CHAPTER 01civil Training
CHAPTER 01civil Training
CHAPTER 01civil Training
My first training session was started from 10 decemer,2012 to 15 February 2013. I was
shifted to the head office of deduru oya reservoir project at weriyapola by deputy general
director (training) of irrigation department at Colombo. from there I was shifted to main office
to right bank canal (RB canal) at Nikaweratiya.
RB Canal :-
Total length : 33 km
LB canal :-
Deduru Oya and Mee Oya Rivers are adjoining main river basins in the North
Western Province
In Mee Oya basin 80 % of water is used
In Deduru Oya Basin only about 20% of water is used
1000 Million Cubic Meters goes to the sea.
The project Objective is to regulate this water By constructing Dam at
Provide water for about 27000 acres in Deduru Oya and Mee Oya Basins
In irrigation department’s structures, there are special recommendation for contractors due to
those structures are water retaining structures. therefore department is mostly get attention
about it because of water retaining structures may be failed due to erosion of reinforcement
which inside of the above structures. that means in water retaining structures water is directly
contact with structures then water may be move through the concrete in micro structure holes.
therefore water is contact within side reinforcement then steel reinforcement react with acid
and other chemicals of water . that means reinforcement may be erosion easily in water
retaining structures. As a result of above problems , when water retaining structures are
contracted small aggregates are mostly used. when fine aggregates are increasing for
concrete the micro structural holes are reduces then erosion of reinforcement is may be
reduced. But when fine aggregate percentage of contrite is increasing the strength of concrete
is reduced then that percentage is controlled in acceptable range. Therefore for the above
structures, the high strength cement is used for concrete. As a other result, in water retaining
structures, there is high covering space than other concrete mixtures.
For the measure above volumes, the gauge boxes are used. In practically (In site)
volume of gauge box is taken as volume of half of cement bag.
Aggregate is one of the main material in concrete .therefore for any construction
where used concrete were used , aggregate was more effective . that aggregate should
be in better quality. therefore, before used aggregate for concrete ,it should be test.
then good aggregate can be taken. there are two types of aggregates which used for
fine aggregate
coerce aggregate
In concrete, above aggregate percentage should measured and that aggregates were
separated considering there size. For that serve analysis were done.
Fig 2.2 Serve analysis
Cube test was done for concrete to check its compressive strength. The cube was made in a
cube mould that has the internal dimensions of 150mm. before making cubes, the inner
surface of the mould was coated by firm oil in order to prevent adhering of concrete to the
mould. Concrete was filled in three layers, ramming each layer with 35 strokes the rammer is
of cross section 25 х 25 mm & the weight is 1 kg.
The cubes are removed from the mould after 24 hours & then cured in a water tank. Tests are
carried out after 7 days & 28 days for different cubes. They have to pass the both tests. If
concrete cubes of a particular structural component fails in the 7 days & passed in the 28 days
test, it is considered a good concrete.
Fig.2.3 Cube mould
The surface of the concrete was smooth by a trowel to make it level with the top of the mould. From
each batch 5 cubes were made
7 days 28 days
GRADE 20 14 20
Slump test was used to determine the workability of concrete. This test was done to the ready
mix concrete. Slump test was done before to concreting start. This test was done using a
slump cone and a ram rod.
The cone was kept on steel base plate and held tightly. Concrete was filled in three layers and
each layer was rammed by 25 strokes using the rammer. Then the cone was removed and the
height of the concrete, which it had fallen, was measured. This was the slump value of the
concrete and should be in between 100 and 150 mm.
Concrete is reject where the case slump value is out of the allowed range. Because the
concrete is not suitable due to either excess or in sufficient water content. Acceptance letter of
concrete was given by the consultant engineer in the site if the slump value was within the
This was done by using a slump cone & a ram rod. The slump cone is 300 mm high & has the inner
diameters 100 mm on top & 200 mm at the bottom. The rod is 600 mm long & has a diameter of 16
mm. It weighs 2 kg.
Very low 0 - 25
Low 25 - 50
Medium 50-100
High 100 - 175
Compaction of concrete is the process adopted to remove the entrapped air from the concrete.
If the air is not removed fully, the concrete loses its strength considerably. We used Pokers for
Poker is one of the main machinery used for the concrete work Due to the vibration of the rod
voids in the laid concrete is reduced and mixture is well prepared but that rod should be
inserted to the concrete mixture approximately in vertically unless that laid concrete may be
When concreting in dry weather has to be done this is used to improve the workability
These are the major defect in concrete. Will occur due to,
Segregation (due to improper mixture of concrete) of materials when placing
By using incorrect proportions of materials
Due to high water cement ratio
Due to poor mixing of materials
Poor compaction of concrete
Bad formwork arrangement
When joints of formwork are loose there can be leakage of grout through these joints.
This RB canal is a 38km long canal. But there was about 5m level difference
between reservoir and Iginimitiya reservoir which is the ending place of the canal. amount of
water discharge of mee oya is not enough to the iginimitiya reservoir then one of the main
purpose of the constructing deduru oya reservoir is supply water to iginimiya reservoir. that
purpose is done by RB canal. All tanks of low land area tanks and most tanks of high land
area are distributed water by RB canal between deduru oya reservoir to iginimitiya reservoir.
From that down side extra water is sent to Ridebediela. So there was a very small slope only
0.018m per 100m. So this canal was designed as a concrete canal to get the accuracy slop of
the canal. But velocity should be control in a acceptable range because if velocity is higher
than acceptable range bed may be erosion on the other hand water velocity is lower than range
silt and sediments may be sedimentation. this range is taken by with ratio of actual velocity of
canal to critical velocity. this ratio is become from mannin’s equation.(v=1/n *R2/3S1/2)
acceptable range for water velocity of cannel = 0.2 < V/Vcr < 0.8
Critical velocity means the design velocity. But design velocity always higher than actual
velocity due to friction of the lining and bed of canal.
Whole canal was divided into 2km parts and gave to the many sub contractors to work.
Engineering Assistance and work supervises were in every site to manage the works and they
should responsible for works of that site area.
In some areas, first we have to increase the existing ground level because existing ground
level was below designed canal elevation. In that area canal was filling section and when
ground level was higher than design bed level, In that area canal was cutting section.
After designing was finished, the center line of the canal was been marked by surveyors.
After that land preparation was started. then ground level was measured by leveling
instruments. filling and cutting areas are recognized . then start the excavation of canal in
cutting areas .
First leveling was done with reference to benchmarks nearby , and the existing ground
levels along the Centre Line of the main canal in random were obtained.
After calculating the depth towards the DBL (Design Bed Level), excavations were
done to required depths and widths inclusive of around 0.5 m working space on either
After excavation of canal bed, marked the canal walls with pegs to designed slope for
excavation. It was help for the operator to cut the slope walls.
After excavation, slope of canal bed and walls were checked again for an accurate
Level box
In Deduru oya project, only Right Bank canal was finished with concrete lining. Because it is
longer than Left Bank main canal & purpose of it is supply water to the Iginimitiya reservoir.
There for capacity can be reduced due to seepage through the distance. Other reason for lining
was slop of this canal is very small. Slop should be maintained very accurately. Otherwise
water will not be flow properly in the canal. So canal was designed in concrete lining. First
design was to use pre cast concrete slabs for lining. But later it was changed as in situ
concrete for lining. They were not constructed in continuous manner throughout the canal.
6m canal segments were constructed at a time. 6mm BRC (200×200) reinforcement net was
used for concrete. Net was in 6m lengths.
Canal was excavated to the base level. Then checked the slopes of the bed and walls.
After that 8” wide, 6” deep box was cut out at the ending edge of the 6 m canal
segment for the cutoff wall underneath.
Then placed the reinforcement net on the screed concrete and placed cover blocks.
Then canal bed and walls were concreted with 1:2:4(Grade 20) concrete. When
concreting always checked the slop of the final finishing surface.
Sand filters were used to take out the water coming from the ground and moved them
into the canal. It was done to avoid the pressure forces created by the water which was
accumulated at the base of canal.