motor. a) Reduce load or replace larger motor.
b) Motor Fan dirty/ damage. b) Clean/ replace motor fan.
Low air volume after a) Fan rotating in wrong direction. a) Reverse any two phase connection at
start up b) Pressure drop by filter above motor terminal.
recommended level. b) Change filters – (complete bank).
Excessive motor noise a) Motor mounting bolt loosen. a) Tighten motor mounting bolt.
b) Worn motor bearing. b) Replace bearing and seals.
Excessive noise from a) Worn fan or motor bearing. a) Replace bearing and seals.
unit b) Fan impeller rubbing on inlet cone or b) Check clearance or remove for repair.
cover. c) Check tension.
c) Incorrect drive belts tension.
Excessive vibration a) Fan impeller out of balance. a) Consult manufacturer.
b) Improper pulley alignment. b) Check pulley alignment.
c) Over-tensioned belts. c) Re-tension belts.
d) Vibration isolator damaged. d) Replace vibration isolator.
e) Motor shaft bend. e) Send the motor for repair.
f) Bad bearings. f) Replace bearing and seals.
g) Loosen bearing hold down bolt g) Tighten hold down bolt.
h) Fan & motor section not evenly h) Re-adjust and tighten.
supported on foundation.
Bearing excessively hot a) Over-tensioned belts. a) Re-tension belts.
b) Misaligned bearing. b) Check & re-align shaft.
Water present in cooling a) Drain trap clog. a) Clean & clear clog.
coil drain pan or overflow b) Incorrect hydraulic trapping. b) Resize trap and check air break
Premature drive belts a) Improper tension or alignment. a) Check tension and alignment.
failure b) Incorrect belt being fitted. b) Replace with full set.
c) Dirt or grease on belts. c) Clean belt & pulley, check for grease
d) Belt rubbing. leak.
e) Worn sheaves. d) Remove obstruction.
e) Replace sheaves.
Belt swelling or softening a) Excessive contamination by oil, certain a) Replace with full set. Isolate the source
cutting fluids or rubber solvent. of contaminate.
Belt whipping during a) Incorrect tensioning. a) Re-tension belts.
Filter collapsing a) Filter block with dirt. a) Clean filter periodically.
b) Air velocity too high. b) Check unit running conditions.
Note: The table is intended as a diagnostic aid.


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