Will Steben Noriega Navarro (35047) Tecnologia en Produccion Industrial 6to Semestre-English 2B/ Seccion 1
Will Steben Noriega Navarro (35047) Tecnologia en Produccion Industrial 6to Semestre-English 2B/ Seccion 1
Will Steben Noriega Navarro (35047) Tecnologia en Produccion Industrial 6to Semestre-English 2B/ Seccion 1
A. Will be
B. Won´t be
C. Won´t
A. Won´t be
B. Will
C. Will be
A. Will
B. Won´t be
C. Will be
A. Will
B. Won´t be
C. Will be
A. Won´t/ will
B. Will/ won´t
C. Will be/ won´t be
A. Won´t
B. Will
C. Will be
8. (A)… you see the movie tonight?
(B) Yes, I…
A. Won´t/ won´t be
B. Won´t/ won´t
C. Will/ will
A. Will be
B. Won´t
C. Won´t be
A. Will
B. Won´t
C. Won´t be
A. Will be
B. Won´t be
C. Will
A. Won´t be
B. Won´t
C. Will
A. Will be
B. Won´t be
C. Will
A. Won´t be
B. Won´t
C. Will
A. Will
B. Will be
C. Won´t be
A. Will be
B. Won´t
C. Won´t be
Will you travel next summer? If ‘yes’, where will you travel to?
I will not travel but I would like
How old will you be in 10 more years? What job will you have?
In ten years, I will be 30 years old, I will be working as an industrial engineer.
Part 1: Complete the blanks with the words from the box:
a. When are you going to have dinner?
b. Tomorrow my friends are going to have a party
c. What is your friend going to do tonight?
d. Where are the children going to go?
e. They are not going to visit their grandparents on Saturday
f. I am not going to eat in a restaurant because I have not got any money
Part 2: Complete the blanks based on the information given in the box.
8. Do you sometimes have to do things you don´t like to do? If ‘yes’, what?
There are times when they have to be done because they are convenient for us as
people, although it should not be like that, but we have to do the things that we
like and make us happy
9. What are some things you have to do to make your English better?
I have to study and practice English to improve it