Globalization in Morocco (AutoRecovered)
Globalization in Morocco (AutoRecovered)
Globalization in Morocco (AutoRecovered)
I. Introduction.............................................................................................................3
1. Definition of Globalisation...................................................................................3
II. Globalisation in Morrocco.......................................................................................4
III. Interview..............................................................................................................8
IV. Conclusion............................................................................................................8
Have you ever wondered how it feels to live without a phone? Or without a computer
or internet? How hard it will be to contact our families and friends. Its seems that we
got uses to our Gadgets that we forget that they didn’t exist 40 years ago. The
technological advancement accompanied with globalization unleashed forces and
opportunities, ushering to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Making the world global
community as one village. So, what is globalization?
We will focus on the impact of globalization on the Moroccan economy during the
last decades since its choice toward economic liberalization.
Morocco didn’t enter the global economy until the 1994.
Since his coronation in 1999, King Mohammed 6 has prioritized poverty reduction
and job creation. To this end, the Moroccan authorities introduced wide-ranging
policy reform in 2005 and 2006 to diversify the economy and raise productivity.
Morocco has signed several Free Trade Agreements, including one with the
united states and one with Turkey, and Europe. Taking a positive approach toward
Globalization and market liberation, the Moroccan economy saw an increase in the
GPD growth since.
Morocco has become a major player in African economic Affairs and is the 4th
largest African economy by GPD. And the world economy forum placed Morocco as
the first competitive economy in Nord Africa.
According to The World Bank Data, the Moroccan Gross Domestic Product knew a
stable increase of 52 Billion Dollar (us) from 2000 to 2008. Moroccan economy
wasn’t an exception, as the world crisis of 2008 has reached and affect the national
GDPs and resulted in a slower growth from 2008 to 2012.
Morocco’s economic growth grazed the 4 percent in the last quarter of 2017.
Supported by the healthy rebound in agricultural activities, the national economic
growth reached 3.8 percent in 2017, compared to 12 percent in 2016.
GNI per capita, Atlas Method (current US$)
(formely GNP) is the gross national income, converted to U.S dollar
divided by midyear population.
According to the World bank national Data, the Morocco national income has
increased since 2002 at 1.4 thousand US $ To around 2.8 thousand by 2015 that
increase of 100% in just 13 years. Between 2010 and 2015 was and unstable slow
increase flowed with a decrease of 0.2 thousand $, due to exterior and interior
variables.[CITATION the \l 1033 ]
Morocco Export
Exports in Morocco increased to 23809 MAD Million in May from 23360 MAD Million
in April of 2018. Exports in Morocco averaged 11651.23 MAD Million from 1998 until
2018, reaching an all time high of 24309 MAD Million in March of 2018 and a record
low of 4878.90 MAD Million in April of 1998. [ CITATION tra18 \l 1033 ]
Morocco Imports
Imports in Morocco increased to 41933 MAD Million in May from 40193 MAD Million
in April of 2018. Imports in Morocco averaged 21800.38 MAD Million from 1998 until
2018, reaching an all time high of 41933 MAD Million in May of 2018 and a record
low of 6424.40 MAD Million in January of 1999. [ CITATION tra18 \l 1033
Source: World Bank national Data. And OECD National Accounts Data files
[ CITATION dat18 \l 1033 ]
According to the statistics recorded by the world bank, the poverty headcount
ratio at $1.90 a day (PPP 2011). In the year 2000, 15.3% of the Population was
living under the poverty line. And in 2007 an 8.9% of the population is still living
under the poverty line. (the World Bank, n.d.)
Globalization has an effect not just on the economic aspects of the country but
the cultural aspect of the society. As a result of, enabling cultural interaction and
the speeding the process of spreading ideas with other cultures around the globe.
Abdelhak Fakir said: “in the 20 years Globalization affected all aspect of my life,
you can feel the change that is happening in our society. As a result, people are
living a more comfortable than the preceding generations. Plus, the millennial
generation is gaining a different lifestyle, the cultural change that is happening
you can notice just from watching television, especially in a country that
recognizes that as a Muslim country we are getting more and more
What do you mean by just watching television? And getting more Americanized?
I mean today you can watch all kind of series from different countries and
cultures, this affects the mentality indirectly of the citizen. By intruding new ideas,
People need to be mentally strong and enough educated so they will not forget
their identity. Today you can watch in the street young children dressing and
singing and eating American food, or how I can say living the American style, that
what I meant with Americanized. The big companies are selling their product
internationally and influencing our psychology. As a consequence, we entered a
new era of consumerism.
The interviewer responded: “I understand your concern, but the change is going
to happen in one way or another, the human civilization has always evolved and
change to become something else. “
Works Cited
/ (2018). Retrieved from /