Bug Tracking System (BTS) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Bug Tracking System (BTS) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Bug Tracking System (BTS) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
1Academic Counsellor, School of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU, Guwahati Centre
2Schools of Computer and Information Sciences, IGNOU, Guwahati Centre
Abstract - A bug tracking system (BTS) is a software 2. OBJECTIVES OF BTS
application that is designed to help programmers to keep
track of reported software bugs in their work. A major The following are the objective of our work.
component of bug tracking system is a database that records
facts and known bugs submitted by the tester. Bug Tracking a) Application to keep track of bugs detected in a
System is an ideal solution to track the bugs of a product, project being developed.
solution or an application. Bug Tracking System allows b) Real-time tracking solution to keep track of the bugs
individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding detected.
bugs in their product effectively. c) Tool to track the performance of the developer
d) To make an application bug free.
Key Words: Error, Bugs, Software Development Life Cycle e) Efficient communication medium for project
(SDLC), bug categories, bug priorities Bug Tracker. manager, developer and tester.
f) Maximum possibility for reporting a bug and
1.INTRODUCTION debugging the issue.
g) Bug Tracking System is to test the application for the
Bug tracking is a system which is used to solve out any type bugs and report it to the project manager and
of bugs in any software. It is mostly useful for any software developer.
company. In this system we have design different types of h) Store the bug information with a unique id in the
user permission like developer, tester having different rights database.
to connect software. i) Easy to keep track of the bug and its resolving status.
Keeping all the issues in one place makes them much easier
to find. One doesn’t have to worry about finding the latest
message in an email chain, and work won’t stop even if
someone accidentally deletes the ‘bugs’ document from the
local storage.
3.5. Accountability
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1446
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | Sep -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
This module allows adding, editing, viewing and deleting the In this module the project manager will be able to generate
details of developer from the list of developers. It also lets reports at various stages like application being tested, bugs
the user to grant and revoke permission to access a project tracked by tester, bugs resolved by developer, developer
application. performance, tester performance periodically.
This module is to track and generate report on the This module holds the account information for the user. It
performance of a developer. The performance of the has facility for the user to update profile details like name,
developer is based on total number of bugs fixed, average email, contact no, etc. Using this module user can change the
time taken to fix a bug, etc. password periodically or whenever required.
This module allows the user to add, view, edit, and delete a This module is responsible to authenticate user with login
tester from the system. It allows assigning and revoking credentials entered. This module validates the input with the
permission from a tester to test an application. database and allows the valid user to access proper and
respective control panel. After validating the user, it also
5.7 Bug tracking and status management creates a session for the active user. Before validating the
credentials, it encrypts the input with proper algorithm.
At this module the user will be able to update bug details
that have been generated at the application. After adding the 5.12 Logout
bug details, a unique bug issue id will be generated. Keeping
the reference of the unique id, the bug status can be tracked. This module is responsible to securely logout the active user
from the application. It also destroys the active session for
5.7.1 Bug update the user from the server.
This module allows to create a new bug entry in system 6. USERS OF BTS
along with detailed information about the bug which
includes bug id, bug name, bug priority, project name, bug 6.1 Project Manager (Admin)
location, bug type, cause of the bug, screenshot image of the
bug, data used to generate bug or situation that caused the The project manager is also the administrator of the system.
bug, error id (if any). He/she has access to all the modules of the system. The
project manager assigns a developed application to the
5.7.2 Bug report Testers for testing. The tester tests the application and
identifies bugs in the application. When the tester
This module will be accessed by the developer user to get encounters a bug, he generates a unique id number for each
update on bugs that has been traced by the tester at the individual bug. The project manager interface uses the
application. The user will be able to access complete details following modules.
of the bug.
a) Admin Dashboard
5.7.3 Bug follow up b) Project Application Management
c) Developer Management
This module helps to keep track of all the bugs that have d) Tester Management
been assigned to a user. It displays all the changes that have e) Bug Tracking and Status Management
been made to the bug report since the creation of the bug. f) Developer performance
g) Application Status
5.8 Application Status h) Report
i) Admin profile Management
This module allows tracking the current status of the
application like developer team, testing team, reported bugs, 6.2 Tester
fixed bugs, etc. and also displays the status of bugs present in
the application. Tester can access to the projects or bugs assigned by the
manager, can view the assigned projects and can add a new
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1447
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | Sep -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
bug to the list and send the bug back to the manager and the 7.2 Generate reports on the overall performance of
developer. Tester can login to the system and access the the system
assigned projects list. Whenever the tester encounters a bug
he adds the bug id and information in the application. The system admin can generate report on the bug tracking
Following are the modules use in this interface. system’s performance from time to time to prevent or fix any
kind of inconvenience that might be faced by the users while
a) Dashboard using the system.
b) Application list and details
c) Bug Update 7.3 Allowing any user to report bugs at ease
d) Bug follow up
e) Application Status Reporting bugs of any know software could be done by any
f) Report public user at any point of time which would analyzed by the
g) Tester profile Management tester and the validated bugs would be forwarded to the
developer for fixes.
6.3 Developer
7.4 Making site responsive to work with mobile
The is the one who develops the application as per customer
requirements and is responsible for the bug fixes. Can access Optimization of the system to use in mobile devices would
the task or bug assigned by the manager, view assigned benefit the users with faster and easier accessibility of the
projects and resolving the assigned bug. Developer can view web application.
the bugs list assigned by the manager. Following modules
are used in the developer module. 7.5 Developing mobile app
a) Dashboard A mobile app for the Bug Tracking System would help the
b) Application list user to easily access the system as well as to store and access
c) Bug Report data locally. It will also help to get real-time updates and
d) Bug follow up notification and the ongoing projects.
e) Developers Profile Management.
7.6 Email/SMS notification to tester/developer
Automatic SMS alert and email notification to the testers and
The development of this project surely helps to solve and developers about bug reports, bug fixes, etc. can be
address all the problems faced by software testers and introduced to help the users keep track of the projects
developers. It can be implemented in almost any software without logging into the system.
development firms even freelance developers can make use
of this system on being upgraded in the future. Both in-house 7.7 Discussion forum
development and outsourced projects can be tested and the
bug issues can be fixed with ease using this system. A discussion to get the user to interact with the team
members to discuss about various types of bugs and the
Moreover, some parts of the project have remained ways to solve them. Also help each other to solve a problem
uncompleted due to some limitations of the project, which by working together in a group.
makes a place for future enhancements. Though that was not
the part of the objective of the project it would be great to
implement provided we’d have enough time. Some of those
limitations which make scope for future developments are as
A good Bug Tracking System (BTS) will do the task like
reporting, managing and fixing the bugs (if any). We are
trying our best here in this work to build an automated Bugs
7.1 Prioritize bug based on severity Tracking System which will help the developers and user to
choose and to find out the bugs as per their requirement and
Bugs can be set by the tester to ensure that the important constraints.
bugs are given a higher preference by the developer to fix
them as soon as they are found.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1448
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | Sep -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1449