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Grade 8 Bio4

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Yati, Liloan Cebu


March 19-21, 2020

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: __________

Grade & Section: ________________________________ Parent’s Signature: _______________


Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your choice on the blank provided at the right.
1. How does the process of digestion in humans change? ________
A. Water to mineral compounds C. Complex to simple compounds
B. Mineral to vitamin compounds D. Simple to complex compounds
2. Which of the following is the correct path of food in the digestive tract? ________
A. Mouth → Esophagus → Pharynx → Stomach →Small Intestine → Large Intestine
B. Mouth → Pharynx → Esophagus → Stomach →Small Intestine → Large Intestine
C. Mouth → Esophagus → Stomach →Pharynx → Large Intestine → Small Intestine
D. Mouth → Small Intestine → Stomach → Esophagus → Pharynx → Large Intestine
3. Which of the following is NOT a function of the pancreas? ________
A. To regulate blood sugar levels.
B. To mix the food into a smooth paste. 
C. To produce enzymes that break down biomolecules.
D. To produce sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid.
4. What condition is caused by a protein defieciency in the presence of adequate energy? ________
A. Anemia B. Diarrhea C. Kwashiorkor D. Marasmus
5. Which of the following organs is NOT correctly matched with its respective function? ________
A. Mouth – mastication C. Small Intestine – absorption
B. Stomach – defecation D. Pharynx – passage of air and food
6. Which substance leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine? ________
A. Bolus B. Chyme C. Food D. Stool
7. What disease is caused by blood loss due to heavy bleeding or a diet low of iron? ________
A. Anemia B. Diarrhea C. Kwashiorkor D. Marasmus
8. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about mitosis and meiosis? ________
A. Mitosis facilitates growth and tissue repair.
B. Meiosis is associated with asexual reproduction.
C. All the events distinctive to meiosis occur during meiosis I.
D. In mitosis, chromosomes line up in the equatorial plate in metaphase.
9. What is the total number of chromosome if a cell with 46 chromosomes undergo mitosis? ________
A. 12 B. 23 C. 46 D. 92
10. What law of inheritance was involved if a tall pea plant crossed with a short pea plant produced
all tall offspring? ________
A. Law of Dominance C. Law of Codominance
B. Law of Segregation D. Law of Independent Assortment
11. Which is the mitotic phase that begins the formation of a cell plate? ________
A. Anaphase B. Metaphase C. Prophase D. Telophase
12. When does tetrads separate and migrate toward their respective poles? ________
A. Anaphase B. Anaphase I C. Anaphase II D. Metaphase I
13. When does nondisjunction happens? ________
A. When to chromosomes combiine into one.
B. When a portion of a chromosome breaks off.
C. When members of a chromosome pair fail to detach.
D. When an entire pair of chromosomes fail to crossover.
14. What will the possible result if there will be an extra human chromosome in number 21? ________
A. Down Syndrome C. Patau Syndrome
B. Edward Syndrome D. Klinefelter Syndrome
15. What is the probility that a couple will have children with straight hair if both parents have curly
hair with a genotype Qq and Qq, respectively? ________
A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 100%
16. Which would most likely produce the largest number of offspring with dominant traits? ________
A. RR x rr B. Rr x rr C. RR x Rr D. Rr x Rr
17. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the hierarchical taxonomic system of
classification? ________
A. Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Phylum, Genus, Species
B. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
C. Kingdom, Order, Family, Phylum, Class, Species, Genus
D. Kingdom, Class, Family, Order, Species, Genus , Phylum
18. Which category in the hierarchical taxonomic system of classification consists of several
related order? ________
A. Class B. Family C. Genus D. Phylum
19. Who among the following biologists developed the system of binomial nomenclature? ________
A. Carl Linnaeus C. Gregor Mendel
B. Charles Darwin D. Robert Whittaker
20. Which of the following human activities could most likely prevent certain species from
becoming extinct? ________
A. Lengthening of the hunting season for wildlife
B. Upgrading wildlife management and habitat protection
C. Mating organisms of different species to create new and stronger organisms
D. Enacting an environmental law to place endangered species in spacious zoos
21. Which of the following is/are a possible reason(s) for the extinction of species? ________
A. Toxic pollution present on its entire habitat.
B. Habitat loss due to human activities such as deforestation.
C. Inability of species to survive and reproduce in its environment.
D. All of the Above
22. How much energy will only be used by the secondary consumers if the primary consumers used
10,000 units of stored energy in plants for respiration? ________
A. 1 unit B. 10 units C. 100 units D. 1000 units
23. Why are plants considered producers? ________
A. They provide vegetables for animals and humans.
B. They produce fruits that are consumed by animals.
C. They produce root crops that supply carbohydrates to animals.
D. They convert solar energy into chemical energy in the form of food.
24. What is the immediate effect of deforestation in the water cycle? ________
A. Lesser runoff water is observed.
B. Less water is returned to the atmosphere.
C. More water is returned to the atmosphere.
D. Greater amount of precipitation is formed.
25. What is the process by which ammonia is converted by nitrifying bacteria into nitrites, and then
into nitrates? ________
A. Ammonification C. Eutrophication
B. Denitrification D. Nitrification

Directions: Identify the term being described in each item. Choose your answer from the box below. Write the
letter of your choice on the space provided at the right.
A. Bile F. Exotic K. Kwashiorkor P. Phenotype
B. Biodiversity G. Gallbladder L. Marasmus Q. Reservoir
C. Constipation H. Genotypes M. Meiosis R. Stomach
D. Diarrhea I. Heterotrophs N. Mitosis S. Body Cells
E. Ecosystem J. Keystone O. Pancreas T. Sex Cells
1. It serve as a temporary storage area for food. _________
2. It refers to the particular alleles of an organisms. _________
3. Species whose role greatly affects the ecosystem. _________
4. It refers to the physical characteristics of an individual. _________
5. It stores the bile until it is needed by the small intestine. _________
6. A disease caused by a combined protein and energy deficiency. _________
7. It refers to places where matter is held for a long period of time. _________
8. It is made up of all the living things and their physical environment. _________
9. It is the process of cellular division that produces reproductive cells. _________
10. The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. _________
11. A condition characterized by increased frequency of bowel movement. _________
12. It is the process wherein the cell divides producing two identical daugther cells. _________
13. A condition wherein individual experiences severe difficulty during defacation. _________
14. These are haploid containing only half the number of chromosomes of somatic cell. _________
15. It is a greenish fluid that emulsifies fats by breaking fat globules into smaller droplets. _________


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
1. In metaphase I, dyads move to the center of the cell. __________
2. Keystone species disrupt stable relationships in an ecosystem. __________
3. Somatic cells are haploid cointaining two sets of chromosomes. __________
4. Eukaryotic organisms lack distinct nuclear membrane such as bacteria. __________
5. Chyme is a substance that leaves the stomach and enters the the small intestine. __________
6. Klinefelter Syndrome is a condition in which males have extra X chromosome. __________
7. Ecosystem diversity refers to the variety and extent of differences among living things. __________
8. Pancreas produces bicarbonates that neutralize acidic enzymes for starch, proteins and fats. __________
9. Food web demonstrates the arrangement of energy transfer from one to the next energy level. __________
10. Vulnerable species refers ro species with very high risk of extinction in the wild in the future. __________


Directions: Solve each problem analytically and show your solution by making the punnett square. Express
your answer in percentage form. Box your final answer. (10 points each)
1. Black fur in mice (B) is dominant to brown fur (b). Short tail (T) is dominant to long tail (t). What is the
probability if one parent has heterozygous black fur and homozygous short tail and the other has
homozygous brown fur and long tail will have brown fur and long tail?

2. In peas, round seed shape (R) is dominant to wrinkled seed shape (r), and yellow seed color (Y) is dominant
to green seed color (y). A pea plant wich is heterozygous round seed and has green seed color is crossed
with a pea plant that is heterozygous round seed shape and heterozygous seed color. What is the probability
that the offspring will have a wrinkled and yellow seed?

Directions: In at least 5 sentences, answer the given question below.

1. Quality of the content (3 points)
2. Accuracy of information (3 points)
3. Neatness of the final output (2 points)
4. Contains five or more explanatory sentences (2 points)

1. Humans are considered to be the main predator for wild animals such as tigers, leopards, rhinoceroses and
elephants. Several wild life products such as skins, horns and tusks are being targeted for illegal trades. As a
result, illegal hunting activities for these wild animals are threathening the survival of some species. As a
concern citizen, what is your action plan on the conservation and protection of endangered species in the



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