Writing Paper Hina
Writing Paper Hina
Writing Paper Hina
Submitted By :SHOAIB ULLAH
Submitted To : mam hina zaib
Program : Bs English
PAPER : academic reading
ID : 13607
Semester :4 th
Question No # 5
What do you mean by “creative Writing”?
When we engage in creative writing, the imagination begins to flow. The majority of
writing is creative. Not only can it be a creative outlet, but it can also be a therapeutic.
Many psychologists recommend creative writing so that they can express our feelings.
With it, you can excuse everything you like.
Creative Writing Example: Following are the
example of Creative Writing.
1:POEMS: Poems are an excellent example of creative writing. In fact, they are almost
exclusively "heartfelt" and imaginative
Following are the example of creative poems taken from various poems.
A: A Shining Star
I see your star still shining bright
amongst the others in the night,
a sight so blessed, as by my eye
your star now rests in symmetry.
2:NOVELS: Novels are certainly creative. That's why we open a new book or
provoke our e-readers. We look forward to drowning in new worlds, whether unreal or
Example #1 Following example is taken drom Dark Witch.
The bone carved from the cold is very deep, the wind is blowing hard, the snow is falling
slowly due to the sinking rain, the sky is over flowing. Iona Sheehan had such a warm
welcome in Ireland. She like it How can she not? He ask himself as he hugged his arm into
his chest and drank from the window into a wild, unpleasant view. She was standing right
in a palace. She had slept in that palace that night.
3: Short Stories
Short stories can be narrative, funny, mysterious, satirical, fictional or historical. Often,
stories include a lesson for the reader
4:Songs / Lyrics
Another area of poetry, songs and lyrics is also a great place where you can express your
thoughts and feelings not only through words, but also through music. Whether you're
writing a cute count or a hymn, there are plenty of reasons to enjoy working in this genre.
While this is relatively uncomfortable with most of the things you can create, it's a good
idea to get acquainted with the basics of songwriting. Especially in an age where a lot of
the music we listen to has an effect on technology, as much as you know about the art of
songwriting, you will experience it freely.
Question No # 3
Write a note on essay format.
Ans: ESSAY: Essay is derived from the French word essayer, which means “to
attempt,” or “to try.” An essay is a short form of literary composition based on a
single subject matter, and often gives the personal opinion of the author.
A famous English essayist, Aldous Huxley defined essays as, “a literary device for saying
almost everything about almost anything.” The Oxford Dictionary describes an essay as “a
short piece of writing on a particular subject.” In simple words, we can define an essay as
it as a scholarly work in writing that provides the author’s personal argument.
Parts of a Paragraph:
In an essay, a paragraph discusses in detail an idea that supports the essay dissertation.
The body of the paper should include a title sentence in the paragraph, supporting the
details to support it.The title sentence, and the closing sentence. The purpose and scope
of the paragraph will determine its length,But most paragraphs contain at least two
complete sentences
Topic Sentence
Supporting Details
Concluding Sentence
1:Topic Sentence
The main idea of each paragraph is stated in a sentence of the title which shows what it
has to do with the idea.The essay usually, the title sentence is placed at the beginning of
the paragraph, but the place and the placement may vary according to the individual
organization and the expectations of the audience. Title sentences often transitions
between paragraphs
2:Supporting Details
Supporting details describe the sentences of the titles and the dissertation in detail.
Prepare helpful details assignment should come from a variety of sources, including
instructions and genres, and should be included Author's own analysis.
• Expert Opinion
• Facts and Statistics
• Personal Experiences
• Others’ Experiences
• Brief Stories
• Research Studies
• Your Own Analysis
3:Concluding Sentence
Each paragraph should end with a final statement in which the theory is presented
Sometimes, this can be a transition to the next paragraph.