Ho DHHDJDHSB Hapter - Test
Ho DHHDJDHSB Hapter - Test
Ho DHHDJDHSB Hapter - Test
9. The Figure shows electric lines of force. If EA and EB are electric fields at A and B and distance
AB = r, then:
(a) EA > EB (b) EA = EB/r
(c) EA < EB (d) EA = EB/r2
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4R 2
4R 2 0 0
(c) Field inside the shell-
If the point P lies inside the spherical shell, then Gaussian surface is a surface of sphere of
radius r(As there is no charge inside the spherical shell, Gaussian surface encloses no charge.)
That is q = 0 E=0
Hence the field inside the spherical shell is always zero.
25. (i) Surface S1 encloses charge Q only, therefore, electric flux through S1 is 1
Surface S2 enclosed both charges Q and 2Q (i.e., total charge 3Q); therefore electric flux
through S2 is 2
Q 3Q
Ratio 1 : 2 = :
0 0
1 : 2 1 : 3
(ii) When a medium of dielectric constant K = 5 is introduced in the space inside S1, the electric
flux through S1 will become
Q Q / 0 1
K 0 K 5
i.e., The electric flux through S1 will become one-fifth of that in air.
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