Skill 14: Parallel Structure With Coordinate
Skill 14: Parallel Structure With Coordinate
Skill 14: Parallel Structure With Coordinate
Example :
he discussed the problem with the nurse and the doctor
Noun noun
The professor was knowledgeable but boring
Adj adj
Knowledgeable artinya berpengetahuan luas/ bermakna
Boring artinya membosankan
There are meetings in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening
in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening disebut adv. Support verb
you can do the work because you want to do it or because you have to do it
clause caluse
yang berwarna disebut parallel structure, jika sebelum kata penghubungnya singular maka setelahnya
harus singular dan juga sebaliknya.
noun adj
The students reads each chapter, takes a lot of notes, and memories the material
verb verb verb
Correct sentences : The students reads each chapter, takes a lot of notes, and memoriez the material
verb verb verb
parallel structure with coordinate conjunction
The sick child needs some medicine, some juice and to rest
Some rest = menggantikan kata rest diatas
Example :
The lecture was both informative and enjoyable
Both dan and disebut pair conjunction
Example :
He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house
For her ability