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Pharmaceutical Sciences: Teneligliptin Induced Persistent Diarrhea

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IAJPS 2020, 07 (10), 147- 149 Sheba Susan Chacko et al ISSN 2349-7750

CODEN [USA]: IAJPBB ISSN : 2349-7750


SJIF Impact Factor: 7.187

Available online at: http://www.iajps.com A Case Report


Sheba Susan Chacko*1, Josna James1, Nigel V Sailesh2, Jency Maria Koshy3
Clinical Pharmacist, Department of General Medicine, Believers church Medical College
Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala
Junior Resident, Department of General Medicine, Believers church Medical College Hospital,
Thiruvalla, Kerala
Professor and Unit Head of General Medicine, Believers church Medical College Hospital,
Thiruvalla, Kerala
Article Received: September 2020 Accepted: September 2020 Published: October 2020
Teneligliptin is an Oral hypoglycemic agent (OHA) widely used for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in
adults. Rare side effects such as hypoglycemia, diarrhea, loss of appetite and abdominal distress have been noted
with the usage of Teneligliptin.
Here we report the case of a 65-year-old man diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus who developed profuse
diarrhea and significant weight loss following intake of Teneligliptin.
Key Words: Teneligliptin, Type2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diarrhea
Corresponding author:
Sheba Susan Chacko, QR code
Clinical Pharmacist-Department of General Medicine
Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala
Email Id: shebasusanchacko@gmail.com

Please cite this article in press Sheba Susan Chacko et al, Teneligliptin Induced Diarrhea., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2020; 07(10).

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IAJPS 2020, 07 (10), 147- 149 Sheba Susan Chacko et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: mellitus. DPP4 results in increased activity of

Teneligliptin is an oral dipeptidyl peptidase 4(DPP4) glucagon like peptide-1(GLP-1) and glucose
inhibitor indicated for the management of Type 2 dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP),the incretin
Diabetes mellitus in adults. The rare side effects of hormones.Through the action of GLP-1 & GIP,DPP4
Teneligliptin are hypoglycemia, abdominal distress, inhibitors improve preprandial and postprandial
loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, functional glucose by enhancing insulin secretion and reducing
gastric bloating and headache (1). Here we present a postprandial concentrations of glucagon (2). DPP4
case of Teneligliptin induced diarrhea and significant inhibitors are associated with enhanced beta cell
weight loss. functions, low risk of hypoglycemia, weight gain, and
good tolerability profile (3).
A 65-year-old Doctor presented to the medicine OPD Teneligliptin is administered as 20mg tablets once
of a tertiary care centre with episodes of loose stools daily prior to meals. It can be used without dose
since 2 weeks. Stools were watery in consistency, adjustment even in patients with renal impairment,
voluminous and had 5 episodes per day. He had no including those on dialysis. It has a unique
history of fever, abdominal pain, blood or mucus in pharmacokinetic profile involving elimination by
stool or any history of food intake from outside. He multiple pathways, including hepatic metabolism by
lost 5kg over a period of 2 weeks. He had already cytochrome P450 3A4 and flavin containing
received oral antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin+Tinidazole), monooxygenase 3 and hence it is excreted by kidney
Probiotics and Racecadrotil, prior to this consultation in an unchanged form (4).
however with no relief of symptoms. He was a known
case of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus since 19 years and The side effects of teneligliptin given in various
was on oral hypoglycemic agents(OHA)and Insulin literatures are hypoglycemia, loss of appetite,
with reasonable glycemic control. constipation, diarrhea, functional gastric bloating,
headache and abdominal distress. In a clinical study
His general physical examination and systemic conducted in India, it was found that approximately
examination were unremarkable. He was given a 2.5% of patient receiving Teneligliptin treatment
course of Rifaxamin for 5 days and was advised to develop loose stools (5). Mechanism of Teneligliptin
continue Racecadrotil for 5 more days. His stool induced Diarrhea remain unclear.
analyses, culture and hematological parameters were
normal. Considering his age the treating physician Drug history is a vital part in the evaluation of patients
made a plan to do a colonoscopy, if his symptoms were with diarrhea. The most frequently involved drugs
to persist. causing diarrhea are antimicrobials, laxatives, OHAs,
magnesium containing antacids, lactose or sorbitol
He reported back to the outpatient department with no containing products. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
relief of symptoms. On reviewing the treatment drugs, prostaglandins, antineoplastic, antiarrhythmic
history, it was noted that he was on Tab. Metformin and cholinergic agents also are known to cause
with Glimepiride twice daily, Tab.Linagliptin once diarrhea. Hence drug history is a crucial while
daily and Inj.Glargine once daily. However, one evaluating patient with diarrhea.
month prior to developing diarrhea, on doctor’s advice
he had switched over to Teneligliptin from Linagliptin. CONCLUSION:
Considering a remote possibility of drug induced Clinicians should be aware of Teneligliptin as an
diarrhea, it was decided to stop teneligliptin and to inciting cause for loose stools. While evaluating the
observe. cause for loose stools, drug history of patient is vital
which would avert physician from doing various
His loose stools gradually decreased and subsided with invasive and expensive investigations.
in a duration of 10 days. On following up for the next
3 months, he continued to remain asymptomatic. REFERENCES:
Currently he is on Metformin twice daily, Glimepiride 1. Priyambada D.Teneligliptin/Uses,Side Effects
twice daily and Inj. Glargine once daily with good and Dosage.Docprime.com.2018.Available
glycemic control. from: https://docprime.com/teneligliptin-mddp

DISCUSSION: 2. Moore KB,Saudek CD.Therapeutic potential of

Teneligliptin belongs to the third generation DPP4 dipeptidyl peptidase –IV inhibitors in patients
inhibitor used for treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

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IAJPS 2020, 07 (10), 147- 149 Sheba Susan Chacko et al ISSN 2349-7750

with diabetes mellitus.American journal of implications for clinical practice.Drugs.

therapeutics.2008 Sep 1;15(5):484-91 2019;979(7):733-50.
3. Cade WT.Diabetes-related microvascular and
macrovascular disease in the physical therapy 5. Panacea Biotec Limited. Product
setting.Physical therapy.2008 Nov1;88(11)1322- Monograph:.Tenepan- M 500;2019.Available
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M.The unique pharmacological and 2016May05.pdf
pharmacokinetic profile of teneligliptin

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