Thesis Fulltext
Thesis Fulltext
Thesis Fulltext
Mechanical Property
Reconstruction from Surface
Measured Displacement Data
Ashton Peters
July 2007
This thesis is dedicated to the memory of Madge Peters (1918–2003), and all other New
Zealanders whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. May the perseverance of
researchers throughout the world yield a cure that will render our work unnecessary.
The research presented in this thesis would not have been possible, or as enjoyable as
I have found it, without the assistance of a number of individuals, who I will attempt
to acknowledge in this short note of appreciation.
It was my supervisor, Dr. Eli Van Houten, who first proposed that I extend my
university studies to work on the DIET project. Eli, I thoroughly appreciate the
many hours you have spent with me brainstorming ideas, debugging computer code,
or discussing strategies when I was stuck at one of the countless obstacles encountered
during the past three years. I have enjoyed your friendly, easy-going, and patient
nature, and I consider myself very fortunate to have a supervisor who I also consider
to be a friend. I also owe a significant thanks to my associate supervisor, Prof. Geoff
Chase, whose experience and helpful assistance when writing and reviewing material
for publication, and thoughts on my research from an independent perspective, have
been most appreciated. I look forward to working with both of you in the future.
The DIET project has been, and continues to be, a team effort that involves a
number of students and staff. I would like to acknowledge the assistance of all those
who have contributed over the past few years, including (but not limited to): Jérôme
Rouzé, Arnaud Milsant, Stefan Wortmann, Fabrice Jandet, Edouard Ravni, Crispin
Berg, Anthony Hii, Shig Kinoshita, Richard Brown, Hans Uwe-Berger, Rodney Elliott,
Mark Staiger, Kevin Stobbs, and Chris Hann. Thanks also to my fellow research
students in the Center for Bioengineering for contributing to the sense of community
we share, and to Prof. Tim David for creating a work environment where the overall
‘feel’ is determined by research students, and not by administrators.
To my family, including those in New Plymouth, Hamilton, Christchurch and
Timaru, thank you for you words of encouragement, and for the various forms of
support you have given me, particularly during the writing of this thesis, which at
one point seemed an insurmountable task. Finally, to Alison, you are both family and
my best friend, and I thank you for all the love and encouragement you have given
me. After more than three years of additional study, I am finally a salaried employee
(hooray!), and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
Abstract xxiii
3 Experimental Methods 37
3.1 Phantom Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.1.1 Gelatine Phantoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.1.2 Silicone Phantoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2 Material Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3 Actuation and Motion Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3.1 Motion Capture from Gelatine Phantoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3.2 Motion Capture from Silicone Phantoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4 Photogrammetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.5 Displacement Data Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6 Conclusions 143
6.1 Technical Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.2 Clinical Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
1.1 The acquired capabilities that differentiate cancerous and healthy cells. 2
1.2 Anatomy of the female breast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 A stained pathological specimen from ductal carcinoma in situ. . . . . . 5
1.4 The equipment used and resulting images from a screening mammogram. 9
1.5 MRI patient positioning, and an MRI image produced with a contrast-
enhancing agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Diagnostic ultrasound of the breast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.7 Healthy and abnormal images from breast thermography. . . . . . . . . 13
1.8 A prototype EIT system, and the resulting image of electrical properties. 14
1.9 A tissue sample and elastogram from early research using ultrasound for
elastography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.10 Modern diagnostic ultrasound elastography of a biopsy-proven breast
cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.11 Displacement and stiffness images from a MRE system. . . . . . . . . . 19
1.12 Key components in the DIET system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1 The FE mesh used for computer model simulation in the three-region
proof of concept study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 The geometry used to generate simulated data sets in the three-region
study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3 Surface displacement amplitudes for four of the inclusion scenarios sim-
ulated in the three-region study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4 Convergence of the three-region reconstruction algorithm for a selection
of inclusion scenarios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.20 The best fitting FE-simulated cases compared with experimental mo-
tions for both heterogeneous silicone phantoms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.21 Parameter sweep results from the homogenous soft silicone phantom,
using the contradictive method with Eh0 = 103 kPa. . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.22 The range of modulus values estimated and measured for both soft and
hard silicones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.18 The reconstructed stiffness profile distribution from 100 hybrid recon-
structions performed on the soft homogenous silicone phantom data. . . 131
5.19 The experimentally observed motion of the spherical silicone phantom. . 133
5.20 A spatial representation of the spherical phantom modulus reconstructed
using the hybrid algorithm with varying numbers of genes. . . . . . . . . 135
5.21 The spherical silicone phantom modulus distribution reconstructed using
a contradictive hybrid algorithm with 100 genes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.22 The soft homogenous silicone phantom modulus distribution reconstructed
using a contradictive hybrid algorithm with 100 genes. . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.23 A plane at Es0 = 27 kPa through the spherical phantom error domain. . 139
5.24 A plane at Es0 = 26 kPa through the soft homogeneous phantom error
domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
1.1 The 2002 American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM system for breast
cancer classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 The ingredients used to make to make the two types of gelatine used for
phantom experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 The weight percentage composition of the two types of silicone used for
phantom preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3 Young’s Modulus values obtained from static testing of phantom materials. 49
4.1 Specifications of the hard and soft gelatine models used for FE simulation. 74
4.2 A comparison of surface error estimated and measured Young’s Modulus
values for the soft and hard gelatine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.3 Elastic modulus values for the soft and hard silicone phantoms. . . . . . 87
4.4 Silicone material properties estimated from the homogenous silicone
phantoms using surface error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.5 The measured interface position parameter, P , for both heterogeneous
silicone phantom geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Roman Symbols
E Young’s modulus
Ê Young’s modulus corresponding to global motion error
E+ Young’s modulus providing the closest match to experimental data
E∗ Complex elastic modulus
E0 Storage modulus
Es0 Soft material storage modulus
Eh0 Hard material storage modulus
E 00 Loss modulus
Ē 0 Mean reconstructed storage modulus
G Combinatorial optimization gene
G̃ Gene following mating and mutation
G+ Combinatorial optimization gene providing the closest match to experimental data
H Hessian matrix
J Jacobian matrix
M Number of generations in combinatorial optimization
ne Surface element normal vector
nn Surface node normal vector
NG Number of genes in combinatorial optimization
P Interface position parameter
P̂ Interface position corresponding to global minimum error
Ps Interface position for stacked geometry
Pc Interface position for concentric geometry
Ph Inclusion vertical position for spherical geometry
Pd Inclusion diameter for spherical geometry
P+ interface position parameter providing the closest match to experimental data
P̄ Reference point position across all image frames
P∆ Reference point motion path centroid
R Residual term
u Complex-valued displacement amplitude
uR Real component of displacement amplitude
uI Imaginary component of displacement amplitude
ũ Real-valued displacement amplitude
ū(t) Time-varying displacement
um Measured displacement amplitude
uc FE-simulated displacement amplitude
Greek Symbols
Interest in elastographic techniques for soft tissue imaging has grown as relevant re-
search continues to indicate a correlation between tissue histology and mechanical stiff-
ness. Digital Image Elasto-Tomography (DIET) presents a novel method for identifying
cancerous lesions via a three-dimensional image of elastic properties. Stiffness recon-
struction with DIET takes steady-state motion captured with a digital camera array as
the input to an elastic property reconstruction algorithm, where finite element methods
allow simulation of phantom motion at a range of internal stiffness distributions. The
low cost and high image contrast achievable with a DIET system may be particularly
suited to breast cancer screening, where traditional modalities such as mammography
have issues with limited sensitivity and patient discomfort. Proof of concept studies
performed on simulated data sets confirmed the potential of the DIET technique, lead-
ing to the development of an experimental apparatus for surface motion capture from a
range of soft tissue approximating phantoms. Error studies performed on experimental
data from these phantoms using a limited number of shape and modulus parameters
indicated that accurate measurements of surface motion provide sufficient information
to identify a stiffness distribution in both homogeneous and heterogeneous cases. The
elastic reconstruction performed on simulated and experimental data considered both
deterministic and stochastic algorithms, with a combination of the two approaches
found to give the most accurate results, for a realistic increase in computational cost.
The reconstruction algorithm developed has the ability to successfully resolve a hard
spherical inclusion within a soft phantom, and in addition demonstrated promise in
reconstructing the correct stiffness distribution when no inclusion is present.
Chapter 1
Cancer is one of the most significant public health issues in the world, with one in four
deaths in the United States currently directly attributable to the disease. Amongst
all forms of cancers diagnosed in the female population, breast cancer is the most
common, with new cases in 2007 expected to represent a total of 26% of all female cancer
diagnoses. Although deaths from cancer of the lung and bronchus surpassed breast
cancer fatalities among American women in 1987, breast cancer remains the second
highest cause of female cancer death in the United States, with over 100 American
women per day currently dying from the disease [1].
The most recent statistics available from New Zealand indicate that breast cancer is
proportionally at least as significant an issue as in the United States. The 2,235 breast
cancer cases registered in New Zealand in 1999 represented a total of 28% of all female
cancer registrations, the highest proportion of any cancer among New Zealand women.
Significantly, and in contrast to American statistics, breast cancer is the leading cause
of cancer death for New Zealand females, with a fatality/case ratio of 29% [2]. A
related study of cancer mortality covering the 18,990 female breast cancer registrations
in New Zealand in the period 1994–2003 concluded that the majority of breast cancers
were diagnosed at a localized stage, where survival rates are at their highest [3]. The
increase in survival rate associated with early detection provides significant motivation
for screening programmes that are designed to detect breast cancer at the earliest
possible stage.
Cancer initiates when cells within the body multiply at an abnormally high rate. These
groups of cells often form a hard, palpable mass, generically referred to as a tumor,
although other forms of cancer, such as leukemia, do not manifest in this manner. The
spread of cancerous cells beyond a localized area of the body is known as metastasis.
The majority of cancer fatalities are a result of this metastatic spread to critical organ
systems, where malignant cells replace and inhibit the function of cells critical for
healthy organ function.
The biological mechanisms underlying cell transformation from healthy to can-
cerous are thought to be linked to changes in cell DNA, though the exact process is
not well understood. Hanahan and Weinberg proposed that cancerous cells acquire an
important set of functional capabilities that govern their transformation into malig-
nant cancers [4]. These capabilities are shown in Figure 1.1, and summarized in the
Self-sufficiency in
growth signals
Evading Insensitivity to
apoptosis anti-growth signals
Limitless replicative
Figure 1.1 The acquired capabilities that differentiate cancerous and healthy cells [4].
The natural process of cell division and growth is controlled by stimulatory signals
provided by the body. It is believed that cancerous cells are able to multiply at rates far
greater than healthy cells due to an apparent self-sufficiency in growth signals [4]. This
reduced dependence on external growth stimulation allows cancerous tissue to expand
rapidly and without reference to the mechanisms that usually ensure regulated cell
development. In addition to a reduced dependence on external stimulation for growth
and division, cancerous cells appear to have decreased sensitivity to the biological anti-
growth signals that are intended to keep the division and growth of normal cells within
healthy limits.
An additional factor leading to unchecked cancerous cell expansion is a lack of
response to apoptosis, or programmed cell death. After receiving an appropriate trigger,
the attrition of healthy cells is a key mechanism in maintaining a healthy balance of
cell types within tissue. While the scientific understanding of the exact mechanisms
behind cell apoptosis is limited, it has been hypothesized that cancer cells are able to
ignore apoptosis signals and live beyond a regular cellular lifespan [4].
The first three acquired capabilities of cancer cells – growth signal autonomy, in-
sensitivity to anti-growth signals, and resistance to apoptosis – allow the growth mech-
anism of cancers to be de-coupled from the cellular signals in their environment. In
theory, this independence from cellular control mechanisms allows a limitless multipli-
cation of cancer cells within the body. It is this unconstrained multiplication, where
cancerous cells are able to invade large areas of healthy tissue, that can cause major
disruption to the functional systems within the body.
For cells to survive and perform their biological function, they must lie in close
proximity to blood vessels that provide essential nutrients and oxygen. Within healthy
human tissue, the ability to create new blood vessels, termed angiogenesis, is highly
regulated. This angiogenesis regulation ensures that the growth of abnormal lesions
is limited by the inability of the lesion to create a supporting vasculature. To sustain
the growth of macroscopic tumors, an intrinsic form of angiogenesis within cancerous
tissue is required, and has been observed in a range of human cancers.
Finally, it is the acquired ability of cancer to metastasize, or move around the body,
that is a key point of difference between cancerous and healthy cells. The exact pro-
cesses controlling this cellular migration are of critical importance to the development
of cancer treatments, but are complicated and not well understood. Survival rates
for almost all types of cancer drop considerably once metastasis has occurred, as the
ability to treat the disease locally, via methods such as radiation therapy, is removed,
and systemic treatments generalized to the entire body, such as chemotherapy, become
a requirement.
The adult female breast, shown in Figure 1.2, is a modified skin gland, comprised of
several different types of tissue. Between 15–20 glandular lobes form an approximately
conical projection from the chest wall, with the apex at the nipple. Included in this
region are lactiferous, or milk producing, ducts that open independently at the surface
of the nipple. These ducts form a complicated branching structure within the breast,
ending in Terminal Duct Lobular Units (TDLUs). Surrounding the central glandular
region of the breast is a layer of subcutaneous fat. The amount and distribution of this
fatty tissue can vary considerably, as can the appearance and position of the interface
with the underlying glandular structures. Both glandular and fatty elements of the
breast are held together by a connective network of fibrous tissue, known as mammary,
or Cooper’s, ligaments. Over time, these ligaments weaken and elongate, causing breast
tissue to sag as age increases. The observed decrease in breast tissue density with age
occurs as the breakdown of fibrous connective tissue means fat provides an increased
proportion of the total breast mass [5, 6].
The majority of lesions within the breast are believed to form within the TDLU,
with over 70% of breast cancers found at or near the interface between the glandular
structures and fatty tissue within the breast. Most breast cancers begin with an increase
in the number of cells within a localized area of the duct system, known as hyperplasia.
In many cases, this rapid cell multiplication becomes atypical and, if cancerous cells are
involved, is termed ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Figure 1.3 shows a microscopic
view of a DCIS tissue specimen [7]. Cancers within the breast that initially present as
DCIS are estimated to represent 40% of all cancers detected via mammography [8].
The transition from localized to an invasive carcinoma occurs when cancer cells
break out from the ductal system into adjacent ducts, or other areas of the breast and
chest wall. As with a number of other types of cancer, in situ breast cancer, and even
invasive cancer contained within the breast, is not necessarily fatal. It is the metastatic
spread of the disease to other vital bodily systems, such as the lungs, liver, or bowel,
that ultimately cause death.
Figure 1.3 A stained pathological specimen from ductal carcinoma in situ [7].
Table 1.1 The 2002 American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM system for breast cancer
classification [9].
removal of a specific area of breast tissue known to contain cancerous cells, and is usually
performed on women with localized breast cancers such as DCIS. This surgery is breast
conserving, and is accompanied in most cases with a period of radiotherapy to ensure
the destruction of all cancer cells in the affected region of the breast. For women with
more advanced cancer, including those with multiple regions of localized cancer within
a single breast, a lumpectomy may not be the most appropriate option. In these cases,
as a simple mastectomy, involving removal of the entire breast, is performed. This
procedure may also include the removal of some or all of the lymph nodes from the
underarm region, in a procedure known as a modified radical mastectomy [10].
increased popularity of gene therapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Gene therapy
involves using targeted drugs to combat the growth of specific types of breast cancer
using the body’s natural defence mechanisms. The side effects of systemic treatments
can be wide and varied, and are often controlled with the use of additional drugs.
Breast cancer screening aims to reduce cancer mortality by detecting the disease at the
earliest possible stage. The intent is not to prevent breast cancer, but to reduce the
risk of dying from the disease. Screening programs involve widespread testing of the
general population, or at-risk groups, to identify individual cases that warrant further
investigation. Such programs require significant funding and resources, often sourced
from central or local government, to encourage target population compliance.
The use of breast self examination is widespread for detecting the presence of suspi-
cions lesions at an early stage [11]. This technique relies on the underlying mechanical
properties of breast tissue, where tumors often present as a discrete mass significantly
stiffer than the surrounding tissue [12]. However, such an examination is only able to
provide a qualitative assessment of tissue properties, limiting its usefulness for further
diagnosis of tissue histology. In addition, a number of studies have challenged the effec-
tiveness of the breast self exam as a useful tool for reducing the occurrence and fatality
rates of advanced stage breast cancer [13–15].
Twelve countries have currently implemented systematic breast cancer screening
programs [16]. The program in the United States has grown considerably in both size
and participation level over the past two decades, with the proportion of American
women over the age of 40 who have had a mammogram in the previous two years rising
from 29% in 1987 to over 70% in 2000. The American Cancer Society aims to have
90% of all women over the age of 40 in a screening program by 2008 [17].
In New Zealand, the first trials of government-funded breast cancer screening using
mammography were performed in 1991. Following this initial trial, a nationwide breast
cancer screening program was announced in 1995. BreastScreen Aotearoa was officially
launched in December 1998, and currently offers a free biennial mammogram to all
women aged between 45 and 69 with no previous history of cancer [18, 19].
The majority of literature supports the conclusion that screening for breast cancer
using mammography reduces mortality rates by detecting small tumors that would not
be identified by manual palpation. This early detection allows swift treatment while
the disease is still at a localized stage. A large study performed by Tabar et al. found
a 44% reduction in breast cancer mortality in the 40–69 age group after screening
was introduced for Swedish women in 1978 [20]. The majority of this reduction in
deaths was attributed to breast cancer screening. Seven other major trials have all
1.3.1 Mammography
Mammography is currently the most widespread clinical breast imaging method for
both screening and diagnostic purposes, and is currently regarded as the gold standard
for breast cancer screening [22]. The image contrast in a film mammogram is based on
the difference in propagation of x-rays through breast tissues. Various tissue properties
such as thickness, density and atomic composition alter the attenuation of the x-rays,
where areas on the resulting film that have had high x-ray attenuation appear lighter [5].
Standard mammographic procedure, shown in Figure 1.4(a) for a craniocaudal
mammogram, involves placing the breast between an x-ray source and a detector. The
breast is then compressed between paddles before the image is exposed. Compression
helps to even out the thickness of the breast over the image area, reducing the exposure
difference between the periphery and the center of the breast. Additionally, compression
reduces blur due to patient motion, and allows tissue close to the chest wall to be drawn
onto the projector. A standard screening mammogram involves both a craniocaudal
view in the horizontal plane, and mediolateral oblique view in the vertical plane. Both
images are shown for a healthy breast in Figures 1.4(b)-(c). The use of two views allows
examination of the internal structure of the breast from multiple perspectives, reducing
the chance of a false negative result. Following x-ray image development, a radiologist
examines the films and determines whether further diagnosis is required.
The interpretation of a mammogram requires skill, experience, and sound clinical
systems to reduce the incidence of false negative cases. A radiologist will often be
required to interpret screen-film mammograms in large batches, often with as little as
one minute available to analyze each image. With a low proportion of mammograms
X-ray beam
Detector plate
Figure 1.4 The equipment used and resulting images from a screening mammogram [23, 24].
Kriege et al. reported that the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammog-
raphy is 33% and 95% respectively, and that the sensitivity of mammographic breast
screening is less than ideal [26]. A separate study performed using professionals ac-
credited by the American College of Radiology indicated a variation of at least 11%
in the ability of a radiologist to discriminate between a mammograms from women
with and without breast cancer [27]. An Italian study by Ciatto et al. reported that
double-reading of screening mammograms, where each image is interpreted by multiple
radiologists, significantly reduced the incidence rate of false-negatives [28].
The low contrast of the mammographic image creates issues when identifying ab-
normalities, particularly in young women, where high breast tissue density has been
linked to a decrease in the effectiveness of mammography [29]. When the x-ray at-
tenuation of the surrounding tissue is largely the same as a tumor, and there are no
noticeable calcifications, it is possible for a tumor to be invisible in a mammogram.
This lack of image contrast accounts for 30–50% of all false-negative results [5].
MRI uses powerful magnetic fields to create images of the human body by measuring the
absorption and emission of radio frequency waves. When applied to soft tissue, MRI can
be used to generate highly detailed images of the internal structure of the breast. MRI
signal strength, and therefore image contrast, is determined by the density of hydrogen
protons within the imaged tissue and their response to rapidly changing radio waves
and magnetic fields. The image contrast of MRI systems can be significantly enhanced
using a range of chemicals ingested or injected prior to the scan [35, 36]. An example
of the equipment used for breast MRI and the type of image that can be obtained from
such a system is shown in Figure 1.5 [37, 38].
(a) Patient positioning for breast MRI, where the (b) A contrast-enhanced, color cor-
breasts hang pendant beneath the patient. rected breast MRI scan clearly in-
dicating a tumor.
Figure 1.5 MRI patient positioning, and an MRI image produced with a contrast-enhancing
agent [37, 38].
Ultrasound is not currently approved in the United States for widespread screen-
ing in women with no previous history of breast cancer. However, it is often used as
a diagnostic tool in a follow-up examination if abnormalities are detected using mam-
mography. In these scenarios, ultrasound has proven useful as a tool for identifying the
possible malignancy of a detected mass [42]. Limitations of ultrasound systems include
a low spatial resolution and a limited ability to detect microcalcifications, which are
often an early warning sign of breast cancer [22].
The effect of breast tumors on the temperature of overlying skin was first identified
in the 1950s, when declassified military technology was adapted to produce accurate
thermal images of the human body [43]. Thermal imaging techniques measure the
infrared emissions from human skin, where the emitted signals have a wavelength of
approximately 5–15 µm. Using sensitive thermal imaging cameras and a carefully con-
trolled laboratory environment, accurately calibrated thermograms of the chest region
can be obtained, with examples shown in Figure 1.7. Early research in breast ther-
mography relied on entirely subjective image analysis, leading to large variations in the
effectiveness of such systems across a range of studies. The use of computers to assist
with image capture and processing in modern breast thermography has significantly
improved the accuracy of these systems.
Thermographic breast images are graded according to a thermobiological classi-
fication on a scale from TH1 (normal) through TH5 (highly abnormal), where the
abnormal surface temperature distribution in Figure 1.7(b) is indicative of a subsur-
face breast lesion. The use of breast thermography in conjunction with mammography
(a) A TH1 (normal) thermogram image. (b) A thermogram showing a severe abnormal-
ity (TH5) in the patient’s right breast.
Figure 1.7 Healthy and abnormal images from breast thermography [44].
1.4 Elastography
(a) EIT imaging hardware, where the patient’s (b) Coronal image through the breast
breast is surrounded by electrodes within the cir- showing absolute permittivity values.
cular opening. A malignant tumor is visible in the up-
per right quadrant.
Figure 1.8 A prototype EIT system, and the resulting image of electrical properties [47].
shown in Figure 1.9(a). The sonogram resulting from an ultrasound scan of the tissue
was converted to an image of elastic modulus based on the correlation between sets
of images taken before and after a small sample compression. Although the resulting
elastogram, shown in Figure 1.9(b), has a low spatial resolution, the striated nature
of the tissue is apparent, with bands of soft fatty tissue identified as light horizontal
lines. The promising results from this and other similar studies demonstrated that
quantitative assessment of tissue elasticity was possible, and that the elastograms pro-
duced using an ultrasound system had potential uses in a wide range of applications,
including diagnostic medical imaging [50, 51].
(a) Porcine tissue sample, with visible stria- (b) The corresponding tissue elastogram,
tions of fat and muscle. where bright pixels represent regions with a
lower elastic modulus.
Figure 1.9 A tissue sample and elastogram from early research using ultrasound for elastog-
raphy [50].
statically tested to a strain of approximately 0.15. Fatty and glandular tissues were
found to have an approximately linear stress-strain relationship, with elastic modulus
values in the range 5–90 kPa at strain values less than 0.1. Carcinoma and other be-
nign lesions displayed non-linear elastic behavior, with a 500–1200% contrast observed
between carcinoma and fatty breast tissue. This study provides further evidence of a
significant correlation between tissue histology and observed stiffness.
Mechanical testing of excised tissue traditionally requires relatively large, homoge-
neous samples that are challenging to obtain in a surgical environment. The difficulty
in obtaining consistent samples was addressed by Samani et al., who developed a test-
ing system designed to compensate for biological tissue sample limitations, such as
small size, irregular shape, and inhomogeneity [56]. Small blocks of unconstrained ex-
cised tissue were indented in a quasi-static manner using a computer controlled loading
apparatus, with the resulting force measurements recorded. An approximate Young’s
Modulus value was obtained from force-displacement data using a conversion factor
based on sample geometry and calculated using a finite element (FE) model. Tissue
modulus values were observed to be non-linear over the small strains applied, with
Young’s Modulus values for fatty and fibroglandular breast tissues of approximately
2 kPa. In comparison, high grade ductal carcinoma had measured Young’s Modulus
values of approximately 12 kPa, a modulus contrast of approximately 600% when com-
pared to healthy breast tissue.
Subsequent refinement of the mechanical testing system developed by Samani et al.
allowed a more accurate characterization of tumor stiffness using larger tissue samples
containing intact tumors. This modified system was verified against small synthetic
samples of known stiffness [57]. A comprehensive study of 169 breast tissue samples was
performed using slightly different experimental setups for healthy tissue samples and
those containing tumors, based on the different sample geometries. The mechanical
testing results again indicated similar Young’s Modulus values for fatty and fibrog-
landular breast tissue at low strains, with both tissue types having observed modulus
values of approximately 3.5 kPa. Statistical analysis indicated that there was a signif-
icant difference in stiffness between a range of breast cancers and healthy tissue, with
Young’s Modulus values for high grade invasive ductal carcinoma more than 10 times
greater than healthy tissue. Breast fibroadenoma, which are usually benign, were found
to have stiffness values between those of healthy tissue and carcinoma. This result indi-
cates the potential of accurate stiffness characterization to differentiate between benign
and cancerous lesions within the breast. Such characterization could improve the speci-
ficity of elastographic imaging modalities by reducing the occurrence of false positive
results [58].
While experimentally tested soft tissue modulus values show large variations de-
pending on a range of factors specific to each testing methodology, a clear distinction is
apparent between healthy and cancerous breast tissue. This observed elastic contrast
has encouraged the development of a range of techniques that aim to determine the
distribution of elastic properties throughout the breast. A number of these approaches
are based on existing medical imaging modalities, where a modified application of the
hardware and/or software allows the generation of elasticity images that can assist in
determining tissue pathology.
(a) A conventional ultrasound image, where (b) The corresponding elasticity image,
an invasive ductal carcinoma appears as a where the lesion appears significantly larger.
dark region.
Figure 1.10 Modern diagnostic ultrasound elastography of a biopsy-proven breast cancer [63].
In addition to the static images obtained in traditional medical diagnosis, MRI has the
ability to detect three dimensional motion within a displaced sample. Plewes et al. used
MRI to obtain quasi-static strain images from the breasts of volunteers, and used these
images to determine the bio-mechanical properties of previously-detected lesions [70].
Muthupillai et al. demonstrated a technique where an oscillating magnetic gradient
could be used to measure tissue amplitude when harmonically perturbed [71]. Strain-
based property estimation has been used to calculate measurements of tissue modulus
from the mechanical wavelength or velocity of the propagating shear waves in breast
tissue [72].
Van Houten et al. developed a harmonic Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE)
system for breast imaging [73, 74]. In combination with a sub-zone based inversion
algorithm, this system was able to reconstruct elastic property distribution of both
phantoms and in vivo breast tissue, with results from a breast with an high stiffness
inclusion shown in Figure 1.11. The mechanical properties reconstructed in this study
compared well with values from independent mechanical testing. Development of this
sub-zone approach using phantoms indicated that the system was capable of detecting
inclusions as small as 5 mm using a model-based elastic inversion algorithm [75, 76].
(a) MR detected displacement image. (b) The reconstructed elastic modulus distri-
bution, where a fibroadenoma is visible in the
lower right quadrant of the image.
Figure 1.11 Displacement and stiffness images from a MRE system [74].
Several novel methods for elastographic tissue imaging are currently in development.
Kirkpatrick developed an optical elastography technique for measuring strain values
in biological tissue [77, 78]. This system used a CCD camera to capture the harmonic
motion of samples of chicken skeletal muscle. The observed change in speckle patterns
between subsequent images was used to calculate strain field data that could be used
to infer mechanical properties. While not currently intended for breast elastography,
such a system may has relevance for the measurement of strains as part of a surface
measurement based elastographic system.
Model-based computer-aided registration of breast images produced using tradi-
tional imaging modalities has shown potential for breast elastography. Rothney et al.
used a FE model with assumed elastic properties to displace images previously obtained
with a breast MRI system [79]. Using a range of image similarity metrics to compare
the original and displaced images, reconstruction of tumor location was demonstrated,
including situations with multiple inclusions. Barbone et al. have reported results
from a similar system, where an ultrasound scanner was used to generate images from
an experimental phantom, and image registration used to identify the presence of an
interior inclusion [80].
Recent work by Liu et al. has indicated the feasibility of elastographic property
reconstruction from a set of boundary measurements [81]. Such a system differs from
ultrasound or MRI-based elastography techniques in the limited amount of data avail-
able for elastic property reconstruction. Using an optimization-based reconstruction
algorithm, measurements of force and displacement at external and internal boundaries
within a simulated phantom model were used to reconstruct elastic properties. A sin-
gle static displacement mode was used for an isotropic elastic property reconstruction,
while anisotropic reconstruction required data from a combination of multiple inde-
pendent loading modes. While this method is currently limited to idealized simulated
data, the promising results indicate that elastographic reconstruction is possible using
only a small subset of the large data sets used for full-volume based reconstruction
Alongside developments in data acquisition and registration, research into recon-
struction algorithms for solving the elastic inverse problem is ongoing. While many of
these algorithms are based on traditional approaches to non-linear reconstruction such
as gradient-descent methods, there is increasing interest in the use of stochastic meth-
ods for solving the large, highly non-linear problems often found in elastography. The
stochastic approach to non-linear optimization is summarized in the following section,
with particular focus on developments in soft tissue elastography.
A stochastic process is one where the changes between consecutive states of a system
contain an element of randomness, and cannot be exactly predicted. Such systems differ
from deterministic processes, where subsequent system states can be predicted using
known information about the current and previous configurations. Stochastic opti-
mization algorithms include an element of random behavior in an attempt to overcome
limitations in traditional algorithms, such as a heavy reliance on starting conditions.
Combinatorial Optimization (CO) is a form of stochastic algorithm that combines
a set of possible solutions, termed a population, in a semi-random manner. CO aims
to minimize the value of an objective function, often represented by an error term.
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a form of CO that perform population combination in
a manner similar to the naturally occurring process of genetic evolution. The overall
‘fitness’ of the population increases over time, as strong solutions with a low error value
are retained across generations, while weak solutions are more likely to be eliminated.
Subsequent generations are created by combining the ‘genetic material’ of solutions
within the population in a manner similar to reproduction in the animal world.
In many GAs it is necessary that parameters for optimization are converted into a
standard form using a genetic encoding process. This encoding allows the optimization
The use of stochastic techniques in soft tissue elastography is a new and emerging
field. Zhang et al. developed a theoretical framework for the application of a GA to
problems in soft tissue elastography [91]. To ensure numerical stability, this method
constrained solutions using an assumed a priori property distribution. Simulating dis-
placements with a synthetic numerical model, stochastic methods were found to give
consistently accurate results for the elastographic reconstruction problem. Khalil et al.
developed a combined GA and FE approach to solve for elasticity values in vascular
soft tissue [92]. This study lumped material parameters into discrete regions in order to
simplify the genetic encoding process, and used a numerical model to simulate displace-
ments in a 2D model. Successful elastic property reconstructions were performed on
both homogeneous and heterogeneous models with multiple inclusions in the presence
of noise.
Camera Control,
Image Capture
and Processing
Stiffness Tissue
Reconstruction Stiffness
Algorithm Image
lies prone on a table with the examined breast hanging in the pendant position, and
actuated vertically from below by a small actuator placed against the surface of the
breast. Accurate control of the breast actuator allows a precise sinusoidal displacement
to be applied at a known frequency and amplitude. Once the motion throughout the
breast volume has reached a steady-state, imaging of the breast surface can commence.
The steady-state motion pattern at the surface of the breast is captured using a
digital imaging sensor array surrounding the breast surface. Calibration performed
prior to breast imaging allows a set of camera-specific parameters to be generated for
each sensor, describing the three dimensional position and orientation of each cam-
era with respect to a global origin. Strobe lighting allows consecutive images of the
steady-state surface motion to be captured at a lower frequency than the actuation,
eliminating the requirement for an expensive, high speed motion capture setup. Stereo
imaging techniques are used to convert the consecutive two-dimensional images from
all cameras into a three-dimensional vector description of the breast surface motion,
where displacements are measured at a set of reference points on the breast surface.
The final stage in the DIET process is a reconstruction that converts the surface mo-
tion provided by the image capture system into a three dimensional description of breast
tissue stiffness. Here, a non-linear reconstruction algorithm is used in conjunction with
a FE model, and minimizes the motion error between observed and computer-simulated
breast surface displacement fields. The output from this reconstruction algorithm is a
full-volume description of elastic breast properties. This stiffness image should clearly
indicate suspicious areas based on their high property contrast with healthy tissue.
This thesis outlines the progressive steps taken from the theoretical concept of surface
based mechanical property reconstruction through to the current implementation of the
DIET system hardware. Chapter 2 describes an initial proof of concept trial performed
to evaluate the DIET approach to stiffness reconstruction. This experiment involved a
basic simulation study that used FE methods to simulate breast model displacement,
with stiffness reconstruction performed using inverse algorithms based on previous re-
search in MRE. This study confirmed the feasibility of surface-based property recon-
struction, and identified several issues relevant to the experimental implementation of
The phantoms and equipment used for experimental trials of the DIET system are
described in Chapter 3. The details of phantom development, including the progres-
sion from simple homogeneous phantoms to more realistic geometries containing high
stiffness regions, are considered. The actuation and motion capture system used for
experimental data collection is described,along with a brief consideration of the pho-
The DIET system was originally envisaged as an extension to previous research in MRE,
where positive results from both phantom studies and in vivo testing have provided solid
evidence that motion data sets can be used to determine the elastic properties within
a volume of soft material, specifically breast tissue. Using carefully controlled MRI
hardware and image processing algorithms, full volume data sets were realized, with
three dimensional information about displacement available at voxel resolution [73, 75].
The lack of previous work in DIET meant that no experimental apparatus existed for
measuring surface displacement data from soft phantoms or in vivo tissue. Thus, the
proof of concept study was undertaken with data simulated using the FE method. FE
techniques allow simulation of harmonic displacements from three dimensional models,
using standard mathematical techniques, outlined in Appendix A. Sampling from the
surface motions calculated by FE analysis provides the data required for a DIET re-
construction. Gaussian random noise was added to the simulated surface data sets to
account for inaccuracies in any feasible experimental measurement system.
To provide a reasonable estimation of the geometry involved, a computer model
was developed of approximately the same size as a female breast. The absence of
commercial meshing software at this stage required that the model was meshed using
crude mesh generation code not originally intended for use with the geometry in ques-
tion. Computational limitations placed an upper limit on the number of nodes in the
mesh, based on the memory required to perform the necessary matrix inversions in
the FE code. This limitation meant that the initial breast model used was a quarter-
hemisphere, with radius 50 mm. Meshing this computer model with linear tetrahedral
elements gave a total of approximately 2,700 nodes, where the meshed model geometry
is shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1 The FE mesh used for computer model simulation in the three-region proof of
concept study.
5mm (small)
15mm (shallow)
10mm (medium)
25mm (mid)
E = 35kPa E = 22kPa
Figure 2.2 The geometry used to generate simulated data sets in the three-region study.
The FE code used to simulate model motion was written in Fortran 77, and assumes
an undamped, linear elastic material model, in line with previous work in MRE [74].
Stiffness values within the mesh were assigned nodally based on the three dimensional
position of the node with respect to the stiffness distribution being simulated. The
boundary conditions applied during FE simulation were an approximation to a possible
clinical implementation of a DIET system, where harmonic vertical displacement was
applied over a small semi-circular area at the highest point of the model. An actuation
frequency of 100 Hz was chosen as it led to mechanical waves with a wavelength of
approximately 30 mm, allowing the motion to be clearly defined on the model surface.
The amplitude of actuation was 10 mm. The bottom face of the model had displacement
constrained to zero in all directions, representing a rough approximation of the chest
wall attachment. The quarter-hemisphere model used in the initial study required
additional boundary conditions to constrain the model in a symmetric manner, ensuring
The reduced number of known displacement values used as input to the reconstruction
algorithm requires a corresponding reduction in the number of reconstructed parame-
ters. Reconstruction of a modulus value at all 2,700 nodes within the model using only
96 known displacement values presents a highly ill-posed problem with little chance of
success, particularly given the noise added to the input data. The number of recon-
structed parameters for the inverse problem was reduced by dividing the FE model into
regions of constant modulus value. These regions were based on the internal geometry
configuration used for forward FE simulation, resulting in a total of three indepen-
dent stiffness values, one each for the fibroglandular, fatty, and inclusion regions of the
Dividing the domain into fixed regions would be highly impractical in a real life ap-
plication due to the necessary a priori knowledge of internal tissue structure. However,
it was considered appropriate for the initial study, where the success of the method re-
gardless of significant assumptions was unknown. The large reduction in parameter
space for the inverse problem also reduced computational cost, allowing rapid simula-
tion at this early stage.
The inverse elastic reconstruction algorithm used in the three-region study was
based on the gradient descent method, and comprised Fortran 77 code developed from
algorithms already in use for MRE data [74, 94]. Here, the reconstruction aimed to
(c) Deep, 5 mm diameter, 100x contrast. (d) Deep, 15 mm diameter, 100x contrast.
Figure 2.3 Surface displacement amplitudes for four of the inclusion scenarios simulated in
the three-region study.
minimize an error term representing the difference between the displacements simulated
at the target stiffness distribution and those simulated using the current values for the
three stiffness parameters. The initial Young’s Modulus guess for all three model regions
was 24 kPa, chosen as an approximation to the mean nodal stiffness value across the
entire model. Reconstructions on each simulated scenario were run to 300 iterations,
regardless of algorithm convergence. Each iteration required approximately 90 seconds
to complete on a Linux workstation with a 1.4 GHz CPU.
Figure 2.4 shows the convergence of the reconstruction algorithm for a selection of
simulated scenarios. Figures 2.4(a) and 2.4(d) indicate a failed reconstruction, where
the inclusion stiffness is reconstructed as softer than the surrounding regions. Fig-
ures 2.4(b)-(c) represent reconstructions considered successful, where the modulus value
for the inclusion is correctly identified as greater than the surrounding material. In ad-
dition to successful and unsuccessful reconstructions, cases where the fatty or glandular
modulus values are reconstructed at unrealistic values were considered inconclusive.
The lack of convergence observed in a large number of scenarios was not of significant
concern due to the unsophisticated gradient descent reconstruction algorithm used.
The reconstructed results from the initial proof of concept study indicated that a
surface motion based reconstruction algorithm had the potential to successfully identify
a high stiffness inclusion given only a selection of surface displacement data. However,
significant issues were raised that required further investigation. Prevalent among these
concerns was the tendency of the inversion algorithm to converge to solutions that only
represented a local error minimum, and not the global optimum parameter values.
Issues with mesh resolution and accuracy were likely causes for the unrealistically large
simulated displacements observed, most probably as a result of resonance within the
model. These issues indicated that a further study would be of benefit, using a refined
FE mesh, and a more realistic approach to the reconstruction of internal stiffness that
did not rely on prior knowledge of the internal model geometry.
28 200
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
14 100
7 Fatty 50
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Iteration Iteration
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
750 Inclusion
500 15
250 7 Fatty
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Iteration Iteration
(c) Deep, 5 mm diameter, 100x contrast. (d) Deep, 15 mm diameter, 100x con-
Figure 2.4 Convergence of the three-region reconstruction algorithm for a selection of inclu-
sion scenarios, where the target modulus values for the fibroglandular and fatty regions were
E = 35 kPa and E = 22 kPa respectively.
ûüüüüüû ? ?
üüüüüü ? û û
üûüüüüüû û
Figure 2.5 A summary of the reconstruction results from the three-region study, showing
successful, unsuccessful and inconclusive reconstructions.
Figure 2.6 The fine mesh used for FE displacement simulation during dual-mesh reconstruc-
A single inclusion scenario was modelled for this experiment, where a 10 mm di-
ameter spherical inclusion was located 30 mm from the surface of the model. The
target material properties for the ‘healthy’ regions were the same as the initial study,
with an inner fibroglandular stiffness of E = 35 kPa, and an outer fatty region where
E = 22 kPa. The inclusion stiffness was set at E = 175 kPa, representing a stiffness
contrast of approximately seven times the surrounding material.
Boundary conditions applied to the mesh were the same as those described for
the three-region study, with actuation amplitude limited to 1 mm in an attempt to
avoid the unrealistically large surface displacements observed with the previous mesh.
Surface displacement amplitudes resulting from FE simulation of the model at 100 Hz
are shown in Figure 2.7. Here, the symmetric appearance of the motion field indicates
the mesh is sufficiently refined to avoid significant numerical errors.
E = 22kPa
E = 35kPa
E = 175kPa
(a) The target stiffness distribution along a plane (b) Simulated surface displacement at
passing through the center of the inclusion. the target stiffness distribution when
actuated at 100 Hz.
Figure 2.7 The stiffness distribution and surface motion from the target model in the dual-
mesh study.
Increasing the number of reconstructed parameters for this study required a cor-
responding increase in the number of surface displacement values used in the inverse
problem in order to maintain the posedness of the reconstruction. Promising advances
in the concurrent development of the DIET motion tracking system indicated that a
high point resolution on the breast surface was possible [95], allowing all 980 nodes
on the exterior surface of the mesh to be considered as reference points for motion
measurement. Normally distributed noise was again applied to the simulated motion
values, with a standard deviation of 10% of the mean surface motion amplitude value.
interpolation method required that the coarse mesh elements completely enclosed all
fine mesh nodes to prevent numerical errors.
A two dimensional example of a dual mesh scheme is shown in Figure 2.8, where
the material property distribution is interpolated from the coarse (black) nodes to the
fine (red) mesh used for FE simulation. Using a coarse mesh scheme gave the inverse
problem the flexibility to reconstruct a range of internal stiffness distributions. Here,
a variable number of coarse mesh points can increase or decrease the spatial resolution
of the reconstructed solution.
2.4 Summary
The first proof of concept studies in DIET applied modified theory and computational
algorithms from MRE to the surface motion based reconstruction problem. Initial
results from the three region simulation and reconstruction study indicated that re-
construction of a simplified internal modulus distribution was possible using the DIET
2.4 SUMMARY 35
(a) Coarse material property mesh with (b) Coarse material property mesh with
20 nodes. 839 nodes.
Figure 2.9 The best reconstructed stiffness distributions achieved during the dual-mesh re-
construction study, where the image plane passes through the center of the target inclusion
method. Limitations in the accuracy and flexibility of both the forward FE model
and the reconstructive approach led to a dual mesh study with an increased number
of reconstructed parameters. Although the dual mesh study also contained promising
results, the majority of reconstruction attempts failed to reconstruct the correct target
modulus distribution. Analysis of the reconstruction algorithm code confirmed it was
performing as intended, indicating that the limitations of the approach had more to do
with the forward FE model, and the relationship between internal stiffness distribution
and observed surface displacements.
Difficulties in analyzing the limited success of the reconstruction algorithms led to
a decision to shift focus to soft phantom based studies. Such studies would allow more
thorough evaluate the overall DIET system in a controlled experimental environment.
Concurrent research had reached a point where an experimental actuation and motion
system was ready for testing [96]. This research provided the hardware and software
required to extend the evaluation of the DIET concept into experimental phantom
Chapter 3
Experimental Methods
An important step in the development of any soft tissue imaging modality is a testing
phase using tissue approximating phantoms. In such testing, experimental data col-
lection and processing can occur in a controlled environment, allowing detailed system
analysis prior to attempting ex vivo or in vivo testing. The first experimental studies
using the DIET system were performed on data obtained from a series of cylindrical
This chapter describes the methodology behind the selection of suitable phantom
materials, and the creation of the phantoms. Also detailed is the experimental system
developed for phantom actuation and motion capture, including the algorithms that
allow comparison of measured data with FE-simulated displacement fields. Develop-
ments in the major facets of the experimental method are presented chronologically,
detailing the improvements in experimental technique over the collection of a number
of experimental data sets.
Previous soft tissue imaging research has been supported by the use of tissue approxi-
mating phantoms created from a range of both natural and artificial materials, includ-
ing gelatine and agar based gels, and polymer materials [53, 97]. Experimental data
collection for the DIET system utilized two distinct classes of phantom material. The
first experimental efforts used gelatine based phantoms. An investigation of alternative
materials led to soft silicone gels being used for subsequent experiments.
A cylindrical phantom geometry was chosen to provide a simple shape for mold
manufacture using commonly available hardware components. In addition, when actu-
ated along the major axis, the cylindrical shape was expected to provide a symmetric
mechanical deformation pattern on the phantom surface. This symmetry would allow
for a simplified camera system that had been developed to capture surface deformation
from only a small area of the phantom surface.
Figure 3.1 Granules of processed gelatine, a raw ingredient in the first experimental phan-
A gelatine-based hydrogel was chosen for the initial phantom experiments because
of its linear elastic behavior and similar mechanical properties to soft human tissue [97].
In addition, it is commonly used in testing medical imaging modalities [76, 97, 99]. The
major steps in the manufacturing process for the gelatine phantoms used in this research
are outlined below:
1. Distilled water was heated to 70 ◦ C and mixed with 37% 2-Propanol. The addition
of Propanol altered the sound speed in the finished phantom. While this property
was not imperative for the DIET system, as the testing did not involve ultrasound,
the addition of Propanol ensured the compression wave speed was similar to that
of soft tissue.
2. A small amount of titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) powder was added to the hot liquid
mixture. This gave the final phantom a white color, ensuring the surface motion
was easily measured during actuation.
3. Granulated 20A grade gelatine was slowly added to the water mixture until com-
pletely dissolved. The mixture was stirred for at least ten minutes to ensure
complete dissolution of the gelatine granules. The final stiffness of the phantom
was determined by the amount of gelatine added at this stage.
5. The warm liquid was poured from the mixing vessel into a mold, and left for 24
hours at room temperature, to allow the cross-linking process to complete and
form a congealed solid. After setting, the resulting phantom was removed from
the mold and stored in an airtight container, to prolong its shelf life.
Table 3.1 The ingredients used to make to make the two types of gelatine used for phantom
Ingredient Soft Hard
Distilled Water 300 ml 300 ml
2-Propanol 25 ml 25 ml
TiO2 0.1 g 0.1 g
Gelatine 20 g 40 g
Formaldehyde 3 ml 3 ml
The high water content of the gelatine material made the phantoms highly sus-
ceptible to the environment in which they were left to set. Qualitative examination of
gelatine phantoms created using a range of mold designs indicated that exposure to air
when setting had a negative impact on the resulting phantom. Areas of the gelatine
exposed during setting were found to have partially dehydrated and hardened after
exposure to a room temperature environment. This sensitivity required careful mold
design to ensure minimal exposure to the air while the gelatine set.
The final mold design used for gelatine phantom preparation is shown in Figure 3.2.
The mold’s circular top and bottom (1) were cut from 15 mm thick plastic sheet. A
thin sheet of clear acetate film (2) wrapped around the end caps formed the cylindrical
mold wall. Using clear sheet allowed the inside of the mold to be visible when filling
with liquid gelatine. Fastening the acetate sheet to the end caps with double sided
tape created a watertight seal that prevented gelatine leakage.
Figure 3.2 The cylindrical mold developed for gelatine phantom preparation, with end caps
(1), clear sidewalls (2), and pouring ‘chimney’ (3) indicated.
The top of the mold was extended using a second plastic disc (3), with a small
circular hole drilled through both layers. This ‘chimney’ functioned as an opening
through which the liquid gelatine mixture was poured into the mold. In addition,
filling the mold to the top face indicated by (3) prevented gelatine shrinkage during
the setting process from leaving a depression in the top of the final phantom. All mold
components were given a thin coating of a mold release spray before assembly to assist
the phantom de-molding process.
After setting for twenty-four hours, the mold was carefully removed from around
the phantom. Any gelatine in the chimney was removed using a scalpel. Two of
the many test phantoms created during the mold development process are shown in
Figure 3.3.
Two homogeneous phantoms created from gelatine were used for experimental
motion capture. The first phantom was made using the soft gelatine ingredients listed
in Table 3.1. After results had been obtained from this phantom, and experimental
techniques advanced, a subsequent phantom was created using the hard gelatine recipe.
Figure 3.3 Two gelatine phantoms created during the mold development process.
Both phantoms had a number of reference points added to their exterior surface using
an oil-based permanent marker prior to experimental motion capture.
Several significant limitations with the gelatine material were observed during man-
ufacturing and qualitative evaluation of the gelatine phantoms. The use of highly toxic
Formaldehyde to initiate cross-linking within the gelatine mixture required that parts
of the manufacturing process were performed within a fume hood, while wearing protec-
tive equipment. In addition, to avoid any potential health risk, the gelatine phantoms
were only handled while wearing latex gloves.
Phantom desiccation was observed to be a significant problem after de-molding,
where the majority of the phantom surface was exposed to air. Dehydration of the
phantom surface had the potential to alter the material properties of the gelatine,
with the exposed surface hardening as the moisture content decreased. In addition
to a complicated, airtight mold, phantom dehydration limited mechanical testing and
surface motion capture to a time window of between one and two days after phantom
The high temperature required for manufacture posed difficulties when considering
heterogeneous gelatine phantoms. When the DIET system was sufficiently advanced,
the natural progression from simple homogeneous phantoms would be to heterogeneous
models with distinct hard and soft regions. However, tests performed indicated that
any existing, set, gelatine in a mold began to melt when it came into contact with
additional warm liquid gelatine, making it difficult to determine the appearance and
location of the interface position between the hard and soft regions.
• Silicone gels were available in food grade standards, indicating many types were
non-toxic, and completely safe to handle.
• The silicone manufacturing process was extremely simple and rapid, requiring
only a mixture of two constituent parts.
• The cured silicone gel was stable in air, resilient, and had an indefinite shelf
life, allowing phantoms to be repeatedly tested over a period of time with no
significant changes in material properties.
• The availability of silicone gels with a range of hardness values meant that creat-
ing heterogeneous phantoms from both hard and soft silicone would not present
significant difficulties.
• The raw materials for silicone manufacture were affordable, and could be pur-
chased in the small quantities required.
The silicone gel used for phantom manufacture was sourced from an American
supplier to the prosthetic and special effects industry (Factor II Inc.). Dialogue with
sales consultants identified two types of silicone likely to be suitable for approximating
both soft and hard tissue, designated A-341 and LSR-05 respectively. Both products
were Platinum catalyzed RTV-2 silicone gels, indicating a two part mixture that would
cure in total confinement if required. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for both
A-341 and LSR-05 silicones are included as Appendix B. The manufacturing process
for both soft and hard silicone materials involved the same major steps:
2. A small amount of intrinsic pigment was added to give the desired final phantom
4. The mixing container was placed into a small venturi vacuum chamber, shown
in Figure 3.4, where a light vacuum was applied for 10–15 minutes. This stage
removed any entrained air bubbles from the mixture.
5. The final silicone mixture was poured into a mold, and left to set at room tem-
perature for 6–12 hours.
Figure 3.4 The venturi vacuum setup used to remove air from the silicone mixture, where
the water supply (1), venturi (2), and chamber (3) are indicated.
Experimentation with both A-341 and LSR-05 indicated that minor variations in
the ratio of Part A to Part B for each type of silicone had no significant effect on
the stiffness of the resulting material. Hence, silicone stiffness was controlled using
a combination of A-341 silicone and LSR-05 silicone, where the final stiffness was
determined by the ratio of the two types. Combining the two silicones did not have
an adverse effect on the resulting material as both types were chemically similar. The
weight percentages of each type of silicone used to create the final ‘soft’ and ‘hard’
silicone materials are listed in Table 3.2.
The straightforward silicone manufacturing process meant that the cylindrical mold
developed for gelatine phantoms in Section 3.1.1 could be simplified for silicone phan-
tom manufacture. This final silicone mold developed is shown in Figure 3.5. The
vertical sides of the mold (1) were created from 80 mm nominal diameter PVC pipe,
providing an accurate circular cross-section and straight sides. This pipe section was
split longitudinally into two pieces, allowing easy disassembly. A shallow groove ma-
chined around the inside of the pipe indicated a phantom height of 75 mm.
Table 3.2 The weight percentage composition of the two types of silicone used for phantom
Ingredient Soft Hard
A-341 Part A 90% 36%
A-341 Part B 10% 4%
LSR-05 Part A - 30%
LSR-05 Part B - 30%
Figure 3.5 The mold used to cast silicone phantoms, with mold wall (1), clamping screw (2),
and fastening glue (3) indicated.
To ensure the mold was watertight, a pipe clamp (2) was used to secure the sides
of the mold together, and sticky tape was used to seal the internal seams. Hot glue
was used liberally (3) to attach the pipe to a clean, flat plastic base plate. The wa-
tertightness of the mold was checked by filling with water prior to silicone casting. A
lubricating silicone spray was applied to the interior surface of the mold before intro-
ducing the liquid silicone to assist the de-molding process. After curing, the phantoms
were removed by disassembling the mold and gently prising the silicone material free.
The phantoms were then stored at room temperature in a box to prevent accidental
A total of five cylindrical phantoms were created using the soft and hard silicone
materials identified in Table 3.2. The first two phantoms were homogeneous, with
one made entirely from soft silicone, and another from hard silicone. A further two
heterogeneous phantoms were subsequently created for more advanced DIET system
testing. A ‘stacked’ phantom was created with a layer of hard silicone beneath a layer of
soft silicone, while a ‘concentric’ phantom contained a cylindrical core of hard silicone
surrounded by soft silicone. The first four silicone phantoms created for experimental
motion capture are shown in Figure 3.6. The reference points visible on the surface of
these phantoms were created from small pieces of paper and glitter. The final silicone
phantom created comprised a hard sphere within a soft cylinder, and is discussed in
more detail in Chapter 5.
Mechanical testing samples were created from small batches of gelatine and silicone
produced using the same method as the materials used for phantom manufacture. All
samples were tested at room temperature approximately 24–48 hours after preparation.
Gelatine samples were prepared using a sharp hollow cylindrical cutter of approximately
10 mm diameter to take cylindrical core samples from a block of gelatine. The extracted
gelatine cylinder was then cut into 3–5 mm lengths with parallel ends using a razor
blade, producing the small compression samples required. This technique ensured
that the gelatine samples did not come from material exposed to the air when setting,
avoiding the issue of surface dehydration described in Section 3.1.1. A mold for silicone
mechanical testing samples was created by drilling 10 mm diameter holes in a 6 mm
thick plastic sheet. Sealing the bottom of each hole and casting small amounts of
liquid silicone created small, highly regular, cylindrical compression samples.
Material density estimates were made by weighing the homogeneous phantoms us-
ing digital scales. Measurements of the gelatine phantoms indicated a material density
between 1000–1100 kg/m3 . The measured density of the soft and hard silicone ma-
terials was ∼975 kg/m3 and ∼1045 kg/m3 respectively. All density calculations were
performed assuming the phantoms had perfectly cylindrical geometry.
Figure 3.6 The four silicone phantoms used for experimental motion capture.
Figure 3.7 The Pyris Diamond DMA machine used for mechanical testing of phantom ma-
The stress-strain relationship observed for both gelatine and silicone materials in-
dicated an approximately linear elastic material behavior over the strain range tested.
The apparent non-linearity at low strain for the hard silicone sample in Figure 3.8(b)
is the result of incomplete contact between the upper testing platen and the top of
the sample, meaning it was not completely constrained until a strain of approximately
0.02. The two small discontinuities in the hard silicone loading path are due to small
amounts of slip, where the sample end faces moved slightly against the testing platens.
Approximate Young’s Modulus values, E, were calculated for all samples using Hooke’s
Law, where E is the gradient of the stress-strain plots in Figure 3.8:
E= . (3.1)
Hard Gelatine
Soft Gelatine
Stress, σ (kPa)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Strain, ²
Hard Silicone
Soft Silicone
Stress, σ (kPa)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Strain, ²
Figure 3.8 Static testing results from the gelatine and silicone materials used for phantom
The calculated Young’s Modulus values for the four phantom materials tested are given
in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Young’s Modulus values obtained from static testing of phantom materials.
Material E
Soft Gelatine 9 kPa
Hard Gelatine 26 kPa
Soft Silicone 32 kPa
Hard Silicone 135 kPa
During static testing it was observed that there was little or no slip between the
material sample and the testing platens. This type of boundary condition gives a
non-uniform strain distribution within the sample, meaning Young’s Modulus values
calculated using Equation 3.1 may be overestimated. A stiffness correction factor can
be calculated via FE simulation of the static testing scenario both with and without
a no-slip condition at the boundaries. These additional simulations indicated that the
measured static modulus was overestimated by up to 10%, depending on the material’s
Poisson’s ratio.
Assessing soft material viscoelastic parameters at relatively high frequencies is a
challenging task, meaning ex vivo and in vivo tissue testing has focused on static
modulus values as a point of comparison between healthy and cancerous tissue [58, 73].
Because the modulus values of the phantom materials tested were at the lower limit of
the DMA’s capabilities, the results of dynamic material testing were highly variable,
and considered unreliable.
Experimental motion capture from soft phantoms requires the development of a phan-
tom actuation and motion capture system. The individual components within the
experimental DIET system changed as it was developed. However, the basic functional
elements remained the same throughout, and are shown in Figure 3.9. An example
of the real hardware used in the system is shown in Figure 3.10. What follows is
a generalized description of the experimental system used for actuation and motion
The experimental actuation and image capture system performed two major func-
tions, each controlled by separate computers. A ‘control’ computer was used for actu-
ator control, motion feedback, and lighting tasks, while ‘imaging’ computers were used
for motion capture from each of the cameras. A dSPACETM modular hardware control
Blackout Curtain
Camera 2
Strobe Phantom
Camera 1
Control Position
Trigger Trigger Image Trigger Image
Signal Signal
Figure 3.10 A photo of the typical setup for phantom displacement imaging.
system (dSPACE GmbH, Germany) attached to the control computer allowed accurate
control of the actuator and stroboscope [96]. This system comprised a MATLABTM
and SimulinkTM model incorporating specific dSPACE hardware control blocks. Once
compiled, the control system code was downloaded from the control computer to the
dSPACE hardware. An analog output port on the dSPACE unit provided a trigger
signal to a stroboscope used for scene illumination. The dSPACE unit also provided
frequency and amplitude control signals for the actuator. These signals were amplified
to drive the electromagnets within the voice coil actuator. A velocity signal returned
from the actuator provided the feedback path to complete a closed loop actuator con-
trol system. Control software and hardware was run in real time, allowing visualization
of all input and output signals using the dSPACE Control Desk environment shown in
Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11 The dSPACE Control Desk software interface, where actuation parameters and
strobe phase are set manually (1), and the displacement response of the actuator is displayed
for the user (2).
All experimentally tested phantoms were placed on a flat circular surface on top
of the actuator, which was configured to provide vertical sinusoidal motion. Both
imaging cameras were set up with a field of view including the all reference points on
the phantom surface. The stroboscope was situated to give clear and even illumination
of the reference points from the perspective of both cameras. As any ambient light
would upset the imaging process, the actuator, strobe and cameras were covered with
a blackout curtain for the duration of the imaging process.
Figure 3.12 is a schematic showing how controlled strobe lighting was used to
capture the full range of phantom motion, despite the high speed of actuation relative
to the longer shutter speed and exposure time required to generate each digital image.
Each row of the figure demonstrates the capture of an individual frame, with time the
horizontal co-ordinate. The sinusoidal line represents the steady state oscillation of a
reference point on the phantom surface.
The time between strobe illumination was constant, and matched the period of the
actuator. This synchronization meant that at each strobe offset, the reference point
appeared at a single, static location, allowing camera exposures longer than one motion
cycle. After both cameras had downloaded their respective images, the phase offset
between the strobe and actuation signals was adjusted. In the actual experimental
motion capture, the phase increment was in the range 10–20◦ .
After shifting the strobe phase, the phantom was illuminated at a different position
in its motion cycle. This process allowed the motion of any reference point to be
tracked across the full range of its steady-state motion. Experimental motion capture
was typically performed until at least one complete motion cycle had been captured.
A total of seven motion data sets were obtained from the experimental setup during
its development. These data sets fell into two main stages, based on the components
used in the system at the time. The first motion data sets were obtained from the ho-
mogeneous gelatine phantoms described in Section 3.1.1. An improved motion capture
system was used to measure surface motions on all of the silicone phantoms described
in Section 3.1.2. Both systems use the same fundamental hardware and software ap-
The first attempt at experimental motion capture used a soft homogeneous gelatine
phantom that was 70 mm in diameter and 50 mm in height. The actuation system used
for this experiment comprised a linear voice coil actuator (VP5M, Derritron Electronics
Ltd) driven by a 300 W amplifier (DCP3, Derritron). Actuation was at a frequency
of 50 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.6 mm. Two consumer-level digital cameras (Olympus
C-4040 Zoom and Canon PowerShot G6) were used for image acquisition. A Dawe
Transistor Stroboflash (Type 1209C) provided the illumination required for motion
capture. Actuation plate motion was measured using a Helium-Neon laser and an
interferometer (Model OFV-512, Polytec) coupled to a vibrometer controller (Model
Strobe Harmonic
Camera Exposure Captured
Phase Point Strobing Image
Offset Motion
45 ±
180 ±
225 ±
Figure 3.12 A schematic detailing the timing of the image capture process, where in this
example the strobe offset between consecutive frames is 45◦ .
OFV-5000, Polytec). The actuation plate velocity values provided by the interferometer
were converted into a real-time position within the dSPACE control system.
Two columns of black dots on the surface of the soft gelatine phantom formed the
fourteen reference points that were motion tracked with the camera system. Simultane-
ous left and right images were captured at 20◦ phase offsets throughout the sinusoidal
motion cycle. The process was repeated until two complete cycles of motion had been
captured. The still frames captured by the right camera across one steady state motion
cycle are shown in Figure 3.13.
The second round of gelatine phantom imaging was performed using the homoge-
neous phantom created using the hard gelatine ingredients in Table 3.1. This phantom
had a diameter of 75 mm and a height of 70 mm. A single column of fifteen black dots
formed the surface reference point locations for motion tracking. Actuation was at a
frequency of 50 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.975 mm. The actuation and control system
used was identical to the previous soft gelatine phantom testing. However, both cam-
eras used for displacement imaging were Canon PowerShot G5 models, allowing a more
consistent approach to camera setup and image capture. The phase offset between se-
quential still images was 18◦ , giving a total of 20 images across one steady-state motion
The third stage of experimental data collection was from the silicone phantoms de-
scribed in Section 3.1.2, and using a new actuation system designed specifically for the
DIET phantom testing [101]. This actuator incorporated a Linear Velocity Displace-
ment Transducer (LVDT) that simplified the actuation system by circumventing the
requirement for the laser interferometer system used in prior tests. Initial testing indi-
cated the new actuator was accurately controllable to within 0.05 mm. Both cameras
used for motion capture were the same Canon Powershot G5 models used for the hard
gelatine phantom experiments.
Prior to motion imaging, all silicone phantoms had a single column of fifteen dots
applied to the surface, such that they were equally visible to both cameras. The color
of these reference markers was chosen to give the greatest possible contrast with the
underlying silicone material. Thus, black markers were used for the homogeneous
phantoms, and white markers for the heterogeneous phantoms. All silicone phantoms
were actuated at 100 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.5 mm. A total of twenty frames were
captured across one steady-state motion cycle from each phantom.
Figure 3.13 Motion frames from the right camera during actuation of the soft gelatine phan-
3.4 Photogrammetry
Experimental motion capture results in sequential still images of all surface reference
points across the complete phantom motion cycle. Because the DIET reconstruction
approach is based on three dimensional surface motion information, a conversion of
reference point position from the two dimensional image co-ordinate system into a
three dimensional, ‘world space’, co-ordinate system was required. The mathematics
used for this conversion are beyond the scope of this work, but are covered in detail in
a number of texts, including those by Klette, and Trucco [102, 103].
Calibration of the camera system was performed prior to actuation and motion
capture, using a specifically developed calibration object [104]. Images of the calibration
cube from the right and left cameras are shown in Figure 3.14. Between calibration and
phantom imaging, it is imperative that the camera setup is not altered. The output
from the calibration process was a set of camera specific parameters that were used
to calculate a three dimensional position in world space for every reference point over
every frame i, termed P̄i .
Figure 3.14 Left and right camera views of the object used for calibration of the imaging
Figure 3.15 demonstrates the result of the conversion process, where left and right
images of a reference point motion track are converted into a single three dimensional
point path. The upper panels in this figure are based on experimental data from
a silicone phantom, where the ellipsoidal shape of each point location is due to the
angle between the reference point and the camera lens. The output from experimental
motion capture was a vector for each reference point, P̄, describing its three dimensional
location across all frames.
y y
x x
(a) Two-dimensional reference point posi- (b) Two-dimensional reference point posi-
tions as viewed from the left camera. tions as viewed from the right camera.
x y
Figure 3.15 An example of reference point position conversion from two dimensional image
co-ordinates to the three dimensional world space coordinate system.
During the initial experimental work, measured surface motions were compared to FE-
simulated displacements at surface nodes on the FE mesh. This approach required that
the FE mesh had nodal positions matching the world space locations of the reference
points used for experimental motion capture. The advantage of the mesh alignment
approach was that the measured motion data could be directly compared with the
output from FE simulation, providing a rapid method for evaluating the correlation
between the two. However, mesh matching required a separate FE mesh, with custom
surface node locations, for every experimental data set. An enlargement of a FE mesh
created using this technique is shown in Figure 3.16, where the fourteen reference points
from the soft gelatine phantom (red) all correspond to unique nodes on the surface of
the mesh.
Figure 3.16 An example of the mesh alignment technique, where surface nodes are manip-
ulated so their position corresponds to the dots located at the reference point locations (red).
A point projection and interpolation scheme was developed to allow an accurate and
flexible approach to relating reference point locations to FE mesh geometry. FE meshes
were, in general, created using the same dimensions as the phantom being studied.
However, it was not possible to obtain an exact match between the surface of a FE
mesh and the surface of the phantom. In particular, the phantom size and geometry
could not be exactly determined due to small measurement errors. Additionally, ge-
ometry discretization into linear tetrahedral mesh elements introduces small errors by
representing curved model surfaces as small straight lines, as illustrated in Figure 3.17.
Figure 3.17 An example of the error introduced when a curved surface (grey) is discretized
with linear elements (black), where the error is particularly pronounced for curves of small
Surface projection of a reference point position involves first identifying the centroid
of the reference point’s motion path, defined P∆ . The extent of the motion path in
this work was determined by enclosing the measured point position over all frames, P̄,
(a) Elevated reference point location. (b) Surface element normal vectors.
Figure 3.18 A graphical representation of the steps in the surface projection process.
n 2n
n 3n
y x
(x 1,y 1,z 1)
Figure 3.19 A reference point (red) and a triangular surface element (bold) in a three di-
mensional coordinate system, where the three element vertices lie on the x-y plane.
within a rectangular volume. The side lengths of this volume, ∆x, ∆y and ∆z, are
shown in Figure 3.15(c), and were used to calculate the path centroid,
P∆ = ∆y/2 , (3.2)
where P∆ is assumed to be the neutral position of the reference point motion in world
Projecting a reference point centroid, P∆ , to the underlying surface mesh, first involves
the calculation of a surface element normal vector, ne , for all surface elements in the
mesh. This vector can be calculated for any surface element as the cross product of any
two vectors that lie on the plane of the element. For the element shown in Figure 3.19,
x2 − x1
x3 − x1
n = y2 − y1 × y3 − y1 . (3.3)
z2 − z1 z3 − z1
where the x, y and z indices refer to the surface node locations indicated in the figure.
Calculated values for ne for all surface elements were normalized by vector length, and
are shown in Figure 3.18(b) as red arrows.
Following the calculation of surface element normal vectors, a nodal normal vector,
nn , is calculated for all surface nodes. For any surface node i, this process first uses
the surface element incidence list to identify the k surface elements in the mesh that
contained the node. The surface node’s normal vector, nni , is then defined as the mean
of the k connected surface element normal vectors, so that
1 X ¡ e¢
nni = nj , (3.4)
Surface node normal vectors were also normalized by length, and are shown in Fig-
ure 3.18(c) as blue arrows.
After the calculation of surface node normals, nn , for all surface nodes, all surface
elements were projected along their constituent nodal normals until the element plane
passed through the reference point centroid, P∆ . The surface element with a projec-
tion bounding P∆ was then identified, and is shown in Figure 3.18(d). Values from
interpolating polynomials within the projected element containing P∆ were used to
convert the reference point location back to the surface of the mesh, shown pictorially
in Figures 3.18(e)-(f). The relationship between the projected surface element vertices
and P∆ was calculated using linear basis functions φ, where
£¡ 0 ¢¤
φ1 = x2 y3 − x03 y20 ) + P∆ 0 0 ∆ 0 0
x (y2 − y3 ) − Py (x2 − x3 ) /2A
£¡ 0 ¢¤
φ2 = x3 y1 − x01 y30 ) + P∆ 0 0 ∆ 0 0 0
x (y3 − y1 ) − Py (x3 − x1 ) /2A , (3.5)
£¡ 0 ¢¤
φ2 = x1 y2 − x02 y10 ) + P∆ 0 0 ∆ 0 0
x (y1 − y2 ) − Py (x1 − x2 ) /2A
for the projected surface element shown in Figure 3.19. The calculated φ values could
then be used to interpolate any FE-simulated displacement field to the point on the
surface of the mesh that best matched the reference point location. This corresponding
surface location is shown in Figure 3.18(f).
x y
(a) Measured mo- (b) Simple vector. (c) Basic ellipse. (d) Refined ellipse.
The steady state oscillation of a point about an origin can be expressed using a time-
harmonic displacement vector, defined at any time t as
n o
ū(t) = < ueiωt , (3.6)
where ω is the frequency of the system, and the amplitude term contains both real and
imaginary components, u = uR − iuI . The measured position of a reference point at
time ti , P̄i , can be approximated as the addition of a harmonic displacement, ū(ti ), to
the reference point centroid, P∆ , as
n o
ū(t) = < ũei(ωt+ϕ) . (3.8)
The motion description in Equation 3.8 can be converted to the form of Equation 3.6 by
relating the real-valued damped amplitude, ũ, and phase, ϕ, to a complex amplitude,
u = uR − iuI , as follows:
n o n o
< ueiωt = < ũei(ωt+ϕ)
n o n o
< ueiωt = < ũeiωt eiϕ
u = ũeiϕ
uR − iuI = ũ cos(ϕ) − iũ sin(ϕ). (3.9)
u ≈ uR = ũ cos(ϕ). (3.10)
When assuming that the measured reference point motion path, P̄, is generated by an
undamped material, this motion can be described by Equation 3.6, where imaginary
displacement components were ignored, allowing u to be approximated by uR . The
components of this real-valued amplitude vector were estimated using the bounding
box method described in Section, where
u = ∆y/2 . (3.11)
When assuming the measured motion track, P̄, is generated by a material that has some
internal damping, Equation 3.8 can be used to generate a motion fit defined using a
damped amplitude, ũ, and phase, ϕ. A two stage algorithm was developed to optimize
the amplitude and phase values, where the first stage created initial estimates, and a
second stage refined the estimates using non-linear squared error optimization.
Equation 3.11 can be used to generate a basic estimate of damped amplitude, ũ,
using an undamped assumption. A three-element vector containing an initial phase
estimate for each orthogonal direction, ϕ, can then be made using the measured ref-
erence point location at time t = 0, P̄0 , and the centroid of the bounding rectangle,
P∆ ,
³¯ ¯ ´
ϕx = sin−1 ¯P̄0x − P∆
¯ /ũ x
³¯ ¯ ´
ϕy = sin−1 ¯P̄0y − P∆ ¯
y /ũy . (3.12)
³¯ ¯ ´
ϕz = sin−1 ¯P̄0z − P∆
¯ /ũz
Here, the translation P̄0 − P∆ allows the measured point location to be related to the
The sign of each component in the estimated phase value, ϕ, can not be determined
based on P̄0 alone, as the velocity of the reference point at this location is unknown.
Therefore, the evaluation of eight possible combinations of ±ϕx , ±ϕy and ±ϕz is re-
quired before an initial phase estimate ϕ can be found. Each phase combination was
considered by first generating an estimated point path at the discrete time intervals
used for motion capture ti using Equation 3.8. The disagreement between this esti-
mated path, ū(ti ), and the measured motion track for the point, P̄, was measured by
the error term
X ° ¡ ¢°
Γ= °ū(ti ) − P̄i − P∆ ° , (3.13)
where the translation P̄i − P∆ expressed the measured point positions relative to the
world space origin. The phase combination with the lowest value of Γ provided the
initial estimates of ϕx , ϕy and ϕz . An estimated motion track generated using these
initial damped amplitude and phase values is shown as a blue ellipse in Figure 3.20(c).
The second stage of the damped motion estimation refined the initial estimates
of damped amplitude and phase with a simple least-squares optimization, where the
objective function for minimization was taken from Equation 3.13. The result of this
optimization was a closely fitted motion estimate containing damped amplitude, ũ,
and phase, ϕ, for each reference point, expressed as orthogonal components. The red
motion track in Figure 3.20(d) was generated using these optimized values.
Once the measured motion data was represented in the same coordinate space as the
FE model, the quantitative match between the simulated and measured motions could
be evaluated. The error metric used varied depending on the assumed FE material
model and the methods used for reference point projection and motion fitting.
The undamped FE model used for soft gelatine phantom simulations calculated the
time-harmonic reference point motions in the form
n o
ū(t) = < ucR eiωt , (3.14)
1 X ¯¯ m ¯
c ¯
Ω1 = ¯ |uR | − |uR | ¯ . (3.15)
N i
By only comparing the magnitude of the displacement vectors, this error calculation
avoids any possible errors due to the lack of phase information.
A second variant of the surface error metric was used for the hard gelatine experimental
data set described in Section 3.3.1. In this case, FE simulation again assumed an
undamped model, and provided real amplitude ucR . However, the measured motion
was fitted using the damped vectors for amplitude, ũ, and phase, ϕ, described in
Section 3.6.3. Here, the surface error metric Ω2 was defined
Ãq !
1 X ° °2
°um − uc °
Ω2 = R R (3.16)
i=1 i
A final motion error metric value was used for the motion data sets obtained from
the silicone phantoms described in Section 3.3.2. For these simulations, the FE model
included damping, and provided calculated displacement amplitudes containing both
real and imaginary components, uc = ucR + iucI . The measured motion, um , was fitted
using damped amplitude, ũ, and phase, ϕ, and was expressed as real and imaginary
3.8 SUMMARY 67
components, um = um m
R + iuI , using Equation 3.9. In this case, the simulated displace-
ment amplitude, uc , was compared to the measured displacement amplitude, um , at
all N reference points, using
1 X ³¯¯ m ¯´
¯ ¯
Ω3 = uR − ucR ¯ + ¯um
I − uc¯
I . (3.17)
3N i
3.8 Summary
The experimental methods described in this chapter provide both real experimental
data, and the methods required to compare this data to corresponding FE-simulated
displacements. As each experimental data set was obtained, a series of further experi-
ments were performed in an attempt to estimate or reconstruct the material properties
of the phantoms. These experiments are described in the following chapters.
Chapter 4
The experimental methods described in Chapter 3 provided surface motion data from
a range of both homogeneous and heterogeneous soft tissue approximating phantoms.
To further understand the relationship between internal material properties and exper-
imentally observed motion, an error study was performed on the experimental phantom
displacement sets to investigate the suitability of surface motion error as an indicator
of internal stiffness distribution. This work involved comparing the measured phantom
motion data collected in Chapter 3 with large sets of FE-simulated displacements for
a variety of property distributions. The distribution with the lowest resulting surface
motion metric could then be compared with the known properties of the phantom to
determine the potential effectiveness of the DIET system and method. The experi-
ments performed in this chapter represent an evaluation of surface motion error as an
indicator of internal stiffness. Should such an approach give favorable results, an op-
timization algorithm will be required to automate the process of finding the minimum
error value.
Experimental data sets were collected from homogeneous gelatine phantoms created
during the work described in Section 3.1.1. These experimentally measured motion
sets represented the first successful data collection using the DIET actuation and mo-
tion measurement system. The surface error studies performed on this experimental
motion data aimed to estimate a value for Young’s Modulus, E, for the gelatine used to
create each phantom. Error studies for the soft and hard gelatine phantoms were per-
formed sequentially, but shared a common objective and approach, and are described
simultaneously in this section.
The actuation and surface motion capture of both gelatine phantoms was performed
using the experimental setup described in Section 3.3.1. Figure 4.1 shows the surface
deformation of both hard and soft gelatine phantoms during actuation, along with the
location of each reference point centroid across the motion cycle. The tracked position
of all reference points on the soft gelatine phantom was fitted using the undamped
motion assumption described in Section 3.6.2, resulting in real amplitude components
at each reference point centroid.
Reference point motion on the surface of the hard gelatine phantom was estimated
using the more accurate fitting algorithm described in Section 3.6.3, where point motion
was described about the motion centroid using damped amplitude and phase values.
A selection of measured reference point locations over time, P̄, on both phantoms, are
compared with the corresponding fitted motion estimates, ū(t), in Figure 4.2.
The assumed homogeneity of the gelatine phantoms allows a single value for each mate-
rial property to be assigned across the entire model when simulating displacements us-
ing FE methods. Computational limitations constrained the gelatine phantom surface
error investigations to variations in Young’s Modulus, E. Both hard and soft phan-
tom models had material density, ρ, set at 1,000 kg/m3 , and Poisson’s Ratio ν = 0.49,
representing a close approximation to water, the main ingredient used in gelatine man-
Computer models of both cylindrical phantom geometries were created and meshed
using the software program GambitTM (Version 2.2.30, Fluent Inc.), where key model
dimensions were taken from physical measurement of the actual phantoms. The result-
ing soft phantom model had a diameter of 70 mm, and a height of 50 mm, while the
hard phantom was 75 mm diameter, and 69 mm tall. The FE meshes for the soft and
(a) Soft gelatine motion capture. (b) Tracked reference point locations. (c)
(d) Hard gelatine motion capture. (e) Tracked reference point locations. (f)
Figure 4.1 The experimentally observed motion of the homogeneous gelatine phantoms.
z z
x y 0.5mm x y 0.5mm
(a) Soft phantom, surface reference point 1. (d) Hard phantom, surface reference point 1.
0.2mm 0.3mm
0.1mm 0.3mm
(c) Soft phantom, point 12. (f) Hard phantom, point 14.
Figure 4.2 A selection of measured (black) and fitted (red) reference point motion from the
soft and hard homogenous gelatine phantoms.
hard models contained approximately 37,000 and 120,000 linear tetrahedral elements
respectively, and are shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3 The FE meshes used to simulate soft and hard gelatine phantom motion.
The increase in mesh density for the hard model was made possible by an increase
in computational resources. Surface node locations on the soft phantom mesh were
manipulated to match the reference point locations on the phantom surface according to
the mesh alignment process outlined in Section 3.5.1. The hard gelatine phantom model
did not require any data-specific mesh manipulation due to the subsequent development
of the surface projection algorithm described in Section 3.5.2.
Boundary conditions were applied to both FE models that closely matched the
experimental conditions. The bottom face of the mesh was displacement-constrained
in the horizontal x-y plane, based on the assumption of no slip between the base
of the phantom and the actuation plate. In addition, the bottom surface of each
model was harmonically displaced in the z direction at frequency and amplitude values
corresponding with the experimental data collection. The soft phantom actuation was
at an amplitude of 0.6 mm, and frequency 50 Hz, while the hard phantom had an
amplitude of 0.975 mm, and a frequency of 50 Hz. All other external faces on both
models had free surface boundary conditions, where displacements were not specified,
and boundary forces were set to zero in all orthogonal directions. Table 4.1 lists the
FE model specifications used when simulating the motions of both the soft and hard
gelatine phantoms.
A ‘sweep’ of FE simulations was performed on both the soft and hard computa-
tional models, where full volume displacements were simulated at a range of Young’s
Modulus values. The modulus range for each model was chosen based on the expected
material properties from the mechanical testing in Section 3.2 and Table 3.3. Soft
Table 4.1 Specifications of the hard and soft gelatine models used for FE simulation.
FE Model
Specification Soft Hard
Height (mm) 50 69
Diameter (mm) 70 75
Elements (approx.) 37,000 120,000
Frequency (Hz) 50 50
Amplitude (mm) 0.6 0.975
Density (kg/m2 ) 1,000 1,000
Poisson’s Ratio 0.49 0.49
model simulations were performed between E = 5–20 kPa, and hard model simulations
between E = 5–40 kPa. Both sets of simulations were performed at stiffness incre-
ments of 100 Pa, providing a good balance between resolution and overall simulation
time. The resulting sets of motion data characterized the simulated surface deforma-
tion over the prescribed stiffness range, where the surface deformation at a selection of
Young’s Modulus values is shown for both phantoms in Figure 4.4.
(a) Soft phantom model, E = 8.5 kPa. (d) Hard phantom model, E = 10 kPa.
(b) Soft model, E = 9.5 kPa. (e) Hard model, E = 17.5 kPa.
(c) Soft model, E = 12.5 kPa. (f) Hard model, E = 27.5 kPa.
Figure 4.4 FE-simulated displacement for the soft and hard gelatine phantom models across
a range of Young’s Modulus values.
E = 9.5kPa
E = 6.1kPa Minimum Error, E = 12.5kPa
5 10 15 20
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
Figure 4.5 Motion error metric (on a logarithmic scale) across a range of homogenous stiffness
values for the soft gelatine phantom, where the location of minimum error is indicated.
Point 1
Point 8
Height Measured
(mm) Simulated,
E = 12.5kPa
Point 7 Point 14
0 1 2 0 1 2
Displacement Amplitude (mm) Displacement Amplitude (mm)
Figure 4.6 A comparison of reference point displacement amplitudes between the experi-
mental soft gelatine phantom and FE-simulated motion at E = 12.5 kPa.
simulated displacement amplitudes at E = 12.5 kPa are compared with the measured
amplitudes at all fourteen reference points in Figure 4.6, where the reference point
heights are plotted to scale.
Minimum Error, E = 27.1kPa
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
Figure 4.7 Motion error metric across a range of homogenous stiffness values for the hard
gelatine phantom, where the location of minimum error is indicated.
4.1.4 Discussion
The Young’s Modulus values estimated using the stiffness sweep method showed promis-
ing correlation with the mechanically measured stiffness values obtained in Section 3.2.
Measured and estimated Young’s Modulus values are summarized in Table 4.2, where
the estimated modulus value was within 40% of the measured modulus value for the
soft phantom, and within 10% for the hard phantom.
The experimentally measured motion from the soft phantom was highly erratic,
and often not a good representation of the expected smooth reference point motion
path. This irregular motion can be seen in Figure 4.2, particularly for points 6 and 12.
Point 1
Point 15
Simulated, E = 27.1kPa
{2 0 2 {2 0 2 {2 0 2
x y z
Orthogonal Displacement Amplitude (mm)
Figure 4.8 The match between FE-simulated displacements at E = 27.1 kPa and experimen-
tal displacements for the hard gelatine phantom.
Table 4.2 A comparison of surface error estimated and measured Young’s Modulus values
for the soft and hard gelatine.
Young’s Modulus, E
Material Measured Estimated
Soft Gelatine 12.5 kPa 9 kPa
Hard Gelatine 27.1 kPa 26 kPa
Obtaining accurate positions for the reference points on the soft phantom was made
difficult by a combination of noise within the actuation and strobing system, and the
large, non-uniform appearance of the reference points on the phantom surface. Ad-
ditional error was introduced after motion capture through the use of an undamped
amplitude vector to approximate the reference point motion path, where no phase
information was considered.
The observed surface motion of the hard gelatine phantom in Figures 4.1 and 4.2
demonstrates the improvement in the motion capture system subsequent to the soft
gelatine phantom experiments. These improvements in the experimental setup, in con-
junction with the damped motion path fitting algorithm, led to the much closer match
between measured and estimated reference point paths visible in Figure 4.2. Here,
the clearly ellipsoidal nature of the measured motion indicated that the gelatine ma-
terial was damped, and therefore not ideally suited to simulations using an undamped
material model.
The aim of the gelatine phantom surface error study was to investigate the behavior
of the linear FE model over a range of stiffness values, and evaluate the potential of
the DIET method as a stiffness estimation tool when used with real data. The sweeps
performed indicated that limited surface motion error measurements have the potential
to be used as an indicator of stiffness in a realistic experimental situation, validating
the potential of the overall DIET approach.
The stiffness sweeps and resulting modulus estimations performed in Section 4.1 used
an undamped FE model, where all simulated motions were treated as being in phase.
While the stiffness estimations made using this undamped model showed good agree-
ment with independent mechanical property testing, the ellipsoidal reference point
motion observed experimentally indicated that the real phantom displacements were
generated by a viscoelastic material. Including these viscoelastic effects in a damped
FE material model would allow a more thorough consideration of the underlying me-
chanical properties, with the added benefit of reducing the resonance issues observed
when performing the gelatine model simulations.
The decision to use silicone phantoms for this study arose from the difficulties en-
countered using gelatine for phantom manufacture, as outlined in Section 3.1.1. The
new silicone material was expected to have similar viscoelastic properties as the gela-
tine material used previously, confirming the need for a damped material model when
simulating displacements. The first silicone surface error studies were performed on
data from both soft and hard homogeneous phantoms, with ingredients and measured
material properties identified in Sections 3.1.2 and 3.2.
The homogenous silicone error studies focused on optimizing a total of three in-
dependent material parameters, where each parameter was assumed to be constant
over the entire model. The stiffness of a viscoelastic material undergoing steady-state
harmonic displacement can be described by a complex modulus,
E ∗ = E 0 + iE 00 , (4.1)
where the storage modulus E 0 relates strains to stored elastic energy, and the loss modu-
lus, E 00 , describes energy lost to internal attenuation during vibration. The derivation
of this complex-valued elastic modulus description is included in Appendix A. This
stiffness description was parameterized for the damped material model so that the
loss modulus was calculated as the product of a storage modulus E 0 and a damping
parameter ζ, such that
E 00 = ζE 0 . (4.2)
Experimental motion was captured from both hard and soft homogeneous silicone phan-
toms using the system described in Section 3.3, where an improved actuation system
had been implemented following the experimental work with gelatine phantoms. Fig-
ure 4.9 shows single frames from the motion capture of both hard and soft silicone
phantoms, along with the tracked reference point motion across the steady state mo-
tion cycle for each phantom. All reference point motion was observed to be continuous
and steady-state, confirming the accuracy of the enhanced actuation and motion cap-
ture system. Using the damped motion estimation algorithm from Section 3.6.3, a best
fit estimate of the amplitude and phase values was calculated for each of the observed
ellipsoidal reference point positions across all frames.
(a) Soft silicone motion capture. (b) Tracked reference point locations. (c)
(d) Hard silicone motion capture. (e) Tracked reference point locations. (f)
Figure 4.9 The experimentally observed motion of the homogeneous silicone phantoms.
A FE model matching the cylindrical phantom geometry was generated and meshed
using Gambit. The surface projection technique described in Section 3.5.2 allowed a
single FE mesh to represent both silicone phantom models, as both phantoms had the
Figure 4.10 The FE mesh used for all silicone phantom simulations.
Following FE simulation, the error metric Ω3 was calculated for both hard and soft
silicone phantom simulations across the ranges of storage modulus E 0 , damping ratio ζ
and Poisson’s ratio ν considered. Surface error results for the soft phantom simulations
are shown in Figure 4.11(a), where a plane of constant ν passing through the location
of global minimum error is plotted. Motion error varies from blue (low) to red (high)
on the plot, where the minimum error metric corresponds to a storage modulus value
E 0 = 28 kPa, damping ratio ζ = 0.22, and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.48. Variation in
the error metric with changes in Poisson’s ratio at constant E 0 and ζ are shown in
Figure 4.11(b).
0.109 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.602 0.336
Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm)
Damping Ratio, ζ (%)
10 28 50
0.40 0.49
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa) Poisson’s Ratio, ν
(a) Parameter sweep results at ν = 0.48, (b) Variations in Ω3 with ν, where E = 28 kPa, and
where the location of global minimum er- ζ = 0.22.
ror is indicated (◦).
Figure 4.11 Displacement sweep surface error results for the soft homogeneous silicone phan-
Displacement error results for the hard silicone phantom are shown in Figure 4.12,
where the global error minimum corresponds to parameter values E 0 = 103 kPa, ζ =
0.20, and ν = 0.41. Figure 4.12(b) shows variations in Ω3 with Poisson’s ratio at
constant E 0 and ζ. All motion components from the closest simulated matches to the
measured motion from the soft and hard phantoms are shown in Figure 4.13, where
the vertical location of each reference point is plotted to scale.
90 103 150
0.40 0.49
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa) Poisson’s Ratio, ν
(a) Parameter sweep results at ν = 0.41, (b) Variations in Ω3 with Poisson’s Ratio, where E 0 =
where the location of global minimum er- 103 kPa, and ζ = 0.20.
ror is indicated (◦).
Figure 4.12 Displacement sweep surface error results for the hard homogeneous silicone
4.2.4 Discussion
The motion error plots in Figures 4.11–4.12 provide important information about the
sensitivity of the motion error metric Ω3 to variations in the three material parameters
considered. The error contours in Figure 4.11(a) indicate the soft phantom motion
error has a high sensitivity to storage modulus, while variations in damping ratio have
a smaller influence. The wide contour spacing in Figure 4.12(a) indicates that at higher
stiffness values, the sensitivity of Ω3 to variations in E 0 and ζ is more balanced and
less significant. The relatively high error sensitivity to parameter variations in the soft
phantom is most likely due to the large proportional change in shear wavelength in
the softer material when stiffness is varied. Motion error sensitivity to Poisson’s ratio
followed a similar trend, where variations in Ω3 with ν were much more significant in
the soft model than in the hard model.
The addition of damping to the material model significantly reduced the effects
of resonance that were readily visible in the previous undamped studies, particularly
at low stiffness values. Resonant behavior was almost completely eliminated with the
addition of a viscoelastic damping effect for the silicone simulations, resulting in contin-
uous error domains where the parameter values corresponding to the location of global
Measured Measured
Simulated Simulated
Point 1
Point 15
{1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1
x y z x y z
Real Displacement (mm) Imaginary Displacement (mm)
(a) Soft phantom, simulated displacement at E = 28 kPa, ζ = 0.22, ν = 0.48.
Measured Measured
74 Simulated Simulated
Point 1
Point 15
{1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1
x y z x y z
Real Displacement (mm) Imaginary Displacement (mm)
Figure 4.13 The best fitting FE-simulated cases compared with measured motions for both
soft and hard silicone phantoms.
Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm)
10 20 30 40 50
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
Figure 4.14 Motion error plotted against stiffness for the soft silicone phantom actuated at
50 Hz.
error minimum had clearer definition than in the undamped results from the gelatine
phantoms. The distinctness of this global minimum error location is important when
considering the ability of reconstruction algorithms to prefer global optimal parameter
values over values representing local minima.
The static mechanical testing results from Section 3.2 were a close match to the
estimated modulus values based on Ω3 for the soft silicone, with the estimated value
for E 0 within 15% of the measured static modulus value shown in Table 4.2. The
stiffness of the hard phantom was under-estimated by approximately 30 kPa, or 25%,
when compared with the mechanical test result. One possible source of this error was
a reduction in observed stiffness due to viscoelastic heating of the phantom during the
relatively high frequency actuation. Such heating would be more prevalent in the hard
silicone, assuming a constant damping ratio. In addition, the static testing boundary
conditions discussed in Section 3.2 were found to overestimate the material stiffness
measurement by up to 10%. Despite the hard modulus discrepancy, the error sweeps
were clearly able to differentiate silicone material stiffness values with a contrast as
low as 400–500%. This latter result is more important for the DIET system concept
than the exact characterization of material parameter values in hard material, given
clinically reported contrasts of up to 1,200% [54–58].
The modulus values in Table 4.3 show that the estimated storage modulus value
did not significantly change when the error study was performed on soft phantom
experimental data at 50 Hz. This result provides evidence that the estimated storage
modulus of the silicone was not strongly dependent on frequency, validating the use
Table 4.3 Elastic modulus values for the soft and hard silicone phantoms, where modulus
values estimated using a surface error metric are compared to the measured values from inde-
pendent static testing.
Elastic Modulus
Method Frequency Soft Silicone Hard Silicone
Surface Error 100 Hz 28 kPa 103 kPa
Surface Error 50 Hz 29 kPa -
Measured (DMA) static 32 kPa 135 kPa
Geometric non-linearity is one possible explanation for the trend of slightly under-
estimated displacement amplitudes observed in Figure 4.13. Large measured displace-
ments lead to an increased mismatch with the small strain linear elastic assumption
which underpins the FE simulations. That the match between measured and simulated
motions is closer toward the top of the phantoms, as evident in Figure 4.13, where vi-
bration amplitudes are lower is further evidence of this effect. Another possible cause
of the small displacement mismatch is drive miscalibration, where the actuator dis-
placement may have had a slightly greater amplitude than the prescribed waveform.
The error study performed on the homogeneous silicone data showed that stiffness
estimation using the DIET system is possible using a damped material model, with
good agreement to mechanical testing results, particularly at lower stiffness values.
The method was able to accurately characterize damped material motion on the sur-
face of silicone phantoms to create fitted displacement estimates. Material parameter
estimations made for both hard and soft silicone phantoms showed clear differentia-
tion between the storage modulus of hard and soft materials, where optimal parameter
values were clearly identified, and resonance was not observed to be a significant issue.
Table 4.4 Silicone material properties estimated from the homogenous silicone phantoms
using surface error.
Material E0 ζ ν
Soft Silicone 28 kPa 0.22 0.48
Hard Silicone 103 kPa 0.20 0.41
Motion capture from the heterogeneous silicone phantoms was performed using the
same experimental setup as the homogeneous silicone phantoms, where the compo-
nents used are described in Section 3.3.2. The tracked reference point positions in
three dimensional world space were estimated using the damped fitting algorithm from
Section 3.6.3. The observed surface motion for the fifteen reference points on the surface
of each heterogeneous phantom are shown in Figure 4.15.
With material property estimates for the soft and hard silicone in hand, a range of
simulations were performed on FE models of the stacked and concentric geometries.
The identical size and shape of all silicone phantoms allowed the mesh used for the
homogenous silicone phantoms in Section 4.2 to be used for all heterogeneous model
simulations. All boundary conditions applied to the models matched the experimental
testing conditions, where the actuation was from below in the vertical direction, at
0.5 mm amplitude, 100 Hz frequency.
A two-parameter, shape-based property distribution was used for the heteroge-
neous phantom error study, where the stiffness distribution within each phantom was
defined by independent parameters representing the interface position, P , and stiffness
contrast, C, between the soft and hard silicone regions. For the stacked geometry,
the interface position, Ps , characterized the ratio of the hard/soft interface height to
the total phantom height. For the concentric geometry, the interface position, Pc , was
defined as the ratio of the hard inclusion diameter to the total phantom diameter. The
measured values of Ps and Pc for both silicone phantoms manufactured are shown in
Table 4.5.
(a) Stacked phantom motion capture. (b) Tracked reference point locations. (c)
(d) Concentric phantom motion cap- (e) Tracked reference point locations. (f)
Figure 4.15 The experimentally observed motion of the stacked and concentric heterogeneous
silicone phantoms.
Surface error sweeps in this study thus considered variations in both shape-based
parameters P and C. Performing FE simulations over a wide range of both parameters
allowed surface error values to be correlated to phantom material property distribu-
Table 4.5 The measured interface position parameter, P , for both heterogeneous silicone
phantom geometries.
Geometry P
Stacked Ps = 47%
Concentric Pc = 42%
tions. In line with previous silicone phantom error studies, the experimental evidence
for or against a particular property distribution was calculated over all reference points
using the surface error metric Ω3 from Equation 3.17.
The corroborative method assumes that this soft material modulus is known, and
seeks experimental evidence in the form of matching displacement data that confirms
the presence of any hard region. If the experimental evidence corroborates this pres-
ence, a region of hard material can subsequently be added with an estimated interface
position and hard stiffness described by P and C. Conversely, the contradictive method
assumes that the hard material modulus is known, and seeks to estimate a soft modulus
and interface position supported by the experimental evidence. Should the experimen-
tal evidence refute any distribution including a high stiffness region, the null result of
entirely soft stiffness can still be returned by setting the size of the hard region to zero,
P = 0%, and estimating the soft stiffness value alone using the parameter C.
Two stiffness contrast parameters, C, were used during the course of the study. For
the corroborative method, where the soft silicone storage modulus, Es0 , was assumed to
be known, the focus was on optimizing the stiffness contrast parameter C1 = Eh0 /Es0 ,
where Eh0 represents the hard silicone storage modulus. For the contradictive method,
where the hard modulus was assumed known, the contrast parameter was defined as
C2 = Es0 /Eh0 . The definition of these contrast parameters was consistent across both
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
0 0
84 116 196 84 196
Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa) Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa)
Figure 4.16 Parameter sweep results for the heterogeneous silicone phantoms, using the
corroborative method with Es0 = 28 kPa, where the location of minimum error on each plot is
indicated (◦).
The estimated stiffness contrast value in Figure 4.16(a) indicates a hard silicone
modulus of Eh0 = 116 kPa for the stacked geometry. The estimated interface position
for this geometry was within 3% (relative) of measured position of 47%. The location of
minimum error for the concentric model was along the edge of the parameter domain,
with neither Pc nor Eh0 successfully estimated. In this case, the parameter combination
leading to overall minimum motion error was not bounded by the range of parameters
The sensitivity of the two-parameter corroborative method to variations in the as-
sumed soft modulus value was tested by modifying Es0 by ±15% to 24 kPa and 32 kPa,
and repeating the range of simulations. Results from these sweeps are shown in Fig-
ure 4.17. The estimated value for Ps for the stacked geometry varied by only 3%
(absolute) across the stiffness range, with both estimates of Ps within 10% (relative) of
the measured value. Stiffness contrast values corresponding to minimum Ω3 indicated
a hard storage modulus of Eh0 = 116–122 kPa for the stacked model.
Results from the additional concentric model corroborative sweeps had varied suc-
cess. When Es0 = 32 kPa, the error metric based approach again failed to identify the
0.141 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.457 0.169 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.383
100 100
0 0
82 116 197 83 122 198
Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa) Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa)
(a) Stacked phantom, Es0 = 24 kPa. (b) Stacked phantom, Es0 = 32 kPa.
0.125 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.517 0.173 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.518
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
Interface Position, P (%)
0 0
82 106 197 83 198
Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa) Hard Modulus, Eh0 (kPa)
(c) Concentric phantom, Es0 = 24 kPa. (d) Concentric phantom, Es0 = 32 kPa.
Figure 4.17 Corroborative method sensitivity analysis results for the heterogeneous phantom
data, where the location of minimum error on each plot is indicated (◦).
presence and location of the hard inclusion, with minimum motion error corresponding
to an interface position of P = 0%. However, in the case where Es0 = 24 kPa, the
interface position was estimated to within 20% (relative) of the measured value, with
the hard modulus estimated at Eh0 = 106 kPa.
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
0 0
10 25 49 10 24 49
Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa) Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa)
Figure 4.18 Parameter sweep results for the heterogeneous silicone phantoms, using the
contradictive method with Eh0 = 103 kPa, where the location of minimum error on each plot is
indicated (◦).
Stacked and concentric motion error plots indicate a soft silicone storage modulus
of Es0 = 24–25 kPa. The estimated interface position for the stacked geometry was an
exact match to the measured value of 47%, while the concentric geometry interface
position was estimated as 35%, which is within 20% (relative) of the measured value
of Pc = 42% from Table 4.5. The minimum motion error metric values using the
contradictive method were lower for both geometries than in the corroborative case,
indicating a closer match to measured displacements using this approach.
The sensitivity of the contradictive method to variations in the assumed hard
modulus value was tested by varying Eh0 by ±15%, to 88 kPa and 118 kPa, and repeating
all simulations. Figure 4.19 shows the result of these parameter sweeps. Here, results
are consistent with the Eh0 = 103 kPa case, with all simulations continuing to indicate
a soft modulus of Es0 = 24–25 kPa. The interface position for the stacked geometry was
estimated within 7% (relative) of the measured value in both cases, while the concentric
interface position was estimated to within 20% (relative) of the measured value.
0.185 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.545 0.141 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.495
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
0 0
11 25 48 12 24 47
Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa) Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa)
(a) Stacked phantom, Eh0 = 88 kPa. (b) Stacked phantom, Eh0 = 118 kPa.
0.127 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.461 0.125 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.456
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
33 35
0 0
11 25 48 12 24 47
Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa) Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa)
(c) Concentric phantom, Eh0 = 88 kPa. (d) Concentric phantom, Eh0 = 118 kPa.
Figure 4.19 Contradictive method sensitivity analysis results for the heterogeneous silicone
phantom data, where the location of minimum error on each plot is indicated (◦).
The best match to the experimental data for both geometries was obtained us-
ing the contradictive method with Eh0 = 118 kPa. Figure 4.20 is a comparison of the
simulated motion at the best fit parameter values when Eh0 = 118 kPa, and the mea-
sured motions, for both stacked and concentric geometries. The motion error metric Ω3
for the stacked and concentric geometries in these cases was 0.141 mm and 0.125 mm
respectively. These values represent an average orthogonal amplitude error per refer-
ence point of 2 ≈ 0.06–0.07 mm, which less than 20% of the average surface motion
Inherent to the contradictive parameter estimation method is the assumption that
if the null stiffness is represented by an entirely soft phantom, the correct stiffness
distribution will be returned. To test this hypothesis, measured motion data from the
Measured Measured
Simulated Simulated
Point 1
Point 15
{1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1
x y z x y z
Real Displacement (mm) Imaginary Displacement (mm)
(a) Stacked phantom, simulated displacement at Eh0 = 118 kPa, Es0 = 24 kPa,
Ps = 46%.
Measured Measured
74 Simulated Simulated
Point 1
Point 15
{1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1 {1 1
x y z x y z
Real Displacement (mm) Imaginary Displacement (mm)
(b) Concentric phantom, simulated displacement at Eh0 = 118 kPa, Es0 = 24 kPa,
Pc = 35%.
Figure 4.20 The best fitting FE-simulated cases compared with experimental motions for
both heterogeneous silicone phantoms.
soft homogeneous silicone phantom was used as reference motion data, and compared
to sweep displacements using the contradictive method, where Eh0 = 103 kPa. The
resulting error domains for the stacked and concentric cases are shown in Figure 4.21.
The estimated interface position value for both geometries is P = 0%, corresponding
to a homogenous phantom, where estimated Es0 values indicate a soft modulus of 27–
28 kPa.
0.103 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.390 0.109 Motion Error Metric, Ω3 (mm) 0.426
100 100
Interface Position, P (%)
0 0
10 27 49 10 28 49
Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa) Soft Modulus, Es0 (kPa)
Figure 4.21 Parameter sweep results from the homogenous soft silicone phantom, using the
contradictive method with Eh0 = 103 kPa, where the location of minimum error on each plot is
indicated (◦).
4.3.4 Discussion
The two parameters describing the stiffness distribution of the stacked geometry were
consistently estimated correctly using both corroborative and contradictive approaches.
Results from the concentric case showed the stiffness distribution can be consistently
estimated for this more challenging geometry only when adopting the contradictive
approach. The error plots in Figures 4.16 and 4.17 indicate that a corroborative ap-
proach to estimation of stiffness distribution is sensitive to any error in the assumed
value for Es0 . This sensitivity is more significant in the concentric case, where assumed
soft modulus values of Es0 = 28 kPa and Es0 = 32 kPa led to failed parameter estimation.
Because the a priori silicone stiffness values were estimated based on phantoms created
at a different time, this sensitivity to Es0 renders the corroborative method unsuitable
in a clinical sense.
Figures 4.18 and 4.19 provide evidence that parameter estimations using a con-
tradictive approach have very little sensitivity to variations in Eh0 , as expected from
the relatively long shear wavelength in the harder material. Estimated values for soft
modulus and interface position showed relative variation of less than 10% across both
geometries over a 30% range in the assumed value of Eh0 , indicating a sensitivity of ap-
proximately 33%, or a robust result. All six instances of the contradictive estimations
indicated a consistent soft modulus value of 24–25 kPa.
The estimated silicone stiffness values using both corroborative and contradictive
estimations did not agree with the previously estimated homogeneous silicone modulus
values. In comparison with E 0 = 28 kPa estimated from the homogeneous studies,
all contradictive estimations indicated a soft modulus value of Es0 = 24–25 kPa, and
the lowest motion error values using the corroborative method came when assuming
Es0 = 24 kPa. Similarly, the lowest error metric values when using the contradictive
method came when Eh0 = 118 kPa, and all corroborative estimations indicated a value
for Eh0 above the previously estimated value of E 0 = 103 kPa.
The range of values estimated for silicone stiffness indicates that the modulus
values for the soft and hard silicone varied between homogeneous and heterogeneous
phantoms, most likely due to the different batches of silicone used when preparing
these phantoms. Figure 4.22 presents a summary of the range of silicone modulus
values estimated and measured during the study, where the different colors indicate
batches of silicone prepared at different times. The clustering of results visible in this
graphic indicates that there is a degree of variability in the modulus value of the silicone
based in part on the experimental uncertainties when preparing the silicone material.
Additionally, the values from DMA testing were overestimated by up to 10% due to
the boundary condition effects discussed in Section 3.2.
24 25 27 28 29 32
24 25 28
24 25
103 106 116 122 135
Figure 4.22 The range of modulus values estimated and measured for both soft and hard
silicones, where color is used to differentiate batches of silicone prepared at different times.
In general terms, the error metric for the stacked geometry had a higher sensitiv-
ity to variations in the interface position parameter than for the concentric case, as
evidenced by highly ellipsoidal motion error contours, for example in Figure 4.16(a).
This heightened sensitivity is expected as the stacked geometry has reference motion
measurement located directly on the hard and soft silicone regions, allowing the in-
terface position to be accurately identified due to the step change in shear wavelength
across the two materials. The wavelength change between the lower and upper portions
of the stacked phantom is visible in Figure 4.20(a). The concentric geometry had a
significantly lower error sensitivity to interface position, and consequently less accurate
interface position estimates. The physical separation of the measurement locations
from the stiffness interface provides evidence as to why this loss of accuracy occurs.
The success of the contradictive estimation approach when applied to the soft ho-
mogenous silicone phantom data shown in Figure 4.21, confirmed that this method
was able to successfully return the null distribution when applied to a phantom with
constant stiffness. The estimated value for the soft silicone modulus across both geome-
tries of 27–28 kPa matched the corresponding value estimated from the soft phantom
in Section 4.2, while the interface position value of 0% confirmed the absence of any
hard inclusion in both cases.
The comparison between the best-fit displacements and the measured motion shown
in Figure 4.20 indicates that when measured displacements are large, the equivalent
simulated motion is of a smaller amplitude. This result is consistent with the homoge-
neous silicone phantom study, where the largest differences in amplitude were observed
to occur close to the actuation plate, where amplitudes are large. It is possible that
geometric non-linearity causes displacements to be under-estimated by FE simulation,
an effect that could be minimized by reducing the actuation amplitude.
The heterogeneous surface error study performed demonstrated that the DIET
method can estimate the elasticity distribution of heterogeneous phantoms using a sim-
ple two parameter, shape-based approach with limited surface motion data as input.
Trials of both corroborative and contradictive techniques indicated that the contradic-
tive method is more robust in the presence of error in any a priori stiffness assumptions.
Adopting a contradictive approach to estimating elasticity distribution has the poten-
tial to reduce the number of parameters required to perform shape-based elasticity
reconstructions. In such a method, the stiffness of any inclusion is fixed, as the exact
stiffness used has very little effect on the observed surface motion. Such an approach
represents a potentially new avenue to inclusion imaging in elastography, as it is also
applicable to problems characterized by a larger number of parameters, allowing more
complicated geometries to be reconstructed with less computational effort.
Chapter 5
The studies performed in Chapter 4 provide important information about how experi-
mentally observed and FE-simulated phantom surface motions related to the internal
distribution of material properties. In addition, the error sweeps performed also al-
lowed estimates of the phantom material properties to be made using a limited number
of material parameters. Performing these error sweeps required an assumed a priori
knowledge of the material property distribution and computational resources sufficient
to perform FE simulations across the entire range of independent, unknown parameters.
While limited a priori knowledge may be available in a more realistic clinical sce-
nario, an exhaustive evaluation of the parameter space is not likely to be possible given
the time and computational constraints that would be applied to any clinical applica-
tion of a DIET system. Computational considerations will become more significant as
the number of unknown parameters is increased to evaluate more realistic geometries.
The work described in this chapter aimed to reconstruct the material property distribu-
tion of simulated and experimental phantoms using a range of non-linear reconstruction
Inverse problems in the field of elastography are highly non-linear, as the ob-
served displacement field of a solid body, and therefore any error function based on
this displacement, has a complex, high order differential relationship to the underlying
mechanical properties of the object. A range of strategies have been developed to solve
the elastic inverse problem, the majority of which apply an iterative approach based on
a gradient descent strategy to minimize the error between a set of model-simulated mea-
surements and corresponding experimental observations. Though novel reconstruction
techniques based on a stochastic approach, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), have
been applied to inverse problems where the FE method is used for system simulation,
the application of such stochastic methods to the tomographic elastography problem,
particularly when using only exterior surface motion measurements from experimental
phantoms, has not been considered. In this study, both deterministic and stochastic
classes of reconstruction algorithm are considered with regards to their suitability for
inclusion as a reconstruction algorithm in a DIET system.
The investigation of reconstruction algorithms in this chapter was performed con-
currently with the surface error studies presented in Chapter 4. Therefore, the inverse
algorithms were tested on a range of phantom data in conjunction with the development
of the experimental and FE simulation techniques. Surface error domains similar to
those used in Chapter 3 were often developed prior to the evaluation of reconstruction
algorithms in this work. This detailed error information provided an additional tool
used to allow a more thorough investigation of algorithm performance. However, it is
not required for practical, clinical implementation of any of the algorithms considered.
The minimization of a non-linear error function, Ω, using the gradient descent method,
is a deterministic process where an iterative approach is used to optimize a parameter
combination, θ. A gradient descent algorithm aims to determine a best fit parameter
combination by calculating the gradient of the error function at the current parame-
ter estimate, ∂θ , and updating the estimate by moving along this direction towards
decreasing error.
To perform gradient descent reconstruction, the gradient of the error function at
any parameter combination must be obtainable, requiring that the error function Ω(θ)
be continuous. This gradient calculation can be made using either analytic or finite-
difference methods. For the tomographic reconstruction problem, the error function Ω
must be calculated from available experimental and/or simulated data each iteration.
Figure 5.1 is a basic example of gradient descent reconstruction in a two-parameter
case, where optimal values for the independent parameters θ = (x, y) are θ̂ = (x̂, ŷ).
The colored contours on the plot define constant values of the error function Ω(θ).
Over a number of iterations, the algorithm’s estimates of x and y are updated towards
the combination that minimizes Ω.
Non-linear elastic property optimization aims to reconstruct any number of param-
eters, represented by θ, that describe the internal stiffness distribution of a model. Gra-
dient descent optimization in this case involves the minimization of an error function,
Ω, that compares a set of measured displacements, um , to FE calculated displacements
based on the current estimate of the model stiffness parameters, uc (θ). The range of
motion error metrics developed for the DIET system are described in Section 3.7, and
are represented here in general terms as a squared vector error,
0 x^ x
Figure 5.1 An example of a gradient descent algorithm, where successive iterations minimize
the value of a two-dimensional error function Ω(x, y).
The gradient of the error function with respect to θ will be zero at the parameter
combination corresponding to a minimum error value. Setting ∂θ = 0 generates a
non-linear system of equations,
µ ¶T ³ ´
∂Ω ∂uc
= −2 um − uc (θ) = 0, (5.2)
∂θ ∂θ
where the operator T denotes the matrix transpose. Equation 5.2 can be solved itera-
tively using the Gauss-Newton method. In this case, the formulation is written
µ ¶−1 µ ¶
∂2Ω ∂Ω
θr+1 = θr − δr (5.3)
∂θ2 ∂θ
for iteration r + 1, where δr is chosen to influence the step size of the algorithm.
Development of the Hessian matrix term, H = ∂θ2
, leads to
µ ¶T µ ¶ µ ¶T ³ ´
∂2Ω ∂uc ∂uc ∂uc
=2 −2 um − uc (θ) , (5.4)
∂θ2 ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ
¡ ∂uc ¢T
where the term 2 ∂θ (um − uc (θ)) is assumed to be negligible, as um − uc (θ) is
small when θ is close to the actual parameter distribution of the medium being imaged.
The full iterative formulation for the problem can thus be written by expanding the
form of Equation 5.3,
à µ ¶ µ ¶ !−1 " µ ¶ #
∂uc T ∂uc ∂uc T m
θr+1 = θr − δr 2 + γI −2 (u − uc (θ)) , (5.5)
∂θ ∂θ ∂θ
where γ is a regularization term added to the Hessian matrix for numerical stability.
Mechanical property reconstruction using a gradient descent algorithm was first per-
formed on the hard gelatine phantom. The surface error study performed on this
phantom in Section 4.1 indicated that the gelatine material used in the phantom had
a Young’s Modulus value of E = 27.1 kPa. This estimate was also corroborated by
independent mechanical testing.
When formulating the inverse problem for this study, a homogeneous, isotropic
case was assumed, where ν and ρ were assumed known at 0.49 and 1,000 kg/m3 respec-
tively. These assumptions limited the reconstruction to a single parameter representing
Young’s Modulus, E. The undamped material model used for FE simulation in Sec-
tion 4.1 was used for all displacement simulations. A flow chart showing the basic
structure of the gradient descent algorithm developed to perform the one parameter
reconstruction is shown in Figure 5.2, and is described in the following.
FE Simulate to
generate uc (E )
Calculate Ω
Calculate and H
Update E
Figure 5.2 A schematic of the gradient descent algorithm used for elastic reconstruction.
The reconstruction of E using the gradient descent algorithm began with an initial
guess for the stiffness parameter at iteration zero, E 0 . FE simulation using this value
and the constant values of ρ and ν previously assumed gave a vector of calculated
displacements at all nodes within the model, uc . The transformation from these nodal
amplitude values to the equivalent reference point displacements was performed accord-
ing to the point projection and damped fitting techniques described in Sections 3.5.2
and 3.6.3. The error between the FE-simulated displacement field and the measured
motion was calculated using the metric Ω2 previously defined in Equation 3.16, where
the damped simulated motion was transformed into an undamped approximation prior
to error calculation. Following the calculation of ∂θ , and the approximate Hessian ma-
trix, regularization was applied to the Hessian matrix diagonal based on the method
described by Marquardt [108].
An updated estimate for E was calculated using Equation 5.5, where the parameter
step size, δr , increased from 0.1–1.0 over the first ten iterations. The new stiffness value
was subsequently used to simulate a new displacement vector uc . Stopping criteria for
the gradient descent algorithm were based on the value of the residual term from
Equation 5.5,
µ ¶T
R= (um − uc (θ)) . (5.6)
In this study, the reconstruction algorithm was halted when R < 1 × 10−10 m4 N−1 ,
indicating a situation where the algorithm step size was sufficiently small to consider
the reconstruction as having converged. The output from GD reconstruction was the
stiffness value providing the closest match to the experimental data, E+ .
Stiffness reconstruction for the hard gelatine phantom using the gradient descent algo-
rithm was split into two stages. The first application of the reconstruction algorithm
was to a simulated data set, where FE-simulated motion at the previously estimated
phantom stiffness value of 27.1 kPa represented the experimentally measured data.
Testing the reconstruction algorithm using this noise free simulated data would con-
firm the ability of the algorithm to reach a global minimum in an ideal case. Following
the simulated data study, the same set of reconstructions were performed using the real
experimentally measured motion data from the gelatine phantom.
In both the simulated and experimental data cases, knowledge of the error domain
across the stiffness range of interest was obtained prior to reconstruction. While this
information was not required to perform the reconstructions, it allowed for a more
detailed analysis of the results in each case. The stiffness range selected for the re-
construction study was E = 20–30 kPa, where the surface error study from Section 4.1
was refined so that FE-simulated displacement data was available every 1 Pa over this
The error metric Ω2 resulting from comparison of the FE simulations between E = 20–
30 kPa to the simulated data set at E = 27.1 kPa is shown in Figure 5.3(a). Several
resonance stiffness values are apparent, where the value for the error metric is highly
discontinuous. As expected, the optimal value for Young’s Modulus was Ê = 27.1 kPa,
where Ω2 = 0 in the noise free case considered.
A total of 21 gradient descent reconstructions were performed on the simulated
data, with initial guesses E 0 at 500 Pa increments in the range 20–30 kPa. The perfor-
mance of these reconstructions over the first ten iterations is shown in Figure 5.3(b),
where each reconstruction progresses vertically downwards. The shaded upper part
of the plot represents the continuity of the error function over the range E = 20–
30 kPa using the gradient term ∂E , where areas of discontinuity appear as dark vertical
bands. Of all the reconstructions performed in the simulated case, a total of 7 failed to
indicate stiffness values within 5% of the target modulus. The remaining fourteen suc-
cessful reconstructions all converged to modulus values within 5% of the target value,
E = 27.1 kPa.
5.1.3 Discussion
Motion Error Metric, Ω2 (mm)
20 22 24 26 28 30
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
(a) Surface motion error metric variations with stiffness.
Motion Error Gradient, ∂E
20 27.1 30
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
(b) Gradient descent reconstruction results over the first ten iterations,
where algorithm convergence is indicated (•).
Figure 5.3 Gradient descent reconstruction results when assuming that simulated motion at
E = 27.1 kPa represented an experimental data set.
Motion Error Metric, Ω2 (mm)
20 22 24 26 28 30
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
(a) Surface motion error metric variation with stiffness.
Motion Error Gradient, ∂E
20 27.1 30
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
Figure 5.4 Gradient descent reconstruction results from the real experimental data captured
from the hard gelatine phantom.
on stiffness values at or very near resonant values. These resonance bands are visi-
ble as peaks in Figure 5.3(a), and vertical lines of high error gradient in the upper
part of Figure 5.3(b). Despite these resonant bands being comparatively narrow, they
were sufficient to cause the reconstruction to prematurely converge when evaluating a
stiffness value close to a resonance peak.
An example of a local minimum caused by a resonant stiffness value is shown
in Figure 5.5. The clear global error minimum in Figure 5.3(a) led to all but one
successful reconstruction converging to the correct stiffness value within five iterations.
The remaining case showed clear preference for this stiffness value after ten iterations,
with its oscillation about the target stiffness value reducing over successive iterations.
Motion Error Metric, Ω2 (mm)
25 25.6
Young’s Modulus, E (kPa)
Figure 5.5 An enlarged view of the error domain from Figure 5.3(a), detailing the local
minimum caused by a resonant stiffness.
Results from the application of the gradient descent algorithm to the experimen-
tally measured phantom data were very similar to the simulated case, with a slightly
higher proportion of reconstructions identifying the 27.1 kPa stiffness value correspond-
ing to minimum motion error. All failed reconstructions again converged to stiffness
values corresponding with areas of motion error discontinuity that created local min-
ima. The number of iterations required for convergence in the successful real data
reconstructions was greater than in the simulated data reconstructions due to the shal-
low gradient surrounding the global error minimum visible in Figure 5.4(a).
The high proportion of failed gradient descent reconstructions in this simple one
parameter case indicated that even highly localized error minima can cause significant
problems for a deterministic reconstruction algorithm based on local gradient calcula-
tions. Expanding the stiffness range investigated past the 20–30 kPa considered here
would almost certainly increase the number of local error minima, providing a signif-
The use of stochastic algorithms for non-linear optimization has increased with the
availability of fast and affordable computer hardware that can offset the large compu-
tational costs associated with such methods. Stochastic reconstruction methods such as
a GAs vary in their application based on simulation techniques, the type and quantity
of measured data, and the method used to encode and/or parameterize the optimization
problem. Hence, this class of algorithms are highly application specific.
A first study using stochastic algorithms for parameter reconstruction in a DIET
system was performed using FE-simulated data to represent experimentally measured
motion in a controlled fashion. The intent of this study was to create and evaluate a
stochastic algorithm using reference data free from unknown and highly variable exper-
imental error, before performing reconstructions on real phantom data. The algorithm
was intended to be a hybrid approach combining both traditional Gradient Descent
(GD) methods with novel Combinatorial Optimization (CO) techniques. As part of
the algorithm development, the three non-linear reconstruction methods summarized
in Table 5.1 were evaluated for their performance when applied to the elastographic
inverse problem.
The two shape-based parameters P and C introduced in Section 4.3.2 were used to
describe the internal stiffness distribution of the simple heterogeneous model geometries
Table 5.1 The reconstruction algorithms considered during development of the hybrid recon-
struction method.
considered in this study, where both geometries are shown in Figure 5.6. The interface
position parameter Ps represented the ratio of the hard/soft interface height to the
total model height for the stacked geometry, and Pc the ratio of the hard inclusion
diameter to the total diameter in the concentric case. The stiffness contrast parameter
C was defined for both geometries as Eh /Es , representing a corroborative approach
according to the definition in Section 4.3.3.
Figure 5.6 The geometry of both phantom models used in the hybrid algorithm simulation
Surface motion data sets required for the study were generated by FE simulation, us-
ing a mesh containing approximately 169,000 linear tetrahedral elements. The model
size of 75 mm diameter and 75 mm height was chosen as a close approximation to the
silicone phantoms that were prepared subsequent to this work. The bottom face of
the cylinder was constrained in the horizontal plane and actuated vertically with an
amplitude of 1 mm at a frequency of 50 Hz. Both geometries were simulated using the
same mesh, with Young’s Modulus values assigned nodally based on location relative
to the specified values of P and C. An undamped material model was used to simplify
the reconstruction problem by reducing the number of parameters required for simu-
lation. While the results from the gelatine phantom gradient descent reconstructions
in Section 5.1 indicated an undamped model would not give a close match to exper-
imental phantom displacements, such a model was sufficient in this case for testing
reconstruction algorithms where all data was simulated.
The Young’s Modulus value for the soft material, Es , was fixed at 20 kPa, chosen
to be of the same order as Young’s Modulus measurements of fat and glandular tissue
in the human breast, and the soft phantom stiffness values estimated in Chapter 4.
Poisson’s ratio, ν, and density, ρ, were fixed at 0.45 and 1000 kg/m3 respectively, ap-
proximating the nearly incompressible nature and high water content of human tissue.
The target parameters P̂ and Ĉ that represented the real data set for each ge-
ometry are shown in Table 5.2. Also summarized are the relevant material properties
required for FE simulation of the experimental motion. All 3,215 nodes on the ver-
tical exterior of the cylinder were chosen as surface motion reference points for the
reconstruction problem. This sampling method provided a simple approximation to
a more advanced DIET system, where it is hoped motion data from closely spaced
points across the entire surface of the breast will be available [109]. Noise added to
the two simulated experimental data sets was normally distributed with a mean of zero
and a variance of 10% of the average reference point displacement amplitude, giving a
controlled approximation of experimental noise.
Table 5.2 The parameter values representing real data for the reconstructions performed
using simulated data.
Model Properties Stacked Concentric
In addition to the target data set, FE simulation was also used to generate a mo-
tion database for both geometries across a range of values for P and C. Simulations
were performed on both stacked and concentric geometries at interface positions P
ranging from 10% to 90% in increments of 1%, and stiffness contrasts C from 100%
to 500% in increments of 5%. These parameter limits defined the problem domain for
the reconstruction algorithms, and encompassed a total of 6,561 FE simulations for
each geometry. This database of simulations allowed rapid testing of the reconstruc-
tion algorithms as well as evaluation of the surface error appearance over the problem
The three non-linear reconstruction algorithms considered all aimed to minimize the
squared error between a set of reference displacements, um , simulated at the target
parameter values P̂ and Ĉ, and the corresponding simulated displacements, uc , calcu-
lated using the current estimates of parameters P and C. The error metric that formed
the cost function for all reconstructions in this study was a representation of the mean
squared motion error across all reference points, and was defined
PN m
i=1 kui − uci k2
Ω4 = , (5.7)
where N is the number of reference points. The minimum value of the error metric Ω4
occurred when simulations were performed at P̂ and Ĉ for a particular geometry, and
was defined as Ω̂, representing the lowest possible error metric value any reconstruction
could attain.
Figure 5.7 shows the error metric from Equation 5.7 across the entire problem
domain for both geometries, where the ‘measured’ displacements were those simulated
at the target parameters from Table 5.2, with the addition of noise. The minimum
error value Ω̂ for the stacked geometry was 0.39 mm, and for the concentric geometry
0.24 mm. Indicated on both plots is the target parameter combination corresponding
to parameter values P̂ and Ĉ. The error information in these plots provided both data
and context to the reconstruction algorithms subsequently tested. The three non-linear
reconstruction algorithms considered in this study are described in this section in the
order in which they were evaluated.
The GD reconstruction algorithm used in the simulation study was based on the one
parameter algorithm developed in Section 5.1. For this study, the algorithm was modi-
fied to reconstruct the two independent parameters P and C using the error metric Ω4
defined in Equation 5.7. For the relatively small number of reconstruction parameters
used in this study, the Jacobian matrix, which traditionally relies on parameter val-
ues being nodally distributed, is most efficiently calculated through a finite-difference
approximation in which terms take the form
0.393 Motion Error Metric, Ω4 (mm) 5.000 0.242 Motion Error Metric, Ω4 (mm) 5.000
90 90
Interface Position, Ps (%)
10 10
100 400 500 100 300 500
Contrast, C (%) Contrast, C (%)
Figure 5.7 The displacement error metric from Equation 5.7 evaluated across the parameter
domain for both heterogeneous silicone geometries, where the value of Ω4 has an upper limit
of 5 mm, and the location of minimum error, Ω̂, is indicated (◦).
uc (θ + ∆θ) − uc (θ)
J= , (5.8)
1. The surface motion error metric Ω4 was within 1% of the value for Ω̂ for the
geometry considered.
2. The calculated algorithm step size was zero for both P and C parameters for
more than 2 consecutive iterations.
The first criteria represented a definite successful reconstruction. The second was
a case where the gradient was either so shallow the algorithm halted, or so steep that
the reconstruction continually attempted to step outside the problem domain, and the
update was ignored. The third case covers a failure to converge within the allocated
number of iterations.
CO involves efficiently exploring problem search domains to solve large and complex
non-linear optimization problems faster than an exhaustive search [84]. The optimiza-
tion algorithm used in this study combined features of two popular CO techniques –
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Simulated Annealing (SA).
The CO algorithm shown in Figure 5.8, and described in the following, contains
parameter pairs, Gji , defined as genes, where the subscript refers to the ith gene in
the population, 1 ≤ i ≤ NG , and the superscript, j, indicates the gene’s generation,
where 0 ≤ j ≤ M . Error metric values, Ωji , are defined using the same convention.
Values for both NG and M can be chosen arbitrarily, with an upper limit usually
reflecting increased computational cost. In the CO algorithm used for this study, a
total of ten genes were used to define the population, NG = 10, and a maximum of
100 generations was specified, M = 100. Within an entire population of genes at a
particular generation, termed Gj , the gene providing the closest match to experimental
data is described as Gj+ , and has corresponding error metric value, Ωj+ .
CO begins with a population of NG genes, each containing an initial value for the
two parameters, G0i = {P, C}0i . Initial values for all parameters within all genes are
usually randomly assigned within a range based on a priori knowledge. Before entering
the CO algorithm proper, FE simulations are performed to obtain starting values of
the error metric, Ω0i , for all genes in the population.
Mating in CO involves interchanging genetic material between genes, with the in-
tent of improving the fitness of the population as a whole [82]. Pairs of genes are
identified for mating using roulette wheel selection, where the probability of gene se-
lection is directly proportional to the value of its error metric, Ωji [110]. Genes selected
as one of a mating pair have their constituent parameter values modified by swapping
a proportion of their binary expression with bits from the corresponding parameter
in their mating partner. The chance of the mating operation being performed is set
with the probability value Πmate , where for this study Πmate = 0.9. Parameter values
output from the mating process form a new, temporary gene pool.
Random mutation modifies the value of any parameter within any gene by flipping
the value of a bit from the parameter’s binary expression. This process increases the
diversity of the population by introducing new genetic material that is unlikely to be
introduced through mating alone. Mutation is potentially performed on every bit within
the temporary population after mating, where the likelihood of a bit changing value
is governed by the probability Πmutate . In this study Πmutate = 0.02. The resulting
population is defined as G̃ji , where the tilde indicates that the mating and mutation
operations have taken place. FE simulation at the parameter values provided by these
potential genes allows corresponding error metric values, Ω̃ji , to be calculated.
G 10 = {P, C }01 , G 20 = {P, C }02 , ... GN0 = {P, C }N0
Stopping FINISH
critera G+ = {P, C }+
SA takes its theoretical approach from the statistical mechanics of physical an-
nealing, where solutions that decrease the global system ‘energy’, here the error term
Ω, are increasingly preferred as a system-wide temperature variable is decreased over
time [87]. In the CO algorithm described here, SA provides a mechanism for determin-
ing which genes from the potential offspring population, G̃j , will become part of the
subsequent generation, Gj+1 . Error values from each potential gene, Ω̃ji , are compared
with the corresponding value from the current population, Ωji . The chance of the off-
spring gene, G̃ji , replacing the original gene, Gji , in the subsequent population is set by
the probability i
SA Πj , defined
à !
j −Ω̃ji /Ωji
SA Πi = exp , (5.9)
1. The error metric from the best-fitting member of the current population, Ωj+ , was
less than a pre-determined minimum based on the value of Ω̂ for the geometry.
This criterion represented a successful reconstruction.
Upon halting the CO algorithm, the parameter values providing the closest match
to the measured motion, G+ = {P, C}+ , with corresponding error metric, Ω+ , were
The overall success of each type of reconstruction algorithm across all starting values
for a particular geometry was represented by a cumulative, normalized parameter error
value, defined
i=1 |P̂ − (P+ )i | i=1 |Ĉ − (C+ )i |
Ψ1 = 1 − + /2N, (5.10)
P̂ Ĉ
where P̂ and Ĉ are the target parameters from Table 5.2, and N is the total number of
reconstructions performed on the geometry in question. Equation 5.10 returns a value
<1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 45% <1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 34%
90 90
Interface Position, Pc (%)
Interface Position, Ps (%)
10 10
100 400 500 100 300 500
Stiffness Contrast, C (%) Stiffness Contrast, C (%)
Figure 5.9 The distribution of results from 1,521 GD reconstructions performed on both het-
erogeneous geometries, where the intersection of the dashed lines indicates the target parameter
The final reconstruction testing performed the same 1,521 instances using the hy-
brid reconstruction method, where the results from the previously performed CO were
used as the first phase of the algorithm. The reconstructed solution density plots for
both geometries are given in Figure 5.11, where success metrics for the stacked and
concentric geometries were Ψ1 = 98.9% and Ψ1 = 94.2%, respectively. A clear re-
duction in solution spread is apparent when comparing Figure 5.11 with Figures 5.9
<1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 60% <1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 15%
90 90
10 10
100 400 500 100 300 500
Stiffness Contrast, C (%) Stiffness Contrast, C (%)
Figure 5.10 The distribution of results from 1,521 CO reconstructions performed on both
heterogeneous geometries, where the intersection of the dashed lines indicates the target pa-
rameter combination.
and 5.10. The success metric Ψ1 for all three reconstruction algorithms across both
heterogeneous phantom geometries considered is summarized in Table 5.3.
<1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 81% <1% Percent of Reconstructed Solutions (N = 1521) 37%
90 90
Interface Position, Pc (%)
Interface Position, Ps (%)
10 10
100 400 500 100 300 500
Stiffness Contrast, C (%) Stiffness Contrast, C (%)
Figure 5.11 The distribution of results from 1,521 instances of the hybrid algorithm per-
formed on both heterogeneous geometries, where the intersection of the dashed lines indicates
the target parameter combination.
5.2.4 Discussion
The plots in Figure 5.7 provide a clear indication of the error metric trends across the
problem domain for each geometry, where the large areas of resonance observed are a
result of the undamped linear model used for FE simulations. The stacked model had
a more complicated resonance pattern, as the geometry places the interface between
hard and soft material perpendicular to the mechanical waves generated by actuation
of the model.
Table 5.3 The reconstruction algorithm success metric, Ψ1 , across both stacked and concen-
tric geometries.
Algorithm Stacked Concentric
GD 71.2% 78.2%
CO 97.8% 91.2%
Hybrid 98.9% 94.2%
Table 5.4 The total number of FE simulations required for each reconstruction algorithm in
the two-parameter simulated case.
FE Solutions GD CO Hybrid
Serial system (actual) 60 1000 1060
Parallel system (theoretical) 20 100 120
The promising results obtained from noisy simulated data in Section 5.2 indicated the
hybrid reconstruction method had significant potential for use in a DIET system. The
subsequent study described in this section focuses on optimizing the performance of
the hybrid algorithm as applied to the concentric silicone phantom data presented in
Section 4.3. A sensitivity analysis is performed in order to determine the influence of
different algorithm settings on the reconstruction performance, with regards both to
solution accuracy and computational efficiency. In addition, a statistical measure of re-
construction certainty is developed to allow the combination of multiple reconstructions
into a single result.
Estimated values for the material properties of the hard and soft silicone material
were provided by the surface error studies in Section 4.2. The two-parameter sweeps
performed on the heterogeneous silicone phantoms in Section 4.3.3 using both corrob-
orative and contradictive a priori stiffness assumptions indicated that surface error
metric values had high sensitivity to any assumed soft modulus value. This study
considered independent variation in three parameters for the concentric geometry, rep-
resenting soft modulus, Es0 , hard modulus, Eh0 , and interface position, Pc . The use of
three parameters provided a larger and more complicated error domain likely to contain
multiple local minima.
The hybrid reconstruction algorithm introduced in Section 5.2 was modified for this
study to allow reconstruction of three independent parameters. A block diagram of
the three parameter hybrid algorithm is shown in Figure 5.12, where the optimization
involves the three example parameters A, B, and C. All reconstructions performed
during this sensitivity study used the experimentally measured concentric motion data
as the reference displacement set, and calculated the surface error metric Ω3 according
to Equation 3.17.
The hybrid reconstruction algorithm sensitivity analysis and optimization was per-
formed by varying several key settings controlling both CO and GD stages. As both
phases were performed separately in the hybrid method, this optimization was per-
formed on each component individually, before combining both parts. As this form of
G 10 = {A, B, C }10 , G 20 = {A, B, C }02, ... G N0 = {A, B, C }N0 {A, B, C }
FE Simulate at
Perform mating Perform mutation {A, B, C }
across all G on all A, B, C Calculate Ω
The investigation of algorithm settings for the CO optimization involved the results of
100 reconstructions, each based on a different initial population, l G0 , and generating
output l G+ , where 1 ≤ l ≤ 100. These results were normalized to give a measure of
reconstruction performance between 1.0 and 0.0, where 1.0 represented the mean error
at generation zero,
1 X ³l 0 ´
Ω̄0+ = Ω+ , (5.11)
and 0.0 indicated the minimum error value within the domain, Ω̂. To allow performance
characterization, the best-fit parameter values leading to Ω̂, termed {Â, B̂, Ĉ}, were
determined prior to the study.
The first phase of CO optimization varied the value of Πmate from 0.2 to 0.8 in
increments of 0.2. For these reconstructions, Πmutate was set to zero to eliminate the
influence of random mutation on the reconstruction results, and the number of genes
was fixed, NG = 10. The resulting CO algorithm performance across 100 generations is
shown in Figure 5.13(a), where each line represents the mean of 100 individual recon-
structions performed at a combination of settings. Optimal reconstruction performance
was seen when Πmate = 0.6, where the normalized algorithm performance value was
0.18 after 100 generations.
CO sensitivity to mutation was tested by fixing Πmate at the optimized value of
0.6, and varying Πmutate from 0.0 to 0.2. The resulting normalized CO algorithm
performance across 100 generations is shown in Figure 5.13(b). In this plot, the solid
line corresponds to the Πmate = 0.6 result in Figure 5.13(a). No significant improvement
in performance was noted at Πmutate values greater than 0.1, where the normalized
performance value was 0.05 after 100 generations.
Finally, the number of genes in the population, NG , was varied, with Πmate = 0.6,
and Πmutate = 0.1. CO reconstructions containing 5, 10, 20 and 40 genes were per-
formed, with results shown in Figure 5.13(c). In this plot the starting values for the
performance metric varied in each case, as the different values for NG led to a range
of values for Ω̄0+ . To normalize for the increased computational cost of updating ad-
ditional genes through each generation, the horizontal axis of this figure indicates the
total number of FE simulations performed. Regardless of this additional normaliza-
tion, adding genes to the population continued to improve algorithm performance. A
value of NG = 10 was selected as being optimal for this problem, given the physical
number of computer workstations available, and the absence of significant performance
improvement between 10 and 20 genes. The optimized CO algorithm settings used for
subsequent parameter reconstruction are summarized in Table 5.5.
Table 5.5 Optimal settings for the CO algorithm determined via sensitivity analysis.
Setting Value
Πmate 0.6
Πmutate 0.1
NG 10
Experiments with the simple GD algorithm introduced in Section 5.1 indicated that
when reconstructing the limited number of parameters in this study, regularization of
the approximate Hessian matrix was not required for numerical stability. This inherent
Normalized Performance
0 25 50 75 100
Normalized Performance
0 25 50 75 100
Normalized Performance
Figure 5.13 Results from the sensitivity analysis performed on the CO reconstruction algo-
Normalized Performance
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 5.14 The performance of the GD reconstruction algorithm applied to the concentric
phantom experimental data.
stability limited the GD algorithm optimization study to the total number of iterations
performed. Figure 5.14 shows the normalized performance result from 100 GD recon-
structions starting at random parameter values within the domain. The performance
metric from all reconstructions was tracked over the total of 20 iterations performed,
with no improvement in performance observed beyond 10 iterations. The absence of
further improvement in the GD results beyond 10 iterations indicated that all instances
of the algorithm had converged prior to this point, where the normalized performance
metric was 0.66. The high minimum value of the performance metric in Figure 5.14
indicated that the majority of GD reconstructions converged to a parameter combina-
tion representing a local error minimum that was not close to the globally optimum
After optimizing the performance of the CO and GD components of the hybrid algo-
rithm, reconstructions were performed on the experimental phantom data using GD
and CO separately, followed by the hybrid algorithm that combined both techniques.
To evaluate each trial method performed on the experimental data, a total of 100
separate reconstructions were performed. Referring to Figure 5.12, the mean final re-
constructed value for each parameter over all 100 reconstructions, Ā+ , B̄+ , C̄+ , was
compared to the best-fit value for that parameter, Â, B̂, Ĉ, using two metrics. The Ψ2
metric acts as a measure of the mean normalized parameter error,
³ ´2 ³ ´2 ³ ´2
=100 l Ā − Â l B̄ − B̂ l C̄ − Ĉ
+ + +
Σ2 = + + . (5.13)
(N − 1)Â2 (N − 1)B̂ 2 (N − 1)Ĉ 2
In the following results, the example parameter values {A, B, C} are represented by
the shape-based parameters relevant to this experiment, {Es0 , Eh0 , Pc }.
Figure 5.15 is the resulting stiffness solution distribution after performing 100 GD
reconstructions on the concentric data. Each reconstruction had random starting val-
ues and was run for a total of 10 iterations. Reconstruction error metrics Ψ2 and
Σ2 were 0.79 and 0.55 respectively. The finite-difference method used for the Jaco-
bian matrix calculation meant that a total of 40 FE simulations were required for
each reconstruction. The best-fit stiffness profile on the plot represents the parameter
values corresponding to Ω̂, while the measured line is based on the mechanical test-
ing performed in Section 3.2, and the measured interface positions previously given in
Table 4.5.
135 Ē 0 + σE 0
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
Ē 0
Ē 0 − σE 0
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
Figure 5.15 The reconstructed stiffness profile distribution from 100 GD reconstructions on
concentric phantom data, where the measured stiffness profile, and best-fit profile based on Ω̂,
are indicated.
Figure 5.16 shows the result of the optimized CO algorithm applied to the con-
centric phantom displacements, where results at a range of generations are presented.
Figure 5.17 shows results from the hybrid algorithm applied to the same data, where
optimized GD reconstruction was performed following CO, using a starting guess for
the parameters provided by the best result from the CO reconstructions, G+ . Ta-
ble 5.6 summarizes the performance metric results across the optimized reconstruction
algorithms considered, where the values of Ψ2 and Σ2 for the hybrid algorithm are
consistently less than the corresponding CO or GD algorithms.
Ē 0
Ē 0 − σE 0
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(a) CO algorithm, 1 generation.
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(b) CO algorithm, 10 generations.
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(c) CO algorithm, 100 generations.
Figure 5.16 The stiffness profile distribution from 100 CO reconstructions on concentric
phantom data, where the measured stiffness profile, and best-fit profile based on Ω̂, are indi-
135 Ē 0 + σE 0
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(a) Hybrid algorithm, 1 generation CO, 10 iterations GD.
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(b) Hybrid algorithm, 10 generations CO, 10 iterations GD.
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
(c) Hybrid algorithm, 100 generations CO, 10 iterations GD.
Figure 5.17 The stiffness profile distribution from 100 hybrid reconstructions on concen-
tric phantom data, where the measured stiffness profile, and best-fit profile based on Ω̂, are
To confirm the ability of the hybrid algorithm to return the correct stiffness dis-
tribution when given a motion data set from a homogenous phantom, the algorithm
was additionally performed 100 times on the soft homogeneous silicone phantom data
set previously studied in Section 4.2. The hybrid algorithm in this case comprised 10
CO generations followed by 10 GD iterations, a combination found to give the best
performance when considering computational cost, based on the results in Table 5.6.
Consecutive Solves
Iterations Metric Serial Parallel
Algorithm CO GD Ψ2 Σ2 (actual) (theory)
GD - 10 0.79 0.55 40 10
CO 1 - 0.64 0.19 10 1
10 - 0.41 0.09 100 10
100 - 0.25 0.04 1,000 100
Hybrid 1 10 0.39 0.07 50 11
10 10 0.25 0.03 140 20
100 10 0.23 0.03 1,040 110
The distribution of stiffness profiles from these 100 results is shown in Figure 5.18,
along with the corresponding measured, and minimum error profiles. Near constant
soft stiffness is clearly indicated in the result, with increased uncertainty towards the
center of the phantom as a result of the distance from the measured displacements on
the surface. The reconstruction metrics Ψ2 and Σ2 are not relevant in the homogenous
case, where the only independent parameter is Es0 . The best-fit storage modulus value
of 28 kPa in Figure 5.18, representing the value of Es0 corresponding to Ω̂ for this error
domain, is in agreement with the estimated value of E 0 = 28 kPa for the soft silicone
phantom in Section 4.2.
5.3.3 Discussion
The results shown in Figures 5.15–5.17 are the distribution of the spatially interpreted
stiffness solutions resulting from performing 100 of the respective reconstructions. As
such, they should not be interpreted as the ‘result’ of a reconstruction, but rather a
distribution drawn from several reconstruction results. Reduced values of Ψ and Σ2 are
desirable, as they indicate both reduced mean error and reduced uncertainty, which is
important when performing a limited number of reconstructions on a real data set.
The distribution of GD reconstruction results shown in Figure 5.15 do not give a
close match to the best-fit phantom stiffness distribution, with reconstruction metrics
135 Ē 0 + σE 0
0 13 16 37
Radial Position (mm)
Figure 5.18 The reconstructed stiffness profile distribution from 100 hybrid reconstructions
performed on the soft homogenous silicone phantom data, where the measured stiffness profile,
and best-fit profile based on Ω̂, are indicated.
of Ψ2 = 0.79, Σ2 = 0.55. The large variance visible in the plot at all radial positions
indicates that the GD reconstructions failed to converge consistently for the parameters
Es0 , Eh0 and Pc . Even using a damped material model, it is apparent that local minima
severely hamper the algorithm performance, a result consistent with previous studies
applying the GD method to reconstructions with fewer parameters in Sections 5.1
and 5.2.
Table 5.6 summarizes the number of FE simulations required for each instance of
the three algorithms considered. The results from this study using a serial computation
approach show that performing fewer than 100 CO generations can significantly reduce
computational cost, while retaining a significant reconstruction performance advan-
priori stiffness assumption described in Section 4.3.3 are used to add an additional
shape parameter to the reconstruction problem. The new geometry used for this study
was a hard inclusion completely contained within a soft body, representing the closest
experimental approximation to a clinical scenario considered to this point.
A ‘spherical’ heterogeneous silicone phantom was created using the same methods and
materials as the stacked and concentric silicone phantoms described in Chapter 3.
The phantom comprised a 40 mm diameter sphere of hard silicone suspended within
a soft silicone cylinder of the same external geometry as previous silicone phantoms.
Creating the phantom involved first casting the spherical inclusion from hard silicone,
then suspending this sphere within the cylindrical mold phantom mold while pouring
soft silicone to the desired level.
Experimental motion capture from the spherical phantom used the same hard-
ware and settings as described in Section 3.3.2, where mechanical actuation was at a
frequency of 100 Hz, with a 0.5 mm amplitude. Figure 5.19 contains an image of the
phantom during actuation, along with the tracked reference points on the phantom
surface across one steady state motion cycle. The motion fitting performed on this
experimental data used the same damped assumption as all previous silicone phantom
Figure 5.19 The experimentally observed motion of the spherical silicone phantom.
The elastic reconstruction of the spherical phantom considered a total of three parame-
ters, allowing the hybrid algorithm applied in Section 5.3 to be used in this study with
minimal modification. The contradictive approach to internal stiffness estimation in-
troduced in Section 4.3.2 required any hard inclusion to have a constant stiffness value,
meaning the value of Eh0 was fixed, and hence no longer a reconstructed parameter. The
loss of this second stiffness parameter allowed the more complicated spherical phantom
geometry to be described using an additional positional value without increasing the to-
tal number of independent parameters. Here, the ratio of the inclusion diameter to the
overall phantom diameter was described by the parameter Pd . Physical measurements
of the phantom gave an actual value for this parameter of P̂d = 57%. The vertical po-
sition of the spherical inclusion, which was assumed to always lie along the central axis
of the cylinder, was described by the height parameter Ph , where P̂h = 50%. During all
reconstructions, the soft modulus value, Es0 , was expressed to the nearest 1 kPa, while
the values for the positional parameters Pd and Ph were calculated to the nearest 5 %.
A first attempt at three parameter reconstruction of the spherical phantom was made
using the hybrid algorithm settings obtained in Section 5.3, where Πmate = 0.6, Πmutate =
0.2, and the number of genes was set at NG = 10. Both CO and GD phases of the
hybrid algorithm were run for 10 iterations. Figure 5.20(a) shows the mean stiffness
distribution resulting from 100 hybrid reconstructions performed on the spherical ge-
ometry. The plane of the figure passes through the center of the cylindrical phantom,
and the stiffness value at each point within the image is calculated as the mean indi-
cated stiffness value over all reconstruction results. The measured position and size of
the actual phantom inclusion is indicated as a dashed circle. Two distinct regions of
high stiffness are visible, where an area of high stiffness near the top of the phantom is
indicated in addition to the expected centrally located hard region.
The inconclusive result in Figure 5.20(a) led to an adjustment in the hybrid al-
gorithm settings, based on the results from the optimization study performed in Sec-
tion 5.3. The previous study found that increasing the number of genes in the CO phase
of the hybrid algorithm had a significant performance benefit, even when considering
the increased computational cost associated with the larger population. With this re-
sult in mind, reconstructions were performed on the spherical geometry using greater
values for NG , where the stiffness distribution resulting from hybrid reconstructions
performed with NG = 50 is shown in Figure 5.20(b). Here, improvement can be seen
in the spatial modulus distribution, where the presence of the large inclusion near the
top of the phantom is somewhat diminished.
74 74
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
0 0
{37 Radial Position (mm) 37 {37 Radial Position (mm) 37
Figure 5.20 A spatial representation of the spherical phantom modulus reconstructed using
the hybrid algorithm with varying numbers of genes.
The specificity of the hybrid algorithm applied to the spherical geometry was evaluated
by reconstructing internal stiffness using the spherical model and the experimental
motion data obtained from the soft homogeneous silicone phantom. In this case, the
expected result was an entirely soft distribution free from significant hard inclusions.
The actual reconstructed stiffness distribution obtained is shown in Figure 5.22, where
all reconstructions used the same algorithm settings as those used when generating
Figure 5.21.
74 74
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
0 0
{37 Radial Position (mm) 37 {37 Radial Position (mm) 37
100 Ē 0 + σE 0
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
Ē 0
Ē 0 − σE 0
0 17 54 74
Height (mm)
(c) Modulus variation along the dashed vertical transect in (a), where the target
profile is indicated.
Figure 5.21 The spherical silicone phantom modulus distribution reconstructed using a con-
tradictive hybrid algorithm with 100 genes.
74 74
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
0 0
{37 Radial Position (mm) 37 {37 Radial Position (mm) 37
Ē 0 + σE 0
Storage Modulus, E 0 (kPa)
Ē 0
Ē 0 − σE 0
0 74
Height (mm)
(c) Modulus variation along the dashed vertical transect in (a), where the target
profile is indicated.
Figure 5.22 The soft homogenous silicone phantom modulus distribution reconstructed using
a contradictive hybrid algorithm with 100 genes.
Two small areas of moderate stiffness are visible in the resulting plots at positions
near the top of the model. In both cases, the modulus variance in the vicinity of the
areas of increased stiffness is correspondingly high. The estimated value for the soft
modulus was Es0 = 28 kPa.
5.5 Discussion
The reconstructed results in Figure 5.20 indicate that the three dimensional error do-
main for the spherical reconstruction problem does not contain an obvious single min-
imum value. A bi-modal distribution is apparent, with Figure 5.20(a) indicating that
approximately half of all reconstructions predicted a large inclusion located near the
top of the phantom model that would be visible on the upper phantom surface. While
the use of CO in previous reconstructions allowed the hybrid algorithm to avoid such
local minima, the presence of two potential solutions with very similar surface error
metric values presents a significant challenge to the hybrid algorithm when using a
population comprising 10 genes.
The improvement in reconstructed modulus distribution when adding genes to the
CO phase of the hybrid reconstruction indicates that while the presence of the upper
inclusion was the result of a local error minimum, the global error minimum Ω̂ closely
corresponds to parameters describing the actual phantom geometry. Additional genes
increase the diversity of the CO population, meaning that mating and mutation have
a greater chance of creating an offspring gene closer to the globally optimal parameter
combination. The population diversity when NG = 100 reached a level at which the
globally optimum solution was preferred by almost all reconstructions.
Figure 5.23 shows a plane through the error domain for the spherical case at Es0 =
27 kPa, containing the global minimum error value Ω̂. This plot confirms that the
strongly bi-modal distribution observed during the initial reconstructions is the result
of a local error minimum within the parameter domain. A region of low motion error
is visible at inclusion diameter and height values greater than the globally optimal
solution. The large three-dimensional size of this region means that a large number
of solutions converge here, despite the region not containing Ω̂. However, the positive
result obtained following an increase in the size of the CO population to NG = 100
indicates that significant local minimum can be overcome with prudent modification of
the hybrid algorithm settings.
The existence of substantial local error minimum in the spherical case is likely
due to a lack of motion data from the upper surface of the phantom. The surface
error studies performed on the stacked phantom in Section 4.3 indicate that when
surface reference points are located across an external boundary between soft and hard
material, the existence and position of such an interface can be clearly determined.
0 45 100
Inclusion Diameter, Pd (%)
Figure 5.23 A plane at Es0 = 27 kPa through the spherical phantom error domain, where the
location of global minimum error, Ω̂, is indicated (+).
Additional reference points on the top surface of the phantom should allow the motion
error metric to clearly identify the presence or absence of inclusions near or at the top
surface of the model based on their surface displacement values.
The slight underestimation of the size of the spherical inclusion in Figure 5.21
is likely a result of the nodal stiffness interpolation used in the FE model, and is in
line with the results from the concentric phantom in Section 5.3. Additionally, the
rounding of Pd during the reconstructions may have led to a small underestimation of
the predicted inclusion diameter.
The specificity analysis of the hybrid reconstruction algorithm using the homoge-
neous phantom experimental data indicated the presence of small, moderate stiffness
regions near the top of the phantom. While the soft modulus value reconstructed
across the majority of the phantom was in good agreement with the 28 kPa value ob-
tained from the soft homogeneous silicone phantom in Section 4.2, the small areas of
elevated stiffness are undesirable, as the ability of any screening system to minimize
the occurrence of false positive results is important. Consideration of the error domain
for the homogeneous phantom reconstruction, shown in Figure 5.24, reveals that the
presence of the small inclusions near the top of the model are due to inaccuracies in
the error domain. Here, the global error metric minimum Ω̂ occurs at Pd = 20%,
Ph = 75%, conflicting with the expected location of this minimum, along the left edge
of the figure at Pd = 0%. While the difference in motion error metric between these
two locations is very small, the increased performance of the hybrid algorithm with
100 genes meant that a large number of solutions converged to this globally optimal
combination of parameters. This result is further evidence that motion data at the
upper phantom surface may improve the ability of the surface error metric to correctly
eliminate geometries that predict inclusions near the top of the model.
Inclusion Height, Ph (%)
0 20 100
Inclusion Diameter, Pd (%)
Figure 5.24 A plane at Es0 = 26 kPa through the soft homogeneous phantom error domain,
where the location of minimum error within the plane is indicated (+).
Despite the challenges presented by both error domains, the presence of a hard
inclusion in the spherical case was more strongly suggested than the presence of any
hard area in the homogeneous phantom. All areas of elevated stiffness corresponded
to the highest observed values for modulus variance in the homogeneous phantom
reconstructions. This result differs from the spherical case, where variance values within
the interior of the hard inclusion were lower, and the highest variance values were
around the edge of the inclusion, as expected.
Increasing the number of genes in the CO stage of the hybrid reconstruction gives
a subsequent increase in computational cost, summarized in Table 5.7. Here, the hy-
brid reconstructions with NG = 100 require 10 times the number of FE solves as the
baseline case where NG = 10, when performed on a serial system. However, the in-
herent suitability of CO to parallel computation means that if performed on a large
parallel system of processors, an increase in genes would not increase the overall time
required for computation, as each gene would be simulated on a dedicated processor.
Additionally, it should be noted that all the hybrid reconstructions required signifi-
cantly less computational effort than an exhaustive search within the problem domain.
For the spherical geometry considered in this case, with a total of three independent
parameters, an exhaustive search would involve a total of 4,851 FE simulations.
Table 5.7 Computational cost considerations for the hybrid algorithm applied to the spherical
silicone phantom.
Consecutive Solves
Serial Parallel
Algorithm NG (actual) (theory)
Hybrid 10 140 20
50 540 20
100 1,040 20
The final reconstruction study indicated that the hybrid reconstruction method had
the ability to reconstruct the internal stiffness distribution of a more realistic geometry
containing a spherical inclusion. While the algorithm required additional tuning to
achieve a positive result in this case, the additional computational cost could be offset
with the use of parallel computation. The continued presence of local error minima in
this study highlighted the requirement of a DIET system to have accurate motion data
from as much of the exposed object surface as possible, if reconstruction results are to
return the expected stiffness distribution.
Chapter 6
The research presented in this thesis has shown the DIET approach to stiffness recon-
struction to be both technically and clinically realistic. The feasibility of the system
has been evaluated and proven with a range of analytical and experimental testing.
Promising results have been obtained that warrant further system development to-
wards the eventual goal of a clinical trial. This chapter presents the technical and
clinical conclusions that can be drawn from the research performed to this point.
considering the experimental uncertainties present. This result is the first of its kind
in the field, and indicates a major milestone in the technical validation of the DIET
approach to stiffness reconstruction.
Metrics to measure both the accuracy of a reconstruction method and its compu-
tational cost were developed and implemented. These metrics allowed the evaluation
of each reconstruction algorithm to include performance aspects from both a technical
and practical standpoint. In addition, the computational cost metrics give a useful indi-
cation of the time required to perform the reconstruction on modern, parallel computer
A novel hybrid reconstruction algorithm was implemented and was able to suc-
cessfully reconstruct internal stiffness based on minimal surface motion measurements.
While this method was identified as having a greater computational cost than a gradient-
descent method performed in isolation, the performance of the hybrid approach far
outweighed the extra computation required. In addition, the success of the DIET re-
constructions with such a limited set of input data gives this method a distinct advan-
tage over alternative modalities such as MRE, where the full-volume data sets involved
require significant resources and computation at the data acquisition stage.
During both analytical and experimental stages of the research, sources of mod-
elling and experimental error were identified. The magnitude and consequences of these
errors were considered when evaluating the accuracy of the results obtained. When
necessary and practical, advances in experimental technique and modelling strategy
allowed these sources of error to be minimized or eliminated, giving greater confidence
in the subsequent outcomes.
When considered from a technical standpoint, the DIET approach to stiffness re-
construction provides an output that is comparable to similar elastographic techniques.
That these results are obtained with significantly less input data presents a significant
advantage when considering the practicalities of experimental data collection. In addi-
tion, the effective computational cost of DIET reconstruction is rapidly diminishing as
parallel computing becomes more mainstream.
Analytical pre-cursor studies were completed as a proof of concept for the DIET system.
The result of this work indicated that the concept of stiffness reconstruction using
DIET may have clinical applicability, and warranted further investigation. While the
geometry used in these studies was not an exact match to clinical reality, it was shown
that the observed surface motions from an object the same size as a human breast
could be used to differentiate between internal stiffness configurations.
The experimental results from gelatine and silicone phantoms indicated that the
DIET method can reconstruct elastic properties in an experimental situation. Here,
stiffness identification of homogeneous phantoms was performed with good agreement
to independent test results. Significantly, the difference in observed surface motion
between homogeneous phantoms with a stiffness contrast less than independently-
measured tumor contrast values was clearly evident.
Further experiments using silicone phantoms indicated that in addition to homo-
geneous phantoms, heterogeneous stiffness distributions could be identified using only
surface measurements. These experiments provided a further step towards clinical re-
ality, where the identification of areas of different stiffness within a single object is a
key objective. Results from the concentric and spherical silicone phantoms were ob-
tained with measurements made entirely on the soft region of the phantom, in a similar
manner to the envisaged experimental data collection from a human breast.
The contradictive approach to inclusion imaging was found to give more accurate
results than the traditional corroborative approach. The contradictive approach places
more emphasis on correctly identifying parameters that have the greatest affect on the
observed motion in an attempt to increase the efficiency of the reconstruction process.
In a clinical scenario, any loss of accuracy when assuming an inclusion stiffness value
would not present a significant disadvantage, as the DIET system is intended as a
screening test focused on the presence of inclusions, rather than their exact stiffness.
The final evaluation of the DIET system used a phantom with a spherical inclu-
sion, and showed that reconstruction of simple geometry resembling the configuration
of a breast tumor is possible. While the exact stiffness was not characterized, the
high stiffness of the inclusion was identified to within accuracy limits acceptable for
a screening test. In addition, the specificity of the system was demonstrated, along
with clear indications of how this metric could be improved. These encouraging results
suggest that further system development should be pursued, with the medium-term
aim of obtaining experimental data from a human subject.
Chapter 7
Future Work
The work presented in this thesis developed a number of aspects of the DIET system
from a theoretical proof of concept experiment through to a successful elastic property
reconstruction on heterogeneous, tissue-approximating phantoms. Although the more
complicated geometries that will be present in a clinical scenario may require a more
sophisticated approach to the description of the shape of an inclusion, the framework
developed during this research should allow advances in actuation, data capture, and
model simulation to be incorporated without significant effort. This chapter includes
thoughts on the development required to improve the DIET system towards its appli-
cation in a clinical scenario.
While the range of reconstructions performed were able to clearly indicate the pres-
ence of an inclusion, the limits of this reconstruction have not been explored. Such a
study would involve creating a range of phantoms with spherical inclusions of vary-
ing size. In conjunction with an increased reference point coverage, this experiment
should provide an indication of the minimum size inclusion the DIET system can ac-
Reducing the amplitude of actuation for subsequent phantom testing may help to
reduce the observed under-estimation of experimental displacement by the linear FE
model. Recent results from the motion tracking system have indicated that reduced
point motion amplitude would not present a significant problem when tracking points,
removing the requirement for the larger amplitudes used for the experimental work in
this thesis. While the addition of material non-linearity to the FE model provides an
alternative approach to improving the displacement match, such a change would add
significant complexity to any reconstruction problem that is undesirable at this stage.
Varying the frequency of actuation has the potential to provide additional exper-
imental information useful for the reconstruction problem. Here, a range of data sets
taken across different frequencies would allow the phantom motion at a range of mode
shapes to be characterized. The presence of an inclusion may be more obvious in a
specific mode of vibration, allowing a reconstruction performed using data at more
than one actuation frequency to identify inclusions not visible at a single frequency
alone. Clinically, such an approach should not present a significant challenge, allowing
motion at a range of frequencies to be obtained from a patient in a matter of minutes.
The scenario of multiple inclusions has not been addressed in research to this
point. This situation presents an additional experimental scenario relevant to DIET
system development, particularly as the case of multiple tumors within a single breast is
clinically relevant. The description of internal geometry in such cases may benefit from
the use of the shape functions previously described, and is likely to require an increase in
the number of reconstructed parameters. The current phantom manufacturing process
would not require significant modification in order to create phantoms with multiple
semble breast geometry can be tested, providing more clinically relevant data for the
reconstruction problem.
Boundary Element Methods (BEM) are being investigated as an alternative to the
current FE method used for simulating model displacements using a computer [115].
By formulating the forward problem in terms of boundary integral equations, surface
displacements can be obtained using a mesh that only describes the external and inter-
nal boundaries between discrete regions. While currently limited to a two-dimensional
case, BEM is showing promise for incorporation into the DIET system, allowing model
simulation using only the relevant surface geometry information.
A major goal for the DIET system is a clinical test that would provide a set
of surface displacements from a real breast. Such a test requires the development
of a patient positioning device, and refinement of the actuation and motion capture
system. While these developments will present a range of significant challenges, having
experimental data from a real breast will allow reconstruction algorithms to be refined
for use with clinically relevant data.
Appendix A
The finite element (FE) method is a powerful tool that allows computers to simulate
a large range of physical scenarios. When used to solve problems in computational
solid mechanics, FE methods can generate transient and steady-state solutions in both
static and time-harmonic scenarios. The material in this appendix is intended to give
a brief overview of the FE approach used to solve steady-state, time-harmonic solid
mechanics problems for three-dimensional models.
Weighted Residuals
The equilibrium conditions for a solid body in a static system can be expressed as a
null divergence of the stress tensor,
σij,j = 0. (A.1)
where ρ represents the material density, ω the system frequency, and ūi motion am-
plitude, and σ̄ the corresponding time-harmonic stress tensor. In the case where the
exact displacement solution within the body is not known, and approximated as û,
Equation A.2 will have a non-zero residual term,
where σ̂ are the stresses given by the approximate displacement solution û. In the
ideal case this residual term will be zero over the entire domain, meaning any weighted
integration of R should also be zero,
D ¡ ¢E
W k σ̂ij,j + ρω 2 ûi = 0, (A.4)
where the angled brackets indicate integration over the three-dimensional domain, and
W k is an arbitrarily-chosen weighting function. As the number of weighting functions,
Nk , increases, the match between the approximate and exact stress solutions improves
towards the limit,
Interpolating Polynomials
The FE method makes use of interpolating functions, φk , to describe the value of field
variables at any position within the domain. It is the local influence of these interpolat-
ing polynomials that leads to the quantification ‘finite’ in ‘finite element methods’. The
shape functions used for field interpolation can take a variety of forms, including simple
linear functions, and any number of higher-order descriptions. While higher-order func-
tions, such as cubic polynomials, allow a more accurate description of field variables
within a discretized element, the integration performed on these elements has added
complexity. Given limited computational resources, a choice must be made between
using high-order polynomials on larger elements, or smaller elements with simpler in-
terpolating functions. Linear interpolating functions were used in this work, allowing a
fine discretization of the domain while reducing integration times. An example of the
linear tetrahedral element used in all three-dimensional FE code is shown in Figure A.1,
where the four nodes are numbered according to a right-handed convention.
When considering the case where the interpolating polynomial is linear, field vari-
able interpolation within a four-noded tetrahedral element takes the form
ûe = ûk φk (x, y, z), (A.6)
Node 4
Node 2
Node 3
Node 1
Figure A.1 A three-dimensional linear tetrahedral element with nodes numbered according
to a right-handed convention.
The Galerkin method refers to a technique where the weighting functions described in
relation to the method of weighted residuals additionally form the basis functions for
the interpolating polynomials,
W k = φk (A.7)
This approach is widely popular in FE techniques due to its simplicity and effectiveness.
It is standard practice in FE methods to perform the integration of the weighted
residual statement in Equation A.4 using Green’s theorem,
D ¡ ¢E
φki σ̂ij,j + ρω 2 ûi =0
− φki,j σ̂ij + φki ρω 2 ûi + ° φki σ̂ij nj dS = 0, (A.8)
where nj is a surface outward normal unit vector. Equation A.8 is termed the ‘weak’
formulation of the weighted residual statement, as stress boundary conditions are only
required to match an integration over the surface upon which they are applied.
²̄ij = 2 (ūi,j + ūj,i ) , (A.9)
while the corresponding relationship between strains and stresses can be described as
where λ and µ are Lamé’s constants, and δij is the Kronecker delta function. Substi-
tuting the relationships defined in Equations A.9 and A.10 into the weak form, given
in Equation A.8 for the time-harmonic case, and writing out terms in full for the
x-direction gives
D ∂ û µ ¶
x ∂ ûx ∂ ûy ∂ ûz ∂φi E
2µ +λ + + + ...
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x
D µ ∂ û ¶
∂ ûy ∂φi E D
µ ¶
∂ ûx ∂ ûy ∂φi E
µ + + µ + = −ρω 2 ûx . (A.11)
∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x
£ ¤
k {u} = {b} , (A.12)
where the stiffness matrix [k] contains the material property terms, and {b} represents
forcing terms arising from inertial forces or externally-applied constraints. For the
three-dimensional case, each node has three degrees of freedom representing orthogonal
displacement components, and local stiffness matrix terms are defined
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k11 = (2µ + λ) +µ +µ
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k12 = λ +µ
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k13 = λ +µ
∂x ∂z ∂z ∂x
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k21 = λ +µ
∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k22 = µ + (2µ + λ) +µ (A.13)
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k23 = λ +µ
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂y
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k31 = λ +µ
∂z ∂x ∂x ∂z
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k32 = λ +µ
∂z ∂y ∂y ∂z
* +
∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
k33 = µ +µ + (2µ + λ) .
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Following the assembly of these local element matrices into a global stiffness matrix,
which is sparse, symmetric, and positive definite, the global displacement field û can
be calculated via matrix inversion.
² = ²1 = ²2 . (A.14)
Figure A.2 A Voigt element, where a spring and dashpot are connected in parallel.
In addition, the total stress within the element can be expressed as the sum of the
individual component stresses,
σ = σ1 + σ2 (A.15)
Utilizing the stress-strain relationships for a linear spring and a dashpot, this combined
element stress can be expressed as
σ = E² + η ²̇, (A.16)
where E has units of Nm−2 , η has units of Nm−2 s, and ²̇ indicates the time-derivative
of strain. Substituting a time-harmonic stress and strain variation into the stress
definition provided by Equation A.16 and simplifying,
where the overbar indicates the amplitude of the stress and strain terms. In this case,
the equivalent elastic modulus of the element is a complex term with both real and
imaginary components,
E ∗ = E 0 + iE 00 , (A.18)
While the modulus components derived here are accurate only for a Voigt element,
a complex-valued elastic modulus can be developed from many combinations of springs
and dashpots. When simulating damped model displacements using FE methods in this
work, the generalized description of this complex modulus provided by Equation A.18
was used, and no direct comparison to a specific rheological model was made.
The reference solution for this situation was obtained via FE simulation using an
incompressible material model. For the incompressible simulations, the model was
meshed using 27-noded quadratic elements, with an average element edge length of
4.7 mm, giving a total of 11,000 nodes, and 1,200 elements. The observed displacement
fields for this model over the range of values for Poisson’s ratio are shown in Figure A.3.
(a) ν = 0.45. (b) ν = 0.47. (c) ν = 0.48. (d) ν = 0.49. (e) ν = 0.495. (f) ν = 0.499.
Figure A.3 Incompressible FE model displacement fields at a range of Poisson’s ratio values.
The FE mesh for compressible elasticity simulations was composed of linear tetra-
hedral elements. The average element edge length was approximately 2.5 mm, giving
a total of 27,000 nodes, and 146,000 elements. Displacement fields from FE simulation
using the compressible FE model are shown in Figure A.4 for the range of Poisson’s
ratio values considered.
(a) ν = 0.45. (b) ν = 0.47. (c) ν = 0.48. (d) ν = 0.49. (e) ν = 0.495. (f) ν = 0.499.
Figure A.4 Compressible FE model displacement fields at a range of Poisson’s ratio values.
The displacement fields from the compressible simulations show good agreement
with the reference solution at values of Poisson’s ratio up to and including ν = 0.49.
Below this value, the observed wavelength and motion field are very similar to the
reference case in Figure A.3. At ν = 0.49, small inconsistencies are visible, but the
overall motion field is still regular, and generally consistent with the reference solution.
Simulated displacement fields in Figure A.4 at Poisson’s ratio values above ν = 0.49
indicate that FE simulations in this region begin to lose accuracy when compared to
the reference results. At ν = 0.495, clear variation is apparent, and at ν = 0.499, the
standing wave pattern has been significantly disrupted, and can not be relied on as an
accurate approximation to real-world behavior.
The simulations performed using a compressible elasticity FE model show good
agreement to a reference solution generated using an incompressible material model
for values of Poisson’s ratio up to and including ν = 0.49. The appearance of slight
deviation from the reference solution at ν = 0.49 means that this value should represent
the upper limit for simulations if the compressible FE model is expected to be free from
significant numerical inaccuracies.
Appendix B
This appendix contains Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the two types of
silicone used during phantom manufacture.
P.O. Box 1339 P.O. Box 1339
Lakeside, AZ 85929 Lakeside, AZ 85929
Factor II, Factor II,
Phone:(928) 537-8387 Phone:(928) 537-8387
Incorporated Fax: (928) 537-0893 Incorporated Fax: (928) 537-0893
To promote safe handling each customer or recipient should: (1) notify and furnish its employees, agents, contractors, UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOXION HAZARDS: None Known
customers, and others whom it knows or believes will use this material of the information regarding hazards or safety; (2)
request its customers to notify their employees, customers and other users of the product of this information. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT Contain the spill or leak, scrape up with cardboard or a ra and place in a container.
PRODUCT NAME: RTV Heat Cure Silicone WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations.
CHEMICAL NAME: Organopolysiloxane Mixture
MATERIAL CAS# Keep container tightly closed. Store in cool place and keep away from Heat or Flame.
POLYMER-ORGANOPOLYSILOXANE 68083192 <60 Don’t lay container on its side.
MIXTURE 13983170/131 <20
MINERAL FILLERS 4234 <20 8. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (based on typical material)
SILICA FILLER 67762907 APPEARANCE & ODOR: Clear odorless paste
Personal Protection Recommended: Use local exhaust. Ventilation is required. Use a NIOSH approved respirator to SOLUBILITY IN WATER (By wt): Insoluble
prevent overexposure. Reference 29CFR 1910.134 for Federal standards concerning respiratory protection. Wear SPECIFIC GRAVITY (water=1) 1.23
impervious gloves and protective clothing as required to prevent skin contact. Wear protective goggles to prevent eye
contact. An eyewash and safety shower should be nearby and ready for use. Note: The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications.
EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: STABILITY: Stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Induce Vomiting HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Silicon
SKIN: Dioxide
Wash with soap and water.
Remove to fresh air.. Not available
Immediately flush eyes with water and continue washing for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists seek medical 11. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
attention. ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Keep out of sewage system.
There is no specific antidote. Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical 12. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS
condition of the patient. Use proper landfill disposal or incineration.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Title III requires emergency planning based on 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT
Threshold Planning Quantities (TPQ's) and release reporting based on Reportable Quantities (RQ's) in 40 CFR 355 PRODUCT NAME: Catalyst for RTV Heat Cure Silicone
(used for SARA 302, 304, 3 1, and 312). Components present in this product at a level which could require CHEMICAL NAME: Organopolysiloxane Mixture
reporting under the statute are: **** NONE ****
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Title III requires submission of annual reports of
release of toxic chemicals that appear in 40 CFR 372 (for SARA 3 ~ 3). This information must be included in all MSD S's MATERIAL CAS#
that are copied and distributed for this material. Components present in this product at a level which could require PROPRITARY-ORGANOPOLYSILOXANE 63148607/471 >90
reporting under this statute are: *** NONE**** MIXTURE 341 <10
The ingredients of this product are listed on, or are exempt from listing on, the TSCA inventory.
Personal Protection Recommended: Use local exhaust. Ventilation is required. Use a NIOSH approved respirator to
prevent overexposure. Reference 29CFR 1910.134 for Federal standards concerning respiratory protection. Wear
Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0
impervious gloves and protective clothing as required to prevent skin contact. Wear protective goggles to prevent eye
We believe that the information contained herein is current as of the date of this Material Safety Data Sheet, and is contact. An eyewash and safety shower should be nearby and ready for use.
offered in good faith. Since the use of this information and of these opinions and the conditions of the use of the product
are not within the control of Factor II Technology, it is the user's obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of the 4. FIRST AID MEASURES
Factor II Technology Regulatory Compliance Department SKIN:
Wash with soap and water.
Remove to fresh air.
Immediately flush eyes with water and continue washing for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists seek medical
There is no specific antidote. Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical
condition of the patient.
Revised 3/27/2007
Revised 3/27/2007
P.O. Box 1339 P.O. Box 1339
Lakeside, AZ 85929 Lakeside, AZ 85929
Factor II, Factor II,
Phone:(928) 537-8387 Phone:(928) 537-8387
Incorporated Fax: (928) 537-0893 Incorporated Fax: (928) 537-0893
FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR (by volume): Not Applicable N/A Chemicals (Hazards Information and Packaging) Regulations 1993 requires physico-chemical and health hazard
determination of all substances and preparations manufactured, transported, stored, modified, or consumed within the
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry Chemical ,Foam or Carbon Dioxide EEC. Components present in this product at a level which could require reporting under the statute are:
****NONE ****
Comprehensive Environniental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) requires notification of the
6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES National Response Center of release of quantities of Hazardous Substances equal to or greater than the reportable
STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: quantities (RQ's) in 40 CFR 302.4. Components present in this product at a level which could require reporting under the
Contain the spill or leak, scrape up with cardboard or a ra and place in a container. statute are: ****NONE ****
WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Title III requires emergency planning based on
7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Threshold Planning Quantities (TPQ's) and release reporting based on Reportable Quantities (RQ's) in 40 CFR 355
PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: (used for SARA 302, 304, 3 1, and 312). Components present in this product at a level which could require
Keep container tightly closed. Store in cool place and keep away from Heat or Flame. reporting under the statute are: **** NONE ****
8. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (based on typical material) Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Title III requires submission of annual reports of
APPEARANCE & ODOR: Slight solvent odor release of toxic chemicals that appear in 40 CFR 372 (for SARA 3 ~ 3). This information must be included in all MSD S's
BOILING POINT: 500 F that are copied and distributed for this material. Components present in this product at a level which could require
VAPOR PRESSURE at 77 Fmm Hg reporting under this statute are: *** NONE****
SOLUBILITY IN WATER (By wt): Insoluble The ingredients of this product are listed on, or are exempt from listing on, the TSCA inventory.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY (water=1) 1.00
Note: The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications. HMIS FORMAT:
Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0
9. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY DATASTABILITY: Stable. Hazardous polymerization will not occur. We believe that the information contained herein is current as of the date of this Material Safety Data Sheet, and is
INCOMPATIBILITY: None known offered in good faith. Since the use of this information and of these opinions and the conditions of the use of the product
HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Silicon are not within the control of Factor II Technology, it is the user's obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of the
Dioxide, hYDROGEN product.
INCOMPATIBILITY: avoid contact with acidic bases and oxidizing agents Factor II Technology Regulatory Compliance Department
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: product generates flammable gas on contact with acidic, basic and oxidizing material.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Chronic Effects: This product does not contain any ingredient designated by IARC, NTP, ACGIH or OSHA as probable or
suspected human carcinogens.
Physical Appearance and Odor: clear paste-like liquid, odorless. FIRE HAZARD DATA:
Warning Statements: Flash Point: 190 C (374 F). Flammability Class: WILL BURN.
Based on currently available data, this product does not meet the regulatory definition of a hazardous substance. However,
good industrial hygiene practices should be used in handling it. Method Used: Cleveland Open Cup
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Store in tightly closed containers. Store in an area that is clean, well-ventilated, away from ignition sources, away from
Extinguishing Media: Recommended: dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide, water fog. incompatible materials (see Section 10. Stability and Reactivity).
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Factor II, Incorporated Factor II, Incorporated
Inventing and Innovating… Inventing and Innovating…
(Information: 1.928.537.8387) (Information: 1.928.537.8387)
In case of emergency call number above In case of emergency call number above
9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Avoid The Following To Inhibit Hazardous Polymerization:
not applicable
Physical and Chemical properties here represent typical properties of this product. Contact the business area using the
Product Information phone number in Section 1 for its exact specifications.
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Inventory Issues:
All functional components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory.
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Factor II, Incorporated Factor II, Incorporated
Inventing and Innovating… Inventing and Innovating…
(Information: 1.928.537.8387) (Information: 1.928.537.8387)
In case of emergency call number above In case of emergency call number above
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Chronic Effects: This product does not contain any ingredient designated by IARC, NTP, ACGIH or OSHA as probable or
suspected human carcinogens.
Physical Appearance and Odor: clear paste-like liquid, odorless. FIRE HAZARD DATA:
Warning Statements: Flash Point: 190 C (374 F). Flammability Class: WILL BURN.
Based on currently available data, this product does not meet the regulatory definition of a hazardous substance. However,
good industrial hygiene practices should be used in handling it. Method Used: Cleveland Open Cup
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Store in tightly closed containers. Store in an area that is clean, well-ventilated, away from ignition sources, away from
Extinguishing Media: Recommended: dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide, water fog. incompatible materials (see Section 10. Stability and Reactivity).
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Factor II, Incorporated Factor II, Incorporated
Inventing and Innovating… Inventing and Innovating…
(Information: 1.928.537.8387) (Information: 1.928.537.8387)
In case of emergency call number above In case of emergency call number above
9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Avoid The Following To Inhibit Hazardous Polymerization:
not applicable
Physical and Chemical properties here represent typical properties of this product. Contact the business area using the
Product Information phone number in Section 1 for its exact specifications.
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
Inventory Issues:
All functional components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory.
Revised 12/14/2006 Revised 12/14/2006
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