Level 3 Workbook Unit 1
Level 3 Workbook Unit 1
Level 3 Workbook Unit 1
1 Read the tips on business etiquette. Then read the situations below. Decide if the behavior in each
situation is appropriate or inappropriate.
4 Put the conversation in the correct order. Write the number on the line.
1 Hi! It’s a great day, isn’t it?
4 N ice to meet you, too. Would it be rude to call you Joe?
2 It really is. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Amanda Decker.
5 Absolutely not. Please do.
6 Great. And call me Amanda.
3 I’m Joe Hanson. It’s nice to meet you.
2 UNIT 1
7 Read the information about A llison McFarland. Then use the information on the form to write
statements with tag questions.
Nam e: Ali s o n M cF ar la nd
Pref erd t i t l e: M s.
D at e of b i rt h : O ct o be r 2 7 , 1 9 9 5
Pl ace of b i rt h : H o ng K o ng
C ou n t ry of resi d en ce: C ana da
Occu p at i on : s t u de nt
1. Y o u ’ r e A l l i s o n M cF ar l an d, ar e n ’ t y o u ?
2. You’re not married, are you?
3. You like to be addressed by your first name, don’t you?
You are 25 years old, aren’t you?
5. You don’t live in Hong Kong, do you?
8 WHAT ABOUT YOU? Which topics are appropriate for small talk in your country? Check yes or no.
If you check no, then explain why the topic is not appropriate.
yes no
1. what someone would like to be called X
2. how much money a person makes X
3. a person’s work or studies X
4. someone’s marital status X
M a k e Sm a l l Ta l k 3
8:30 have meeting with Computech 8:00 have meeting with Nelson Company
12:30 prepare client presentation 3:00 present results of Nelson Company
8:30 fly home to London
10 Look at K en K lein’s weekly planner again. Complete the statements using the past perfect and
already or not yet.
1. By the time he flew to Brussels, Ken h ad al r e ady h ad the meeting with Computech, but he
h adn ’ t y e t h ad the meeting with TechServe.
2. At 7:0 0 . . on Wednesday, he
had already given the presentation to the clients, but he
4 UNIT 1
3. By the time I started to study English, I had already studied computing ,
but I hadn’t yet studied another language .
LESSON 3 D id y o u k n o w ...
that etiquette and rules
for behavior have a very
long history? The first
13 Cross out the word or phrase that has a instructions for etiquette
different meaning from the others. were written in the year
2400 B.C.E by an Egyptian
1. offensive very rude polite
named Ptahhotep. His
2. customary not allowed taboo guide included advice
about how to get along
3. impolite nice rude
with others and how to
4. not usual traditional customary advance in the world.
5. etiq uette punctuality manners
14 Read the article about punctuality. Then read the statements on page 6 and check true, false, or
no information, according to the article.
M a k e Sm a l l Ta l k 5
15 WHAT ABOUT YOU? H ow important is punctuality to you for each of the following events?
Explain your answers.
V ery Somewhat N ot
important important important
work or school X
dinner at a
friend’s house X
a meeting with
a co- worker
a doctor’s X
a movie X
16 Read the article Global Culture on page 10 in the Student’s B ook again. Check each behavior that
would be considered unacceptable in the 1940 s according to Eugenia H artley. Then write the
EXTRA READING proper behavior next to it.
You should arrive five minutes before the hour set for
1. You don’t join your family for dinner hour.
the dinner.
2. Children talk at the dinner table whenever they want.You should apologi before taking your seat.
5. A girl stays out on a date past midnight. You should wait for others to be served before you start
6. Parents meet a daughter’s date before they go out. If you’re the hostess, you should wait until the guests are
done eating before leaving the table.
7. Children call adults by their first names.
You should wait at least 30 minutes before you leave.
6 UNIT 1
casual (adjective):
1. not caring; 2. suitable for everyday use;
3. without attention; 4. not planned
M a k e Sm a l l Ta l k 7
clothing customs
“I’ve been out of the
dating customs
country for over fifteen
years. N ow I’m back, but forms of address
so much has changed. I male/female roles in the home
don’t know what to do.
Can you tell me about male/female roles in the workplace
the changes in etiq uette rules about formal behavior
and culture?”
rules about punctuality
table manners
Attire for the office remains formal, and table manners should always prevail,
although in some places attire can be comfortable.
A Complete the tag questions. Then look at the picture. A nswer each question with a short answer.
N ice to meet
N ice to meet you,
C Complete each sentence in the e-mail with the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.
Dear Sydney,
Hi! How are you? So far, I ‘ve been having a great time in Mexico. The sun
1. have
has been shining the whole time! I started my trip in Cancún, and spent a
2. shine
few days there. Now I’m in San Cristobál. I have been here
3. be
Theyhave been travelingfor a long time, so they have a lot of great tips.
5. travel
M a k e Sm a l l Ta l k 9
A Match the emoticon and abbreviation with the phrase that has the same meaning. Write the
letter on the line.
1. b J a. “Let me know.”
2. d LOL b. “I’m smiling.”
3. f IMHO c. “I’m not happy.”
c L d. “Laughing out loud”
5. h GR8 2 C U e. “By the way”
6. e BTW f. “In my humble opinion”
7. a LMK g. “See you later.”
8. g C U L8R h. “Great to see you.”
9. i R U OK? i. “Are you okay?”
B Complete the chart. Write the letter of the things you should do and the things you shouldn’t
do in formal e-mail etiquette.
a. Use a title, last name, and colon to address someone you don’t know well.
b. Write in complete sentences.
c. Use correct spelling.
d. Use emoticons.
e. Use all lower-case letters.
f. Punctuate carefully.
g. Date the e-mail.
h. End with your name.
i. Close the e-mail as a formal letter, for example, Thank you so much.
j. Include abbreviations.
k. Use a first name and comma to address someone you know well.
a b, c, f, h, i, k
Don’ts: d e, g, j
C Read the following e-mail and circle all the formal e-mail etiquette errors. Then, on a
separate sheet of paper, rewrite the e-mail and correct the etiquette errors.
Maria, Thanks 4 lunch yesterday. it was GR8 2 C U. let’s continue our conversation
about the project. maybe Wednesday next week? My place? There’s still lots 2 discus.
L BTW, please don’t forget to bring the info we talked about.
LMK about next week. C U L8R.
Peter Maria,
Thank you for lunch yesterday. It was great to see you.
Let’s continue our conversation about the project. Are you
available on Wednesday next week? Can you come to my
office? There’s still a lot to discuss. By the way, please don’t
10 UNIT 1 forget to bring the information we talked about.
Let me know about next week.
Thanks so much.
Peter Benson