The 16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry Homogeneous Catalysis
The 16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry Homogeneous Catalysis
The 16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry Homogeneous Catalysis
By C. A. Tolman
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
E. I . D U P O N T D E N E M O U R S A N D C O M P A N Y , W I L M I N G T O N ,
D E L A W A R E 1 9 8 9 8 , U.S.A.
1 Introduction
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There has been a great increase in interest and activity in recent years in organo-
metallic chemistry, especially in the area of homogeneous catalysis by transition-
metal complexes. A number of publications have appeared dealing with par-
ticular organometallic reactions which occur in catalysis, such as oxidative
addition,lJ insertion,, ligand e~change,~ and reactions of complexes with Lewis
acids.6A few authors have attempted to outline the principles of catalysis more
There appears, however, to be no satisfactory scheme which relates
the various reaction types or which permits mechanistic predictions.
In this review the various types of organometallic reactions involved in
catalysis are organized in a systematic way, and some empirical rules are pre-
sented which may be used predictively to restrict the kinds of organometallic
compounds which may exist under mild conditions and the types of reactions
they may undergo.
The tendency of transition metals to form complexes in which the metal has
an effective atomic number corresponding to the next higher inert gas has long
been recogni~ed.~ There are, however, many exceptions, as illustrated by the
following examples:
Compound NVE
TiClc 8
MeAuPPh, 14
Co(CN),S- 17
Ni(HzO)5z+ 20
The number of valence electrons (NVE) consists of the valence electrons of the
* Contribution No. 1821.
J. P. Collman, Accounts Chem. Res., 1968, 1, 136; J. P. Collman and W. R. Roper, Adv,
Organometallic Chem., 1968, 7 , 53.
J. Halpern, Accounts Chem. Res., 1970, 3, 386.
a R. F. Heck, Adv. Chem. Ser., 1965, 49, 181.
C. H. Langford and H. B. Gray, ‘Ligand Substitution Processes’, Benjamin, New York.
D. F. Shriver, Accounts Chem. Res., 1970, 3, 231.
J. Halpern, Discuss. Faraday SOC.,1968, 46,7.
J. Halpern, Adv. Chem. Ser., 1968, 70, 1.
* R. Ugo, Chimica e Industria, 1969, 51, 1319.
N. V. Sidgwick, ‘The Electronic Theory of Valency’, O.U.P.,London, 1929, p. 163.
16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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metal and those electrons donated by or shared with the ligands, and would be
18 for an inert-gas configuration. If, however, one restricts attention to the
diamagnetic organometallic complexes of Groups IVB-VIII, essentially all of
the well-characterized compounds have 16 or 18 metal valence electrons.lOsll
This fact has not generally been adequately appreciated by organometallic
chemists. In fact, the literature contains numerous examples of organometallic
compounds which, as formulated, appeared to be exceptions to what can be
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
called the 16 and 18 Electron Rule. Careful subsequent study has almostinvari-
ably shown that the original formulation was incorrect. The accessibility of 16
and 18 electron configurations also has important consequences for mechanisms
of organometallic reactions, as outlined below.
Organometallic compounds, for the purposes of this discussion, are transition-
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metal complexes containing one or more ligands such as CO, N2, CN-, RNC,
PR3, P(OR)3, olefin, acetylene, n-allyl, 7r-cyclopentadienyl, 7r-aryl, acyl, -SiR3,
-R, or -H. These ‘soft’lBor ‘class b’lSligands are characterized by a high ligand-
field strength and covalent bonding character and are the types typically found
in homogeneous catalytic reactions such as hydrogenation, hydroformylation,
hydrosilylation, and olefin isomerization and oligomerization.
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for solution studies is whether the electronic spectrum of the complex is sub-
stantially different in different solvents. Frequently a coloured complex will give
dramatic colour changes when dissolved in a co-ordinating solvent. For example,
N i [ P ( O ~ - t o l y l ) ~a] ~red-orange
,~~ solid, gives red-orange solutions in benzene,
tetrahydrofuran, or methylene chloride, in which it remains three-co-ordinate,
but gives a colourless solution in acetonitrile, from which the unstable adduct
MeCNNi[P(Oo-tolyl),I3 has been isolated.’
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
ent types of mechanisms. An increase in co-ordination number by one as in
H++CO(CO)[ HCo(CO),
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a Change in the number of metal valence electrons; Change in the formal oxidation state of the metal. The usual convention which regards hydrides,
alkyls, r-allyls, and 7r-cyclopentadienyls as uninegative ions is used ; C Change in co-ordination number. 2
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is regarded as a Lewis acid ligand association reaction. A two-step reaction, as
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
joined. With less electronegative olefins, such as C,H4 or C2F4, it may be more
convenient to regard their co-ordination as a Lewis base addition rather than as
an oxidative addition. The real extent of electron transfer must be determined by
ESCA or some other means. The count of metal valence electrons in either case
is the same.
The terms 'oxidative coupling' and 'reductive decoupling' are new. The
former is used to denote reactions such as that shown in reaction (4), in which the
formal oxidation state of the metal increases by two but the co-ordination
number does not change.
16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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examples of reactions of 18-electron complexes with Lewis acids include forma-
tion of [(n-C5H5)Rh(CO)PMePh2Cl]+from ( ~ T - C ~ H , ) R ~ ( C O ) Pand
M ~C1221
and of HNi[P(OEt),14+from Ni[P(OEt),], and H+.22
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Ni[P(Oo-tolyl),], exchanges ethylene very rapidly but can be recovered un-
changed after prolonged exposure of a solution to vacuum.27Again, the 16-
electron complex can associate a two-electron ligand but does not dissociate.
involving reductive elimination of H,, have been studied.28The rate of the reac-
tion is independent of the concentration and nature of L1[L1= CO, P(OMe),,
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16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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acid ligand association, the bromine leaving with the electron pair it had shared
with carbon (reaction 12).
H Me
&+I - - - 0
C02 Et
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tion (13).35 Insertion followed by ligand association is also consistent with the
MeMn(CO), MeCOMnlCO),
MeCoMn(Co)4L (1 3)
18 16 L 18
result that treatment of MeMn(CO), with 14C0 gives an acyl with a non-
labelled CO;36some elegant experiments with 13C0have demonstrated that the
methyl group moves3’
Another type of insertion reaction is illustrated by reaction (14).38The existence
of a hydrido-olefin intermediate has been supported by deuterium-labelling
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E. Oxidative Coupling-Reductive Decoup1ing.-An example of oxidative coup-
ling is given by reaction (15),4O where R = C0,Me and L = PPh3. The reaction
\ /R
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
(N,) IrClL, + 2RC"-CR CL - I t +N2
/ \R
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16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organornetallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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oxidative addition of hydrogen and reductive elimination of aldehyde. The first
step of the reaction, starting with HCo(CO),, is Lewis base ligand dissociation
from the 18-electron complex to give HCo(CO),. The reactions proceeding
clockwise around the loop are then: (2) olefin (Lewis base) association to give an
18-electron hydrido-olefin complex; (3) insertion of olefin to give a 16-electron
alkyl; (4) association of CO to give an 18-electron alkyl; (5) insertion of CO to
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
d '4.
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Figure 2. Two loops arise from the possibility of co-ordinating hydrogen and
olefin in either order. Step (1) represents oxidative addition of hydrogen to the
square-planar 16-electron complex to give an 1%electron dihydride. Step (2),
Lewis base dissociation, is followed by olefin co-ordination in step (3). Insertion
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
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in step (4) gives an unstable hydrido-alkyl with NVE = 16. Phosphine associa-
tion in step ( 5 ) gives an 18-electron hydrido-alkyl which produces alkane by
reductive elimination, regenerating RhCI(PPh3),. Wilkinson's isolation of
(C2H4)RhClL2and observation that the ethylene complex is not readily hydro-
genatedq6suggest that step (9) is very slow, so that the bulk of the reaction goes
via the loop which contains steps (1)-(6). The inhibition of hydrogenation on
addition of triphenylphosphine to the system can be understood in terms of its
suppression of ligand dissociation in step (2). The mechanism in Figure 2 is
somewhat different from the one originally proposed, which included phosphine
ligand dissociation as the first step in the reaction and simultaneous addition
of both hydrogens to the double bond. The phosphine-dissociation step was
based on a low value for the molecular weight of RhCI(PPh3)3.Molecular weight
determinations4' under scrupulously oxygen-free conditions indicated that the
46 J. A. Osborn, F. H. Jardine, J. F. Young, and G . Wilkinson, J . Chem. SOC.(A), 1966,1711.
47 D. D. Lehman, D. F. Shriver, and I. Wharf, Chem. Comm., 1970, 1486.
16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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complex does not dissociate to any great extent. This conclusion was also sup-
ported by n.m.r. studies.48 Studies49employing a combination of spectro-
photometry and 31P and lH n.m.r., indicate that RhCl(PPh3)3 dissociates
only to a very small extent to give a dimer and that its reaction with H, gives
H2RhCl(PPh,),,60 rather than HZRhCl(PPh3),S (S = solvent) as originally
Dissociation to H2RhC1(PPh3),is slight, but does provide a mecha-
nism for ligand exchange.
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
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Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
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CbCH2CH-NiH L32' d6s CH3CHzCHzCH2Ni HL32+
I 4
CH3 $
I;, // I ./
'<\xLCH3CH2CH2CH3~/ /,
'\@- L Ni2++3' A-0
Figure 3 Isomerization of butenes by Ni[P(OEt),], and H,SO,. I-B, c-2-B, and t-2-B represent
but-1 -ene, cis-but-2-ene, and trans-but-2-ene. From Ref. 53
16 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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of the 18-electron complex into a 16-electron complex. C01lman~~ has recently
reported i.r. evidence which suggests that several CoCl,(NO)L, complexes
actually exist in solution as an equilibrium mixture of 16-electron [NO- ligand]
and 18-electron [NO+ ligand] forms.
Angelici and Graham69have reported a two-term rate law for the reaction of
18-electron Mo(CO), with phosphines such as PBu, :
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
The sN2 path may involve a 20-electron intermediate or, as the authors mention,
could involve attack by the phosphine on co-ordinated CO.
An X-ray crystal structure determination on PtI,(diars), (diars = o-phenyl-
enebisdimethylarsine) shows that the PtII is six-co-ordinate in the crystal, with
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equal bond distances from Pt to each of the I atoms.60The bond lengths are,
however, exceptionally long, 3.50 A. Though the compound appears to be a
20-electron complex, there is an alternative bonding description, first proposed
by R u d e s 1 for the analogous 13-, which preserves the noble-gas configuration
for the central atom. In nitromethane the platinum complex dissociates to give
the 18-electron [PtI(diar~),]+.~~
X-Ray crystal structures of tetrabenzylzirconiums2and tetraben~yltitanium,~~
apparently %electron complexes, have been reported. Both show anomalously
small M-C-4 bond angles at the methylene carbons, suggesting participation
of ring electrons in the bonding. Definitive evidence for participation of ring
electrons in bonding in a benzyl complex has been found in the structure of
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Later studies showed that the results were consistent with the presence of
Ni(CN),,- and Ni(CN),,-, 16- and 18-electron complexes, respectively, and
that there was no evidence for the formation of 20-electron Ni(CN),4- even in
4M-NaCN.69 An X-ray crystal-structure determination has shown that the
compound originally formulated as M O ( C H , S ~ M ~ ,a) 10-electron
~,~~ complex, is
actually a cluster compound with a very short Mo-Mo bond di~tance.~‘
The lklectron complex Pt(PPh,), has been proposed as an intermediate in
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
I6 and 18 Electron Rule in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
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Bi~(trityl)nickel,~~an apparent 12-electron complex, probably has a bis(r-
allyl) structure in which each trityl group donates three
Nickelocene is a paramagnetic complex in which the metal appears to have
20 valence electrons. Molecular orbital calculations, assuming a symmetric
ferrocene-like structure (h), show that the last two electrons should occupy
a strongly anti-bonding doubly degenerate elg orbital.80This is consistent both
with the instability of nickelocene compared with ferrocene and with the observed
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
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with a stepwise rather than a concerted rea~tion.~’
Heimbachaahas also stressed
the stepwise nature of reactions of this type, whose concerted reactions are
forbidden in the absence of catalysts by the Woodward-Hoffmann rules.8n
6 Conclusion
The 16 and 18 Electron Rule in organometallicchemistry is consistent with such
Published on 01 January 1972 on | doi:10.1039/CS9720100337
has nicely correlated a great deal of data with atomic properties such as ionization
potentials and electron promotion energies. More quantitative theoretical studies
and further experience are now required to define the limits of applicability of
the Rule.
The basic premise of this review is that 16- and 18-electronconfigurations are
readily accessible to diamagnetic organometallic transition-metal complexes.
Species with other configurations or reactions by other paths will generally be so
energetically unfavourable by comparison that they are negligible.
If this review acts as a goad to the research of others, if only to challenge its
generality, it will have served its purpose well,
Note Added in Proofi The application of the 16 and 18 Electron Rule to catalysis
by transition-metal hydride complexes has recently been discussed by C . A.
Tolman, ‘Transition Metal Hydrides’, ed. E. L. Muetterties, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York, 1971, Ch. 6.