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Text 3: Food-The Choice Is Yours

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Name : Shofawi Abdul Manan

NIM : 196121170
Class : PBI 3E

Reading Academic for Puposes

a. I think it is about the kind of food that choiced by people
b. 1. A food that’s unhealthy for body if it overeats. Each per week
2. No I’m not vegetarian. A people who just eating vegetables only. They’re
avoiding be a fat.
3. I don’t have daily diet. Yes, I do
4. I’m the kind who not picky about food but if there’s bitter melon I’ll skip to eat.
5. Eating disorders is a psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or
disturbed eating habits.
c. 1. Why people go on diet? Paragraph 2
2. Extreme diets? Paragraph 4
3. Food and lifestyles? Paragraph 5
d. 1. Junk food appear on the paragraph 1 line 3
2. Vegetarians appear on the paragraph 3 line 8
3. Sports was not appear in the text
4. Animals appear on the paragraph 3 line 8
5. Aerobic dancing was not appear in the text
 1. Food directly affects your physical and emotional health
2. The reason why people go on diet
3. The danger of extreme diet
4. Lifestyle and food
 Choice of food and lifestyle


a. 1. Then you pay the price of poor health or become severly everweight.
2. Avoiding foods that are high in calories and fats, and instead eat foods that are
nutritious but not fattening.
3. In order to build muscle, increase their body weight, and improve their
4. They believe that meat is bad for the health and they love animals.
5. Can cause eating disorders
b. 1. Food directly affects your physical and emotional health. The place to begin a
healthy lifestyle is in your choice food, that is in your diet.
2. A plan for eating
3. - in order to lose weight
- simply to stay healthy
- go on special diet to gain weight
4. The term used for unhealthy overeating or undereating and the compulsion not
to eat.
5. To make us be careful not to go to extreme diets. Anorexia often begins as a
harmless diet, but later can become a serious and dangerous illness
6. To inform about that food directly affects our physical and emotional health.
For all people.
Food directly affects our physical and emotional health.
To pay more attentions about what kind of food that we eat because food direcly
affects our physical and emotional health.

a. 1. Such as: Example
2. For example: Example
3. In order to: Purpose
4. The term used for , is called: Restatement
5. That is: Definition

b. 1. Un : not, negative, reverse : Unhealthy

Over : too much : Overeating, Overweight
Under : too little, located beneath : Undereating
Non : not : Non-nutritious
2.Less : without : Harmless
Ful : has the quality of, full of : Harmful
c. 1. If you study, then you dont have to take remidies of bad scores.
If you warm up, then you dont have to pay for your injury.
2. "They avoid foods that are high in calories and fats, and instead eat foods that
are nutritious but not fattening." (lines 12-15)
This is a compound sentence. Which word joins the two parts? They
What is the subject of both the first and the second part? They
Look at the underlined adjective clauses. Draw arrows to the words they describe.
Avoid foods and eat foods.
• A noun group is anything that functions as a noun. It can be:
- Subject of a sentence (saying "what/who" does the action of the verb)
Most of the new students in the class came from another city.
Watching too much TV can cause problems.
That TV is bad for you has been proven many times.
- Direct object of a verb (answering the question "what/who" after the verb)
He decided to study a completely different aspect of the problem.
They want to investigate how polluted air spreads.
Many people believe that TV has a negative effect on children.
- Indirect object of a verb (answering the question "to whom" after the verb)
The researchers gave the girls in the class the same questionnaire they gave the boys.
- Object of a preposition (answering the question "what/who" after words like to, of, with,
They did the experiment with the equipment that was given to them.
• Additions to a core noun add information about it. They function as adjectives.
(In the examples below the noun group is underlined and the core noun is in bold.)
Additions to the core noun can be:
- Single Words that come before the core noun. (one or more)
Two researchers worked on that project. (two adds information about the core noun.)
Two famous researchers worked on that project.
(famous adds information about the core noun.)
The company researchers developed a new product.
(company adds information about the core noun; it is a noun acting as an adjective.)
- A Phrase (a group of words beginning with a preposition) that comes after the core noun.
The researchers [in the project] worked together for many years.
(The phrase in the project adds information about the core noun.)
- AnAdjective Clause (a group of words with its own verb) that comes after the core noun.
The researchers [who worked on the project] were the best in their fild.
(the clause who worked on the project adds information about the core noun.)

Practice #8 Can you fid the noun group?

In each sentence underline the noun group and circle the core noun.
(The fist one has been done for you.)
1. I have found a solution to my morning problem.
2. A diet is a plan for eating.
3. Every night I put out my clothes for the next morning.
4. Health experts from many countries claim that we do not eat the right foods.
5. The best way to counteract stress is to breathe deeply.
6. Only a small minority ofAmericans exercise regularly.
7. Bob had the excellent idea of setting targets for each week.
8. Do you give your daughter opportunities to work with tools?
9. Working offers some important advantages that we cannot ignore.
10. For people that like being busy, work can become an addiction.
11. Tears come from feelings that we allow to rise to the surface.
12. One of the experiments that they conducted led to an important discovery.
13. They asked them questions about the number of hours they spend watching TV.
14. The lack of progress in gettingAmericans to exercise caused the experts to change their
15. Such traits as learning to delay gratifiation and being self-controlled helped these children
they reached adolescence.
• When the addition to a noun is a clause (a group of words with a verb of its own), it comes
after the noun and begins with a connective such as who, whom, which, that or whose.
These clauses function as adjectives. (They are sometimes called Relative Clauses.)
Examples: The researchers [who were chosen for the project] were the best in their fild.
People [whose diet includes too much fat] tend to gain weight.
Most teachers prefer classrooms [which contain moveable furniture].
The way [that you breathe] can make a big difference in your health.
Our class project, [which the students themselves chose,] was a great success.
Practice #9 Can you recognize the clause?
Put brackets around the adjective clause in each sentence. Draw an arrow to the noun it
Then answer the question. (The fist one has been done for you.)
1. The students [who took part in the study] answered forty questions.
Which students answered forty questions? the students who took part in the study
2. These are techniques that teachers can use in the classroom.
What kind of techniques are these?
3. This will help them develop traits that lead to friendships in later childhood.
What kind of traits will it help them develop?
4. Children who participated in the project improved their abilities to solve problems.
Which children improved their abilities?
5. People whose work offers them a challenge are more willing to work long hours.
What kind of people are more willing to work long hours?
6. Tracking, a system which segregates students according to their abilities, does not help
students and hurts lower-ranked students.
What kind of system is "tracking"?
7. School is a place where many of our basic social skills are formed.
What kind of a place is school?
8. We can't change the fact that children are exposed to gender stereotypes from an early age.
Which fact can't we change?
9. We need to eliminate stereotypes that discourage boys from caring for younger children..
Whichstereotypes do we need to eliminate?
10. Girls whose parents fid ways to challenge and support them will gain confience.
Which girls will gain confience?
11. Research shows that people who choose to engage in exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping
and who go after challenges cope much better with life.
What two kinds of people cope better?
• In a sentence with an adjective clause, there is more than one verb.
Example: Programs [that attract young viewers] appear in the afternoons.
(verb in adjective clause) (main verb of the sentence)
• If you want to understand the sentence, you fist need to recognize the MAIN VERB of the
sentence (the verb in the main clause, not in the adjective clause).
Here are some tips for doing that:
- Underline all the verbs in the sentence. (Remember: the verb is not always one word!).
- Put brackets around the adjective clauses beginning with connectives such as which, that,
who, whose.
- Find the verb that is NOT in an adjective clause. That is the main verb of the sentence.
Practice #10 Can you fid the main verb?
In each sentence underline all the verbs. Put brackets around the adjective clauses. Then
the MAIN VERB. (The fist ones have been done for you.)
1. The experiment [that they conducted last year] didn't produce clear results.
2. He described an incident that happened to him in third grade.
3. The social skills that are needed for developing friendships can be taught.
4. Words that threaten violence have become more common in schools.
5. Parents need to develop approaches that will build their daughters' confience.
6. Female stereotypes discourage girls from developing skills that will give them
7. Characteristics that develop early in life tend to persist.
8. Childrenwho do not develop the characteristics necessary for social attachments are likely
to have
health problems and personality disturbances in adulthood.
9. The program that is about relationship skills was designed by Roger Weissberg.
10. Children who have good relationships with adults are more likely to make sound
decisions about
11. The researchers provide examples of techniques that adults can use to create a better
climate in the
Sometimes it is especially diffiult to recognize an adjective clause because the connective
who, which, whose) has been left out.
Example: The book [they read] was a classic. = The book [that they read] was a classic.
Here are some tips to help you recognize an adjective clause when it has no connective:
• When you see a noun followed by another noun (or pronoun) and a verb , it could
mean that the connective has been left out.
Examples: - He read only books [the teacher gave him]. = He read only books [that the
teacher gave him.]
- They chose students [we had taught]. = They chose students [that we had
- He eats food [I wouldn't eat]. = He eats food [that I wouldn't eat.]
- These are the factors [we isolated]. These are the factors [that we isolated.]
• When you see a noun followed by an –ed (Verb 3) or –ing word, or followed by an ordinary
adjective, this means that the connective and the verb BE have been left out.
Examples: - They chose students [affected by violence]. = They chose students [who had
been affected by violence].
- He read only books [written in English].
= He read only books [that were written in English].
- He bought thepainting [hanging in the hall].
= He bought the painting [that was hanging in the hall].
- They questionedthe residents [living there].
= They questioned the residents [who were living there].
- Many things [obvious to others] seem diffiult to them.
= Many things [that are obvious to others seem diffiult to them.
Practice #11: Can you recognize the reduced clause?
In each sentence put brackets around the reduced adjective clause. Then draw an arrow to the
noun it belongs to. (The fist ones have been done for you.)
1. Experiments [conducted by this team] produced very good results.
2. He can always fid the book [he wants].
3. They decided to question all students affected by the change.
4. These are examples of techniques adults can use to create a good climate at home or
5. The proportion of Americans studying at university has risen.
6. The social skills needed to develop friendships can be taught.
7. The Origin of Species, published by Charles Darwin in 1859, was a purely scientifi book.
8. This book upset the view generally held by educated people about the nature of man.
9. Students unable to cope with these problems were given easier tasks.
10. An opposing view, held by some scientists, compares it to a household electric clock with
no builtin timer.
11. Children desperate for attention are liable to adopt extreme behavior patterns.
12. Variables unknown and unpredictable may affect the behavior of members of the
Practice #12: Can you fid the main verb?
Put brackets around the reduced adjective clauses. Then circle the MAIN VERB.
(The fist one has been done for you.)
1. The scientists [interested in this problem] have agreed to work together.
2. Children treated badly by their classmates are often affected for life.
3. The students, seated together in the next room, typically offered excuses rather than aid.
4. Much of Louis Pasteur's work, carried out for purely practical purposes, led to our present
understanding of how germs cause diseases.
5. One of the teaching tools used by this teacher was the structuring of time.
6. Groups of students working together on projects can generate more learning.
7. The situation described here illustrates the need for reform.
8. The student attacked by his classmates later complained to the principal.
9. Their portfolios were full of work they had done over the year.

Freedom Writers adalah film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata, menceritakan tentang
perjuangan seorang guru yang mengajar di kelas 203 di woodrow wilson high school, Long
Beach, California. Film ini disutradarai oleh Richard Lagravenese dan dibintangi oleh Hillary
Swank sebagai guru yang bernama Erin Gruwell. Film ini dirilis pada 7 Januari 2007 di
Amerika Serikat.
Freedom Writers mengambil latar belakang saat setelah terjadinya kerusuhan di Los
Angeles tahun 1992. Kerusuhan itu disebabkan oleh peperangan antar geng dan perbedaan
ras antara ras Latin, Asia, dan kulit hitam. Oleh karena itu, jika saat keluar rumah ada
kesempatan bahwa dia akan menjadi target pembunuhan.
Singkat cerita, Erin menjadi guru di kelas 203 yang mengajar Bahasa Inggris dasar.
Kelas yang diajar Erin berisi murid-murid yang memiliki pengalaman hidup yang suram,
mulai dari yang sering ikut tawuran antar geng bahkan ada yang pernah menjadi tahanan. Di
dalam kelas itu pun diskriminasi antar ras juga terjadi, sehingga Erin menjadi sulit untuk
mengajar mereka.
Tapi Erin tidak putus asa, dia selalu mencari cara agar murid-muridnya bisa
mengikuti kelas Erin. Mulai dari bermain game garis lalu menanyakan beberapa hal tentang
mereka, menyuruh mereka menulis diary setiap hari tentang hal apa pun, membaca buku
berjudul “The Diary of Anne Frank”, mengajak murid-muridnya ke Museum Toleransi, dan
bahkan mengundang Miep Gies seorang perempuan yang menyembunyikan Anne Frank saat
dikejar tentara Nazi.
Memasuki akhir semester 2, setelah semua pengajaran yang dilakukan Erin kepada
murid-muridnya membuat murid-muridnya mulai merasa nyaman dengan kelas 203, bahkan
bisa dibilang mereka mempunyai sebuah keluarga baru. Tapi di kelas 3 Erin tidak bisa
mengajar mereka karena dilarang, murid-murid pun tidak bisa menerima hal itu. Setelah Erin
berjuang sebisa mungkin, akhirnya Erin diperbolehkan mengajar mereka sampai menengah
Di akhir film Erin melakukan proyek akhir, yaitu menulis semua catatan harian ke
computer. Setelah semua selesai menulis Erin memberi judul proyek itu “The Freedom
Writers Daily”.  Erin kini mendirikan Yayasan Penulis Kebebasan (Freedom Writers
Foundation). Melalui yayasan ini, Erin mengajar pendidik di seluruh dunia tentang penerapan
Metodologi Penulisan Kebebasan (Freedom Writers Methodology), sebuah filosofi
pengajaran progresif dengan kurikulum yang dirancang untuk mencapai keunggulan dari
semua siswa.
Film ini mugkin bisa digunakan oleh guru-guru untuk dipertontonkan kepada murid-
muridnya sebagai media pembelajaran yang berkedok film. Di dalam film ini terdapat banyak
pelajaran atau hal-hal positif yang patut dicontoh oleh murid-murid. Dan mungkin bisa
digunakan kepada murid-murid sebagai cerminan bahwa mungkin di luar sana masih banyak
yang melakukan diskriminasi sehingga murid-murid untuk bisa lebih bertoleransi terhadap
sesama manusia walaupun berbeda ras.
Pendapat saya mengenai film ini , semua orang yang menonton film ini akan sadar
bahwa tidak ada gunanya orang hidup dengan tetap memelihara sifat rasis , sifat rasis hanya
menyebabkan peperangan karena orang yang rasis akan menganggap golongan mereka yang
benar , sedangkan golongan lain adalah musuh. Film ini juga banyak mengajarkan tentang
kehidupan bagaiamana sehharusnya manusia menghadapi orang lain dengan tidak
mengangap orang lain musuh , karena apabila demikian kehidupan akan damai karena
apapun warna kulitnya kita semua sebagai manusia tetap sama.

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