Pfrs 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers Step 1: Identify The Contract With The Customer Contracts
Pfrs 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers Step 1: Identify The Contract With The Customer Contracts
Pfrs 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers Step 1: Identify The Contract With The Customer Contracts
PFRS 15 is a new global framework for revenue
recognition. Agreement between two or more parties that
creates enforceable rights and obligations in a contact
Entities that sell in bundle, multiple deliverables which is under a matter of law.
or major projects could see significant change in timing
of revenue recognition. Contracts should be accounted separately.
Income in ordinary course of business activities Contracts should be combined as one if any of the ff.
is satisfied:
Contracts are treated as single package.
Increase in economic benefit during accounting Consideration in one contract depends on goods
period in form of an inflow or enhancement of asset or or services of another contract.
decrease in liability that results in an increase in equity. Goods and services in contract relate to a single
performance obligation.
PFRS 15 applies to all contracts with customers, except:
Step 2: Identify the performance obligation
Leases under PFRS 16
Insurance contracts under PFRS 17 Performance Obligation
Financial instruments under PFRS 9
A promise to deliver goods or services in a
Core Principle contract with customers. Promise constitute obligation if
it is distinct.
An entity should recognize revenue in a manner
that depicts the pattern of transfer of good or Promised goods or service is distinct if it meets both
service to a customer. criteria:
The amount recognized as revenue should
reflect the consideration to which the entity The customer can benefit from good or service.
expects to be entitled in exchange for good or Entity's promise to transfer goods or services is
service. separately identifiable from other promises in
Revenue is recognized: contract.
At a point in time
Over time