Master FSG PDF
Master FSG PDF
Master FSG PDF
Maneuver Descriptions
Ver. 3.0
(A) Your change recommendation dated
Your change recommendation is acknowledged. It will be held for action of the review conference planned for ____________________ to
be held at ____________________
Your change recommendation is reclassified PRIORITY and forwarded for approval to: __________________________ by my
DTG _________________________________
_____________________________________________/S/MODEL MANAGER
1. This document has been structured to provide you with a comprehensive training
guide. The document is designed to show you where to locate information and
knowledge in the appropriate source for all the skills you will be required to
perform to complete the syllabus. This permits you to become familiar with all of
the communities publications while relying less on the training command “gouge.”
The Stage Heads have provided more information in this document in order to
improve upon the clarity and / or content provided in the current publications or
lectures. In addition, we inserted common mistakes so you can learn from these
errors. Stage Heads have also enclosed standardization direction in the
beginning of their stages to expound and solidify material covered in the stage
1. This is the aircraft you will fly for the majority of your career. It is incumbent
upon you to master its systems and weapons now when you don’t have other
work-related tasking. In combat, you will have your and other lives depending
on your ability to manage aircraft systems and employ its weapons effectively.
2. You are a direct reflection of the FRS’s product when you arrive at a gun
squadron. We are aviation professionals, not hobbyists. You did well in the
training command or you would not be flying in single seat, TACAIR aviation.
Keep up your high degree of professionalism and remember your job here is
to learn your aircraft and fly.
3. A sound knowledge base from the FRS will provide a foundation for the fleet
to build upon. In addition, you won’t become a training burden on your new
squadron because you lack the prerequisite knowledge.
3. The flight training at the FRS is dynamic and fast-paced. You must be prepared
to become successful. Stages are sometimes shuffled to get you ready for
deployments so you will need to work through your class leaders and the
operations schedules section. Enjoy the training and get the most out of every
event. Eight months from now no one will ever tell you to study again.
Remember, combat is a deadly game…if you lose once you will never play
1. Academic testing. Replacement Pilots (RPs) will ensure that they have
completed the stage exam prior to the first simulator or flight event in stage.
Academic exams are your responsibility to accomplish. You can expect to be
scheduled for the exam one to two days after the completion of the last academic
2. Flight. IPs assign grades based on their best judgment of student performance
in relation to the student’s peer group. They are not debatable.
III. Incomplete events. Online Grading System (OGS) will assign an incomplete grade
sheet and completion grade sheet for their next event following an incompletion.
The IP will fill out the graded items upon debrief completion. OGS will prevent
duplicate task grading on the same syllabus event tasks.
V. SOD Events. Students will receive a SOD if the IP responsible for leading the event
determines the RP is unsafe or is grossly behind his peers in ability or knowledge of
a graded task. RPs will report directly to the Pilot Training Officer once he has been
informed of the grade. If a SOD is received on a night event, the RP will report to
the PTO once his crew rest has been accomplished. The ODO will be notified in
these situations so he can inform the morning duty. RPs will not fly any other
events until the matter has been discussed with the PTO or OPSO.
2. RP’s stage grades will be compared to the previous academic year group
utilizing a Standard Deviation Formula. A student who is ONE standard deviation
below his peer group will be considered stage marginal (bottom 32%). End of
stage marginal is strictly an operational tool to identify learning difficulty within a
stage and will not constitute a SOD.
X. General Instructions.
1. Flight Leadership. Students will not brief or lead any syllabus event with the
exception of FAM-1126 and SNTPS-1700 where they will be required to brief the
sortie. This restriction doesn’t prevent specific portions of mission (i.e., questions
of the day, system knowledge, threat briefs, etc.). If the RP is required to fly in
the lead position for a designated period (for example flying in the front seat of a
Lead flight to complete a VSTOL refresh), the student will not assume
administrative flight lead responsibilities while flying in that position. IPs are
responsible for all sortie conduct.
2. Course Flow. The training management flow (“dot board”) shows the required
prerequisites for each event. RPs will ensure they have met all prerequisites for
their events and inform the IP if they have not.
3. RP conduct while in training.
Purpose: Plan each flight or simulator to an Air NTTP standard and have a DSU
or AMU loaded.
Description of Procedures:
1. Mission planning and briefing requirements are covered in the VMAT-203 SOP and
AV-8B Air NTTP. Mission planning will be conducted to this standard starting from
an SOP AV-8 mission file (i.e. - NKTSOP.av8m) located in the AV-8 Data folder.
Each element of the mission will be built from one of the files in the AV-8 Data folder
and modified as necessary for the planned sortie. Once the mission is completed
the mission file will be saved on one of 2 class USB memory sticks. On the memory
stick create a personal folder with your name or callsign. It is recommended that
you save each sub-file of the mission plan, except the stored waypoints file (.av8p),
with the event code and the date of the mission (i.e. 105_17JUL06). Remember that
there are four different file extensions in JMPS: .av8m (mission); .av8p (stored
points); .av8o (overlays); and .jrt (route file). The stored points file typically won’t
change unless you go on det somewhere other than Cherry Point or Yuma / El
Centro. You will not have to change this file, only attach it to the mission file prior to
writing to the DSU or AMU. Also remember that cards can be saved to your
personal folder via a right click on the card in the AV-8 UPC.
2. Do not make the error of recycling a previous mission. To ensure that all Air NTTP
standards are maintained all new missions should be started from the SOP files and
then modified with the deviations from Air NTTP noted as necessary. If you attempt
to recycle a previous mission you will forget what changes from Air NTTP have been
made leading to confusion, mission errors, and non-standardization.
3. Once a mission file is saved, the required cards and any color maps can be printed.
The standard for the required cards are defined in the Air NTTP based upon mission
type. These cards will be cut to 5 x 8 inches. You should have a printed
communication card and the waypoints for the area in case the DSU or AMU does
not transfer.
4. When the aircraft are assigned, the correct aircraft DSU or AMU will be loaded.
5. Have a 1: 250,000-area map of the R5306A with all obstructions, noise sensitive
areas, target areas and sub areas listed.
6. Weather and sun position for the flight will be required for briefing. You should also
look at the wind aloft field to have an idea of how it will affect the area work and
landing pattern.
7. Fuel planning for the FAM stage will be in accordance with the Air NTTP and the
below guidance. Tiger fuel as it is listed in the Air NTTP does not really apply to the
FAM stage. Joker fuel is defined as “the fuel state at which the flight will terminate
the tactical portion of the mission and rejoin to assume an administrative profile for
the planned recovery.” To translate that to the FAM stage, Joker will be the fuel
state at which RTB will be commenced using the planned recovery to complete all
These fuel states are estimated based upon performing a STO or CTO from a full
stop. If a roll and go or touch and go is performed to get airborne for the landing
then approximately 100 Lbs of fuel can be subtracted from the required fuel.
8. Ensure you have a HI-8 VTR tape (preferably metal) rewound for all flight events.
9. Failure to accomplish this will result in an unsatisfactory event.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Ensures the necessary elements are present for an effective brief.
Description of Procedures:
1. Requirements for the brief are covered in the NATOPS, Air NTTP, and VMAT 203
SOP and in the FSG. The flight schedule contains the NATOPS Question of the
Day (NQD), and the Emergency Question of the Day (EQD) and mission number for
your working area. Write these and all other pertinent information on the board
before the brief. Log-in to the computer and call up that day’s sortie.
2. Ensure you read all the requirements and briefing items for the flight and be prepare
to discuss these items with IP. Failure to do this will result in an unsatisfactory
3. Make sure the appropriate publications (Air NTTP, NATIP, NATOPS, Performance
Charts, and Range Manuals) are on hand and that there are markers available. If
the flight will include several crews, be sure to select a briefing space large enough
to accommodate.
Common Errors:
1. No charts.
2. Incomplete smart packs.
3. Lack of knowledge.
4. Incorrect Admin 1 card information.
5. No Hi-8 8mm VRS tape.
Purpose: To effectively communicate the plan for the mission to other flight
Description of Procedures:
1. In the FAM stage, you will be responsible for briefing an event (FAM-1126). This will
ensure that you have a large depth of knowledge on normal and emergency
procedures and can methodically orient, plan and communicate all aspects of a
flight. The intent is not to have you become flight leads in the FAM stage; that can
take a year or more of training. But by briefing the event, you will learn to think
through in precise detail how you are going to execute the assigned mission and
what contingencies that need to be consider that may affect the mission.
2. You should review the Air NTTP for specifics on how to brief a particular mission
type. Although it is very tactical in nature, the Briefing and Debriefing chapter of the
TOPGUN Manual also provides very good guidance on briefing techniques and can
be adapted to any mission type with a bit of forethought.
3. Rehearse the brief, exactly as you intend to give it, several times to determine areas
that are unclear or inefficient. It helps to have an objective “practice” audience for
this who is not familiar with your mission planning. You have to remember that your
goal is to communicate all the details of your planning that are critical to successful
execution of the mission to the other flight members who may not have the luxury of
having participated in the mission planning and therefore do not have any
background knowledge of the mission or the plan.
4. Use SOPs where they exist to expedite the briefing process; they were created for a
reason. Be careful, however, that you do not try to force an SOP into a situation
where it does not fit. SOPs are standards that work for a majority of situation but if a
circumstance requires a deviation from an SOP for operational effectiveness or
safety, note the deviation and brief it in detail to ensure all participating aircrew
understand the deviation, its necessity, and how it will be executed.
5. If you have any additional questions on briefing flow or techniques, ask an IP.
Common Errors:
1. Use the planning guides in the Air NTTP to help you plan your mission. The brief
will naturally evolve from a solid plan.
Purpose: Prior to walking the IP will need to gather information such as aircraft
assignment, weather, ODO out-brief.
Description of Procedures:
1. Walk 45 minutes prior to T/O. More time will be required if dry suits are required for
weather considerations.
2. Once an aircraft is assigned, load a DSU or AMU and calculate performance
numbers. An ORM worksheet and ODO out-brief is required prior to walk.
3. The Aircraft Discrepancy Book (ADB) is in maintenance control and will be screened
by both the IP and you prior to the flight. The “A” sheet is in front and will document
the servicing of the aircraft. Take note of fuel, oil, water, and ordnance sign-offs.
Make sure the plane captain in charge of the "turn around" and the maintenance
controller have signed the “A sheet.” The pilot in command will sign and date the "A
4. Approaching the jet, take note of the general condition of the surrounding area
(FOD) and the aircraft itself. Look for evenly serviced outriggers, and properly
serviced main strut and nose strut. The aircraft should sit slightly nose high (6°) if all
struts are properly serviced. There should not be any red gear or pins on the
aircraft. There may be chains and tie-downs on the jet. Remove the chains and the
intake blanks on walk-around.
Common Errors:
1. Walking late.
2. No ODO out-brief.
3. Forgetting to load a DSU or AMU.
4. Not knowing what to look for in the ADB.
5. Forgetting to sign the “A sheet.”
6. Walking to the wrong jet.
Purpose: Define the procedures and checks that must be completed on the exterior
of the aircraft and prior to climbing into the cockpit.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Utilize the same routine every time you climb into the aircraft.
Purpose: Describe the procedures for inserting and removing the DSU or AMU from
the AV-8B without damaging the aircraft.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: Define the procedures for VRS tape setup and removal.
Description of Procedures:
a. The easiest way to record mission data is to select LOCAL / REC on the
recorder. This will force the VRS to record the selected source until REC is
b. By selecting STDBY / REMOTE on the recorder, the recording control is
transferred to the miscellaneous panel (center pedestal under the standby
instruments). This requires additional steps to record mission data but also
provides greater flexibility, redundancy and moves the control of the system to
the center of the cockpit instead of the back right corner (probably under your
nav bag). Using this method will require you to select the RUN position on the
miscellaneous panel to initiate recording of the selected source. It also provides
you mission computer back-up for recording based upon A/G or A/A master
mode selection.
3. Regardless of which method is used to record mission data, you must unthread the
tape prior to engine shutdown to be able to extract it after the flight. In LOCAL
control simply move the mode selector knob from REC to UNTHRD. In REMOTE
control, select the VSTOL or NAV master mode and then select VRS AUTO on the
miscellaneous panel. Next select LOCAL and then UNTHRD on the recorder.
Common Errors:
1. Forgetting to set the VRS up to record based upon the briefed plan.
2. Forgetting to turn VRS off and unthread tape prior to engine shutdown.
1. Just like everything else in the aircraft, pick a method for controlling the VRS record
functions and then stick with it. This will build solid habit patterns so that you learn
not to forget the VRS setup.
2. Prior to shutdown extract your tape and put it on your kneeboard. This will ensure
that you do not inadvertently shutdown with it still threaded. If you forget to do this,
signal the plane captain that you want an APU start. Once the APU is on-line you
should be able to manipulate the controls as described to extract the tape.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Follow NATOPS procedures for the seat preflight… your life depends on it.
Purpose: To prepare the cockpit switches and aircraft equipment for engine start.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To communicate visually with the plane captain and other ground or flight
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: To prepare the cockpit switches and aircraft equipment for engine start.
Description of Procedures:
1. NATOPS “Pre-Start”
Common Errors:
1. Forgetting to turn on DECS power switch and/or not placing the fuel shutoff handle
2. Placing Fuel Indicator Select Switch in FEED or WING position.
3. Not closing canopy completely.
4. Not resetting BINGO bug to briefed quantity.
5. Not ensuring the generator switch is in the on position.
6. Not knowing what type of throttle is in aircraft.
1. Ensure left and right fuel indications are correct by placing the fuel quantity switch to
total or internal.
2. Write down the briefed fuel states for BINGO bug settings, set the bug initially to the
TIGER fuel.
3. Check warning and caution lights prior to start and ensure only the appropriate lights
are illuminated.
4. Pull back firmly on canopy bow handles and ensure alignment marks are straight.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not having all communication connections on the helmet, mask, regulator and
aircraft connected causing you to not be able to transmit and/or receive.
2. Having the ICS volume turned down so low that you cannot hear the response from
the other pilot.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To establish default HUD and AMPCD displays for primary mission
Description of Procedures:
1. These are suggested defaults and should be set once all checks are complete.
TAV-8 aircraft will have the EHSI displayed when not manipulating the DDI.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To utilize the UFC and ODU to input and manipulate mission systems
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: To identify the multiple methods of operating the radios based upon
system status and aircraft variant or OFP.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Review NATOPS.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Check and correct aircraft position on the DATA / A/C page prior to initiating
2. Check alignment status on EHSD prior to taxiing.
3. Check the ADB to determine which flight you are on and whether you need to fly in
NAV instead of IFA.
Purpose: The before taxiing checklist will turn on the aircraft systems and check the
aircraft for proper operation and identify any discrepancies.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not starting INS alignment after start and / or not checking that qual time is
displayed on EHSD.
2. Forgetting to un-box the TRUE heading default.
3. Letting the RPM decay below sub-idle during manual fuel check.
4. Forgetting to signal plane captain for finger checks.
5. Not ensuring the skid light is out prior to moving rudder pedals.
6. Not checking STORES and SMSFF pages prior to AUTO BIT.
7. Stopping the SAAHS and AUTO BIT by selecting another display which will
terminate the BIT.
8. Not checking the INS alignment for a “Qual OK” prior to disengaging parking brake.
9. Manipulating switches below the canopy rails on final checks.
10. Having the nozzles at an angle less than 10° and trying to initiate a flaps BIT.
11. Leaving the position lights on after final checks (They should be secured during day /
VFR conditions).
12. Incorrect VREST data.
1. Keep manual fuel check quick and do not allow the RPM to approach sub-idle limits.
2. You can only manipulate the UFC, AMPCD, HUD and ODU during the final checks
keeping your hands in view to the plane captain at all times.
Purpose: To define procedures for checking the anti-skid system prior to taxiing.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: To check the function of the brakes and NWS system prior to leaving the
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Never have hot NWS when maintenance personnel are under or in close proximity
to the aircraft.
2. When the plane captain signals for the brake check, smoothly apply the brakes to
show that they are working. It is not necessary for you to abruptly depress the
pedals and slam on the brakes to check them.
Purpose: To move the aircraft safely from the line area to the warm-up area or hold
short position.
Description of Procedures:
1. In addition to the NATOPS “Taxiing” discussion and checklist, read the MCAS Air
Operations Manual for local taxiing SOPs. When pulling out of the line on initial taxi,
nozzles will be at 0°. This technique diminishes the potential for FOD when
sweeping other aircraft with the exhaust. Hot NWS is used for taxiing out of the line.
Do not put anything on the glare shield such as Charts, approach plates or
kneeboards. This will scratch the windscreen and there is an increased chance of
FODing the engine.
2. Strictly adhere to plane captain’s signals until released via his salute. Once
established on “B” taxiway or clear of other aircraft return the nozzles to 10° for the
remainder of the taxi. Minimum interval for taxi is 1000’, more if required for FOD
3. RPS checks can be conducted on “B” taxiway on the way to the warm-up area.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To prepare the aircraft for tactical flight operations and to identify mission
essential systems problems.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To compute the aircraft take-off, cruise and landing performance data.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not having correct aircraft and engine performance numbers when computing the
VRST data.
2. Not calculating or checking the aircraft gross weight (GWT)
3. Inputting the BAW instead of the operational weight of the aircraft (OWT).
4. Not computing abort data.
5. Not inputting correct BDI and not checking DI for cruise and bingo computations.
6. Not inputting correct wind data for OPCR and OBNG computations.
1. Input correct data into the VRST computer and then double check them… garbage
in = garbage out and in this case the garbage can kill you.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Forgetting to select NAV or IFA on the INS or not allowing the INS to align to an
appropriate “Qual” number.
2. Incomplete or interrupted during checks (ex. forgetting to set the trim).
3. Placing the STO STOP in the incorrect position.
4. Not verifying rudder and aileron trim set to zero.
1. Follow the takeoff checklist prior to every takeoff and do not pay it “lip service”
Purpose: The engine, water system and flight control checks (Two- / Five-Finger
checks) allow the pilot to evaluate engine performance, flap programming
and nozzle movement, as well as arming the water system, if required.
Description of Procedures:
4. The AV-8B does not require a throttle “slam.” Remember that the JPTL is turned off
with just 35# pressure at the top of the PLA. Smoothly moving the throttle to full
power is the preferred method for all takeoffs.
5. If a “wet” takeoff is required, the run-up is conducted dry as before however after
reporting the IGV angle and accel time to the IP select the water switch to T/O and
reset the accel RPM. Then proceed with the nozzles and flaps check. Once the
run-ups are complete you will report “5 FINGERS.”
Common Errors:
1. Not being aligned with the runway with the nosewheel centered prior to run-ups.
2. Forgetting to box the accel option on the AMPCD engine page.
3. Initiating acceleration checks with water switch armed.
4. Not allowing the engine RPM to accelerate to the required RPM.
5. Not checking engine performance numbers (IGV angle and accel time).
6. Not ensuring water switch is in the proper position.
7. Too slow with nozzle / flap check.
8. Not returning the nozzles to the proper position for takeoff (10°, 30° or 82°).
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: The STO can be used for the widest variety of aircraft configurations,
weights and runway conditions provided that crosswinds remain within
specified limits. Nozzle Rotation Airspeed (NRAS) and nozzle angle
calculation can be performed using the NATOPS performance charts,
Mission Planning System (JMPS / OPSTA) or mission computer VREST
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: These procedures describe how to transition the AV-8B from a stationary
position on a pad to a stable hover position and complete a vertical
landing. Once established in a hover the vertical landing procedures listed
here will be applied, the only change may be how you arrived into the
Description of Procedures:
Source Documents: Video: Press-up from both inside and outside the cockpit,
Purpose: The VTO acceleration is used to transition the aircraft from a completely
stopped position on the runway or pad climbing straight up and changing
from jet-borne to wing-borne flight.
Description of Procedures:
4. The accelerating transition will be performed using one of two methods depending
upon the amount of crosswind present.
5. Regardless of which method is used it is critical to have the vane centered prior to
30 KCAS because above this speed any yawing moment may cause an
unrecoverable rolling moment. Your rudder pedals will instantly remind you that you
are not “zeroing” out sideslip by shaking the appropriate rudder pedal that must be
pressed to reduce sideslip. The accel must be performed wings level until reaching
120 KCAS because any rolling moment below this airspeed may cause
uncontrollable AOA or sideslip buildup.
6. Initially, the amount of crab to the acceleration line will be largest with slow airspeed.
As the airspeed increases the relative wind component will align towards the
acceleration track as the effects of the true wind proportionally decreases so the
amount of crab required will decrease.
Common Errors:
Source Documents: Video: VTO/ACCEL from both inside and outside the
cockpit, NATOPS, VMAT-203 SOP
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To transition the aircraft from the takeoff to wing borne flight and execute a
VFR or IFR climb out.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To fly the aircraft from the takeoff to an appropriate cruising altitude in the
most fuel-efficient manner possible.
Description of Procedures:
1. Aircraft performance will vary widely from aircraft to aircraft and from day to day; the
following should give you some techniques for the climb.
2. After cleaning up the aircraft, accelerate to 300 KCAS. The intent is to capture a full
power 300 KCAS climb. This will require controlling the airspeed with the nose by
beginning the pull-up well ahead of 300kt. It is not uncommon for it to require 20 to
35° nose up to maintain this profile. A look at the NATOPS performance charts, they
show that an AV-8B will climb to FL 180 in 90 seconds covering only 9 NM. Ensure
you abide by local course rules and are clear of the VFR traffic pattern before
initiating your climb.
3. One technique is to begin the level off at climb angle x 100. Example: +20° climb =
2000’ lead. To level off, pull the power back to approximately 60 PPM fuel flow and
allow the nose to fall through to the horizon. If the level-off was initiated late it may
require AOB or a bunt to hit the assigned altitude. As level-off altitude is captured be
sure to reset cruise power setting.
4. During the climb contact departure and gain entrance into the area. It is also
important to begin a turn to the first point of navigation. If the intent is to level off
below 10k MSL, the climb will be at 300 KCAS using the same techniques as above,
however, full power might be too much and a reduced power climb should be used.
Common Errors:
Purpose: The handling drills are intended to provide a basic understanding of how
the aircraft handles with power, flap, landing gear, nozzle angle, and trim
Description of Procedures:
1. The instructor pilot will first demonstrate an energy maintaining turn using 360 KCAS
and full power. Note the rate-of-turn and that airspeed is maintained. If rate-of-turn
is increased by increasing AOA or “G” note that buffet will increase and that airspeed
will be decreasing. You will then have the opportunity to examine flight
2. Between 10,000 to 12,000’ MSL inside the R5306A examine turn performance with
AUTO flaps and Cruise flaps by conducting level turns. Ensure you have 360 KCAS
and utilize full power. Note the energy sustaining “light buffet” turn.
3. Descend to 5000 to 7000’ MSL.
4. Slow the aircraft below 250 KCAS.
5. Lower the landing gear and select the V/STOL HUD Master Mode
6. Note the in-transit yellow lights followed by the green down and locked indications.
7. Select 25° nozzles
8. Note the AOA change.
9. Select STOL flaps
10. Note the green STO light on.
11. Slow the aircraft to 10 units AOA and stabilize at altitude
12. Practice some mild level turns.
13. Select 50° nozzles and again slow to 10 units AOA
a. As you decelerate through 165 KCAS the flaps will program to 62° and droop will
occur, causing a nose-down pitch that may require a large back-stick input and
additional power to overcome.
b. Initially, AOA will decrease to 2-4 units and you will have to keep power reduced
to slow to 10 units AOA.
c. Anticipate adding power to stabilize at 10 units AOA.
d. Note the DROOP advisory light on and the flap indicators.
e. Practice level and descending turns to get a good feel for how the aircraft will
handle in the landing pattern.
1. Use the EHSD and waypoints to keep the aircraft in the working area.
2. Always relax back stick pressure prior to rolling into an angle of bank.
3. Do not snap on the “G.”
4. Reference the AOA in the HUD for optimum turn performance.
Purpose: The purpose of the approach to stall is to introduce wing-rock, buffet, AOA
control and recovery procedures.
Description of Procedures:
b. Dirty:
i. At an intermediate altitude (10,000-12,000’), slow the aircraft below 250
KCAS, lower the landing gear and establish 10 units AOA, flaps – AUTO,
nozzles – AFT, and level flight.
ii. Adjust flight as necessary to slow to 15 units AOA.
iii. At 15 AOA or onset of wing-rock / buffet initiate recovery by first breaking the
AOA with forward stick, and then applying full power while monitoring sideslip.
iv. With AOA back at 10-12 units, raise the landing gear and recover to the
original altitude with minimum altitude lost. Ensure all gear lights out.
Purpose: To give experience and confidence in flying and safely recovering the AV-
8B during emergency situations where the Stability Augmentation System
(SAS) of the Stability Augmentation and Altitude Hold System (SAAHS) is
degraded or not functioning.
Description of Procedures:
a. Pitch: The airplane is neutral to unstable in pitch in the VSTOL regime. As the
airspeed decreases below approximately 120 KCAS, during a decel with the
nozzles down, you must begin to program the stick forward and trim nose down
to counter the increasing nose-up pitch tendency. There is a “neutral point”
around 100-110 KCAS where the airplane will tend to maintain its attitude.
Forward extending stores, water, and engine thrust (adding power) can further
increase the instability. In ground effect on roll-on landings and during the decel,
approaching the hover, and while executing the vertical landing, the AV-8B II+
and TAV-8B’s nose often tends to drop unless this is anticipated.
b. Yaw and Roll: The jet is increasingly stable in yaw and roll at speeds above 60
– 70 KCAS as the airflow over the vertical stabilizer contributes a strong counter-
force to yaw and aerodynamic flight controls regain effectiveness. The jet,
however, is near neutral stability in yaw and roll between 50 – 60 KCAS and
unstable below 50 KCAS. In addition to honoring the one-half lateral stick
limitation, you must control yaw at all times using the wind vane, rudder pedal
shakers, and VSTOL ball (HUD sideslip indicator) because appreciable yaw
between 30 – 90 KCAS can lead to loss of control due to sideslip-induced roll.
Common Errors:
1. A good rule of thumb for roll control in SAAHS-off flight is only input half of the stick
deflection that you think you need and then evaluate. There is no such easy gouge
for the rudder; you must expeditiously input whatever is required to maintain zero
sideslip. Typically rudder input will need to be made during turns (the approach turn
can quickly become exciting), sustained crosswinds or in gusty wind conditions. Be
careful to continually scan the vane or sideslip indicator while you have a rudder
input in, especially below 50 KCAS, because the aircraft’s instability will typically
require an input in the opposite direction to negate the sideslip caused by the first
correction. You will typically not input a rudder correction and leave it in. Think of it
as having to “dance on the rudders.”
2. Trim the aircraft to steady state flight; this will significantly reduce your workload.
3. Keep your scan moving through all the other flight parameters to ensure you do not
drop critical information while you are wrestling with the jet.
Purpose: The VFR entry will be used to recover the aircraft during VMC.
Description of Procedures:
1. Check out of the working area and contact the controlling agency for VFR monitors
to the overhead. Ensure you fly an appropriate VFR altitude, and cruise airspeed; if
below 10k MSL remain at 250 KCAS. The descent profile is conducted at 230
KCAS, AUTO flaps, and idle power.
2. At Cherry Point, approach control will typically give you an initial descent to 4000
feet and then hand you off to arrival control for final sequencing. If given pilot’s
discretion for altitude, use the VRST / BNGO displays DCRG to determine when to
start your descent. A visual indication that you are approximately at your descent
range is to designate the airfield WYPT and when the designation diamond reaches
approximately 6° depressed it is about time to start your descent. Remember this is
just a rule of thumb, so you will need to take into account the fact that you are not
descending to the airfield, but to the initial and then finally the break altitude. It will,
however, prevent you from descending late, requiring an excessively steep / high
rate of descent dive into the airfield (remember the “minute to live” rule).
3. Utilize the EHSD steering to help obtain a “visual” of the airfield. Report “FIELD IN
SIGHT” to the Arrival controller, de-colonize IFF mode 3C and contact the tower with
position and intentions. Comply with the local course rules to the runway initial.
Arrive in the overhead at 350 KCAS for the break.
4. Execute the break in a level turn by simultaneously rolling and retarding the throttle
to idle as you extend the speed brake. With the AOB set, initiate a 4-G level turn
until you intercept 10 units AOA to downwind. Continue your turn to the reciprocal
runway heading, roll out then descend to pattern altitude. Once below 250 KCAS
and established on downwind, lower the landing gear, select V/STOL HUD Master
Mode, RADALT in the HUD, select 25° nozzles, select STOL flaps, (if required,) and
complete the landing checklist. Decelerate to 8-10 units AOA and adjust the
heading to arrive with the correct abeam distance for the type of landing to be
5. One potentially dangerous handling characteristic of the AV-8B can be experienced
out of the break on the downwind. Loss of horizontal stabilator effectiveness when
the flaps program down greater than 25° can cause a nose down pitching moment
that must be arrested with RCS pressure from the forward RCS duct. This effect is
most pronounced in the TAV-8 due to the heavier nose. The problem develops
when the flaps are allowed to program with the throttle back at idle, providing very
little pressure to the RCS. A typical scenario that induces this is a weak pull in the
break that does not decelerate the aircraft quickly so on the downwind the pilot is
fast abeam with the throttle still back at idle while selecting gear down, nozzles to
60° and flaps to STOL. At the 180 position the pilot starts the approach turn descent
and as the aircraft finally decelerates through the 165 KCAS the flaps program from
25° to 62° near instantly causing a strong nose down pitching moment. Because the
aircraft is fast, the pilot still has the throttle back at idle trying to get on-speed with
Common Errors:
Source Documents: Course Rules Brief, NATOPS, MCAS Air Ops Manual
Purpose: To recover the aircraft to airfield under VMC flying directly from the
working area to the duty runway. The straight-in will be used when
appropriate, directed by approach or during emergencies when aircraft
controllability is questionable.
Description of Procedures:
1. Check out of the working area and contact the controlling agency for VFR monitors
for the VFR straight-in. Ensure you fly an appropriate VFR altitude, 250 KCAS
below 10,000’ MSL and utilize the EHSD steering to help obtain a “visual” of the
airfield. Report “FIELD IN SIGHT” to the arrival controller. De-colonize IFF mode
3C and contact the tower with position and intention to fly the VFR straight-in.
2. The tower will normally direct you to report three miles with the gear. Comply with
the local course rules and set up for the straight-in by using the EHSD course line
dialed in for the duty runway on the TACAN or waypoint for airfield. Within 10 NM of
the field or prior to the initial for the straight-in, slow the aircraft below 250 KCAS and
lower the landing gear. Select the V/STOL HUD master mode. At the initial for the
straight-in (1000’ MSL, 5 DME from Cherry Point) select nozzles and flaps as
appropriate, and complete the landing checklist. From the initial, proceed directly to
the duty runway maintaining altitude until intercepting a 3° glide slope to the
intended point of landing. A 3° glide slope can be established by placing the
intended point of landing at your 3° nose down location in your HUD. Once the
intended point of landing is in the desired position, place the velocity vector at 3°. By
3 NM ensure aircraft is configured for the intended landing and report “MARS-9XX, 3
Common Errors:
Source Documents: Cherry Point Course Rule Brief, MCAS Air Ops Manual
Description of Procedures:
1. NATOPS explains the general procedures required to accomplish the four major
methods of landing the AV-8B. These are the slow landing (FNSL / VNSL),
conventional landing (CL), rolling vertical landing (RVL), and vertical landing (VL).
Where the NATOPS is very general in its description of the various landing
procedures, this section will go into great detail. Most notable in their absence are
pattern numbers and associated groove lengths. The following is a list of terms and
some general considerations.
2. Abeam: The abeam position is defined as the position where the aircraft is abeam
the intended point of landing on the downwind leg of the pattern. For SLs, the
intended point of landing should be past the arresting gear. For CLs, the intended
point of landing is the approach end numbers. For RVLs, the intended point of
landing will be briefed by the instructor. It will be abeam either an appropriate
distance remaining board (i.e., 3-board, 4-board etc.), or a taxi / runway intersection,
(i.e., abeam “A” taxiway). For VLs, the desired pad is the intended point of landing.
In order to develop a good sight picture for the proper abeam distance, utilize your
AMPCD – EHSD by having the home field waypoint selected and the runway course
line dialed in. In the lower left corner of the EHSD a delta-course line will be
displayed, which is your aircraft’s actual distance from the course line. Use the
following abeam distances:
a. STOL flap landings: 0.8 -1.0 NM abeam
b. AUTO flap slow landings: 1.0- 1.2 NM abeam
c. CL landings: 1.3 -1.5 NM abeam distance
4. Groove: The groove is defined as the wings-Ievel portion of the approach to landing.
Groove length varies for different landings and is determined by the timing off the
abeam position. Timing off the abeam must be adjusted to compensate for the
headwind component down the duty runway.
5. Start: The start is the beginning of the groove. At this position, the aircraft should
have the approach turn completed and the aircraft should be wings-Ievel tracking
down the extended runway centerline. If there is any crosswind present, a wings
level crabbed approach should be flown.
6. Key: The key is only used on a decelerating approach - RVL or VL. The Key is the
position where the pilot selects the final nozzle angle (hover stop or thereabouts)
and sets the decel attitude. This position is dependent on aircraft ground speed,
altitude, winds (headwind / tailwind) and type of landing.
12. Water usage: Water usage will be in accordance with current squadron SOP.
Water checks should be performed at 60° nozzles with water switch in T/O position
and water flow confirmed by “W “ in the HUD or flow indication on EDP and
decrease in total water quantity.
Purpose: The landing checklist will be completed prior to every landing to ensure
the aircraft is configured for landing.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
3. Under extreme circumstances, such as water failure or loss of thrust, a positive rate
of climb may not initially be possible with full power alone. In this situation, a level or
possibly descending flight path may be required to achieve wing borne flight prior to
establishing a positive rate of climb. It is important to understand the relationship
between aircraft attitude and nozzle angle. Increasing nose attitude without a
continued reduction in nozzle angle will result in further deceleration. Again, in these
circumstances, the goal is to achieve wing borne flight as soon as possible.
4. Wave-off procedures should not be confused with missed approached procedures
that are listed later in this chapter.
Common Errors:
Purpose: The fixed nozzle slow landing is the recommended slow landing technique
because it is easier to accomplish and less costly in fuel than the variable
nozzle slow landing.
Description of Procedures:
1. Fixed nozzle slow landings: “Fixed-nozzle” landings get their name for the simple
fact that you put the nozzles in a fixed position and don’t move them until after
touchdown. With high temperature and pressure altitude and at heavy gross
weights, care must be exercised as wave-off capability may be degraded. (In those
instances, a variable nozzle landing may be preferred).
2. NATOPS “fixed nozzle slow landing (FNSL)” contains the specific procedures.
3. The following techniques are provided for further clarification.
4. On downwind select STOL flaps and complete the landing checklist. Approaching
the abeam position select 60° nozzles. Slowing through 165 KCAS the aircraft will
tend to “balloon” and pitch nose-down as the flaps program and ailerons droop.
Check for a “DROOP” light. Anticipate the power requirements as the aircraft slows
and the AOA increases toward 8-10 units. Make an abeam call to the tower –
5. Turn off the 180° and maintain aircraft glide path with stick and 8-10 units AOA with
power. Target 500-600’ AGL at the 90°, 350-450’ AGL at the 45° and 200-225’ AGL
in the groove. This will require approximately 5° glide path from the 180 to the 90
and 3° from the 90 to the groove. Ensure a good lineup with the runway centerline
as you roll out of the final turn. In-close (30-50’ AGL), set the landing attitude
(“Witch’s Hat” on to 2° above the horizon). Once the attitude is set, power controls
the rate-of-descent, and a power adjustment will be required to maintain a proper
ROD (200-400 FPM).
6. The aircraft’s nose tends to fall through in close due to stabilator exhaust
impingement. At touchdown, select idle and PNB as required. Engage NWS when
tracking straight and with the rudder pedals exactly centered.
Common Errors:
1. Trying to set a nose attitude and fly AOA like the training command.
2. Missing checkpoint altitudes.
3. Overshooting or angling approach.
4. Over-controlling the power in close.
5. Improper landing attitude.
6. Excessive rate-of-descent on landing.
7. Improper crosswind landing technique.
Source Documents: Video: Fixed Nozzle Slow Landing from both inside and
outside the cockpit, NATOPS
Purpose: The variable nozzle slow landings are used when a constant throttle
setting is required, (i.e., oil light, stuck throttle, high, hot and heavy, etc.).
AUTO Flap VNSLs are used when there is not enough power available for
Description of Procedures:
1. NATOPS “variable nozzle slow landing (VNSL) contains the specific procedures.
2. The following techniques are provided for further clarification. On downwind, ensure
the nozzles are no greater than 25° then select AUTO flaps and complete the
landing checklist. On downwind select 40-50° nozzles. Set desired power, and as
the AOA increases, anticipate the nozzle movement required to stabilize at 8-10
3. It is important to achieve level flight at 8-10 units AOA and to reference the nozzle
angle required to maintain that condition. This nozzle angle will serve as an
effective reference angle from which all other adjustments are made. Make an
abeam call to tower – “MARS-9XX, ABEAM, GEAR, SLOW.” Adjust the nozzles to
fly 8-10 units AOA throughout the remainder of the pattern. If your AOA is low, a
slightly greater nozzle angle must be used – but be patient and monitor the AOA
trend. If the AOA is high, nozzle out slightly. Anticipate the nozzle movement. If
you wait until reaching 10 units AOA, your AOA will over shoot and your rate-of-
descent will increase. The stick controls the aircraft’s glide path and the nozzles are
now controlling AOA.
4. Off the 180 fly the velocity vector to the 5° pitch bar then wait for the AOA to settle.
The combination of AOB and descent to the 90 should require little nozzle
adjustment if you started from level flight stabilized at 8-10 AOA. Target 500-600’
AGL at the 90°, 350-450’ AGL at the 45° and 200-225’ AGL in the groove. Monitor
your AOA and runway lineup all the way.
5. As you roll wings level you will see a drop in your AOA. You can anticipate an
addition of nozzles to maintain 8-10 AOA as you roll into the groove. Passing 100’
AGL you are cleared to use the throttle. Control ROD with the power. If you are fast
at this point, you are better off increasing nozzle angle before you go to the power,
(especially if it is for an oil light).
6. At 30-50’ AGL set the landing attitude. Continue to fly the aircraft all the way to
touchdown. Remember, in order to land the jet with a 3° glide slope, you have to be
at 10 units AOA. If you are faster than that, when you set the attitude, the velocity
vector will rise and you will end up floating the landing. If you are slower than 10
units, when you set the landing attitude, you will have a higher rate-of-descent than
7. A common mistake is to get slow (>10 units AOA) from the 90° to 45° position, and
drop the velocity vector out of your scan. A low, slow condition is only compounded
by reducing nozzle angle since initially the AOA increases as the nozzles are moved
aft with no lowering of the nose. As a last resort, add power to reduce the AOA and
Source Documents: Video: Variable Nozzle Slow Landing from both inside and
outside the cockpit, NATOPS
Purpose: The STOL-flap VNSL should be used in two instances. One is when we
want to reduce our landing speed but we still want to maintain a constant
throttle setting. The other is if we are executing a STOL-flap FNSL
landing and we realize that we are going to be power limited. We would
then transition to a VNSL.
Description of Procedures:
1. NATOPS “variable nozzle slow landing (VNSL)” contains the specific procedures.
2. The following techniques are provided for further clarification. The procedures and
pattern altitudes are the same as the AUTO Flap VNSL.
3. The tricky thing about a STOL flap VNSL is the issue of flap programming. Since
the flap switch is in STOL, the flaps can program all the way down to 62° as the
nozzles are moved from 25 to 50°. This is a good thing because they provide a
significant amount of lift. The problem faced is if you get slow and nozzle out past
50° the flaps start programming back up, effectively robbing precious lift and causing
AOA to rise precipitously. In order to help prevent this abide by the following
NATOPS limits. The minimum power setting for STOL flap VNSLs is 90%. This
minimum should prevent you from becoming too slow in the first place. It does not
imply that you should shoot for the minimum. The highest power setting allowable is
4. Of note, you will always have to do an AUTO flap VNSL for the oil light because 85%
RPM required by NATOPS is below the 90% minimum for a STOL flap VNSL.
Common Errors:
Source Documents: Video: Variable Nozzle Slow Landing from both inside and
outside the cockpit, NATOPS
Purpose: To safely decelerate the aircraft from landing speed to taxi speed.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: The CL is used primarily when our reaction control system is suspect due
to fire or other damage. Other than these instances the only reason to do
a CL is to practice in the event that we find ourselves in any of these
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Get to a good start by flying the proper abeam distance and slowing the aircraft to 10
units AOA.
2. Note the winds and make a correction for lineup at the 90°.
3. Fly 3° glide slope, flare to achieve 2 to 2.5° glide slope prior to touchdown.
4. Set the landing attitude in close.
5. Ensure flaps in AUTO.
6. Delaying or slow onset of PNB.
Source Documents: Video: Conventional Landing from Both Outside and Inside
the Cockpit, NATOPS, VMAT-203 SOP
Purpose: The purpose of the HSSL is to give you a slower landing speed and
reduce landing rollout distance.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Keep the rate-of-descent constant once selecting the hover stop position.
Description of Procedures:
1. There are three types of touch-and-go landings: the touch-and-go (no intent to
PNB), refused landing (PNB commenced) and the roll-and-go.
2. The touch-and-go (no intent to PNB) can be initiated on touchdown from a SL or CL.
On touchdown, smoothly apply full power. Allow the aircraft to break ground, ensure
wings level, center the vane, and set the takeoff attitude as you begin to nozzle-out,
or CTO as before. If idle is selected anytime after touchdown, execute roll-and-go
3. Refused landing (PNB commenced) applies whenever the PNB procedures were
begun after landing. Cease PNB by selecting idle and moving the nozzles to 10°.
Advance the power to full. When RPM reaches 3-legs of PMI (110%), smoothly
increase the nozzle angle until aircraft becomes airborne (this typically occurs
between 25-50° nozzles). As the aircraft becomes airborne, ensure wings level,
center the vane, and set takeoff attitude while nozzling out. These procedures will
most likely be used on a CL, which failed the <100 KCAS check at the 3-Board.
4. A roll-and-go can be initiated from any roll-on landing. On touchdown, select idle
and ensure aircraft is tracking down the runway. Move the nozzles to 10°, and
select full power. When RPM reaches 3-legs of PMI (110%), smoothly increase the
nozzle angle until aircraft becomes airborne. As the aircraft becomes airborne,
ensure wings level, center the vane and set the takeoff attitude as you begin to
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
5. Extend off the abeam to produce a groove length of 3500’. This will be your Key
position or the point at which altitude and nozzles are set for landing. This will be a
different sight picture than you are used to. Remember to begin your timing abeam
your intended point of landing, which will usually be a 3-board at Cherry Point or the
end of the carrier box at Bogue Field. The aircraft’s track over the ground will carry
you over the approach end at 325’ AGL and look as though you are flying too tight
and too high.
6. As you begin your descent off the 180° a combination of stick and power reduction
should be used to establish a 5° glide-slope and AOB as required to arrive at the 90°
position at 500-600’ AGL. At the 90° position, reset the glide-slope to 3°. As you
reach the 45 position your altitude should be 350-450’ AGL. At the 45° position you
can adjust your nozzles to 68-73° depending on winds. Continue your glide-slope
looking to “Key” on runway centerline 3500’ prior to the touchdown point at
approximately 325’ AGL. With the wings level and the vane centered set the landing
attitude. The intent is to maintain your 3° glide-slope to intercept a 4-5° glide-slope
to the intended point of landing.
7. If your groove length was correct, you should find your point of intended landing at 4-
5° in the HUD, at which time, start your final descent. If you are long in the groove,
Common Errors:
1. Timing to the 180° from the end of the runway vice abeam the intended point of
2. Too wide abeam.
Source Documents: Video: RVL from both inside and outside the cockpit,
Purpose: The deceleration to a vertical landing is used to transition the aircraft from
wing-borne flight to jet-borne flight. The deceleration to the VL can be
performed in three different manners: Into the wind, Crosswind and with
Braking Stop.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Start your timing for the 180° position when abeam the pad.
2. Set up a 3° glide-slope to arrive abeam the pad at 150’ AGL. This can be done by
referencing the velocity vector and placing it beyond the pad vice directly abeam the
pad, which will lead to a low approach.
3. When rolling out in the groove, check your ground speed to judge closure rate and
hover stop cue.
4. After selecting hover stop, scan velocity vector for glide-path and rate-of-descent,
airspeed for 60 knot check and groundspeed for closure rate. Keep the “witch’s hat”
on the horizon to keep attitude constant.
5. Anticipate an increase in power as wing lift decreases to zero.
6. Do not descend below 150’ AGL until cleared to 50’ by your IP or LSI.
7. Scan to the sides to recognize fore and aft drift.
8. If using braking stop, add power to maintain altitude and then smoothly slide the
nozzle lever forward until slightly past the hover stop detent, check HUD nozzle
angle and reset 80-82° nozzles.
9. Trim, scan, relax.
10. Minimize your variables: Try to keep attitude and vane constant. Do not make
corrections in more than one direction.
11. BS usage has a range of nozzle position. 98° is not always required.
Source Documents: Video: Decel / VL both inside and outside the cockpit,
Purpose: The purpose of the box pattern is to develop your scan pattern and build
confidence in your abilities to hover the AV-8B - not an “air-show.”
Description of Procedures:
1. Perform a VTO to a steady 50’ AGL hover as in the press-up procedures. Ensure
you stabilize in a hover before beginning the box-pattern. When ready, dip a wing
slightly towards the left to start a translation. When a small rate-of-movement has
started, level the wings. When you desire to stop, dip the opposite wing slightly.
When all lateral drift has stopped, level the wings again. Stabilize.
2. Raise the nose slightly to start an aft drift. When the desired rate is reached, lower
the nose to the original attitude. When you desire to stop, lower the nose slightly
until all aft drift has stopped. Stabilize.
3. Now translate sideways again this time to the right, to line up with the middle of the
pad, then stop and stabilize.
4. Dip the nose slightly to start a forward drift. Prior to reaching the center of the pad,
raise the nose slightly to stop all forward motion. As you stop, reset the correct
hover attitude and stabilize prior to commencing a VL.
5. Be precise when executing the box-pattern. Separate the maneuver into individual
tasks. Bleed usage during the box-pattern can cause an altitude loss; therefore,
adjust power as necessary to maintain 50’ AGL, and monitor engine performance
prior to and during the maneuver. Remember to reset the correct Hover attitude
once the desired rate of movement has been attained. This maneuver will require
you to scan your 3-9 line and straight ahead. If you do not scan both axes you will
not be able to execute a precise drift in any of the prescribed directions. Remember
that below 60 KCAS, the velocity vector is actually a vertical velocity indicator.
Therefore if the velocity vector is at 0° pitch you are neither climbing nor descending.
This should simplify your scan to the front.
Common Errors:
1. Scan outside.
2. Make a correction then reset the hover attitude and wait for the correction to take
effect, once your reach your desired position a re-correction will be required.
3. Scan all the way to the 3-9 line, not just the 11-1 position.
Purpose: The purpose of the pedal turn is to develop your scan pattern and build
confidence in your abilities to hover the AV-8B - not an “air-show.”
Description of Procedures:
1. Perform a VTO to a steady 50’ AGL hover as in the press-up procedures. Apply
rudder pressure in the desired direction of turn, and scan in the direction of turn.
When the desired nose movement is attained, release the rudder pressure.
2. After approximately 90° of turn, the wind may actually accelerate the nose
movement. Opposite rudder may be required to maintain a constant turn-rate.
3. Passing the 180° position, you may need some additional rudder in the desired
direction of turn, because the nose is now coming back into the wind. When within
approximately 30° of the original heading, apply opposite rudder to stop the nose.
4. Scan and fly the aircraft to remain over the center of the pad using AOB and pitch as
necessary for winds. Bleed use during the pedal-turn can cause an altitude loss, so
adjust power as necessary to maintain 50’AGL, and monitor engine performance
prior to and during the maneuver.
Common Errors:
1. Scan outside.
2. Make a correction then reset the hover attitude and wait for the correction to take
effect, once your reach your desired position a re-correction will be required.
Purpose: To recover the aircraft when a malfunction prevents the use of AUTO or
STOL flaps.
Description of Procedures:
1. There are several malfunctions related to the flaps that may cause you to elect to
place them in the cruise position for a recovery. Due consideration must be given to
what that is going to do to your performance during the landing. You can expect that
during a cruise flap approach to landing that you will have a higher approach speed
for a given AOA and a higher throttle setting for a given nozzle angle. This is due to
the loss of flap programming (25° in AUTO or 62° in STOL) causing the wing to
create less lift which must be compensated for with either a higher approach speed
or more engine lift. In STOL flaps the wing stalls between 40-50 KCAS. In cruise
flaps stall occurs between 100-120 KCAS. Because of this, if you must do a cruise
flap landing you will want to perform either an RVL or a VL if you have sufficient
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with NATOPS. The VMAT-203 SOP for Flight
Operations also describes the standard manner and procedures for dealing with an
emergency with both a single aircraft and a formation of aircraft in VMAT-203
2. The following additional guidance for handling an emergency or malfunctions is
a. Deal with immediate problem. This is typically the immediate action items
listed in NATOPS but you need to assess what is the biggest threat to yourself or
the aircraft and deal with that first. An example of this would be getting an OIL
caution light right after take-off. The immediate action from NATOPS requires
you to pull the power back to 85% maximum power but doing so will cause you to
settle back into the ground and crash.
b. Fly the aircraft. While diagnosing the problem and determining and
implementing immediate actions and emergency procedures you must still fly the
aircraft correctly. You cannot allow the basics like altitude, airspeed, AOA and
navigation fall out of your scan. Using our OIL light situation again, an example
of not correctly flying the aircraft would be after getting the indication right after
take-off, you climb to pattern altitude (good) and then maintain wings level as you
go through your immediate action items and call base to back you up. While all
of the procedures have been done correctly, you are now 5 miles upwind and
have extended the amount of time that you must be airborne with an impending
engine failure.
c. Identify the problem. The warning and caution lights and audio system of the
aircraft is very good at helping you determine when and what system has failed.
However, you still need to go through a deliberate process of identifying the
exact problem or problems if you have compound emergencies. If you do have
multiple malfunctions or failures the next step in identifying the problem is to
prioritize the malfunctions by severity. For example, a flap failure compounded
with a fire light requires prioritizing of the procedures because they conflict with
each other. The flap failure tells you to select 40° or greater while the fire light
procedures requires you to get the nozzles aft ASAP. The Harrier is an
incredible aircraft to fly but it is very intolerant of incorrect normal and emergency
procedures. Therefore, you must be sure you have correctly diagnosed what the
malfunction or failure is. “No fast hands in the cockpit.”
d. Determine corrective action / procedures. If the emergency is covered by an
immediate action then apply the appropriate procedures. If it is not an immediate
action item and time is available, open your NATOPS pocket checklist or have
you wingman do it, and read through the procedures to correct the problem.
Regardless, of whether the emergency is covered with an immediate action item
or not, call base and have the ODO review the procedures with you in a
Common Errors:
Purpose: The post-flight procedures will be performed when clear of the active
runway to prepare the aircraft for shutdown or hot refueling.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To check the aircraft for hot brakes and to safe ordnance prior to returning
to the line.
Description of Procedures:
1. At Cherry Point the hot brake check and de-arming of free-fall or captive carry
ordnance will be conducted at the water tower adjacent to “B” taxiway.
2. Follow the plane captain’s signals in to parking. As you pull into the line area, select
nozzles to 0°. Once stopped, set the parking brake and select cold nose wheel
steering (anti-skid ON, SKID light out). After you have confirmed that the parking
brake is on and NWS is cold, signal the plane captain to chock the aircraft. You will
have to keep your hands up while the plane captain goes under the aircraft to chock
it and to check the brakes just like in final checks.
3. If the aircraft needs to be de-armed [in the FAM stage you might fly with ITERs
(bomb racks) on the aircraft that need to be “safed” prior to taxiing into the fuel pits
or the flight line] the plane captain will then pass control of the aircraft over to an
Ordnance supervisor who will signal you to show your hands while one of the
Ordnance Marines goes under the wings to safe the ITERs.
4. After de-arming control will be returned to the plane captain who will once again
signal you to show your hands while the chocks are pulled. You will then be directed
to taxi either to the fuel pits or the line.
The potential for injury to one of the maintenance Marines is high during the de-
arming, hot brake check and watering evolutions if positive control of the aircraft
control surfaces and awareness to ground personnel location is not maintained.
There have been mishaps and quite a few near-misses due to a communication
break down and lack of awareness with Marines in close proximity to the aircraft.
You, as a Marine officer, must look after the safety of our Marines. If there is any
doubt about whether it is safe to move a control surface or the location of any of the
personnel around your aircraft, stop the evolution and get the plane captain’s
attention to clarify.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Hot refueling is performed to refuel the aircraft with the engine running.
Description of Procedures:
1. Hot refueling will decrease the turn-around requirement for the maintenance
department and provide the aircraft for training quickly to another pilot. During hot
refueling, many of the post-flight shutdown procedures can be performed so that all
that will be required is to taxi back to the line and shutdown.
2. Procedures are in accordance with NATOPS and the Cherry Point Air Operations
3. After refueling if you are flying a pit turn, you must return to the line to go through
“final checks” again before taking off for your second sortie.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Make sure to set the appropriate power setting based on the conditions.
2. Set the correct power and then control airspeed with the nose.
3. If you have to exceed 15° then reduce power.
4. Make sure to intercept the correct Mach
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To safely control the aircraft in IMC with loss of primary attitude
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: In order to develop solid instrument flying skills and good "SA" in order to
correct for and avoid unusual attitudes.
Description of Procedures:
1. Unusual attitudes may be entered due to pilot disorientation, vertigo, excessive task-
loading, or unusual maneuvering while IMC. Develop solid instrument flying skills
and good “SA” in order to avoid Unusual Attitudes or correct them early. While the
HUD is the primary flight instrument, it is sometimes difficult to immediately
determine aircraft attitude and bank angle. The HUD horizon bars give reference to
the nearest horizon by “pointing” to that horizon. Sometimes pilots must use a
combination of HUD and head-down scan in order to determine the aircraft’s attitude
and bank angle. To recover from an unusual attitude:
a. Check altitude: If at low altitude, you may be forced to make an immediate
recovery- vs. -ejection decision.
b. Check attitude: Ensure that inverted nose-high is not confused with inverted
2. Nose-High: If airspeed is 200-300 KCAS, leave the throttle as set. If 100-200 KCAS,
add full power. Lower the nose to the horizon using a pushover, overbank, or nose-
slice technique. Negative G pushovers may be vertigo inducing. If less than 100
KCAS, execute OCF procedures.
3. Nose-Low: Roll the shortest direction to wings-level and apply G (no greater than
15o AOA) until reaching the nibble of buffet. If airspeed passes 300 KCAS, reduce
the throttle to idle and extend the speed brake. Check altitude above terrain and
obstructions in the area.
4. Upon Recovery: Climb to safe altitude, determine the cause of the unusual attitude,
and advise controlling agencies and your wingman of your altitude, position, and
Common Errors:
Purpose: To correctly enter holding at the correct airspeed and use the proper entry
Description of Procedures:
1. Three minutes prior to entering holding, adjust power to arrive at the holding fix with
maximum endurance airspeed (230 KCAS maximum). Either request maneuvering
airspace from ATC or enter holding as published. Consider your turn radius,
approximately 1 percent of your ground speed expressed in nautical miles, when
turning onto the holding radial.
Common Errors:
1. Make sure to slow to maximum endurance airspeed not to exceed 230 KCAS at
least 3 min prior.
2. Make sure to enter holding using the correct procedure as indicated on the High
Altitude Approach Plates.
Purpose: The IFR penetration procedures will be applied whenever working VFR on
top or if recovering to your destination by radar vectors, TACAN, or GCA.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Use the EHSD course steering switch in conjunction with the AMPCD to give a plan
view of aircraft position. (Don't forget - you must have TCN or TO/S boxed to get the
"course line" to appear). Enter the IAF as a TACAN offset. If holding is required,
slow to 230 KCAS 3 minutes prior to reaching the holding fix. 9 Units AOA should
be used as a maximum endurance setting if experiencing a long holding delay.
Shoot the approach at 250 KCAS. Lower the landing gear approximately 5 NM prior
to the FAF. With the gear down, maintain 8-10 units AOA. At 1-2 NM prior to the
FAF, set 25° nozzles, select STOL flaps and complete the landing checklist. Report
the FAF with the gear. Maintain 8-10 units AOA on the approach. Target airspeed
of 170-175 KCAS will keep the aircraft from experiencing any “droop” from the flap
system. If landing off the approach, at circling minimums or as briefed, transition to
60° nozzles, and maintain 8-10 units AOA. TAV-8B aircraft have a noticeable nose
down attitude when the flaps program at 165 KCAS with the throttle at idle. Mid
throttle position will ensure you have the RCS energized to compensate for the nose
drop. Readjust power to maintain the velocity vector on the intended point of
landing, trim the aircraft, and check lineup.
Common Errors:
1. Flying the approach off the offset or INS waypoint instead of the TACAN.
2. Forgetting SWIFTA Checklist.
3. Overshooting the initial approach fix.
4. Chasing radials and poor altitude / airspeed control.
5. Not enough rate-of-descent to make altitudes.
6. Forgetting landing checklist.
7. Forgetting to select V/STOL HUD Master Mode.
8. Not resetting the LAW.
1. Always fly the approach using the TACAN channel and back up with waypoint.
2. Use the course line and delta-course line to avoid overshooting radials.
3. Study the approach prior to execution.
4. Check winds aloft on AMPCD-DATA-A/C page.
5. Whenever lowering the landing gear select V/STOL.
6. Set your LAW up for platform check and then reset to HAA.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Always back-up the approach using the TACAN, waypoint and course-line.
2. Study the approach prior to execution.
3. Check winds aloft on AMPCD-DATA-A/C pg.
4. Whenever lowering the landing gear select V/STOL.
5. Set your LAW up for platform check and then reset to DH.
Description of Procedures:
1. At the missed approach point, with 25° nozzles or less, smoothly add 10-15% power,
establish a positive rate-of-climb, and raise the gear. Select AUTO flaps and
complete the nozzle-out. If greater than 25° nozzles, full power will be used, set the
climb attitude, nozzle out to 25°, raise the landing gear, select AUTO flaps and
complete the nozzle-out.
Common Errors:
1. Adding full power with nozzles less than 25° and over-speeding the landing gear.
2. Not adding full power with nozzle angle greater than 25° and settling or going low.
3. Trying to nozzle out to less than 25° prior to moving the flaps to AUTO.
4. Incomplete clean up.
Description of Procedures:
1. Study your route before you attempt to fly it. Review the meaning of the symbols
and labels in the legend of the chart.
2. With the HAR/I equipment code you are not limited to TACAN or TACAN fixes for
navigation. With an INS/GPS coupling you are allowed to fly to fixes defined by
latitude and longitude. You are not allowed to fly GPS approaches, though. The
Harrier INS/GPS coupled navigation system is extremely accurate but it has not
been certified by the FAA for GPS approaches.
Common Errors:
1. Flying point to point on a jet route instead of following the outbound course to the
halfway point and transitioning to the inbound course.
1. Fly the airways just like you learned in training command, nothing has changed
except that you are in a different aircraft and have to apply the same rules to new
Purpose: To be able to fly most fuel-efficient profile that will maximize range.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Make sure to reduce throttle to approximately 50-60 PPM and fly max range speed.
2. Study NATOPS, VREST functions.
Description of Procedures:
1. You may request a practice minimum-fuel PAR with a "30 SECONDS TO GLIDE-
SLOPE" call. Approach will vector you to intercept final slightly outside the
glideslope. At 30 seconds prior to intercepting the glide-slope, lower the landing
gear, select 25 nozzles, STOL flaps, and complete the landing checklist. The
remainder of the approach will be flown at 8-10 units AOA.
2. It is important that you complete the landing checklist prior to intercepting the
glideslope because once you are on the glideslope you will potentially be over-
tasked with flying the aircraft and listening to the controllers directions.
3. It is also critical that you slow the aircraft to on-speed as fast as you safely can prior
to the glideslope because once you start descending on the glideslope it will be
harder to slow down. You cannot be fast in close on this approach as it will lead you
to a potentially dangerous situation where you select 60° nozzles in close and
reduce the throttle to work off the fast. As the airspeed decreases below 165 KCAS
the flaps program to 62° and the aircraft nose tucks down severely in close proximity
to the ground. This was the cause of a fatal mishap in VMAT-203 in the past.
Common Errors:
1. Completely the landing checklist immediately after lowering the gear, nozzles and
2. Use intermediate nozzle angles if necessary as you get closer to the runway so that
you can work off speed and get in the final landing configuration while maintaining
power and RCS pressure. This is a fine line to walk, though, because using too
much nozzles, too early will cause you to decelerate quickly and will cause you to
burn more fuel, which defeats the whole point of flying the minimum fuel approach in
the first place.
Description of Procedures:
1200# at straight-in initial. If we hit BINGO at the furthest point, a straight-in requires
less fuel.
+ 800# for 80nm, 6.5 AOA transit at highest VFR altitude, normal descent profile.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: The VFR entry to Bogue Field will be utilized when the weather permits
VMC conditions from takeoff, transit, and recovery. IFR will be flown if
IMC conditions are to be encountered en route to Bogue Field.
Description of Procedures:
1. Clearance. All aircraft departing MCAS Cherry Point for Bogue Field shall contact
Cherry Point Clearance for VFR or IFR clearance to Bogue. Utilize the call-sign
assigned from the flight schedule. Depart Cherry Point as assigned via local course
2. Delta / marshal. The “marshal” pattern is a day VFR pattern oriented overhead
Bogue Field, aligned with the duty runway, and remaining within 5 NM of Bogue.
Altitude is 2500’ MSL or as assigned; pattern direction is southeast. Flights requiring
a gross weight adjustment will remain with Cherry Point departure, and will request
at or above 6000’ AGL to adjust fuel, but be in their assigned marshal altitude within
5 NM of Bogue TACAN. Remain in the marshal stack until paddles reports your
signal is “CHARLIE.”
3. Check-In. At the beginning of each FOB period, each aircraft will check-in with the
LSS and pass wet and dry VL performance, current fuel state, and water quantity. If
already in the marshal stack, pass this information when paddles requests it.
4. VFR / IFR recovery. Aircraft operating VFR, or with vectors to “VFR underneath,”
shall utilize the break at 1000’ AGL. IFR recoveries will be conducted when aircraft
cannot be vectored to “VFR underneath.” Contact Bogue GCA for PAR full-stop to
the duty runway. The FOB / FCLP pattern can be flown down to “Special VFR” (800’
/ 2 NM) at Bogue tower’s approval.
5. Entry / Break.
a. When paddles reports “YOUR SIGNAL IS CHARLIE,” report departing the
marshal to Bogue tower. Report the initial to Bogue tower. Bogue tower will
switch the inbound aircraft to paddles frequency out of the break prior to the 180.
6. Delta / foxtrot operations. Delta or foxtrot taxiways at Cherry Point may be used
on occasion for FOBs. The LSS shall conduct a detailed brief if Cherry Point is to be
used for this stage of training.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Source Documents: Cherry Point Course Rules Brief, FOB Stage Brief
15 NM
1200’-17999’ except
Bogue CDSA
20 NM
New River Bogue
Purpose: The abeam call during FOB events informs the LSS of the aircraft status
prior to landing. When properly executed it is an enhancement to
situational awareness for the pilot and the LSS. Improperly executed it is
a sign of low SA or pending poor performance.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: The wet / dry call is imperative to inform the LSS the status of aircraft
water state.
Description of Procedures:
1. When making wet and dry calls, the following definitions apply:
a. Wet
i. Water check has been completed (not required after wet STO)
ii. Water switch is armed
iii. There is enough water on-board to last the entire landing
If water onboard is less than 300 lb., the "WET" call shall be
followed by the water amount (e.g., CALL SIGN, ABEAM,
b. Dry
i. No water is aboard or water not selected
Common Errors:
Purpose: The waveoff can occur for several different reasons, usually as a result of
an unsafe approach or fuel weight exceeding aircraft capability to RVL /
Description of Procedures:
1. Any waveoff initiated by the controlling LSS or Bogue tower is mandatory and shall
be acknowledged. The pilot can also initiate a waveoff if he feels the approach is
unsafe. Any aircraft with a fuel weight exceeding RVL / VL capability shall be told
"EXPECT HEAVY WAVEOFF" by paddles at the abeam position and water will NOT
be selected. Fly a normal pattern, to include intercepting a 3° glide-slope, until
reaching the Key. Do not select hoverstop. Do not select nozzles greater than 60
degrees. At the key, initiate a waveoff and call "WAVING OFF." If a JPT or RPM
corresponding to "2 LEGS" of the PMI is reached at or above 60 KCAS during an
approach to landing, a waveoff shall be initiated and reported.
2. Waveoff procedures remain the same from the FAM stage.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: The RVL during an FOB evolution very similar to the FAM stage. Further
clarification for Forward Operating Base landings are contained in
Description of Procedures:
1. The turn to downwind is flown at 8-10 units AOA. Fly to an abeam distance of 0.8-
1.0 NM at 600' AGL. On downwind fly 8-10 units AOA at 25° nozzles or greater and
adjust your heading to maintain 0.8-1.0 NM abeam track over the ground. Prior to
your abeam position complete the landing checklist, ensuring nozzles are at 60°,
flaps to STOL and perform a water check, if required. Make your abeam call to
paddles. Ensure you have sufficient performance using the following squadron SOP
RVL capabilities:
2. Extend off the abeam to produce a groove length of 3500' (0.6 NM). This will be
your Key position or the point at which attitude and nozzles are set for landing. This
will be a different sight picture than you are used to. Remember to begin your timing
abeam your intended point of landing, which will usually be the end of the carrier box
at Bogue Field.
3. As you begin your descent off the 180, a combination of stick and power reduction
should be used to establish a 2° glide-slope and AOB as required to arrive at the 90°
position at 450' AGL. At the 90° position, reset the glide-slope to 3°. As you reach
the 45° position your altitude should be 375' AGL. Continue your glide-slope looking
to "Key" on runway centerline 3500 feet prior to the touchdown point at
approximately 325'. With wings level, vane centered and landing attitude set, select
68-73° nozzles (based on headwind) and pick up 60 KTS groundspeed.
4. Start your descent when 4° on the pitch ladder in the HUD intercepts your intended
point of landing. This is the desired descent point, approximately 2000' (0.3 NM)
prior to touchdown. At this point hold your attitude constant (witches hat on or
slightly below the horizon) and reduce power slightly to begin your descent. Put the
velocity vector on the intended point of landing. This is where your 5° glide-slope is
established. After the attitude is set, control the rate of descent with power while
scanning lineup, groundspeed (in the HUD), and angle-of-attack (15 units AOA
maximum). Visually assess glide-slope with reference to the HUD and intended
point of landing. Adjust power as necessary to maintain a 5° glide-slope. Adjust
nozzles as necessary to maintain 60 KTS ground speed
5. While on glide-slope, keep the aircraft on runway centerline. Optimum rate of
descent for a 5° RVL is 500 FPM. If there is any crosswind present, a wings level
crabbed approach should be flown using smooth rudder to assist the aircraft in its
natural alignment just prior to touchdown.
6. At touchdown, select idle, allow the aircraft to settle on the runway and smoothly
apply full brakes. When tracking straight and with rudder pedals centered, engage
NWS. Selection of idle at touchdown is mandatory to keep the aircraft from power
bouncing or “wheel-barrowing.” When comfortably tracking straight down the
runway, the nozzles should be reset to 10° and the water switch selected to OFF (if
7. With anti-skid set to ON, caster mode is selected. Pressing the stick button
produces LO gain.
Common Errors:
1. The tendency on your first RVLs will be long in the groove. Remember to base your
turn off your intended point of landing, not the end of the runway. While flying the 5°
glideslope to touch-down, don't make a play for the intended point of landing that
requires large power reductions. A large power reduction in close to make a "play"
for the intended point of landing will cause a large rate-of-descent and subsequent
bounce that is difficult to control. If the aircraft is at 15 units AOA a power increase
or attitude reduction must be applied to reduce the AOA and you will have to accept
landing long.
2. Letting lineup drop from scan.
1. Follow proper pattern altitudes, abeam distance, and timing for base turn.
2. Refer to FAM stage for more errors and correction for errors.
Purpose: To move the aircraft safely from the hot refueling area to the hold short
Description of Procedures:
1. In addition to the NATOPS “Taxiing” discussion and checklist, read the MCAS Air
Operations Manual for local taxiing SOPs. When exiting the runway, nozzles will be
a 0°, flaps in cruise and stabilator trim set at 4° nose down. Taxi speed should be
slow and controlled, approximately 2-3 KGS. Hot NWS is used for taxi. Once clear of
runway, safe ejection seat, open canopy and remove oxygen mask if desired. Strictly
adhere to plane captain’s signals to the fuel pits and water tower.
2. Once complete with fuel and water, taxi up to the hold short position. Assure aircraft
is ready for takeoff using takeoff checklist. Then report “UP AND READY” to
Common Errors:
Water Cart
LHA Deck
Fuel Pits
05 4000 X
660 652
M21 gear Tower M21 gear
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Aircraft departing Bogue Field will contact Bogue tower or ground control prior to
departure for an IFF code to return to Cherry Point. After launch, comply with local
course rules and contact Cherry Point approach for GCA, TACAN, or vectors to the
initial for the break.
2. Hold down fuel. "Hold down" fuel will be that fuel which the aircraft will be allowed
to takeoff for another trip around the pattern, wave-off at the ramp, and safely
execute a BINGO profile to a divert. Hold down fuel will be defined by the LSS.
Minimum fuel abeam will be 1200 pounds. Hold down fuel may be increased by the
LSS due to weather conditions.
3. Diverts. Primary divert field for Bogue will be MCAS Cherry Point where the BINGO
fuel is 1.0, based on the NATOPS bingo profile for a clean aircraft. Secondary divert
field is MCAS New River where the BINGO fuel is 1.1, based on the NATOPS bingo
profile for a clean aircraft.
4. Signal BINGO. When given "SIGNAL BINGO," immediately conduct a bingo profile
in accordance with the AV-8B / TAV-8B NATOPS. If on Tower frequency, paddles
will provide the bingo profile information as a back-up.
5. Signal RTB. When given "SIGNAL RTB," return to home base in accordance with
local course rules. Minimum fuel for RTB is 3000 pounds for day VFR and 3500
pounds for IFR or night.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Source Documents: Cherry Point Course Rules Brief, FOB Stage Brief
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Know immediate action items, and how they might be affected by the FOB
2. Assess emergency correctly before taking action. (no fast hands)
Description of Procedures:
•Turn downwind with interval
•Pilot responsible for interval
•1000 feet
•600 feet intercoastal AFTER LANDING •350 KTS (10 sec past bow)
•1,000AGL over E. Isle • Select Idle
• Brakes
• Nozzle Aft
•600 feet
•0.8 – 1.0 NM
•50 ft Hover
•120 feet
•Centered on tramline
•1 plane width
•45 deg – abeam cross
•Descending cross
•0.5-0.8 DME
•Wind > 20Kt = Turn prior
•Wind 10-20 Kt = Turn abeam GROOVE
•Wind < 10Kt = Delay 2-4 sec 90 •300-350 feet
20o - 25o angle of bank •400-450 feet •.5-.75 NM
•8.5 - 10 units AOA •Intercept and fly 3o Glideslope
• on ctrline • 3 - 4 min. prior to ‘C’
• 3 NM • 300 - 400 lbs above Set State
• 1200 ft • 300 - 350 kts
Description of Procedures:
Informative Calls
Used to direct pilot’s attention to potential difficulties and prevent possible control errors
Advisory Calls
Common Errors:
Purpose: The course rules to and from Bogue during the FCLP stage is the same as
during the FOB stage. The VL is conducted the same as during the FAM
stage, with the following exceptions:
Description of Procedures:
1. Groove
a. The altitude in the groove shall be 300-325' AGL. The proper groove length is
0.5 NM (3000-3500').
b. Intercept and fly a 3° glide-slope and arrive abeam the landing spot at 120' AGL.
Transmit "HOVER-STOP" after hover-stop selection. Paddles will reply with
2. Decel
a. An offset approach is used for VFR recoveries, although over-the-stern
approaches may be conducted when circumstances dictate. For offset
approaches, the pilot shall decelerate down the port side of the ship, one plane-
width from the edge of the ship.
b. The decel closure rate should allow the aircraft to be stopped in a controlled
manner abeam the landing spot. Typically, paddles will clear you to cross early if
the closure rate is under control. In this case, do not cross until at a 45° position
off the landing spot.
Use of braking-stop during the decel requires an additional
2-3% RPM, and increases workload.
c. The altitude abeam the landing spot shall be no less than 120' AGL, due to FOD
considerations. Once the aircraft has crossed the deck edge, you are cleared to
50' AGL.
d. Use a descending cross directly to the landing spot for a 50' AGL hover,
reference the HPI and tramline for position.
3. VL
a. "Check" calls are used by paddles to position the aircraft over the landing spot. If
given a check-call, move the aircraft 10'. If given a second check-call, move
another 10'. On the third check-call, move until paddles calls "Stabilize."
b. When cleared to land, paddles will call "CLEARED TO LAND," and "IDLE" at
c. Once cleared to land, strive to place your head over the intended landing with the
main landing gear on the tramline.
d. Upon touchdown, reduce power to idle, apply brakes, select nozzles aft and
water switch to OFF (if required). Report fuel state and water quantity.
1. Not scanning hover position indicator during cross, crossing aft (early).
2. Trundling during decel and cross.
3. Not trimming the aircraft.
4. Not flying the aircraft to touchdown (letting nose drop).
5. Not following proper deck procedures after landing.
1. Maintain proper scan during cross; fly to the HPI and stop above the tramline.
2. Adjust timing off the abeam position in order to arrive in the groove at the proper
3. Trim the aircraft! Trim, trim, trim, scan, relax.
4. Fly the aircraft all the way to touchdown; do not allow a drift to develop.
5. Once on deck, follow the proper deck procedures; idle, brakes, nozzles aft, water
switch off, “FUEL AND H2O STATE”, follow taxi instructions.
Purpose: Deck procedures for the FCLP stage are designed to introduce shipboard
deck procedures.
Description of Procedures:
1. All evolutions on the LHA facility will be treated as shipboard operations. Taxi and
all launches / recoveries will be under positive LSO control. All movement on the
LHA deck and launches will be under the control of the LSO. If available a launch
officer will be used to direct aircraft and conduct aircraft shipboard launch signals.
2. Taxi: All aircraft entering the LHA deck will give the LHA tower an "UP AND READY"
call prior to taxiing onto the deck. When ready to enter the LHA deck, call "MARS
proper configuration while on the LHA deck will be: STOL flaps; canopy closed and
locked, external lights off, and anti-skid off; strapped-in, with the seat armed; and
oxygen mask on. All taxiing shall be at a slow and controlled pace under positive
control of a taxi director or LSO (from the simulated Tower). Any incorrect deck
procedures noticed by the LSO will be fined. Minor infractions (lights, improper
communications) will be minimal fines ($1.00). Severe infractions such as incorrect
aircraft configuration or engine accel checks will be fined heavily.
Common Errors:
Purpose: The STO from the LHA deck is essentially the same as the Max
performance STO during the FOB stage, except for the following:
Description of Procedures:
1. Lineup: The aircraft shall be aligned in the middle of the tramline, with the nose tire
on the distance marker. Care shall be taken to ensure the nose tire is centered and
low gain steering is engaged (skid off). The minimum distance for STO operations is
300 feet. All STOs will be conducted with 0°, 0°, 2° ND trim, and nozzles according
to aircraft VRST display.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with LSO NATOPS and Heavy Wave-off procedures
2. Any aircraft with a fuel weight exceeding RVL / VL capability shall be told "EXPECT
HEAVY WAVEOFF" by paddles at the abeam position and water will NOT be
selected. Fly a normal pattern, to include intercepting a 3° glide-slope, until reaching
the Key. Do not select hover stop. Do not select nozzles greater than 60 degrees.
At the key, initiate a waveoff and call "WAVING OFF." If a JPT or RPM
corresponding to "2 LEGS" of the PMI is reached at or above 60 KCAS during an
approach to landing, a waveoff shall be initiated and reported.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. During the FCLP stage you will perform a simulated NORDO approach to gain
familiarity with the procedures in the event of an actual NORDO situation. During
the simulated and actual NORDO approach, continue to make all the proper calls “in
the blind.” Do not sacrifice flight safety during a “simulated” evolution. If anything is
unclear ask questions.
2. By using light signals (similar to standard tower light signals) the LSO can clear the
aircraft to continue the approach, land, add power, waveoff or divert.
3. The LSO will use light signals to communicate with the lost-COMM aircraft. Comply
with the following:
a. Continue in the FCLP pattern - Fly a normal approach
b. First green light - Roger hover-stop
c. Subsequent green lights - Power (On the third consecutive cut light, the limiters
shall be tripped.)
d. Abeam the landing spot you are cleared to cross, if the spot is open (no signal
from the LSO).
e. Steady green light in the hover - Cleared to land
f. Flashing Red light - Wave off
g. Alternating red / green - BINGO
h. Fly the aircraft, handle the emergency, make calls in the blind. Remember, the
runway will be available if needed for actual emergencies.
Common Errors:
1. Not scanning the lights during a simulated NORDO approach - taking own waveoff
2. Not understanding light signals.
3. Not responding to light signals.
1. Know the light signals for a NORDO approach and be prepared to execute the
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Taxiing:
a. Always taxi with a FOD avoidance mindset. You are not the only aircraft on the
airfield any more. Think about where your nozzles are pointing and will point
when you move your aircraft.
b. When following other aircraft, maintain a 1000' minimum separation. Two ways
to determine 1000' are; 1 - (pick two objects 1000' apart, say the distance
remaining boards, and put the two aircraft at that separation) and 2 - keep the
aircraft in front of you smaller than the VV wings. They are 30 mils in width and a
Harrier has a wingspan of about 30' (1mil at 1000' = 1').
c. You can taxi behind stationary aircraft at 90° TCA or greater. Give yourself
enough distance. Common sense applies.
d. Out of the line, closest to the hangar taxies first. If you’re beak-to-beak, taxi in
order of call sign. (MARS-22 will taxi before MARS-23).
e. Whenever you are ready for takeoff your landing light will be on. Whenever you
have stopped taxiing (w / no intent to continue to taxi) or are doing checks, your
landing light will be off. During daylight taxiing in and out of the line will be done
with landing light off.
2. Marshalling:
a. Heading to the warm up area will be exactly like in FAMs. If Lead has taxied first,
he will make it evident on which side of his aircraft he wants you. He will park his
aircraft in the corner of the warm-up area leaving you no option, but to park on
the correct side. If you are the first to taxi, head for the middle of the edge of the
warm-up area, perpendicular to the takeoff runway. Lead will come up on the
correct side.
b. Complete the takeoff, combat, miscellaneous checks to include a yardstick check
(ensure TACAN is boxed on the AMPCD or PROX is colonized on the ODU to
receive DME information in the HUD) and set the default cards. Complete your
one-finger checks. Once all checks are complete, examine the aircraft next to
you for leaks or damage. Ensure you are both configured the same. If Lead’s
position lights are off, have yours off. AUTO flaps have no aileron droop; STOL
flaps have aileron droop. Once satisfied, the last member in the flight turns his
landing light on and passes the “up and ready” signal with a thumbs-up, up the
b. Lead crosses in front of Wing. Lead will start to taxi straight ahead and then
turns across your nose heading to the runway. Once Lead turns and taxies
away, you can start to taxi to your position by ensuring you have 90° TCA.
Common Errors:
Description or Procedures:
1. Section CTOs will begin from a line abreast position. Minimum lateral separation of
one wingspan, and your intakes forward of Lead’s cold nozzles. Once in position,
each member of the flight will secure their landing light and you will pass the one-
finger signal to Lead. Once Lead sees that you are ready, Lead will call for takeoff, if
not already received.
2. Once tower has cleared the flight for takeoff, Lead will visually pass the two-finger
run-up signal. At this point, conduct your engine run-ups in accordance with
NATOPS. When complete with your engine run-ups, turn on your landing light and
pass the two-finger signal to Lead.
3. When ready for takeoff, Lead will nod head forward (preparatory), then aft
(command). As Lead’s head hits the headrest, he will release his brakes and then
smoothly add full power (checking top-end rpm exactly like in FAMs). Lead will then
assess any trends and make a power adjustment as required by reducing to 100-
4. Select full power, check top end RPM, and adjust power as necessary to maintain
position. Maintain an acute parade bearing and remain centered on your side of the
runway. Prior to liftoff Lead will give the “go-fly” signal. You should match Lead’s
attitude during liftoff, raise the gear on Lead’s head nod, and nozzle-out. Ensure
your aircraft is clean, and then position your aircraft in parade.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. All members of the flight will taxi to the runway using FOD avoidance procedures
(i.e. parade taxi, tailpipe courtesy). Lead will proceed up the runway far enough to
ensure a minimum of 1000' or takeoff roll plus 300' whichever is greater (or in
accordance with current SOP) between aircraft. Dash-last will indicate in position
and ready for run-ups verbally, “4, 1 FINGER”, and visually by securing his landing
light. Dash-3 and -2 will repeat the same step in reverse order to indicate in
2. Once Lead has received visual / verbal concurrence of all in position, he will call for
takeoff. Upon clearance for takeoff Lead will state over COMM 2, (COMM 1 if any
aircraft is single radio) “MARS-11 FLIGHT, RUN ‘EM UP.” At this time the entire
flight will do their acceleration checks. Once complete, Dash-last will initiate ready
for takeoff verbally, “-4, 2 FINGERS” over COMM 2, (COMM 1 if any aircraft is single
radio) and visually by turning “ON” his landing light. Dash-3 and -2 will repeat the
same steps in reverse order.
3. Once Lead has received verbal / visual confirmation of all members ready for
takeoff, he will state “MARS-11, ROLLING,” and execute an individual STO. As
lead’s aircraft leaves the ground Dash-2 will call “MARS 12, ROLLING,” and execute
an individual STO. Each remaining aircraft will make a “ROLLING” call and then
initiate their take-off when the preceding aircraft has left the ground. Due to the
increased interval between the aircraft Lead will reduce power to 105% RPM after
safely airborne to allow the trailing aircraft excess power to rendezvous.
Additionally, the trailing aircraft should take advantage of any turns by getting on the
inside to help close the interval with geometry. To avoid unrecognized closure,
ensure that no aircraft are inside your HUD field-of-view.
Common Errors:
1. Not commencing ACCEL checks when Lead says, “RUN ‘EM UP.”
2. Not executing take-off roll at proper interval.
3. Boresighting any member of the flight.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are similar for individual STO from the stream position. All members of
the flight will taxi to the runway using FOD avoidance procedures (i.e. parade taxi,
tailpipe courtesy). Lead will proceed up the runway far enough to ensure a minimum
of 1000' or takeoff roll plus 300' whichever is greater (or as current PIF dictates)
between aircraft. You will indicate in position and ready for run-ups verbally, “2, 1
FINGER”, and visually by securing your landing light.
2. Once Lead has received visual / verbal concurrence, he will call for takeoff. Upon
clearance for takeoff Lead will state over COMM 2, (COMM 1 if any aircraft is single
radio) “MARS-11 FLIGHT, RUN ‘EM UP.” At this time do your acceleration checks.
Once complete, call ready for takeoff verbally, “2 (or 5) FINGERS” over COMM 2,
(COMM 1 if any aircraft is single radio) and visually by turning “on” your landing light.
3. Once Lead has received verbal / visual confirmation he will call “MARS-11,
ROLLING, ROLLING, GO.” Execute a simultaneous / individual STO. Climb slightly
above and to the outside of Lead’s aircraft to avoid its jet wash. Expect Lead to
perform a flatter accelerating transition than previously seen in FAM so you can fly
above his jet wash. To avoid unrecognized closure, ensure that the lead aircraft is
not inside your HUD field-of-view.
Common Errors:
1. Not commencing ACCEL checks when Lead says, “RUN ‘EM UP.”
2. Not selecting full power when Lead says, “ROLLING, ROLLING, GO.”
3. Boresighting any member of the flight.
4. Over rotating and losing sight of Lead.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Bore-sighting Lead.
2. Exceeding closure limits.
3. Going through Lead’s jet wash.
4. Losing sight of Lead, -2 – 3.
1. Keep Lead outside the airspeed & altitude boxes in the HUD.
2. Scan airspeed.
Purpose: Administrative control of a formation for IFR or when viewed from the
Description of Procedures:
1. This formation will normally be used when operating within Class D Airspace, in
instrument conditions, and at any time the formation will be viewed critically from the
ground. By definition, it is a formation with limited maneuverability and lookout
capability. The entire job of maneuvering the formation rests with Lead, who is very
restricted and must be smooth. All speed brake, gear, flap, and nozzle configuration
changes will normally be signaled by Lead.
2. Position: The parade position is flown by the wingman aligning his head with the
Lead’s aileron / flap hinge line. The wingman is very slightly stepped-down on the
Lead, which puts the Lead’s wingtip in line with the bottom of his fuselage, and
places the wing landing gear over avionics panel door 60L or 60R. Wingtip
clearance shall be no less than 6 feet. In division, the formation is a combination of
two sections, in which the wingmen fly a parade position identical to that flown in
section formation. Normally divisions will not fly in echelon for extended periods of
time; rather the flight will be balanced. Every attempt should be made not to turn
into a division echelon. The positions are shown in NATOPS.
3. Turns: While flying in parade formation, turns may be performed using either of two
techniques – VFR Parade or IFR Parade. VFR parade is maintained by rolling about
the individual aircraft’s axis, where IFR parade consists of rolling about Lead’s axis.
When using the first technique, the aircraft’s large intakes make it impossible to keep
Lead’s head in view and, therefore, visual signals between aircraft are not possible.
For this reason, instrument-wing is preferred with two aircraft. Using instrument-
wing formation, the wingman always maintains a fixed wing position, riding up on
turns away, and down on turns into the wingman. All parade turns in VMAT-203
should be flown in instrument-wing formation unless briefed differently. All turns in
division balanced parade should be VFR parade turns. All turns in division fingertip
should be IFR parade turns.
Common Errors
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Know how to pass the following signals by hand and arm (day) or light (night):
HEFOP signals, passing the lead, cross under wingman, cross under section, fuel,
B&R, level off, climb, descend, turn left / right, speed brake, gear, nozzles / flaps,
take combat spread, take cruise, come aboard, land, need VL, kiss off.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Cross unders in the AV-8B are similar to those in other aircraft, and should be
smooth, controlled maneuvers. Unlike the T-45, where you performed a 3-step
“square” cross under, they are executed in one fluid motion.
2. The wingman should reduce power slightly and smoothly go sucked, while
descending to a position that ensures adequate clearance from Lead’s aircraft and
jet-wash. A minimum separation of one-half aircraft-length nose-to-tail should be
maintained while crossing under Lead’s aircraft. Once on the other side, the
wingman will add power to achieve proper bearing line while climbing to parade
position. The maneuver should resemble an oblique U from the parade position on
one side of lead’s aircraft to the other.
Common Errors:
1. Not leaving enough step down and entering Lead’s jet wash, coming up into position
prior to crossing Lead’s wing and entering Lead’s wing vortices.
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. To pass the flight lead, Lead will tap his forehead then point to you. To accept the
lead, tap your forehead and point directly forward. The lead change has not
occurred until it has been accepted. The lead change may also be accomplished
utilizing the radio.
2. The new wingman will now take a slight cut away (about an additional ½ wingspan)
and reduce power. Wing will slowly move aft until intercepting the bearing line then
add power to move into parade position.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. The cruise position allows for increased flight maneuverability and lookout capability.
It may be used to reduce the workload on the flight members.
2. Position: The wingman’s position is within a 120° cone astern Lead, with a minimum
of one-aircraft-length nose-to-tail. The 120° cone lies approximately behind the lead
aircraft's wing leading edge. The wingman’s power setting should remain relatively
constant while maneuvering within the assigned area. In turns exceeding
approximately 30° AOB and for other than a short duration, wingmen should slide to
the inside of the turn. Avoid working the airplane into a hole by trying to conserve
too much power and maintaining position only with bearing. In the event the
wingman finds himself sucked on the inside, he should simultaneously add power
and pull up on the bearing line to close. If inside the turn and acute, he should
simply fly to the outside of the turn, and move back in when nose-to-tail separation is
satisfactory. If outside and going sucked, he should add a little power and fly to the
inside of the turn. When Lead rolls wings-level and has stopped his maneuvering,
Dash-2 should slide to the outside edge of the cone (to Lead’s wing-line) so he can
be seen by Lead. In general, Dash-2 should always be able to see Lead’s head.
3. Restrictions: There are no restrictions on the amount or severity of maneuvering
that may be performed in cruise, with the exception that large power changes should
never be made by Lead. Normally, the wingman (or Dash-3) will position himself to
the inside of the turn.
Common Errors:
1. When not maneuvering fly a position that is forward on the 120° cone. This will
make it easy for Lead to see you and pass any signals.
Description of Procedures:
Rendezvous Time B
< 25kts Vc (on Bearing)
Time A
< 50 kts Vc
Common Errors:
1. Excessive closure.
2. Placing Lead in HUD field-of-view.
3. Under running vice “over running.”
4. Losing sight of Lead.
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
2. Rendezvous inside the turn circle: (< 2 NM in trail). It is important that each
wingman continue straight ahead until Lead bears 30° relative to his nose. Once the
aforementioned is obtained, roll into a 60° AOB turn, pulling toward the inside of
Lead’s turn radius. If the wingman turns immediately after Lead, he will simply be
flying on Lead’s turn-circle and will require an excessive power and airspeed
advantage to join. After Lead passes back through the wingman's 12 o’clock
position, the bank angle should be reduced to avoid an excessive heading change
and over shooting the bearing line. Wingmen should use enough power to gain a
25-knot speed advantage to expedite the rendezvous inside the turn circle. As the
rendezvous bearing is attained, adjust the bank angle to maintain bearing line. The
bearing line is defined as looking up the leading edge of the inboard wing, having the
vertical stab on the outboard wingtip or by placing Lead in the “triangle” formed by
the canopy bow and the glare shield with fuselage alignment.
a. To correct an “acute position” (forward of the bearing), reduce your AOB and
reduce power if required. This will allow Lead to fly out in front, which places you
back on bearing. To correct for a “sucked position” (aft of the bearing), increase
your AOB and pull towards Lead’s bearing. A power addition may be required.
3. Rendezvous outside the turn circle: (> 2 NM in trail). This will initially require Dash-
2 to fly a pure pursuit vector on Lead until he is inside Lead’s turn circle at which
time he will analyze where he is on Lead’s bearing line. If he is forward of the
bearing line, he will need to lag Lead’s aircraft by rolling wings-level or taking a cut
away from Lead. If he is on the bearing line, then a turn to gain fuselage alignment
will be necessary. If he is aft of the bearing line, then a “pull to the bearing” will be
needed. With the bearing line established, proceed as described in paragraph 2.
The intent for this breakup and rendezvous is to show the RP a high aspect
Post e2
Tu c2
r n C i r c le e
2-3 NM
b2 Time d-e
Time a
Time b-c
Circling Rendezvous
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: To confirm aircraft integrity and ordnance status of all flight members prior
to return to base.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Perform your Tacadmin checks again prior to join up; ensure all weapons are
deselected and all armament switches are SAFE (ALE-39/47 is often forgotten).
2. Watch the visual signals carefully, especially for the lead change; there can be no
ambiguity about “who’s on first.” If something is unclear, ask on the radio.
3. Fly the heading and altitude that Lead gives you at the lead change. If the flight is in
a descent or a turn during the lead change, Lead will tell you what the level-off
altitude or roll-out heading should be; fly it.
4. Be deliberate when performing a visual inspection of the other aircraft. Lead is
going to make decision about the recovery based upon your input from the
inspection. Don’t pass bad / unsafe gouge.
Description of Procedures:
1. All aircraft, whether in formation or as a single-ship, will follow the same break
procedures as in FAM stage. The break interval will be two seconds - any increase
in the interval to be briefed by Lead. The break shall be a level 4G or 10° AOA turn,
with no more than 10° AOA on downwind. Once established on downwind and less
than 250 knots, the gear will be lowered and 25° nozzles selected; do not select
greater than 25° nozzles until abeam. The remainder of the checklist remains the
same. Lead will make a normal abeam call: “MARS 21, ABEAM, GEAR, RVL.” If
cleared to land as a flight, Dash-2, -3, and -4 will make the following calls: “MARS-
22, GEAR, MARS-23, GEAR, MARS-24, GEAR.”
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Dirty-up procedures for all day section approaches are identical, regardless of the
type landing planned. The standard NATOPS gear signal, when acknowledged by
the wingman, will be followed by a head-nod from Lead. When Lead’s head touches
the headrest, lower the landing gear. At approximately 1-2 miles prior to intercepting
the glide slope, Lead will indicate 25° nozzles by giving three “nods” with a clenched
fist, followed by a number of fingers to indicate nozzle angle desired. At Lead’s
head-nod, both aircraft will lower nozzles and check duct pressure, then select flaps
to STOL. The approach is flown at 8° AOA by Lead to preclude a wingman at higher
gross weights being above 10 units AOA. Avoid flying in the 165 knots area in order
to stay out of aileron droop.
2. After breaking out and acquiring the runway environment, the wingman should
detach, on Lead’s signal, by placing the nozzles to hover-stop to gain adequate
separation. The wingman should hold hover-stop until reaching approximately 8°
AOA and then nozzles as required for the appropriate landing (avoid overshooting
10° AOA). If performing an RVL or VL, water checks will be performed prior to the
key. The lead aircraft will remain at the approach nozzle angle for at least 5 sec for
separation, continue with the approach, and carry out an individual landing. The
wingman should not fly below the Lead’s altitude during the approach.
a. Tower downwind: Ensure you are on the appropriate side so Lead can turn
downwind first. Once upwind, Lead will kiss you off and turn downwind. Wait
until Lead is 45-60° off your heading before turning downwind to establish
appropriate interval.
b. Missed approach: Lead will indicate a missed-approach by giving the “go fly”
signal with his hand and slowly adding approximately 10-15% RPM. It is
imperative that the wingman match Lead’s power as close as possible. With a
positive rate-of-climb, Lead will signal for the gear. On Lead’s head-nod, raise
the landing gear, select AUTO flaps, and nozzle-out.
c. Night section approach: The same procedures apply for transition to the
landing configuration, except it will be done verbally over COMM 2. Taking
separation or lead turning down wind will be initiated by lead turning on his anti-
collision light and position-lights to full bright. Separation can also be
accomplished via the radio.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: To safely recover an emergency aircraft using a wingman and any other
available assets to assist with the recovery.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not using CRM to accurately diagnose and then correct the problem.
2. Not knowing the roles and responsibilities for section emergencies.
Purpose: Nozzle deflection training will be conducted to teach the aviator what the
cockpit indications are of normal engine operations with nozzles deflected
during wingborne flight.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Scan EDP for nozzle position, note short lift datum RPM on EDP (113.5 %), note 15
second caution light, scan EDP for high duct pressure, note increasing AOA with
decreasing airspeed in level flight, and increase in pitch sensitivity.
Purpose: To provide procedures for preparing the aircraft and systems for combat
operations in hostile territory. This section provides an abbreviated
description only. Reference the current Air NTTP 3-22.3-AV8B Ch 3
Tactical Administration - Tactical Administration Checks paragraph and
Return to Force (RTF) paragraph for a full description of the procedures
Description of Procedure:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will commence this maneuver at 250 KCAS and 15,000’. Set full power and
pull 90° nose up utilizing a 12-15 unit AOA pull. Passing 100 KCAS retard the
throttle to idle and attempt to maintain a pure vertical flight path.
2. After the departure, initiate NATOPS recovery procedures and transmit “KIO,
BALLISTIC” to ensure other flight members understand a departure has occurred.
3. Neutral controls are defined as rudder pedals centered, lateral stick (ailerons)
centered and longitudinal stick at 0° stabilator position. Recovery is indicated when
the aircraft has accelerated to greater than 150 KCAS, AOA has decreased below
15 units and the aircraft has no apparent sideslip rate.
4. Upon recovery, add power as required to capture 300-380 KCAS while smoothly
initiating a 15 unit AOA pull to the horizon. In certain flight regimes and
configurations the aircraft may not achieve 15 units AOA prior to exceeding the lift
limit, characterized by wing drop. If wing drop occurs, make the pull to the horizon at
the lift limit instead of 15 units AOA, to avoid a second departure.
5. All power additions after a departure should be slow and made referencing the JPT
and RPM to determine proper engine response.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will commence this maneuver at 0.85 IMN and 25,000’. When cleared to
execute the maneuver, perform an unloaded roll to approximately 120° AOB. Once
the AOB is set, simultaneously pull full aft stick while quickly rolling through the
aileron high speed stop to full lateral stick deflection opposite the initial roll direction.
The maneuvering tone will likely sound as the AOA exceeds 9 units. The aircraft will
initially respond to the full aileron input but will violently depart opposite the aileron
input as the aircraft is approaching wings level.
2. These procedures will be performed in the simulator only; the aircraft WILL have a
high-speed departure in this regime with even mild control inputs. After the
departure, initiate NATOPS recovery procedures and transmit “KIO, DEPARTURE”
to ensure other flight members understand a departure has occurred.
3. Neutral controls are defined as rudder pedals centered, lateral stick (ailerons)
centered and longitudinal stick at 0° stabilator position. Recovery is indicated when
the aircraft has accelerated to greater than 150 KCAS, AOA has decreased below
15 units and the aircraft has no apparent sideslip rate.
4. Upon recovery, add power as required to capture 300 KCAS while smoothly initiating
a 15 unit AOA pull to the horizon. In certain flight regimes and configurations the
aircraft may not achieve 15 units AOA prior to exceeding the lift limit, characterized
by wing drop. If wing drop occurs, make the pull to the horizon at the lift limit instead
of 15 units AOA, to avoid a second departure.
5. All power additions after a departure should be slow and made referencing the JPT
and RPM to determine proper engine response. Be aware of how the engine is
performing after a departure, especially at high-speed. Depending upon the severity
of the post-stall gyrations a compressor stall is likely. Be prepared to execute your
NATOPS procedures for a compressor stall and airstart while also performing the
out-of-control recovery procedures.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Develop a seat of the pants feel for AOA sensitivity and control to manage
aircraft energy state
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will start this maneuver at 10,000’ and 300 KCAS. When cleared by the
instructor roll into approximately 70° AOB, and then increase backstick pressure
while increasing power. Unlike many other maneuvers where you select full power
and then execute the maneuver, it is important to initially roll into the turn and add
back stick pressure as you are adding power to maintain 300 KCAS constant.
Increasing back stick pressure will require increasing throttle to maintain 300 KCAS,
until you get to full power. This will prevent you from accelerating 20-30 KCAS as
you would if you selected full power prior to the roll into the turn, which would
increase the amount of time and fuel required to perform the drill.
2. Note the AOA that maintains 300 KCAS level; depending upon aircraft type,
configuration and fuel weight this is typically between 10.5-12.5 units AOA. Increase
back stick pressure slightly to increase AOA 1 unit above the 300 KCAS sustained
AOA. Allow the airspeed to bleed to 280 KCAS. At 280 KCAS reduce the AOA to 1
unit less than the 300 KCAS sustained AOA. Allow airspeed to increase back to 300
KCAS. At 300 KCAS reset the initial AOA to maintain 300 KCAS.
Common Errors:
1. Take time to establish a steady state condition in the initial 300 KCAS turn otherwise
all follow-on maneuvering in this drill will be invalid.
2. Remember AOA sensitivity increases as AOA increases so at relatively moderate to
high AOA small amounts of stick displacement will yield large effects on AOA. Think
of it as changing the pressure on the stick instead of actually moving the stick to
control the AOA.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: Develop an understanding between AOA, turn rate, and aircraft energy
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will start this maneuver at 10,000’ and 300 KCAS. When cleared by
instructor start a full power, level turn at targeted AOA for 180° of turn (perform three
level turns targeting 10, 12 and 15 units AOA, respectively). At completion of turn
call airspeed out to instructor who will inform you how long the turn took to complete.
The next turn will be at full power, approximately 45° nose low, lift limit pull for 180°
to demonstrate the conversion of altitude (potential energy) to maintain airspeed
Common Errors:
1. Be smooth with AOA, often just changing pressure on the stick instead of actually
moving the stick can change the AOA by a unit or more.
Description of Procedures:
1. Unloaded Rolls: The proper roll / turn technique is to properly clear the direction of
turn, apply full power while simultaneously bunting the nose slightly forward to use a
seat of the pants feel of ~ 0-1 G. This will allow the aircraft waterline and velocity
vector to be fairly similar. The roll rate should be mild and smooth to set the desired
POM. Once the POM is set, ensure the roll rate is stopped prior to initiating any
backstick application.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
2. Scan airspeed while making the transition of setting POM and G application a
smooth and progressive maneuver.
3. Utilize Deck Transition procedures by scanning altitude and relation to nose attitude.
4. PUI shall ensure IMN never exceeds 0.78 IMN
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will start these maneuvers at corner speed, 380 KCAS (or 0.75 IMN,
whichever is lower) and 20, 15 or 10 thousand feet. When cleared by the instructor,
perform an unloaded roll to approximately 70-80° AOB and then select full power
while adding back stick pressure to execute a level, lift limit turn for 180° of heading
change. The airspeed should decrease while performing the level break turn.
2. The primary cockpit reference for turn performance and the lift limit is AOA.
Unfortunately, AOA can significantly lag with high onset rates so when establishing
turn performance, AOA / G onset should be smooth and progressive. Additionally,
the pilot must be attuned to the seat of the pants indications of the lift limit: wing rock
and/or pitch hesitation and heavy buffet. The maneuvering tone is also an aural
indication that the current AOA / IMN combination is approaching a possible
3. From the EM diagrams and NATOPS Figure, “Maneuvering Characteristics with 100
Percent LERX,” we determine the maximum allowable instantaneous turn
performance at corner speed as depicted below.
4. At the completion of 180° of turn the PUI will unload and roll out while calling
airspeed and maximum G in the break turn to note energy bleed. The instructor will
inform the PUI of the time required to turn 180° to assess turn rate performance.
5. The break turns will then be repeated using a 20-30° nose low plane of motion to
sustain better instantaneous turn performance throughout the turn. When cleared by
the instructor, perform an unloaded roll to 110-120°. Ideally, you will be able to
achieve full power in the nose low plane of motion while maintaining or even
bleeding airspeed. However, due to the altitude, power setting and POM the wing
will not be able to generate enough lift (and the corresponding drag) to prevent the
aircraft from accelerating. If the airflow over the wing is allowed to go supersonic
(approximately 0.78 IMN) the aircraft will be able to pull even less AOA due to the
Common Errors:
1. To achieve the best roll rate you must unload, set the vector, smoothly apply G to lift
limit. Smooth G application does not imply that the aircraft cannot be flown at high
G-loading or aggressively. Remember that aggressiveness is a mindset not a
measure of how far or fast you deflect the control surfaces. Smooth pilots can be
aggressive because they have complete control of the aircraft. We are trying to
avoid “snatching” G on the aircraft.
2. It is not recommended to use any rudder above 0.5 IMN. Use of rudder / sideslip is
prohibited by NATOPS above 0.8 IMN.
3. Maneuvering tone or wing rock is an indication that the Dep Res system is saturated
and departure is imminent. PUI must immediately reduce AOA until indications
subsides. Again if you are being smooth with your AOA application this may merely
require you to relax some back stick pressure. If you are being rough on the
controls this may require an aggressive unload to prevent the aircraft from departing
(assuming it has not already done so due to your “ham-fist.”
4. Maintain airspeed no faster than 380 KCAS / 0.78 IMN. If pulling nose low on the lift
limit allows the aircraft to accelerate, either decrease the nose low plane of motion or
reduce the throttle.
Purpose: To develop proper techniques for selecting and executing an energy rate
or positional deck transition.
Description of Procedures:
1. This maneuver will be performed two times, once to perform an Energy Rate Deck
Transition (ERDT) and then to perform a Positional Deck Transition (PDT).
2. Deck transitions will be start at 10,000 feet AGL and 325 KCAS. When cleared by
the ACTI, perform an unloaded roll to establish a full power, 20-30° nose low plane
of motion hard or break turn to the specified deck transition. The 30-20-10 rule will
be used to transition to a level hard turn just above the hard deck.
3. At completion of deck transition the PUI should be slightly above the hard deck to
deny any nose low maneuvering for the bandit.
4. Two types of deck transitions may be performed:
a. Energy Rate Deck Transition (ERDT) – Target 12-13 units AOA and execute in
accordance with Air NTTP.
b. Positional Deck Transition (PDT) – Target 15 units AOA and execute in
accordance with Air NTTP. Adhere to training rules for minimum airspeed and
maximum AOA below the soft deck.
Common Errors:
1. Apply 30-20-10 rule to level off 300-500 feet above the hard deck.
2. Maneuvering tone or wing rock is an indication that the DEPRES system is saturated
and departure is imminent. PUI must quickly relax the AOA until the indications
3. ERDT: Assuming that airspeed is within the sustained rate band between 12-13
units AOA will maintain that airspeed / sustained turn rate.
4. PDT: Flying more than 13 units will bleed energy while allowing a decrease in turn
radius down to 150-170 KCAS just above the hard deck. Below 150 KCAS the turn
radius increases rapidly (bad for maintaining a positional advantage). For a two
circle flow, allowing the airspeed to bleed off below 250 KCAS will cause the
sustained turn rate to decrease.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To develop the skill to maneuver the aircraft while under moderate G with
a 3D rolling maneuver.
Description of Procedures:
1. This maneuver is a building block for some of the more dynamic tactical maneuvers
you will fly later in the syllabus. It requires that you “finesse” the aircraft through
multiple axes of control inputs while maneuvering 3 dimensionally.
2. The PUI will begin this maneuver at 10,000’ and 370 KCAS. When cleared, the PUI
will begin by initiating a full power, level, 3 G turn to approximately 30 degrees of
heading change. Approaching 30 degrees of heading change, the PUI will initiate a
SMOOTH loaded roll “over the top” to reverse back to approximately 90° AOB in the
opposite direction while maintaining 3 G.
3. The aircraft will climb during the loaded reversal. By continuing the roll until
approximately 90° AOB the velocity vector will smoothly track back towards the
horizon. As the velocity vector approaches the horizon, smoothly reverse the roll
back “over the top” while maintaining 3 G to approximately 90° AOB in the opposite
direction again. The 3 G weave is made up of a series of these rolling reversals.
4. Initially the aircraft may accelerate with full power at 3G (especially the TAV-8).
Reduce the throttle if necessary to maintain the airspeed at approximately 380
KCAS. After the aircraft has performed several iterations of the weave and has
climbed several thousand feet the airspeed will begin to decrease even at full power.
The maximum allowable airspeed for this maneuver is 420 KCAS. The minimum
maneuver airspeed is 320 KCAS
5. The maneuver will be terminated after 4-5 weaves, if the maximum or minimum
airspeed is reached or when the instructor calls “terminate.” To “terminate” the
maneuver the PUI will perform an unloaded roll to wings level and then recover to
the horizon
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. “Terminate” is used for procedural errors, where safety of flight is not a factor. The
response to a “terminate” call will be an immediate roll to wings level, a level off at
present altitude or climb to comfort level if below it, and verbal acknowledgement.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Following a “KNOCK-IT-OFF” (KIO) call all aircraft shall immediately roll wings-level,
execute a lift-limit pull (in the TAV-8 target 4 G) to the pre-briefed climb-to-cope
(CTC) altitude. This maneuver should be followed with verbal acknowledgement but
should not be made until the aircraft is safely maneuvered away from the terrain in a
positive FPA towards the CTC altitude. A verbal concurrence is required by all
aircraft by “C/S, KNOCK IT OFF.”
Common Errors:
1. Priorities when flying low should remain aviate first with terrain avoidance and then
communicate when mission tasking allows. You need to maneuver first like you life
depends on it… because it may.
Purpose: Introduce aircraft handling in the slow speed environment with the nose
near vertical.
Description of Procedures:
1. At VMAT-203 this maneuver will begin at 12,000 feet and 250kcas. Once PADS are
set the instructor will give the command to “execute.”
2. At this time, you will select full power and commence a 4g/10 AOA pull into the
vertical. As airspeed decays, intercept a 12-15 unit AOA profile. As the nose comes
through 70 degrees nose high an AOA increase of up to 20 units is permitted. At no
time should the AOA exceed 25 units. IOT not exceed this limitation some forward
stick may be required.
3. Target AOA for the backside of the maneuver should be 12-15 units until intercepting
a 4g profile until wings level. Don’t focus on recovering at a specific altitude. Your
attention needs to remain on maintaining the appropriate AOA throughout.
Common Errors:
4. Not maintain wings level through the vertical thus inducing sideslip and potential for
2. Scan the wind vane and incorporate it into your scan pattern to ensure that excessive
sideslip buildup does not occur.
3. Coordinate the use of flight controls to ensure excessive sideslip and departure does
not occur. Slow speed flight requires substantially more rudder input to maintain
controlled flight.
Description of Procedures:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Medium altitude fighter wing is a formation that allows extreme maneuverability and
ease of control. In essence, Lead can turn or maneuver at will, with no preemptive
calls and Wing will simply fly off Lead. The proper position is 2000-3000' abeam,
2000-3000' nose-to-tail (0.4-0.5 slant range), 1000-3000' altitude split, in the cone
30-60° aft of abeam. The 30-60° cone is important so Lead can maintain sight of
Wing with relative ease. Any further aft and Lead will need to wing dip or maneuver
his aircraft to see Wing. Wing will maintain position off Lead by utilizing turn circle
geometry. This means as Lead turns, Wing will maneuver to get on Lead’s turn
circle, maintain position until the turn is just about complete, and then float to the
opposite side resetting fighter wing.
2. Turns into Wing will cause the wingman to delay his turn until lead is a second or
two from disappearing under Wing’s canopy rail. Wing will then role in the direction
of turn, start his pull, pick up and place Lead on the opposite canopy rail and fly on
Lead’s turn circle. Approaching the desired heading, Wing will float the turn to the
outside and reset the Fighter wing position.
3. Turns away from Wing will require Wing to turn when Lead turns. Wing will pull to
Lead’s turn circle and maintain position until approaching the desired heading. As
Lead rolls out on the new heading, Wing will continue to pull, temporarily go belly up
and reset the Fighter wing position on the inside of the turn.
4. Low altitude fighter wing: At low altitude, below 5000’., fighter wing will be flown co-
Common Errors:
Corrections of Errors:
Purpose: Basic formation utilized to provide mutual support, formation control and
target mechanics.
Description of Procedures:
1. Medium altitude defensive combat spread: This will be the primary combat-spread
formation flown in VMAT-203. The formation is 0.7-1.0 NM separation, 90° bearing
and 1000-3000' altitude separation. This formation is easy to manage and provides
good visual mutual support. It should be employed in a high or unknown threat
environment when good visual mutual support is required. This formation should be
employed to the maximum extent possible. Following the formation stage, this will be
the default formation for the majority of your section flying.
2. To deploy to combat spread, Lead will either “push” you out to combat spread
(indicated by Lead using a pushing motion with his hand and arm, with his palm
outboard) or say “TAKE COMBAT SPREAD ON THE RIGHT (LEFT)” As Wing, you
will take a cut away from Lead, add full power and fly to the briefed position (hi or
low). Once at the appropriate abeam distance, reset you’re heading to match Lead.
The proper look from your cockpit will be 90° left or right. That means your neck will
be somewhat straining to keep a visual on Lead. If you are comfortable looking at
Lead you are probably sucked. If you are looking over your shoulder, you are
probably acute.
a. To fix a sucked position, add power, bunt the nose and use altitude to accelerate
back into position (not an option at low altitude). Once on proper bearing, reset
your altitude split.
b. To fix an acute position, either add power to maintain maneuvering speed and
pull nose up or take a cut away to stop downrange travel. If you are fast, power
additions may not be required. Reset the proper abeam distance once re-
established on Lead’s bearing.
3. To join from combat spread, Lead will signal that he wants Wing to join in parade by
porpoising the aircraft or verbally over the radio, “CLEARED TO PARADE (OR
CRUISE).” Dash-2 will take a slight turn into Lead and place him on or slightly
above the horizon (on the horizon if below 1000'). A slight power addition may be
necessary. Perform a CV / running rendezvous and watch for lateral closure since
aspect will be minimal.
4. Low altitude defensive combat spread: At low altitude, below 5000’, defensive
combat spread will be flown co-altitude.
Common Errors:
1. Keep your scan going so you can fly at the correct altitude, airspeed, and complete
all you mission task without creating large position deviations.
2. When position deviations are noted, make the appropriate magnitude corrections…
small deviations = small corrections or you will over-control your position keeping
Description of Procedures:
1. This formation has many distinct advantages that lean more towards countering air
threats. This formation is also used in a known or low threat environment. This
formation accepts some degradation in visual mutual support in order to present a
more offensive posture. The basic formation is 1.0-1.5 NM separation, 90° bearing
and 3000-5000' altitude separation. It provides weapons separation at the "merge",
reduces potential for visual detection of both aircraft, and reduces the chance of both
aircraft being engaged by a single threat. Low visual mutual support is a result, in
turn high SA is a requirement.
2. Entering and maintaining offensive combat spread is identical to defensive combat
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Deployed echelon is primarily used for night and night systems and similar to the
Fighter Wing formation in its controllability, maneuverability, and flexibility. The
Deployed Echelon position is 0.7-1.2 slant range (DME), 60-70° aft of bearing and
1000' stepped up or down. Maneuvering in deployed echelon is exactly like Fighter
Common Errors:
Purpose: The check turn is a turn of less than 30° designed to change the heading
of the formation or re-dress the formation.
Description of Procedures:
1. A check turn is used to maneuver the section 0 - 30° off reference heading.
2. Check turns are unusual in that they are the only tactical maneuvering turns which
provide no built-in geometric fix. In other words, unlike other turns, check turns will
put the aircraft out of position unless the wingman does something about it.
3. Check turns are initiated by Lead transmitting, "CALLSIGN, CHECK LEFT / RIGHT."
Lead may include the number of degrees to turn or the new reference heading but is
not required to do so. The wingman's response is his full call sign which will be
considered the command of execution.
4. COMM-out check turns won't be signaled. Lead will simply turn to his new heading,
while the wingman will be expected to maneuver back into combat spread.
5. Lead's turn should normally not be aggressive so that the wingman has the full
maneuvering potential of his jet to regain position.
6. Regardless of how the turn is signaled, the wingman must be proactive to minimize
the effect of the turn and regain position. Making immediate corrections will reduce
the time Wing is out of position.
Common Errors:
1. Follow Lead.
Purpose: NAV turns are designed to maneuver the section in heading changes of
Description of Procedures:
a. For turns into Wing, Lead will turn to the new heading.
4. When Lead rolls out, the wingman should turn into the Lead and reverse as
necessary to come out in spread.
a. In turns away from Wing, Lead will essentially control the wingman's jet. First,
Lead will wing-flash to initiate the wingman's turn.
i. Wing should then roll out when Lead turns.
ii. As Lead reverses and rolls out on his new heading, Wing should align to Lead
and adjust for spread as necessary.
5. NAV turns, as previously mentioned, can either be into or away from the wingman.
a. NAV turns into Wing strongly resemble out of position shackles where the
wingman is acute.
i. On execution, Lead will turn 30 - 60° into Wing.
ii. To the astute wingman, Lead's rollout will be an obvious indication of a NAV
turn. When Lead rolls out, Wing should execute a small turn as necessary to
fly 70 - 80° to Lead's flight path and pass ahead of Lead. It is more important
to pass in front of Lead than to achieve the 70-80° track crossing angle.
iii. As the wingman crosses Lead's flight path, he should time the reversal as
necessary to come out in combat spread on the opposite side.
b. In NAV turns away from Wing, the wingman will be required to do much less
maneuvering. On the other hand, he will need to be heads up to catch Lead's
i. On execution Wing turns into Lead 30-60°. Wing will roll out on assigned
heading or when Lead initiates turn into Wing.
ii. Lead will then turn to the new heading after the pass. The wingman should
then align headings with Lead and adjust for spread.
Common Errors:
Purpose: The TAC-Turn is the foundation of all other turns, and is designed to turn
the section approximately 90° for navigation or threat engagement.
Description of Procedures:
1. The TAC turn will be initiated by Lead transmitting, "CALLSIGN TAC LEFT /
RIGHT." The wingman's response is his full call sign, which shall serve as the
command of execution.
2. COMM-out, the Lead initiates the TAC turn with a turn or a wing-flash.
a. On TAC turns into the wingman, Lead will turn towards the new heading.
i. When the wingman can just peer down Lead's intakes, Wing should begin his
own turn to align with Lead.
ii. On TAC turns away from the wingman, Lead will wing-flash to get Wing
b. Wing should assume a 90° turn as he will roll out before Lead. The wingman
should adjust as necessary once Lead rolls out on the new heading.
3. As we have said, TAC turns are the foundation of all other tactical turns. In fact
ANYTIME the Lead initiates a COMM-out turn, the wingman should initially assume
it's a TAC turn.
a. For TAC turns into the wingman, Lead will turn first.
i. If COMM-in, the Wing will be notified of the Lead's intention to TAC turn. If
COMM-out, Lead will simply start turning towards Wing. The fact that Lead's
nose has turned more than 60° and is coming to bear on Wing should indicate
that Lead is calling for a TAC turn and not a NAV turn.
ii. Whether COMM-in or COMM-out, the wingman should delay his turn until he
is looking down the Lead's intakes; i.e. until Lead's nose is just about to come
to bear on Wing. He should then add mil power and execute his own 4 G / 10
unit level turn to match Lead's heading.
b. In TAC turns away from the wingman, the wingman should execute his 4 G / 10
unit turn as soon as he responds to Lead's transmission or as soon as Lead has
completed his wing-flash.
i. Since Lead will still be turning when the wingman rolls out, Wing should
assume a 90° turn, particularly if COMM-out.
ii. As Lead rolls out on the new heading, the wingman should expeditiously
strive to regain spread and align to Lead's new heading
Common Errors:
Purpose: The Cross-Turn is used to maneuver the section approximately 180° for
threat engagement / disengagement, holding, or route timing adjustment.
Description of Procedures:
1. The cross turn is initiated by Lead transmitting, "CALLSIGN, CROSS TURN." The
wingman's response is his full call sign which will serve as the command of
execution. Note that altitude contracts are implied and not transmitted as in the
Training Command.
2. The COMM-out cross turn is initiated by a wing-flash and is initially similar to a
a. Unlike TAC or NAV turns, the Lead will immediately begin his turn into Wing as
Wing starts turning.
b. Instead of rolling out after 45° as in a shackle, Lead and Wing will turn for a full
3. As with in place turns (next discussion), cross turn execution leaves relatively little to
a. Upon Lead's transmission or wing-flash, the wingman should immediately begin
his mil power turn. Any delay Wing makes in commencing this turn will put him
behind and unable to catch up for the remainder of the maneuver.
b. The wingman should fly his best 4 G / 10 unit turn. Since the maneuver is
predicated on both aircraft making identical turns, any sloppy air work will
translate directly into being out of position when the cross turn is complete.
4. On the other hand, the wingman should remember that this maneuver is designed to
allow both aircraft to "clear their six." The wingman should avoid becoming so
fixated in his HUD that he never looks outside the cockpit.
a. Midway through the cross turn, Lead and Wing will meet 180° out. The wingman
is expected to clear above and/or to the outside of Lead.
b. The geometry of the cross turn has one characteristic that should be mentioned.
Due to the aircraft's close lateral separation and the turn radius of the Harrier,
cross turns will usually result in the aircraft coming out wide abeam.
5. Since the wingman knows that he will come out wide, he should continue to pull past
the reference heading for 10 - 30° to drive back to the proper abeam distance. Wing
should realize that an aggressive turn into Lead will require a greater airspeed to
prevent him from getting sucked as he regains combat spread. When he arrives at
the proper spread position, he then may reset his heading and airspeed to match
Common Errors:
Purpose: The In Place Turn allows the section to maneuver approximately 180° for
threat engagement / disengagement, holding, or route timing.
Description of Procedures:
1. The in place turn will be initiated by Lead transmitting, "CALLSIGN, HOOK LEFT /
RIGHT." The wingman's response is the full call sign which will serve as the
command of execution.
2. COMM-out in place turns are only done into Lead.
a. In place turns are initiated with a wing-flash.
b. Lead turns away from Wing as soon as Wing starts turning. This should be a
dead giveaway that Lead is calling for an in place turn.
3. Compared to other turns, in place turns are relatively easy to perform. From combat
spread, the execution of a good 4 G / 10 unit turn should ensure being in position at
the completion of the turn.
a. For in place turns into the wingman
i. Wing will have little to look at other than his instruments and his airspace. A
properly flown turn will serve him best to come out in position. For this reason,
these turns typically come out much better than in place turns away from the
ii. The wingman should be wary of fixating his eyes on the HUD to the detriment
of his lookout doctrine, terrain clearance, and de-confliction.
b. For in place turns away from the wingman, Wing can gauge his turn by
comparing it to Lead's, which should be a mirror image of his own.
i. In particular, when the section is 90° through the turn, the wingman should be
able to look right up Lead's six.
ii. If Lead appears to be "inside" the wingman's turn, then Wing should pull
harder; get his nose down for better turn rate, or both.
4. Care should be exercised by the wingman to avoid pulling into buffet and / or
bleeding off his maneuvering speed, which will only result in him being more sucked,
not less.
a. If Lead appears to be "outside" the wingman's turn, then the wingman may relax
his pull very slightly to avoid coming out acute.
5. Extreme care must be taken by Wing not to float his turn into the Lead's airspace
while simultaneously going belly up. Lead will be blind on Wing for at least the first
half of this turn and possibly longer resulting in a high midair potential. If Wing even
suspects that he is encroaching on Lead's airspace, he should accept coming out
acute and fix his position after the completion of the maneuver
1. N/A
Purpose: The Shackle-Turn can be used to adjust the formation, change sides for
Wingman and Lead, adjust for threat and weapons employment, establish
proper bearing or abeam distance, or provide an opportunity to check 6.
Description of Procedures:
4. If the section is out of combat spread, the shackle becomes somewhat more difficult
but also more critical.
a. If the section is wide, then the procedures remain the same except that both
aircraft will not extend past the merge for the same length of time it took to get to
it. Generally, three seconds is a good starting time for the delay. This time will
vary somewhat depending on whether the section is in offensive or defensive
combat spread and the speed of the aircraft.
b. If the wingman is acute or sucked, the geometry becomes more dynamic. The
acute jet should turn more than 45°, thus slowing his downrange travel. He must
not turn too far to avoid going sucked in the process. In general, the acute jet
should not cross the sucked jet's flight path at an angle of greater than 90°.
c. On the other hand, the sucked jet needs to increase his downrange travel to
catch up with the acute jet. In extreme cases, the sucked jet may just check turn
to ensure he crosses the other aircraft's flight path and drive to position.
Remember, the wingman has an altitude contract and is responsible for de-
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. These turns will typically be performed on a known route. That means all aircraft,
not just Lead, will know when the turns are coming. Free NAV is the exception, not
the norm.
2. If Wing does not know the intentions of Lead until after the turn is initiated, use the
Rule-of-Thumb listed below:
a. If you see a wing-flash, turn into Lead.
b. Always assume the turn into Lead to be a 90° TAC-Turn unless:
i. Lead immediately turns into Wing (The turn is either a Cross-Turn or a
(1) If Cross-Turn, Lead will continue his turn.
(2) If Shackle-Turn, Lead will roll out after approximately 45°.
c. If Lead turns into Wing without a wing-flash, the turn is either a TAC-Turn or a
i. If the turn is a NAV-Turn, Lead will roll out after 30-60° of heading change.
d. The only COMM-Out Turn not performed is a HOOK-Turn into the wingman.
e. Mic clicks and / or radio transmissions are not the norm, but the exception.
f. Generally, "Free NAV" will not be performed. Ideally, these turns will be
performed on a NAV Route or by using pre-briefed turn points.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Establish the AOB and then select full power while apply the back stick pressure to
maintain a constant airspeed. Also remember that for a constant altitude the KCAS
will not change for given airspeed. So once you have 0.7 IMN set, look at the KCAS
that corresponds to it and use that to reference whether the aircraft is accelerating or
2. Fly a constant IMN / KCAS.
Purpose: Safely and expeditiously taxi a division of aircraft with FOD avoidance.
Description of Procedures:
1. Taxiing:
a. Always taxi with FOD avoidance.
b. Maintain a 1000' minimum separation.
c. You can taxi behind stationary aircraft at 90° TCA or greater. Give yourself
enough distance. Common sense applies.
d. Out of the line, closest to the hangar taxies first. If you’re beak-to-beak, taxi in
order of call sign. (Mars-22 will taxi before Mars-23).
e. Whenever you are ready to taxi, taxiing or ready for takeoff, your landing light will
be on. Whenever you have stopped taxiing (w / no intent to continue to taxi) or
are doing checks, your landing light will be off.
2. Marshalling:
a. Regardless who taxies first, the flight should marshal perpendicular to the active
runway in flight order with the lead aircraft farthest from the runway.
b. When pulling into marshal, all flight members should be able to see the lead pilot.
This means that –2 should lineup slightly aft of abeam with –3 abeam lead and –
4 slightly acute on –3 so he can see in front of –3’s nose to lead.
c. Complete the takeoff, combat, miscellaneous checks to include a yardstick check
(ensure TACAN is boxed on the AMPCD or PROX is colonized on the ODU to
receive DME information in the HUD) and set the default cards. Complete your
one-finger checks. Once all checks are complete, examine the aircraft next to
you for leaks or damage. Ensure you are both configured the same. If Lead’s
position lights are off, have yours off. AUTO flaps have no aileron droop; STOL
flaps have aileron droop. Once satisfied, the last member in the flight turns his
landing light on and passes the Up and Ready signal with a thumbs-up, up the
b. When runway length is a concern, Lead may chose to line up the division with
Dash-3 and -4 abeam each other in the long position (or the approach end of the
runway), and Lead and Dash-2 abeam each other, 1000' from the second
section. Check-ins, remain the same as in the stream STO. Once the
acceleration checks are complete, Lead initiates the takeoff roll by saying,
“MARS-11 IS ROLLING.” Lead will give the kiss-off signal to Dash-2, release his
brakes, roll 500', then add full power and execute a normal STO. As Lead’s
aircraft breaks the deck, Dash-2 will announce “MARS-12 IS ROLLING” select
full power and execute a normal STO. On Dash-2’s rolling call, Dash-3 will give
the kiss-off signal, release his brakes, roll 500', then add full power, and execute
a normal STO. As Dash-3’s aircraft breaks the deck, Dash-4 will select full
power and execute a normal STO.
Purpose: This formation will normally be used when operating within Class D
Airspace or navigating the airways.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: This formation can be used when operating within Class D Airspace, in
instrument conditions, and at any time the formation will be viewed
critically from the ground.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: This formation will normally be used when operating within Class D
Airspace and at any time the formation will be viewed critically from the
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: To move the second section to the other side of the formation.
Description of Procedures:
1. From echelon formation, when the Leader signals for a wingman cross under, Dash-
2 will simply execute a standard cross under. Dash-3 will then move into Dash-2’s
vacated position, flying parade on Lead. The resulting formation is fingertip. Dash-4
simply flies the standard parade position on Dash-3 throughout the evolution. From
echelon formation, when Lead signals a section cross under, Dash-3 (second
section leader) will execute the standard cross under, but will maintain his nose-to-
tail distance on Dash-2 until he has 6' of lateral separation on Lead. Dash-3 will then
move forward and up into parade position on Lead. Dash-4 will simply execute a
standard cross under on Dash-3, pacing it so that it will be completed as Dash-3
completes his maneuver.
2. From fingertip, when Lead signals a wingman cross under, Dash-3 must move aft
and out from Lead to allow space for Dash-2 to move into his position. Dash-2 will
simply execute a standard cross-under once he sees that space is clear. The
resulting formation is the echelon. Dash-4 will simply maintain his position on Dash-
3. From fingertip formation, when Lead signals a section cross under, Dash-3 will
drop straight back until he has proper nose-to-tail distance on Dash-2. He will then
cross under, maintaining this distance until he is to the outside of Dash-2 with 6' of
lateral separation. He will then move forward and up into parade position on Dash-
2. Dash-4 will execute a cross under on Dash-3, again timing it so that he will
complete his cross under at the same time as Dash-3.
Common Errors:
1. Dash-3 not making sufficient room for Dash-2 to cross under between Lead and the
second section.
2. Dash-4 not maintaining alignment by keeping Dash-3 constantly between Lead and
Dash-4’s aircraft during section cross under.
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
4. If at any time excessive closure develops on any aircraft in front of you in the
formation, execute an Over-run as taught in basic formation. Stay on your assigned
side of the formation and maintain sight of all aircraft that are supposed to be in front
of you in the formation while performing the Over-run. If Dash 3 Over-runs, Dash 4
needs to keep sight on both Lead and Dash 3 and maintain adequate lateral
separation from both as Dash 3 decelerates to move back onto the bearing from
Common Errors:
Purpose: Administrative control and added flexibility from Finger tip or balanced
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: Provides good mutual support between sections within the division. This
is a good defensive formation to fly in a high or unknown threat
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: Provides a good balance of mutual support with ease of maneuver and
de-confliction. This is the standard division night tactical formation.
Description of Procedures:
1. The formation definition is the same as section deployed echelon with additional
distance / altitude de-confliction. Dash 3 must remain outside 1.5 NM from Lead to
provide 0.3 NM buffer with Dash 2. All flight elements should maintain separate
sanctuary altitudes to ensure de-confliction. The Lead section will normally have
Base altitude (Lead) and Base - 1K (Dash 2), with the second section stacked high
at Base + 1K (Dash 3) and Base + 2K (Dash 4).
Common Errors:
Purpose: This formation is both a defensive and offensive formation. It can be flown
using either 3 or 4 aircraft.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: A division formation that provides a good balance of mutual support and
maneuverability / flexibility.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: The changing of formations in flight will be used to fill either a tactical or
administrative requirement. Expeditious maneuvering and correct
positioning are critical to maintain flight integrity and tactical effectiveness.
Description of Procedures:
1. The default division formation at VMAT-203 will be the Fluid Four. All transitions will
be directed by the division Lead, and the section leader will be required to maneuver
as necessary to obtain correct positioning. The actual maneuvering that takes place
during each transition will be thoroughly briefed by the Flight Lead. The following
discussion will show one way to transition to the various formations.
2. Transition from Fluid Four to Box / Offset Box: When deploying from Fluid Four to
Box / Offset Box, Dash-2 simultaneously lowers his nose to gain an airspeed
advantage over Lead and takes a cut away from Lead. Dash-2 uses airspeed and
altitude to arrive in a combat spread position on Lead. Dash-3 will pump the section
90° turn into Lead as Dash-3 crosses Lead’s flight path, he will return to the original
heading (striving to split Lead and Dash-2). Dash-4 will arrive almost in trail of
Dash-3 after the pump. As Dash-3 returns to the original heading, Dash-4 will match
Dash-3's turn to arrive in a combat spread position on Dash-3. To return to Fluid
Four, Lead will "pump" into Dash-2. The second section leader (Dash-3) will
continue on his present course. Dash-4 will turn towards Dash-3 and maneuver to
arrive in Fighter Wing. As Lead crosses Dash-3's nose, he will call for his section to
pump in the opposite direction (i.e. turn back to the original heading). Out of the
resume turn, Dash-2 will use angles and altitude to position his aircraft in Fighter
Wing on Lead. Lead may check turn the division as necessary to expedite a
mutually supportive formation.
1-2.5 NM
1-3000' Alt Split
Def Cmbt Sprd
Mars-11 Mars-13 "Mars-13, Pump Left" "Mars-13, Pump Right"
Mars-12 Mars-14
2 3 4
Fluid-4 to Wedge
"Mars-11, Deply to Wedge" "Mars-13, Pump left"
1-2.5 nm
1-3000' Alt Split
Mars-13 Mars-14
1 2 3 4
4. Transition from Fluid Four to Division Wall: When deploying from Fluid Four to
Division Wall, Dash-2 and -4 will use altitude and power to gain an airspeed
advantage over Lead and Dash-3 respectively. They will take a slight cut away from
their respective Lead, maneuvering to arrive in a defensive combat spread outboard
on their respective Lead. To return to Fluid Four from Division Wall, Dash-2 and -4
will join on their respective Leads as described in the section transitions section. For
significant heading changes while deployed in division wall, the division will need to
be collapsed to fluid four then returned to division wall once established on the new
5. De-confliction: While flying in section, the wingman is always responsible for de-
confliction and collision avoidance. This is accomplished in TACFORM by the
wingman creating an obvious separation of aircraft during crossing flight path
maneuvers, exaggerating your intentions. In division, the second section Leader is
responsible for division de-confliction (i.e. between the sections). Dash 2 and 4 are
responsible for section de-confliction (i.e. within their section). During tactical
maneuvering the second section Leader will ensure de-confliction by horizontal and
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Purpose: To confirm aircraft integrity and ordnance status of all flight members prior
to return to base.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Perform your Tacadmin checks again prior to join up; ensure all weapons are
deselected and all armament switches are SAFE (ALE-39/47 is often forgotten).
2. Watch the visual signals carefully, especially for the lead change; there can be no
ambiguity about “who’s on first.” If something is unclear, ask on the radio.
3. Fly the heading and altitude that Lead gives you at the lead change. If the flight is in
a descent or a turn during the lead change, Lead will tell you what the level-off
altitude or roll-out heading should be; fly it.
4. Be deliberate when performing a visual inspection of the other aircraft. Lead is
going to make decision about the recovery based upon your input from the
inspection. Don’t pass bad / unsafe gouge.
Description of Procedures:
1. No later than the initial Lead will position the flight in Echelon Left or Right, as
appropriate for the Break direction. Lead will set the power to approximately 85-90%
at the initial for approximately 350 KCAS in the Break and then will stop moving the
throttle to allow the wingmen to stabilize in position. Dash 2 sets the interval for
Parade formation and in the Break. The standard Break interval is 3 seconds for 3
aircraft and 4 seconds for 4 aircraft, although Lead may brief something different
based upon the pattern traffic and landing requirements.
2. The key to a professional-looking and safe VFR Break is to have all aircraft do the
exact same procedures at the correct timing. This will make the Break uniform and
will establish a consistent interval on the downwind that not only looks good but also
makes it easy for all aircraft in the division to keep sight of one another.
3. At the appropriate position over the field Lead will “kiss off” the flight, initiate a level 4
G / 10 unit AOA Break and then select idle and speed brake out. At the appropriate
interval Dash 2 will initiate the exact same Break. Dash 3 and 4 will follow at the
interval set by Dash 2.
4. Once below 250 KCAS and wings level on the downwind, select gear down, nozzles
25°, flaps STO / AUTO (as appropriate). Abeam the intended point of landing select
60° nozzles (or as appropriate for you type of landing).
5. Lead will request landing clearance for the flight. Assuming tower clears the entire
flight to land from Lead’s request, at the abeam position Dash 2-4 will simply state,
“MARS XX, GEAR DOWN.” You must carefully listen to Tower’s landing clearance
to ensure that the flight has been cleared to land so you make the proper call at the
Common Errors:
1. Execute procedures exactly as they are listed here at the correct time / interval.
2. Fly the correct Break G / AOA.
3. Don’t descend in the Break.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Any appropriate ground speed may be used which allows adequate fuel for recovery
with SOP fuels. Speeds normally used are 420, 450, or 480 KGS. At no time is it
acceptable to fly less than 400 KIAS in the low level environment.
2. When selecting the ground speed at which you will fly your route, there are some
factors that must be considered. Select an airspeed that gives you an adequate
threat reaction capability without excessive fuel burn. The ground speed selected
must allow you the ability to catch up if you are behind, are forced to react to a
threat, or any other outside factor. If the route is in an area of high elevation, care
must be taken not to fly at speeds slower than 400 KIAS to allow for low altitude air
3. In order to maximize fuel efficiency, NATOPS max range profiles, as flown in the
FAM and INST stages, should be flown to and from the training route. Plan for the
highest logical altitude to and from the route. Take into account type of flight plan
IFR / VFR, distance, and weather for the en route portion. Published VRs will be
planned and flown at the minimum altitude for the route IAW AP-1B. Routes will be
flown at a minimum of 500 feet AGL or in accordance with current operating
directives including the current bird avoidance policy.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To select waypoints for route planning purposes and ensures correct data
Description of Procedures:
1. All sorties at VMAT-203 will be planned on the JMPS, which will allow for easy
transfer of waypoint data into the aircraft via the mission card. All pilots should be
familiar with manual data entry, in the event the mission card load cannot be
2. AP-1B delineates waypoints and route structure for Military Training Routes (MTR).
The JMPS MTR function automatically populates these waypoints. The waypoints
may be moved to prominent landmarks to aid in navigation if the new waypoint
remains within the route structure. When moving waypoints, do not select airports,
towns or noise sensitive areas as new points. When entering waypoints from a map,
such as the IP or target, it is important to ensure the datum is the same on both the
map and in the planning station.
3. All low level routes should be planned to have an opportunity to update the INS in
the event you are flying with an inoperable GPS. Coordinates for waypoints that will
be used to perform an update should be derived from the most accurate source
available, such as 5 meter imagery from JMPS. An accurate waypoint coordinate is
essential to a good system update.
Common Errors:
1. Entering an IP from a NAD-27 datum chart into the JMPS system as a WGS-84
2. Not planning for an INS update
1. Always ensure you cross check your waypoint datum during planning.
2. Though our GPS system is very reliable, always have a plan to update without the
use of the GPS.
Purpose: To plan and fly a MTR to arrive at the IP +/- 500#’s of planned fuel.
Description of Procedures:
1. As with any jet aircraft, fuel consumption at low altitude is high in the AV-8B. This
shall be taken into account during preflight planning. A high-altitude leg, to a low-
level route, to another high leg home (HI-LO-HI profile) will maximize the tactical
range of the AV-8B. Strict adherence to climb schedules, optimum cruise Mach, and
descent point is imperative for a HI-LO-HI profile. NATOPS contains performance
charts to aid you in determining an approximate fuel flow based on aircraft weight,
drag index and altitude. The JMPS will automatically calculate fuel consumption
during preflight planning. This system greatly simplifies preflight planning, but the
pilot needs to be familiar with the charts as well.
2. JMPS will allow for a climb to altitude and a descent to a low level altitude in the
same leg as long as the distance between level-off points is sufficient to be at your
planned altitude. If the distance between waypoint level off's is not sufficient in order
to be level, at your planned altitude, you may need to add a "descent / climb point"
as necessary for JMPS calculations. This point, which is for planning purposes only,
will allow you to enter a climb to the en route altitude followed by a descent to the
first low level point. Failure to do this will cause the fuel figures to be artificially high
on paper and lower than expected in flight.
3. Significant fuel figures need to be planned, briefed, and understood. In addition to
the Air NTTP fuel figures, use JMPS to figure MFR and EFR fuels for each point
along the route.
a. MFR - the minimum fuel required to complete the route and arrive at the abeam
position with SOP fuel remaining. Ensure that weather is taken into account
when determining the SOP fuel reserves. The JMPS platform preferences has
this fuel set at 1200 pounds.
b. EFR - estimated fuel remaining based on JMPS fuel planning figures.
c. TIGER – Enough fuel to enable the flight to fight into the target area, kill it, and
disengage based on the expected threat.
d. JOKER – The fuel state, above Bingo, at which separation / bug-out / event
termination should begin. In training, unless the training objective is to fly a
tactical egress, Joker will be the fuel state at which the flight will terminate the
tactical portion of the mission and rejoin to assume an administrative profile for
the planned recovery.
e. BINGO - Fuel state at which flight member must proceed along established
routing under a maximum range profile, whether rejoined as a flight or not. At
Bingo, aircrew should check their VRST page and determine if they need to
execute a NATOPS bingo profile, proceed direct, or declare an emergency. In
training, unless otherwise briefed, BINGO will be the fuel state at which the flight
will terminate the tactical portion of the mission, select the desired waypoint of
landing, and assume a VFR max range (16,500 / 17,500 MSL) profile to execute
a straight-in, full stop landing as a single ship.
Common Errors:
1. Failure to add a “level off point” from home plate to the entry point, if necessary.
2. Not accounting for weather in your SOP fuel states.
3. Not ensuring JMPS data accuracy.
4. Not flying a precise profile.
1. Include increases in fuel reserves due to weather when entering “required fuel” in
the JMPS.
2. Review the data JMPS calculates. Make sure fuels, altitudes and speeds make
3. Fly precise profiles. A perfect plan executed poorly is worthless.
Description of Procedures:
1. The pilot will prepare the route chart on a 1:500,000 (TPC) chart with the associated
checkpoints and required information labeled. Additionally, the IP-TGT area will be
prepared on a 1:50,000 chart or 5 meter gridded imagery reduced to 50% scale if
imagery is available. Charts should be printed from the JMPS Area chart or Strip
chart print feature as appropriate. The charts will contain pertinent information that
will aid in navigation and target identification, and provide emergency divert
information. The Air NTTP defines the following required symbols for your maps and
a. Waypoints: Points should be easily identifiable from the air, and be within the
route structure.
b. Initial Point (IP): A well-defined point, visually distinguishable, that is used to
accurately position the aircraft for the ordnance run to the target. Generally, it is
the last visual checkpoint used by attack aircraft prior to the target-run and
should be approximately one minute or approximately 8 to 12 NM prior to the
target and clear of anticipated threat. This point needs to be plotted on a
1:50,000 chart. Use this UTM grid for JMPS waypoint insertion
c. Target (TGT)
d. Egress Control Point (ECP): A well-defined geographical point, outside the
enemy air defense area, used for control of egress from the target. For
administrative purposes at VMAT-203, plan for a point approximately 8-12 NM
from the target. The mission does not end at the target - Most combat losses
occur after ordnance delivery. Plan a good egress route and fly it.
3. Doghouse information is an optional addition to the route chart but not commonly
used in the Harrier community. This same information will be available to you in the
form of a Navigation card. Some or all of the following information may be put in the
doghouses if you wish.
a. Magnetic heading from each checkpoint to the next.
b. Minimum fuel to continue with planned route and RTB with SOP fuel.
c. Open block for real time at each checkpoint.
4. A common tool used is the ALPHA string overlay. At each waypoint place and alpha
string in white stating WYPT name, ETE, EFR / MFR. This information will transfer
5. The Air NTTP Target Sketch will be followed for the 1:50,000-target chart. This
sketch does not need to depict a target attack, as the air-to-surface stage will not
normally have been completed. Complete as much of the sketch as is possible for
your stage.
6. In the event that JMPS does not have imagery of the IP to Target then go to either or websites to pull
satellite imagery of your IP and target. Click on the map until you find the resolution
scale you are looking for. By selecting “image information” the software will provide
a LAT and LONG gridded image. This a great tool for map study.
7. The mission card will only transfer map overlays to the aircraft, the drawings made
on the round during preflight planning will not transfer. Failure to prepare the map or
overlay plan for a simulator or flight will result in a MANDATORY UNSAT.
Common Errors:
1. Refer to the Air NTTP for items to be included on the target area sketch.
Description of Procedures:
1. JMPS cards are designed to increase a pilot’s SA. The Air NTTP allows for the
navigation card in any appropriate Briefing Card slot. The navigation card organizes
timing and fuel data that is normally in doghouses on the chart. This gives the pilot
the same information in an easier to use format.
2. Most pilots will include the waypoint number and name, heading, distance, timing,
EFR and MFR. Below is an example of the Air NTTP NAVCARD that can be found
in the JMPS mission cards.
Common Errors:
1. QA the plan.
Description of Procedures:
1. Pilots shall arrive at the brief with a 1:500,000 scale chart for the route and a
1:50,000 or 5 meter imagery scale chart for the target area. In addition to a FAM
Stage smart pack, navigation cards with the appropriate fuel, time, and route data
are required. A mission specific Navigation card shall also be included in the Brief 3
slot. Any obstruction or restriction on the route shall have an overlay inserted on the
moving map. E-CHUM will be reviewed to confirm route obstructions.
2. A flight plan should be filed prior to the brief. Weather for the route can be
requested via the DD-175 in the remarks section. Weather for the planned route
must remain at 3000 / 5 or better
3. If flying locally, the route will be designated on the daily flight schedule, and
scheduled by Operations. If you are flying the route as part of a cross country, it is
your responsibility to schedule the route at a time that will fit into your plan. The
student is responsible for confirming the route has been scheduled correctly.
4. All briefings will be conducted in accordance with the Air NTTP Briefing Guide.
Routes will be flown in accordance with NATOPS, FARs, OPNAVINST 3710.7,
FLIPs, Wing and Group Orders, and VMAT-203 SOP. Briefs will also include the
following mission specific items:
a. Chart preparation (1:500,000 & 1:50,000)
b. Color JMPS chart (required for IP to review overlay planning)
c. Chart study
d. Accuracy of checkpoints (IP and RP will check accuracy of waypoints)
e. INS update plan with accept / reject criteria IAW Air NTTP
f. IP
g. Target as an offset of the IP
h. Egress Control Point (ECP)
i. ETA calculated for each point along the route
j. Route restrictions
k. Hazards to flight
l. Emergency airfield and Bingo data
m. Low level emergency considerations
Common Errors
1. Ensure adequate effort is dedicated to preflight prep. Reference the FSG and
Pocket Tactical Checklist briefing guide to ensure all items are addressed.
Description of Procedures:
1. As you start your maximum range profile descent to the MTR, perform an
environmental assessment to include ceilings, visibility and sun angle. This is a good
time to validate your INS by designating the waypoint and confirming its position on
the ground using the designation diamond in the HUD FOV.
2. Plan to start the route on time but realize that starting early (less than 30 sec) is
considerably easier to correct than starting late. Scale selection is a technique item.
De-centered 100 NM ZOOM or 25 NM scales are most useful with the course line for
the first leg of the route dialed in for situational awareness on how to enter the route.
3. Contact the nearest FSS on 255.4 and check on the route with call sign, number and
type of aircraft, VR route number, entry point and time, exit point and time, and route
speed. If unable to establish two-way communication with the FSS, broadcast in the
blind. Descending through 4500 feet AGL, the LAW should be heard. Reset the
LAW for the appropriate altitude using the 10% rule and select RADALT in the HUD.
Ensure completion of the TACADMIN checklist prior to route entry. The G-warm
should be completed either above 10k MSL, prior to route entry if in a MOA or
Restricted Area, or within the route structure. Once within the defined route width
and altitude, you may accelerate to the desired ground speed. Monitor 255.4 and
squawk 4000 while flying the route.
Common Errors:
1. Getting behind aircraft due to several tasks that need to be accomplished in the
2. Arriving at the start point early and then starting the route late.
3. Unable to start decent at desired time due to ATC.
Description of Procedures:
1. In the event of system degradation or as a backup to your systems you must have
the skill to navigate using visual techniques. This is nothing more than dead
reckoning just as performed in the training command. Done by association of the
chart to the real world outside the aircraft or simply turning on time if no reference
can be made.
2. Route points on key terrain features will greatly assist in maintaining SA and keeping
you on course because they are easily identifiable and provide a good reference
point to cross-check your system navigation.
3. Visually interpret the landmarks that can be seen outside to the moving map, map or
chart being used for reference will provide a sanity check to position keeping.
4. Realize that in most instances if the aircraft systems are degraded to the point that
you are dead reckoning then the mission will most likely be aborted. However, in a
combat situation you will still be required to egress from hostile territory and if you
have lost your wingman you will need to fly precise routing to prevent becoming a
fratricide statistic as you try to penetrate friendly air defenses on your RTB.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. By conducting a good study of your planning products during pre-flight planning and
the flight brief you will greatly increase your situational awareness on the route.
Take note of all hazards, significant terrain features and funneling features. Spend
additional time ensuring that you are visually familiar with the ingress from IP to
Target taking special note of any funneling features that might assist you in finding
your IP and Target in the event that your systems become degraded or your
situational awareness is low.
Common Errors:
1. Study your maps, imagery and your timing / fuel plan so that you are familiar with
them, rather than just creating them so you have met a briefing requirement.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Outside 15 NM:
a. Validate INS performance visually. Designate the waypoint and determine if an
update will be required. Adjust flight path to ensure over flight of point. (Do not
keep the waypoint designated.)
2. One minute out:
a. Project arrival time and fuel
b. Compare projected arrival time / fuel against chart / Nav card
c. Note turn direction and roll out heading
d. Clear the map for obstructions
3. 2 NM prior to turn point:
a. If an overfly update is required, select UPDT
b. Acquire turn point and adjust flight path for over flight
4. At turn point:
a. If updating - press OVFLY
b. WINC to next waypoint.
c. Clear turn direction.
d. Select full power, unload, roll, and pull 4 G's or 10 units to roll out on HUD
heading bug
5. After roll out:
a. If updating - accept or reject error based on appropriate thresholds
b. Adjust power, speed and ground track as necessary
6. Repeat steps 1-5 approaching the next point. Remember - Scroll, Turn, Manage,
Common Errors:
1. Take care of administrative tasks before you are right over the waypoint. For
example, fuel states can be projected 1 minute out by subtracting your fuel flow from
the current state.
2. Always add full power and pull 4 G’s or 10 units.
Description of Procedures:
1. You should have a contingency plan to cover the actions you can take if you get off
your timeline or below your fuel plan. Though most of these corrections focus on the
route, the same corrections can and should be made on the en route portion as well.
Also remember, for each decision made to adjust timing will effect fuel consumption
and vice versa. Obviously JMPS does not account for timing adjustments.
a. Early:
i. Slow down, but no less than 400 KCAS.
ii. Extend at the next point. (Stay within the route structure)
iii. 90 / 180 / 360° turns. (Stay within route structure)
iv. Rolex time.
v. Combination of above.
b. Late:
i. Enter the route at a different entry point, or plan to exit early. Know alternate
entry and exit points.
ii. Adjust your speed and / or altitude if on the high leg.
iii. Cut a corner(s) to reduce your distance to go. Stay within the route structure.
iv. Rolex time.
v. Combination of above.
2. Remember, you must stay within the MTR structure, so be familiar with the MTR.
Ensure you enter the MTR on a designated entry point and exit at a designated exit
point. Use a Rolex as a last resort. If a decision to Rolex is made, Rolex to a
common sense real time (i.e. 10 minutes is easier math than 7 minutes and 47
seconds). BOTTOM LINE: The key to successful timing is a good start, so stay
ahead of the jet, and have an idea for correction options.
Common Errors:
1. Study the proper corrections and chair fly the event to think through the corrections
and how they must be applied.
Purpose: To describe the procedures for transition from ingress navigation setup
and mindset to target attack.
Description of Procedures:
1. Conduct MWSS procedures upon passing over the IP. These procedures will be
covered in-depth in the air-to-surface stage and are found in the Air NTTP. During
the portion of the flight between the IP and the ECP your attention should be
focused outside the aircraft on target acquisition and threat lookout.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Review your JMPS plan. Ensure you have not mistakenly planned to fly a leg of the
route at 42 knots vice 420 knots.
2. Fly the entire route at one airspeed. If you plan for an airspeed increase at the
target use CS/T to the IP only.
3. Thoroughly understand the time system and its limitations.
4. Your timing for the route starts at the brief. Make sure you walk, start, and takeoff
on time.
Description of Procedures:
1. Route: Be deliberate and fuel conscious when exiting the route. Fly the most direct
route possible to the appropriate airfield. Be cautious not to violate any restricted
2. Profile: Max range. Take advantage of your energy package. Coming off the route,
select full power, pull the nose up and trade your excess airspeed for a fuel
conserving higher altitude. Initially pull the nose of the aircraft up to at least 45°.
Approaching 300 KIAS, unload to an attitude capable of maintaining a 300 KIAS
climb. Maintaining VMC, climb to the highest appropriate VFR cruising altitude.
Intercept your max range profile. Squawk 1200.
3. ATC procedures: Once you determine your position, contact the appropriate ATC
facility and proceed to a higher IFR altitude or simply request monitors if close to
your destination. When you talk to ATC tell them who you are, where you are and
what you want. Remember the center frequencies are published on Low Altitude En
route Charts. It’s a good idea to note these during the preflight planning process.
Common Errors:
1. Be aggressive, the quicker you get to altitude, the quicker you can pull the power
back and get on a max range profile.
2. Preflight planning will determine the proper ATC facility to talk to coming off the
route. It will also give you and rough estimate on how you will describe your position
when coming off route (TACAN radial / DME)
3. Make your communications simple, concise and straight forward.
Description of Procedures:
1. Transfer of the mission data from the mission card to the Mission Systems Computer
SMC is accomplished in the same manner as before:
2. The GPS page is a subset of the SDAT page although. The function of the TFER
page is to handle Waypoints, Mark points and Target points, and it provides
functionality for the transfer of target data into target points to employ Joint Direct
Attack Munitions (JDAM).
Common Errors:
1. Failure to ensure that mission card is loaded via JMPS and transfers properly.
1. Check for “OK” to appear next to the DTX and OLX options after the data transfer is
complete. If fault codes appear you can attempt to DTX again. If that does not work
check the BIT 1 display for any DSS or AMU bit codes. Also attempt to reseat the
mission card in the receptacle. If none of the above work, then write down any BIT
codes that appear and begin entering necessary mission data by hand.
2. Confirm overlays, waypoints, and comm. has transferred as expected.
Description of Procedures:
1. The software provides for 60 waypoints (0-59), 10 mark points (0-9) and 5 target
points (0-5). Quick Access QA must be used to change between point types.
2. Target points have been added for JDAM functionality. They contain additional data
called JDAM target data associated with them that is primarily pertinent to JDAM
deliveries. When a TGTP
3. Null Points are simply waypoints, mark points or target points that have a null flag
set true on the Mission Planning system. WYPT 0, MKPT 0 and TGPT 0 cannot be
null points. When stepping through route points on the EHSD page, null points are
skipped. A null point can be converted to a non-null point by accessing the point on
the EHSD DATA page or the TFER DATA page.
4. An offset can be created that has zero range, but an elevation that is different than
the waypoint’s elevation
5. The waypoint offset range and bearing can be entered to the nearest thousandth of
a nautical mile (0.001 NM) or meter and hundredth of a degree (0.01), respectively.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Purpose: Quick Action is a feature to increase your ability to navigate through the
increased number of points.
Description of Procedures:
1. Depression of the up or down arrow on the right side of the EHSD display, or the
WINC button for greater than 0.8 seconds will cause entry into the quick access
(QA) mode. There are two types of quick access sessions. Steer-to-point (STP)
quick access can be initiated using the WINC button or the up and down arrows on
the EHSD and EW pages. Point-of-interest (POI) quick access can be initiated by
using the up and down arrows on the WYPT Data page, NSEQ Data page, TFER
page, or any of the six different VRST pages.
2. STP QA is used to change the steer to point on the EHSD page and therefore the
steering cues in the HUD. POI QA is used to change the point on the non-EHSD
page that is used to initiate the QA session.
3. Regardless of which session you are in, the ODU will display WYPT, MKPT or TGPT
will be displayed in ODU windows 1, 2 and 3 respectively. NSEQ will be displayed
in window 4 (NSEQ will be displayed only during a STP QA session), and TOT in
window 5 (TOT will be displayed only if the current point is either target point 1-4 or
the terminal point in a sequential, ingress, or egress string).
4. Selecting the NSEQ option toggles NSEQ on the EHSD page. If a system
designation exists TGPT will default to colonized; and 0 will be presented in the
scratchpad when a STP QA session is initialized. If a system designation does not
exist, the current STP will be displayed on the scratchpad. Quick accessing a point
that is not in the NSEQ string when NSEQ steering is selected will cause NSEQ to
become deselected. A quick access session will time out after 15 seconds of
5. A technique to get out of QA without waiting for it to time-out is to press the Comm. 1
or Comm. 2 channel knob which takes control of the UFC away from the QA,
thereby disabling it.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. The Steer-to-Point is the steering reference selected on the EHSD which is defined
as the waypoint, mark point or target point number between the up and down arrows
on the AMPCD (PT 13). When a non-TACAN STP is within the HUD FOV, a circle
represents the STP position unless it is designated, in which case a diamond
represents it. The re-attack symbology always references the system designation
(e.g. Waypoint designation, HUD designation). Since the current system
designation is always target point zero (T0), steering and range to the system
designation can be obtained by selecting T0.
2. The STP can be changed by pressing the up/down arrows on the AMPCD, using the
WINC button or by activating the Quick Access function.
3. When DESG is boxed, either STP or TGT will be displayed next the DESG box
legend. STP is displayed when the designation is the STP. If something other than
the steer-to-point is designated (e.g. HUD designation), TGT is displayed next to the
DESG box legend.
4. If you want a system designation to become the STP you may either or QA to T0 or
depress the WINC button or up or down arrow for greater than 0.8 seconds which
makes T0 the STP.
5. Remember that the STP is where the heading bug is taking you even though you
may have some other system designation.
6. Point-of-Interest is nothing more than the waypoint, mark point or target point (or
offset) that is displayed on the Waypoint Data page. Changing the POI does not
change the STP.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: Describe the procedures required to prepare for and plan an air-to-air
refueling evolution.
Description of Procedures:
1. Operations will normally have the “Tanker SPINS” available after coordinating with
the unit providing aerial refueling. The doctrinal publication for AAR track
information is the AP-1B. This should be referenced in addition to the Ops provided
SPINS. Pertinent information from the SPINS and AP-1B include:
a. Tanker callsign
b. Aircraft type
c. AAR track location
d. AAR timing
e. Fuel available for offload
f. A/A TACAN, IFF and communication frequencies
2. Include this on the AAR card inserted as an option in the ADMIN cards in JMPS.
3. Additionally, the AAR Track may be graphically depicted on the EHSD in the AV-8B
by drawing threat rings (symbol size 150, cyan) at the two ends of the AR Track with
a radius of 3 NM (approximate KC-130 turn radius at refueling airspeed and bank
angle). Then draw two lines (also cyan) tangent to the two threat rings along the
AAR Track axis (see Air NTTP for details). The AAR track overlay should look like:
Common Errors:
1. Check with Operations the day prior to aerial refueling operations to obtain the
SPINS to conduct mission planning.
Purpose: Describe the procedures for checking the aerial refueling probe prior to
Description of Procedures:
1. Prior to launching on an aerial refueling mission, the pilot will preflight his aircraft
IAW NATOPS. In addition, the pilot will initiate "four-finger checks" prior to calling
for taxi. "four-finger checks" consist of extending the probe, thus allowing the plane
captain to check for leaks, smooth extension and retraction, and probe tip condition.
2. The pilot should ensure the READY light illuminates when the A / R switch is in the
OUT position and the probe is extended and locked. For night aerial refueling, also
check that the probe light illuminates when the probe is extended. While the plane
captain is checking the probe your hands should be up in the air just like in final
checks. The READY light should extinguish when the probe is fully retracted.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. After takeoff and check-in on tanker common, the tanker will direct you to the
assigned altitude and position relative to the refueling operation. The tanker
commander is designated the Refueling Air Commander (RAC). As such, he is
responsible for the air refueling operation, and his commands, when directive in
nature, require mandatory compliance.
2. Several types of tanker rendezvous exist for the KC-130; each is described in the
ATP-56(B). Although pilots should be aware of the different types of rendezvous, we
will execute a modified RV Delta (Point Parallel) Rendezvous at VMAT-203. The
receiver will proceed to the tanker track, 1000’ below AAR altitude (where the
refueling platform will be). The normal random rendezvous pattern is a left hand
pattern with twenty-five nautical mile legs. Comm will be established with the tanker
once established in the working area.
3. Once communications are established with the tanker, confirm the altimeter setting
along with the tanker's altitude. The tanker commander should then confirm his
position by referencing a TACAN cut along with their present heading. At this point,
the flight will attempt to gain a visual. With a visual, the flight is cleared to join below
and on a left 45-degree bearing line from the tanker. Keep in mind the airspeed
range for refueling for the KC-130 is 210-230 KIAS (normally 230 KIAS if tanker is
able). Maintain good formation keeping as briefed by the flight Lead until
established at left observation. Your flight Lead will brief this rendezvous in detail
during your flight brief.
4. Multiple receivers will maintain echelon formation on the preceding receivers, which
will be in a position to view the tanker's aft observer window for EMCON signals.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. If refueling from a strategic tanker such as the KC-10, pilots should be familiar with
the different strategic tanker rendezvous procedures in the ATP-56(B). These
include the point parallel rendezvous and en route rendezvous. During initial
training, an en route rendezvous may be conducted due to strategic tanker airfield
2. The en route rendezvous with the KC-10 is not unlike the random rendezvous with
the KC-130, but does have some minor differences. Primarily, the flight plan will
include an ARIP and an ARCP. These two waypoints designate the entry point to
the aerial refueling track and allow for a common control point for all receivers. The
flight will establish communications with the tanker; confirm altimeter setting and
altitude and proceed to the ARIP at the assigned altitude (normally 1000 ft below
tanker altitude). After reporting the ARIP, the flight will normally be cleared to the
ARCP and advised to gain sight of the tanker. Once in sight, the flight will report
visual and be cleared for tanker join. The final portion of the join up procedures are
the same as with the KC-130 keeping in mind the KC-10 will normally be from 275-
300 KIAS. Receivers should proceed to an observation position.
Common Errors:
1. Confirm the tankers altitude and step up or down a minimum of 1000 ft.
2. Set proper altimeter setting.
3. Tanker airspeed will normally be 275 KIAS. Maintain a maximum of 50 kts closure.
Description of Procedures:
1. All receivers shall monitor the AR Primary frequency, supplied in the SPINS, to
conduct a rendezvous, at minimum 20 minutes prior to their ARCT. The refueling air
commander (RAC), upon initial radio contact, may assign the receiver flight Lead a
specific IFF mode and code and air-to-air TACAN channel. Refer to Part 1, Annex
1A of the ATP-56B, for a complete list of AAR Terms and Definitions.
2. Communication between tanker and receiver will be maintained during rendezvous
and air refueling at all times. Once receivers will make initial communication with the
tanker, they will provide their call signs, ETA (minutes late or early from scheduled
ARCT) and altitude. The tanker in return will advise the receivers of their call sign,
altitude and any change from the original ARCT (minutes late or early).
3. Required communication calls from the time the receivers are cleared to join the
tanker to leaving the tanker are listed below. Additionally, be ready to pass your
aircraft BUNO while in the observation position.
Description of Procedures:
1. As described in the rendezvous portion of the Aerial Refueling lecture, you will be
cleared onto the refueling track 1000 ft below the tanker altitude until you gain sight
of the tanker. When you have the tanker in sight, perform an appropriate
rendezvous. You will then be cleared to the "observation" position.
2. This position is located left, below and outboard and behind the tanker’s wingtip, well
clear of the refueling operation. The position should be such that during EMCOM
operations, the tanker’s aft observation window is viewable. Once established in the
observation position, complete the aerial refueling checklist and report "CALL SIGN,
your BUNO number as well.
3. Below is a diagram of the Observation, Astern and Reform positions.
Description of Procedures:
1. The air refueling checklist must be completed prior to reaching the astern position,
and should be completed while in the observation position.
2. This checklist includes:
a. Master Arm: OFF
b. A / R Switch: Place A/R switch to OUT and check for illumination of READY
c. Probe Light: As desired.
d. Airspeed: Maintain 190-300 KIAS.
e. AOA: Within safe operating limits. 13° maximum.
f. Flaps: CRUISE, (STOL flaps may be used to maintain AOA below 13°). The use
of AUTO flaps is prohibited for initial drogue engagement; authorized once "in the
basket." Note: Switching from CRUISE Flaps to AUTO Flaps must be done prior
to AOA increasing above 5 units.
g. AFC: Engage if desired.
h. VISOR: Down.
3. If waiting in the Observation position for your turn to refuel, consider completing the
checklist with the exception of extending the probe and selecting CRUISE / STOL
flaps, which increases your drag and fuel flow, until it is your turn to refuel. Be sure
to complete these two steps prior to departing the observation position for the
appropriate astern position.
4. One critical step that is not directly stated in the checklist but is implied is to trim the
aircraft. Extending the probe significantly increases the drag on the left side of the
aircraft. Use the VSTOL master mode sideslip indicator or the heads down sideslip
indicator to trim the ball center. You may also need to re-trim the aileron after
extending the probe. Do not forget to re-trim the aircraft after refueling is complete.
Common Errors:
1. Ensure aircraft is in the proper configuration and trimmed by completing the A/R
Source Documents: ATP-56(B)
Description of Procedures:
1. Now established in the observation position with the air refueling checklist
completed, you are awaiting clearance from the tanker to proceed to the astern
2. Once cleared by the tanker, move from the observation position to the astern
position. This is defined as a position 10-15 ft aft of the drogue, with the probe in
line both horizontally and vertically with the drogue, the aircraft trimmed, and no
closure rate. For a single hose aircraft such as a KC-10 or KC-130 with only one
hose deployed, this will be unambiguous. For two hoses deployed, such as on a
KC-130, you will move from left to right, to the far right hose if you are the first
aircraft to proceed from the Observation position to the Astern position (Right Astern
in this case). The second aircraft will move to the Left Astern position once the first
aircraft is safely established in the Right Astern position. Ensure you pass below
and behind the tanker and drogue to avoid wake turbulence. This is especially
important behind the KC-10. Once established, report "MARS-XX, LEFT / RIGHT
ASTERN." The tanker will then clear you for drogue engagement.
Common Errors:
1. Assuming an astern position too far aft of the tanker at a level altitude and
encountering wake turbulence.
2. Developing a closure rate within 10 ft of the drogue prior to being cleared to contact.
1. When transitioning from the observation to the astern position, maintain sufficient
vertical separation to avoid wake turbulence from the tanker and drogue.
2. Do not attempt to engage the drogue until cleared to do so.
Description of Procedures:
1. Once in the astern position and cleared for contact by the tanker, select the drogue
as the primary reference point for alignment during the approach. A good visual
reference point for initial positioning is the drogue placed above the angled portion of
the HUD combining lens with 10 ft of separation. Ensure the tanker’s amber ready
light is illuminated.
2. It is important to scan the KC-130 refueling pod as well as aircraft for proper closure
and fine-tuned alignment corrections in close. Smoothly increase power to establish
an optimum 3-5 knot closure rate on the drogue. Maintain a primary scan on the
refueling pod and aircraft while keeping the hose / drogue in your peripheral vision
as closure begins. This will prevent you from "chasing the basket" and reduces PIO.
3. As the drogue passes the canopy bow, scan should be transitioned directly to the
drogue, which should now be abeam your left shoulder aligned with the refueling
probe. Fly the probe to the drogue until a successful "plug" is made. It is imperative
to maintain the 3-5 knot closure at this point until contact and a successful "plug" is
made. A reduction or termination in closure will result in "fencing" with the drogue as
it oscillates in close proximity to the nose of the aircraft due to bow wave effect. An
excessive closure rate can lead to violent hose whip following contact with the
drogue, which will increase the likelihood of aircraft or probe structural damage.
Once contact has occurred, report "contact" to the tanker.
4. Vertical alignment is maintained with the stick and horizontal alignment can be
maintained with the rudder. Because the AV-8B probe is shoulder mounted, any
alignment corrections made by rolling the aircraft with aileron input will cause probe
movement in both the horizontal and vertical planes.
Common Errors:
1. Improper initial setup either too close or too wide abeam the drogue.
2. Improper closure on the drogue.
Purpose: Define the reasons and procedures for aborting drogue engagement.
Description of Procedures:
1. A bad approach to the drogue should be aborted and the astern position
reestablished rather than trying to "salvage" the approach. To abort an
unsalvageable approach to the drogue, simply reduce power and back the aircraft
away from the drogue commensurate with the 3-5 knot closure rate.
2. Missed approach criteria include, but are not limited to:
a. Excessive Closure - Excessive closure can cause hose whip and resultant probe
tip damage. Excessive closure followed by a "missed plug" can result in drogue
being partially or totally ingested by the engine, or being entangled between the
canopy and refueling probe. It should be emphasized that 5 kts is the maximum
take-up reel response the tanker can handle.
b. Not enough closure - Not enough closure will result in fencing with the drogue
due to the bow wave effect. Continuing to fence could result in PIO resulting in
canopy to drogue contact.
c. Probe Not Aligned - The greatest danger is misalignment both horizontally and
vertically between the aircraft and probe. The possibility of ingesting a drogue
down the intake exists. Other dangers included canopy strikes, loss of AOA
probes and pitot / static tubes, and entanglement of the refueling probe and
d. Not Trimmed Up - This condition requires more "finesse" as the jet is flying in an
out of balance condition; pilot workload increases dramatically.
e. Rimming or Lipping - refers to a partially but not fully engaged refueling probe.
By rimming, the connotation is that the refueling probe is partially engaged with
the drogue but has failed to travel up the drogue to the coupling. Once the probe
and drogue separate, the resultant "whip" action could cause drogue / canopy
contact and possible canopy failure. The only acceptable course of action if this
condition occurs is to discontinue the approach, reestablish the astern position
and re-attempt the approach.
f. PIO- Remember that formation and closure is relative the aerial refueling
platform and not the drogue. Anticipate drogue movement due to airstream and
the bow wave created around the AV-8B. Resist the urge to fly formation off the
basket as this will only aggravate pilot induced oscillations.
Common Errors:
1. Be patient (“don’t tank angry”) and take time to setup the proper approach from the
safety of the astern position. If the approach does not look correct then get back to
astern position to fix deviations. Don’t make in close “plays” for the drogue.
2. If your A/R probe breaks the vertical plane of the drogue, you have missed the
basket. Execute your missed approach procedures.
Purpose: Describe the procedures for refueling while engaged with the drogue.
Description of Procedures:
1. After successful engagement, stabilize your closure to maintain the hose between
the minimum and maximum extension positions. Once stabilized, pick visual
reference points on the tanker and fly formation off of it. Try not to focus on just one
point. Airflow off the tanker and continuous gross weight increase as fuel is received
will require you to re-trim the aircraft.
2. Check the probe and drogue to be sure that fuel is not venting. Light fuel venting
may correct itself after a few seconds. Heavy venting will require you to disconnect
and try another engagement. Light venting for more than 10-15 seconds will also
require you to disconnect.
3. Monitor the fuel on-load to be sure that you are receiving fuel on both sides of the
fuel system. Check your fuel state prior to drogue engagement to be aware of your
starting point. Even if you are receiving fuel on both sides a minor asymmetry may
develop. As long as it does not exceed a few hundred pounds, refueling can
continue because it will balance as the tanks fill. If a large asymmetry develops, you
will have to disengage and attempt to balance it using NATOPS procedures.
4. When aircraft fuel is full or proper state reached, transmit “MARS-XX, SATISFIED.”
You will then be cleared to disconnect.
Common Errors:
1. Not stabilizing after engagement and either falling out of the drogue or getting too
close to the tanker.
2. Not continuously trimming after stabilized.
3. Allowing a large fuel asymmetry to develop.
1. Fly formation off the tanker and trim to relieve control forces.
2. Monitor fuel on-load.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not aligning hose with refueling pod, causing hose whip after separation.
2. Excessive drift aft while attempting to disconnect.
1. Maintain hose alignment and a steady, controlled 3-5 knot aft drift.
Purpose: Define the proper reform position and departure procedures after tanking
is complete.
Description of Procedures:
1. Prior to disengagement, the tanker will clear you to the reform position. The reform
position is defined as a position stepped up, outside the right wingtip of the tanker
and slightly aft of the tanker's wing-line. Once clear of the drogue, maneuver your
aircraft to the right reform position while maintaining sight and clearance from other
aircraft already positioned. Once established, ensure probe is retracted, flaps are
placed back to AUTO, and the aircraft is re-trimmed. The LEFT and RIGHT full
advisory lights will go out with the probe in. Continue to maintain separation from
the refueling evolution until all aircraft are complete and in the reform position.
2. If waiting in the reform position for another aircraft to finish refueling, do not fly
excessively sucked on the tanker or your Lead. You should be slightly aft of abeam
as the other aircraft disconnects from the drogue. This will prevent the heavyweight
aircraft from having to pull excessive power and get dangerously slow to move aft of
your wing-line and cross-under to the outside of the reform formation.
3. Once the receiver element is rejoined, the flight will be cleared to leave through the
top of the AAR block and cleared to switch radio frequencies to resume the flight's
Common Errors:
1. Not drifting aft and outside of tanker and encountering wake turbulence.
2. Not returning the flaps to the AUTO position.
3. Not re-trimming the ball.
4. Flying sucked in the reform position.
1. Maintain above and slightly aft within 0.2-0.3 DME with tanker if you are the first to
the Reform. If you are joining on another aircraft already in the reform then cross-
under and fly the briefed formation. Do not fly a sucked or “loose” position.
2. Ensure aircraft configuration is changed appropriately after tanking.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Study NATOPS and mentally prepare for both the normal and emergency
procedures that apply to air refueling.
Purpose: To familiarize the student with threat anti-aircraft systems and create a
standardized briefing format to be utilized by replacement pilots.
Description of Procedures:
1. The RP will be prepared to discuss threat systems outlined in the FSG sortie brief
section on all tactical events. The RP will use the following format to conduct the
a. Threat Characteristics
b. General description of system with key identifying features (if any)
c. General operating characteristics
d. Maximum range and altitude
e. Minimum range and altitude
f. Max effective range and altitude
g. Effect of terrain
h. Employment techniques of threat nation
i. RWR and/or visual indications and guidance flight path
j. Pre-emptive maneuvers to defeat / deny threat engagement
k. Reactive maneuver(s) to survive threat engagement
l. Effectiveness of chaff, flares or jammer on threat system.
2. The threat brief should be condensed into a five-minute format. The intent of the
brief is to have the student brief the threat and not read from gouge notes.
3. Foreign students going through the course will utilize the threat database loaded on
the training system for threat information. This information is derived from Jane’s.
US students will utilize the AFTTP 3-1 Threat Manual to derive brief information.
The IPs will be able to discern the difference between the two publications.
Common Errors:
1. Threat brief too detailed in characteristics and lacking substance in what really
matters to the pilot.
2. Relying on gouge cards and not reviewing material thoroughly to speak intelligently
on subject.
1. Think about the threat from an operator perspective. It is nice to know that a threat
operates at a certain GHz but it might be a little more important to know when and
how it can be employed, what you’ll see and how to stay alive against it.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
C: N/A
F: S
J: P:2/1
A: F:S
C: 3/.1
F: S
A: F:S
C: N/A
A: F:S
Description of Procedures:
1. The ALR-67 is a vital part of an AV-8B pilot’s ability to survive in combat. Knowing
the information passed over the multiple screen displays is vital to deciphering
whether the system is operating correctly.
2. To setup the ALR-67, select the ECM push tile on either AMPCD. Select mission
specific PRIORITY, OFFSET and LIMIT un-boxed and ECCM boxed on the AV-8B
II+. Select the BIT push tile, adjust volume as necessary, and ensure a successful
BIT IAW NATIP, Air NTTP, and the ALR-67 User’s Manual. If any RWR BIT codes
are seen on the aircraft BIT2 display then select SPCL on page 1 of the ECM BIT
and write down the 3 X 4 code display to debrief Avionics.
Common Errors:
1. Study NATIP and Air NTTP and understand symbols to be displayed on BIT pages.
2. Run BIT multiple times if there is a question about a possible failure.
3. Allow proper system warm-up prior to initiating a BIT.
4. Ensure SPCL is unboxed prior to initiating BIT.
5. Know your systems and ensure proper set-up.
Description of Procedures:
1. ALQ-164 self-test is a check of the control processor, system interface (with ALR-
67), various antennas and receivers associated with the ALQ-164, and overall
system operation.
2. The BIT procedure has multiple phases. First it tests the system to ensure the
cockpit caution light indications are working in conjunction with the ALQ-164. The
second portion of the test will determine whether the ALR-67 is working in concert
with the DECM Pod.
3. One of the MISC cards on JMPS is the ALQ BIT and should be loaded on the DSU
for reference on any event with the DECM pod.
4. ALQ BIT Card:
d. ALQ-BIT 126/162 ON RWR PAGE2
Common Errors:
1. Allow proper warm-up and shutdown times for ALR-67 and ALQ-164 systems.
2. Read aforementioned pages and understand symbols / failure codes on ALR-67 BIT
Description of Procedures:
1. A threat reaction matrix is a tool that allows the section / division Leader to make
preplanned decisions based on RWR indications and operating profiles.
2. A threat reaction matrix varies substantially depending on whether the threat location
is known or unknown. Also included in this decision matrix are situations, which
require the division, section or individual A/C to continue on the attack, reset, abort,
or jettison the ordnance and abort, in order to save the A/C and fight another day. A
sample threat reaction matrix for RF SAMS is below:
Non-Lethal Lethal MA / ML
> IP
< IP
> Roll In
< Roll In
> Release
> Release
Non-Lethal Lethal MA / ML
> Rmax
< Rmax
> E-Pole
< E-Pole
3. Once the range known or unknown matrix is completed and reset, abort, and jettison
criteria are defined, some other factors need to be considered. Ideally we would like
to keep the flight together as much as possible for mutual support, but at some point
it may be necessary to react as singles based on threat, allowable risk, or mission
phase. De-confliction between flight members must be planned and well understood
by all pilots. We can accomplish de-confliction utilizing altitude, timing, geometry, or
a combination of these, depending on mission specifics.
1. Not thoroughly preparing a game plan and trying to "shoot from the hip."
2. Not reacting to threat indication displayed from A/C systems or outside agencies.
3. Failing to react or communicate with pre-planned brief.
4. Not adhering to de-confliction contracts.
1. Preparing early, studying the threat capabilities and determining when to continue,
reset, abort or jettison given the threat indication. Know E-pole distances and
reaction decisions prior to the brief.
2. Adhere to planned threat matrix.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with Air NTTP; AFTTP 3-1 Vol 2; and TOPGUN.
2. As you can see by the sources listed above any discussion on threat countertactics
is going to be classified and as such cannot be discussed here in significant detail.
3. The maneuvers that you will need to be familiar with as described in one or all of the
above sources are:
a. Lean
b. Beam
c. Level-S
d. Guns 3D / 3G Weave and Jink (pre-emptive and reactive)
e. SAM Weave
i. The procedures for the SAM Weave are classified and in accordance with Air
NTTP, however, the following unclassified information is provided to help you
better understand and correctly apply classified information:
(1) While maintaining a constant G the airspeed is controlled with the aircraft
plane-of-motion. The aircraft plane-of-motion throughout this rolling
maneuver is controlled by the roll rate. If the aircraft is decelerating
towards your minimum maneuver airspeed, then you need to get the nose
farther below the horizon. To do this increase the roll rate during the
reversals which will force the aircraft to go more nose low and allow
energy addition. If the aircraft is accelerating towards the maximum
allowable airspeed; decrease the roll rate as the nose is traveling up, or
simply reduce the throttle slightly.
(2) Upon “terminate”, the PUI will unload, roll to wings level, and then recover
to the horizon. The maneuver should be terminated if airspeed exceeds
the minimum or maximum limit, or at the discretion of the IP. The
minimum altitude while performing this maneuver is 5000 AGL.
Common Errors:
1. Classified
1. Classified
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures and requirements for jettison criteria are in accordance with Air NTTP.
2. Once jettison criteria have been met, maneuver aircraft to wings level attitude and
jettison stores via emergency jettison or stores jettison, as applicable. If aircraft is in
maneuvering / defending flight, pilot must ensure aircraft is in a safe flight regime
(i.e., upright) in order to ensure safe ordnance jettison from aircraft.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Lead will initiate the drill by passing the wingman the TAC Lead and then the
wingman will maneuver to the briefed run in line at the briefed altitude at 360 knots
in NAV master mode.
2. Sequence (cardinal directions may vary):
M12 executes lean.
M12 executes beam.
M12 executes level S.
M12 executes weave.
e. M11: “MARS 12, RESUME.”
M12 resumes, i.e., turns back to the target.
M12 executes 3D / 3G weave.
g. M11: “MARS 12, RESUME.”
M12 resumes, i.e., turns back to the target.
M12 executes guns jink.
i. M11: “MARS 11 TERMINATE.”
M12 turns back to the IP, climbs to the pre-briefed altitude and saunters.
Common Errors:
2. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. The AV-8B Air NTTP defines the steps required for standardized planning.
2. The following items will be prepared and brought to every air-to-surface event
(simulator or flight). Failure to do this is an automatic UNSAT for the event:
a. Weaponeering. Utilize WARP to weaponeer a load based on the description
listed in the ordnance section for each event. Refer to the weaponeering
discussion in this chapter for specific details.
b. Chart. A 1:50,000-scale chart for the event will be prepared. Utilize 1:250,000-
scale charts if the target area is too large to fit on a 1:50,000-scale chart.
Regardless of chart size used, the chart will have the proper symbology and
colors listed in the Air NTTP. Ensure target coordinates from the chart or gridded
imagery are entered into the waypoints for the DSU / mission card load. It is
imperative you ensure the JMPS datum matches the chart. Imagery will be used
to complement the chart when available. At a minimum use the 5m CIB on
JMPS. Check with local Intel source or target folder to see if anything more
detailed is available.
c. For all AS / MECH / CAS events, target overlays (1:50,000-scale) will be
constructed, on clear plastic laminate sheets, for briefing attack geometry and
de-confliction. Refer to Air NTTP for specifics.
d. PAR. The PUI will submit an EOTDA worksheet to the weather office in the
target area mechanics stage. The weather office requires several hours to work
the EOTDA worksheet to create a predicted acquisition range. The following
information will be derived:
i. A sensor prediction will be created for all applicable systems (i.e. DMT, FLIR,
ii. The sun / moon geometry will also be briefed with respect to the run in
e. Weather
i. Winds aloft from the surface to the highest planned Z diagram.
ii. Any significant weather in the target area.
f. Threat Brief. Prepare the threat brief as outlined in Threat Countertactics
Briefing lesson utilizing the squadron format. AFTTP 3-1 Threat Countertactics
Manual will be used as the reference document. Foreign students will utilize the
threat database created at 203 as the source document.
3. FSG Brief Items. In addition to the above items, PUIs will be expected to be familiar
with all brief items for the event.
Common Errors:
1. Weaponeering must be prepared for the ordnance load delineated in the FSG and
on the flight schedule. The primary means for weaponeering is WARP. The
secondary means is via the attack profile worksheets in the AV-8B NATIP.
2. Prepare to brief weaponeering using the briefing guide in the pocket Air NTTP.
Ensure thorough briefing of all general and specific notes that pertain to each load.
3. Charts will be prepared for all air-to-surface sorties IAW the Air NTTP:
a. Ensure accurate target coordinates and correct DATUMs are used.
b. Make overlays with planned attack profiles, per the Air NTTP for all target area
tactics and CAS sorties.
4. ADMIN and BRIEF cards with the appropriate Z diagrams will be prepared per the
Air NTTP and loaded in the DSU / AMU Mission card for all sorties, as well as
brought to the brief for all aircrew in the flight.
5. All raked range sorties (simulator and aircraft) require at a minimum an IP, target
and ECP.
Purpose: Maximize the effects of the ordnance carried on the aircraft while
maintaining safe release parameters.
Description of Procedures:
1. Air-to-surface releases will be planned utilizing WARP. This does not alleviate the
need for the PUI to be intimately familiar with all limitations and restrictions of the
ordnance that will be carried. If WARP is not available PUIs must be capable of
deriving weapon delivery data using the weaponeering worksheets. Utilize the
following weaponeering guidelines as default parameters for all events unless
specified elsewhere.
2. The following weaponeering standards apply:
3. The PUI will be prepared to brief weaponeering on every event after SAS-1402.
This will require information other than the Z-diagram. The Air NTTP contains the
weaponeering brief format, which should be used to prepare and conduct the brief
portion. Minimum ripple single, ripple pairs and maximum stick length will be
included in all Z-diagrams (milliseconds and feet).
4. Ordnance loadouts should be briefed as per the FSG sortie descriptions. In the
case of Mk-76s, the PUI should weaponeer a notional loadout of Mk-82 TP with
BSU-33 fins and FMU-139 tail fuzes.
5. LAW and PUC Calculations. There are situations when a pilot may want more
conservative profiles and dive recoveries such as during initial training events and
times when the least restrictive profile and recoveries are desired. As a result of
these considerations, there are several different techniques for calculating the LAW
and PUC. The ANTTP offers a recommended formula for LAW/PUC calculation
based on combat weapons employment, and this differs from the method used while
at VMAT-203. The VMAT-203 SOP for LAW and PUC is as follows:
a. LAW: For medium altitude deliveries, the LAW will be set to the number given
in the NTRP 3-22.4-AV8B Minimum Fuze Arming Altitudes tables based on
the planned ordnance and fuzing, dive angle, release airspeed, 4G dive
recovery, and off target maneuver. This number is usually the highest (most
conservative) of terrain or frag avoidance, but not always. Sometimes the
minimum altitude for the fuze to arm is listed in the table, because that number is
higher than the frag or terrain avoidance number. Values are taken from the 4G
tables vice 5G tables because the TAV-8B off-target maneuver targets a 4G
recovery, and 4G table numbers are more conservative than the 5G table
numbers. For low altitude ingress, the LAW will be used for terrain avoidance
per the LAT rules of conduct. LAW for GAU-12 deliveries will be set to the
minimum “CEASE FIRE ALT (FT)” given in the NTRP 3-22.4-AV8B Delivery Data
tables based on planned projectile type, airspeed, and flight path angle.
b. PUC:
i. For single weapon deliveries the PUC = minimum release (AGL) + target
elevation – 4G altitude loss in dive. While in the air-to-surface stage, set
the PUC for single weapon releases.
ii. For multiple weapon deliveries the PUC = minimum release (AGL) + altitude
loss for the stick + target elevation – 4G altitude loss in dive. When
weaponeering for the Mech, CAS, and AI stages, set the PUC for
multiple weapon releases, normally the longest stick of the reactive
weaponeering matrix on the z-diagram.
c. Minimum release, or Z-min, is the highest of frag, terrain avoidance, or fuzing
numbers based on the planned ordnance and fuzing, dive angle, airspeed and
4G recovery. It is the lowest altitude that a bomb may be released to ensure
weapon fuzing and allow survival / safety of the aircraft and pilot.
1. Review and be thoroughly familiar with your weaponeering. If you have questions,
ensure you sanity check your plan off an IP prior to the brief.
Description of Procedures:
1. PUI will be responsible for briefing a specific threat system that is applicable to the
event. The PUI should be prepared to brief these threats IAW the guidance set forth
in the TCT stage.
2. PUI will be responsible for briefing the planned weaponeering diagram, maximum
asymmetry, the limitations imposed by specific weapons loadouts, and all applicable
notes, remarks, or other restrictions required to safely deliver the specified
ordnance. A comprehensive list of required briefing items is detailed in the MAWTS-
1 briefing / de-briefing guide.
Common Errors:
1. Not briefing the capabilities of the threat system in relation to the AV-8B.
2. Briefing the weaponeering limitations to a notional loadout vice the actual loadout to
be carried on the jet.
3. Not familiar with the source document for weaponeering a specific weapon.
1. Ensure that the threat is compared to the capabilities and systems of the Harrier.
2. Ensure the weaponeering covers the actual loadout on the aircraft.
3. Ensure familiarity with the AV-8B NATIP.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures in accordance with AV-8B NATIP, Air NTTP Tactical Pocket Guide
2. Conduct preflight checks:
a. Check ordnance and fuzing (if applicable).
b. Check gun (if applicable).
c. Ensure the fasteners on the SMC access panel in main wheel well are horizontal
and the panel is secured (give it a “tug check”).
d. Note ALE-39/47 load.
Common Errors:
1. Not using or referencing the Air NTTP Pocket Guide to properly preflight ordnance.
2. Not familiar with ordnance or fuze type for a specified load.
1. Utilize Air NTTP Pocket Guide for proper weapons preflight procedures.
2. Familiarity with ordnance and fuzing. Confirm loadout with Ordnance prior to brief, if
Description of Procedures:
1. Arming:
a. Free fall ordnance: An ordnance Marine will arm the aircraft CADs once you are
strapped in prior to engine start
b. Forward firing ordnance: Arming and de-arming will be done in the appropriate
area on the airfield (CALA) in accordance with the local Airfield Operations
c. During any arming evolution your hands will be held above your head in clear
view for the ordnance supervisor running the arming procedure.
2. De-Arming
a. Aircraft will be “safed” prior to entering the line area. The Airfield Operations
Manual describes the de-arm areas.
b. The Ordnance supervisor will ask you to display your hands. During any de-
arming evolution your hands will be held above your head in clear view for the
ordnance supervisor running the de-arming procedure.
c. An Ordnance Marine will then safe the stores and carriage equipment.
d. The Ordnance Supervisor will signal you to select STOL flaps and nozzles to 40°
to safe the ALE-39/47 and will then ask you to display your hands.
e. After ALE-39/47 is safed, the Ordnance Supervisor should signal you to return to
cruise flaps and 10° nozzles before returning control of your aircraft to the plane
captain for brake checks and watering. If not, ensure you signal the plane
captain and receive approval prior to moving the nozzles and flaps.
The potential for injury to one of the maintenance Marines is high during
the de-arming, hot brake check and watering evolutions if positive
control of the aircraft control surfaces and awareness to ground
personnel location is not maintained. There have been mishaps and
quite a few near-misses due to a communication break down and lack of
awareness with Marines in close proximity to the aircraft. You, as a
Marine officer, must look after the safety of our Marines. If there is any
doubt about whether it is safe to move a control surface or the location
of any of the personnel around your aircraft, stop the evolution and get
the plane captain’s attention to clarify.
3. Hot Refueling.
a. No aircraft will hot refuel with hung bombs.
Common Errors:
1. Review SOP, MCAS Air OPS Manual and Course Rules Brief.
Purpose: To ensure aircraft systems and weapons are programmed and operational
prior to flight. These checks should be conducted as soon as possible
after engine start to ensure ordnance or maintenance malfunctions are
found before taxi (preferably started in the line).
Description of Procedures:
1. The Air NTTP describes the steps to be performed. This following section amplifies
that verbiage.
2. C - Clock set for UTC time. Combat thrust (as required by engine performance)
3. W - Weapons
a. Select Menu, Stores- verify planned load out and fuzing on LOP
NOTE: While on the ground the gun will not be selected
b. Box TONE
c. Colonize SITE and enter site angle
d. Box STRS- program delivery mode, quantity, multiple and select fuze option on
ODU for store type
a. Menu DMT, verify FLTR and NITE unboxed (unless desired)
b. Verify DMT code 1688 and LST in NAR scan
c. Menu BIT; DBST (BIT 2 display), conduct BST check
NOTE: Procedure in the NATIP
d. Castle FWD when complete
e. Castle Right for FLIR
i. Select FLRM
ii. Check cuer programming
iii. Select gray scales and adjust brightness and contrast so you see 8 shades of
iv. DAT AMPCDs adjust AMPCD brightness and contrast
v. DAT displays
vi. If at night, Castle down for RASTER FLIR, adjust shades of gray; castle down
vii. Select REJ and ensure MAN unboxed
5. I - IFF
a. Verify 3C code of Lead
b. Run Mode I program
c. Colonize Mode 4
6. V - VRS- Local and record or remote, stby, run
7. E - ECM
a. ALE-39/47
i. Set all to SINGLE
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Review weapons programming in aircraft using the UFCS, ODU, and ASCMI.
2. Be familiar with system and environmental influences on bombing system to
correctly diagnose failures vs. unusual displays.
3. Review procedure for entering stores load into WMC.
Description of Procedures:
1. NATOPS describes the procedures for conducting a STO. Heavy weight STOs are
identical to those procedures but a few items must be considered with higher takeoff
a. Ensure VRST data is correct for load carried.
b. Ensure temperature is correct on the VRST page.
c. Consider what your actions will be if you have to abort or perform an immediate
landing prior to taking the runway (over max gross landing weight, high NRAS
speed, etc).
d. Takeoff checks and Acceleration checks are the same.
e. At NRAS, pull the nozzles to the STO stop in a firm manner but slightly slower
that you would in a “clean” aircraft.
f. “Unstick” the aircraft.
g. Center the vane, set the attitude and maintain wings level.
h. Ensure to nozzle out at a rate that keeps the VV above the horizon (may be
slower than normal).
i. Clean up as normal.
Common Errors:
1. Nozzle rates that are too quick resulting on being hung up in ground effect or a
dangerous settle on takeoff.
2. Wrong VRST data.
3. Unfamiliar with jettison procedures
1. Deliberately complete all checks and procedures per NATOPS and local course
Purpose: To provide procedures for preparing the aircraft and systems for combat
operations in hostile territory. This section provides an abbreviated
description only. Reference the current Air NTTP 3-22.3-AV8B Ch 3
Tactical Administration - Tactical Administration Checks paragraph and
Return to Force (RTF) paragraph for a full description of the procedures
Description of Procedure:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
b. It is assumed you are blind off target. There is no need to tell Lead. You can
expect Lead to give you a call describing position to the target then a bearing
distance and relationship on your canopy if it’s required for a rejoin. Example:
• Then if additional COMM is required: “MARS-21, 12 O’CLOCK, 2 MILES,
• If you are visual: “MARS-22, OFF NORTHWEST VISUAL”
c. J-COMM brevity listed in MCRP 3-25B Multi-service Brevity Codes will be used
to the maximum extent possible.
d. Fuel calls of Tiger, Joker, and Bingo will be made until the flight Lead
acknowledges your fuel state.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not completing Tacadmin Checks prior to the IP and entering the pattern without
systems (map scale / mode) properly set up.
2. Not completing actions at the IP (MWSS), entering the pattern in the “NAV” Master
3. Not assessing the designation on ingress to the target or visually acquiring target
prior to initial pull to downwind.
4. Poor formation for target overfly.
5. Not trimming rudder at release airspeed while overflying the target.
6. Setting incorrect interval for initial pull to downwind.
7. Losing sight of interval.
8. Not achieving good pattern parameters on first downwind.
9. Not accounting for winds aloft.
1. Deliberately complete all appropriate checklists prior to IP. The recommended map
scale is the 25 NM scale with de-center selected prior to entering the pattern, and
the 13 NM scale with center selected while in the pattern. The course line should be
selected according to planned run-in heading / clearing pass.
2. Complete MWSS actions at the IP.
3. Time interval for downwind using the clock in your HUD.
4. Scan the target through your HUD during ingress to the target to visually acquire the
target and verify the position of the target designation.
5. Scan on or near the horizon for your interval. If required, call “Blind” on the target
frequency and de-conflict with your interval in altitude.
6. Fly a disciplined profile and intercept good pattern parameters by the time you are
abeam the target.
Source Documents:
Purpose: To attain proper, pre-briefed altitude, airspeed and distance from the
target in order to position the aircraft at a good start position for the roll-in.
Description of Procedures:
1. Medium and low altitude raked range patterns will be derived from the Z-diagrams
produced with the information provided in the Weaponeering portion of the FSG. All
raked range patterns will resemble the racetrack orbit, with 3NM abeam distance,
and an Initial Point (IP) turn at 5NM for 20, 30, and 45 degree patterns, and a 4.5NM
IP turn in the 10 degree pattern. Specific distances for each pattern should be
referenced from the Weapons Delivery Procedure Part 2 lesson. Bombing
performance will be assessed according to the following parameters:
2. Pattern control:
a. Airspeed within 15 KTS
b. Altitude within 200 ft
c. Attack cone distance within 0.2 NM
d. Appropriate tasks complete after pattern parameters are established
d. Effective, standardized communication
e. Corrections to reoccurring trends
3. Adaptive roll-in:
a. Target no less depressed than the minimum delivery FPA + TPA
b. Target no more depressed than the maximum delivery FPA + TPA
c. Effective J-Hook procedure
d. Expendable use or simulation
4. Tracking technique:
a. TPA is set correctly no later than checkpoint altitude
b. Straight path tracking within 0.2 G
5. Error analysis:
a. Pipper is on target or VV on ASL at release
b. Steady state release parameters
c. T&R standards met for accuracy
6. Recovery:
a. G application follows ordnance release
b. Proper amount and onset rate of G
c. Off target maneuver correct.
d. “Master Arm” secured after off target maneuver
e. Adherence to de-confliction plan
Common Errors:
1. Not flying parameters in pattern (altitude, airspeed and distance from the target).
2. Fixating on the HUD or AMPCD in the pattern, not scanning outside of aircraft to
establish roll-in sight picture.
3. Failure to correct pattern based on deviations from previous runs.
4. Not selecting planned weapon delivery mode prior to roll-in in accordance with
cascade plan.
5. Not selecting “Master Arm – ON” prior to initiating roll-in.
6. Not maintaining sight of interval in pattern.
1. Ensure you are flying proper parameters prior to completing non-critical mission
tasking (i.e. WRD data, checking STORES page, etc).
2. Select “Master Arm – ON” prior to making “IN” call.
3. Scan on or above the horizon for your interval.
• Stop slewing
• Cascade – as required
• FPA – Freeze
Tracking • Interval
• Tracking / ASL-check • Stores-check
• Aimpoint – slew / validate • EXP-check
• Tracking / ASL – recheck • Fuel
• WRD (As Req’d)
• Roll-in / adaptive roll-in
• TPA – set IP
• Abort criteria – assess • 5 DME (20°, 30°, 45°)
• Throttle – adjust • 4.5 DME (10°)
• Expendables • Hard turn to base leg
• Comm: “MARS11 IN SOUTH” • Comm: “MARS11 IP
• Set track line to intercept attack
• SS Aft x 2 – TV
• Capture
• Slew-sweeten aimpoint
• Cage / uncage as required
Purpose: To transition from the start position, defined in terms of altitude, airspeed,
distance and aspect from the target, to wings level, steady state tracking.
Description of Procedures:
4. Wind corrections. The aircraft’s computed delivery systems account for winds by
moving the HUD symbology to make you displace the aircraft to release the weapon
offset the appropriate distance so that through the weapon’s time of fall it gets
“blown” onto the target. This assumes that the pilot flies the aircraft to arrive at the
“wind-adjusted release point” with acceptable parameters on the aircraft.
a. In crosswind conditions this is apparent to the pilot by the HUD symbology being
off-center and by a slight angle of bank being required to hold the symbology on
the target or the VV on the ASL. As long as the AOB does not exceed 15° then
no further corrections to the roll-in point are required. Unfortunately you won’t
know if you need more than 15° AOB until you are steady state in the tracking
portion of your bombing run when it is too late to correct for winds by moving the
roll-in point. The good news is the crosswind component required to move the
roll-in point even 0.1 NM for a crosswind is greater than 160 KTAS for all of the
standard delivery profiles that are flown in VMAT-203. If crosswinds exceed this
magnitude from roll-in to release, consider changing the run-in heading (within
the range regulations) to decrease the crosswind component or subtract 0.1 NM
from the ACD to account for the longer ground track that will be flown while
“arcing” to the wind-adjusted release point. Note, however, that with winds of this
magnitude you will limited to AUTO deliveries only because the crab angle
required to aim for the wind-adjusted release point will have the target off the
side of the HUD. (Also ask yourself why you are flying, let alone trying to bomb in
Category 5 hurricane force winds).
Common Errors:
Purpose: A procedure incorporated into the adaptive roll-in to place the aircraft in a
position to use the VV to designate a target.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not pulling plane-of-motion below target, resulting in target being below VV after roll-
2. Pulling plane-of-motion too far below target, using up valuable tracking time prior to
3. Over or undershooting the target laterally on roll out.
4. Undesignating the target without a “tally.”
1. Position VV approximately 1° below the target at roll out, at the 6 o’clock of the
target, let the VV track up to the target and designate.
2. Stop the VV prior to arriving under the target, unload the aircraft and roll-out. Unload
the aircraft when the target arrives at an imaginary line connecting the top of the
airspeed and altitude boxes in the HUD, then roll-out. The increase in lift due to
increasing airspeed and rolling wings level will cause the VV to continue 1-2°
towards the target during the roll-out.
Purpose: To establish procedures for designating surface targets for A/S weapons
Description of Procedures:
1. The procedure for designating surface target is in accordance with the AV-8B
2. The type of sensor or system that is used to designate a surface target is dependent
upon the aircraft variant flown and the sensors onboard. At a minimum you should
place an INS designation on the target to provide you steering cues and a reference
in the HUD to scan about to acquire a visual on the target. Also, if the designation is
on the target, regardless of sensor mode, you will also have the tactical option to
“dive toss” the bomb if the threat requires it.
3. With the Night Attack aircraft, your preferred designation will be a DMT lock exactly
on the target, allowing you to perform an AUTO delivery. Remember that there is an
acceptable criterion for designations not on the target but still good enough to deliver
CCIP off of a DMT lock. When trying to achieve a DMT/TV designation remember
you need to make a decision about the quality of the existing designation after you
pull it into the HUD FOV. If the designation requires more than a “no-action bump”
or two to get it on the target then undesignate and re-designate with the VV off the
J-Hook Maneuver.
4. With the TAV-8B, there are no sensors so your only option is an INS designation.
Use the same criteria for accepting / rejecting the designation as previously
Common Errors:
1. Not applying the correct designation plan / HOTAS based on aircraft type.
2. Inability to use systems available to designate a surface target.
3. Not having a back-up plan if designation is deemed invalid.
4. Not maneuvering the aircraft to allow target designation with the velocity vector.
Purpose: One of the most critical factors in “reticle placement” tracking is setting the
proper target placement angle. This angle, when set correctly prior to the
checkpoint, ensures that the planned release altitude will be attained. It is
the core principle that our tracking technique is based on.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Meticulously set and use slight forward stick pressure to maintain target placement
angle prior to checkpoint.
2. Scan altitude and be prepared to transition to straight-path tracking at checkpoint
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Ensure proper pre-flight mission planning and correct systems usage for delivery.
2. Perform baro-plane update at desired release altitude and airspeed.
3. Perform proper reticle placement bombing techniques based on designation method
and tracking technique.
Purpose: To designate the target with the ARBS / TV in the Night Attack aircraft for
target tracking and height-above-target information during high angle
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: To use the ARBS laser spot tracker function to derive height above target.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: Perform a target designation and AUTO weapon release with minimal
track time.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Attempting the point blank bomb pickle method in AUTO mode with an existing
2. Attempting the point blank bomb pickle method in CCIP mode potentially causing a
significant miss.
1. Select A/G master mode and AUTO delivery mode with no existing system
designation prior to rolling in for a point blank bomb pickle.
Purpose: The preferred reticle placement tracking technique, most often used when
a pilot is not required to maintain the velocity vector in the vicinity of the
target for designation or designation refinement (T-Bird and Radar
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: A reticle placement tracking technique, most often used when a pilot is
required to perform a target designation with the DMT (TV / CCIP, TV /
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Letting the VV drift too far above the target while heads-down.
2. Performing Straight-Path to curvilinear to straight-path tracking instead of straight-
path to straight-path.
3. Not setting target placement angle prior to checkpoint altitude.
4. Slewing below checkpoint.
5. Not maintaining proper straight-path tracking to weapons release.
6. Not utilizing DMT during gun strafe or rocket deliveries.
Purpose: To perform computed deliveries utilizing the primary height above target
source for the specific aircraft.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not achieving and maintaining a steady state platform within 1 second prior to
2. Not holding bomb pickle button through entire release sequence for multiple weapon
3. Excessive angle of bank at release.
4. Auto deliveries:
a. Designation not on the target.
b. VV not centered on ASL.
c. Not pressing and holding pickle button until BFL touches VV.
5. CCIP deliveries:
a. CCIP Cross not on target at release.
Purpose: Accurate and safe employment of low drag ordnance from low dive
delivery angles.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Ensure all ordnance delivery restrictions and limitations are adhered to.
2. Avoid target fixation by developing proper scan for ordnance deliveries.
3. Ensure OTM procedures are understood and flown properly.
4. Ensure RADALT is selected with proper altitude warning set for terrain avoidance on
5. Perform proper reticle placement bombing techniques based on delivery mode and
type of aircraft.
6. Ensure you program the correct weapon for release (e.g. 82H vs. 82L).
7. Brief and be aware your release altitude will be much closer to your min release
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures in accordance with Air NTTP and the AV-8B NATIP. The SOP Z
diagram parameters for the gun are defined in the weaponeering section of the FSG.
The pattern profile will be a 20 degree raked range pattern with 5NM IP. The SOP
at VMAT-203 for the PUC during gun employment will be setting it for a recovery of
1000 AGL. LAW for GAU-12 deliveries will be set to the minimum “CEASE FIRE
ALT (FT)” given in the NTRP 3-22.4-AV8B Delivery Data tables based on planned
projectile type, airspeed, and flight path angle.
2. Ensure you are thoroughly familiar with preflight, taxi and arming procedures. Once
in the arming area on the appropriate heading, ensure the master arm is SAFE,
engine is at idle, and nozzles are checked aft. Once signaled by the ordnance rep,
hands shall be placed above the canopy rails until arming is complete. Remember;
never select the gun on the STRS page at any point on the ground. You will
return to this same spot at the end of the sortie to de-arm prior to taxiing to your line.
3. For all forward firing ordnance, the master arm switch will be armed after the IP-
inbound turn and prior to roll-in. MASTER ARM – OFF shall be selected
immediately after completion of the safe escape maneuver off target.
4. Be aware that your target designation and possibly VV will be occluded by the
aiming reticle.
5. For a normal 0.5 to 1.0 second burst from safe release slant ranges, the cease fire
recovery altitude / range is typically reached before the rounds have reached the
target. Do not “press” the target waiting to see the impacts.
6. The nozzles have a tendency to “droop” down from the aft position during gun firing.
This makes the aircraft very sensitive in nose up pitch. Be careful about over-
stressing or departing the aircraft on the off target pull when recovering from a firing
run. To prevent this, after you fire the gun, as you start to pull for the recovery,
check the nozzles aft. This needs to be done quickly because any delay may place
you into the frag envelope.
7. The off target maneuver will be a max performance “buffet” pull to the horizon,
unload, followed by a 5 G level pull across the horizon (ensuring a minimum of 60°
of heading change) to the left, then reset the plane-of-motion to resume a rate of
climb to intercept your pattern altitude.
Common Errors:
1. Ensure proper off target maneuver for the 25mm Gun is performed to avoid ricochet,
particularly for low altitude / low angle gunnery. Reference AV-8B NATIP for correct
off target maneuver.
2. Allow one to two seconds for gun to recycle between trigger pulls. Preferably only
use one deliberate trigger pull for approximately 0.5 to 1.0 second per pass.
3. Plan deliveries to include a power setting adequate to provide 60 PSI to pneumatic
drive. Reference AV-8B NATIP for required throttle settings. Expect to be fast in
high angle strafe due to required power setting.
4. Utilize RCIP or GCIP as appropriate based on planned open fire altitude and terrain.
5. Read the NATIP, 25mm Gun.
Purpose: Accurate and safe delivery of rockets from high angle dive deliveries.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures in accordance with Air NTTP and the AV-8B NATIP. The SOP Z
diagram parameters for rockets are defined in the weaponeering section of the FSG.
The pattern profile will be an extended version of the low altitude pattern for free-fall
ordnance. The SOP at VMAT-203 for the PUC during rocket employment will be
setting it for a recovery of 1000 AGL. LAW shall be for min release from the safe
escape tables. At VMAT-203, rockets will be planned for release in singles.
2. Ensure you are thoroughly familiar with preflight, taxi and arming procedures, similar
to as with the GAU-12.
3. Just like with the gun, the aircraft will typically reach the minimum recovery altitude
while the rockets are still in flight, so do not “press” the target trying to watch the
4. Be aware that your target designation and possibly VV will be occluded by the
aiming reticle.
5. Rockets are employed by pressing the bomb pickle button.
6. Rockets tend to shed a lot of “junk” when fired. Additionally, ingesting the exhaust
plume from the rockets can cause a compressor stall, so immediately after firing the
last rocket initiate the off target maneuver to displace the aircraft away from the
plume and FOD potential.
7. For all forward firing ordnance, the master arm switch will be armed after the IP-
inbound turn and prior to roll-in. MASTER ARM – OFF shall be selected
immediately after completion of the safe escape maneuver off target.
8. The off target maneuver for rockets will be the same as for the free-fall ordnance
returning to a raked range pattern (medium altitude off target maneuver).
Common Errors:
Purpose: To transition the aircraft from the dive delivery to the desired follow-on
flight conditions.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Pulling more or less than 5G’s when pulling the nose to the horizon (or pulling more
than 4 G’s in TAV-8B).
2. Exceeding 4 G’s once VV passes the horizon.
3. Not pulling all the way to the planned dive angle plus 5° off target.
4. Not unloading the aircraft during the climbout.
5. Poor energy management in climbout.
1. Smoothly apply back stick to a 5G pull (4G in TAV-8B), not to exceed the onset of
buffet, until nose breaks the horizon.
2. Establish a 4 G pull after the nose breaks the horizon.
Description of Procedures:
3. Remember, you are still within Tac Abort if you are 7 or 10 degrees shallow (for a
20 degree or 30+ degree FPA, respectively), but you are violating Tac Abort
parameters anytime you are more the 5 degrees steep.
4. Tac Abort parameters shall be briefed from the Tactical Pocket Guide, not from
Common Errors:
Purpose: Rejoin the formation at the completion of the raked range pattern.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Remember the analogy you learned in Training Command about “putting on your
admin hat.” During the tactical portion of the sortie you have been making large
control inputs through the dynamics air-to-surface weapons delivery. To fly
formation requires finesse and small, precise control inputs. Don’t forget to put on
your “RTB hat.”
2. After coming off target from the last bombing run do your FELPG-F checks again en-
route to the ECP or rendezvous point. Important items to remember are to ensure
the master arm is safe, weapons are deselected, ALE and ALR are turned off, and
select NAV master mode.
Source Documents:
Purpose: To standardize the grading process & technique for air-to-surface events.
Description of Procedures:
2. RPs shall be introduced to the HITS program during AS ground school. At the
discretion of the IP, RPs will be responsible for computing their CEP using the HITS
excel spreadsheet following all sims / sorties. That data shall be provided to the IP
for inclusion on the gradesheet.
3. MECH and CAS events may utilize ranges that do not have scoring due to the
nature of the ordnance that is released. The IP will evaluate the effect on assigned
target vice the CEP about the MPI. The release can also be validated
stadiametrically utilizing the pipper placement for CCIP releases and the designation
for AUTO deliveries. Based on the slant range to the target and known size VRS
HUD data, it can be assessed whether the release falls into the aircraft and
ordnance design specifications.
Purpose: To use the emergency jettison and selective jettison systems during an
emergency or other contingency where jettison of external stores is
Description of Procedures:
1. Review the AV-8B NATOPS Manual and AV-8B NATIP. Ensure knowledge of the
difference between emergency and selective jettison and the circumstances where
each would be used.
2. To selectively jettison a store, select the appropriate station via the ASCMI (verify
SEL in the respective station window), and push the red JETT button located in
the selective jettison select knob. Care must be taken to ensure STOR is selected
via the selective jettison select knob, or inadvertent release of an ITER will occur
if STA is selected. With STOR selected, jettison is the same as in the STA position,
except that all stores mounted on ITERs are released while retaining the ITERS.
Remember, you are only authorized to selective jettison a maximum of two stores at
a time from symmetrical stations.
3. Emergency jettison will release all stores with cartridges installed and suspension
equipment from all BRU-36 bomb racks on stations 1 through 7.
4. Regardless of jettison system, all ordnance will be jettisoned in a ‘safe’ condition.
However, there is no guarantee of inadvertent fuze arming (faulty ZRF solenoid) or
detonation on impact.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will be familiar with and prepared to discuss the following emergency
conditions for every air-to-surface event:
Common Errors:
1. Unfamiliar with the listed malfunctions / contingencies and the appropriate corrective
2. Unfamiliar with the dump target and local procedures.
1. Review the references and chair fly your actions and procedures to be taken in the
event an emergency arises while conducting air-to-surface ordnance deliveries.
2. Review the local MCAS Air Ops Manual.
Description of Procedures:
1200# at straight-in initial. If we hit BINGO at the furthest point, a straight-in requires
less fuel.
+ 800# for 80nm, 6.5 AOA transit at highest VFR altitude, normal descent profile.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Chart: All RPs will bring a 1:250,000-scale map that is chummed with all
obstructions and restrictions in the training area. This map should also have local
diverts and their radio frequencies listed. The area boundaries should be identified
with waypoints and a TACAN cut for entry / exit. RPs should be familiar with mean
elevation and any prominent terrain in the area.
2. DSUs and AMUs: A loaded DSU or AMU is required for a simulators and flights.
The DSU overlays will contain all the above-mentioned data from the map. RPs will
use the Air NTTP as the standard. All flights and simulators will be planned to this
standard regardless if the event is conducted in a TAV-8 or simulator. Classified
maneuvers will require the student to review the procedures in the learning center
from the classified publications.
3. LAT Standards: The following items will be briefed on every flight by the RP in
addition to procedural knowledge of all the maneuvers to be performed:
a. Low altitude
b. Comfort level
c. Minimum altitude capable
d. Step down recovery
e. Immediate recovery
f. Maximum recovery maneuver
g. Knock it off
h. Terminate
i. LAT assumptions
j. Dive recovery rules.
k. 10% rule for radar altimeter
l. Terrain clearance tasks and mission tasks (CT and NCMT)
m. MCT for “straight and level” and turns.
Common Errors:
3. Use the E-Chum function of JMPS to ensure that you have the latest information.
4. Ask for help or clarification when a concept is not understood. The brief is not the
place to confess that you do not understand a concept or maneuver.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Start completing the Low Altitude checklist early, to allow enough time to complete
the checks before entry into the low altitude environment.
Purpose: Dive recovery rules provide a means to safely and rapidly descend to low
Description of Procedures:
1. Altitude and FPA combinations, which indicate when to begin your recovery to level
2. Assumptions:
a. Airspeed-between 350-550 KTAS.
b. Reaction time - 0.75 seconds.
c. Recovery speed and “G” parameters: 400-500 KTAS= 4G within 1.25 seconds—
501 - 550 KTAS = 5 G within 1.25 second.
d. Terrain at recovery is flat. If terrain is rising, an early recovery must be executed.
e. Valid for altitudes of 0 to 5000 AGL.
a. “Step down” recoveries are used to transition from higher dive angles to lower
dive angles as you complete the recovery. This will smooth out the recovery as
well as help you get into the low altitude environment quicker. “Step Down”
recoveries-always starts with at least a 10° change in FPA from the 25 or 20
recoveries. For example if 20° nose down, at 1200 ft, pull the nose to 10° nose
down until intercepting 500 ft, at which time you will recover to the horizon. Do
not attempt to stop at all intermediate points.
b. Recovery speeds greater than 550 KTAS can result in an unacceptably low-
recovery altitude due to the high downward velocity vector
c. Recovery speeds slower than 400 KTAS can result in an unacceptable low-
recovery altitude due to a reduction in available G.
d. In rising terrain, ALWAYS recover early. Attempt to predict if rising terrain will be
a factor prior to executing the maneuver and avoid it if possible.
e. For descending terrain, transition to a step down recovery paralleling the terrain
slope. This is useful on the reverse slope of ridgelines.
f. These rules are based on true airspeed. At sea level altitudes, there is very little
difference between KTAS and KIAS / KCAS. However, at higher MSL altitudes,
there can be a significant difference between the two airspeeds.
g. If you are on the fast end of the airspeed range, increase “G” buildup rate or
Lead recovery altitudes to reduce reaction time.
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Purpose: The 50% rule applies to high-to-low vertical transitions. The 50% rule will
allow you to accomplish a turning roll-in of up to 90° of heading change
and establish a safe descent FPA based on your pre-roll-in altitude.
Description of Procedures:
1. The maximum safe FPA for a 90 degree or less turning roll-in is 50% of the pre-roll-
in altitude (AGL) in hundreds of feet, based on 5000 ft or less AGL altitude. For
example, from 4000 ft you could execute up to a 90° turning roll-in, setting a 20°
dive, then intercept dive recovery rules. Because the maximum dive angle for the
dive recovery rules is 25°, the 50% rule only applies to roll-in altitudes of 5000 ft or
less. If starting above 5000 ft, use 25° as your dive angle.
2. Typically pilots will start this maneuver from 4000 to 5000 ft AGL at 300 KIAS. This
will require the throttle to be kept full until approaching the briefed LAT airspeed. At
this point reset the throttle to maintain that airspeed.
a. Perform an unloaded roll in order to set the proper plane-of-motion. This will be
approximately 135 degrees of roll.
b. Increase backstick pressure (increase “G”) in order to reach the desired negative
c. Once the desired negative FPA has been reached perform an unloaded roll and
hold wings level in the descent until intercepting the dive recovery rules.
d. Utilize the Step Down technique in order to safely arrive in the low altitude
3. Hints / Comments:
a. Due to different roll-in techniques, this rule is not as precise as the dive recovery
rules, but it does prevent gross misinterpretation of safe dive angles based on
false perceptions of altitude.
b. Know the dive recovery rules and maneuver the aircraft to a known FPA / dive
recovery altitude combination for a wings level pull.
c. If heading adjustments are required, conduct a level turn once you have arrived
in the low altitude environment.
d. Be prepared to reduce power as necessary to control airspeed-especially in 20° /
25° dive angles.
e. The radar altimeter is the only acceptable altitude (AGL) reference.
f. Note the steepness of the terrain that you are turning / descending into.
4 Instructional Communication:
Common Errors:
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Purpose: The small descent rule-of-thumb is used for descents of 500 AGL or less.
Description of Procedures:
1. The small descent rule-of-thumb states to make small descents or 500 AGL or less,
use a negative flight path angle equal to the desired altitude loss in hundreds of feet.
2. For example, if you want to lose 300 AGL, use a negative 3°FPA and monitor the
radar altimeter and visual cues for recovery. For a 200 AGL descent, use a negative
2° FPA. This simple rule-of-thumb works well up to the 5° descent, at which point the
dive recovery rules take over.
Common Errors:
1. Using greater dive angle than the small descent rule-of-thumb allows.
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your r
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Purpose: To discuss the procedures and techniques for executing level turns at low
Description of Procedures:
1. Visually clear the terrain and AMPCD map prior to starting the turn. Assess slope
and determine if VV / nose position will have to be adjusted for rising terrain. Note
the current heading and do the math to determine the roll-out heading. Take a
moment to think through the mechanics of the maneuver (in particular ensure that
you are turning in the correct direction).
2. Add full power, roll unloaded into the turn, and apply “G” passing through 30-45°
AOB, depending on roll rate. Attain the desired “G” (10 units or 4 G’s) while
adjusting bank angle to hold level flight. Once established, adjust power to maintain
3. The VV provides a rapid cue to detect a nose slice. If a nose slice is detected, it
must be corrected immediately. It is corrected by first decreasing bank angle, and
second, by increasing the “G.” If you try to correct the situation by just applying
more “G”, you will accelerate your descent towards the ground.
4. Since TTIs are extremely small during low altitude turns (1-3 seconds), a rapid scan
is required. The proper scan should move from HUD out to the canopy bow and
back. In this way, aircraft position in relation to the horizon and upcoming terrain are
scanned in the turn. (Provides 8 seconds of obstacle clearance in a turn).
5. Hints / comments:
a. The VV is the most consistent cue to flight path angle (FPA) positions and rate of
change. This should be the primary reference during the level turn. For rising
terrain the velocity vector will have to be maintained above the horizon to remain
at the same AGL altitude.
b. The RADALT, depending on AOB during the turn, may not be useful. The VV
may be the best source for determining climbs and descents.
c. If you descend, reduce bank while maintaining current “G” and climb back to the
original altitude. If climbing, adjust your G / AOB combination to stop the climb
and return to a level flight path. Do not try to correct back down to the original
altitude during a turn, wait until after you roll out.
d. Do not attempt to perform mission tasks while in a level turn. There is no time
available for mission crosscheck other than the 1 second scans of the airspace
and terrain from the velocity vector to the canopy bow. If mission tasks require
attention during a turn, you have two alternatives; rollout and complete tasks
(preferred) or decrease bank / increase “G” and enter a climbing turn (this
increases MCT to 2 seconds max). Turning and looking is extremely dangerous.
e. When dealing with clearing vertical terrain, if a piece of terrain is moving back on
the canopy, you will clear to the outside of that terrain. If the terrain is moving
6. Instructional Communication;
a. LATI: “MARS 31, RIGHT 90.”
b. PUI: “TWO”
Common Errors:
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Purpose: The 10° rule allows for the safe execution of low-high-low maneuvers.
Description of Procedures:
1. The 10° rule is used in order to execute low-high-low maneuvers such as pop-ups
and vertical jinks. Start your roll-out at or before a dive angle equal to your highest
observed climb angle minus 10°, and start your pull-out at or before a time equal to
the time you spent in the climb.
a. The safety of the geometry allows for approximately a 50 knot faster average
descent speed.
b. This maneuver is valid for climb angles of 10 to 30 degrees.
c. Due to the altitude lost during the dive, the inverted pull down “G” and rate must
be equal to or greater than the pull up “G.”
2. Example:
a. To perform a 20° vertical jink, set a +20° FPA, apply the appropriate delay, roll
inverted, pull to negative 10° FPA (20° minus 10°), and begin your roll-out. The
inverted pull down must be equal to or greater than the pull up. Due to the
altitude lost during the dive, your pull-down maneuver must be at a greater rate
(“G”) than your pull-up. During your roll to wings level your nose will fall an
additional 2-3° depending on pilot technique. DO NOT allow your nose to fall
more than 5° below your pre-computed (10° rule) dive angle.
b. The safety of this maneuver is ensured because your descent is at least 5° less
than your initial climb. More altitude is gained in the climb than is lost in the
descent. You will recover at an altitude slightly greater than the altitude at which
you started. The extra 2-3° of nose down attitude generated during your roll back
to wings level is acceptable. Base your dive recovery on the next steepest dive
angle, in this case 15°. Though you will recover on the next dive angle, do not
bunt the nose to achieve it, simply fly the dive angle that resulted from your roll-
out. In fact this extra dive angle should help you recover to “comfort level” faster.
Most importantly is that the 10°rule prevents you from “burying your nose” when
pulling down to a target.
Common Errors:
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Description of Procedures:
1. There are three methods for negotiating ridgelines; utilizing natural breaks, the
straight-ahead approach and the 45° angle off / parallel method described below:
2. Natural Breaks. The best way to negotiate a ridge is to perform a good map study
during your preflight planning, find natural breaks, and fly through the gaps and
passes. However, gaps and passes are often lines of communication (LOC) and
may be saturated with the enemy defenses or visual observers (VISOBS).
3. Straight Ahead. The simplest method is to approach the ridge straight-ahead, climb
to clear it, and descend down the back slope. This task presents one of the biggest
challenges for your low altitude maneuvering skills. You must determine when to
pull up, avoid highlighting yourself over the top and decide when to recover on the
backside. Additionally, these demands require perceptual judgments in the areas
where your visual perception is the weakest (distance estimation).
a. The first step is to determine when to start your climb. As a general rule, you can
wait until the top of the ridgeline is about 3 - 5° above the horizon bars on your
HUD. Now pull to place the VV 3° above the ridgeline. If you accomplish this at
one mile from the ridgeline and hold that vector, you’ll pass the top at 300 AGL.
b. As the terrain begins to pass under the horizon bars, begin a gentle push in order
to prevent excessive climb, and thus excessive exposure time once you have
unmasked above the terrain.
c. To descend, there are three options:
i. A wings level bunt is the easiest, safest, and in many tactical cases, the best.
It allows you to assess the backside for hidden ridgelines prior to committing
your nose below the horizon. The bunt should be started as the top of the
ridgeline falls to the bottom of the HUD. Use the radar altimeter for dive
recovery and quickly pick up your dive recovery rules.
ii. An over bank of 90 - 120° angle of bank is second option. It is a combination
of an intentional over bank and nose slice to achieve a rollout dive angle for
iii. An inverted pull is the last and most aggressive maneuver. It involves either
an inverted turning pull or a pure inverted pull. Accomplish the inverted pull
or inverted turning pull, stopping at negative 10°, and begin a standard dive
recovery. When utilizing this method, be prepared to stop the pull quickly,
rollout and recover. An extremely aggressive scan is required for safe
employment of this maneuver.
Common Errors:
1. Pulling up late and trying to maintain low altitude up the face of the terrain. Results
in “ballooning” over the top.
2. Not crossing the top of the terrain in level flight. Starting the bunt or pull down late.
1. It is critical to cross the terrain in a level flight path. This will minimize exposure to
the threat. Proper mission planning will allow you to avoid crossing high peaks.
2. It is better to start the pull up early than late. You will have direct masking from
threats on the far side of the terrain and indirect masking from threats behind the
Purpose: Comfort level is defined as the lowest altitude at which the aircrew can
accommodate task loading and maintain safe terrain clearance
Description of Procedures:
1. At comfort level a pilot can perform all required functions (lookout, navigation called /
uncalled turns, and defensive turns) without feeling threatened by something he
chooses to ignore: namely, the ground. CL is never a hard altitude. It will vary
according to terrain, aircrew skill, degree of training, currency, and mission tasking in
the low altitude environment.
2. Altitudes achieved are not criteria for success or failure. A pilot is never asked to
perform at an altitude that he might feel incapable of achieving. He flies where he is
comfortable whether that is 1000 AGL or 300 AGL.
Common Errors:
1. As a single seat pilot you must learn to recognize your comfort level. Some cues to
operating below CL are:
a. Missed communication.
b. Continuously finishing maneuvers higher than start.
c. Not completing cockpit tasks.
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. “Terminate” is used for procedural errors, where safety of flight is not a factor. The
response to a “TERMINATE” call will be an immediate roll to wings level, a level off
at present altitude, and verbal acknowledgement.
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. A break turn is an energy depleting turn at full power. This type of turn is generally
used defensively or in preparation for follow-on defensive maneuvers where turn
rate is the most important considerations at the expense of energy.
a. LATI calls for a break turn in reaction to a simulated threat.
b. Add full power.
c. Set proper AOB and pull max “G” combination to maintain level or slightly
climbing flight path (1 - 2 degrees). Do not allow nose to slice!
d. Expend chaff and flares.
e. Roll out after 60-90° of heading change.
Common Errors:
1. For turns in excess of 4 G’s, a slight positive FPA (target 2°) is desired. The
resultant altitude gain will be insignificant when compared to the added safety
2. If a level turn is required, do not attempt to turn and simultaneously look for the
threat. All attention shall be given to flying a level turn and creating the
necessary angles to negate / defeat the threat.
3. If the tactical situation requires you to observe a threat during the turn, set a
positive FPA (2° minimum) and use 1-2 sec. looks followed by a reconfirmation of
positive FPA.
4. Airspeed will degrade rapidly during this turn. Follow on maneuvers will be
affected until maneuver airspeed is attained.
5. Do not roll and pull. Set angle of bank first and then set “G.”
Description of Procedures:
1. MAC is a single aircraft maneuver that will be chased by a LAT (I). Reset your
RADALT using the 10% rule. With the LAT (I)’s approval, start a wings level descent
using 1-2° FPA to the minimum attainable altitude (NLT 100 AGL). The maximum
time at MAC should be 20-30 secs. When “RESUME” is called, begin a wings level
climb back to comfort level (NLT 300 AGL). Use the same techniques for straight
and level flight as were described in the Basic Maneuvers lecture. Remember there
is no crosscheck time available at this altitude. All attention is given to TCT. Cross
check the VV, VSI and RADALT for altitude control. Watch for subtle sloping terrain.
Common Errors:
1. Speed control.
2. Scanning too close to aircraft.
1. Scan your instruments. Utilizing the “spoke scan” technique will greatly aid in your
ability to detect deviations and make timely corrections.
Purpose: To describe the three types of errors associated with vertical maneuvers.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. Clear the AMPCD map. Clear the terrain along the intended flight path and ensure
on start parameters.
2. Throttle full power, then pull to and capture the planned or directed climb angle.
3. Hold the climb delay (if delay is desired / required). Note climb angle.
4. Roll inverted using an unloaded roll.
5. Pull through level flight to the flight path angle equal to your highest observed climb
angle minus 10° (“10° rule”).
6. Roll upright using an unloaded roll. Do not allow the negative FPA to increase more
than 5° during this roll. Adjust throttle to maintain airspeed.
7. Recovery using the dive recovery rules.
Instructional communication:
Common Errors:
1. Rapid pulls can make the HUD pitch lines difficult to read. Slow down the pull and
read them or count the number above and below the zero pitch line.
2. The aircraft must be displaced for the maneuver to be effective.
3. Excessive “G” on pull up.
4. Oblique pulls.
5. Excessive airspeed on recovery.
Description of Procedures:
1. Clear the AMPCD map. Clear the terrain along the intended flight path and ensure
on start parameters.
2. Throttle full power, pull to and capture the planned or directed climb angle.
3. Hold the climb delay (if delay is desired / required). Note climb angle.
4. Roll 135° right or left (as directed) using an unloaded roll.
5. Pull through level flight to the flight path angle equal to your highest observed climb
angle minus 10° (“10° Rule”).
6. Roll upright using an unloaded roll. Do not allow the negative FPA to increase more
than 5° during this roll.
7. Recover using the dive recovery rules.
Instructional Communication:
Common Errors:
1. Rapid pulls can make the HUD pitch lines difficult to read. Slow down the pull and
read them or count the number above and below the zero pitch line.
2. The aircraft must be displaced for the maneuver to be effective.
3. Excessive “G” on pull up.
4. Incorrect angle of bank on pulls.
5. Excessive airspeed on recovery.
Description of Procedures:
1. Clear the AMPCD map. Clear the terrain along the intended flight path and ensure
on start parameter.
2. Throttle full power, unload and roll 45° in the desired direction (left or right).
3. While maintaining 45° AOB, pull to and capture the planned or directed climb angle.
4. Hold the climb delay (if delay is desired / required). Note climb angle.
5. Roll to 135° AOB in the same direction using an unloaded roll.
6. Pull through level flight to the flight path angle equal to your highest observed climb
angle minus 10° (“10° rule”). Adjust throttle to maintain airspeed.
7. Roll upright using an unloaded roll. Do not allow the negative FPA to increase more
than 5° during this roll.
8. Recovery using the dive recovery rules.
Instructional Communication:
Common Errors:
1. Rapid pulls can make the HUD pitch lines difficult to read. Slow down the pull and
read them or count the number above and below the zero pitch line.
2. The aircraft must be displaced for the maneuver to be effective.
3. Excessive “G” on pull up.
4. Incorrect angle of bank on pulls.
5. Excessive airspeed on recovery.
Purpose: The reverse oblique Jink is used to practice and demonstrate proficiency
in controlling vertical maneuvering. The reverse oblique Jink serves as a
building block for the threat reaction maneuvers and has many tactical
Description of Procedures:
1. Clear the AMPCD map. Clear the terrain along the intended flight path and on start
2. Throttle full power, unload and roll 45° in the desired / direction (left or right).
3. While maintaining 45° AOB, pull to and capture the planned or directed climb angle.
4. Hold the climb delay (if delay is desired / required). Note climb angle.
5. Roll to 135° AOB in the opposite direction using an unloaded roll. This roll may be
“underneath” or “over the top” as directed by the LAT (I).
6. Pull through level flight to the flight path angle equal to your highest observed climb
angle minus 10° (“10° rule”).
7. Roll upright using an unloaded roll. Do not allow the negative FPA to increase more
than 5° during this roll.
8. Recovery using the dive recovery rules.
Instructional Communication:
Common Errors:
1. Rapid pulls can make the HUD pitch lines difficult to read. Slow down the pull and
read them or count the number above and below the zero pitch line.
2. The aircraft must be displaced for the maneuver to be effective.
3. Excessive “G” on pull up.
4. Incorrect angle of bank on pulls.
5. Excessive airspeed on recovery.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. N/A
Description of Procedures:
1. The intent of the air-to-surface timeline is to break down the attack into a schedule of
tasks that maximizes system and sensor capabilities based on the planning
constraints. Information that is required to begin planning will include positional
constraints (such as assigned airspace on the ATO or known threat locations), target
characteristics (type, size, recent activity, etc), and environmental constraints
(weather, winds, sun / moon angle). Building an air-to-surface timeline includes the
following steps:
2. The first step is to determine sensor and weapon performance. There are many
tools available to accomplish this. TAWS data and the sensor footprint planning
spreadsheet are two examples and are discussed later in the chapter. Other tools
include WARP, PMPT and JMEMS. With this information, you can begin to develop
the schedule of events and cockpit tasks necessary to complete the attack. These
tasks will depend on the type of attack being conducted (level entry, ramp down, pop
up, etc), and the type of ordnance to be employed (GP bombs will require different
tasks than a LGB supported by a Litening Pod. Once all required tasks have been
identified, a route can be planned and an overlay can be constructed. Utilize the
information from the planning restraints and the information gained from the attack
analysis and sensor / weapon performance data to create the overlay. The overlay
should include aircraft maneuvers, sensor / HOTAS functions and required
communication calls. The last step is to identify key points in the attack. The attack
will begin at the decision point (DP) which is the point at which the focus is entirely
on the air-to-surface attack. The location of the DP will be dependent on the length
of time necessary to accomplish all required tasks for the attack. The initial point
(IP) will be at a location where MWSS checks are complete and the attack
commences. If possible, the IP should be placed over a prominent terrain feature to
build situational awareness. The completed overlay can be used during mission
preparation and briefing to review the attack.
Purpose: To effectively position the aircraft at an acceptable start for a high angle
Description of Procedures:
Review the reference lesson. The level entry to high angle delivery is the basis for
standard section target area attacks. It builds upon the fundamentals learned in the air-
to-surface stage of training. The level entry to a dive profile is designed to ingress to a
target from an initial point (IP) at tactical airspeeds and then transition to a dive delivery
to prosecute a target. The idea behind the level entry to a dive profile is to place the
aircraft in a position on the attack cone that is familiar to the raked-range profiles. Once
in this familiar position, you can then rely on the skills learned in the raked-range sorties
to effectively put bombs on target.
The planning for a level entry to a high angle delivery is simple and straight forward.
For the simulator use the following SPINS:
a. East Coast
i. Target: 500’ Bull at BT-11
ii. Ingress: 420 KTAS
iii. Altitude: Apex altitude for the 45° and tactical 30 degree attacks
b. West Coast
i. Target: Cactus West
ii. Ingress: 420 KTAS
iii. Altitude: Apex altitude for the 45° and tactical 30 degree attacks
c. Weapons
i. MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected / blunt nose
ii. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
iii. GBU-12 LGB / FMU-139
d. Reactive weaponeering per Air NTTP for Hard / Med / Soft, unitary and area
For flights in the aircraft the target will depend upon the range. The IP should be a
minimum of 8 NM from the target and if able should be a recognizable geographical
feature. Sometimes due to range restrictions, this is not reasonable. The planned
attack will be either the tactical 30 deg, or if weather is a factor, the weather 30 deg
pattern. The 45 deg pattern will not be used for the actual aircraft sortie due to
increased risk of high speed departure from asymmetry. Use WARP to create a Z
diagram with the ingress altitudes and airspeeds as part of the diagram.
The attack itself is very straight forward. Prior to arrival at the IP, complete your MWSS
checks. The target should be designated with the course line drawn from the target to
the IP. At the IP you will be at Z altitude and 420 KTAS with the target off the nose.
Take note of the inbound heading. At 6 NM from the target, you will offset either left or
right, depending on the desired roll-in heading, 15 deg from the inbound heading. At
this point the target should be visible just to the right / left of the aircraft’s nose. If it is
not, then there is not enough offset. Increase the offset until the target is in sight. Now
the aircraft is in position to intercept the attack cone at a 45 deg squint angle. At this
point you should be scanning altitude, airspeed, and distance from the target. It should
be fairly easy to maintain altitude, but poor airspeed control is a common error (usually
too fast). The other common error is now the distance to the attack cone is ticking down
much more rapidly than in the raked range pattern, and it is easy to underestimate how
the attack cone is approaching. While you are driving in to the attack cone, conduct an
INS stare at the target with the TV. Remember that you cannot slew the designation
unless it is in the HUD, but you can begin to evaluate if the designation is close to the
target. Wait until in the dive to try and get a contrast lock with the ARBS in order to
minimize the chances the ARBS locks up on something away from the target. With the
target in sight and at approximately the ACD + 0.2, begin your roll-in. Remember that
your ingress airspeed may be faster than your normal raked-range airspeed for a given
dive angle (especially for the 45 deg delivery). Therefore, it will probably require pulling
the power back earlier in the dive than what you are used to doing in the raked range
pattern. In the case of the 45 deg delivery, it may require pulling the power off prior to
even rolling in. Once at the roll-in, you are now in the familiar dive delivery profile
learned in the raked-range phase of training. The dive delivery is performed exactly the
same as the raked-range phase. Common errors here are getting behind the jet,
rolling-in fast or late, forgetting to use the ARBS, not setting the TPA, and/or ignoring
tactical abort parameters. Remember, the whole point to flying to the target is to
actually put bombs on it. If you spend hours meticulously planning the flight, fight your
way to the target, roll-in on time, and then miss the target, it is all for not. The off target
maneuver is performed exactly the same as the raked range pattern.
Z diagram for tactical 30 deg (or weather 30 deg) and 45 deg delivery. Create an
overlay that depicts the IP, target, attack cone, and flight profile. The overlay should
look like Figure, Medium-Altitude Same Side Attack, of the Air NTTP, without the dash 2
Description of Procedures:
1. Review the reference lesson. The ramp entry to level or high angle delivery is a
useful profile that maximizes sanctuary altitudes and sensor usage. The idea behind
a ramp entry is to stay well above known threats (sanctuary) for as long as possible,
then deliberately and methodically, utilizing onboard sensors, descend down to an
altitude from which to conduct an attack. The planning and execution of a ramp
entry to either a level or dive delivery are the same. The ramp to a level delivery is
typically used for PGMs. The ramp to a high angle delivery can be used for PGMs,
but is usually used with unguided weapons. At VMAT-203, we will use the ramp to a
level entry for LGBs, and the ramp to a dive delivery for MK-82s/MK-76s.
1. At VMAT-203 we will use the following SPINS for planning for a ramp profile:
a. Ramp → 30 deg delivery
i. Ingress: 20K AGL / 450 KTAS, 15º ramp to Z alt for 30º dive / 500 KTAS
release. Add an additional 1 NM to the ACD when planning the ramp down.
This additional mile will allow for some slop if you are late on your ramp down
b. Ramp → 45 deg delivery
i. Ingress: 28K AGL / 450 KTAS, 15º ramp to Z alt for 45º dive / 500 KTAS
release. Add an additional 1 NM to the ACD when planning the ramp down.
This additional mile will allow for some slop if you are late on your ramp down
c. Ramp → Level
i. Ingress: 20K AGL / 480 KTAS, 15º ramp to 15K AGL / 480 KTAS release.
Add an additional 1 NM to BRP when planning the ramp down. This
additional mile will allow for some slop if you are late on your ramp down
d. Weapons
i. MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected / blunt nose
1) Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length
in your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
ii. GBU-12 LGB / FMU-139
1. With the ingress altitude and desired ramp angle determined, you need to determine
what distance from the target to begin the ramp down so that you arrive at apex
altitude at the attack cone for a dive delivery or ballistic release point (BRP) for a
Ramp to Attack Cone1,2 = (Ingress Alt – Apex Alt) / Altitude loss per NM
The distance from the target to begin the ramp down profile is the combined ramp to
attack cone distance plus the attack cone distance (ACD).
One of the main planning considerations for a ramp profile is to initially place the
target in the HUD total FOV, which affords the use of HUD symbology to help build
target area SA and maximize sensor usage. The lower edge of the HUD FOV is
approximately 17 deg below the waterline or 15 deg below the velocity vector in
steady flight at tactical airspeeds. During target ingress the line of sight to the target
or target depression angle will increase and eventually exceed these HUD FOV
limits. As this occur the HUD symbology will become “HUD-limited” and no longer
support the actual target location and cease to build target area SA. The target
depression angle can be determined using the following formula:
1. Depression Angle in degrees.
For target depression angle at the start of a ramp profile use the ingress altitude for
aircraft altitude and ramp distance for distance to target.
If you determine that the target depression angle is less than 30 degrees (15 deg
ramp + 15 deg HUD FOV) then you know that you should be able to see the target in
the HUD when you begin the ramp profile. Once established in the 15 deg ramp and
with the target in the HUD FOV this is the time to maximize sensor usage. Conduct
Next we will select a checkpoint altitude to terminate sensor usage and transition to
the next phase of the attack. A typical or reasonable checkpoint altitude is half way
between the ingress altitude and the apex altitude. Leveraging the previous ramp
down calculations we know this altitude corresponds with approximately half way
between the ramp start point and the attack cone. If a different checkpoint altitude is
desired its corresponding distance from the attack cone can be determined using the
previous look-up table and equation.
Calculation of the depression angle is the same equation used earlier to determine
the initial depression angle, while using the checkpoint altitude and distance for
aircraft altitude and distance. With the checkpoint altitude, distance and depression
angle known you are well prepared to identify the checkpoint during ramp profile
execution and make a smooth transition to the next phase of attack.
If you are conducting a ramp to a dive delivery, the transition will require an
appropriate offset angle so the aircraft arrives at the attack cone with the desired
angle off the nose to the target. You can use the following equation to calculate the
appropriate offset angle:
Offset Angle1,2 =
ASIN[(ACD*SIN(Angle off the nose) / (Checkpoint distance)]
1. Offset Angle in degrees.
2. Typical angle off the nose is 45 deg.
The target will drift outside of our HUD FOV, but at this point you should be able to
pick up the target area visually and possibly begin to break out the target itself.
Once you offset you should be quickly approaching your apex altitude and ACD.
Keep your altitude, airspeed, and distance to the target in your scan so as to arrive
at the roll-in ready for the attack. The dive delivery will be conducted just as you did
during the raked-range phase of training. Be sure to use the ARBS, set TPA, and
adhere to the tactical abort parameters as these are commonly missed.
2. If you are conducting a ramp to a level delivery, more than likely you will level off at
your apex altitude before the target disappears under the nose. However, once you
level off, the target will now be below the HUD FOV. This is fine, as you are now
Common Errors:
1. Careful attention must be taken to plan for environmental conditions to include PAR
for sensors, winds aloft, sun and / or moon angle.
2. Scan airspeed during the profile. Control airspeed by manipulating power and speed
brake as required (ensure it is retracted prior to roll-in).
3. Plan for a checkpoint to provide the opportunity to adjust your ramp schedule,
adaptive roll-in, or other parameters approaching the attack cone. Ensure adequate
attention is given to the appropriate adaptive roll-in based on your parameters.
4. Plan and execute a logical sensor timeline / plan per Air NTTP.
5. Scan outside the aircraft. Use canopy code to establish and maintain a tally and fly
to a good start. Know when and where the target will be in your HUD FOV. Know
when it will exit your HUD FOV.
Source Documents:
Purpose: To transition from a low altitude ingress to the attack cone in a manner
that minimizes exposure, while allowing enough time for target acquisition
and accurate weapons delivery.
Description of Procedures:
1. Review the reference lesson. The SPINS for the low altitude pop-up attacks are as
a. Ingress altitude:
i. Simulator: 500’ AGL
ii. Flight (with IP in T-Bird):
1) 500’ AGL
2) 1000’ if BASH is moderate
3) Comfort level
b. Ingress airspeed: 450 KGS
c. Climb angle (pop): 20 deg
d. Dive delivery: 10 deg / 500 KTAS release
e. Weapons
i. MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected / blunt nose
ii. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive dropping the max stick length
as the worst case scenario.
f. Reactive weaponeering per Air NTTP for Hard / Med / Soft, unitary and area
2. Planning the low altitude pop attacks requires careful study of the target area and
surrounding terrain in order to maximize the benefits of terrain masking. The IP
should be a distinguishable geographical feature approximately 8-12 NM from the
target. If this is not feasible due to range restrictions, then pick an IP 8 NM from the
target at the desired run in heading.
3. WARP will calculate your pull-up point (PUP) as well as your pull-down altitude
based on your ingress altitude and 10 deg dive delivery profile. Because you cannot
instantaneously transition from a climb to a dive, if you wait until your Z diagram
apex altitude to start your pull-down you will climb right through it. WARP therefore
calculates for you when you should start that pull-down in order to apex at the Z
diagram apex altitude. This is known as the pull-down altitude.
1. Executing the pop attack starts prior to the IP. Ensure that the LAT and MWSS
checks are complete. At the IP you should be at 500’, 450 KGS with the target off
the nose. Take note of the ingress heading as you will use it to determine your
2. Off target you will perform a 20 deg straight-oblique jink with a 2 second delay in the
same direction as the roll-in to recover your ingress altitude + 500 ft. Do not
descend in the turn. If you need to turn for range or terrain, level off, and then begin
the turn.
Common Errors:
1. Fly planned profile and execute sensor timeline. Memorize profile during pre-flight
prep. Incorporate key terrain that will mask against known threats and memorize
Source Documents:
Description of Procedures:
1. Review the reference lesson. At VMAT-203 cruise climbs will be planned using a
500’ AGL ingress at 450 KGS to a 400 KTAS climb to a 45 degree dive delivery.
Plan a 30 degree weather backup pattern.
Common Errors:
1. Planning for too much “slop” in distance to climb, resulting in unnecessarily early
unmask / climb point and early arrival at apex altitude.
2. Not planning for existing environmental conditions.
3. Failure to complete actions at the IP.
4. Energy management/airspeed control – too fast or slow.
5. Lack of check points in climb.
6. Poor start parameters (usually late to roll in resulting in steep delivery).
7. Poor BCWD.
8. Poor sensor management or no sensor timeline.
9. Fixation in the HUD.
10. Poor target acquisition.
11. Poor off target maneuver.
12. Poor RALT management.
1. Plan accurate climb distances based on WARP and aircraft performance charts.
2. Careful attention must be taken to plan for environmental conditions to include PAR
for sensors, surface winds and winds aloft, and sun / moon angle. Plan a 30 degree
weather backup.
3. Scan airspeed during the climb. Control airspeed by maintaining full power and
adjusting nose position.
4. Plan for several checkpoints in the climb to provide the opportunity to adjust climb
schedule, adaptive roll-in, or other parameters as required.
5. Approaching the ACD, ensure adequate attention is given to the appropriate
adaptive roll-in based on your parameters.
6. Plan and execute a logical sensor timeline.
7. Scan outside the aircraft. Use the canopy code to establish and maintain a tally. Do
not sacrifice a good start to acquire the target. If the target is not in sight at the roll-
in point, pull to the designation.
Source Documents:
Description of Procedures:
1. Review the reference lessons, Air NTTP, and NATIP. Loft deliveries at VMAT-203
will be planned using a 500’, 450 KGS ingress to a 38 degree loft delivery.
1. Planning for a loft delivery is fairly straight-forward. Pick an IP that allows for the
most advantageous use of terrain for masking. The IP should be at a minimum of 8
NM from the target. The profile is a straight line to the target from the IP. With your
ingress altitude, airspeed, and delivery angle know you can calculate what distance
you will expect to pull up using Table 8-154 in the NATIP. There are only tables for
200’, 5000’ and 10,000’ AGL ingresses, so use the 200’ table as it will be close
enough. The table has data for 0’, 5000’, and 10,000’ MSL target elevations. You
can interpolate if you like, but the differences in the results are minimal, and given
that there is a 12% error built into the table, it is hardly worth the effort; therefore,
pick the elevation that is closest to the actual target elevation. On your overlays
include when you expect to begin your pull-up and when you expect to release.
1. Flying the profile is very straight-forward. First complete your MWSS checks prior to
the IP. As part of the MWSS checks, be sure that you are in the LOFT mode. To do
this, select a weapon, then select AUTO as the delivery mode. Go back to the
stores page and there should be a LOFT option, colonize it. You should see “LOFT”
in the HUD on the right hand side. The system is now set up for a loft delivery. Now
all you have to do is point at the target, fly your ingress profile, and wait for the jet to
give you the loft delivery symbology. In the loft delivery mode, the PUC is now a 4G
programmer. When the PUC begins its climb and it touches the VV, smoothly but
quickly pull back on the stick to match the rate of climb of the PUC. It is common to
get either ahead or behind of the PUC and it is difficult to smoothly get back on
schedule. If you find yourself ahead or behind the PUC, make small, smooth
adjustments with back stick pressure to try and get back on the profile. The
smoother you are in the climb, the more accurate the hits will be. If you are not on
the profile, the jet will still calculate what the release point should be based on the
current profile, but the release angle may not be what you had planned.
2. Ensure that when you are flying the loft profile that you have LOFT in the right side
of the HUD. If LOFT is not in the HUD, then you are in AUTO mode. This is a
problem because the symbology for AUTO is the same as for LOFT and unless you
3. Off target is a rolling pull to egress the target area and get back down to your ingress
Common Errors:
1. RP must have a thorough understanding of the weapon system, data input, and the
symbology and tones associated with loft deliveries.
2. The loft profile requires a more precise release than most deliveries because of the
complexity of the ballistic profile flown by the bomb. Small deviations at release (i.e.
not centering up on the azimuth steering line at release) will result in much greater
miss distances than traditional dive releases.
3. It is very important to transition expeditiously to 4Gs during the pull-up; otherwise the
bomb release angle will be shallow.
Description of Procedures:
Cover Hiding J83 V 85/65 J83 V 85/65 J82 1 85 J83 1 85/65 LMAV In/2 J83 1/2 85 J82 In 65 G12 In LMAV In/1 J82 1/2 85/65
J82 In 85 J83 1/2 65 G16 1/2
G16 In
Entrenched Berm/Foxhole J83 V 85 J83 V 65 J82 V 85 J82 V 65 J83 1/2 85 G16 In J82 In 85 G12 In J82 In 65 G12 1/2 LMAV 1 LMAV In/2
J83 In 85 J83 In 65 J83 1/2 65 J82 In 65 J82 1/2 65
G16 1/2
Vehicle Commercial K-Kill J83 In1/2 85 J82 In/1/2 85 J83 In/1/2 65 G16 1 G16 In G16 2 G12 In J82 1/2 65 J83 V 85 J83 V 65 J82 V 65
(Stationary) LMAV In/1 G12 1 J82 In 65 G12 2 J82 V 85
HMMWV K-Kill LMAV In/1 J83 V 85 J83 In 85 J82 V 85 J82 1 85 J83 In 65 J83 1 65 J82 2 85 J82 In 65 J83 2 85 G12 1/2 J82 V 65
J83 1 85 J83 2 85 G16 In G12 In G16 1/2 J82 1 65
J82 In 85 J83 V 65
Tank M-Kill LMAV In 1/2 J83 V 85 J82 V 85 G16 In J83 1 85 J82 V 65 J82 In 65 J83 2 65 G12 1/2 J82 2 85 J82 2 65
J83 In 85 J83 In 65 J82 In 85 J82 1 85 J82 1 65
G12 In G16 1/2 J83 2 85
J83 1 65
Vehicle Commercial M-Kill LMAV In/1/2 G12 In G16 In G12 1 G12 2
(Moving) G16 1 G16 2
HMMWV M-Kill LMAV In /1/2 G12 In G16 1 G16 2
G16 In G12 1 G12 2
Tank M-Kill LMAV In/1/2 G16 In G12 In G16 1 G12 1 G16 2 G16 2
Missiles SSM K-Kill LMAV In/1/2 J82 V 85 J83 V 65 J82 V 65 J83 In 85 J83 In 65 J83 1 65 J82 1 85 G12 In G12 1 J82 2 65
J83 V 85 J82 In 85 G16 1 J82 In 65 J83 2 85 J83 2 65 G12 2
J83 1 85 J82 1 65 J82 2 85
G16 In G16 2
SAM F-Kill LMAV In/1/2 J83 In 85 J83 V 85/65 J82 In 85 J83 1 85/65 J83 2 85/65
J82 In 65 J82 V 85/65 G16 In J82 1 85/65 J82 2 85/65
G12 In G16 1 G16 2
G12 1 G12 2
Structure Masonry SS/60x40x15 G16 In J83 In 85/65 G12 In J82 In 65 G16 1 J83 1 65 J82 1 65 LMAV In
LMAV 1 G12 1 J83 1 85
J82 1 85
Reinforced SS/60x40x15 J83 2 85 J83 2 65 J82 2 85/65 LMAV 2 J83 1 85 J83 1 65 G16 1 G12 2 G12 1 J82 1 65 J83 1 65
G16 2 J82 1 85 G16 In
Delivery for JDAM and LGBs based on 20,000' HAT/480 KTAS/No Wind
J82 = 500# JDAM V = Target detector 65 = 65 degree impact angle (JDAM)
J83 = 1000# JDAM In = Instantaneous (1.2 ms LMAV) 85 = 85 degree impact angle (JDAM)
G12 = GBU-12 1 = 10 ms delay (14 ms LMAV)
G16 = GBU-16 2 = 25 ms delay (30 ms LMAV)
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Plan sensor timeline IAW the FSG and Air NTTP. Plan to verify the laser spot using
the LST prior to weapons release. Ensure laser code entered in the LST
corresponds to code programmed in LGB. Review the TAWS data and adjust attack
parameters as necessary. Understand and be prepared to brief the impact of
release parameters and environmental conditions on laser guided bomb
Description of Procedures:
1. Sensor Footprints will allow you to overlay the FOV of the sensor on the target area.
Based on parameters you provide, you can construct a sensor footprint for the
planned sensor and see the amount of terrain that will be covered. These footprints
are helpful when conducting a transition profile into the target as well as the delivery.
They are especially helpful at night when utilizing the FLIR (or APG-65 for expand
mapping and Litening Pod CCD / FLIR when you are in the fleet). The footprint is
used in planning and the brief to enable the pilot to construct a mental picture of the
target. The mission planning computers have an Excel spreadsheet installed that
will produce these footprints electronically. To build a footprint, open the
spreadsheet and select the sensor on the tabs at the bottom of the sheet. Input the
data required in the green boxes and select “Calculate Footprint.” The spreadsheet
will create three footprints: one for a 1:50k scale map, one for a 1:100k and one for a
Common Errors:
1. Ensure you input the correct data into the required fields. The Excel document will
do all the required calculations to create the footprint.
2. Submit the TAWS worksheet to weather far enough in advance to have the data
prior to brief.
Description of Procedures:
1. LGB deliveries at 203 will be conducted as “buddy” attacks. The instructor will
generate coordinates with a Litening pod and pass them to you. Enter the
coordinates into target point 1 through the data page. Once coordinates have been
passed and verified, the instructor will make the attack audible “MARS 12, BUDDY
RIGHT, 1 BY GBU-12, INSTANTANEOUS, 1688, PRESS.” Respond with “MARS
12, BUDDY RIGHT, 1 BY GBU-12, INSTANTANEOUS.” At this point, he will take
Deployed Echelon on you and climb 1000’. At the IP, conduct MWSS checks.
Expect to conduct a ramp profile from your ingress altitude down to your release
altitude, leveling roughly 1 NM prior to the BRP. The instructor will conduct targeting
with the pod and report “MARS 11, CAPTURE” once he has the target on the pod.
To maximize the chance for success, fly the briefed altitude and airspeed, and
maintain the velocity vector centered on the ASL. When you see the ‘weapons
release cue’ appear at the top of the HUD (approx 0.8 prior to the planned BRP),
report “MARS 12, TEN SECONDS.” Hold the pickle button down until weapons
release and report “MARS 12, ONE AWAY, TIME OF FALL XX SECONDS.” The
instructor will reply with, “MARS 11, LASING.” At this point, make a 30 degree hard
turn in the briefed direction and provide mutual support by maintaining sight of the
target area and looking for threats. The instructor will make a hard turn for 45
degrees at your release call, flowing outside of your flight path while supporting the
weapon to impact. At impact, the instructor will call, “MARS 11, SPLASH, LASER
Common Errors:
1. Utilize PMPT and TAWS data to aid in selecting a release. Be able to brief the
planned BRP and subsequent impact angle and velocity of the weapon.
2. Get target area winds prior to the brief and select an attack direction that minimizes
the crosswind component during release.
3. Be methodical with MWSS checks at the IP. Ensure the master arm is on and the
weapon is selected in Auto mode with the appropriate arm time and fuze function
setting. Ensure that the coordinates entered for the target are your steer to point
Purpose: To execute a level attack with a joint direct attack munitions (JDAM), while
maintaining stand-off from the target / threat and mutual support within the
Description of Procedures:
1. JDAM attacks at 203 will be conducted as absolute attacks. Coordinates will either
be preplanned in JMPS or generated by an off board sensor (Lead’s targeting pod)
and passed to you. Having an understanding of the weapon and system is critical to
a successful attack. JDAM uses target contributors for attack. Target points can be
preplanned in JMPS using the target (triangle) symbol instead of a normal waypoint
symbol. Up to 32 target points can be planned. Of those, 4 can be assigned as
target contributors for attack at any one time. To do this in JMPS, select the aircraft
target assignment button near the bottom of the screen (aircraft with three small red
triangles around it). From there, you can drag the desired target points from the top
of the screen into the “flight position” and assign them as target contributor 1 through
4. Ensure you check the box next to each one to send it to the DSU / AMU during
mission transfer. You also have the option to set terminal parameters for target
point 0 on that screen. Select “Target 0 Parameters”, and input the desired attack
heading and impact angle. You must ensure to check “valid” if you want the
parameters to be utilized. Selecting terminal parameters for the individual Target
point is done by editing the point (right click on the triangle and select “edit route
point”). Scroll across the top of the route editor box to the last option and select “Tgt
Params.” Then select “Term Parameters” and enter the desired heading and angle
along with selecting the ‘valid’ option as appropriate. The last thing to be completed
in JMPS for a JDAM attack is to load the GPS crypto keys. To do this, you must be
running JMPS on a classified hard drive. Insert the PCMCIA card that contains the
current GPS crypto keys. At the bottom of the JMPS AV8 UPC screen you will need
to load the mission to the DSU / AMU as normal, and then select the “GPS Crypto”
option. Then select “Write DSU keys” or “Write Mission card keys” as appropriate.
Your DSU / AMU will now have the required keys to transfer to the JDAM. It is also
now classified and must be handled accordingly.
2. On start up, the jet will recognize the crypto keys on the DSU / AMU and will display
a “classified data” banner across the SDAT page. DTX as usual. Power will
automatically be applied to all JDAM on the aircraft and can be confirmed by noting
the “warm” under the weapon on the stores page. The weapon will conduct the
initial BIT, which takes roughly 2 ½ minutes. The Transfer Alignment process will
begin and the JDAM will transition from “warm” to “DALN-2”, then to “DALN-1” and
eventually to “RDY.” Realize that the weapon may still be in a DALN status by
takeoff time. You should confirm the appropriate target contributors and terminal
parameters were transferred during DTX. To check the terminal parameters, select
the WPN button on the UFC (with the JDAM store selected on the stores page).
Select ODU option 1 (TGPT). The ODU will display T1 through T4. Ensure the
3. If the JDAM stores show a weapon fail (WFAIL), select the SMSFF page to confirm
the type of failure. A station bit can be done by selecting SBIT on the stores data
page, moving the asterisk to the desired station and then selecting WBIT. If WBIT is
selected without selecting SBIT, all JDAM on the aircraft will go into BIT mode.
4. Once en route, confirm the status of the weapon. If the weapon is stuck in DALN-2,
it should not be released since the alignment quality is Unsat. If the weapon is in
DALN-1, an alignment maneuver can be accomplished by taking a 30 degree check
turn away from the target, turning to parallel the initial course, and then taking
another 30 degree check turn back to the original flight path. If this does not
upgrade the JDAM to a RDY status, it can still be released in the DALN-1 condition.
Time-of-fall should be maximized to allow the weapon the best chance of acquiring
GPS satellite updates. If the weapon is showing D-GPS, it can be released in an
“INS only” mode. Time-of-fall should be minimized to limit the amount of INS drift
that occurs during weapon time of flight.
5. Select target point 1 as your steer-to-point and designate it. With the JDAM selected
and in A/G master mode, you will get the NIRD circle and associated JDAM
symbology. Deliveries will be flown level at 480 KTAS. Select Terminal Parameters
Enabled or not enabled per the flight brief (toggle between the two via the cage /
uncage switch). Confirm your selection by verifying the “T” or “N” in the HUD and
the correct color of the LAR displayed on the EHSD (green for terminal parameters
enabled, red for terminal parameters off). Once you’ve flown 30 percent into LAR
(verified by the percentage of LAR display below the NIRD circle once in LAR),
press and hold the pickle button until the weapon is released. Remember that
JDAM stores take roughly 1 full second to release from the aircraft (up to 2 seconds
is possible), so ensure the pickle button remains depressed until weapon release.
Make your release call, “MARS 11, ONE AWAY, TIME-OF-FALL XX SECONDS”
(Time-of-fall will be displayed on the HUD in the JDAM data block on the right side
above GPS time once in LAR and until weapon release). Execute a 30 degree
crank in the briefed direction. Lead will conduct the same maneuver and will
maintain the Litening pod on the target until impact to verify the hit. Lead will report
“SPLASH, TERMINATE” once impact occurs.
Common Errors:
1. Confirm correct coordinates for a preplanned target point via the data page. If Lead
passes you updated coordinates for a target, read back the coordinates directly from
the data page to confirm they were entered correctly.
2. Ensure that the desired target contributor is colonized and that the correct target
point is between the arrows on the EHSD, and that DESG STP is displayed in the
lower left corner of the EHSD.
3. Utilize the cage / uncage switch to select or deselect terminal parameters, and verify
by the “T” or “N” in the HUD and the correct color of the LAR displayed on the
Purpose: To execute an LMAV attack utilizing the standard 20 degree ramp profile.
Description of Procedures:
Contracts / Assumptions
Cover Shooter
1. De-confliction 1. Attack
2. Targeting (BHA if supported by an external 2. Target confirmation if able (ARBS)
3. 1 to 2 NM separation / Z + 1. 3. Tally / blind
4. Visual desired 4. Z altitude
1. Review the confidential write up of the LMAV employment in the Air NTTP.
2. The LMAV attack is initiated with a call from the Lead, “MARS 12, LMAV LEFT,
DELAY 1, PRESS” to which Mars 12 replies, “MARS 12, LMAV LEFT, DELAY 1.” At
this point the shooter / cover roles are established. Pass target coordinates early so
they can be entered and read back as required, and the LMAV can center its search
at the target for quick acquisition on the system designation. The attack can be
executed without a system designation; in which case, laser acquisition may be
delayed and IN RNG information for the LMAV will not be available to the shooter.
4. If at any time during the attack the LMAV seeker loses laser energy it will continue to
scan in the previously selected scan volume. Continue the ramp while attempting to
regain a valid laser lock. If a valid lock is not achieved by Rmin, abort the attack,
cage the seeker head, reset, and re-attack.
Common Errors:
7. Pay special attention to briefed contract de-confliction plan off target. Do not blow-
through briefed de-confliction altitude.
Purpose: Day or night section attack used when a restricted run-in heading or zone
is required, degraded section visual mutual support is acceptable, and
time in the target area needs to be minimized.
Description of Procedures:
1. The SPINS for medium altitude same side attacks at VMAT-203 are as follows:
a. Level entry to dive delivery
b. Ingress altitude: Apex altitude for a 30 deg or 45 deg dive delivery
c. Ingress airspeed: 420 KTAS
d. Weapons
i. MK-76, simulating a MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected
/ blunt nose
e. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
f. Reactive weaponeering per Air NTTP for hard / med / soft, unitary and area
targets. You will be dropping singles during the flight simulating the reactive
1. In order for the standard target area attacks to work safely and effectively, each pilot
must adhere strictly to the contracts. For the same side and split attacks, the
contracts are in Air NTTP Figure, Medium-Altitude Same Side Attack, and Figure,
Medium-Altitude Same Split Attack; for the swept attacks, Air NTTP Figure, Swept
Attack; for the lead trail attacks, Air NTTP Figure, Medium-Altitude Lead Trail Attack.
Shooter Cover
1. Attack 1. De-confliction
2. TALLY prior to roll-in 2. Mutual Support
3. BLIND post separation 3. BLIND post separation
4. Z altitude 4. Z + 1 altitude
“OFF (DIR)” call when TALLY, at briefed sanctuary altitude, and ready to assume cover role.
Role Swap Implied at Shooter’s “OFF” Call
Cover Shooter
1. Mutual Support 1. Attack
2. TALLY/BLIND 2. TALLY prior to roll-in
3. Z + 1 altitude 3. At Z off target unless visual
2. It is important to have a firm understanding of the concept of shooter / cover and role
swap. The terms shoot and cover define what role each member of the flight is
playing, and role swap defines when those roles change. For the target area tactics
taught at 203, there will always be only one shooter and only one cover with no
overlap of roles. In more advanced attacks, there can be more than one shooter /
cover. Do not confuse shooter / cover with Lead / wingman.
3. The Air NTTP defines the shooter as the member of the flight who employs
ordnance and his responsibilities are to attack the target.
4. The cover is defined as the member of the flight who does not employ ordnance and
is responsible for flight de-confliction and mutual support.
6. Mutual support is a little more complicated. The idea is that when your wingman is
focused on attacking the target, you are looking for threats. Threats can be either
surface-to-air or air-to-air. As cover, you should be scanning your radar (if you have
one) and looking out of the cockpit for bandits, AAA, SAMs, and anything else that
might pose a threat to you or your wingman. If you see a threat, you can alert your
wingman who is probably very focused on his attack and may not be aware of the
threat. While in the MECH stage at 203, consider all threats are in the target area
and to focus you efforts there.
8. The term TALLY refers to the target. When you are TALLY, it means that you have
SA of the target / target area. NO JOY means you do not have SA of the target /
target area.
1. A same side attack is initiated with an attack audible from Lead similar to the
following: “MARS 11 SAME SIDE RIGHT, 4 BY 1 BY 30 MK 82,
INSTANTANEOUS.” To which wing responds, “MARS 12, SAME SIDE RIGHT, 4
2. The attack commences at the IP with all aircraft MWSS complete, in defensive
combat spread, and at 420 KTAS. At the IP, but no later than 8 NM, wing executes
a separation maneuver and assumes cover responsibilities. The separation
maneuver is a 90-degree hard turn in the direction of the briefed attack (left or right),
with 15 to 20 seconds of wings-level time (medium altitude). This maneuver results
in approximately 30 to 45 seconds of separation. Once planned separation has
occurred, cover may descend to Z altitude. At this point, cover provides non-visual
mutual support by scanning the target area while crosschecking timing, airspeed,
and altitude. With timing complete, cover initiates a hard turn to place the target on
the nose. Six NM from the target, each aircraft offsets 20 degrees in the same
direction as the attack in order to acquire the target and provide mutual support. At
the IP, Lead assumes the shooter role and should make an “IN” call at
approximately the same time cover turns back towards the target area after
completion of the separation maneuver. Post-weapons release, shooter climbs off
target and executes any defensive maneuvers. Passing through sanctuary altitude
the shooter makes an “OFF” call once “TALLY” is regained and cover responsibilities
can be assumed. At this point, roles are swapped with no acknowledgement, as this
is preplanned. Wing is now shooter, Lead is now cover and both flight members
execute a preplanned altitude swap in accordance with their new roles. The shooter
employs his / her weapon via the planned dive delivery maneuver. Cover climbs to
Z + 1 off target and provides mutual support. Off target, the shooter climbs to Z until
“VISUAL” and egresses. Off target, cover is normally at shooter’s 10 or 2 o’clock
position in the direction of the off-target maneuver. Once shooter is “VISUAL” on the
egress, Lead will verbalize “MARS 11, SWAP.” When the “SWAP” is called, Lead
descends to Z altitude and wing climbs to Z + 1. The flight is now ready to
commence another attack with Lead as the shooter, and wing as the cover.
3. Assumptions. Separation occurs at the action point. At that point, cover is TALLY,
but may or may not be “VISUAL.” The shooter, meanwhile, is “TALLY” and “BLIND”
post-separation. An automatic role swap is affected with the shooters “OFF” call.
Common Errors:
1. Failure to complete appropriate actions at the IP, thus unprepared for shooter role.
2. Wingman executing poor timing / delay maneuver.
3. Not adhering to restricted run-in heading or zone.
4. Wingman spending too much time in the cockpit, not providing the desired level of
mutual support.
5. Improper comm.
6. Poor weapons delivery parameters.
7. Poor expendable use.
8. Incorrect flow off target.
9. Not adhering to contract geometric de-confliction off target.
1. Focus on formation, target mechanics, basic target attack procedures, and actions at
the IP (Air NTTP Table, Actions Prior to the IP).
2. Wingman will take action as briefed / directed by Lead. After rolling out, time the
appropriate wings level portion of the delay using the clock in the HUD. Desired
separation for medium altitude attacks is 30-45 seconds.
3. Use the course line function on the AMPCD to depict the restricted run-in heading or
zone. Ensure your aircraft remains on the correct side of the course line.
4. Balance scan in and out of the cockpit to ensure desired level of mutual support is
maintained and proper start parameters are obtained. Maintain a tally.
5. Study contracts and visualize / talk through required calls prior to sortie.
6. After assuming shooter role, focus all attention on good start parameters, followed
by solid BCWD procedures. Remember that proper TPA is the cornerstone of reticle
sight bombing techniques.
7. Execute briefed expendable plan.
8. Pay special attention to briefed contract de-confliction plan off target. Do not blow-
through briefed de-confliction altitude.
Purpose: Day or night altitude section attack when different attack axes are
preferred, degraded section visual mutual support is acceptable, and time
in the target area needs to be minimized.
Description of Procedures:
1. The SPINS for medium altitude split side attacks at VMAT-203 are as follows:
a. Level entry to dive delivery
b. Ingress altitude: Apex altitude for a 30 deg or 45 deg dive delivery
c. Ingress airspeed: 420 KTAS
d. Weapons
i. MK-76, simulating a MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected
/ blunt nose
e. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
f. Reactive Weaponeering per Air NTTP for hard / med / soft, unitary and area
targets. You will be dropping singles during the flight simulating the reactive
1. The contracts for the split attack are exactly the same as the same side attack.
1. The medium altitude split attack is identical to the same side attack with one primary
difference. This difference is the direction wing turns for the separation maneuver
and the resultant geometry. Wing turns opposite the direction of the audibled attack
(i.e. for a split right, wing actions to the left). All the contracts and in and off target
altitudes are the same as for the same side attack.
2. Assumptions. Separation occurs at the action point. At that point, cover is “TALLY”,
but may or may not be “VISUAL.” The shooter, meanwhile, is “TALLY” and “BLIND”
post-separation. An automatic role swap is affected with the shooters “OFF” call.
Common Errors:
1. Failure to complete appropriate actions at the IP, thus unprepared for shooter role.
2. Wingman executing poor timing / delay maneuver.
3. Wingman spending too much time in the cockpit, not providing the desired level of
mutual support.
4. Improper Comm.
5. Poor weapons delivery parameters.
6. Poor expendable use.
7. Incorrect flow off target.
8. Not adhering to contract geometric de-confliction off target.
1. Focus on formation, target mechanics, basic target attack procedures, and actions at
the IP (Air NTTP Table, Actions Prior to the IP).
2. Wingman will take action as briefed / directed by Lead. After rolling out, time the
appropriate wings level portion of the delay using the clock in the HUD. Desired
separation for medium altitude attacks is 30-45 seconds.
3. Balance scan in and out of the cockpit to ensure desired level of mutual support is
maintained and proper start parameters are obtained. Maintain a tally.
4. Study contracts and visualize / talk through required calls prior to sortie.
5. After assuming shooter role, focus all attention on good start parameters, followed
by solid BCWD procedures. Remember that proper TPA is the cornerstone of reticle
sight bombing techniques.
6. Execute briefed expendable plan.
7. Pay special attention to briefed contract de-confliction plan off target. Do not blow-
through briefed de-confliction altitude.
Purpose: Day or night section attack used when a restricted run-in is not required, a
vertical sanctuary exists, and section visual mutual support is desired.
Description of Procedures:
1. The SPINS for medium altitude split side attacks at VMAT-203 are as follows:
a. Level entry to dive delivery
b. Ingress altitude: Apex altitude for a 30 deg or 45 deg dive delivery
c. Ingress airspeed: 420 KTAS
d. Weapons
i. MK-76, simulating a MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected
/ blunt nose
e. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
f. Reactive Weaponeering per Air NTTP for hard / med / soft, unitary and area
targets. You will be dropping singles during the flight simulating the reactive
1. The contract for the swept attack is much different than that for the same side and
swept attacks. The attack commences at the IP with aircraft in defensive combat
spread, MWSS complete, and 420 KTAS. Initially, Lead assumes the shooter role
with wing as cover. Cover remains in defensive combat spread until shooter rolls in.
At 6 NM, the flight takes an offset in the direction of the attack in order to achieve a
visual look angle into the target area. The roll-in and off-target flow will be opposite
the direction of the offset (e.g., a swept right implies a right offset for a left roll-in and
a left pull off-target). Upon reaching the attack cone, shooter rolls in while cover
provides mutual support by maintaining Z + 1 and ACD + 1 NM with a tally of the
target area. If cover or shooter is “VISUAL”, the role swap will occur automatically
once shooter calls “OFF” on his / her climb up to sanctuary. However, if both
shooter and cover are “BLIND”, greater than 90 degrees of separation around the
attack cone or at least 2 NM of separation (based on distance to the target) is
required for a role swap. The shooter climbs to Z altitude. Cover maintains Z + 1
until the role swap occurs, or if “VISUAL”, cover can descend to Z altitude and close
in to attack cone in order to expedite the attack once the swap occurs. Cover can
audible “RECOMMEND PRESS” if “VISUAL” shooter or cognizant that the criteria
above are met. However, a role swap does not occur until shooter audibles,
“PRESS” and the call is acknowledged by cover. At role swap, the new cover
immediately elevates to Z + 1 while the new shooter descends to Z altitude and
executes the planned delivery maneuver. Off-target, shooter now climbs to Z
altitude looks for cover at Z + 1. Lead should maneuver in order to facilitate the off-
target join-up. Once shooter is “VISUAL” on the egress, Lead will verbalize “MARS
11, SWAP.” When the “SWAP” is called, Lead descends to Z altitude and wing
climbs to Z + 1. The flight is now ready to commence another attack with Lead as
the shooter, and wing as the cover.
2. Assumptions. Cover is “TALLY”, but may or may not be “VISUAL.” The shooter,
meanwhile, is “TALLY” and “BLIND” post roll-in. A role swap is only affected with
the shooter’s “PRESS” call.
Common Errors:
1. Failure to complete appropriate actions at the IP, thus unprepared for shooter role.
2. Poor position as cover, flying too far inside or outside of the attack cone, or off
briefed altitude, thus not prepared to rapidly transition to the shooter role.
3. Wingman spending too much time in the cockpit, not providing the desired level of
mutual support.
4. Improper communications.
1. Focus on formation, target mechanics, basic target attack procedures, and actions at
the IP (Air NTTP Table, Actions Prior to the IP).
2. Wingman should fly outside of the attack cone, at briefed altitude, in order to
maintain tally and be prepared to rapidly transition to the shooter role when required.
3. Balance scan in and out of the cockpit to ensure desired level of mutual support is
maintained and proper start parameters are obtained. Maintain a tally.
4. Study contracts and visualize / talk through required calls prior to sortie.
5. After assuming shooter role, focus all attention on good start parameters, followed
by solid BCWD procedures. Remember that proper TPA is the cornerstone of reticle
sight bombing techniques.
6. Execute briefed expendable plan.
7. Pay special attention to briefed contract de-confliction plan off target. Do not blow-
through briefed de-confliction altitude.
Purpose: Day or night section attack used when a restricted run-in heading or zone
is required, degraded section visual mutual support is acceptable, and
time in the target area needs to be minimized.
Description of Procedures:
4. Weapons
a. MK-76, simulating a MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected /
blunt nose
b. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
c. Reactive Weaponeering per Air NTTP for hard / med / soft, unitary and area
targets. You will be dropping singles during the flight simulating the reactive
2. The “OFF” call is still required for the role swap to occur.
1. Executing the low altitude same side attack is a combination of the medium altitude
same side attack and the low altitude pop attack. The attack geometry works
2. IP inbound, the flight should be in low altitude defensive combat spread (co-altitude),
450 KGS, with LAT and MWSS checks complete. At 8 NM, wing performs his action
in the direction of the attack. This action will require a slight climb to ensure de-
confliction with Lead. When rolled out on a heading perpendicular to the attack,
wing begins his timing and starts a descent back to the ingress altitude using small
descent rules. Because the ingress airspeeds are faster on the low altitude attacks,
it will not require the full 20 seconds to achieve the desired separation. After about
12-15 seconds outbound, begin your full power 4 G turn inbound. It may be
necessary to reduce power to maintain airspeed once in the turn. Out of the turn the
target should be off the nose. At this point, follow your low altitude pop procedures.
Prior to tipping in, the role swap needs to occur with shooters “OFF” call.
3. Off target, Lead will recover at the ingress altitude and the PUI will perform a 20°
straight oblique jink and recovery at ingress altitude +500’ until both the Lead and
the student are visual. The off target plan should also incorporate the use of terrain
to provide cover from threats. The off target plan must be briefed in detail and
thoroughly understood by all aircrew.
Common Errors:
1. Wingman will take action as briefed / directed by Lead. After rolling out time the
appropriate wings level portion of the delay using the clock in the HUD. Desired
separation for low altitude attacks is 30-45 seconds.
Purpose: Day or night low altitude section attack when different attack axes are
preferred, degraded section visual mutual support is acceptable, and time
in the target area needs to be minimized.
Description of Procedures:
4. Weapons
a. MK-76, simulating a MK-82 / BSU-86LD / FMU-139 (5.5) / thermally protected /
blunt nose
b. Calculate PUC by using altitude loss in the dive for the longest stick length in
your reactive weaponeering matrix as the worst case scenario.
c. Reactive Weaponeering per Air NTTP for hard / med / soft, unitary and area
targets. You will be dropping singles during the flight simulating the reactive
2. The “OFF” call is still required for the role swap to occur.
1. Executing the low altitude split attack is a combination of the medium altitude same
split attack and the low altitude pop attack. The attack geometry works exactly the
2. IP inbound, the flight should be in low altitude defensive combat spread (co-altitude),
450 KGS, with LAT and MWSS checks complete. At 8 NM, wing performs his action
in the opposite direction of the attack. This action will require a slight climb to
ensure de-confliction with Lead. When rolled out on a heading perpendicular to the
attack, wing begins his timing and starts a descent back to the ingress altitude using
small descent rules. Because the ingress airspeeds are faster on the low altitude
attacks, it will not require the full 20 seconds to achieve the desired separation.
After about 12-15 seconds outbound, begin your full power 4 G turn inbound. It may
be necessary to reduce power to maintain airspeed once in the turn. Out of the turn
the target should be off the nose. At this point, follow your low altitude pop
procedures. Prior to tipping in, the role swap needs to occur with shooters “OFF”
3. Off target, Lead will recover at the ingress altitude and the PUI will perform a 20°
straight oblique jink and recovery at ingress altitude +500’ until both the Lead and
the student are visual. The off target plan should also incorporate the use of terrain
to provide cover from threats. The off target plan must be briefed in detail and
thoroughly understood by all aircrew.
Common Errors:
1. Wingman will take action as briefed / directed by Lead. After rolling out time the
appropriate wings level portion of the delay using the clock in the HUD. Desired
separation for low altitude attacks is 30-45 sec.
Purpose: To thoroughly prepare for close air support missions. Consideration will
be given to threat counter-tactics, weather, terrain, and ordnance delivery.
CAS planning will be conducted in the CAS planning labs under IP
Description of Procedures:
1. During your planning lab you will be given a handout that will include an ATO,
SPINS, and general description of the flight requirements.
2. Review the stage readings to include JP 3-09.3, NATIP, Air NTTP.
3. Planning should be executed in a logical and sequential manner to ensure that all
planning factors are adequately addressed. The Joint Publication for the Application
of Firepower (JFIRE) contains a standardized mission planning checklist. Utilize this
checklist during your CAS planning lab to ensure thorough preparation.
4. Specific considerations for CAS planning at 203 include the following:
a. UTM datum. WGS-84 is the JPUB standard and should be utilized for both Yuma
and Cherry Point execution.
b. Your target area study should be extremely thorough. Utilize JMPS and 1: 50,000
maps to develop an intimate familiarity with the target area. The likely target area
should be plotted on a map along with all pertinent FSCMs in order to allow for
discussion during the brief. Tactical size targets are difficult to see, familiarity with
the big picture will allow for expeditious funneling of available sensors and a
higher probability of target acquisition. Additionally, geographic references that
are associated with control measures should be identified and discussed to aid in
de-confliction. When PGMs are going to be utilized, be sure to plot laser to target
lines, LARs and anticipated ballistic release points to ensure compliance with
range restrictions and other FSCMs This will aid in the development of a
gameplan prior to execution. Additionally, be familiar with the mean target area
elevation so that you understand how your Z-diagram will apply to varying target
c. The CP / IP architecture should be included in the JMPS mission plan in its
entirety. Utilize both overlay 1 and 2 so that all information is visible to the
d. Include the effects of weather from the very beginning stages of your planning. Z-
diagrams should account for weather contingencies and additionally target
acquisition affects of various conditions should be discussed. Winds will have a
definite impact on the effectiveness of the mark and should be considered both in
planning and execution.
Common Errors:
1. Start planning with the target and target area in mind. Prepare charts per Air NTTP.
Maximize chart and imagery study before and during the brief.
2. Take environmental conditions into account in planning. Know environmental effects
on adaptive roll-in technique and target acquisition.
3. Ensure all aspects of the plan include considerations for the threat.
4. Weaponeering should be based off reactive weaponeering, not deliberate plan.
5. Correlate FAC corrections to HUD symbology (HUD symbology mil size from NATIP)
Utilize pre-flight preparation of imagery and target attack overlays to visualize
corrections from various final attack headings.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Not giving timely information in proper format. The format is “CMNPOP.” Callsign,
mission number, number of aircraft, position, ordnance and playtime- meaning time
on station. What is not part of this memory aid but must also be included is the abort
code as well as any remarks and/or special equipment / capabilities that the aircraft /
aircrew possess. Examples of details in the remarks could be the fact that a
targeting pod is being carried, LGB laser code or that the aircrew is a FAC (A). More
detailed examples can be found in the JCAS pub.
1. As a governing document for one of our primary missions, the JP 3-09.3 must be
read and thoroughly understood by all aircrew. In particular, the chapter on
2. Follow the CMNPOP template with all FACs. Understand that the FAC you are
checking in with in the real world may be operating in an austere location with little or
no access to the ATO. Do not simply tell him that you are checking in “AS
FRAGGED” as he may not know what the ATO called for, and more importantly may
only have a small period of time to make an appropriate weapon to target match
based on the threat or even collateral damage considerations. They will be using the
specific info that you provide them at check in to formulate their gameplan for target
prosecution and there is little time to be wasted asking questions for clarification.
Purpose: To copy a CAS brief and set up aircraft systems to arrive on time via
planned routing with desired weapon program.
Description of Procedures:
*JP 3-09.3 requires that all readbacks of information from line 4 and 6 must come
directly from the system. This is to mitigate potential errors that may be a result
of data input.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To ensure all flight members have plotted correct target location,
Apply correct reactive weaponeering, timing, and that the target location
has been correlated through all available information.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Carefully enter the 9-line information directly into the CAS page
2. Apply weaponeering matrix to briefed target sets and audible the planned target
attack. Program an initial systems setup as part of CWAIVER checks based on flight
Lead guidance or pre-flight intel assessment. The flight Lead will modify the reactive
weaponeering or PGM profile as necessary based on the FAC request, destruction
criteria, collateral damage estimate or available ordnance.
3. Plot target coordinates on 1:50,000 chart and perform quick chart study in the
cockpit. Compare this location to the target location depicted on the data page after
use is boxed, as well as TAMMAC if available. The goal is to correlate the target
location with amplifying information provided by FAC. This will increase the
probability of visually acquiring the target for conventional weapons delivery.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Use the terms “TALLY” and “NO JOY” for the target “VISUAL” and “BLIND” to
reference friendly forces. Criteria for each of these are delineated in the Air NTTP. If
there is any confusion clarify the terms in the brief with your flight Lead. Incorrect
language used during the flight can detract from everyone’s situational awareness
and potentially result in an abort be directed from the FAC. It is imperative that
accurate terminology be used.
2. Use the term “CONTACT” for reference points that are utilized by the FAC during the
target area talk on or as part of any amplifying information that they pass. If you are
referencing the point on imagery be sure to indicate that to the FAC and strive to
visually acquire the reference point as soon as able.
3. Make “IN” call with direction, based on sub-cardinal headings, just prior to initiating
roll-in. Utilize preflight study of standard target area attacks to have an idea of what
cardinal heading you may be rolling in from based on CP / IP architecture or
preplanned 9-lines.. In the aircraft, utilize the “centered” function of the EHSD to
reference a direction just prior to roll in. An accurate “IN CALL” can be the difference
between getting approval for weapons release and being told to abort during CAS
under type 1 control. The FAC has a very short period of time to visually acquire
your aircraft so it is imperative you are accurate with your in call.
Purpose: To set up aircraft systems for CAS data entry, and facilitate navigation,
target acquisition and weapons delivery.
Description of Procedures:
b. Line 14 allows for entry of the TOT as requested by the FAC / JTAC. Enter this
information via the UFC. An accurate time HACK should be conducted in the
brief and validated by referencing GPS time in the aircraft. GPS time is assumed
and an inability to operate this way must be identified to the FAC / JTAC.
3. Once data entry is complete, select the “USE” option via pushbutton. The ODU will
be energized with TGT, ensure that you are entering zero which will command the
target to be an offset of the selected IP.
Common Errors:
1. Failure to select A/G master mode after data entry, thus referencing CAS vice TAS
for airspeed.
2. Performing “ALPHA CHECK” to IP, vice the target.
3. Poor cockpit management to include card set up, map and waypoint availability.
4. Incorrect DATUM for IP and thus target.
5. Failure to plot target on 1:50,000 chart.
6. Performing “System Speed” checks with IP designated.
7. Poor formation work while performing cockpit tasks.
8. Failure to use sensors for target acquisition.
9. Blindly following command speed time.
1. A/G master mode selection should be completed as part of the Tacadmin checks
while entering the target area.
2. Ensure waypoint offset is selected (target) for “ALPHA CHECK” vice the waypoint
3. Cockpit setup should be IAW Air NTTP. Flight Leads will brief deviations from the
standard. Ensure that your cockpit is ready to receive data input as soon as you are
established in assigned holding. When the CAS page is selected, ensure you know
exactly where the asterisk is prior to data entry.
4. Ensure all waypoints are programmed into the DSU in the briefed DATUM. Per the
JPUB, WGS-84 is the standard datum and should be planned for unless otherwise
identified in the SPINs or on a JTAR from the FAC.
5. After systems checks, plot target on 1:50,000 chart.
Purpose: To push at the proper time, ingress to the target per routing instructions,
and deliver ordnance on-time-on-target.
Description of Procedures:
4. While flowing through the IP it is necessary for the section to transition to the
appropriate formation to support the attack profile delineated in the attack and
weapons audible. If holding in fighter wing, be sure to transition to DCS prior to the
action point so that the geometry is correct to facilitate desired separation. At this
point in the weapons employment timeline, the roles of the aircraft are IAW the
standard target area attack templates, the shooter is focused on target acquisition
and the cover aircraft is responsible for de-confliction and mutual support. Anticipate
that the speed of the section will increase the briefed ingress speed to comply with
the TOT as requested by the FAC
5. All aircrew need to maneuver their aircraft to the parameters specified on the Z-
diagram in order to ensure that you are in a position to release accurate, fuzed
ordnance on the target on your first pass. Utilize mission crosscheck time to ensure
that you are managing critical tasks, but not disregarding the requirement to
maneuver the aircraft to a successful start on the attack cone or a position where a
safe, effective adaptive roll in can be initiated.
Common Errors:
1. Ensure A/G master mode is selected as part of Tacadmin checks conducted while
entering holding.
2. Use CS/T function and back it up with simple math (420 KGS = 7 miles per minute)
to forecast push time. Reference Air NTTP for CS/T that will result in correct ingress
3. If you do begin your ingress early, correct by making a pump maneuver to allow the
required ingress airspeed to increase prior to continuing. Do not fly a slower ingress
to account for poor timing. This will ensure that you maintain airspeed necessary for
threat reaction if required.
4. Scan airspeed and CS/T required airspeed on ingress. Once inside 12 NM to target,
ensure referencing “time-to-go” to target, vice CS/T.
5. Adhere to briefed routing. This is imperative to ensure de-confliction with active gun
target lines or other aircraft operating in the target area. Any deviations to routing
must be cleared with the FAC or air officer to ensure they can be conducted safely
IAW applicable FSCMs.
Purpose: Execute Air NTTP standard attacks (same side or split) in support of
(ISO) FAC or FAC (A) from medium or low alt, IAW JCAS Type I
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Purpose: Employ ordnance ISO FAC or FAC (A) IAW JCAS Type II requirements.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Ensure pre-briefed parameters are flown all the way to weapon release. Preflight
preparation should include building a detailed familiarity with the BRP, LAR and
EOTDA products. Review the Air NTTP and applicable PGM in-flight guides to be
familiar with various employment rules of thumb in the event that conditions require
a deviation from planned attack geometry.
2. For GBU deliveries, ensure “CAPTURED” call is broadcast prior to weapons release
if necessary. If utilizing a ground based laser, ensure that the ground controller
knows time of fall for the weapon. This allows him to economically employ his laser
while ensuring adequate opportunity for the weapon to acquire the laser energy and
accurately guide to the intended target.
3. Do not touch bomb pickle button until “CLEARED HOT” call is broadcast. Often
times a FAC will request an “IN WITH HEADING CALL.” As a measure to ensure
compliance with assigned restrictions. Remember, despite the range from the target
that weapons employment timelines for PGMs occur, it means nothing without a
release authorization from the FAC. Allow adequate time between your call and
ballistic release point for the FAC to communicate with you.
Purpose: To report mission results to the command and control structure for tactical
decision making.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
1. Build habits to provide mission reports during the RTF phase of all OAS sorties both
training and actual. Accurate IFREPS are integral to the targeting cycle that
contributes to the ATO. If you destroy a target it is essential to let the DASC know so
that other assets are not dedicated when not necessary. By the same token, be
accurate in your assessments when additional targeting is necessary.
2. Be very careful to give accurate information in the mission report. Be particularly
careful passing information using encryption and / or code words.
3. Have a card (loaded in the DSU and on your kneeboard) with the INFLTREP format
for quick reference. Practice using INFLTREP format during training.
Purpose: AI missions are flown against targets whose locations are known in
advance and usually involve the employment of large strike packages
against enemy infrastructure such as bases, runways, C3 nodes, bridges,
railways, lines of communication, and so forth.
Description of Procedures:
Follow on information is classified and can be found in Air NTTP. Ideally the Air
Interdiction will have the following:
Assets Threats
SEAD Threat emitters
Sweepers (Blue Air) Adversaries (red air)
AIC / GCI Surface-to-air threats
Designation platform
• You may have all, some, or none of these outside assets available for your strike.
• Some may be simulated (notional), while others omitted.
• You will get to drop ordnance on a known target; utilizing an electronic warfare
range and TACTS.
2. Mission planning: reference the MAWTS-1 Strike Mission Planning Guide and the
a. Objectives of an AI sortie are:
i. Locate target
ii. Deliver fuzed ordnance on target
iii. Survive the threat
b. Planning will determine what tactics are needed based on the target, threat and
c. Planning considerations are:
i. Collect information: targets, aimpoints, source of coordinates, date, TLE,
ii. Analyze the mission: What are the damage criteria, surface threats, air
threats, radio electronic combat, and weather
iii. Show stoppers: Threats? Ordnance available? Wx? Diverts?
3. Mission brief: The goal of the brief is to ensure that all strike package members have
a clear understanding of mission objectives and overall execution game plan.
Following this brief the package members will break into smaller groups for more
detailed briefing. Usually these groups are broken up based on platform, mission,
and location (Large strike packages typically do not have the entire package co-
4. Execution. First pass success requires mastery of the basics and disciplined
execution to avoid introducing friction into later parts of the mission.
Mission Considerations:
a. Tactical admin. Roll call, Stragglers.
5. If this seems like a lot of planning, it is. The AI sortie is a culmination of everything
you have learned at the FRS and is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge
and abilities. You are responsible for everything introduced in previous stages. If
there was a planning document required in a previous stage, you should utilize it for
this sortie as well.
Purpose: AI mission flown against target whose location is known in advance within
a large strike package (simulated) against enemy infrastructure such as
bases, runways, C3 nodes, bridges, railways, lines of communication, and
so forth.
Description of Procedures:
1. It is not the intent of this sortie for the IP and RP to schedule an LFE. However, the
effort shall be made to schedule and coordinate external assets. Boundaries set for
this flight are:
a. Target attack – low altitude to a pop and low level egress. BDU-45 or MK-76s if
in Yuma will be used for the attack.
b. Threat reaction – to emitters and/or air threat. MAWER range or 2301W will be
c. External asset – every effort shall be made to have actual aircraft and controlling
agencies involved. A minimum or one asset should be coordinated.
d. Route – low is preferred but a route flown at 4k within the route structure is
acceptable if weather drives it higher.
e. This sortie may be planned with 2 sections from VMAT-203 with separate TOTs.
f. Brief / debrief – will be conducted by the IP. TACTS range should be used as a
debriefing tool.
g. Planning: At least one week should be given to plan and coordinate this sortie.
Planning considerations:
1. See examples on JMPS computers.
Suggested support:
1. Friendly:
2. Threat
Supporting Activities:
1. Schedule VR route
2. TACTS range for support and debrief
3. Range scheduling to include emitters.
2 min
KILL PASS P10A 342.425 WX ABORT MONZA TENIS 03 135W1 FL200 1943Z FL200 (*) 1-2-3
OFF STATION RADICAL MARS 04 180W1 FL180 1945Z FL200 1-2-3-4-5-6
PUSH PLAYSTATION CHICO 07 135W1 FL160 1947Z FL180 1-2-3-4-5-6 2000Z-2001Z 2010Z-2011Z
OFF TARGET MENPHIS MARS 02 180W1 FL140 1949Z FL180/5K 1-2-3-4-5-6 2003Z-2004Z 2013Z-2014Z
LON: 002º 55´ W NUM 68 300-340 10-20NM WPT ALT B-UP ALT ROUTE
2 min CHICO07 HOLD2
CHICO7 B I / MARS02 B 0 / I 240-290 CHICO 07 F110-120 F110-120 PROCEED NORTH 10NM AND COORDINATE RTB
RAMROD DURESS 2 min 2 min COBRA04 TENIS03 MARS 02 1 F130-140 5K AGL F130-140 WP1
COBRA02 FL180 FL200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COBRA02 COBRA02 CHICO07
G R E Y H O U N D S 13-14K FL140 FL160
A1 : N37º 57´ W 002º 44 F180
B2 :
B2: EXIT N38º 05´ W 002º 54´ F180
C3: 3: N38º 20´ W 003º 04´
D4: 4: N 38º 22´ W 002º 40´ NOTES: AA REFUELING
E5 :
F6: TGT N 38º 56´53” W 001º 52´44” 2247
J9 : / /
M12: / /
N13: / /
P14: / /
Q15: / /
/ /
Purpose: To define the preparation and briefing requirements for air-to-air training
Description of Procedures:
1. Preparation: The FRS syllabus must be efficient because we have very few sorties
in which to instruct and enormous amount of knowledge and skills. The only way to
compensate for this is to aggressively pursue the relevant “book knowledge.” It is
imperative you capitalize on this opportunity.
2. Brief – You should have a Smart Pack with at least the Admin 1, Admin 2 and Admin
3 (SOE) cards. The white board should be set up in accordance with the template
for the specific event listed in the stage SPINS.
Common Errors:
1. Not being prepared for syllabus events, including ground school lessons.
1. Take advantage of the time available between the stage in-brief and the beginning of
the academic ground school. A large portion of the reading is classified so you will
not be able to do it at home at night. The ground school schedule is aggressive with
full days of classroom academics. If you do not get ahead on the reading list prior to
the ground school you will not be able to keep up.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Preflight checks
a. Parent rack with ADU-299 / LAU-7:
i. Safe / arm lever – SAFE
ii. Swaybraces adjusted
iii. Cartridges not installed; breech caps tight
b. LAU-7:
i. Detent wrench safety pin installed
ii. Detent hold-down pin installed
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Purpose: To determine the status of your CAIM-9(s) and to determine the range of
the target based on its size relative to either the seeker head position
indicator (SHPI) or the long / short range LCOS sight.
Description of Procedures:
1. Normally, Dash 2 will perform the missile check immediately after take-off prior to
join up, en route to the working area. After the take-off, complete NATOPS After
Takeoff procedures then lag the Lead aircraft to arrive no greater than 1 NM in trail
to perform the check.
2. AIM-9M missile checks: Wingmen ensure master arm – OFF and assume a trail
position on their element Leader. Adjust tone level, lock the missile onto the heat
source and adjust seeker head position indicator (SHPI). To boresight the missile,
select BST on the stores page, slew the SHPI over the heat source with the TDC,
and deselect BST. Check all missiles in boresight and SEAM / STR. When
complete, continue with range estimation drill.
3. Range estimation drill: Select the AIM-9M Missile in the boresight and SEAM / STR
mode; and then assume a 1 mile trail position. Evaluate Lead’s aircraft size based
on the SHPI. Maneuver you aircraft to a 0.5-mile trail position and evaluate Lead’s
aircraft size based on the SHPI. Next call up the long-range gun sight and evaluate
Lead’s aircraft size. Move your aircraft to a position 45° AOT, 0.2-0.1 miles from
Lead. Finally position your aircraft in the briefed formation, and prepare for
expendable checks.
Common Errors:
1. Take your time and get your aircraft safely airborne with all of you NATOPS
procedures completed before attempting missile / systems checks. There are
several minutes of transit time to the operating area in which to complete the missile
systems checks.
Purpose: Determine the range of the target based on the size of the target relative
to either the AIM-9 boresight SHPI or the long / short range gun sight.
Description of Procedures:
1. In the AV-8B Night Attack variant, the ability to recognize a weapon engagement
zone (WEZ) or adversary range without a radar lock is dependent upon the pilot’s
ability to use stadiametric range estimation.
2. To determine the target’s range utilizing the gun sights, review the “Combat
Gunnery” Lesson and the AV-8B NATIP for LCOS long and short range sight size.
Determining target range utilizing the Sidewinder is a little more difficult. The SHPI
is 28 mils in diameter. Therefore, a Harrier with a wingspan of approximately 30’
would be at 1000’ if it fills the SHPI considering that 1 mil = 1’ at 1000’ range.
Furthermore, if the Harrier is approximately one-half the size of the SHPI, the range
would be 2000’; one-quarter the size of range is 4000’, etc. Using this method we
are able to determine whether or not the target is within the AIM-9 weapons range
3. The only time the entire wingspan of the target is visible is when you are directly in
front of or behind it or when you are abeam the target and it is showing you pure
planform. In BFM these instances are rare so often it is more useful to use fuselage
apparent size to determine range or a combination of the fuselage and wingspan
apparent size. The non-radar visual range estimation table handed out to you during
air-to-air ground school (also in the AV-8B TPG) shows the apparent size of a
Harrier wingspan and fuselage compared to air-to-air weapon symbology at given
ranges. Study this table to gain a sight picture of when an air-to-air target is in range
for the selected weapon. The top of the table shows the apparent size of a target
when the fuselage or wingspan are visible with no offset and the bottom of the table
shows the apparent size with a 45° offset in the look angle.
Common Errors:
1. Review the range estimation table for applicable ranges for the AIM-9 and GAU-12
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. The default kill removal at VMAT-203 will be shooter controlled kill removal (SCKR)
as defined in the TOPGUN Manual. For 1v1 sorties the kill call will normally dictate
the termination of the set. However, ACTIs may allow the RP to initiate a bug from
their kill to evaluate bug mechanics.
2. Missile shots will be called with “MARS-XX, FOX-2” and gunshots with a “TRIGGER
DOWN” call. If the Shooter evaluates the shot as valid, call “MARS-XX, KILL
HARRIER, LEFT / RIGHT HAND TURN, XX THOUSAND” (if it is the first valid snap-
shot of the engagement, just call “SNAP” if the shot was assessed to have been a
“hit”). If the shot is not deemed valid, then no follow-on call is required. All
defenders will acknowledge “KILL” calls with a “MARS-XX, COPY KILL” response. If
the kill call is not acknowledged by the defender, the proper call by the attacker will
3. Proper fine will be paid for kill calls derived from an invalid shot.
Common Errors:
1. Forgetting to make a kill call after a valid weapons employment and kill criteria met.
2. Forgetting to “time out” a shot prior to making a kill call.
3. Making an incorrect kill call.
1. Use the time-of-flight rule of thumb as described in the TOPGUN Manual or Air
NTTP for air-to-air weapons employment.
2. Think about what you are going to say before transmitting a kill call.
Description of Procedures:
1. Threat counter-tactics and ALE-39/47 employment are described in the Air NTTP
and TacNotes. PUIs shall simulate and be prepared to brief SEL 5 during all A/A
2. Due to NCEA restrictions it is not feasible to carry a full expendable load for air-to-air
training at VMAT-203.
3. The P1 training load will be used for air-to-air events.
4. Proper expendable usage will also be determined via the DSP function in the HUD.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To check the pilot’s security in the cockpit and the integrity of the cockpit
components and the aircraft prior to performing dynamic maneuvering.
Description of Procedures:
1. On all sorties where there is an increased probability of departing the aircraft (i.e. all
BFM sorties) a negative G check will be conducted after the standard G-awareness
maneuver is performed. Prior to executing the negative G check ensure your lap
belts tight, harness locked and cockpit gear stowed and secured.
2. After performing standard Air NTTP / FSG G-awareness maneuver, the ACTI will
call for you to conduct your negative G check individually. Initiate the negative G
check by pulling the nose up to a 10-20° positive FPA and then roll the aircraft
inverted and push forward on the stick to unload the aircraft to approximately
negative (-)0.5 G for 2-3 seconds while checking the security of your lap belts,
cockpit components, loose gear and for any hidden FOD. The check must be
conducted deliberately yet expeditiously to abide by NATOPS limit for less than 1 G
and prevent engine problems due to oil starvation.
3. Once the check is complete, roll the aircraft upright and reestablish defensive
combat spread. The ACTI will conduct a negative G check individually after the PUI.
Common Errors:
1. When performing forward push on stick you should smoothly unload to 0 G and then
ease the stick forward very slightly establish a slight negative G profile. If you snap
the stick forward it is quite likely you will “under-G” (-3 G limit) the aircraft.
2. G should be between 0-1G when performing rolls to enter and exit this check.
Purpose: To define the series of event that must occur after the completion of an
engagement to prepare the flight for the next engagement.
Description of Procedures:
1. Resets and transitions will be in accordance with Air NTTP. Starting parameters are
defined using the acronym PADS, which stands for Position, Altitude, Distance, and
2. The default formation between sets at VMAT-203 is defensive combat spread. The
ACTI may direct another formation to expedite the setup and flow of the sortie.
However, unless otherwise stated, the RP will regain a visual at the end of an
engagement, capture 300 kts IAS and then maneuver to combat spread while the
ACTI is climbing to setup the next engagement and writing notes. The RP’s primary
responsibility after formation-keeping is visual / lookout for the section, since the
ACTI is dividing MCT for navigation, notes and lookout.
Common Errors:
1. Once visual is re-established transmit your visual status to the ACTI. Fly your
aircraft to DCS or the next position on the SOE while maintaining de-confliction.
2. Flying good TACFORM minimizes time between sets and yields more training.
Ensure that you are making corrections to get into the proper formation.
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will commence this maneuver at 250 KCAS and 15,000’. When cleared by
instructor select full power and pull 10 units AOA to 40° nose-up. Passing 150
KCAS, reset nose attitude to maintain 120 KCAS (approximately 15° nose high). At
120 KCAS the AOA will be approximately 20 to 23 units and aircraft climbing slightly
in moderate buffet. The wind vane should be monitored to ensure no sideslip
buildup occurs. Coordinated use of aileron and rudder will be required to maintain
aircraft control. Initiating turns will require slight reductions in aft stick pressure to
prevent excessive AOA excursions. AOA above 25 units without TVC will normally
lead to a departure. Rapid AOA excursions can be stopped by momentarily
releasing aft stick pressure and reapplying appropriate force (this is known as
“pumping the stick”). Perform straight and level flight and turns in both directions
(attempt to prevent roll hesitation, roll reversal or auto roll).
2. This maneuver will be repeated to introduce TVC slow flight characteristics. The
procedures for entry into the TVC slow speed / high AOA maneuvering will be the
same as in conventional flight except that prior to initiation the instructor will direct
you to set your power to 100-103% instead of full power for the pull up. Then at 150
KCAS select 20-25° nozzles as you push the nose down to reset 120 KCAS. Notice
the lower nose attitude and turn characteristics. Conventionally you were required to
use mostly rudder to turn the aircraft, with TVC, ailerons can be used effectively due
to RCS.
Common Errors:
Purpose: To develop proper techniques for the execution of a break turn while
exploiting the effects of plane-of-motion.
Description of Procedures:
1. The PUI will start the maneuver at corner speed or 0.75 IMN, whichever is lower,
and at 20, 15 or 10 thousand feet. This maneuver will be repeated several times
with different planes of motion to show the effect of plane-of-motion on
instantaneous turn capability and energy sustainment.
2. For the oblique break turns once cleared by the instructor, execute an unloaded roll
to set the proper plane-of-motion then smoothly increase back stick pressure to
establish a lift limit pull for 180° of turn. Expendables should be utilized at the onset
of turn. For the vertical break turns you will use a 10 deg check turn in the vertical.
Following the “EXECUTE” call you will check 10 degrees nose up, pull power to idle,
unload roll, set the plane-of-motion and smoothly increase back stick pressure to
establish a lift limit pull for 180° of turn. Passing through -80 FPA begin adding
power to ensure you do not slow below 325 KCAS.
3. Exceeding the lift limit is characterized by wing rock, maneuvering tone or heavy
buffet (pitch hesitation). If any of these indications appear then reduce back stick
pressure to eliminate the indication. The target AOA for these break turns is 11-14
units from corner speed (below 0.78 IMN) down to 325 KCAS and 15-17 units below
325 KCAS.
4. The plane-of-motion for the 20 thousand foot break turns are:
a. Vertical low
5. The plane-of-motion for the 15 thousand foot break turns are:
a. 20° nose high (simulator)
b. Level (simulator)
c. 30° nose low
6. The plane-of-motion for the 10 thousand foot break turns are:
a. 20° nose high (simulator)
b. Level (simulator)
c. 30° nose low
7. At the completion of 180° of turn the PUI will unload and roll out while calling
airspeed and maximum G in the break turn to note energy bleed. The ACTI will
inform the PUI of the time required to turn 180° to assess turn rate performance.
8. If at any time during a break turn the speed exceeds 0.78 IMN, a knock-it-off will be
initiated by reducing the throttle to idle and extending the speed brake while
smoothly rolling to wings level and returning to level flight with a gradual increase in
AOA and G until the airspeed decreases below 0.78 IMN.
Common Errors:
1. To achieve the best roll rate you must unload, set the vector, smoothly apply G to lift
limit. Smooth G application does not imply that this cannot be accomplished
aggressively. We are trying to avoid “snatching” the G on the aircraft.
2. It is not recommended to use any rudder above 0.5 IMN. Don’t mistakenly push
rudders while attempting to acquire another aircraft in the aft quadrant.
3. Maneuvering tone or wing rock is an indication that the DEPRES system is saturated
and departure is imminent. PUI must quickly reduce AOA slightly until indications
4. At 15,000 feet keep the throttle set when breaking in the oblique until the AOA is set
and the airspeed starts to decay. When performing vertical nose low break turns,
reduce the throttle (even to idle) prior to initiating the nose low pull. After the AOA is
established the throttle can be advanced but do not allow the aircraft to accelerate
above 0.78 IMN. Once the nose passes 90º down, the throttle definitely needs to be
advanced to full power if the airspeed has been maintained at or below corner
speed, to allow the engine to spool up and provide maximum thrust as the aircraft is
arriving on the bottom of the “egg” to avoid excessive energy loss. If airspeed is
greater than corner speed keep the throttle at idle and even extend the speed brake
at 90° down to decelerate back to corner speed.
Purpose: To develop proper techniques for selecting and executing an energy rate
or positional deck transition.
Description of Procedures:
1. This maneuver will be performed two times, once to perform an Energy Rate Deck
Transition (ERDT) and then to perform a Positional Deck Transition (PDT).
2. Deck transitions will be start at 10,000 feet AGL and 325 KCAS. When cleared by
the ACTI, perform an unloaded roll to establish a full power, 20-30° nose low plane
of motion hard or break turn to the specified deck transition. The 30-20-10 rule will
be used to transition to a level hard turn just above the hard deck.
3. At completion of deck transition the PUI should be slightly above the hard deck to
deny any nose low maneuvering for the bandit.
4. Two types of deck transitions may be performed:
a. Energy Rate Deck Transition (ERDT) – Target 12-13 units AOA and execute in
accordance with Air NTTP.
b. Positional Deck Transition (PDT) – Target 15 units AOA and execute in
accordance with Air NTTP. Adhere to training rules for minimum airspeed and
maximum AOA below the soft deck.
Common Errors:
1. Apply 30-20-10 rule to level off 300-500 feet above the hard deck.
2. Maneuvering tone or wing rock is an indication that the DEPRES system is saturated
and departure is imminent. PUI must quickly relax the AOA until the indications
3. ERDT: Assuming that airspeed is within the sustained rate band between 12-13
units AOA will maintain that airspeed / sustained turn rate.
4. PDT: Flying more than 13 units will bleed energy while allowing a decrease in turn
radius down to 150-170 KCAS just above the hard deck. Below 150 KCAS the turn
radius increases rapidly (bad for maintaining a positional advantage). For a two
circle flow, allowing the airspeed to bleed off below 250 KCAS will cause the
sustained turn rate to decrease.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with the CTVC lesson and Air NTTP.
2. At VMAT-203 post all TVC drills you will transmit “recovered” when all of the
recovery indications have been met. The nozzles are aft, airspeed is increasing past
150 KCAS, the AOA is less than 15 AOA and there is no apparent sideslip.
3. TVC straight and level – Accelerate the aircraft to 350 knots at 15,000’. The ACTI
will inform you to “SET THE POWER”, select 100%-103% RPM and report “POWER
SET.” When cleared by the ACTI, move the nozzles to 65°. You will need forward
stick to control AOA, G and flight path. Monitor aircraft handling characteristics.
Once cleared, select hover-stop with the nozzles. Continue to monitor aircraft
handling characteristics. A scan of the cockpit instruments will include the following
indications that all is well with both engine and aircraft with nozzles at other-than-aft
(i.e. HS or BS) are: 15 second caution light as JPT rises; lack of forward
acceleration; deceleration with high RPM; RPM at ~113.5%, above the 109% or
111% band; high duct pressure, above 0-3; loss of altitude while keeping AOA under
control, or increasing AOA at level flight; nozzle position indicator pointing to ~6
o’clock, or not to the 3 o’clock; nozzle lever position not forward; increase in pitch
sensitivity, etc. Finally select Braking Stop. Continue to monitor aircraft handling
characteristics. When instructed by the ACTI or at 200 KCAS, clean the aircraft up
by moving the nozzles aft and selecting full throttle. Once the aircraft has been
returned to normal flight transmit “RECOVERED.”
4. TVC turning flight – Accelerate the aircraft to 300 knots at 15,000’. Select 100%-
103% RPM. Next put the aircraft in a 2-3 G level turn to maintain 300 KCAS
constant airspeed. When instructed by the ACTI select 20-25° nozzles for 2-3
seconds and then return the nozzles to the aft position, without adjusting back stick
pressure. You should note an increase in turn rate, a reduction in airspeed, and an
instantaneous AOA and G spike. The G will tend to increase by 1 to 1.5 G as the
nozzles are deflected, however, do not allow the AOA to increase above 15 units.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Introduce aircraft handling in the slow speed environment with TVC.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with the CTVC lesson and Air NTTP.
2. At VMAT-203 this maneuver will start at 15,000 feet and 250 KCAS.
3. Once PADS have been achieved the ACTI will clear you to set the power to 100-
103%. On the command to “EXECUTE”, initiate a 12- 15 unit pull to 65 degrees
nose high. While waiting for the aircraft to slow to 150 KCAS ensure you unload the
aircraft. Once the aircraft has slowed to 150 KCAS apply forward stick and move
the nozzles to the hover stop position (3 sec transition time). This maneuver will
almost require moving the stick to the forward stop. Stabilize the aircraft in a 10 – 15
degree nose low position increasing airspeed to 60 – 65 KCAS.
4. In the nose down hover stop position the ACTI may clear you for mild maneuvering,
if so ensure you do not allow the AOA or sideslip to build up.
5. On the command to “recover”, maintain forward stick pressure and slowly begin to
nozzles out. Allow the aircraft to increase airspeed while reducing AOA and keeping
the nose below the horizon.
6. Once all criteria for recovery have been met transmit “RECOVERED.”
Common Errors:
Purpose: Introduce aircraft handling in the slow speed environment with TVC.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with the CTVC lesson and Air NTTP.
2. At VMAT-203 this maneuver will start at 15,000 feet and 250 KCAS.
3. This drill is performed similar to the TVC hover stop push over up until the selection
of hover stop. At 150 KCAS transition the nozzles to hover stop, roll the aircraft to
110 degree AOB and insert rudder. Continue to scan the wind vane to ensure you
do not build excessive sideslip. The intent is to get the nose coming down to
intercept 180º reverse heading. Use AOB to finish the heading reversal. You must
use forward stick to keep the nose coming down. Stabilize in a negative 40º FPA
and target 100 KCAS.
4. Completion of the maneuver is initiated by reducing nozzle angle slowly to zero
while maintaining required forward stick. Rapid nozzle angle reduction or late
initiation can lead to a departure. After completion of the maneuver, power should
only be adjusted once nozzles are aft.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Introduce aircraft handling in the slow speed environment with TVC.
Description of Procedures:
1. Procedures are in accordance with the CTVC lesson and Air NTTP.
2. At VMAT-203 this maneuver will start at 15,000 feet and 250 KCAS.
3. Once PADS are achieved the ACTI will clear you to “SET THE POWER.” You will
then add power to 100 – 103%. On the command “EXECUTE” you will pull 12 – 15
units AOA until 70º and unload. Once the aircraft has slowed to 150 KCAS start
moving the nozzles 20-40º while simultaneously adding forward stick. Target AOA
should be 15-20 units AOA. 15-20º prior to the desired attitude, use forward stick to
stop nose movement and nozzle out.
4. For the Flop Immelman, complete as above except 15-20º prior to the horizon apply
forward stick and/or reduce nozzle angle. Roll the aircraft upright while keeping the
vane centered. Nozzle out to complete maneuver.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Develop the proper techniques for the execution of a bug or tactical
separation and engaging turn from a separation maneuver.
Description of Procedures:
1. This drill teaches the PUI the mechanics of unloading the aircraft to quickly increase
airspeed to create separation while monitoring FPA and altitude and keeping sight of
the adversary in an air-to-air engagement. Additionally, it teaches the sight picture
for a bug decision point for continuing or turning back in to re-engage. The PUI
should also gain Mach number awareness and control for commencing an engaging
2. To transition to the correct starting parameters for this drill, the lead will transmit,
“MARS 11, PUSH FOR SPEED, BUG DRILL.” Dash-2 will maneuver to:
P – Abeam
A – HD+5K (co-altitude)
D – 1.0 NM
S – 300 KCAS
3. Once correct parameters are achieved, Dash-2 will transmit, “MARS 12, SPEED
AND ANGELS.” Lead will check the flight 30-40° into the PUI to place the PUI acute.
Lead will then broadcast, “MARS 12, EXECUTE BUG DRILL.”
4. While the PUI is executing the drill the lead will maintain 300 KCAS straight and
level until the PUI reaches 1 NM range. Lead may then roll into 90° AOB to give the
PUI a wing flash to help achieve a “TALLY” if lost previously. After PUI calls
“TALLY” Lead will return to 300 KCAS, HD+5K, straight and level.
5. To execute the drill the PUI will select full power and overbank slightly to place the
plane-of-motion beneath the Lead while using a hard (energy sustaining) turn into
lead to attempt to pass 500-1000 feet directly underneath lead’s aircraft with 60-90°
TCA. After the turn the PUI will unload to 0 G to no more than 25° nose low. At
HD+2K the PUI will recover to level flight just above the HD while continuing to
accelerate. At 1 NM separation PUI will call out airspeed and Mach number to
evaluate bug effectiveness. Regardless of bug effectiveness, the PUI will regain a
tally on the lead (if lost), slow to 0.78 IMN (if faster) and start an engaging turn back
into lead. It is critical that if the Mach number is above 0.78 the PUI not try rolling
the aircraft quickly or introducing G / AOA until the speed is reduced. Pull the
throttle back to idle, as speed bleeds down to 0.78 IMN, roll aircraft to place the lift
vector on lead and select full power while initiating a hard turn back into lead to
arrive in pure pursuit. Once the PUI establishes nose-on to Lead, maintain pure
pursuit to a valid AIM-9 WEZ and take a “FOX-2.” The PUI will then time out the
missile and call the kill. Lead will then call, “TERMINATE” and the PUI will turn to
parallel lead’s heading and maneuver back to defensive combat spread.
1. 0 G will give you the best acceleration because it will cause you to have a negative
FPA and it eliminates induced drag because the wings are not generating any lift.
Unload to 0 G for the separation.
2. NATOPS limits flight at less than 1 G to less than 15 seconds. If this drill is started
on the proper parameters, flight at 0 G should last for no more than 10 seconds,
however, take note of the seconds in the clock at the start of the unload and if you
have not hit -25° FPA or 1 NM prior to 15 seconds, increase back stick pressure to
re-establish 1G flight.
3. The scan will have to be in the HUD and over the shoulder while unloading to keep
track of flight parameters and sight. Priority goes to honoring flight parameters,
especially FPA, altitude and IMN. If sight is lost, look to re-acquire Lead at the 5 or 7
o’clock position, 25-30° above the horizon.
4. Check Mach number and reduce it to less than 0.78 prior to engaging turn.
Description of Procedures:
1. Setup and initiation of this exercise is per Air NTTP PADS for this drill will be:
P – Abeam
A – HD+10K (co-altitude)
D – 1.0 NM
S – 350 KCAS
After both aircraft call, “SPEED AND ANGELS” the maneuver will be initiated by the
ACTI. The ACTI will check the flight 50º in the direction of the defender. The
attacking aircraft will execute a hard turn to achieve a BST mode lock-on. Once in
position the attacker will call for the defender to “REVERSE YOUR TURN.” The
defender will now reverse and enter a 30º AOB turn maintaining 300 KCAS. When
in range and all criteria have been met, the attacker will employ an AIM-9 shot,
calling “FOX-2” and the kill once the missile has timed out. The defender will
acknowledge the kill and continue in a 30º AOB turn.
2. Post the “FOX-2” the attacker will then maneuver the aircraft into a GAU-12 WEZ
and call up the short range LCOS sight. Prior to maneuvering for a tracking shot
solution the attacker must ensure that angles, range and closure have been solved
IOT prevent and overshoot or excessive closure.
3. When a tracking shot solution is achieved the attacker will call, “PIPPER ON,
TRACKING.” The defender will then change plane-of-motion to defeat the tracking
solution. When the tracking solution is defeated the PUI will call, “PIPPER OFF.”
The defender will then stabilize in a 3-4 G turn in the new plane-of-motion until the
PUI is able to achieve another tracking solution. This process will continue until 2
valid tracking shots are achieved. After the second tracking shot the exercise will be
Common Errors:
1. Review TOPGUN AIM-9 rule-of-thumb envelope and Air NTTP GAU-12 envelope
and the range estimation table for visual range estimation.
Description of Procedures:
1. This maneuver will begin at 15,000 feet and 380 KCAS and will only be performed in
the simulator. The instructor will place a bandit at your 10 or 2 o’clock position at 3-4
NM range with heading, altitude and airspeed all matching your aircraft. When you
see the bandit, call “TALLY.” The instructor will then call “TURNING IN” and will
make the bandit turn into you to pure pursuit. This will cause the bandit to arrive at
or just slightly aft of your 3 / 9 line. When the bandit is in a valid WEZ the instructor
will call “FOX-2” and shoot an IR missile at you.
2. Execute an IR missile defense in accordance with Air NTTP.
Common Errors:
Purpose: Introduce skills and procedures for offensive and defensive flat scissors
Description of Procedures:
P – Abeam
A – HD+10K (co-altitude)
D – 0.5 NM
S – 200 KCAS
2. Initiation will start with a “3-2-1 PULL” call. Start a 12-15 unit AOA pull up. As the
nose begins to rise, call, “FIGHT’S ON.” Continue the wings level pull to at least 45°
nose high. Call the de-confliction and then set your lift vector aft of the bandit to
initiate the weave.
3. The first execution of the drill the PUI will be offensive. The bandit will pause for 2-3
seconds after the PUI’s pull up. This will give the PUI a 3 / 9 line advantage and will
also likely make the PUI high on the first de-confliction call. The bandit will fly 120-
150 KCAS in the scissors to allow the PUI to work offensive.
4. The goal of the PUI in an offensive flat scissors is to work in-phase and in-plane. To
get in phase, reverse prior to the flight path crossing. Be careful that you do not
conduct a blind Lead turn if you reverse prior to the flight path crossing while you are
above the bandit. To work in plane with the bandit from above you need to reduce
power slightly with your plane-of-motion slightly underneath the bandit. Be sure to
make the appropriate de-confliction calls prior to converging flight paths.
5. On the second execution the PUI will be defensive. The bandit will start to pull up as
“3-2-1 PULL” is being called. The PUI will again initiate a 12-15 unit pull up to 45°
nose high, call de-confliction and then initiate the weave.
6. The goal of the PUI in a defensive flat scissors is to work out-of-phase and slightly
out of plane (enough to deny POM for a snap shot, but not so much that excess
turning room is given to the bandit – i.e. 500 - 800’) To stay out-of-phase reverse
when the bandit crosses your flight path.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Setup and initiation of this drill is per Air NTTP. The PUI will always start the drill
from the rear position.
P – 40 º AOT
A – HD+10K (co-altitude)
D – 0.5 NM
S – 250 KCAS
2. After the “3-2-1 PULL” call the ACTI will pull up at 12-15 units AOA to 40-50° nose
high, then roll into approximately 90-100° AOB towards the bandit, allowing the nose
to fall back towards the horizon to arrive at 2000 - 3000’ above the bandit with
approximately 90° TCA (a barrel-roll start). “FIGHT’S ON” will be called as the ACTI
crosses over the top of the bandit.
3. Once established in the rolling scissors, maneuver as per Air NTTP. Be careful
about pulling too hard and bleeding energy excessively. Target 12-15 units on the
pull up; unload to 0 G for the roll on top, no more than 20 units AOA on the pull down
and 15 units AOA on the nose low pull up back to the horizon. Catalyst for
beginning the pirouette will be 150 KCAS. Ensure a minimum airspeed of 180 - 200
KCAS is achieved as the nose is rising back towards the horizon. If necessary,
unload briefly to gain minimum airspeed prior to starting back up for next roll.
Common Errors:
1. Review Air NTTP for proper lift vector placement based upon winning and losing in a
rolling scissors.
2. Cross-reference AOA and aircraft “feel” (buffet) while looking outside at the bandit
for lift vector placement.
Purpose: Develop proper sight picture for snap-shot gun employment. Develop
proper techniques and timing for successful guns defense.
Description of Procedures:
P – Abeam
A – HD+10K
D – 1.0 NM
S – 300 KCAS
The stores code of 99 should be entered on station 4 and Training should be boxed
on the stores page. This will provide a round countdown based on trigger down
time. When a GAU-12 is not installed on the aircraft the MASTER ARM should be
switched to ARM in order to provide accurate symbology. With a GAU-12 installed
you should leave the MASTER ARM OFF to prevent bleed air spinning the GAU.
The proper gun sight for the snap shot drill is the short range LCOS.
3. Initiation of maneuvering for the SSD is per Air NTTP. The ACTI will initiate all
Comms for the drill regardless of what position the instructor is in. Maneuvering will
be initiated after Dash-2 calls “IN AS SHOOTER / TARGET.” The target will roll into
a 60° AOB / 2 “G” level turn at 300 KCAS. The shooter will initiate a 3 “G” level turn
into the target to ensure the aircraft is aft of collision bearing on the target and then
to achieve GAU-12 WEZ. After the snapshot attempt the shooter will clear aft and
above the target and then reverse back to the initial heading (beware of target
aircraft’s jet wash). The target will wait until the shooter has passed the extended 6
o’clock position and then reverse back to the initial heading. After each weave the
RP, regardless of shooter or target role, will expeditiously maneuver back to PADS
for the next weave. For the role definition “non-maneuvering” will be assumed, “…
MANEUVERING” will be stated after each aircraft’s role when a guns defense is to
be performed by the target. Dash-2 will be the target for the first two weaves with
the second being a “maneuvering” weave. Then a role swap will occur and the three
weaves will be repeated with Dash-2 as the shooter, third weave “maneuvering.”
The shooter will use the snap-shot ROT (Air NTTP) to position for the best possible
shot opportunity.
4. When acceptable shot parameters are met; the shooter will call “TRIGGER DOWN”
followed by and assessment call (“SNAP”, “MISS HIGH / LOW”, “LATE / EARLY” or
“UNASSESSABLE”). The goal for the shooter is to achieve the best snapshot
9. The guns defense maneuver is covered in depth in the above stated reference and
will not be discussed due to the level of security classification. This maneuver has
the potential for high-speed departure if flown improperly. Guns defense will not be
conducted nose low below the soft deck.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Perch BFM sets are used to introduce specific learning points and create exact
geometry to achieve defined learning objectives. Classified details on BFM can be
found in Air NTTP and TOPGUN Manual, BFM and Air-to-Air Gunnery chapters, as
well as the BFM lesson. It is imperative that you have a solid understanding of this
material prior to the brief.
2. All BFM engagements will be started from an approach to fight start (ATFS) as
described in Air NTTP. Note that the PADS change for the ATFS based upon
whether a 3000’ or 6000’ start is being flown. Air NTTP does not have an altitude
delta between the attacker and defender. At VMAT-203 the standard is defender at
HD+10 and the attacker stepped up 500-1000 feet. Distance is always start range +
0.5 NM. So for the 3000’ start PADS distance should be 1 NM and for the 6000’
start, 1.5 NM. Airspeed also varies based upon the start range. The 3000’ start is at
325 KCAS and the 6000’ start is at 380 KCAS. Be aware of your speed as the
defensive aircraft, especially during the 3000’ start. If you select full power at 325
KCAS while only pulling 3-4 G’s to maintain the attacker at 40° AOT you will likely
get fast.
3. As the attacker, during the 50° check turn into the defender select BST or SEAM and
uncage the missile on the bandit. To make the geometry work correctly the attacker
should call for the reversal when the defender’s aircraft is on the canopy bow. The
defender will initially need to roll into 30-45° AOB to gain a tally. After calling
“TALLY” the defender is responsible for managing the G (typically between 3-4 G) to
maintain the attacker at 40° AOT until the “FIGHT’S ON” range.
4. Approaching the specified start range, Lead will start the countdown then call the
fights on, “1.2, 1.1, “MARS-11, FIGHT’S ON.” Maneuvering will commence once
Dash-2 replies, “MARS-12, FIGHT’S ON.”
5. After the termination of an engagement, lead aircraft will maneuver the flight as
discussed in the Resets and Transitions section or as briefed. It is important that
you fly expeditiously back to you assigned position with disciplined TACFORM.
Needless time and fuel can be wasted trying to redress the formation. Climbing
back to altitude the PUI should remain visual, check fuel, G’s, “powder state” and
sanitize the airspace in front of the flight visually.
Common Errors:
1. Not prepared for sortie (lack of knowledge on systems, weapons, threat and
2. Not achieving desired start parameters prior to engagement.
3. Improper HOTAS.
4. Invalid shots.
Description of Procedures:
1. In the last 1 v 1 sortie, you will be introduced to High Aspect BFM. The ACTI will
provide you with a bandit profile to teach you specific fight types and mechanics. A
tactically sound game plan should consist of a first move followed by contingency
plans for expected adversary counters. Contingency planning should provide
opportunities for you to gain turning room or deny weapons separation. Once the
roles are defined the engagement will evolve into offensive and defensive
2. We will begin our neutral starts using the Butterfly Setup as described in Air NTTP.
3. The neutral setup is a cooperative entry into a neutral fight with the objective being
to arrive at a neutral, 500-1000’ abeam, wings level pass at the PADS altitude and
airspeed. Pre-merge, forward quarter IRCM should be used and forward quarter
missile shots may be attempted in accordance with training rules and the rule-of-
thumb envelop, however, no kill removal will be made from valid pre-merge shots.
Priority approaching the merge should be (1) de-confliction, (2) correct neutral
geometry at the merge, and (3) IRCM / weapons employment.
4. To reduce the risk of high speed departure due to high IMN, approaching the neutral
merge the PUI will call the de-confliction / pass direction and aircraft IMN, “MARS
12, LEFT-TO-LEFT, 0.77.” The allowable range is 0.72-0.78 IMN. Unintentional
Mach greater than 0.78 is a safety-of-flight issue and will warrant a “KNOCK-IT-OFF”
and an immediate reduction in airspeed prior to turning the aircraft. Unintentional
Mach less than 0.70 indicates a loss of SA or a performance error, requiring a
“TERMINATE” to reset the start on proper parameters.
5. At VMAT-203 the ACTI will set the flow IAW the line desired. Post initial merge the
PUI will execute a nose low turn across the bandits’ tail. The ACTI will then reverse
or set the flow as appropriate. Through follow on merges it will be the PUI’s
responsibility to maintain the pre-briefed flow.
Common Errors:
1. Not prepared for sortie (lack of knowledge on systems, weapons, threat and
2. Not achieving desired start parameters prior to engagement.
3. Not adhering to game plan based on briefed profile.
4. Poor second merge maneuvering.
5. Improper HOTAS.
6. Invalid shots.
7. Not employing the aircraft based on key performance numbers. Not monitoring
AOA, airspeed, IMN, altitude and POM.
8. Violation of ACM training rules.
9. Not recognizing impending departures.
Description of Procedures:
1. VMAT-203 uses standard profiles for BFM instruction. The purpose behind this way
of training is to increase standardization and to provide RPs with a specific scenario
on each engagement against which to hone their skills. Each profile states the
objectives of the engagement and defines the bandit’s (IP) profile and the fighter’s
(RP) mechanics that will be flown to successfully meet the objectives of the profile.
It is highly recommended that RPs chair fly and even practice going through the
profiles using the briefing aircraft models prior to each event.
2. The standard start altitude is hard deck (HD) + 10,000 feet, typically 15-17,000 feet
MSL. The start altitude will be maintained until the “FIGHT’S ON” call during an
offensive or defensive approach to fight start or until after the first merge for neutral
sets. The PADS airspeed will be maintained until the “FIGHT’S ON” call for an
offensive and defensive approach to fight start or until after the first merge for neutral
1C One circle NH Nose high
2C Two circle NL Nose low
Offensive basic fighter
AW Attack window OBFM
BDT Bandit OOP Out of plane
BT Break turn O/S Overshoot
CZ Control zone POM Plane of motion
DBFM Defensive basic fighter maneuvers RS Rolling scissors
DBT Defensive break turn TC Turn circle
EF Engaged fighter TTK Time to kill
FF Free fighter WEZ Weapon engagement zone
FS Flat scissors
FTR Fighter
HD Hard deck
HOBS High off boresight
IRCM Infrared counter measures (flares)
OBT Offensive break turn
Common Errors:
1. Study!
Description of Procedures:
1. Aircraft preflight procedures remain the same for day or night. The preflight checklist
is contained within the NATOPS Pocket Checklist and clearly delineates the
necessary checks. The difference at night is the inability to clearly see aircraft
discrepancies due to lack of illumination. Lack of illumination can be overcome by
use of the pilot’s flashlight (using the clear lens). The red lens should be removed
prior to using the flashlight to preflight, as hydraulic fluid will not be detectable with
that lens in place. Should NVD compatible lighting be required, utilize the green lens
on the flashlight during preflight (this is not a consideration at the FRS, so the clear
lens should be used). Field-of-view to observe aircraft discrepancies with the
flashlight is limited to the area illuminated by the flashlight. Allow additional preflight
time (normally an extra 5 minutes will suffice) in order to conduct a satisfactory
Common Errors:
1. Always use a flashlight to preflight, even during dusk conditions to illuminate areas
that are shaded (such as the cold nozzles, main wheel well, and turbine blades for
2. Always preflight your flight gear prior to leaving Flight Equipment; this means
checking the battery power (brightness) of your flashlight. If the flashlight is weak,
ask Flight Equipment for a replacement.
3. Allow sufficient time to conduct necessary steps to proceed safely with the flight.
4. Review Familiarization Stage and / or ask questions.
Purpose: The pilot should be able to adjust the aircraft exterior light package to suit
the environmental conditions.
Description of Procedures:
1. All light switches should be set prior to start. The aircraft exterior lights will be
placed in the following condition prior to engine start for a night sortie:
a. Exterior Lights Master Switch – ON.
b. Anti-collision Light Switch – ON.
c. Position Lights Switch – OFF.
d. Formation Lights Knob – OFF.
e. Landing Light Switch – OFF.
f. Auxiliary Landing Light Switch – OFF.
2. Once the aircraft has been started, the following exterior lights will be turned on:
a. Position Lights Switch – BRT
b. Formation Lights Knob – BRT (fully rotated clockwise).
3. During final checks the plane captain will signal the pilot to:
a. Landing Light Switch – momentarily APRCH, then HVR, then OFF.
b. Auxiliary Landing Light Switch – momentarily AUX, then OFF.
4. The Landing Light Switch will be placed to the APRCH or HVR position for taxi at
night. Choosing the APRCH light over the HVR light is dependent on ambient light
levels and current environmental conditions. Generally, choose the position that
gives you the most SA on what is in front of your aircraft.
5. On sorties where NVDs are donned on deck, a light package drill will be conducted
in the warm-up area (or other marshal / hold-short area). When both aircraft are
positioned abeam and “UP AND READY” has been confirmed by the flight Lead, the
following will take place:
a. “MARS 11 FLIGHT, CLOAK” – at which point both aircraft will secure their
position lights and taxi light, and place the Exterior Lights Master Switch to the
NVD position. Each member of the flight will ensure that they can see the
formation lights and anti-collision lights of each aircraft through the NVGs. A
quick check underneath the NVGs will ensure that there is no overt lighting
coming from the anti-collision light of the wingman’s aircraft.
b. “MARS 11 FLIGHT, LIGHTS OUT” – at which point both aircraft will secure the
Exterior Lights Master Switch. Each member of the flight will then visually
confirm that there are no exterior lights on (either overt or cloaked).
c. “MARS 11 FLIGHT, LIGHTS ON” – at which point both aircraft will reconfigure to
the briefed overt lighting package for takeoff.
6. Aircraft position lighting is required thirty minutes prior to sundown to thirty minutes
after sunrise. Aircraft anti-collision lights (one minimum) are required any time the
Common Errors:
Purpose: The pilot should adjust the aircraft interior light package to suit the
environmental conditions.
Description of Procedures:
1. Adequate interior lighting is of the utmost importance during night operations. If the
intensity is too high, it will diminish night adaptation, generate unwanted canopy
reflections (known as “veiling glare”) and generally decrease visual acuity and
overall SA. Therefore, lighting should be set only as bright as necessary to read and
interpret instruments under the current ambient light levels and prevailing
environmental conditions. The aircraft interior lights should be completely checked
and operational. To facilitate this process, the following switch positions and
procedures will be performed prior to APU or engine start:
a. Instrument Panel Lights Knob – BRT.
b. Console Lights Knob – BRT.
c. Console Floodlights Knob – BRT.
d. Compass / Lights Test Switch – COMP.
e. Emergency Floodlights – BRT.
f. Chart / Kneeboard Lights – CHECK OPERATION.
g. Utility Floodlights – CHECK OPERATION / AS REQ..
2. After APU or engine start (and throughout the remaining portion of the sortie), the
following switch positions and procedures will be performed:
a. Instrument Panel Lights Knob – As desired.
b. Console Lights Knob – As desired.
c. Console Floodlights Knob – As desired (nearly always off; these lights will create
the most amount of veiling glare and decreased visual acuity).
d. Warning / Caution Lights Knob – RESET.
e. Charts / Kneeboard Lights – As desired.
f. Utility Floodlight – As desired.
g. HUD Symbology Brightness Control Knob – As desired.
h. AMPCD Brightness and Contrast – As desired.
i. EDP Brightness Control Knob – As desired.
j. UFC Brightness Control Know – As desired
k. ACNIP or RSC – As desired.
3. After you start the aircraft, you will place most interior lights to the full-bright position
(as stated above). Then, as your eyes adjust and you taxi away from artificial light
sources (the hanger), you will appropriately dim them. Interior lights are adjusted
often to suit the conditions throughout the flight. For example, when airborne and
away from cultural lighting, the interior lights will likely have to be dimmed. When
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Communication between the plane captain (PC) and aircrew is primarily visual. On
rare occasion, avionics troubleshooters will have a ground / aircraft intercom to
communicate with the pilot. During periods of darkness, PC hand and arm signals
may be difficult to see and interpret. For this reason, NATOPS contains the night
hand and arm signals used by the PC and signaled by flashlight , glow stick, or
wand. The sequence of events does not change from day to night. The pilot can
expect the conduct and execution of the pre-start, post-start and before taxi checks
to remain the same; the difference will be how the PC signals for and responds to
the pilot during the specified checks.
2. Instead of using hand signals for one- to four-finger checks, the plane captain will
flash wands the appropriate number of times to indicate the associated check.
Typically the plane captain will be able to see the pilots hand signal to indicate the
initiation of the check and will reply in kind with flashing wands. Use of interior flood
lights or left chart / kneeboard light will aid the PC in seeing your signals to him.
Remember, the sequence and tempo of the checks remains the same.
Common Errors:
1. Familiarize yourself with the night visual signals prior to the first night sortie.
Description of Procedures:
1. The procedures for night takeoffs are exactly the same as in the daytime
environment. The primary difference is a lack of visual cues that pilots become
comfortable with and accustom to when operating in daylight conditions.
2. Individual unaided takeoffs pose no significant problems. Pilots must understand the
lack of peripheral vision and depth perception and adjust their scan appropriately.
The decreased sense of motion at night will require increased scanning of the
ground speed in the HUD. The scan is more of an instrument scan than that used in
daylight conditions. If equipped, incorporation of the NAVFLIR display into the scan
can increase SA on what is in front of the aircraft. Once airborne, the instrument
scan is key to indicate the performance of the aircraft and allow the pilot to ensure
that a positive rate of climb is maintained.
3. Unaided section takeoffs involve a higher scan workload of Lead aircraft, instruments
and lineup. Unaided section takeoffs will be Stream STOs. Once airborne,
wingman should take lateral offset (placing Lead on the edge of HUD glass) and
abide by the night flying closure rules. The closer you get to Lead, the more you will
have to transition to a visual scan to fly a good position off Lead aircraft. However,
instruments must continuously scanned. In VMAT-203, unaided Section
Conventional Take Offs at night are not performed.
4. Lighting: Lead will utilize the briefed lighting package when flying with an unaided
wingman. Once close aboard, the wingman can ask for “LIGHTS” and the Lead will
secure the anti-collision light.
5. Lighting Configuration:
a. Lead: Smash lights on, NAV lights on, form lights bright.
b. Wing: Smash lights on, NAV lights on, form lights bright.
6. Rendezvous: The NAVFLIR shall not be used for rendezvous due to lack of depth
perception and visual distance assessment. Normal night rendezvous airspeeds will
apply unless otherwise briefed. Lead should be notified prior to closing inside 0.3
DME with a “VISUAL” call. This will indicate to Lead that you as the wingman have
Lead in sight and are providing adequate separation to prevent a possible mid-air.
Wingman will not position the velocity vector on the Lead aircraft within 1.0 DME.
7. For a night unaided vertical takeoffs, the pilot must select outside references similar
to daylight operations; at night these will probably be lights on the airfield. The
visual scan remains important; however the instrument scan becomes significantly
more important as you climb away from the ground. Small corrections are the key.
Due to the decreased visual references, it will become harder to notice movement
strictly by what the pilot sees. Thus instruments must be relied on (especially for
judging rate of climb).
1. Do not fixate on Lead aircraft. Maintain your side of the runway and cross check the
instruments with the outside picture.
2. Incorporate a visual / instrument scan during takeoff and rendezvous.
3. Ensure the proper lighting package has been selected prior to takeoff.
Description of Procedures:
1. The night landing pattern remains the same as the day landing pattern. The
objective is to fly the same ground track regardless daytime or night. The difference
lies in the lack of the daylight visual reference provided by the horizon and the
unconscious cues that are derived from the pilot’s peripheral vision. At night, the
landing pattern is conducted with increased reference to instruments. A very
important thing to remember is that regardless of light conditions or proficiency level,
at no time should you fly a daytime approach. Always cross-reference and
incorporate your instruments into your scan. The pilot must strive to fly the approach
turn as depicted and described in the FSG to arrive at the start (groove or key) in an
advantageous position to ensure a safe and satisfactory pass. The actual
procedures to perform the approach turn leading to each type of landing do not
change. Our perceptions, due to the lack of visual references and motion cues, are
what have changed.
2. During the approach turn, the runway can be referenced, but the primary scan must
be with reference to the HUD. From the 180 to the 90 position, HUD indications
(mainly attitude, altitude and AOA) and AMPCD position (TRAK and course lines)
makes up the majority of the scan. From the 90 to the landing, your scan moves
increasingly to an “outside” or visual scan. Flying a disciplined pattern at night is
similar to flying instruments with the primary reference being the HUD-presented
flight information.
3. From the 45 to touchdown, there will be a tendency to want to move to a greater
outside scan. This is natural, but realize that the lack of peripheral vision will impact
your ability to judge rate of descent and speed as you approach touchdown.
Continue to scan your instrument indications for airspeed and rate of descent. The
outside scan of the runway environment will provide valid lineup cues and allow you
to adjust touchdown point. As the aircraft nears touchdown (at approximately 30’
AGL), the landing light will begin to illuminate the runway and provide additional
cues. Setting the landing attitude and touching down remains the same and during
the day.
4. Rollout will again require a combined instrument and visual scan to ensure that
centerline is maintained and that the aircraft is decelerating sufficiently to be stopped
appropriately. Use of the landing light and NAVFLIR (if so equipped) will provide the
best SA as to what lies in front of the aircraft.
5. Unaided decels to vertical landings are challenging due to the lack of depth
perception and inability to easily judge closure to the pad. Similar to the normal
pattern discussed above, the VL pattern is unchanged. The primary change comes
with the increased dependency on instrument scan to ensure that closure to the pad
is controlled and that proper altitudes are maintained. The pad will be lighted (in
blue) which will aid in judging closure. It is better to select hover stop early in a night
decel to avoid pulling the nose up in close to slow closure. Pulling the nose up can
Common Errors:
1. Not wanting to descend from the 180° position or tentative approach turn, due to
lack of visual references and proximity of the ground (caused by poor instrument
2. High all the way during the approach to landing.
3. Too much rate of descent due to a lack of depth perception while attempting to use a
visual scan.
4. Late selection of hover stop during a decel to vertical landing resulting in pulling the
nose up and losing sight of the landing environment. This disorientation can be
exacerbated with the selection of braking stop.
1. Conduct the approach turn to the runway with reference to HUD and AMPCD to
arrive at a good start for the landing.
2. Visual illusion due to the runway lights being inboard of the actual edge of the paved
runway area making the landing area appear narrow. Reference HUD altitude
(remember to select RADALT!) and attitude throughout the pass and set the proper
landing attitude prior to touchdown.
3. Reference HUD flight information to assist in judging rate of descent and pattern
altitudes. Do not rely on visual reference only. Always cross-reference and
incorporate your instruments into your scan.
4. Select hover stop (slightly) early rather than late to allow for more of a level attitude
decel. If you begin to trundle, push the nose forward slightly to maintain closure or
nozzle out 1-2 degrees. Keep your scan going!
Purpose: Facilitate the execution of basic formation at night without the use of
Description of Procedures:
1. Unaided parade position. Parade position in the night is no different than daylight
operations. The lighting package will have Lead aircraft with position and formation
lights on and typically the anti-collision light secured. The wingman’s lights will be all
on full bright (pos, form, and anti-coll). The wingman’s anti-collision light will
illuminate Lead’s aircraft enough to maintain a visual scan to maintain position.
2. Unaided cross under. The unaided night cross under is executed the same as in the
daylight. The key is to make small corrections to maintain a controlled position
throughout the maneuver.
3. Unaided lead change. The unaided Lead change is similar to the daytime Lead
change. The Lead aircraft will state, “STANDBY FOR LEAD CHANGE.” He will
then change his light package to that of the wingman (Pos lights to bright and anti-
collision light on). The comm cadence is as follows:
Once the Lead has been changed, the new Leader will reconfigure his lighting
package to that of the Leader (Pos lights dim and anti-collision light off). We still
want a positive three-way change of Lead. A good memory aid for the night unaided
Lead change is “lights, lips, lips, lips, lights.”
4. Unaided night rendezvous: Night rendezvous shall be carried out in VMC. The
following procedures will be used:
a. Airspeed is 300 KIAS.
b. Altitude as briefed by Lead.
c. Trailing aircraft will call “VISUAL” when lead aircraft is identified. If a circling
rendezvous is required, the lead aircraft shall call and commence a port or
starboard 30° AOB turn. If a running rendezvous is required, the wingman will
take offset to one side and commence the approach.
d. Trailing aircraft will close slightly below lead’s altitude with lateral separation, and
call “LIGHTS”, “SMASH OFF” and / or “DIM” as required.
e. Maximum closure in-trail is 25 knots.
f. Maximum closure once on-bearing is 15 knots.
g. There will be NO mission crosschecks completed from the cruise position until
stabilized in parade position on all night rendezvous.
Common Errors:
1. Both aircraft are responsible to ensure that the lighting package is correct for the
flight. If there is a lighting package problem, fix it.
2. Keep scan working and adhere to the maximum closure rules.
Purpose: Developing standards for Donning and Doffing NVGs while airborne.
Description of Procedures:
1. Transitioning from the “unaided” scene to the “aided” scene is done by resetting the
goggles from the up or stowed position to the down / operational position. Ensure
the battery switch is placed ON. This transition shall be a pre-briefed item and
performed when both aircraft are in a stabilized platform. A stabilized platform
a. VMC
b. > 1000’ above minimum safe altitude.
c. > 0.3 DME separation
d. Straight and level with AFC & altitude hold on.
e. Under positive communication with each other.
2. Communications sequence: (Donning NVGs)
3. Communications sequence: (Doffing NVGs)
4. The transition from aided to unaided can be a difficult shift. Ensure that there is
enough time allowed for all members of the flight to adjust their eyes and cockpit
lighting to the unaided scene. This will usually require cockpit lighting to be turned
down accordingly. It may also require several minutes for your eyes to adjust to the
unaided night scene.
Common Errors:
1. Adjust the HUD to ensure that the display can be seen through the goggles when
donned. Adjust the interior cockpit lighting to the lowest acceptable levels.
2. Proper preflight briefing shall cover all aspects of the flight to include donning /
doffing procedures.
3. Ensure that your jet is trimmed up with AFC selected, prior to donning the goggles.
Description of Procedures:
1. The NVDs and the NAVFLIR are affected by environmental conditions which were
previously discussed in the NITE lab and stage briefs. Proper pre-flight planning will
show the effects on a particular sensor and what the pilot should expect during the
flight. It should be noted that your environmental conditions will change during the
flight. The pre-flight briefing should detail the predicted effects and the
environmental changes expected during the flight. Once airborne and aided, a
proper environmental assessment shall be accomplished. During this assessment,
note any adverse affects or conditions which would preclude mission success. The
environmental assessment is then continuous as the environment may change
during the flight. A proper environmental assessment will be performed by the flight
Lead, since he has the final authority in mission accomplishment and safe execution.
2. A proper environmental assessment will include but not be limited to an evaluation of
the following:
a. Lunar azimuth and elevation
b. Dynamic shadowing
c. Visibility and ground texture
d. Horizon definition
e. Ambient light levels
f. Ceiling
g. FLIR performance (If configured)
h. NVD performance
i. Cultural Lighting
j. Moon Phase
3. Once NVGs have been donned, the flight Lead will inform the flight to “STANDBY
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT.” The flight will accelerate to 300 KCAS in
deployed echelon. The flight Lead will then initiate a 300 KCAS turn away from the
wingman (to prevent the wingman from going belly up) for approximately 180 degrees.
During this turn the environment will be evaluated through the NVGs with the above
elements being considered. The flight will then execute another 180 degree turn (in the
same direction as the initial turn), again evaluating the above elements. Upon
conclusion of the full 360 degrees of turn, the flight Lead will state any specific factors
that may impact the mission. During the NS syllabus, the IP will describe what he is
seeing throughout the turn for the students benefit.
Common Errors:
1. If the wingman pulls inside of Lead’s turn radius, the potential exists to go belly up.
The proper corrective action for this is to lag Leads turn when required to facilitate
not going belly up. Remember that you are going to be looking at Lead through a 40
degree FOV (limitation of the NVGs). Keep your scan going.
Description of Procedures:
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Aided takeoffs involve a higher workload and require an intensive scan of both Lead
aircraft and instruments. The standard individual takeoff will be STOL flap STOs.
Standard section takeoffs will be Stream STOs. On deck, donning of the NVGs will
be accomplished in the warm-up, marshal or hold-short area prior to calling “UP
AND READY.” At the completion of the “UP AND READY” call, the flight Lead will
assume the flight is goggled. Advise your lead of any alibis at that point if you are
not ready.
2. Once airborne, Dash-2 should take lateral offset from Lead and prevent “bore
sighting” Leads aircraft at all times. In VMAT-203, aided section conventional take-
offs will not be performed.
3. Upon unstick from a STO or VTO, the lack of peripheral cues will require that you
evaluate accelerating transitions (or transition to the hover for a press-up) via a good
instrument scan. This instrument scan will be combined with a visual scan to
facilitate a join-up or turn to downwind in the pattern.
4. Lighting configuration (master NORM):
a. Lead: Smash lights on, NAV lights DIM, form lights in the BRT position.
b. Wing: Smash lights on, NAV lights BRT, form lights in the BRT position.
5. Rendezvous: The NAVFLIR should not be used for rendezvous due to lack of depth
perception and visual distance assessment. Normal night rendezvous airspeeds will
apply unless otherwise briefed. Lead should be notified prior to closing inside 0.3
DME with a “VISUAL” call. This will indicate to Lead that you as the wingman have
Lead in sight and are providing adequate separation to prevent a possible mid-air.
Wingman will not position the velocity vector on the Lead aircraft within 1.0 DME.
Common Errors:
Description of Procedures:
1. Aided night landings are performed in a manner nearly identical to the unaided night
landings. A good instrument scan must be incorporated for aided night landings. A
proper instrument scan will aid the pilot in flying around the pattern when outside
visual cues are insufficient. The NVGs should not be utilized as the sole sensor;
they are an additional sensor used in the landing pattern. Remember: no NVDs will
ever turn night time into day! The two most apparent differences to landing on
NVGs is the lack of peripheral vision and depth perception. The lack of depth
perception may force you to think you are lower or slower than you actually are, so
resist the urge to spot or anticipate the deck; fly your AGL numbers with a solid
instrument-visual scan. The NAVFLIR can be used (if so equipped) during straight-
in approaches assist you in acquiring the appropriate landing environment.
2. Field lighting is very important in determining the workload that will be experienced
when landing with the goggles on. If the airfield lighting is too bright, it will de-gain
the goggles to the point that you will not be able to make out the landing spot.
Landings can be safely made with no runway lighting if the ambient light level is high
enough. As a rule of thumb, if the tower places the runway lights at their lowest
setting, then you will be able to make out the runway surface and landing spot while
not de-gaining the goggles to an extreme.
3. Cultural lighting must also be considered. At times (depending on the active
runway), cultural lighting can de-gain the goggles to the point that aided landings
become unsafe. If this is the case, it is often a good idea to doff the goggles and
land unaided. Otherwise, you may look under the goggles to get an “unaided”
appreciation for the outside scene. Often, a combined scan of looking through the
goggles and then under them paints the best “picture” of the outside world and
provides you with the best information to safely recover your aircraft. Additionally,
this combined scan is a good idea to ensure you are in fact lined up on the runway
and not on a taxiway.
4. All the while, you must not forget the importance of an instrument scan in the aided
night landing pattern. The goggles don’t turn night into day, and without the benefit
of peripheral vision, all that you see through the goggles must be cross checked with
instrument information.
Common Errors.
1. Fly the aircraft until you are at a complete stop. Utilize all of the information
available to you with respect to instruments as well as through the goggles. Do not
spot or anticipate the deck.
2. Anticipate differences using NVDs, and incorporate a proper scan to make up for a
lack of visual cues. Airfield and cultural lighting must always be evaluated so that a
decision can be made on whether to remain aided or to doff the goggles. Keep your
scan going; if you lose SA, wave off.
Description of Procedures:
1. Flying on the goggles requires a different scan and understanding of aircraft energy
states that you are not accustomed to. The lack of depth perception and other visual
cues mandates that you use other systems and a different scan in order to achieve
mission success. The standard formation at night is Deployed Echelon. Other
formations, such as Cruise, Parade, or Fighter Wing, may also be used.
2. Parade or Cruise formations are used during Section Approaches. Due to the lack
of peripheral views and depth perception, a slightly “sucked” position is allowable. A
“NVG parade” position is where the Lead aircraft is placed just inside the NVG
goggle FOV, with Lead’s nose and tail touching the sides of the FOV’s circle. It is a
difficult task to maintain proper parade position while on NVDs. The lead aircraft’s
anti-collision light will probably mandate that the anti-coll is secured. Ownship anti-
coll will provide abundant lighting to see the necessary cues as parade is
maintained. In parade, hand and arm signals typically will not work due to being
too close, so calls for configuration, Lead, and formation changes should be
accomplished over the radio.
3. Deployed Echelon will allow the wingman to accomplish inter-cockpit tasks and
maintain a safe distance from Lead (increased MCT). Turns in Deployed Echelon
can be performed at any speed or altitude. At no time should wing put his velocity
vector on Leads aircraft within 1.0 DME. A de-confliction plan should be briefed by
the Lead so that there is an altitude difference between aircraft within the flight.
a. Deployed Echelon: As defined in the Air NTTP. Flying a proper position will
require a proper scan both inside the cockpit and outside at Leads aircraft. The
pilots scan inside the cockpit should include, but is not limited to:
i. Airspeed
ii. Altitude
4. Rendezvous on NVGs are accomplished in the same manner that they are when
unaided. The key on NVGs is to force the incorporation of an instrument scan and
to not be lulled into complacency just because you can “see.” The closure rules of
thumb apply in aided execution.
1. Not flying the correct formations or not maintaining proper separation from Lead’s
2. Not incorporating an instrument scan with the NVD scan to ensure that airspeed,
altitude, and closure are kept under control
1. Proper understanding of your aircraft’s energy state. A proper pre-flight briefing and
an understanding of the mission requirements will allow for safe NVD operations.
2. Keep your scan going. Don’t become lazy, just because you can “see.”
Description of Procedures:
1. The NATOPS check is an annual check flight. The NATOPS check is a four-part
event. The Open and Closed book NATOPS exam (parts 1 and 2) must be
completed, turned in to DSS, and graded within 60 days prior to the event brief. It is
your responsibly to ensure this happens. Failure to do this will result in an
unsatisfactory grade. The third part is an oral examination of aircraft systems
knowledge and procedures. The fourth part is the flight evaluation. Contact your
evaluator for planning specifics.
2. Although the plan and the brief are for a tactical sortie, the emphasis of this flight is
on knowledge of the AV-8B and the ability to safely operate it. You will brief the
flight IAW the Air NTTP briefing guides. You should strive to complete the
administrative portion of the brief within 20 minutes; the use of SOPs are highly
encouraged. The tactical portion of the brief should require the bulk of the briefing
time; this includes specifics on the route, weaponeering, the target attack, threat
reaction, and egress.
3. The following are required for the NATOPS check:
a. Completed and graded Open and Closed Book NATOPS Exams.
b. DD-175
c. Jet log and complete smart pack for the instructor.
d. Weaponeering.
e. A detailed route map and 1:50,000 target area chart.
4. A thorough review of the route, route restrictions, and diverts are recommended.
Also review the communication procedures to fly to the route, enter the restricted
area, BT-11, and return to Cherry Point. The instructor will simulate all controlling
agencies, base radio, and your wingman.
Common Errors:
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce CWAIVER checks, VRST VL display, RNAWST
takeoffs, landings PAR, missed approach, waveoff,
and emergency procedures. Practice takeoffs and
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 100 KCAS • None • CSI
• Altitude within 300 ft
• AOA within 4 units in landing configuration
• Simulated
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in VMAT-203 Line
• SKC, 26°C, 30.20, 050/10, 5 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics: Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• CRM • Engine fire on ground
• Techniques for handling airborne emergencies • Oil system failure (oil caution light)
• (aviate, navigate, communicate) • Loss of engine control
• Engine controls
° Nozzle control lever
° Butterfly valve operation
° CMBT and JPTL switches
° Fire warning system
• Engine Displays
° Engine Warning / Caution Lights
° OT Warning
° JPTL Warning
• STOL flap STO
• STOL flap VNSL
• CL to roll and go
• Press-up
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce emergency procedures. RNAWST
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 30 KCAS • None • None
• Altitude within 80 ft • ON WING
• AOA within 2.5 units in landing configuration
• Simulated
• Accurate completion of all check lists
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in VMAT-203 line
• OVC 015-120, 5 SM, 22° C, 29.70, 010/15 5 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
• Emergency procedures: Sequence of Events:
° Minor RPM fluctuation • Ground checks / procedures
° Compressor stall • CTO
° Fuel transfer failure (L trans / R trans caution • Depart VFR for TACAN approach to FNSL
light) • STOL flap VNSL
° Fuel low level (L fuel / R fuel caution light(s) • Auto flap VNSL
flashing) • CL to full stop
° Loss of engine control in-flight • RVTO
° Engine fire (fire warning light) procedures • RVL
(takeoff / landing / vertical operation) • Crosswind decel VL
° Engine fire (fire warning light) procedures (in- • Braking stop decel VL
flight) • SAAHS off decel VL
• Pedal turn
Review: • Box pattern
• CTO • Press-up
• STOL flap STO
Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Minor RPM fluctuation
• Continuous VTO accel (2)
• Compressor stall
• TACAN approach
• Fuel transfer failure (L trans / R trans caution
• Missed approach
• STOL flap FNSL
• Fuel low level (L fuel / R fuel caution light(s)
• Auto flap VNSL
• STOL flap VNSL
• CL to full stop
• Crosswind decel VL
• Braking stop decel VL
• SAAHS off decel VL
• Press-up
• Pedal turn
• Box pattern
• None
• None
• None
• None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce SAAHS off RVL and decel-VL. Review (1) TAV-8B
takeoff / in-flight / landing checks and maneuvers
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 60 KCAS • None • None
• Altitude +/- 200 ft
• AOA within 3 units in landing configuration
• None
• Checklists performed IAW NATOPS
• Glideslope control +/- 1 deg
• Centerline control
• Checklist completion IAW Air NTTP timeline
Requirements: Threat: None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce airways navigation on a round-robin flight. RNAWST
Practice instrument flight procedures, instrument
flight planning, and takeoff / in-flight/landing checks
and procedures.
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 15 KCAS • None • CSI
• Altitude within 30 ft
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• Simulated
• Correctly filled out DD-175, fuel plan IAW GP
and OPNAV 3710
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in VMAT-203 line
• OVC 005, 3 SM, 22° C, 30.10, 280/10, 32 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Standby Instruments (TAV-8 and AV-8B)
• Lost comm. Procedures
• Hydraulic Power supply system
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce airways navigation on a round robin flight (1) TAV-8B
and minimum fuel GCA (PAR).
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 15 KCAS • None • None
• Altitude within 30 ft
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• None
• Accurate completion of all checklists within Air
NTTP timeline
• Correctly filled out DD-175, fuel plan IAW GP
and OPNAV 3710
Requirements: Threat: None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Fuel system
• IFF system
• Wet compass operation
Goal: Aircraft:
In-type instrument check. RNAWST
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 10 KCAS • None • None
• Altitude within 20 ft
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• None
• Accurate completion of all checklists within the
Air NTTP timeline
• Correctly filled out DD-175, fuel plan IAW GP
and OPNAV 3710
Simulator Parameters: SPINS:
• Center Mat • Route NKT-NTU-NKT
• 006 OVC, 3 SM, 25° C, 29.99, 300/10, 32 L/R • VMAT-203 DSS SharePoint site contains the
current weather and forecast weather that must
be used for planning:
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce compound emergencies. RNAWST
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Airspeed within 25 KCAS • None • CSI
• Altitude within 50 ft
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• Simulated
• Accurate completion of all checklists within Air
NTTP timeline
• PUI will correctly identify system malfunctions
and apply appropriate corrective procedures
• PUI will utilize CRM effectively to diagnose and
correct malfunction or land aircraft
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in VMAT-203 line
• SKC, 19° C, 30.00, 200/10, 23 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
Goal: Aircraft:
Safe for solo check. (1) TAV-8B
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• PUI will perform all maneuvers IAW NATOPS • None • None
standards without exhibiting any unsafe trends
• Airspeed within 10 KCAS Range:
• Altitude within 30 ft • None
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• Accurate completion of all checklists within Air
NTTP timeline
Requirements: Threat: None
Ordnance: External
Performance Standards:
• None Support:
Satisfactorily execute all procedures IAW AV-8B
NATOPS. Achieve an average pass grade of 2.5. Range:
• Simulated
Simulator Parameters: Threat: None
• Initialize in center mat
• SKC, 22° C, 30.00, 200/10, 23 L/R
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce day FCLP normal and emergency RNAWST
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
Satisfactorily execute all procedures IAW AV-8B • None • CSI
Operating Bulletin, and LHA/LHD NATOPS. Range:
Achieve an average pass grade of 2.5. • Simulated
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in center mat
• SKC, 22° C, 30.00, 250/10, 23 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
Perform day FCLP normal and emergency FCLP
procedures to a simulated L-Class ship. Perform a
Case 1 recovery, 5 VL, and 4 STO.
Introduce: Sequence of Events:
• Day FCLP Case 1 recoveries • Initialize in warm up engine running
• Fuel ladder • STO
• Charlie time • Departure
• Shipboard STO (4) • Paddles check-in
• FCLP Decel VL (5) • Marshal Stack
• Abort (afloat) • Entry Into Bogue Field
• NORDO approach • Overhead
• Emergency procedures • FCLP pattern
◦ RPM stagnation / loss of thrust afloat • Shipboard emergencies
◦ Abort – afloat (STO) procedures • Departure out of Bogue
• Recovery at NKT
• Dual DECS failure (EFC warning light)
• Landings and pattern work
Concepts and Discussion Topics: Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Course rules • Electrical failures
• Fuel ladder construction / management • Landing gear malfunctions
• Waveoff procedures • Loss of thrust
• LSO terminology and proper response • DUAL DECS FAILURE (EFC WARNING LIGHT)
• FIRE (FIRE light)
• NORDO approach
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce administrative formation procedures. (2) TAV-8B or
(1) TAV-8B and (1) AV-
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Altitude +/-100’, airspeed +/-5 KCAS from target • None • None
during rendezvous.
• Warning/MOA/Rstd
Requirements: Threat: None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce advanced aircraft handling. RNAWST
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• PUI will demonstrate knowledge of all introduced • None • CSI
flight drills and procedures.
• PUI will demonstrate knowledge of all Range:
emergency procedures and discussion items. • Simulated
• PUI will demonstrate knowledge of discussed
aircraft systems.
• AOA control ± 1 unit
• Airspeed ± 20 knots, ± 0.3 G
Simulator Parameters:
• Initialize in warm up area, engine running
• SKC, 16° C, 29.90, 340/08, 32 L/R
Requirements: Threat: None
Introduce: Sequence of Events:
• Tacadmin Checks • STO
◦ FELPG-F • Departure to training area
• Medium altitude break turns • Tacadmin Checks
• Deck transition drills ° FELPG-F
• Hard turns • Slow speed departure
• Aerobatics • Slow speed / high AOA drill
• 3 G weave • Accelerated stall / high speed stalls
• AOA / energy management drills • AOA / energy management drill
• Turn rate drills • Turn rate drill
• Accelerated / high speed stalls • Hard turns
• Slow speed departure • Medium altitude break turn (20K/15K/10K)
• Slow speed / high AOA drills • Deck transitions (10K)
• 250-knot loop • Aerobatics
• 250-knot loop
Review: • 3 G weave
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics: Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Departure / spin characteristics • Out of control recovery
• NATOPS prohibited maneuvers • Compressor stall
• Break turn technique / departure avoidance • Engine mechanical failure / engine vibration
• AOA control • Airstart
• Airspeed control
• None Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Out of control recovery
• Compressor stall
• Emergency question of the day
• Airstart
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• POM effects
• Qxαxβ
• Impending departure warning signs
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Formation definitions
• MCT in different formations Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Deviation correction • Section emergencies
• Expected turn performance – AOA / G • Inadvertent IMC
• Turn standards – KCAS / IMN only • NORDO / LCLS
• Midair
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Formation definitions
• MCT in different formations Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Section emergencies
• Inadvertent IMC
• Midair
• Tacadmin Checks
• None
• Tacadmin Checks
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Command speed time
• Real time assessment
• None
• None Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Emergency Breakaway
Concepts and Discussion Topics: • NORDO Procedures
• Flap Setting for Aerial Refueling (Cruise / STOL) • Dead Hose
• Transfer Lights During Refueling • Canopy-Aircraft Strike
• Press Switch Position • Damaged Aircraft/Probe
• AV-8B Refueling Equipment and Limitations
• KC-130 / KC-10 / K-707 Refueling Equipment,
Lighting, Limitations (as applicable)
• Required Communications
• IFR on Tanker
• TANK Light
• Probe Fails to Retract
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce expendable page setup, expendable MTT
programming, ECM panel, and CMDS functions.
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
Execute all procedures IAW AV-8B NATIP and Air • None • None
• None
Simulator Parameters:
• None
Requirements: Threat: None
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• ALQ-164 setup
• ALE-39/47 setup
• ALR-67 setup
• Countermeasures dispensing system
• ECM panel
• None
• None
Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Flameout in bombing pattern
• Hung ordnance recovery
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics: Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• CRM • SMC / ASCMI failure
• FMU-139 Fuze arm time • HYD 1 failure
• Break “X”
• Pull-up cue
• Low altitude off target maneuver / recovery
• Asymmetric dive recovery
• RADAR altimeter HAT / BOMB option
• Fragmentation patterns
• Reflected cue
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
Goal: Aircraft:
Introduce GAU-12 employment and 10-degree (2) AV-8B(E)
deliveries with high drag ordnance.
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Roll-in ACD ±0.1 NM, 200’ • (2) BDU-45 HD 3/5 • Weapon scoring
• Set TPA ± 1 degree. • (300) Rounds 25mm
• IRCM – 80% execution minimum. • (20) FLR
• Dive deliveries ± 5° / 30 knots / 300’.
• Adhere to RPM limits for gun
• Execute proper breakaway maneuvers.
• Proper off target maneuver (360 KCAS min).
• 10° / 500 KTAS delivery
• 10° / 550 KTAS delivery (GAU-12)
• Weapon programming: Q1 / M1
Requirements: Threat: SA-9
• None
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Departure avoidance
• Allowable risk level v. threat – affects on mission
• E-Pole determination Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• RWR interpretation • Low altitude flameout
• Medium to low deck transition point • Dept / spin recovery
• LAT dive recovery rules • Compressor stall
• Threat counter-tactics maneuver descriptions • Damaged aircraft
° RF pre-emptive / reactive
° IR pre-emptive / reactive
° AAA pre-emptive / reactive
• Gaining and maintaining sight of threat
• Jettison criteria
° Brevity terms
• Directive / descriptive & priority
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• GAU-12 envelope / employment restrictions
• AIM-9 envelope / employment restrictions
• Stadiametric range determination (mil size
relationship) Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• ACM HOTAS • None
• ALE-39/47 set-up and employment
Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• None
• Departure / spin recovery
• Compressor stall
• Airstart
• Midair
Goal: Aircraft:
Safe for solo check. (1) TAV-8B
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Perform all maneuvers IAW NATOPS standards • None • None
without exhibiting any unsafe trends
• Airspeed within 10 KCAS Range:
• Altitude within 30 Ft • MOA / RSTD
• AOA within 1 units in landing configuration
• Accurate completion of all checklists within Air
NTTP timeline
Requirements: Threat: None
Introduce: Sequence of Events:
• None • Start
• Taxi
Review: • Marshall
• None • CTO
• Departure to IFR Climb
Evaluate: • Missed approach
• CTO • GCA Pattern
• STOL flap STO • FNSL straight-in off approach
• FNSL • Landing Pattern Work
• CL to full stop
• Auto flap VNSL
• STOL flap VNSL
• SL to roll and go procedure
• RVL (1)
• Continuous VTO-accel
• Decel-VL
• Press-up
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• CRM – ODO and LSI
• Check ride procedures Emergency Procedures Discussion:
• Lost comm. procedures • Any emergency procedures listed in NATOPS
Chapters V-13 through V-18
• Any systems listed in NATOPS Chapter I-02
• Any limitations listed in NATOPS Chapter I-04
• Emergency question of the day
Goal: Aircraft:
Practice medium altitude deliveries. (2) AV-8B
Performance Standards: Ordnance: External Support:
• Roll-in ACD ±0.1 nm, 200’ • 6 Mk-76 • Weapons scoring
• Set TPA ± 1 degree. • 10 FLR
• IRCM – 70% execution minimum.
• Dive deliveries ± 5 degrees/30 knots/500’.
• Proper off target maneuver (360 KCAS min).
• Adhere to deconfliction plan.
• CEP about MPI < 14 mils.
• 45° / 500 KTAS delivery
• 30° / 500 KTAS delivery (Weather 30° if weather dictates)
• Weapon Programming: Q1 / M1
Requirements: Threat: SA-7, SA-14, ZSU-23-4
Introduce: Sequence of Events:
• None • Preflight
• Marshal
• Take-off
• WARP weaponeering data • Departure/Rendezvous
• Weapons preflight and ordnance line procedures
• Area check-in
• Weapons system programming in CWAIVER
• Tacadmin Checks
• Medium angle GCIP / LAUT deliveries ° FELPG-F
• Adaptive roll-in technique • Clearing spacer pass
• (Initial) Target placement angle
• MWSS / TACL checks
• Curvilinear to straight path tracking • Bombing pattern
• Straight path to straight path tracking • FENCE Out
• Off target maneuvers
• Off-target rendezvous
• Off target rendezvous
• Battle damage / ordnance check
• Battle damage / ordnance check • Recovery
• V/STOL: • Landing(s)
° Decel-VL
• None
Concepts and Discussion Topics:
• Local area ordnance procedures and course