Moh Giles 1
Moh Giles 1
Moh Giles 1
A patient employed in a machine shop is referred to electroencephal evoked potentials nerve conduction electromyography 3
physical therapy with a diagnosis of carpal tunnel ography velocity
syndrome. The patient indicates that he is
scheduled for a diagnostic test that may help to
confirm the diagnosis. Which of the following
A physical therapist uses iontophoresis over the acetic acid lidocaine sodium chloride zinc oxide 2
anterior knee of a patient with patellar tendonitis.
Assuming the therapist’s goal is to reduce the
patient’s present pain level, the MOST appropriate
solution to utilize is:
A physical therapist performs the talar tilt test on a anterior calcaneofibular deltoid posterior talotibial 2
22-year-old female rehabilitating from an inversion talotibial
ankle sprain. Which ligament does the talar tilt test
A physical therapist completes a developmental asymmetrical Moro reflex Landau reflex symmetrical tonic 3
assessment on a seven-month-old infant. Assuming tonic neck reflex neck reflex
normal development, which of the following
reflexes would NOT be integrated?
A physical therapist examines a patient with limited complete the complete the avoid completing avoid all direct 2
cervical range of motion. As part of the vertebral artery vertebral artery the vertebral artery cervical treatment
examination, the therapist attempts to screen the test with the test as far into the test until the techniques until the
patient for possible vertebral artery involvement, head and neck available cervical patient has full vertebral artery test
but is unable to position the patient's head and positioned in range of motion as cervical range of can be assessed at
neck in th approximately tolerated motion the limits of normal
50 percent of cervical range of
the available motion
cervical range of
A 42-year-old female is admitted to a rehabilitation barognosis kinesthesia graphesthesia temperature 4
hospital after sustaining a stroke. During the
examination the physical therapist identifies
significant sensory deficits in the anterolateral
spinothalamic system. Which sensation would be
MOST affec
A 13-year-old girl discusses the possibility of anthropometric hamstrings/quadri skeletal maturity somatotype 3
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with an measurements ceps strength ratio
orthopedic surgeon. The girl injured her knee while
playing soccer and is concerned about the future
impact of the injury on her athletic career. Which
A physical therapist identifies a bluish discoloration hyperoxemia hyperoxia hypokalemia hypoxemia 4
of the skin and nailbeds of a 55-year-old male
referred to physical therapy for pulmonary
rehabilitation. What does this objective finding
A manager develops a policy on physical therapy offer continuing divide the establish a prioritize requests 4
utilization of continuing education resources. education continuing committee to for continuing
Which of the following would be the MOST resources to education review requests for education resources
appropriate action to enhance the quality of patient senior therapists resources evenly continuing based on
care? in relation to among therapy education established patient
their years of staff resources care standards
A physical therapist uses the body mass index scale 14 kg/m2 22 kg/m2 28 kg/m2 37 kg/m2 2
as a means of assessing a patient’s total body
composition. The therapist determines the body
mass index by dividing the body weight in kilograms
by height in meters squared. Which of the
following val
A patient diagnosed with patellofemoral syndrome semitendinosus semitendinosus semimembranosus semitendinosus and 2
discusses his past medical history with a physical and and gracilis and gracilis biceps femoris
therapist. The patient reports having anterior semimembranos
cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery on his right us
knee two years ago, however, the therapist is not
A physical therapist assesses a one-month-old Moro reflex rooting reflex startle reflex righting reflex 2
infant. During the treatment session the therapist
strokes the cheek of the infant causing the infant to
turn its mouth towards the stimulus. This action is
utilized to assess the:
A physical therapist elects to use mechanical lumbar 10% of body 15% of body 25% of body weight 50% of body weight 3
traction for a patient rehabilitating from a back weight weight
injury. The therapeutic goals of the session include
decreasing the patient’s muscle spasm. The MOST
appropriate force based on the stated objective w
A physical therapist reviews a physician referral initiate initiate treatment initiate treatment, delay treatment 4
form that includes only the patient’s name and the treatment based based on an however, avoid until orders are
referring physician’s signature. During the on the results of established resistive exercises received from the
examination the patient indicates that she had knee the examination protocol following and high-level referring physician
surgery two weeks ago, however, is unable to knee surgery functional activities
provide more
A physical therapist employed in an acute care increased decreased increased blood decreased 3
hospital reviews the results of recent laboratory coagulation time hematocrit level urea nitrogen level hemoglobin level
testing for one of his patients. A note in the
medical record indicates that the patient was
dehydrated at the time the blood sample was
taken. Which findin
A patient four days status post transtibial two-person lift hydraulic lift stand pivot sliding board 3
amputation is transported to physical therapy for a
scheduled treatment session. Assuming an
uncomplicated recovery, the MOST appropriate
patient transfer to utilize from a wheelchair to a
mat table is:
A physical therapist positions a patient in supine 30 degrees of 60 degrees of 90 degrees of terminal elbow 4
prior to performing a manual muscle test of the elbow flexion elbow flexion elbow flexion flexion
supinator. To isolate the supinator and minimize
the action of the biceps the therapist should
position the patient’s elbow in:
During an examination a physical therapist attempts bony palpation active movement passive movement sensory testing 2
to determine a patient's general willingness to use
an affected body part. What objective information
would be the MOST useful for the therapist?
A patient with right hemiplegia is observed during hip hiking of the lateral trunk lateral trunk flexion hip extension of the 3
gait training. The patient performs sidestepping unaffected side flexion towards towards the affected side
towards the hemiplegic side. The physical therapist the affected side unaffected side
may expect the patient to compensate for
weakened abductors by:
A patient reports to a scheduled physical therapy begin the design a home consult with the ask the patient to 1
session 25 minutes late. The patient has not been examination exercise program patient’s physician reschedule
seen previously in physical therapy and was
scheduled in a 45 minute block of time. The patient
referral indicates the patient is 10 days status post
A physical therapist identifies that an infant is asymmetrical Moro reflex positive support symmetrical tonic 1
unable to roll from prone to supine. Which reflex tonic neck reflex reflex neck reflex
could interfere with the infant’s ability to roll?
A physical therapist reviews a laboratory report for 10 gm/dL 15 gm/dL 20 gm/dL 25 gm/dL 2
a 41-year-old male diagnosed with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Which of the
following would be considered a normal
hemoglobin value?
A patient diagnosed with an incomplete spinal cord posterior cord central cord anterior cord Brown-Sequard's 4
lesion presents with muscle paralysis on the syndrome syndrome syndrome syndrome
ipsilateral side of the lesion and a loss of pain,
temperature, and sensitivity on the contralateral
side of the lesion. This presentation BEST describes:
A physical therapist reviews a physician's annular radial collateral ulnar collateral volar radioulnar 3
examination of a patient scheduled for physical
therapy. The examination identifies excessive
medial displacement of the elbow during
ligamentous testing. Which ligament is typically
involved with medial instab
A patient is unable to take in an adequate supply of endobronchial nasogastric endotracheal tracheostomy 2
nutrients by mouth due to the side effects of
radiation therapy. As a result, the patient’s
physician orders the implementation of tube
feeding. What type of tube is MOST commonly
used for short-term
A physical therapist employed in an acute care systolic blood diastolic blood perceived exertion oxygen saturation 1
hospital prepares to work on standing balance with pressure pressure rate
a patient rehabilitating from abdominal surgery.
The patient has been on extended bed rest
following the surgical procedure and has only been
out of bed a f
A physical therapist inspects a burn obtained as a 2 4 6 8 1
result of iontophoresis. The therapist describes the
burn as an acidic reaction. If the therapist is
correct, the pH of the skin would MOST likely be:
A physical therapist attempts to palpate the lunate extension flexion radial deviation ulnar deviation 2
by moving his finger immediately distal to Lister's
tubercle. Which wrist motion will allow the
therapist to facilitate palpation of the lunate?
A physician indicates that a patient rehabilitating primary motor somatosensory basal ganglia cerebellum 2
from a cerebrovascular accident has significant cortex cortex
perceptual deficits. Which anatomical region would
MOST likely be affected by the stroke?
A physical therapist treats a patient referred to sidelying sitting standing supine 4
physical therapy with incontinence. The patient
describes her difficulty beginning after the birth of
her son. After completing an examination the
therapist concludes that the patient has extremely
A physical therapist prepares to administer the Berg reflex hammer goniometer stopwatch stethoscope 3
Balance Scale to a patient rehabilitating from a
cerebrovascular accident. Which of the following
tools is considered a necessary piece of equipment
when administering this outcome measure?
A physical therapist employed in a school setting cystic fibrosis Down syndrome Duchenne muscular spinal muscular 3
observes a 10-year-old boy attempt to move from dystrophy atrophy
the floor to a standing position. During the activity,
the boy has to push on his legs with his hands in
order to attain an upright position. This type of
A physical therapist uses repeated contractions to with the at the point where at the end of the with a maximal 2
strengthen the quadriceps of a patient that fails to extremity placed the desired available range of contraction of the
exhibit the desired muscular response throughout a into a shortened muscular response motion antagonistic muscle
portion of the range of motion. This proprioceptive range within the begins to diminish group
neuromuscular facilitation technique should be pattern
A patient rehabilitating from extensive burns to the reduce the schedule avoid treatment request that the 2
right upper extremity often complains of severe frequency and treatment sessions activities that are referring physician
pain in the arm during physical therapy treatment duration of the when the patient’s uncomfortable for increase the dosage
sessions. The present plan of care emphasizes treatment pain medication is the patient of the patient’s pain
range of motion, stretching, and positioning. The sessions most effective medication
A patient in the intensive care unit rehabilitating median cubital basilic vein cephalic vein saphenous vein 4
from a serious infection is connected to a series of vein
lines and tubes. Which lower extremity intravenous
infusion site would be the MOST appropriate to
administer an intravenous line?
A physical therapist reviews a medical chart to 5 hours 9 hours 15 hours 18 hours 2
determine when a patient was last medicated. The
chart indicates the patient received medication at
2300 hours. Assuming it is now 8:00 a.m., how long
ago did the patient receive the medication?
A physical therapist examines the foot of a 17-year- forefoot varus forefoot valgus rearfoot varus rearfoot valgus 1
old female referred to physical therapy with lower
leg pain. After placing the foot in subtalar neutral,
the therapist determines that the medial border of
the foot along the first metatarsal is higher
A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a in the patient’s in the physical in a private in the physical 1
patient recently admitted to an inpatient room therapy gym treatment room therapy waiting
rehabilitation hospital. The patient sustained a room
traumatic head injury in a motor vehicle accident
five weeks ago. The medical record indicates that
the patie
A physical therapist instructs a patient positioned in iliopsoas quadratus rectus femoris sartorius 3
supine to bring her left leg toward her chest and lumborum
maintain the position using her left arm. Assuming
the therapist observes the reaction shown in the
picture, what muscle would MOST likely have insuf
A physical therapist employed in a rehabilitation discontinue use contact the staff refer the patient to remove the cast 4
hospital treats a patient status post traumatic brain of the anterior nurse and request an orthotist
injury. During the treatment session the therapist portion of the that the cast is
notices that the patient’s toes are discolored below cast removed
a bivalved lower extremity cast. The cast was
A physical therapist attempts to obtain information active range of active-assistive passive range of resisted isometrics 3
on the ability of noncontractile tissue to allow motion range of motion motion
motion at a specific joint. Which selective tissue
tension assessment would provide the therapist
with the MOST valuable information?
A physical therapist attempts to transfer a dependent hydraulic lift sliding board assisted standing 2
dependent patient from a wheelchair to a bed. The standing pivot pivot
therapist is concerned about the size of the patient,
but is unable to secure another staff member to
assist with the transfer. Which type of transfer
would al
A physically active 19-year-old male receives pre- able to able to participate able to return to able to return to 4
operative instruction prior to anterior cruciate participate in in all recreational recreational and previous functional
ligament reconstruction. The patient's past medical light recreational activities competitive level
history includes a medial meniscectomy of the activities athletic activities
contralateral knee eight months ago. The MOST with a derotation
likely fun brace
A patient rehabilitating from an upper extremity rhomboids and biceps brachii and teres minor and pectoralis major and 1
injury uses a latissimus pull-down machine. The middle trapezius pectoralis major middle trapezius rhomboids
therapist specifically instructs the patient to pull the
bar down behind her head. This action emphasizes
strengthening of the:
A physical therapist adjusts the on:off time on an 5:1 15:1 1:5 1:15 3
electrical stimulation unit prior to beginning
treatment. When using the unit for muscle re-
education the MOST appropriate on:off ratio is:
A physical therapist is scheduled to administer a refuse to treat treat the patient ask the patient to select another 2
whirlpool treatment to a patient that is HIV positive. the patient and using appropriate reschedule their appropriate
The therapist is concerned about her ability to document the medical asepsis appointment treatment
complete the treatment since she sustained a small rationale in the procedure
paper cut on her fourth digit approximately three medical record
A physical therapist examines a patient referred to deep peroneal medial plantar tibial nerve lateral plantar nerve 1
physical therapy diagnosed with anterior nerve nerve
compartment syndrome. The patient presents with
an inability to dorsiflex the foot and a mild sensory
disturbance between the first and second toes. The
nerve M
A 35-year-old female is admitted to the hospital emphysema metabolic acidosis renal failure malignancy 4
following a recent illness. Laboratory testing
reveals a markedly high platelet count. This finding
is typical with:
A physical therapist interviews a patient referred to patient is a patient has a patient has patient has severe 1
physical therapy with a diagnosis of chronic smoker sedentary lifestyle numerous allergies scoliosis
bronchitis. What finding obtained during the
patient interview is MOST closely associated with
the patient’s medical diagnosis?
A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a hematocrit hemoglobin platelet count white blood cell 4
46-year-old female diagnosed with myasthenia count
gravis. A recent physician entry indicates that the
patient is currently taking immunosuppressive
medication. Which laboratory test should be the
MOST freq
A physical therapist makes a conscious effort to flooding operant role playing modeling 4
demonstrate particular kinds of behavior that are conditioning
significant and attainable for an eight-year-old
patient. This type of behavior therapy is termed:
A patient rehabilitating from knee surgery exhibits vastus medialis rectus femoris vastus lateralis sartorius 2
significant weakness in the involved extremity.
During the most recent therapy session the patient
was able to complete an independent straight leg
raise as shown. What muscle is emphasized in the
A physical therapist reviews a laboratory report for hematocrit erythrocyte oxygen saturation prothrombin time 1
a patient recently admitted to the hospital. The sedimentation rate
patient sustained burns over 25 percent of her body rate
in a fire. Assuming the patient exhibits
hypovolemia, which of the following laboratory
values woul
A physical therapist performs autolytic debridement a sharp an externally the body’s own a commercially 3
in an attempt to remove nonviable tissue from a instrument applied force mechanisms prepared enzyme
stage IV pressure ulcer. Autolytic debridement
removes necrotic tissue by using:
A physical therapist is responsible for supervising a a change in the a modification in a request by the an alteration in the 4
physical therapist assistant at an off site location. patient's medical the patient’s plan physical therapist patient's level of
Which of the following would not necessitate a status of care assistant motivation
supervisory visit by the physical therapist?
A physician instructs a 26-year-old male to utilize a medial meniscus anterior cruciate anterior cruciate posterior cruciate 3
knee derotation brace for all athletic activities. repair ligament ligament ligament
Which condition would MOST warrant the use of reconstruction insufficiency reconstruction
the derotation brace?
A physical therapist obtains a gross measurement of weight shift to anterior rotation posterior rotation hiking of the 3
hamstrings length by passively extending the lower the contralateral of the pelvis of the pelvis contralateral hip
extremity of a patient in short sitting. The MOST side
common substitution to exaggerate hamstrings
length is:
A physical therapist conducts an upper quarter passive active medial and passive extension active extension and 3
screening examination on a patient diagnosed with abduction of the lateral rotation of of the humerus flexion of the elbow
rotator cuff tendonitis. With the patient in sitting, humerus the humerus
the MOST appropriate action to facilitate palpation
of the rotator cuff is:
A physical therapist prepares to formally assess the assess apply a examine quantify visual 2
balance of a patient with a neurological disorder. cutaneous perturbation to proprioception in a acuity and depth
The MOST appropriate method to assess the sensation alter the body’s weight bearing perception
vestibular component of balance would be: center of gravity posture
A physical therapist inspects the skin of a child superficial superficial partial- deep partial- full-thickness 2
recently admitted to the hospital after sustaining a thickness thickness
scald burn from hot water on his torso. The burn is
moist and red with several areas of blister
formation. The burn covers an area approximately
A physical therapist prepares to examine a patient’s shoulder shoulder flexion shoulder extension shoulder flexion and 1
triceps using a reflex hammer. The MOST extension and and elbow and elbow elbow flexion
appropriate positioning of the patient’s arm during elbow flexion extension extension
the testing procedure is:
If the forced expiratory volume in one second sensitive specific reliable valid 2
(FEV1) test is negative for airway obstruction in 99%
of individuals without lung disease, then the
measurement of FEV1 is:
A physician examines a 36-year-old male with bicipital calcific tendonitis supraspinatus subacromial bursitis 2
shoulder pain. As part of the examination the tendonitis impingement
physician orders x-rays. Which medical condition
could be confirmed using this type of diagnostic
A physical therapist designs a research study that anthropometric circumferential goniometric volumetric 2
will examine the effect of high voltage galvanic measurements measurements measurements measurements
electrical stimulation on edema following
arthroscopic knee surgery. The MOST appropriate
method to collect data is:
A physical therapist employed in an outpatient inform the co-treat the treat the patient refuse to treat the 2
orthopedic clinic examines a patient diagnosed with patient of your patient with patient
cerebral palsy. The therapist has limited experience area of expertise another more
with cerebral palsy and is concerned about his experienced
ability to provide appropriate treatment. The MOST therapist
A patient status post Achilles tendon repair is secure the complete a carefully document contact the referring 4
examined in physical therapy. The physician patient's surgical thorough any modification physician
referral includes a very specific post-operative report examination
protocol. If the therapist plans on deviating from
the established protocol, the MOST appropriate
action is to:
A physical therapist examines the gait of a 62-year- iliopsoas tibialis anterior tibialis posterior gastrocnemius 2
old male with peripheral neuropathy. The therapist
observes that the patient’s right foot has a
tendency to slap the ground during the loading
response. The observation can BEST be explained
by weaknes
A physical therapist compiles a table which 15 degrees of 0 degrees of knee 0 degrees of ankle 10 degrees of 4
identifies joint position at the hip, knee, ankle, and hip extension dorsiflexion metatarsophalangea
metatarsophalangeal joints for each subunit of the hyperextension l hyperextension
stance phase of gait. Which of the following is NOT
accurate in describing normal joint position at the
A physical therapist positions a patient as shown in The patient is The patient The patient exerts a The patient reports 3
order to assess their claim of complete paresis of unable to lift experiences downward force severe pain while
the right lower extremity. The therapist instructs their left heel radiating pain into into the therapist’s performing the
the patient to perform a rapid straight leg raise with from the the right lower hand with their straight leg raise.
their left lower extremity. Which finding w therapist’s hand. extremity. right heel.
A patient rehabilitating from a lower extremity an inclinometer a scale an anthropometer a tape measure 2
injury has been non-weight bearing for three weeks.
A recent physician entry in the medical record
indicates the patient is cleared for weight bearing
up to 25 pounds. The MOST appropriate device to
use wh
A physical therapist observes a patient complete hip frontal vertical anterior-posterior longitudinal 3
abduction and adduction exercises in standing.
Which axis of movement is utilized with these
particular motions?
A patient is treated using pulsed wave ultrasound at 10% 20% 25% 50% 2
1.2 W/cm2 for seven minutes. The specific
parameters of the pulsed wave are 2 msec on time
and 8 msec off time for one pulse period. The duty
cycle should be recorded as:
A physical therapist examines the output from a inverted T wave prolonged PR bizarre QRS ST segment 2
single lead electrocardiogram of a patient with first interval complex depression
degree atrioventricular heart block. The defining
characteristic of this condition is:
The first step a physical therapist should take to pose an locate the most critically appraise integrate the 1
incorporate current best evidence into the practice answerable current best the evidence for its evidence into
of physical therapy is to: clinical question evidence from the validity, impact, clinical decision
literature and applicability making
A patient diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis D1 extension D1 flexion D2 extension D2 flexion 4
exhibits a forward stooped posture. As part of the
patient’s care plan the physical therapist selects a
number of active exercises that promote improved
posture. Which proprioceptive neuromuscular
A physical therapist completing a balance the width of the the amount of the amount of sway the complexity of 3
assessment positions a patient in standing prior to base of support time the patient is present during the tasks the patient is
administering the Romberg test. When necessary in able to maintain testing period able to perform with
administering the Romberg test it would be MOST order to the test position eyes open and eyes
important for the therapist to determine: maintain closed
A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a signs of resting decreased cool skin blood pressure of 1
patient diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease claudication peripheral pulses 165/90 mm Hg
prior to initiating treatment. Which objective
finding would MOST severely limit the patient's
ability to participate in an ambulation exercise
A patient with limited elbow and forearm range of in the concave in the concave in the convex radial in the convex radial 2
motion is referred to physical therapy. When radial head, radial head, head, parallel to head, perpendicular
mobilizing the humeroradial articulation, the parallel to the perpendicular to the long axis of the to the long axis of
treatment plane is considered to be: long axis of the the long axis of radius the radius
radius the radius
A physical therapist conducts an inservice on twice per day one time per week three times per five times per week 4
exercise guidelines for a group of senior citizens. As week
part of the inservice the therapist discusses the
benefits of improving cardiovascular status through
a low intensity activity such as a walking program.
A physical therapist identifies the pisiform after trapezium trapezoid lunate triquetrum 4
palpating along the proximal row of carpals. Which
carpal bone articulates with the pisiform?
A physical therapist employed in an acute care diminished lung arterial oxygen insufficient stroke excessive rise in 3
hospital reviews the medical record of a patient volumes desaturation volume during blood pressure
diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The ventricular systole
therapist would like to implement a formal exercise
program, but is concerned about the patient’s
exercise tolera
A physical therapist measures a patient for a measure from measure from the measure from the measure from the 2
wheelchair. When measuring back height, which the seat of the seat of the chair to seat of the chair to seat of the chair to
method is MOST accurate? chair to the base the base of the the acromion the acromion
of the axilla and axilla and subtract process and process and subtract
subtract two four inches subtract two inches four inches
A patient diagnosed with infrapatellar tendonitis 3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 15-20 minutes 2
completes a series of functional activities. After
completing the activities the physical therapist
instructs the patient to use ice massage over the
anterior surface of the knee. The MOST appropriate
A physical therapist uses functional electrical 3:1 1:4 5:1 1:6 3
stimulation as part of a treatment regimen designed
to improve quadriceps strength. Which on:off time
ratio would result in the MOST rapid onset of
muscle fatigue?
According to proponents of evidence-based cohort study randomized systematic review case report 3
medicine, the BEST source of information upon controlled trial
which to make clinical decisions about therapy for
an individual patient is:
A physical therapist employed in an outpatient clinicallow the patient reduce the discontinue the discontinue the 4
observes a patient complete a series of exercises. to resume intensity of the treatment session treatment session
During the treatment session the patient mentions exercise and exercise and and encourage the and call an
to the therapist that he is experiencing angina. continue to continue to patient to make an ambulance
After resting for 20 minutes the patient’s condit monitor the monitor the appointment with
patient’s patient’s condition his physician
A 55-year-old male status post myocardial infarction 190 185 165 155 3
is referred to physical therapy. The patient has a
history of cardiac disease and is moderately obese.
The patient's age-predicted maximal heart rate
should be recorded as:
A physical therapist transports a patient in a assist the patient monitor the demonstrate secure an additional 3
wheelchair to the parallel bars in preparation for to standing patient's vital signs ambulation in the staff member to
ambulation activities. The patient is status post parallel bars offer assistance
abdominal surgery and has not ambulated in over
two weeks. The MOST appropriate action to
facilitate ambu
A physical therapist prepares to transfer a patient sliding board hydraulic lift dependent squat two-person lift 3
from a wheelchair to a treatment table. The patient transfer pivot
cannot stand independently, but is able to bear
some weight through the lower extremities. The
MOST appropriate transfer technique is:
A risk management committee composed of various provide follow- provide free develop an educate staff about 3
members of the rehabilitation team is charged with up to employees hepatitis B infection control the policies
identifying methods to prevent employee exposure if exposed to immunizations to policy that
to blood and body fluids. The MOST appropriate blood and body staff conforms to
INITIAL action is: fluids Occupational
Safety and Health
A physical therapist attempts to classify the amount independent supervision minimal assistance moderate assistance 3
of assistance a patient requires to complete a sit to
stand transfer. After completing the transfer, the
therapist estimates that he was required to exert
approximately 20% of the physical work in orde
A patient explains to her therapist that she was non-weight toe touch weight partial weight weight bearing as 3
instructed to bear up to five pounds of weight on bearing bearing bearing tolerated
her involved extremity. The patient’s weight
bearing status would be BEST described as:
A physical therapist reviews the surgical report of a allograft autograft heterograft xenograft 1
patient that sustained extensive burns in a fire. The
report indicates that at the time of primary excision,
cadaver skin was utilized to close the wound. This
type of graft is termed:
A physician completes a physical examination on a bone scan computed magnetic x-ray 4
16-year-old male who injured his knee while playing tomography resonance imaging
in a soccer contest yesterday. The physician's
preliminary diagnosis is a grade II anterior cruciate
ligament injury. Which of the following diagnostic
A physical therapist performs goniometric downward downward upward rotation upward rotation and 3
measurements on a 38-year-old female rotation and rotation and and elevation of depression of the
rehabilitating from an acromioplasty. The therapist elevation of the depression of the the scapula scapula
attempts to stabilize the scapula while measuring scapula scapula
glenohumeral abduction. Failure to stabilize the
scapula will lead to:
A physical therapist performs an examination on a abduction and abduction and adduction and adduction and 1
46-year-old male patient diagnosed with piriformis lateral rotation medial rotation of lateral rotation of medial rotation of
syndrome. The patient indicates he has of the thigh the thigh the thigh the thigh
experienced pain in his low back and buttock region
for the last three weeks. Which motions would you
expect to b
A physical therapist examines a patient with a serratus levator scapulae, latissimus dorsi, supraspinatus, 2
dorsal scapular nerve injury. Which muscles would anterior, rhomboids teres major infraspinatus
you expect to be MOST affected by this condition? pectoralis minor
A 13-year-old female diagnosed with cerebral palsy spasticity ataxia hypotonia athetosis 4
is referred to physical therapy. The patient exhibits
slow, involuntary, continuous writhing movements
of the upper and lower extremities. This type of
motor disturbance is MOST representative of:
A physician refers a patient rehabilitating from a assessing determining selecting an assessing endurance 2
fractured femur to physical therapy for gait training. balance weight bearing assistive device
Which of the following would NOT be the status
responsibility of the physical therapist?
A physical therapist instructs a 55-year-old patient dependent squat sliding board two-person lift hydraulic lift 2
with significant bilateral lower extremity paresis to pivot transfer transfer
transfer from a wheelchair to a mat table. The
patient has normal upper extremity strength and
has no other known medical problems. The MOST
A physical therapist instructs a patient to make a a ruptured flexor a ruptured flexor a ruptured flexor a ruptured extensor 3
fist. The patient can make a fist, but is unable to carpi radialis digitorum digitorum digitorum communis
flex the distal phalanx of the ring finger. This clinical tendon superficialis profundus tendon tendon
finding can BEST be explained by: tendon
A physical therapist implements an aquatic program increase the increase the speed increase the depth remove the flotation 2
for a patient rehabilitating from a lower extremity water of movement of the water device
injury. The program requires the patient to run in temperature
place using a flotation device while tethered to the
side of the pool using an elastic cord. Which
A physical therapist measures passive forearm 60 degrees 80 degrees 100 degrees 120 degrees 2
pronation and concludes that the results are within
normal limits. Which measurement would be
classified as within normal limits?
A physical therapist discusses the importance of standing in the standing with 45 sitting in a chair sitting in a chair with 3
proper posture with a patient rehabilitating from anatomical degrees of hip slouching forward reduced lumbar
back surgery at the L3-L4 spinal level. Which body position flexion lordosis
position would place the MOST pressure on the
lumbar spine?
A physical therapist works on transfer activities with brachioradialis pronator teres extensor carpi latissimus dorsi 1
a patient diagnosed with a complete C5 spinal cord radialis brevis
injury. Which of the following muscles would the
patient be able to utilize during the training
A physical therapist treats a 32-year-old female pulse rate and pulse rate and blood pressure and the patient's vital 1
diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome. While respiration rate blood pressure are respiration rate are signs are within
exercising the patient begins to complain of feeling are below above normal above normal normal limits
lightheaded and dizzy. The therapist immediately normal levels levels levels
ushers the patient to a nearby chair and begins to
A physical therapist works with a patient diagnosed exercise on a limited squats to walking backwards isokinetic knee 4
with anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. The stair machine 45 degrees on a treadmill extension and
physician referral specifies closed kinematic chain flexion
rehabilitation. Which exercise would NOT be
appropriate based on the physician order?
A patient paralyzed from the waist down discusses 32 inches 48 inches 60 inches 72 inches 3
accessibility issues with an employer in preparation
for her return to work. The patient is concerned
about her ability to navigate a wheelchair in certain
areas of the building. What is the MINIMUM spac
A patient is referred to physical therapy following consult various consult various contact the discuss the patient’s 3
surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff. The physician medical protocols of other referring physician care with other staff
referral does not include post-operative guidelines resources that surgeons in the and discuss the members who are
and also does not classify the extent or size of the discuss physical area patient’s care more experienced in
tear. The physical therapist’s MOST appropr therapy treating rotator cuff
management of repairs
rotator cuff
A 52-year-old, self-referred male is examined in treat the patient inform the patient refer the patient to refer the patient to 4
physical therapy. The patient states that over the conservatively that he is not a an oncologist his primary care
last three months he has experienced increasing and document candidate for physician
neck stiffness and pain at night. He also any changes in physical therapy
communicates that he recently had several the patient’s
episodes of dizziness status
A physical therapist wearing sterile protective gloves sleeves of the front of the gown front of the gown 4
clothing establishes a sterile field prior to changing gown above waist level below waist level
a dressing on a wound. Which area of the
protective clothing would NOT be considered sterile
even before coming in contact with a non-sterile
A physical therapist transports a patient with in the patient’s on the patient’s on the wheelchair on the wheelchair 4
multiple sclerosis to the gym for her treatment lap lower abdomen armrest cross brace beneath
session. The patient is wheelchair dependent and the seat
uses a urinary catheter. When transporting the
patient, the MOST appropriate location to secure
the collectio
A physical therapist employed by a home health 2 cycles per 4 cycles per 6 cycles per minute 8 cycles per minute 1
agency visits a patient status post total knee minute minute
arthroplasty. The patient was discharged from the
hospital yesterday and according to the medical
record had an unremarkable recovery. The
physician orders inc
A physical therapist attempts to examine the extent manual muscle sensory test for functional finger to nose 4
of ataxia in a patient’s upper extremities. The test light touch assessment of
preferred method to examine and document ataxia rolling in bed
An eleven-month-old child with cerebral palsy Galant reflex symmetrical tonic plantar grasp reflex positive support 2
attempts to maintain a quadruped position. Which neck reflex reflex
reflex would interfere with this activity if it was NOT
A physical therapist attempts to schedule a patient schedule the attempt to move schedule the inform the referring 3
for an additional therapy session after completing patient on one of the patient with physician the
the examination. The physician referral indicates Wednesday at patients scheduled another physical patient will only be
the patient is to be seen two times a week. The 4:30 on Wednesday at therapist on seen once this week
therapist suggests several possible times to the pat 4:30 to a different Wednesday at 4:30 in therapy
While reading the Methods section of a research controls for keeps the subjects ensures that selects a 1
report, a physical therapist notes the investigators differences ‘blind’ to the subjects with homogenous group
used a repeated measures design. This form of between identity of the similar of subjects
experimental design: subjects treatment group characteristics are
assigned to
different treatment
A physical therapist reviews the parameters of greater phase greater frequency stronger amplitude shorter treatment 2
several pain modulation theories using duration time
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
When comparing sensory stimulation to motor
stimulation, sensory stimulation requires:
A physical therapist performs an examination on a lateral femoral lateral joint line lateral tibial fibular head 1
27-year-old male diagnosed with iliotibial band condyle condyle
syndrome. The patient is an avid distance runner
who routinely ran between 45-60 miles per week
before experiencing pain in his knee. Standing
posture reve
The measurement of blood pressure with an an a pressure a physician using a a pulse oximeter 2
aneroid sphygmomanometer is said to have electrocardiogra transducer mercury
concurrent validity if the pressures measured by the m inserted in the sphygmomanomet
sphygmomanometer are equal to the pressures artery er
measured at the same time by:
A physical therapist transfers a patient in a have the patient have the tilt the wheelchair position yourself in 3
wheelchair down a curb with a forward approach. lean forward wheelchair brakes backwards front of the patient
Which of the following actions would be the MOST locked
A physical therapist working on an oncology unit hematocrit white blood cells platelets hemoglobin 3
reviews the medical chart of a male patient prior to
initiating airway clearance techniques. The
patient’s cell counts are as follows: hematocrit 44%,
white blood cells 8,500 mm^3, platelets 30,000/µl,
A physical therapist treats a patient with a fractured using the quad using the quad using the quad using the quad cane 2
left hip. The patient is weight bearing as tolerated cane on the left cane on the right cane on the left on the right with the
and uses a large base quad cane for gait activities. with the longer with the longer with the longer legs longer legs
Correct use of the quad cane would include: legs positioned legs positioned positioned toward positioned toward
away from the away from the the patient the patient
patient patient
A 66-year-old female is referred to physical therapy Boutonniere mallet finger swan neck ulnar drift 1
with rheumatoid arthritis. During the examination deformity deformity
the physical therapist notes increased flexion at the
proximal interphalangeal joints and hyperextension
at the metacarpophalangeal and distal interpha
A patient diagnosed with piriformis syndrome is schedule the explain to the explain to the contact the referring 4
referred to physical therapy for one visit for patient for patient that recent patient that she physician and
instruction in a home exercise program. After treatment health care can continue with request approval for
examining the patient, the physical therapist feels sessions as reforms have physical therapy additional physical
the patient’s rehabilitation potential is excellent, warranted by drastically reduced beyond the initial therapy visits
but is c the results of the the frequency of session, but will be
examination physical therapy liable for all
visits covered by expenses not
third party payers covered by her
A physical therapist completes lower extremity verbally report verbally report the document and document and 3
range of motion activities with a patient status post the observation observation to the verbally report the verbally report the
spinal cord injury. While performing passive range to the patient’s patient’s nurse observation to the observation to the
of motion, the therapist notices that the patient’s physician patient’s nurse director of
urine is extremely dark and has a distinctive foul rehabilitation
A rehabilitation manager designs a system to number of results of patient total hours of direct number of regular 2
monitor the productivity of the physical therapists. generated timed satisfaction survey patient treatment payroll hours
Which piece of data would be the LEAST beneficial treatment units data time
to accomplish the manager’s objective?
A physical therapist observing a patient complete a semimembranos semitendinosus popliteus and semimembranosus 2
leg curl exercise notices two prominent tendons us and and biceps femoris semitendinosus and biceps femoris
visible on the posterior surface of the patient’s left semitendinosus muscles muscles muscles
knee. The visible tendons are MOST likely muscles
associated with the:
A physical therapist prepares to apply a hot pack to complete an contact the modify the avoid documenting 1
the low back of a patient diagnosed with incident report referring physician documentation the event since it
degenerative disk disease. When examining the from the previous occurred during the
patient the therapist identifies several blisters on treatment session previous treatment
the patient’s right side. The patient indicates they session
were ca
A physical therapist attempts to calculate the target 96 - 120 beats 132 - 156 beats 144 - 174 beats per 164 - 185 beats per 2
heart rate range for a 32-year-old female with no per minute per minute minute minute
significant past medical history. The patient’s
resting heart rate is recorded as 60 beats per
minute and the maximal heart rate is 180 beats per
A 47-year-old patient with a diagnosis of CVA with knee-ankle-foot plastic articulating metal upright prefabricated 2
left hemiplegia is referred for orthotic examination. orthosis with a ankle-foot orthosis ankle-foot orthosis posterior leaf spring
Significant results of manual muscle testing include: locked knee locked in neutral orthosis
hip flexion 3+/5, hip extension 3/5, knee flexion
3+/5, knee extension 3+/5, ankle dorsiflexio
A physical therapist treats a patient diagnosed with facilitate promote weight emphasize facilitate tone and 2
Parkinson’s disease. When working on controlled postural muscle shifting and reciprocal rigidity
mobility, which of the following would BEST control rotational trunk extremity
describe the physical therapist’s objective? control movement
A physical therapist reviews the medical chart of a pulmonary electrocardiogram intracranial pulse oximeter 2
patient with a history of recurrent dysrhythmias. artery catheter pressure monitor
The therapist is concerned about the patient’s past
medical history and would like to monitor the
patient during selected formal exercise activities. W
A physical therapist observes a change in the asymmetrical symmetrical tonic symmetrical tonic crossed extension 1
muscle tone of an infant's extremities as a result of tonic neck reflex neck reflex labyrinthine reflex reflex
head rotation. Which developmental reflex would
facilitate this type of response?
A physical therapy program designs a study that A high grade Students in a There is no There is an inverse 2
uses performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test as point average in physical therapy relationship relationship
a predictor of grade point average in a physical a physical program with high between grade between grade
therapy academic program. The results of the study therapy program scores on the point average in a point average in a
identify that the overall correlation between the is caused by a Scholastic physical therapy physical therapy
vari high score on Aptitude Test tend program and program and
the Scholastic to have high grade performance on performance on the
Aptitude Test. point averages. the Scholastic Scholastic Aptitude
Aptitude Test. Test.
A patient is referred to physical therapy with a C6 diminished weakness in the diminished paresthesias of the 4
nerve root injury. Which of the following clinical sensation on the biceps and brachioradialis long and ring fingers
findings would NOT be expected with this type of anterior arm and supinator reflex
injury? the index finger
A 22-year-old male status post traumatic brain provide non- place a patch over ask the patient to instruct the patient 2
injury receives physical therapy services in a verbal one of the turn his head to to carefully focus on
rehabilitation hospital. The patient is presently instructions patient’s eyes one side when he a single object
functioning at Rancho Los Amigos level VI. The within the experiences
patient has progressed well in therapy, however, patient’s direct diplopia
has been both line of sight
A physical therapist completes an upper extremity pronator teres pectoralis major biceps brachii middle trapezius 4
manual muscle test on a patient diagnosed with
rotator cuff tendonitis. Assuming the patient has
the ability to move the upper extremities against
gravity, which of the following muscles would NOT
be test
A physical therapist prepares a patient education wear shoes that observe your skin wear your keep your feet 3
program for an individual with chronic venous accommodate to daily for compression elevated as much as
insufficiency. Which of the following would NOT be the size and breakdown stockings only at possible throughout
appropriate to include in the patient education shape of your night the day
program? feet
A physical therapist determines that a patient anterior lunge six-inch lateral six-inch posterior eight-inch posterior 2
rehabilitating from ankle surgery has consistent step down step up step down
difficulty with functional activities that emphasize
the frontal plane. Which of the following would be
the MOST difficult for the patient?
A patient rehabilitating from a radial head fracture contract-relax hold-relax maintained rhythmic 3
is examined in physical therapy. During the pressure stabilization
examination, the physical therapist notes that the
patient appears to have an elbow flexion
contracture. Which of the following would NOT
serve as an approp
A patient with a lengthy medical history of cardiac 2-3 mm Hg per 3-5 mm Hg per 5-7 mm Hg per 8-10 mm Hg per 1
pathology is referred to a phase II cardiac second second second second
rehabilitation program. During the first session the
physical therapist prepares to measure the patient’s
blood pressure by inflating the cuff 20 mm Hg
A physical therapist examines a patient who visual system somatosensory auditory system vestibular system 4
complains of occasional difficulty maintaining her system
balance when walking and frequent episodes of
vertigo. The MOST likely cause of the patient’s
difficulty is a disorder of the:
As a component of a cognitive assessment, a attention constructional abstract ability orientation 1
physical therapist asks a patient to count from one ability
to twenty-five by increments of three. Which
cognitive function does this task MOST accurately
An 86-year-old female is partial weight bearing on Lofstrand axillary crutches large base quad walker 4
the left lower extremity after a total hip crutches cane
arthroplasty. Her upper extremity strength is 3+/5
and she resides alone. Which assistive device would
be the MOST appropriate for the patient?
A patient with a suspected scaphoid fracture is localized edema crepitus with localized bony pain with resisted 3
referred to physical therapy. Which clinical sign is along the active range of tenderness in the wrist extension
MOST indicative of a scaphoid fracture? dorsum of the motion anatomic snuff box
A patient on prolonged bed rest attempts to get out decrease in decrease in increase in pulse adverse reaction to 1
of bed. Upon attaining a standing position the blood pressure respiratory rate rate medication
patient complains of lightheadedness and blurred
vision. The MOST appropriate explanation is:
A patient's job requires him to move boxes implement a design an review proper body use an elevated 4
weighing 35 pounds from a transport cart to an pelvic abdominal mechanics platform when
elevated conveyor belt. The patient can complete stabilization strengthening placing boxes on the
the activity, however, is unable to prevent program program belt
hyperextension of the spine. The MOST
appropriate physical therapist a
A 21-year-old male patient informs a physical offer to treat the devise an request additional discharge the 4
therapist that additional therapy visits will not be patient pro bono affordable visits from the third patient with a home
covered by his medical insurance provider. The payment plan party payer exercise program
patient is 12 weeks status post anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction and has had an
unremarkable post-o
A physical therapist monitors the blood pressure increased decreased increased oxygen decreased 1
response to exercise of a 52-year-old male on a cardiac output peripheral saturation myocardial oxygen
stationary bicycle. The therapist notes a relatively resistance consumption
linear increase in systolic blood pressure with
increasing exercise intensity. The change in the
A 64-year-old female patient is admitted to the supine with prone with pillows left sidelying with right sidelying with 3
hospital with a stage III decubitus ulcer over her pillows under under the knees pillows between pillows between the
right ischial tuberosity. The patient’s past medical the knees the knees knees
history includes severe chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. The MOST appropriate position
for the
A physical therapist performs a manual muscle test pectoralis major teres major latissimus dorsi teres minor 4
on a patient's shoulder medial rotators. Which
muscle would NOT be involved in this specific test?
A patient in an acute care hospital has a catheter arterial line central venous Hickman catheter Swan-Ganz catheter 3
inserted into the internal jugular vein. The catheter pressure catheter
travels through the superior vena cava and into the
right atrium. The device permits removal of blood
samples, administration of medication, and mon
A patient informs her physical therapist that she inspect the lump instruct the inform the patient document the 2
noticed a small lump on her right breast while patient to make an she may have patient's comment
dressing. The patient was referred to physical immediate cancer in the medical
therapy with lateral epicondylitis and has no appointment with record
significant past medical history. The MOST her physician
appropriate therapis
A physical therapist attempts to confirm the fit of a difficulty insufficient trunk difficulty propelling increased pressure 3
wheelchair for a patient recently admitted to a changing support the wheelchair to the distal
skilled nursing facility. After completing the position within posterior thighs
assessment, the therapist determines the the wheelchair
wheelchair has excessive seat width. Which
adverse effect resul
A patient uses a self-administered assessment tool reliability of internal intratester intertester 3
as a method to record daily progress. What type of parallel forms consistency
reliability would be the MOST essential using this
A physical therapist administers the Mini-Mental 18 24 30 34 2
State Examination to a patient recently admitted to
an acute care medical facility. The MINIMUM
patient score necessary in order to avoid being
classified as possessing a cognitive impairment
would be:
A physical therapist receives a referral to instruct a apply a gait belt maintain proper assess vital signs examine the 4
patient in stair training using axillary crutches. The body mechanics patient's limitations
patient is rehabilitating from a tibial fracture and is and capabilities
currently partial weight bearing on the involved
extremity. The MOST important action p
A physical therapist employed in an inpatient monitoring vital measuring knee observing a patient recording modality 3
rehabilitation center works with a patient signs range of motion complete a mat parameters in the
rehabilitating from a total knee arthroplasty. Which with a goniometer exercise program medical record
treatment activity would be the MOST appropriate
to delegate to a physical therapy aide?
A physical therapist discusses common cognitive poor judgment impulsive quick overly cautious 4
and behavioral changes associated with stroke with
family members of a patient with right hemisphere
damage and resultant left hemiplegia. Which term
does NOT accurately describe the MOST typical
patient pr
A physical therapist gathers a variety of equipment joint position vibration stereognosis barognosis 2
prior to administering a series of sensory tests.
Which form of sensation would be examined by
utilizing a tuning fork?
A physical therapist discusses the process of C4 C6 T1 T3 2
learning to drive an adapted van with a patient
rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury. What is the
highest spinal cord injury level where this activity
would be a realistic independent functional
A physical therapist searches the literature to find high positive low positive high discriminant high internal 1
an appropriate cardiovascular screening test to predictive value predictive value validity consistency
identify individuals with known cardiovascular
disease who should have a medical examination
before starting an exercise program. The physical
A patient classifies the intensity of exercise as a 16 40 percent of 60 percent of the 70 percent of the 85 percent of the 4
using Borg's (20-point) Rating of Perceived Exertion the maximum maximum heart maximum heart maximum heart rate
Scale. This classification BEST corresponds to: heart rate range rate range rate range range
A male patient rehabilitating from a lower extremity 3 degrees 7 degrees 14 degrees 21 degrees 2
injury is referred to physical therapy for gait
analysis. The physical therapist begins the session
by observing the patient at free speed walking. The
normal degree of toe-out at this speed is:
A patient with Alzheimer's disease is referred to provide verbal frequently repeat assess the patient's avoid using medical 3
physical therapy for instruction in an exercise and written multiple step cognitive status terminology
program. The MOST appropriate INITIAL step is: instructions directions
A physical therapist working in an outpatient partial weight partial weight toe touch weight toe touch weight 1
physical therapy clinic guards a patient descending bearing bearing secondary bearing secondary bearing secondary
a curb with axillary crutches. Based on the secondary to a to a right lateral to a left lateral to a right lateral
photograph, the MOST likely patient scenario is: left lateral ankle ankle sprain ankle sprain ankle sprain
A physical therapist prepares a patient recovering long handled raised toilet seat sliding board tub bench 3
from a total hip arthroplasty using a posterolateral shoehorn
surgical approach for discharge from the hospital.
The patient is a 65 year old and resides alone.
Assuming an uncomplicated recovery, which of the f
A physical therapist records the end-feel associated muscular stretch capsular stretch soft tissue ligamentous stretch 3
with forearm supination as firm in the medical approximation
record. Which of the following is NOT consistent
with an end-feel categorized as firm?
A physical therapist examines several superficial stroke the skin stroke the skin of prick the skin of the prick the skin of the 2
reflexes on a patient diagnosed with an upper beneath the the superior and perianal region glans penis
motor neuron lesion. When assessing the costal margins medial thigh
cremasteric reflex the MOST appropriate stimulus and above the
is: inguinal
A 35-year-old male diagnosed with ankylosing strengthening of strengthening of strengthening of strengthening of the 4
spondylitis is referred to physical therapy for the rectus the internal and the quadratus back extensors
instruction in a home exercise program. Which abdominus external obliques lumborum
general treatment objective would be the MOST
beneficial for the patient?
A 73-year-old male patient receiving outpatient oral buccal sublingual topical 3
physical therapy begins to experience acute angina.
The patient indicates he uses nitroglycerin to
alleviate the angina. The MOST appropriate mode
of administration is:
A physical therapist prepares to conduct a manual prone sidelying supine standing 2
muscle test of the hip flexors. Assuming a grade of
poor, the MOST appropriate testing position is:
A physical therapist administers the Functional distal tip of the third metacarpal radial styloid ulnar styloid process 2
Reach Test to a patient rehabilitating from a third digit process
neurological disorder. Which bony landmark would
be the MOST appropriate to utilize when formally
measuring the distance the patient reached during
each trial?
A physical therapist measures elbow flexion while a the walker the walker height the walker height is not enough 2
patient grasps the handgrip of a walker in standing. height is too low is too high for the appropriate for the information is given
The therapist records elbow flexion as 35 degrees. for the patient patient patient to assess walker
Which statement BEST describes the height of the height
A physical therapist often makes errors when use correction place a single line use pencil when use erasable ink 2
completing daily documentation. Which of the fluid as needed through the error, completing your when completing
following statements would be the MOST on your write "error," documentation your documentation
appropriate advice to the therapist when an error documentation date, and initial it
A 22-year-old male rehabilitating from a motor axillary crutches Lofstrand crutches walker with cane 2
vehicle accident is referred to physical therapy for platform
gait training. The patient sustained multiple injuries attachment
including a fractured tibia and a traction injury to
the brachial plexus. The patient is partial w
A physical therapist asks a patient to complete a no pain mild pain weak pain faint pain 1
visual analogue scale designed to assess pain
intensity. The scale consists of a 10 centimeter line
with descriptive labels at each end. Which
terminology would be the MOST appropriate for the
FIRST labe
The MOST important contribution case reports A case report A case report A case report A case report uses 2
make to evidence-based practice in physical therapy demonstrates a provides provides data on triangulation to test
is: causal information that the natural history a hypothesis with
relationship can be used to of disease states. more than one
between generate inductive source of data.
treatment and hypotheses for
outcome in a future studies.
single patient.
A physical therapist treats an infant diagnosed with lateral flexion to lateral flexion to lateral flexion to lateral flexion to the 4
torticollis with marked lateral flexion of the neck to the right and the left and the right and left and rotation to
the right. As part of the infant’s plan of care the rotation to the rotation to the left rotation to the left the right
therapist performs passive stretching activities to right
improve the patient’s range of motion. Th
A physical therapist instructs a patient to close her barognosis graphesthesia recognition of stereognosis 1
eyes and hold out her hand. The therapist places a texture
series of different weights in the patient’s hand one
at a time. The patient is then asked to identify the
comparative weight of the objects. This
A physical therapist assesses the pulse rate of a select a different measure the pulse use a different document the 2
patient exercising on a treadmill. The therapist pulse site rate for 60 stethoscope irregular pulse rate
notes that the rhythm of the pulse is often irregular. seconds in the patient's
The MOST appropriate action to ensure an accurate medical record
measurement of pulse rate is:
A physical therapist participates in a community suprailiac subscapular triceps lateral calf 4
fitness program by conducting anthropometric
measurements designed to determine percent body
fat. Which site is NOT typically utilized when
measuring skinfolds?
A physical therapist prepares to administer the intensity the duration of the choice of the the size of the area 3
ultrasound to a patient with lateral epicondylitis. exposure coupling agent sonated
When applying ultrasound the amount of heat
absorbed is LEAST dependent upon:
A physical therapist employed in a rehabilitation the number of the scope of the discretion of the quantity of 3
hospital utilizes the services of a physical therapy years of formal training the physical continuing
aide. Which variable BEST determines the extent to experience therapist education courses
which physical therapy aides are involved in patient
care activities?
A physical therapist prepares to treat a patient with sitting, leaning head down on left supine with two prone with two 4
cystic fibrosis using postural drainage. The MOST over a folded side, 1/4 turn pillows under the pillows under the
appropriate patient position when treating the pillow at a 30 backward knees hips
superior segments of the lower lobes is: degree angle
A patient rehabilitating from a knee injury 67 ft/lbs 109 ft/lbs 136 ft/lbs 183 ft/lbs 3
completes an isokinetic examination. The patient
produces 88 ft/lbs of torque with the hamstrings at
120 degrees per second. Assuming normal
quadriceps/hamstrings ratio, which of the following
MOST accurately