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Quicksort PDF

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(CLRS 7)

• We previously saw how the divide-and-conquer technique can be used to design sorting

– Partition n elements array A into two subarrays of n/2 elements each

– Sort the two subarrays recursively
– Merge the two subarrays

Running time: T (n) = 2T (n/2) + Θ(n) ⇒ T (n) = Θ(n log n)

• Another possibility is to divide the elements such that there is no need of merging, that is

– Partition A[1...n] into subarrays A0 = A[1..q] and A” = A[q +1...n] such that all elements
in A” are larger than all elements in A0 .
– Recursively sort A0 and A”.
– (nothing to combine/merge. A already sorted after sorting A0 and A”)

• Pseudo code for Quicksort:

Quicksort(A, p, r)
IF p < r THEN
q=Partition(A, p, r)
Quicksort(A, p, q − 1)
Quicksort(A, q + 1, r)

Sort using Quicksort(A, 1, n)

If q = n/2 and we divide in Θ(n) time, we again get the recurrence T (n) = 2T (n/2) + Θ(n)
for the running time ⇒ T (n) = Θ(n log n)
The problem is that it is hard to develop partition algorithm which always divide A in two

Partition(A, p, r)
x = A[r]
FOR j = p TO r − 1 DO
IF A[j] ≤ x THEN
Exchange A[i] and A[j]
Exchange A[i + 1] and A[r]
RETURN i + 1

Quicksort correctness:
• ..easy to show, inductively, if Partition works correctly

• Example:
2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4 i=0, j=1
2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4 i=1, j=2
2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4 i=1, j=3
2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4 i=1, j=4
2 1 7 8 3 5 6 4 i=2, j=5
2 1 3 8 7 5 6 4 i=3, j=6
2 1 3 8 7 5 6 4 i=3, j=7
2 1 3 8 7 5 6 4 i=3, j=8
2 1 3 4 7 5 6 8 q=4

• Partition can be proved correct (by induction) using the loop invariant:

– A[k] ≤ x for p ≤ k ≤ i
– A[k] > x for i + 1 ≤ k ≤ j − 1
– A[k] = x for k = r

quicksort analysis

• Partition runs in time Θ(r − p)

• Running time depends on how well Partition divides A.

• In the example it does reasonably well.

• If array is always partitioned nicely in two halves (partition returns q = 2 ), we have the
recurrence T (n) = 2T (n/2) + Θ(n) ⇒ T (n) = Θ(n lg n).

• But, in the worst case Partition always returns q = p or q = r and the running time becomes
T (n) = Θ(n) + T (0) + T (n − 1) ⇒ T (n) = Θ(n2 ).

– and what is maybe even worse, the worst case is when A is already sorted.

• So why is it called ”quick”-sort? Because it ”often” performs very well—can we theoretically

justify this?

– Even if all the splits are relatively bad, we get Θ(n log n) time:
9 1
∗ Example: Split is 10 n, 10 n.
9 1
T (n) = T ( 10 n) + T ( 10 n) + n
Guess: T (n) ≤ cn log n
9 1
T (n) = T ( n) + T ( n) + n
10 10
9cn 9n cn n
≤ log( ) + log( ) + n
10 10 10 10
9cn 9cn 9 cn cn 1
≤ log n + log( ) + log n + log( ) + n
10 10 10 10 10 10
9cn 9cn cn
≤ cn log n + log 9 − log 10 − log 10 + n
10 10 10
≤ cn log n − n(c log 10 − log 9 − 1)

9c 10
T (n) ≤ cn log n if c log 10 − 10 log 9 − 1 > 0 which is definitely true if c > log 10
– So, in other words, if the splits happen at a constant fraction of n we get Θ(n lg n)—or,
it’s almost never bad!

Average running time

The natural question is: what is the average case running time of quicksort? Is it close to worst-
case (Θ(n2 ), or to the best case Θ(n lg n)? Average time depends on the distribution of inputs for
which we take the average.

• If we run quicksort on a set of inputs that are all almost sorted, the average running time
will be close to the worst-case.

• Similarly, if we run quicksort on a set of inputs that give good splits, the average running
time will be close to the best-case.

• If we run quicksort on a set of inputs which are picked uniformly at random from the space
of all possible input permutations, then the average case will also be close to the best-case.
Why? Intuitively, if any input ordering is equally likely, then we expect at least as many good
splits as bad splits, therefore on the average a bad split will be followed by a good split, and
it gets “absorbed” in the good split.

So, under the assumption that all input permutations are equally likely, the average time of
Quicksort is Θ(n lg n) (intuitively). Is this assumption realistic?

• Not really. In many cases the input is almost sorted; think of rebuilding indexes in a database

The question is: how can we make Quicksort have a good average time irrespective of the
input distribution?

• Using randomization.

We consider what we call randomized algorithms, that is, algorithms that make some random choices
during their execution.

• Running time of normal deterministic algorithm only depend on the input.

• Running time of a randomized algorithm depends not only on input but also on the random
choices made by the algorithm.

• Running time of a randomized algorithm is not fixed for a given input!

• Randomized algorithms have best-case and worst-case running times, but the inputs for which
these are achieved are not known, they can be any of the inputs.

We are normally interested in analyzing the expected running time of a randomized algorithm,
that is, the expected (average) running time for all inputs of size n

Te (n) = E|X|=n [T (X)]

Randomized Quicksort
• We can enforce that all n! permutations are equally likely by randomly permuting the input
before the algorithm.

– Most computers have pseudo-random number generator random(1, n) returning “ran-

dom” number between 1 and n
– Using pseudo-random number generator we can generate a random permutation (such
that all n! permutations equally likely) in O(n) time:
Choose element in A[1] randomly among elements in A[1..n], choose element in A[2]
randomly among elements in A[2..n], choose element in A[3] randomly among elements
in A[3..n], and so on.
Note: Just choosing A[i] randomly among elements A[1..n] for all i will not give random
permutation! Why?

• Alternatively we can modify Partition slightly and exchange last element in A with random
element in A before partitioning.
RandPartition(A, p, r)
i=Random(p, r)
Exchange A[r] and A[i]
RETURN Partition(A, p, r)

RandQuicksort(A, p, r)
IF p < r THEN
q=RandPartition(A, p, r)
RandQuicksort(A, p, q − 1)
RandQuicksort(A, q + 1, r)

Expected Running Time of Randomized Quicksort

Let T (n) be the running time of RandQuicksort for an input of size n.

• Running time of RandQuicksort is the total running time spent in all Partition calls.

• Partition is called n times

– The pivot element x is not included in any recursive calls.

• One call of Partition takes O(1) time plus time proportional to the number of iterations of

– In each iteration of FOR-loop we compare an element with the pivot element.

If X is the number of comparisons A[j] ≤ x performed in Partition over the entire execution
of RandQuicksort then the running time is O(n + X).

E[T (n)] = E[O(n + X)] = n + E[X]

To analyze the expected running time we need to compute E[X]

• To compute X we use z1 , z2 , . . . , zn to denote the elements in A where zi is the ith smallest

element. We also use Zij to denote {zi , zi+1 , . . . , zj }.

• Each pair of elements zi and zj are compared at most once (when either of them is the pivot)

Pn−1 Pn
X= i=1 j=i+1 Xij where

1 If zi compared to zi
Xij =
0 If zi not compared to zi

hP i
n−1 n P
E[X] = E i=1 j=i+1 Xij
Pn−1 Pn
= i=1 Pj=i+1 E[Xij ]
Pn−1 n
= i=1 j=i+1 P r[zi compared to zj ]

• To compute P r[zi compared to zj ] it is useful to consider when two elements are not compared.

Example: Consider an input consisting of numbers 1 through n.

Assume first pivot it 7 ⇒ first partition separates the numbers into sets {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
and {8, 9, 10}.
In partitioning, 7 is compared to all numbers. No number from the first set will ever be
compared to a number from the second set.

In general, once a pivot x, zi < x < zj , is chosen, we know that zi and zj cannot later be
On the other hand, if zi is chosen as pivot before any other element in Zij then it is compared
to each element in Zij . Similar for zj .

In example: 7 and 9 are compared because 7 is first item from Z7,9 to be chosen as pivot,
and 2 and 9 are not compared because the first pivot in Z2,9 is 7.

Prior to an element in Zij being chosen as pivot, the set Zij is together in the same partition
⇒ any element in Zij is equally likely to be first element chosen as pivot ⇒ the probability
that zi or zj is chosen first in Zij is j−i+1

P r[zi compared to zj ] = j−i+1

• We now have:
Pn−1 Pn
E[X] = i=1 Pj=i+1 P r[zi compared to zj ]
Pn−1 n 2
= i=1
Pn−1 Pj=i+1
n−i 2
Pi=1 k=1 k+1
n−1 Pn−i 2
< i=1 k=1 k
= i=1 O(log n)
= O(n log n)

• Since best case is θ(n lg n) =⇒ E[X] = Θ(n lg n) and therefore E[T (n)] = Θ(n lg n).

Next time we will see how to make quicksort run in worst-case O(n log n) time.

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