The Teacher in The Classroom and Society
The Teacher in The Classroom and Society
The Teacher in The Classroom and Society
The definition of an effective teacher that has been taught in pre-service education seem to be a lot
different in what is expected in the actual service. NCBTS provides a single integral theoretical
framework that define the different dimension of effective teaching, where effective teaching means
being able to help all types of student learn the different learning goals in the curriculum. The use of this
minimize the confusion about the meaning of effective teaching. To use the competency-based
framework as a guide for teachers is the best way to begin using NCBTS, which is consist of seven
The SRFL domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful role models.
The teacher’s action, statements and different types of social interactions with students demonstrate
value for learning.
The LE domain focuses on the importance of providing a social, psychological, and physical
environment, where the teacher promotes fairness and equality in attaining high standards of learning.
The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal teachers can facilitate the learning process even with
diverse learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences, and by using the familiarity with
the learners’ background to design diverse set of learning activities to ensure that all learners can attain
the desired learning goals.
The Curriculum domain refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in
convergence to help students understand the curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high
standards of learning defined in the curriculum. These elements include the teacher’s knowledge of
subject matter and the learning process, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional
materials and learning resources.
The PAR domain refers to the alignment of assessment and planning activities. PAR focuses on
The PGPD domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard for
the teaching profession, concern for personal development, and continuous improvement as teachers.
In this modern time, teachers need to cope up and dance in the waves of this fast-changing world. A 21 st
century teacher needs be aware of the changes and updates regarding education to provide the best
possible quality of education. Which requires them to remain relevant and interesting at all times by
possessing; communication skills, which includes learning, collaboration, interpersonal skills, local,
national and global orientedness and interactive communication; learning and innovation skills which
are the 3C’s namely; creativity, curiosity and critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and risk taking;
life and career skills which embraces, flexibility and adaptability, leadership and responsibility, social and
cross cultural skills, initiative and self-direction, productivity and accountability and ethical, moral and
spiritual values; information, media and technology skills which includes visual and information
literacies, media literacy, basic, scientific, economic and technological literacies and multicultural
The school alone cannot give everything our youth needs in preparing for a brighter future. Schools and
communities need to work closely to achieve their main mutual goal. Thus, they are both willing to
share information as well as responsibilities, parents from the community will support the needs of the
learners specially in terms of resources, while teachers from the school will commit to spend their time,
effort and expertise in teaching the students.
The school can enjoy linkages and networking activities with local, national and international
organizations in the community for mutual benefits and assistance needed. The assistance form
organizations help schools to deliver quality educational services for country’s youth while willing
partners will benefit from community’s commendation and patronage.
Linkage and networking differ in the degree of commitment. The relationship between partner
organizations in linkage is quite loose, compared with a much stronger degree of relationship in
International Linkages
a. Pi Lamba Theta – An international honor society and professional association of women
educators. Its main project is ETP (Excellence in Teaching Project)
b. INNOTECH – It is the center for training educational leaders from Southeast region
under SEAMEO organization.
c. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI) – It promotes that educators have
a responsibility to ensure that education contributes to the promotion of equity, peace,
and the universal realization of human rights
d. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) – a nonprofit,
nonpartisan membership organization that develops programs, products, and services
essential to the way educators learn, teach and lead.