2 1lab-Project
2 1lab-Project
2 1lab-Project
i. Objectives Of Experiment 3
ii. Introduction 3
v. Experimental Procedures 6
vi. Results 7
vii. Discussions 10
viii. Conclusion 12
ix. References 13
x. Appendix 14
(I) Objectives of Experiment
• Develop a new design of Rivet pattern theoretically and using formula to calculate the load
capacity of the Eccentrically Loaded Rivet Joint Bracket.
• Compare the load per cost ratio with original design pattern.
• Test the new design by testing machine and obtain the load value from the test program
(ii) Introduction
Rivet joints are employed in many applications for example, fastening two bodies. A review of the design
theory and approach for determining the failure load capacity of an Eccentrically Load Rivet Joint Bracket
was conducted.
In this project, we need to evaluate the failure load capacity of a rivet jointed bracket used in an industrial
storage shelve system as shown in Figure 1. The local geometrical details of the rivet jointed bracket
assembly shown in Figure 2. A test arrangement for such laboratory test specimen and the dimensions of
the test part are shown in Figure 3.The six small rivets (original rivets pattern) are arranged in a simple
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
(iii) Theory Underlying
The rivets in the bracket used are under eccentric loading, therefore the rivets are in shear by the load
directly downward and also the moment force, equal to P x “a” where “a” is the distance the load P to
The normal shear forces acting to the rivet is P load divided by how many rivets used. The bending
Fi = (M x r) / ∑ r2
The resultant force on each rivet is the sum of vector of both x and y component of the forces.
(iv) Equipment Used
• Prepare test specimens using six rivets as shown in Figure 3 for six small rivets.
• Test the specimen to failure and record the failure load and any observations.
• Develop a mechanics model to predict the eccentrically loaded rivet joint test result.
• Research and propose a comprehensive mechanics theory for predicting rivet joint failure.
(vi) Results
Size Diameter (inches) Price $ (per 1000 pcs) Mean Load (N)
Small 1/8 12 843.79
Medium 5/12 15 1473.28
Large 3/16 20 1958.66
Six small rivets - - 1814.36
Table 1-Test result for three different size rivets and six small rivets
1. P (load, N) = 1159.4N
2. P (load, N) = 1876.3N
3. P (load, N) = 1490.90N
4. P (load, N) = 1794.86.4N
The design selected by our group
5) P (load, N) = 2.3KN
6) P (load, N) = 2.3KN
The load per cost ratio for the first pattern (Four medium rivets) is 38KN per dollars, Where else the
second design (Three big Rivets) is also around 38KN per dollars .The cost per load of the original
pattern design is 25KN/dollars. The calculation by formula of the four rivet design is attached in
Appendix 1.
(vii) Discussions
The P x E effect
The distance between the centriod and the load is very important factor that affect the strength of
the bracket load. The greater the distance, the lower the load the bracket can take.
The P load obtains from the experiment shows the result of P x E effect. The figure 1 and figure 2
in the result parts show the greater distance between centriod and the load, the lower the load the
∑Mc = 0
P x E = F1 (D1) + F2 (D1)
P = D1 (F1 + \F2)/E
∑Mc = 0
P x E = F1 (D1) + F2 (D1)
P = D1 (F1 + \F2)/E
E in the first case is greater than E in the second case; therefore, (F1 + F2) for the first case is greater,
so that the rivet for the first case is withstanding a greater force with the same load P.
The distance between the centroid to each rivet R is also a very important factor for designing a
rivet pattern. The greater the R, the higher P load can the bracket withstand.
(viii) Conclusion
In this project, we used the formula to reverse calculate the P load for our design pattern; besides that,
we also make the design pattern and test it. From the value obtained from the test machine, there is a
The error maybe is the angle that using to calculate is wrong; or the error coming from experiment.
E.g. the rivet is not fully contact with the hole drilled; the hole drilled is with sharp edge, pre load
From this project, we have learned how to use formula to calculate the load and how to operate the test
(ix) References
Robert L. Mott
Web site:
• http://www.marsoncorp.com/DesignInfo.htm
• http://physics.uwstout.edu/Statstr/Statics/Torsion/rivw56.htm
• http://www.utm.edu/departments/engin/lemaster/Machine%20Design/Lecture%2031.pdf
• http://www.ncat.edu/~ccmradm/ccmr/images/accomplishments/RevetJt_1.pdf
(x) Appendix