Nursing Care Plan Assessment Explanation of The Problem Goals and Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Explanation of The Problem Goals and Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Explanation of The Problem Goals and Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Nursing Dx: coupled with leaning on or over the position that most
Ineffective narrowing and bed table, or eases breathing
Airway inflammation sitting on the
Clearance of the edge of the bed.
related to airways lead >Administer >It relaxes the smooth
accumulation to a nursing salbutamol per muscle in the lungs and
of phlegm to diagnosis of nebulization as opens airways to improve
the bronchial ineffective ordered. breathing.
area. airway
clearance >Facilitate back >To break up the mucus in
tapping after the lungs in order to make
nebulization. it easier for the patient
to cough them up.
>Encourage and
assist with >Provides client with some
abdominal or means to cope up with and
pursed lip control dyspnea and reduce
breathing air-trapping.
>Inhaled anticholenergic
>Assist with agents are now considered
respiratory the first-line drugs for
treatments, such clients with stable COPD
as spirometry and because studies indicate
chest they have a longer duration
physiotherapy. of action with less
toxicity potential, whereas
still providing the
> Encourage effective relief of the
increased fluid beta-antagonists.
intake. >Fluids help minimize
mucosal drying and maximize
ciliary action to move
(without O2 Where oxygen skin and mucus cyanosis indicate advanced of difficulty
supply) finds it membrane color. hypoxemia of breathing.
difficult to (Partially
Nursing Dx: come in and > Breath sounds may be met)
Impaired Gas CO2 has a > Auscultate breath faint because of decreased
Exchange difficulty sounds, noting areas airflow or areas of
related to going out. of decreased airflow consolidation. Presence of
alveolar- Thus leading and adventitious wheezes may indicate
capillary to a nursing sounds bronchospasm or retained
membrane diagnosis of secretions. Scattered moist
changes Impaired Gas crackles may indicate
Exchange interstitial fluid or
cardiac decompensation
salbutamol per >It relaxes the smooth
nebulization as muscle in the lungs and
ordered. opens airways to improve
>Facilitate back
tapping after >To break up the mucus in
nebulization. the lungs in order to make
it easier for the patient
> Evaluate sleep to cough them up.
patterns, note > Multiple external stimuli
reports of and presence of dyspnea may
difficulties and prevent relaxation and
whether patient inhibit sleep
feels well rested.
Provide quiet
environment, group
care or monitoring
activities to allow
periods of
uninterrupted sleep;
stimulants such
as caffeine;
encourage position
of comfort
>Easy ATP -> ACTIVITY LTO> After 3 days environment and promoting rest LTO> After 3 days
fatigability INTOLERANCE of nursing limit visitors of nursing
>Unable to intervention, during acute intervention:
tolerate walking patient will: phase as > Patient will be
for at least 2 >Patient will indicated. able to report
meters. report Encourage use of >Bedrest is the ability to
the ability to stress maintained during perform required
>Dyspnea perform required management and acute phase to activities of
activities of diversional decrease daily living.
>Productive daily living. activities as metabolic (Partially met)
Cough appropriate demands, thus
>Explain conserving energy
importance of for healing.
Nursing Dx: rest in Activity
Risk for treatment plan restrictions
Activity and necessity thereafter are
Intolerance for balancing determined by
related to activities with individual client
imbalance rest response to
between oxygen activity and
supply and resolution of
demand respiratory
>Client may be
comfortable with
>Assist client head of bed
to assume elevated,
comfortable sleeping in a
position for chair, or leaning
rest and sleep forward.
OD HS byproduct cysteine) inflammation of the
exerts its mucolytic mouth.
action through its
free sulfhydryl
group, which reduces
the disulfide bonds
in the mucus matrix
and lowers mucus
viscosity. This
action increases
with increasing pH
and is most
significant at pH 7
to 9.
has tried cholesterol-
lowering diet regimen
for 3–6 mo before
beginning therapy.
Administer drug
without regard to
food, but at same time
each day.
Consult dietitian
about low-cholesterol
enzymes are epistaxis or other
involved in cell- occasionally forms of unexplained
wall synthesis and bleeding.
cell division. By GENITOURINARY: moniliasis - Monitor hematologic,
binding to these or vaginitis were reported electrolytes, renal
enzymes. occasionally and hepatic function.