Crorna Pendamic Session
Crorna Pendamic Session
Crorna Pendamic Session
38523 k over papers published in 220 days. 7 papers per hour getting published.
24*7 helpline, corona risk scam. 18 mill ppl using this. Virtual concerts. At home medication. Blood
samples at home started.
Team approach – pan india network clinical team, lab teams together to diagnosed building capacity,
ventilation capacity. Knowledge enhancement training module needs to be implemented. Staff
motivation and empowering motivation needs to addressed. Multispecial team, developed. Data
analytics team data crunching, data analysis.
Needed to make sure that room available as of now 2500+ covid bed is available
55 countries physician available, exerts available from all over the worlds bringing to one place.
From random utilization to shift to specific amount of utilization of drugs is tested in trials.
Plasma therapy used in US was effective and which is implemented as trial on 500 patients and
results is awaiting.
Different trials, phases how to track balance between patients anf you
Destroying coron
We need to have safety first and right clinical trials. Inject 14 days trial give another dose and check
the results.
The process of missionary and system and minset needs to be changed in india.
What more buildup capacity is needed research is needed to bring vaccine needed. How much
India need to work to meet these challenges.
Strategy how you deliver, is need to be worked out. The way it is affecting people, need to think
about strategies the delivery to the people.
Dr Sibal
You need something which is cheap, easily affectable, easily accessible, with no side effect.
Identifying diagnosis trials need to start on fast track, identification of potential effective trials need
to look at which gives hope of developing vaccine.
Effectiveness and safety of vaccine. Features of vaccine and how long it will take time to available.
De. Ella
China taken army ppl first, In Indian context healthcare workers, police, above 60 needed these
vaccine. Pregnant ladies will be first target.
Dr. Ella
IPR is taken care by Indian companies parentship with Different companies in Abroad.
Cost – 1$ per vaccine. Quality is as per US FDA. India will make affordable, if India cant, no one can
do that.
Dr. Muliyil
Needs to wash hand frequently. That will reduce chances of getting affected.
Learn how to comeback from the pandemic situation from the history.
Q No of deaths in India is insignificant as compared to other country. Should be our focus on no of
cases or deaths? Id situation is unmanaged, death no will might increase? Does it matter or not
No of deaths in Europe, Age specific need to check , in India no is Less in deaths. 90% people died is
age group is above 60.
In rural area is also deaths is less. Large proportion if below 60 than it is worrying part.
Need to improve immune system of the body. Be with the nature, it will correct it.
Help of Technology needs to be taken to make equipment and vaccine available to each part of the