Divergent Thinking - Wikipedia
Divergent Thinking - Wikipedia
Divergent Thinking - Wikipedia
— (Vosburg, 1998)
See also
Lateral thinking
1. Dyson, Scott Benjamin; Chang, Yu-Lin;
Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Hsiung, Hsiang-Yu;
Tseng, Chien-Chih; Chang, Jen-Ho (March
2016). "The effect of tabletop role-playing
games on the creative potential and
emotional creativity of Taiwanese college
students". Thinking Skills and Creativity. 19:
88–96. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2015.10.004 .
2. Lieberman, J. Nina (1965-12-01).
"Playfulness and Divergent Thinking: An
Investigation of their Relationship at the
Kindergarten Level". The Journal of Genetic
Psychology. 107 (2): 219–224.
doi:10.1080/00221325.1965.10533661 .
ISSN 0022-1325 . PMID 5852592 .
3. Vosburg, Suzanne K. (1998-04-01). "The
Effects of Positive and Negative Mood on
Divergent-Thinking Performance". Creativity
Research Journal. 11 (2): 165–172.
doi:10.1207/s15326934crj1102_6 .
ISSN 1040-0419 .
4. Isen, Alice M.; Daubman, Kimberly A.
(1984-12-01). "The influence of affect on
categorization". Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology. 47 (6): 1206–1217.
doi:10.1037/0022-3514.47.6.1206 .
ISSN 1939-1315 .
5. Isen, Alice M.; Johnson, Mitzi M.; Mertz,
Elizabeth; Robinson, Gregory F. (1985). "The
influence of positive affect on the
unusualness of word associations". Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology. 48
(6): 1413–1426. doi:10.1037/0022-
3514.48.6.1413 .
6. Murray, Noel; Sujan, Harish; Hirt, Edward
R.; Sujan, Mita (1990). "The influence of
mood on categorization: A cognitive
flexibility interpretation". Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology. 59 (3):
411–425. doi:10.1037/0022-
3514.59.3.411 .
7. Horne, J. A. (1988). "Sleep Loss and
"Divergent Thinking" Ability" (PDF). Sleep.
11 (6): 528–536.
doi:10.1093/sleep/11.6.528 .
External links
"Changing (Education) Paradigms" by
Sir Ken Robinson - video animation by
the Royal Society of Arts
Divergent Thinking in Psychology:
Definition, Examples and Quiz
Fuel Creativity in the Classroom with
Divergent Thinking
What Type of Thinker Are You? When
you get stuck in convergent thinking, you
miss possibilities open to you
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Last edited 16 days ago by CalOtter