Ammonia Production - A Century of Safety, Health & Environmental Improvements
Ammonia Production - A Century of Safety, Health & Environmental Improvements
Ammonia Production - A Century of Safety, Health & Environmental Improvements
Using a perspective on the history of operations at Billingham, UK and technologies pioneered there,
this paper discusses the development of ammonia production over the subsequent years to the present
day. Specific references are made to the technical improvements and changes to the process that
have contributed to greatly improved safety, health and environmental impacts in the process of
ammonia synthesis.
John Brightling
Johnson Matthey
John Pach
Johnson Matthey
mmonia is one of the most important
chemicals produced globally with about two billion, which would be reached
approximately 85% being used as around 1930. Thus, in the early 20th Century, the
fertilizer for food production. need to increase food production led to the
Ammonia synthesis from atmospheric nitrogen development of the fertilizer industry.
was made possible in the first part of the 20th
century by the development of the Haber-Bosch Today, the global value of ammonia production
process. It remains the only chemical is estimated to be over $100 billion (USD), with
breakthrough recognized by two Nobel prizes individual plants being capable of producing
for chemistry, awarded to Fritz Haber in 1918 3300 MTPD (3640 STPD). To achieve this
and to Carl Bosch in 1931. The development of scale, many improvements have been made over
ammonia synthesis directly addressed “The the last 100 years in both process and catalyst
An ammonia factory being located at
Billingham grew out of the needs of World War
I - after a shortage of munitions led directly to
the failure of the British offensive at Neuve
Chapelle in March 1915. The Minster of
Munitions at the time (later Prime Minister)
Lloyd George called it “the Great Shell
Scandal”. Britain was not producing enough
nitrate based explosives. At that time natural
nitrates imported from Chile were the only
source Britain had, and the shipping supply
chain was suffering attacks by German U-boats.
As we know, by 1913, BASF had already been Figure 1. For Sale “The Times” 19th Nov 1919
synthesizing ammonia on an industrial scale,
thus throughout World War I Germany had a A member of a syndicate of interested parties,
local source of the key raw material for Johnson Matthey & Co, was a prospective buyer
explosives. as they were already involved in selling Pt/Ph
gauzes for use in the process but they were not
This problem led to the British Government successful (it was not until 2002 that Johnson
setting up an organization to develop technology Matthey finally acquired Billingham’s process
to produce synthetic ammonia, and this and catalyst expertise). In April 1920 the
organization chose Billingham as the site for the Government Nitrate Factory was taken over by
new development. The site was chosen due to Brunner Mond, which became part of Imperial
the ready availability of key raw materials (coal Chemical Industries (ICI) in 1926. By then the
and water) and skilled labour (shipbuilding and factory had been converted to make ammonia-
steel industries). By the time the plant (known based fertilizers and was renamed the Synthetic
as the Government Nitrate Factory) was Ammonia & Nitrates Division.
completed, World War I was over and the
government was in post-war debt. As a result,
the site was put up for sale in 1919 in a wave of
1920-1930’s Technology – Coke
privatizations (Figure 1 & Reference 1). Ovens
Before the first ammonia production plant was
built at Billingham, semi-tech plants were
developed by Brunner Mond at Runcorn
Cheshire at 3 and 5 MTPD outputs. The first
Billingham plant was a 24 MTPD (26 STPD)
unit that made its first ammonia in December
Figure 2. Original flowsheet for ammonia Figure 3. Coke ovens and water gas plant
production at Billingham
Using this technology the rise in output from the
The first stages of gas production were at site is shown in the Table 1.
atmospheric pressure. Alternate streams of
steam and then air were fed into gas generators Year Ammonia Plant
containing hot coke to make “water-gas” (H2 1924 24 MTPD No2 Unit
rich) and producer gas (N2 rich). These streams 1926 52 MTPD No2 Unit Extension
were purified using iron oxides to remove H2S 1928 170 MTPD No3 Unit
1929 373 MTPD Nos 4 and 5 units
and a shift converter to convert most of the CO 1932 415 MTPD Extension
to CO2 and H2. The “catalysed gas” was 1941 642 MTPD Process improvement
compressed first to 11 bar (160 psi) in rotary 1951 746 MTPD Converter internals redesign
compressors and then to 55 bar (810 psi) in Table 1. Ammonia output at Billingham from
reciprocating compressors. CO2 was removed 1924 to 1951
by counter-current scrubbing with circulating
water and the scrubbed gas was further As well as scale improvements there were
compressed to 250 bar (3670 psi), washed with improvements in effectiveness. In 1929, A.H.
copper liquor to remove residual CO and CO2 Cowap, chief engineer, noted “a striking feature
and then fed as make-up gas to the synthesis is an ever increasing rapidity of work. The first
loop. large unit, No 3 Unit, cost £5,250,000 and was
completed in 27 months (of which 7 months was
This production of syngas feed by a low- a labour stoppage for a coal strike). No 4 and
pressure process based on coke was excessively No 5 units cost £11M and have been completed
expensive. Cyclic water-gas process are in 2 months.”
fundamentally inefficient as much heat is lost in
blow gas and due to incomplete combustion – Despite improvements, by the late 1950’s,
increasing costs of coal and the intrinsic
At the end of the day, the contract was awarded Figure 10. Three M.W. Kellogg reformers
to a more conventional design from Bechtel.
Nevertheless, the basic principles of the M.W. When commissioned, the three plants suffered
Kellogg ammonia process had been born. from a variety of problems and initially were
very unreliable. This low reliability was
About 2 months later, M.W. Kellogg was attributed to a variety of reasons including the
invited for further discussions and asked how following:
large a plant could be built. The “1000 STPD”
The novel use of equipment such as high
plant had been born. In January 1964, M.W.
speed condensing turbine drives for process
Kellogg was awarded a contract for two plants
to be built at Billingham. Within a few weeks a
UK taxation laws which discouraged steam
third plant was announced. With a capacity of
generation other than from coal, which
972 STPD (881 MTPD), they would be the
meant that the plants did not have an
largest plants ever built.
auxiliary boiler.
Further improvements were made to the design A change in mind-set was required. If you
offered for Severnside, and operating have a multi-stream plant with say ten units
information from the early 1970’s shows the in parallel, and you lose one of them you
Billingham plants with: still make 90% of what you intend to make,
so the upstream and downstream parts of the
31 bar (450 psi) reforming pressure
plant stay online. If you only have three
103.5 bar (1500 psi) HP steam pressure
single stream plants, and you lose a piece of
superheated to 450 °C (842 °F)
equipment in the middle of one of them, you
39 bar (560 psi) MP steam pressure can lose the entire plant and 33% of your
131 bar (1900 psi) loop pressure. production.
Mid 1960’s M.W. Kellogg Ammonia Catalyst technology and knowhow continued to
develop and it was noted that “It is important to
Units keep a constant level of mobile potash on the
As the M.W. Kellogg plants incorporated the surface of the catalyst to prevent carbon
steam naphtha reforming process, Billingham formation. The alkali must be released from the
engineers worked closely with their counterparts support in a controlled way to maintain the
from M.W. Kellogg in the design of the appropriate level of potash on the catalyst
reformers, shown in Figure 10. surface. A fine balance is required, since too
rapid removal of potash leads to short life,