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Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 42(1): 137-149, 2014term changes in the fishes of Lago de Pátzcuaro, central México 137
DOI: 103856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-11

Research Article
Long term changes in the fish fauna of Lago de Pátzcuaro in Central México

Juan P. Ramírez-Herrejón1, Luis Zambrano2, Norman Mercado-Silva3, Adriana Torres-Téllez4,

Fernando Pineda-García5, Javier Caraveo-Patiño1 & Eduardo F. Balart1
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Instituto Politécnico Nacional
195 Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita, La Paz, Baja California Sur 23096, México
Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ciudad Universitaria, México, D.F. 04510, México
Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur
Universidad de Guadalajara, Autlán de la Grana, Jalisco, 48900, México
Laboratorio de Biología Acuática, Facultad de Biología, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Morelia, Michoacán 58080, México
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad Morelia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro 8701, Morelia, Michoacán 58190, México

ABSTRACT. Fish assemblages of lakes from central México have been altered as a result of water over-
exploitation, pollution, habitat fragmentation, and introduction of exotic species. Patterns and the extent of
change in most of these systems are poorly documented. This paper presents a long-term study of changes in
the fish fauna of Lago de Pátzcuaro (State of Michoacán, México). Long-term information (years 1900-2010)
of fish communities was used to explore trends in the composition of the fish community and their ecological
attributes. Trends across time for each fish guild were evaluated through a multivariate analysis of variance.
Native species dominated total species richness over the entire study period, but exotic fish comprised 46% of
the community in the 2010s. During the last 110 years, there has been a decline in the number of carnivore
species and an increase of omnivore species in the Lago de Pátzcuaro fish community. Sensitive species have
disappeared from the lake and species tolerant to environmental degradation have increased from 13 to 61%.
The data suggest that anthropic effects on the environmental condition of Lago de Pátzcuaro are associated
with the loss of ecosystem elements (fish species) and ecosystem processes (species interactions). Ecological
restoration and conservation programs must include information of these long term studies to be more
effective in their efforts.
Keywords: shallow lake, environmental degradation, ecological guilds, historical analysis, exotic species,

Cambios a largo plazo en la fauna de peces del Lago de Pátzcuaro en México central
RESUMEN. El ensamble de las comunidades de peces en los lagos de México Central ha sido alterado como
resultado de la sobre-explotación del agua, contaminación, fragmentación de hábitat y la introducción de
especies exóticas. Los patrones y la extensión de los cambios en la mayoría de estos ecosistemas están
escasamente documentados. Este artículo presenta un estudio a largo plazo de los cambios en la fauna de
peces del Lago de Pátzcuaro (Estado de Michoacán, México). La información a largo plazo (años 1900-2010)
de las comunidades de peces fue usada para explorar las tendencias en la composición específica y los
atributos ecológicos de las especies en la comunidad. Las tendencias a través del tiempo para cada gremio de
peces fueron evaluadas mediante análisis de varianza multivariado. Las especies nativas dominaron a través de
todo el periodo de estudio, pero las especies exóticas alcanzaron 46% de la comunidad en la década del 2010.
Durante los últimos 110 años, ha habido disminución en el número de especies carnívoras e incremento de las
especies omnívoras en este ecosistema. Las especies intolerantes han desaparecido del lago y las especies
tolerantes a la degradación ambiental han incrementado de 13 a 61%. Los datos sugieren que los efectos
antrópicos sobre la condición ambiental del Lago de Pátzcuaro se asocian con la pérdida de elementos
(especies de peces) y procesos (interacciones entre las especies) del ecosistema. Los programas de
conservación y restauración ecológica deben incluir información proveniente de este tipo de estudios a largo
plazo para ser más efectivos.
138 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Palabras clave: lagos someros, degradación ambiental, gremios ecológicos, análisis históricos, especies
exóticas, México.
Corresponding author: Juan P. Ramírez-Herrejón (ramirezherrejon@gmail.com)

INTRODUCTION the current conservation status of aquatic ecosystems

and surrounding watershed conditions (Karr, 1981;
Mexican freshwater ecosystems have been deterio- Fausch et al., 1990). Analyses of this kind can detect
rating since pre-Hispanic times, however this process the anthropic impacts that influence the fish
has accelerated at the beginning of the 20th century, community, and are useful to identify elements and
and worsened in the last 30 years (Lyons et al., 1998; ecosystem processes lost as a consequence of human
Soto-Galera et al., 1999). The main causes of activities (Scott & Hall, 1997; Lyons & Mercado-
freshwater ecosystem degradation are deforestation, Silva, 1999). Further information on the nature of the
excessive sedimentation, the introduction of exotic impacts can be obtained from the ecological attributes
species and discharge of urban and industrial waste of individual species (Karr, 1981; Lyons et al., 1995).
water (Peters et al., 2005). These activities have Ecological studies on fish assemblages can integrate
altered the biotic community structure and function, and evaluate a variety of impacts (water quality,
decreased food web length, and favoured reduction of habitat structure, species interactions) on biotic
organism's maximum size and species diversity (Karr, systems (Hobbie et al., 2003; Mercado-Silva et al.,
1981; Lyons et al., 1998). Other changes experienced 2006). Species origin, feeding preferences and species
by fish communities include the increase of exotic tolerance to environmental degradation are fish
species, local extinction or near-extinction of several attributes to consider when analysing community
native species, and the collapse of many fisheries change and understanding cumulative anthropic
(Aloo, 2003). impacts (Lyons & Mercado-Silva, 1999; Mercado-
Lago de Pátzcuaro is located in the highlands of Silva et al., 2006).
central México and has been subjected to several This paper presents a long-term study of changes
hydrological modifications: erosion and runoff from in the number of species (as indicators of the condition
deforested uplands, loss of surface area, reduction of of ecosystem elements) and three ecological attributes
the water column (approximately 6 m and 166 Mm3 in (as indicators of the status of ecosystems processes) of
the past 70 years), lower water transparency (appro- the fish community of Lago de Pátzcuaro. The study
ximately 2 m in the past 40 years), hyper-eutrophi- provides a broad perspective that can help our
cation, and point source contamination from local understanding of general trends in fish communities of
communities throughout the lake (Alvarado-Díaz et tropical lakes with similar conditions of environmental
al., 1985; Chacón-Torres, 1993; Berry et al., 2011). degradation.
Lago de Pátzcuaro supports one of the best-studied,
for the last three decades, inland fisheries in México;
many of its endemic species have been intensively MATERIALS AND METHODS
fished since long before the colonial times (De Buen,
1941; Orbe-Mendoza & Acevedo-García, 1995; Orbe- Study area
Mendoza et al., 2002). However, fishery production Lago de Pátzcuaro (Fig. 1) is part of an endorheic
from this lake has shown major fluctuations over the drainage basin in the highlands of central México
last 20 years and it is currently in sharp decline (Berry (19°32′N-19°42′N, 101°32′W-101°42′W) in the State
et al., 2011). Many of its fish populations are on the of Michoacán. With a maximum surface area of 116
verge of collapse (Orbe-Mendoza et al., 2002). km2, Lago de Pátzcuaro is the third largest natural lake
Lago de Pátzcuaro is one of the few lakes in in México (Gomez-Tagle et al., 2002). It has a
México with a relatively long series of fish sampling maximum depth of 12 m at maximum capacity and an
records. Earliest data of the fish community from this average depth of 5 m. Water volume is determined by
lake are available from the 1900 decade and sampling precipitation, evapotranspiration, and inflows from
efforts have continued to present times, allowing for a springs at the bottom of the lake and flows from small
long-term study. To date there has not been an creeks in the watershed (Bernal-Brooks et al., 2002).
analysis of the long-term changes of the fish The lake has experienced a 6 m water level decline
communities in the lake. Historical analyses of since 1939 (Berry et al., 2011). Lago de Pátzcuaro is
changes in fish communities offer information about circadiomictic and is generally considered eutrophic
Long term changes in the fishes of Lago de Pátzcuaro, central México 139

Figure 1. Location of Lago de Pátzcuaro and study sites. Limnological zones defined by Alcocer & Bernal-Brooks (2002)
are indicated by dotted lines. An approximation of the surface loss is indicated by gray lines. Sampling sites locations are
as follows: San Jerónimo (SAJ) (19°40′40.4″N, 101°36′16.9″W); La Pacanda (PAC) (19°36′38.1″N, 101°39′2.7″W);
Ucasanastacua (UCA) (19°35′51.7″N, 101°37′58.5″); Napízaro (NAP) (19°35′20.8″N, 101°40′12.7″W); Ihuatzio (IHU)
(19°35′35.1″N, 101°40′45.2″W); Embarcadero (EMB) (19°33′0.6″N, 101°37′30.7″W). Black triangles show each
collection zone.

(Berry et al., 2011). There are 26 urban areas one year in the first decade of the 1900s (UMMZ) and
surrounding the lake including one densely populated for at least three years per decade from 1930s
island (Isla Janitzio) in the southern part of the lake. (UMMZ), 1950s (UMMZ), 1990s (J. Lyons’ personal
The lake watershed covers 9,340 km2 and includes data, UMSNH, Berlanga-Robles et al. (2002)), 2000s
land used for agriculture and livestock production (IPN, UMSNH) and 2010s (data collected as part of
(~40% of the watershed area), forestry (~30%), and this study). No data was available for the decade of the
1920s, 1940s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. From each
urban activities (~22%) (Bravo-Espinosa et al., 2006).
collection record, the taxonomic identity of the species
Erosion caused by agriculture and ranching is high in and the number of species were obtained. Data from
some parts of the basin. High erosion rates are any location within the Lago de Pátzcuaro were
reflected in the rates of sedimentation (100,000 m3 considered. For most records no information on
each year) in the lake (Gomez-Tagle et al., 2002). sampling effort or gear type was available, and we had
to assume that sampling efforts adequately sampled
Study stages the entire fish community. Because of this limitation,
This study was divided into two stages. First, we only presence/absence data were considered for
carried out a review of the historical data. Second, we analysis following Mercado-Silva et al. (2006).
made sampling efforts at the lake. We include the Lago de Pátzcuaro salamander
Ambystoma dumerilli (Ambystomatidae) in the
Long term data from collections analysis because it is functionally equivalent to a fish
Historical fish collection information was obtained in the ecosystem (Mercado-Silva et al., 2002). A.
from scientific collection records at the University of dumerilli is neotenic and completely aquatic throu-
Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), Universidad ghout its life. It is an environmentally sensitive and a
Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), carnivorous species (Huacuz, 2002). The information
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) and data from about the long-term presence of this amphibian
personal collections by J. Lyons (University of species in Lago de Pátzcuaro was taken from Huacuz
Wisconsin-Madison Department of Zoology, pers. (2002).
comm.). These sources comprise the majority of
sampling records for Lago de Pátzcuaro. We also Recent sampling efforts
gathered information from records in Berlanga-Robles To assess the current condition of the fish community
et al. (2002). We used species composition data for in Lago de Pátzcuaro we sampled six sites containing
140 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

different types of fish habitat in four lake zones hybridization among Chirostoma species has occurred
defined by Alcocer & Bernal-Brooks (2002): (1) San in Lago de Pátzcuaro, making species identification
Jerónimo (SAJ) is a littoral zone (max. 10 m from the difficult and obscuring taxonomic differences among
point of fish capture to the shore) located in the the four native and one introduced species (Ledesma-
northern portion of the lake (mean depth = 1.4 m); (2) Ayala & García de León, 1991; Oseguera-Figueroa &
Pacanda Island (PAC) is a limnetic zone (more than García de León, 1991; Soria-Barreto & Paulo-Maya,
30 m from the point of fish capture to the closest 2005). In the remainder of the text and analyses
shore) adjacent to an island in the center of the lake however, we consider all individuals in Chirostoma as
(mean depth = 6 m); (3) Ucasanastacua (UCA) is a native.
littoral zone located halfway between the northern and
southern most sections of the lake (mean depth = 2 Analysis
m); (4) Napízaro (NAP) is a limnetic zone located in According to historical records and after identification
the southern portion of the lake (mean depth = 2.5 m); in the field (for our field efforts), each fish and
(5) Ihuatzio (IHU) is a littoral zone located in the amphibian were assigned to their correspondent guild
southern portion of the lake (mean depth = 1.9 m); (6) based on their origin (native or exotic to the basin),
Embarcadero (EMB) is a littoral zone located in the feeding habits (carnivorous, omnivorous) and
southern portion of the lake, adjacent to the Pátzcuaro tolerance to pollution or habitat deterioration (tolerant,
City (mean depth = 1 m) (Fig. 1). sensitive), following published classifications (Lyons
Samples from each site were collected in et al., 2000; Mercado-Silva et al., 2002) (Table 1).
September and November 2009 (wet season), and These attributes were selected because they can
February and June 2010 (dry season). Two different inform about several aspects of the conservation of
seines were used to obtain representative samples of freshwater ecosystems. The persistence of natives and
the fish community, increasing the likelihood of the presence of exotics are related with the
collecting species of small and large size. Seining has conservation status of geologic, biogeographic and
been traditionally used by local fishermen to capture evolutionary processes (Harig & Bain, 1998; Aparicio
fish and Ambystoma dumerilli in the same sites used in et al., 2000; Olden & Poff, 2005). The maintenance of
this study (Huacuz, 2002; R. Quirino, Lago de certain proportions of carnivores and omnivorous over
Pátzcuaro fisherman, pers. comm.). A seine 150 m a long term indicates that ecological processes
long, 9 m deep, with 4 cm mesh was used to capture associated with ecosystems functional conditions are
relatively large fishes. A smaller seine 75 m length, 7 preserved (Karr, 1993; Scott & Hall, 1997; Dobson et
m deep, with 1 cm mesh was used to capture small al., 2006). The proportion of tolerant and sensitive
fishes. Each net was launched three times at each site species can be related to the levels of degradation in a
for a total of 144 sets in the study. Each seine launch lake (Karr, 1981; Whittier & Hughes, 1998; Meador &
was carried out in a different area in each site. Goldstein, 2003; Seilheimer & Chow-Fraser, 2006).
Captured specimens were counted to assess the Long term data samples (1900-2000) often had
absolute abundance (number of individuals), the relatively vague geographical descriptions. We were
abundance per species, and frequency (percentage of able to identify that they were obtained within the
sets where a species was encountered). Fish were lake, but rarely was there a within-lake specific
identified to species except individuals in the genera location established. Therefore, samples were assumed
Oreochromis and Chirostoma because of difficulties to be representative of the entire lake. Information
in their identification. At least two species of from collections taken in any year within a decade
Oreochromis were introduced to Lago de Pátzcuaro, (regardless of the specific site) was summarized to
blue tilapia O. aureus and Nile tilapia O. niloticus produce an average value for each fish guild per
(Berlanga-Robles et al., 1997, 2002; Gaspar-Dillanes decade between 1900 and 2010. To explore the
et al., 2006). Hybridization has occurred between variation of fish guilds over time, we used the number
Oreochromis species, making positive identification at of species and average value for each guild gathered in
species level difficult. Among Chirostoma, taxonomic a decade. The analysis combines species information
differences between four native species, bigeye for each of the six guilds for the following decades:
silverside Ch. grandocule, Patzcuaro silverside Ch. 1900s, 1930s, 1950s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s. Data
patzcuaro, slender silverside Ch. attenuatum, and Pike were standardized using a square-root transformation
silverside Ch. estor and one introduced species, (√n) following (Clarke & Gorley, 2006), to balance
shortfin silverside Ch. humboldtianum are currently in the contributions of dominant and rare groups. Trends
dispute (Barriga-Sosa et al., 2002; Bloom et al., across decades for each fish guild were analysed
2009). Many studies argue that relatively recent through a multivariate analysis of variance. A
Long term changes in the fishes of Lago de Pátzcuaro, central México 141

Table 1. Fish guilds, collection decades and presence-absence of each taxon in Lago de Pátzcuaro. For trophic guild
(TG): O: omnivore, C: carnivore, H: herbivore. For origin (OR): N: native, E: exotic. For tolerance (TOL): S: sensitive,
M: moderately tolerant, T: tolerant, *Amphibian included in the study, 1: presence, 0: absence.

Family Species OR TG TOL 1900s 1930s 1950s 1990s 2000s 2010s

Cyprinidae Algansea lacustris N C M 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cyprinus carpio E O T 0 0 0 1 1 1
Ctenopharyngodon idella E H T 0 0 0 1 1 0
Goodeidae Allotoca dugesii N C S 1 1 1 1 1 0
Allotoca diazi N C M 1 1 1 1 1 1
Alloophorus robustus N C M 1 1 1 1 1 1
Goodea atripinnis N O T 1 1 1 1 1 1
Skiffia lermae N H S 1 1 1 1 0 0
Atherinopsidae Chirostoma spp. N C M 1 1 1 1 1 1
Poecilliidae Poeciliopsis infans E O T 0 0 0 1 1 1
Cichlidae Oreochromis spp. E O T 0 0 0 1 1 1
Centrarchidae Micropterus salmoides E C M 0 1 1 1 0 1
Ambystomatidae Ambystoma dumerilii* N C S 1 1 1 1 0 0

posteriori pairwise comparison analysis was used to Ctenopharyngodon idella) species that had been
search for differences among decades. Because our historically collected were not found.
data do not fulfill the assumptions of normality, Species tolerant to environmental degradation
homogeneity of variance, or independence, we decided comprised most of the samples; no sensitive species
to use an analysis based on permutation techniques in were captured. Moderately tolerant fish captured
PERMANOVA (Anderson, 2001) from PRIMER 6 include A. lacustris, A. diazi, Chirostoma spp., A.
(Clarke & Warwick, 2001). robustus, and the exotic M. salmoides. Five species
were carnivorous: four native (A. lacustris, A.
RESULTS robustus, A. diazi, Chirostoma spp.) and one exotic
(M. salmoides). All other species were omnivorous
Recent sampling (Table 1).
Nine fish taxa were collected in 2009-2010, five were
Comparisons along time
considered native and four exotic. The native
Chirostoma spp. was the most abundant in the lake All taxa encountered in samples taken in the decade of
(83,209 individuals and 100% of frequency), followed 1900s were native to Lago de Pátzcuaro. By the 1930s
by the blackfin goodea Goodea atripinnis (252 one species, Micropterus salmoides, had been
individuals and 56% of frequency). The most introduced. By the 1990s, four other fish taxa were
abundant exotics were the lerma livebearer Poeci- introduced (Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon
liopsis infans (3,679 individuals and 83% of fre- idella, Poeciliopsis infans, and Orechromis spp.). By
quency), common carp Cyprinus carpio (1,721 the 2000s, two native species – one fish (Skiffia
individuals and 68% of frequency), and tilapiine lermae) and one amphibian (Ambystoma dumerilii),
cichlids Oreochromis spp. (3,174 individuals and 49% and one exotic species (Micropterus salmoides) were
of frequency). The uncommon natives were the not recorded (Table 1).
bulldog goodeid Alloophorus robustus (10 individuals MANOVA indicated differences among fish
and 10% of frequency), Pátzcuaro chub Algansea collections related to the decline in the number of
lacustris (7 individuals and 8% of frequency), and the native and carnivorous species over time (Pseudo-F =
Pátzcuaro allotoca Allotoca diazi (2 individuals and 7.99, P < 0.004; Pseudo-F = 12.64, P < 0.001,
1% of frequency), the latter was found only at one respectively). The number of sensitive species
site. The uncommon exotic was the largemouth bass declined (Pseudo-F = 0.81, P = 0.087) and the number
Micropterus salmoides (2 individuals and 1% of of exotic, omnivorous, and tolerant species increased
frequency). Three native (Ambystoma dumerilii, the over time (Pseudo-F = 174, P < 0.001; Pseudo-F =
bumblebee allotoca Allotoca dugesii and the olive 186.79, P < 0.001; Pseudo-F = 198.3, P < 0.001,
skiffia Skiffia lermae) and one exotic (grass carp respectively).
142 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

From 1900 to 2010, the number of native species Lago de Pátzcuaro, like many others in Central
changed from 8 to 3.3 ± 1.5, a reduction of 46% in México, shows ecosystem changes related to long
native species richness. Exotic species increased from period of cumulative anthropic effects. The surface
0 to 3.6 ± 1.1 in the same period. During the same area of the lake has decreased by more than 30 km2
time frame, the number of carnivorous species went since 1970s. Water depth has decreased >5 m, water
from 6 to 2.6 ± 1.2, a decrease from 75 to 39% of the volume has lost >150 Mm3 and water transparency has
total number of collected species. The number of decreased >3 m over the same period (Bernal-Brooks
omnivorous species increased from 1 to 4 (13 to 61% et al., 2002; Orbe-Mendoza et al., 2002). Fisheries
of the total number of collected species) and sensitive were one of the most important economic activities
species disappeared (38 to 0% of the total number of during the earlier (1900s to 1960s) decades (Berry et
collected species). The number of tolerant species al., 2011) but can no longer sustain fishermen
increased from 1 to 4 (13 to 61% of the total number livelihood. Currently there are no full time active
of collected species) in the same period (Fig. 2). fishing communities in the lake. Most local fishermen
now occasionally fish for supplemental food during
certain seasons and complement their diets with farm
DISCUSSION animals (R. Quirino, Lago de Pátzcuaro fisherman,
pers. comm.). These landscape and human dimension
Shallow lakes are considered the most threatened changes in the history of Lago de Pátzcuaro fishery
ecosystems as a consequence of human fragmentation reflect our description of decline in the fish
of habitats, introduction of exotic species, and changes communities over 110 years, between 1900 and 2010.
in land use (Miller et al., 1989; Dudgeon et al., 2006). The yield of all fisheries in the lake have declined
Historical research on changes in ecosystem elements from ~2500 ton in 1988 to <50 ton in 2007 (Diario
and processes help understand the effects of Oficial de la Federación, 2010).
anthropogenic threats and provide specific information At the species level, current changes have been
that can be used to reduce further ecosystem dramatic. The pike silverside Chirostoma estor fishery
degradation (Karr, 1981; Mercado-Silva et al., 2006). registered >130 ton in 1981, <5 ton in 1999
Data about long-term changes can aid in developing (Hernández-Montaño, 2006) and has currently
monitoring strategies and future conservation efforts collapsed. Small-size silverside fisheries (<150 mm
(Olden & Poff, 2005; Mercado-Silva et al., 2006). SL) declined from >500 ton in 1985 to <50 ton in
Although anthropic effects on the watershed and the 1999 (Hernández-Montaño, 2006) and has currently
water quality of Lago de Pátzcuaro are relatively well also collapsed, with only a few fishermen using it as
documented, this study represents the first effort to an infrequent self-consumption fishery. The Algansea
understand the long-term changes of the fish lacustris fishery changed from >650 ton in 1988 to
assemblages in this lake. <50 ton in 1999 (Hernández-Montaño, 2006) and is
currently a rare self-consumption fishery (R. Quirino,
The origin of fish fauna of Lago de Pátzcuaro is
Lago de Pátzcuaro fisherman, pers. comm.). The
biogeographically associated with tectonic and Goodea atripinnis fishery registered 258 ton in 1989
volcanic events that occurred in the late Tertiary and and 13.5 ton in 1999 and is currently also a rare self-
begining of the Pleistocene in Central region of consumption fishery (Hernández-Montaño, 2006).
México, during which a great number of endemic There have also been declines of the Lago de
species were generated in families such as Pátzcuaro salamander Ambystoma dumerilii; its
Petromizontidae, Cyprinidae, Ictaluridae, Poecilidae, fishery registered 6 ton in 1987, <3 ton in 1998 and
Goodeidae and Atherinopsidae (De Buen, 1947; <0.3 ton in 1999. Their exploitation has currently
Barbour, 1973a, 1973b; Barbour & Miller, 1976). The collapsed and the salamander is possibly extinct
fish fauna and ecosystem of Lago de Pátzcuaro have (Huacuz, 2002). The exotic largemouth bass Microp-
experienced changes in their ecological characteristics terus salmoides fishery registered 1988 ton in 1981,
coinci-dentally with the increase of cumulative and 0.4 ton in 1999 (Hernández-Montaño, 2006) and has
combined human exploitation of the lake and the currently collapsed. Even the most recent fishery on
surrounding drainage basin. Native, sensitive the exotic common carp Cyprinus carpio has
carnivorous species have decreased and the number of decreased, catches declined from >600 ton in 1988
exotic, tolerant, omnivorous species has increased. (Gaspar-Dillanes et al., 2006) to <40 ton in 1999
These changes suggest that Lago de Pátzcuaro has lost (Hernández-Montaño, 2006), <20 to in 2007 (Diario
ecosystem elements (fish species), ecosystems Oficial de la Federación 2010) and <10 to in 2009
processes (species interactions), and perhaps habitat (Zambrano et al., 2011). The exotic Nile tilapia
Long term changes in the fishes of Lago de Pátzcuaro, central México 143

Figure 2. Long-term trends (1900-2010) of fish guilds in Lago de Pátzcuaro. Columns show mean and standard deviation.
Average percentage change of each fish guilds by decade is presented above each bar. Letters a, b, c, and y, z indicate
groups of decades for which no difference in the number of species was found in a posteriori pairwise comparisons
obtained by MANOVA.

(Oreochromis spp.) fishery has decreased from 243 sensitive to changes in trophic webs and habitat
ton in 1988 to 34 ton in 1999 (Hernández-Montaño, degradation. According to Anderson (1972) species of
2006). Non-commercial fish populations have also Ambystoma genus are also highly sensitive to habitat
declined. These include Skiffia lermae, Allotoca loss. Some authors argue that Skiffia lermae and
dugesii, Allotoca diazi, Alloophorus robustus and Allotoca dugesii are locally extinct in this lake
Algansea lacustris (Berlanga-Robles et al., 2002; (Berlanga-Robles et al., 2002). The trends we found in
Huacuz, 2002; Orbe-Mendoza et al., 2002). Lago de Pátzcuaro resemble those found by Mercado-
Species richness is widely employed as a tool in Silva et al. (2006) who showed that, after serious
ecological assessments because it has positive degradation, the number of native species declined
correlations with measurements of habitat and water greatly in lentic and lotic aquatic ecosystems of the
quality (Scott & Hall, 1997; Gotelli & Colwell, 2001). Lerma-Chapala Basin in central México, over a period
In Lago de Pátzcuaro several native species have of approximately 50 years.
declined in numbers and this could be associated with Untreated sewage inputs to the lake and water
alterations to the ecosystem. The absence of hyacinth trituration in parts of Lago de Pátzcuaro have
Ambystoma dumerilli, Skiffia lermae and Allotoca caused tremendous input of oxygen-demanding wastes
dugesii in our collections and the few individuals that degrade water quality, changing productivity (Xie
captured of Allotoca diazi, Algansea lacustris and et al., 2004). This productivity changes affect biotic
Allophoorus robustus may indicate ecosystem interactions, which in turn provides advantages to
degradation via the loss of their reproductive habitat omnivorous fishes (Karr, 1993; Vanni et al., 2005).
and alterations to their food resources. This coincides For example, exotic, small-sized, and short-lived
with Soto-Galera et al. (1999) and Lyons et al. (2000) species (Oreochromis spp.) were introduced to Lago
who argued that species of subfamily Goodeinae are de Pátzcuaro in the 1970s (Rosas, 1976), and their
144 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

persistence through the years is due in part to its al., 2010). In our study, small silversides (Chirostoma
capacity to resist alterations of aquatic habitats and spp.) were captured in every seine pull and at all
water quality (Harig & Bain, 1998). Additionally, the collection sites. Small silversides are typically open
common carp (C. carpio) was introduced in 1974 for water fish using pelagic zones as feeding and
commercial aquaculture (Rosas, 1976) and has reproductive habitat (Lyons et al., 1995; Mercado-
subsisted in the lake probably because it can use Silva et al., 2002). These small fishes feed mainly on
highly diverse sources of food (Zambrano & Macías- pelagic zooplankton and use a variety of reproductive
García, 2000). In addition, these two fish taxa substrates (gill nets, buoys, floating branches) that can
(Oreochromis spp. and C. carpio) can modify entire be located far from the littoral zone (Rojas-Carrillo,
habitats and compete for feeding resources with native 2006; Moncayo-Estrada et al., 2010). Silverside fishes
fish species (Zambrano et al., 2006). represented more than 90% of the fish collected in our
A somewhat different situation has occurred with sampling efforts, which could indicate that species
another exotic species, M. salmoides, which requires able to utilize non-littoral habitats have an advantage
relatively good water and habitat quality and can be over species requiring now degraded littoral zones.
useful as an indicator of environmental degradation. These results are similar to those reported by
Micropterus salmoides is a top predator in Lago de Domínguez-Domínguez et al. (2008), where carnivo-
Pátzcuaro. Before 1990, the lake contained two rous species, such as A. robustus and A. dugesii
pelagic piscivores, one native (Ch. estor) and one declined in the drainage basins of the Río Morelia and
exotic (M. salmoides) (Solorzano-Preciado, 1963; Río Laja, two rivers located in central México,
García de León & Pérez-Velazco, 1996). Today, associated with changes in the trophic web or
fisheries of both species have collapsed as a destruction of the habitat of prey.
consequence of habitat degradation and overfishing Some studies have argued that it is possible to
(Gaspar-Dillanes et al., 2006; Berlanga-Robles et al., distinguish different functional groups of Chirostoma
2002). Fish at the top of the food chain are usually the spp. by separating them into at least two different
first to disappear since they depend on a stable food sizes: small silversides (<170 mm SL) and large
web (Domínguez-Domínguez et al., 2008), and silversides (from >170 mm to 340 mm SL)
relatively high water transparency for selecting food (Hernández-Montaño, 2006; Moncayo-Estrada et al.,
(Fausch et al., 1900; Simon & Lyons, 1995; Lyons et 2012). Further, it has been argued that small and large
al., 2000) and abundant fish and benthic invertebrates silversides can been classified in different trophic
as feeding resources (Godinho & Ferreira, 1994). Both categories, where small silversides are secondary
species also use the littoral zone as reproductive consumers and big silversides tertiary consumers and
habitat in Lago de Pátzcuaro (García de León, 1984), top predators (Moncayo-Estrada et al., 2012). In Lago
and these areas have been lost in more than 70% de Pátzcuaro, silversides could be classified into small
(Alcocer-Durand & Bernal-Brooks, 2002). and large fishes before the decade of 2000s. However,
Chirostoma estor is not currently extinct in this in the present study, the largest captured silversides
lake possibly because there are still remnant wetland showed <130 mm SL, rendering the differentiation
areas where this fish species can breed and the between large and small-sized fish ineffective. It is
contribution of terrestrial insects that may result from possible that this size reduction has resulted from
agriculture or livestock in areas surrounding the lake. intensive fishing efforts. Interestingly there is no diet
Terrestrial insects are part of the current diet of variation among Chirostoma spp. 30-90 mm SL, and
Chirostoma spp. (Vital-Rodríguez, 2011). some small silversides (<90 mm SL) can feed on
In the past, top predators used to be large sized juvenile silversides (Vital-Rodriguez, 2011).
(>170 mm SL) ichthyophagous fish (García de León Some fishes in the Goodeidae family and the
& Pérez-Velazco, 1996) and now they are smaller in achoque (Ambystoma dumerilli) are known to live
size (<120 mm SL) planktivorous fish (Chirostoma only in conserved lakes because they are extremely
spp.). The decrease in the sizes of large carnivores has sensitive to water quality, vulnerable to predation, and
occurred also in Lake Chapala (Moncayo-Estrada et have narrow habitat requirements (Huacuz, 2002;
al., 2012). According to Seilheimer & Chow-Fraser Domínguez-Domínguez et al., 2008). The presence of
(2006), top predators (typically long-lived species) are some goodeid fishes and achoque serve as indicators
susceptible to long-term physical and chemical habitat of water quality and relatively pristine habitats (Harig
alterations. Other studies have argued that lakes with & Bain, 1998; Domiguez-Domínguez et al., 2008).
high clay turbidity are more beneficial to plankti- We did not collect typically sensitive goodeid species,
vorous fish than piscivorous predators for successful such as Skiffia lermae and Allotoca dugesii, or any
feeding (De Robertis et al., 2003; Moncayo-Estrada et amphibians, such as Ambystoma dumerilli. Their
Long term changes in the fishes of Lago de Pátzcuaro, central México 145

absence could indicate considerable degradation in with environmental degradation at Lago de Pátzcuaro.
water and habitat quality in the lake (Anderson, 1972; It could be used to predict the future status of the fish
Soto-Galera et al., 1999; Lyons et al., 2000). community and ecological processes of this ecosystem
The native and carnivore fishes Allotoca dugesii, (Soto-Galera et al., 1999; Contreras-MacBeath et al.,
Allotoca diazi, Alloophorus robustus, big Chirostoma 1998). It could further offer the base-line to create
(C. estor >150 mm SL), Algansea lacustris and the new indices for environmental quality such as the
exotic Micropterus salmoides depend on littoral zones index of biotic integrity (Karr, 1981) and other
for reproductive habitat in the lake (Gaspar-Dillanes et ecosystem monitoring protocols. Currently, the
al., 2006). Severe alteration of the littoral zone could conservation activities have focused on improving
explain the decrease or absence of these species. We water quality, the eradication of exotic species and the
hypothesize that, if environmental degradation in Lago cultivation of some native species to enhance their
de Pátzcuaro continues, the fish community will in the populations. However, the dramatic changes in the
future be dominated by four species: Chirostoma spp. ecological processes of the lake cannot ensure a
(mostly native, carnivorous, tolerant) and Cyprinus successful species re-introduction. Our results suggest
carpio, Oreochromis spp. and Poeciliopsis infans that the restoration of littoral habitat (wetland zones)
(exotic, omnivorous, tolerant), with perhaps just a few represent a key management need to preserve
areas of the lake where other species may persist. ecosystem processes in Lago de Pátzcuaro. This
Since habitat structure plays an essential role in the would support the recommendations that the resto-
maintenance of fish assemblages, and fish ecological ration of vegetated littoral zones could provide habitat
guilds change when loss of habitat complexity ocurrs regeneration for native small fish species and improve
(Jones & Sayer, 2003; Bond & Lake, 2005), water quality in Lake Chapala (Moncayo-Estrada et
restoration of the littoral zone of Lago de Pátzcuaro al., 2010). We support the suggestion made by Orbe-
will need to be a priority to achieve survival of its Mendoza et al. (2002) that it is urgent to implement
historical fish fauna. The loss or extinction of endemic practices that offer fishermen a subsistence and
species in the lake would represent alarming changes sustainable fishery in the short term.
in the elements and ecological processes and also in
geologic and biogeographic processes that allowed the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
origin of this fauna, and it would represent a greater
chance of losing ecosystem services in the future. The authors thank members of the Aquatic Biology
Our study is based on a review of the historical Laboratory “Javier Alvarado Díaz” at the Universidad
collections recorded at zoological museums at a Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. M.M.
variety of institutions. We recognize that sampling Herrejón-Almanza and J.J. Ramírez-Becerra provided
equipment, time, location and objectives among many logistical support; UMSNH students L.S. Castañeda,
other variables may have changed from one sampling L.A. García, B. Vital, D. Montejo, C.E. Díaz, and A.F.
event to another. While these sampling inconsistencies Mar; R. Quirino, B. Quirino, A. Quirino and X.
certainly throw uncertainty into our analysis and Madrigal-Güridi assisted in fish collections; J. Lyons
forced our analyses to be relatively basic, the shared his personal data and O. Domínguez-
described trends on the fish community are strong and Domínguez provided comments to improve the paper.
give a gross picture of the changes that have ocurred I. Fogel of CIBNOR provided editorial services and C.
throughout the lake. The long period (1900-2010) Silva-Bejarano for technical support. This work was
covered by the analysis represents an advantage partially funded by the Comisión Nacional para el
difficult to find in similar studies. We also recognize Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO
that “species-lumping” may have reduced the project GN049) and the Coordinación de la Investi-
specificity of our findings. As stated above, we could gación Científica de la Universidad Michoacana de
not consistently separate the numerous individuals of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (CIC-UMSNH-2009).
Chirostoma we captured, and we analyzed all J.P.R.H. is a recipient of a Consejo Nacional de
individuals as single taxa. This undoubtedly reduced Ciencia y Tecnología doctoral fellowship (CONACYT
the number of elements (species) that we could use in #337465/229677). F.P.-G. acknowledges the posdoc-
our comparisons. We believe however, that this aspect toral scholarship from the DGAPA-UNAM.
of data management does not obscure the overall
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Received: 25 April 2013; Accepted: 15 December 2013

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