Basic Contact Tracing Module (Revised June 22) PDF
Basic Contact Tracing Module (Revised June 22) PDF
Basic Contact Tracing Module (Revised June 22) PDF
Epidemiology Bureau
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Department of Health, Philippines
Training Objectives
At the end of the training sessions the participants will be able to:
▪ Understand Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its epidemiology
▪ Understand the overarching policies, ethics, and legal issues in the
implementation of COVID-19 surveillance and response
▪ Understand the general principles of contact tracing
▪ Identify and utilize the forms and the information system that is being used
in COVID-19 tracking of cases and close contacts
▪ Identify and recruit the potential contact tracing team
▪ Understand the role of Infection Prevention and Control in COVID-19
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Training Content
▪ COVID-19 and Epidemiology (Definition and Situation Update)
▪ PERSONNEL NEEDS IN CONTACT TRACING (Personnel Management and Roles of
Contact Tracing Team)
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Training Methodology
▪ Webinar or Self-Assessment Online Course is a promising platform or
“new normal” in the conduct of the training course
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Module 1:
COVID-19 and Epidemiology
(Definition and Situation Update)
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Module Objectives
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What is coronavirus?
▪ Large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or
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What is COVID-19?
▪ Infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered
coronavirus, SARS-CoV2
▪ Unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China in
December 2019
▪ Incubation period: 2 to 14 days (Average: 5 to 6 days)
▪ Most contagious during the first three days after the onset
of symptoms
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What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
▪ Most common symptoms: fever, tiredness, and dry cough.
▪ Other signs and symptoms: aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny
nose, sore throat or diarrhea
▪ Usually mild and begin gradually
▪ Disease Spectrum:
• Asymptomatic
• ~ 80% recover from the disease without needing special treatment
• ~ 1 out of every 6 people with COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and
develops difficulty breathing
• Older people, those with underlying medical problems (high blood
pressure, heart problems or diabetes) are more likely to develop
serious illness
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How does COVID-19 spread?
▪ People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus.
▪ Person-to-person through small droplets from the nose or mouth
• When we breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who
coughs out or exhales droplets
▪ Through objects and surfaces around the person where droplets land
• When we touch these objects or surfaces, then touching our eyes,
nose, or mouth
▪ Important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person
who is sick
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What are the Preventive Measures?
▪ Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based
hand rub
▪ Maintain social distancing. Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance
between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
▪ Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
▪ Practice respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent
elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of used tissue
▪ If you have fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
▪ Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty
breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions
of your local health authority.
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Global Situation of COVID-19 Pandemic
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Philippine Situation of COVID-19 Epidemic-Cases data (21 June 2020)
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Philippine Situation of COVID-19 Epidemic-Cases data ( 21 June 2020)
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Philippine Situation of COVID-19 Epidemic –Testing Data ( 20 June 2020)
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Module 2:
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Module Objectives
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National Strategy to
Combat COVID-19
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Policies (Identification, Notification, and Contact Tracing)
▪ AO 2020-0013 – Revised Administrative Order No. 2020-0012 “Guidelines
for the Inclusion of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the List of
Notifiable Diseases for Mandatory Reporting to the Department of Health”
dated 17 March 2020
▪ Department Memorandum No. 2020-0227 dated 08 May 2020-
Intensification of Case Investigation, Contact Tracing, Reporting and
Deployment of COVID-19 Special Team/s for Urgent Response to Stop
COVID-19 Transmission
▪ DILG Memorandum Circular 2020-077 dated April 24, 2020 – Rationalizing
the establishment of a Local Government Unit TaskForce Against COVID-19
▪ Department Memorandum No. 2020-0189 dated 17 April 2020 – Updated
Guidelines on Contact Tracing of Close Contacts of Confirmed Coronavirus
Disease (COVID-19) Cases
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Policies (Identification, Notification, and Contact Tracing)
▪ Joint AO No. 2020-0001 dated 15 April 2020 on Guidelines on
Local Isolation and General Treatment Areas for COVID-19 cases
(LIGTAS COVID) and the Community-based Management of Mild
COVID-19 Cases
▪ DILG Memorandum Circular 2020-073 dated April 13, 2020 –
Guidelines for the conduct of Expanded Testing Procedures
for COVID-19
▪ Department Memorandum No. 2020-0068 dated 03
February 2020 – Interim Guidelines on Contact Tracing for
Confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory
Disease (2019-nCoV ARD) Cases
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Policies (Human Resource for Health Mobilization)
▪ Department Circular No. 2020-0152 – Guidance to All Public and
Public Healthcare Facilities and other concerned establishments to
assist Surveillance Officers in the Epidemiologic Investigation on
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
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Ethical and Legal Issues
Privacy and duty to warn
▪ Public health practitioners often have legal requirements to
contain a communicable disease within a broader population
and also cite an ethical duty to warn individuals of their
▪ Simultaneously, infected individuals have a recognized right
to medical confidentiality.
▪ Public health teams typically disclose the minimum amount
of information required to achieve the objectives of contact
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Ethical and Legal Issues
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Ethical and Legal Issues
Waive Private Rights and Public Disclose Health Status
▪ The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) is not a hindrance to the COVID-19
• It allows contact tracing, treating patients, and addressing threats
• Guaranteeing the privacy that COVID-19 positive patients, suspect cases,
and close contacts
▪ Republic Act No. 11332 (An Act Providing Policies and Prescribing Procedures
on Surveillance and Response to Notifiable Diseases, Epidemics, and Health
Events of Public Health Concern)
• Mandates cases and close contacts to be fully transparent and truthful to
the health authorities on the personal data (travel and medical history,
etc.) requested from them to contain the spread of the infectious disease
in a timely manner.
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Ethical and Legal Issues
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Module 3:
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Module Objectives
At the end of the training session, the participants will be able:
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Contact Tracing is a monitoring process
▪ People in close contact with someone who is infected with a
virus, such as the COVID-19, are at higher risk of becoming
infected themselves, and of potentially further infecting others.
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Goals of Contact Tracing
▪ To interrupt ongoing transmission and reduce spread of an infection
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Date when confirmed
Who is a Close Contact? case is classified
*have clinically
Date when confirmed case first had a
recovered and are no
sign or symptom
longer symptomatic for
(Fever, cough, respiratory signs and
at least 3 days and have
completed at least 14
OR tested positive (if asymptomatic)
days of isolation
2 days before
0 XX Days after onset of illness
Close Contacts:
Individuals who cared for, lived, worked, travelled, and transacted with confirmed COVID-19 case during
this time period
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Understanding Contact Tracing
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Contact Tracing Process at the local level
Reported Assess for the
ONLY Home-based
Suspect/ following: Quarantine and for
Identify PNP with Local
Confirmed 1.Presence of daily monitoring
contacts Health Authorities
COVID-19 YES sign or
(ESU) generate the
Case symptom
list of close
2.Identify if Home-based Quarantine +
contacts, locate
Close contact is a COVID-19 Testing
them, further
Contact? health worker
identify and profile
other close
Health Facility
contacts and Isolation
Provide information classify as follows: +
on infection COVID-19 Testing
prevention and
control *Algorithm for close contact definition, assessment,
testing and referral in following slides
3. Contact follow-up
• Regular follow-up should be conducted with all contacts to monitor for symptoms possible for
• In some cases, quarantine or isolation is required for close contacts either at home, or in hospital.
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Step 1: Case Investigation and Contact Identification
Case and contact interviews should be conducted in a safe and conducive environment
to establish trust and rapport between the team, case, family and community.
The members of the Investigation Team should be persons trained in contact tracing,
and interviewing (e.g., actively listen, know how to ask probing questions, show
empathy, adjust the interview based on the case’s or family members’ emotional state,
Probing questions should be dependent on the culture and local customs/activities in the
area and should focus on the period when the case developed symptoms.
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Questions should be designed to elicit the names of:
● People with direct physical and sexual contact
● All people who lived with the case (alive or deceased) since symptom onset in the same
● All people who visited the case (alive or deceased) since symptom onset (e.g., at home,
healthcare facility)
● All places the case visited since symptom onset (e.g., work, pharmacy, place of worship,
extended family, traditional healers)
● All healthcare facilities visited by the case and all healthcare workers who cared for the case
● In the event that the case is a healthcare worker, all patients and colleagues of this healthcare
● In the event that the case has died, all persons who had contact with the deceased person,
including those who attended burial ceremonies
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It may be helpful to use a calendar or specific dates, such as local holidays, to help potential cases
recall activities.
When COVID-19 cases are first notified of their status, fear can inhibit their ability to recall persons
with whom they have had contact. Including psychosocial support staff on the Investigation Team
may help to reassure the case, and thereby facilitate contact identification.
During initial contact tracing, it may be helpful to split the Investigation Team so that one group
focuses on healthcare contacts and one focuses on community contacts.
However, it is important to maintain strong communication between teams, and to remember
that there may be overlap between community and healthcare contacts.
Finding all contacts can be a logistical challenge.
Common difficulties include: contacts without addresses, locations with no street names, use of
personal nicknames, countries with no national identification program (e.g., no licenses, or birth
Some solutions to these problems have included engaging community leaders to help find where
contacts live and enlisting the help of cell phone companies to track contacts through Global
Positioning Systems (e.g. STAYSAFE, google map, GIS, etc).
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Step 2: Contact Listing / Profiling
Any person considered to have had a potential COVID-19 exposure and meeting the contact definition
criteria should be listed as a contact, using the Close Contact Line Listing Form
The first meeting with a contact is critical. It should be conducted by an Epidemiology and
Surveillance Unit (ESU) staff and preferably in conjunction with psychosocial support..
It is essential that trust is built during this meeting.
To facilitate this, the Contact Follow-up Team that will be assigned to the contact should ideally be
introduced during this meeting so that the contact knows who will be visiting them.
Probing questions should be dependent on the culture and local customs/activities in the area and
should focus on the period when the case developed symptoms.
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The process of informing the contact of their status can be
traumatizing and should be done with tact and empathy.
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Step 3: Contact Follow-up
▪ The Contact Follow-up Team performs contact follow-up through daily visits
with the contact at a predetermined location and time. Contact Follow-up
Teams should ideally be assigned to the same contact for all 14 days of
▪ During the daily visits, Contact Follow-up Teams will evaluate the health
status of the contact by direct observation and by asking at least the
following two questions:
1) How are you feeling?
2) Have you had a fever or other signs and symptoms?
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It is essential that the Contact Follow-up Team work to build rapport with the contact in the first few
meetings. Building trust with contact is essential.
Contacts who are not seen by the Contact Follow-up Team should be identified and prioritized
until they are found.
A contact may be unwilling to continue the follow-up process so that he or she can maintain
activities of daily living. Discourage contacts to go to work or engage in any activities that will put
other and him/herself at risk.
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Managing of • Contact tracer will inform the local
contacts who epidemiology and surveillance (LESU) staff
and initiate testing then repeat the process.
developed symptoms
of COVID-19
• Contacts should be seen and interviewed on the
14th day of follow-up and, in the absence of any
symptoms compatible with COVID-19, the
contacts can be discharged from the contact
follow-up process.
Contact Discharge • Contacts who have not been seen on day 14
require priority follow-up daily until they are
found. No contact can be discharged from follow-
up without having been seen and evaluated on
the 14th day or later.
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Module 4:
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Module Objectives
At the end of the training session, the participants will be able:
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▪ To effectively and efficiently manage cases and their respective
contacts, an electronic database is a necessity.
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COVID-19 Information System (IS) (https://kaya.gocovid-
▪ DOH issued the Department Circular 2020-0197: Mandating the use of COVIDKAYA
Information System by:
• All health facilities, community quarantine units & temporary treatment and monitoring
facilities (TTMF) catering to suspect, probable, and/or confirmed COVID-19 patients and
facilities, agencies, institutions, and organizations, both private and public, who conduct
laboratory testing for COVID-19 confirmation.
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▪ DOH issued the Department Circular 2020-0201: Mandating the utilization of
the EB COVID KAYA Information System for close contact data and reporting of
contact tracing data
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Form A: Case Investigation Form
2019 Coronavirus Disease (CoViD-19) – Case Definition
Suspect Case – is a person who is presenting with any of the following conditions
a. All SARI cases where No other etiology fully explains the clinical
b. ILI cases with any one of the following:
i. With no other etiology that fully explains the clinical presentation
AND a history of travel to or residence in an area that reported local
transmission of COVID-19 disease during the 14 days prior to
symptoms onset OR
ii. With contact to a confirm or probable case of COVID-19 in the two
days prior to onset of illness of the probable/confirmed COVID-19
case until the time the probable/confirmed COVID-19 case became
negative on repeat testing
iii. Individuals with fever or cough or shortness of breath or other
respiratory signs and symptoms fulfilling any one of the following:
Age 60 years and above, with a comorbidity, assessed as having a
high-risk pregnancy, health workers.
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Form A: Case Investigation Form
2019 Coronavirus Disease (CoViD-19) – Case Definition
Probable case – a suspect case who fulfill anyone of the following listed below.
a. Suspect case whom testing for COVID-19 is inconclusive
b. Suspect who tested positive for COVID-19 but whose test was not
conducted in a national or subnational reference laboratory or officially
accredited laboratory for COVID-19 confirmatory testing
c. Suspect case who died without undergoing any confirmatory testing
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
Field Name Instructions
0.1 Disease Reporting ▪ Write the name of the facility (hospital, laboratory, health center, etc.) that
Unit/Hospital is reporting the case.
▪ Ex. San Lucas Hospital
0.2 Name of Investigator ▪ Write the full name (First Name, Middle Initial, and Surname) of the person
who is accomplishing the form.
▪ Ex. Juan D. Santos
0.3 Date of Interview ▪ Write the full date interview (Month (in word), Date, Year)
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
1. Patient Profile
Field Name Instructions
1.1 Last Name ▪ Write the last name of the case being interviewed
1.2 First Name ▪ Write the first name of the case being interviewed
▪ If the case’s full name has a suffix, write this after the first name following a
▪ Ex: Emmanuel, Jr. OR Juan, III
1.3 Middle Name ▪ Write the middle name of the case being interviewed
1.4 Birthday ▪ Write the legally recognized birthday of the case in the form mm/dd/yyyy
▪ Ex. 01/01/1990 for a person who was born on the 1st day of January of 1990
1.5 Age ▪ Write the age in years of the case. This shall be a whole number.
▪ Ex. Supposed today is April 13, 2020, a person born on April 10, 1990 shall
be registered as 30 years old
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
1. Patient Profile (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
1.6 Sex ▪ Sex refers to the biological sex that is registered in the PSA-issued Certificate
of Livebirth.
▪ A person can only be either a male or a female
▪ Put a check on the appropriate space ( ) corresponding to the biological sex
of the case.
1.7 Occupation ▪ Write the occupation of the case. Occupation refers to the activity
undertaken by the case to earn his livelihood.
▪ Refer to the 2012 Philippine Standard Occupational Classification as written
in Annex A.
▪ For cases who are not yet working and are duly enrolled in an academic
institution, write “Student”.
▪ For cases who are not working and NOT duly enrolled in an institution, write
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
1. Patient Profile (con’t)
Field Name Instructions
1.8 Civil Status ▪ Write the case’s civil status, which refers to the marital status of an individual.
▪ A case can either be “single”, “married”, “common law/live in relationship”,
“widowed”, or “separated” only.
▪ A single person refers to either one of the following only: (1) someone who has never
been married, (2) a person whose marriage is annulled, or (3) someone whose
marriage was found to have been void ab initio (i.e. not valid in law to start with).
▪ A married individual is a person who entered marriage, which is a social contract
between two persons that is recognized by the state.
▪ In a common law/live in relationship is a person in a relationship but who has not
entered into marriage
▪ An widowed person is a previously married person whose husband/wife died
▪ A separated individual is a person who is legally separated from his/her legal spouse
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
1. Patient Profile (Con’t.)
Field Name Instructions
1.9 Nationality ▪ Write the case’s nationality.
▪ Nationality shall refer to a person’s country of birth and/or the country
where a person has a legal right to be a citizen. Ex. Philippines
▪ For people with multiple citizenship, write all as applies
Ex. Philippines, USA, Italy, UK
1.10 PhilHealth No. • Write the PhilHealth Number issued by the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PHIC) to the case (if the case is the principal member) or the
principal member whom the case is a dependent of
• Write “N/A” if the case is not enrolled in PhilHealth
1.11 Passport No. • Write the Passport Number given by the state to a person. Passport number
refers to the alphanumeric combination written on the Passport of an
• Write “N/A” if the case does not have a valid passport
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence
Field Name Instructions
2.1 Permanent Address This refers to the address of a house that is owned by the case or by the family
of the case.
2.1.1 House No./ ▪ Write the house number, lot name, and building name, as applicable.
Lot/ Building ▪ Building name may refer to the name of a condominium, building, or
2.1.2 Street/ ▪ Write the name of the street where the house is located.
Barangay ▪ Write the name of the barangay.
▪ Ex. Juan dela Cruz St./ Brgy. Luwalhati
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
2.1.3 Municipality/ ▪ For a municipality, specify the legal name of the municipality.
City Ex. San Jose
▪ For a city, state the legal name of the city.
Ex. Pasig
2.1.5 Region ▪ Write the numerical code of the administrative region were the permanent
address is situated.
Ex. 3 for Central Luzon; NCR for Metropolitan Manila
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence (Con’t)
2.1.6 Home Phone ▪ Write the telephone number of the case at home if available.
No. ▪ Ex. 02-8-xxxxxxx
2.1.7 Cellphone No. ▪ Write the cellphone number of the case if available.
▪ Ex. 09xxxxxxxxx
2.1.8 Email address ▪ Write another email address of the case if available.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
2.2 Current Address ▪ This refers to the present address of the case.
▪ Write “same as above” if the same with permanent address.
2.2.2 Street/
▪ Write the name of the street where the house is located.
Barangay ▪ Write the name of the barangay.
▪ Ex. Juan dela Cruz St./ Brgy. Marikit
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
2.2.3 Municipality/
▪ For a municipality, specify the legal name of the municipality.
▪ Ex. San Jose
▪ For a city, state the legal name of the city.
▪ Ex. Pasig
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
2. Philippine Residence (Con’t)
2.2.6 Home Phone ▪ Write the telephone number of the case at home.
2.2.7 Work Phone ▪ Write the cellphone number of the case if available.
2.2.8 Other Email ▪ Write another email address of the case if available.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
3. Address Outside the Philippines
Field Name Instructions
Address Outside the This refers to the address of a case if he or she is an Overseas Filipino Worker or
Philippines if he or she is residing outside the Philippines in the past month prior to onset of
illness or date of consultation/admission or date of specimen collection of the
3.1 Employer’s name ▪ Write the complete name of the employer.
▪ An employer is a person, company, or organization.
▪ If an employer is a person, write his or her full name in this format (First
name, Middle Name or at least Middle Initial, Surname)
Ex. Angelica Pinlac Co or Angelica P. Co.
▪ If an employer is a company, write the duly registered name of the company.
▪ If an employer is an organization, write the duly registered name of the
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
3. Address Outside the Philippines (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
3.2 Occupation ▪ Write the occupation of the case. Occupation refers to the activity
undertaken by the case to earn his livelihood.
▪ Refer to the 2012 Philippine Standard Occupational Classification as written
in Annex A.
▪ For cases who are not yet working and are duly enrolled in an academic
institution, write “Student”.
3.3 Place of Work ▪ Specify the name of the place where the case is employed
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
3. Address Outside the Philippines (Con’t)
3.4 House No./ ▪ Write the house number and/or building name, as applicable.
Bldg. Name ▪ Building name may refer to the name of a condominium, building,
apartment, school, church, mall, shopping center, sports center, gym, food
establishment, market, recreational center, commercial center, etc.
3.5 Street
▪ Write the name of the street where the house is located.
3.6 City/Municipality
▪ For a municipality, specify the legal name of the municipality.
▪ For a city, state the legal name of the city.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
3. Address Outside the Philippines (Con’t)
3.9 Office Phone No. ▪ Write the telephone number of the case in the office if available.
3.10 Cellphone No. ▪ Write the cellphone number of the case if available.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
4. Travel History
Field Name Instructions
4.1 History of • Travel history refers to history of travel, visit or work in other countries with a
travel/visit/work in known COVID-19 transmission
other countries with a • Put a check on the space ( ) provided corresponding to Yes if the case has a
known COVID-19 travel history within 14 days prior to onset of illness or date of
transmission 14 days consultation/admission or date of specimen collection of the case; otherwise
before the onset of your put a check on the space ( ) corresponding to No. Do not leave blank.
signs and symptoms
4.2 Port (Country) of exit ▪ Port of exit refers to the country of departure.
▪ Write the name of the country where the case came from prior to arriving in
the Philippines.
▪ In cases of connection flights, specify all the countries, along with the city, in
the chain.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
4. Travel History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
4.3 Airline/Sea Vessel Airline vessel refers to the name of the flight carrier (Ex: Philippine Airlines,
Cebu Pacific, etc.). An airline vessel can be any of the following:
▪ Regional air carriers/commuter airline belong to airlines serving certain regions of
the Philippines only, e.g. Air Juan, AirSWIFT, Alphaland Aviation, Pan Pacific Airlines,
Royal Air Philippines, etc.
▪ Major air carriers belong to airlines that generate big revenues. These include those
under Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific, PAL Express, Phil Air Asia, etc.
▪ Charter refers to a private jet or a rented aircraft. Thes einclude airlines such as
Lionair, Air Link International Airways, INAEC, Pacificair, Platinum Skies, Subic
Seaplane, etc.
▪ Cargo carrier refers
▪ Helicopter
▪ Military aircraft
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
4. Travel History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
4.3 Airline/Sea Vessel Sea vessel refers to the name of the sea vessel carrier (Ex: 2Go, Montenegro
Lines, etc.). A sea vessel refers to any of the following:
▪ Cargo ship
▪ Roll on Roll off or RoRo
▪ Tankers
▪ Passenger ships
▪ Fishing vessel
▪ High speed craft
▪ Write the type of airline vessel or sea vessel.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
4. Travel History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
4.4 Flight/Vessel ▪ Flight number refers to the numeric part of the flight code which is usually
Number up to 4 digits
▪ Vessel number refers to numeric part of the vessel identification number
which is normally 6 - 7 digits.`
▪ Write the complete flight number or vessel number.
4.5 Date of Departure ▪ Date of departure refers to the exact date of departure from the port of exit.
▪ Write the date in the form MM/DD/YYYY
4.6 Date of Arrival in the ▪ Date of arrival refers to the exact date of arrival in the port of entry in the
Philippines Philippines.
▪ Write the date in the form MM/DD/YYYY
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
5. Exposure History
Field Name Instructions
5.1 History of exposure ▪ Exposure history refers to history of exposure to a known COVID-19 case 14
to known COVID-19 case days before the onset of signs and symptoms
14 days before the onset ▪ Put a check on the space ( ) provided corresponding to Yes if the case has an
of signs and symptoms exposure history; otherwise put a check on the space ( ) corresponding to
▪ If the case is not sure about his exposure history, write “Uncertain” after
putting a check between Yes or No.
5.2 Date of contact with • If the case had a contact with a known COVID-19 Case, write the date in the
known COVID-19 Case form MM/DD/YYYY when the exposure happened. Do not leave blank.
Ex. 04/05/2020
• If there is no contact, write “None”.
• If the case cannot recall or not sure about his exposure history, write
“Uncertain” after exhausting all means to obtain the information.
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5. Exposure History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
5.3 Have you been in a ▪ If the case visited a place with an established local transmission of COVID-19,
place with a known put a check on ( ) Yes.
COVID-19 transmission 14
days before the onset of ▪ If the case did not visit a place with an established local transmission of COVID-
sign and symptoms 19, put a check on ( ) No.
▪ If the case cannot identify if the place of his or her recent travel has an
established local transmission, give your best effort to check the status of the
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5. Exposure History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
5.4 Place If the response in 5.3 is Yes, proceed in filling this up.
Place can refer to any of the following:
▪ Work place
▪ Social gathering (e.g. birthday party, wake, fiesta, school activity, concert,
convention, meeting, sports event)
▪ Heath facility (e.g. government hospital, private hospital, stand-alone clinic, stand-
alone laboratory, rural health unit, barangay health center)
▪ Religious gathering (e.g. mass, christening, procession, Sunday service, pilgrimage)
▪ Specify the place in ( ) Others.
▪ If the case went to a store, specify the type of store, e.g. public market, grocery store,
mall, convenience store, etc).
▪ If the case went to a food establishment, specify the type of food establishment, e.g.
restaurant/ fast food, buffet restaurant, bar, carinderia, food park, etc.
▪ If the case stayed in an accommodation, specify the type of accommodation, e.g.
private room, room-for-sharing
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5. Exposure History (Con’t)
5.5 Date when you have ▪ This (these) date(s) refer(s) to the specific date(s) when the case is in the
been in that place specified place in 5.10.
▪ Specify the entire duration of stay in the place
Ex. January 21, 2020; January 21-25, 2020
▪ If interviewing an informant and he or she can’t provide the detail,
temporarily write unknown but update the information once the case or a
more reliable informant is available.
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5. Exposure History (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
5.6 Name of the place ▪ Specify the name of the place that the case had visited.
▪ If interviewing an informant and he or she can’t provide the detail,
temporarily write unknown but update the information once the case or a
more reliable informant is available.
5.7 List the names of ▪ Write the name of the people who had in contact with the case.
persons who were with ▪ Write the contact number of the contacts of the case.
you during the two days ▪ The list of the contacts is not limited into three only. Use the back part o the
prior to onset of illness Case Investigation Form when there are more people to be listed.
until this date and their
contact numbers
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
6. Clinical Information
Field Name Instructions
6.1 Disposition at Time There can only be one answer and shall be based on the disposition at time of
of Report interview.
▪ Put a check on ( ) Currently admitted if the case is admitted at a health
▪ Put a check on ( ) In a non-health facility isolation if the case is admitted in
an isolation facility but not a health facility
▪ Put a check on ( ) Discharged if the case has been discharged either from a
health facility or a non-health facility isolation
▪ Put a check on ( ) Home-based isolation if the case was not admitted and
remained on home-based isolation
▪ Put a check on ( ) Died if case was reported a fatality
▪ Put a check on ( ) Unknown, if disposition is unknown (case not interviewed)
▪ Put a check on ( ) Others and specify disposition if it did not fit those listed
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6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
6.2 Health Status at There can only be one answer and shall be based on the health status at time of
Time of Report interview. Note that this status should be updated and reported daily using
another form and through the COVID-19 IS.
▪ Put a check on ( ) Asymptomatic if the case has no sign or symptom
▪ Put a check on ( ) Mild if the case has mild disease presentation in the
absence of warning signs such as shortness of breath, fast breathing,
decreased sensorium, etc,
▪ Put a check on ( ) Severe if the case has warning signs or symptoms or
comorbidities which required hospitalization
▪ Put a check on ( ) Critical if the case is currently in an ICU and/or using a
mechanical ventilator
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6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
6.3 Date of Onset of ▪ Date of onset of illness refers to the date when the sign(s) of illness first
Illness appeared and/or symptom(s) were first felt.
▪ Write the complete date in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
6.4 Date of Admission/ ▪ Date of admission refers to the date when the case was admitted in the
Consultation hospital.
▪ Date of consultation refers to the time when the case had a consultation at
the disease reporting unit/ hospital.
▪ Write the complete date in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
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6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
6.5 Signs and Symptoms ▪ For fever, write on the blank provided the temperature in oC.
▪ Put a check on the space ( ) provided if any of the following is present:
▪ Cough
▪ Sore throat
▪ Colds
▪ Shortness/difficulty of breathing
6.6 Other signs/ ▪ Write the sign(s) or symptom(s) not mentioned in 6.5.
symptoms, specify
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6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
6.7 Is there any history ▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word Yes, if there is any history of
of other illnesses? other illnesses.
▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word No, if there is no history of
other illnesses.
▪ If the response to 6.7 is Yes, specify the illness by writing on the space
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
6.8 Chest X-ray done? ▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word Yes, if chest X-ray was taken
for the case.
▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word No, if chest X-ray was not taken
for the case.
▪ If the response to 6.8 is Yes, write the date when the chest X-ray was taken
in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
6.8.1 CXR Results ▪ If the case was assessed as pneumonia, put a check on the space ( ) before
the word Yes.
▪ If the case is not pneumonia, put a check on the space ( ) before the word
6.8.2 Other Radiologic ▪ Write additional radiologic findings on the space provided.
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6. Clinical Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
6.9 Are you pregnant? ▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word Yes, if the case is pregnant.
▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word No, if the case is not pregnant
6.9.2 Assessed as High ▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word Yes, if the case was assessed
Risk? by the attending physician as a high risk pregnancy.
▪ Put a check on the space ( ) before the word No, if the case was assessed by
the attending physician as a non- high risk pregnancy.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
7. Specimen Information
Field Name Instructions
7.1 Specimen Collected ▪ The type of specimen can either only be a serum, oropharyngeal/
nasopharyngeal swab, or others.
▪ Identify the type of the submitted specimen by putting a check on the space
( ) provide.
▪ If the response to 7.1 is others, specify the type of specimen by writing on
the remaining space in the field.
7.2 Date Collected ▪ If specimen collection was done, write the date of specimen collection on the
allotted space ( __/ __/ __) for each type of specimen collected
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
7. Specimen Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
7.3 Date sent to RITM ▪ During the time when the CIF was conceived, only RITM was the reference
(or in other subnational laboratory providing confirmatory testing for COVID-19.
or DOH-certified ▪ Currently, subnational and other public and private laboratories have been
laboratories) accredited by the Department of Health.
▪ Regardless whether the hospital submitted the specimen to RITM or to
another laboratory, specify the date of submission of the specimen in the
allotted space ( __/ __/ __).
7.4 Date received in ▪ Regardless whether the hospital submitted the specimen to RITM or to
RITM (or in other another laboratory, specify in the allotted space ( __/ __/ __) the date when
subnational or DOH- the specimen is received in the laboratory.
certified laboratories)
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7. Specimen Information (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
7.5 Virus Isolation Result ▪ Write the result of the test on the space provided.
▪ Test result can either be positive or negative only.
▪ There may be specimen/s marked by the laboratory as “not fit for testing”.
Please indicate so if this was noted.
▪ This data should be updated after release of result using the COVID-19
Information System
7.6 PCR Result ▪ Write the result of the test on the space provided.
▪ Test result can either be positive, negative, or equivocal only.
▪ There may be specimen/s marked by the laboratory as “not fit for testing”.
Please indicate so if this was noted.
▪ This data should be updated after release of result using the COVIDKAYA
Information System
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8. Classification
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9. Outcome
9.1 Date of Discharge ▪ Date of discharge refers to the date when the case was discharged from the
hospital or an isolation facility.
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9. Outcome (Con’t)
Field Name Instructions
9.2 Condition on Discharge ▪ Condition on discharge can either only be improved, recovered, transferred, absconded, or died
at one point in time.
❑ Improved include any of the following:
✓ Those cases who have been discharged due to alleviation of clinical signs and
symptoms, regardless of laboratory status
❑ Recovered
✓ Those previously hospitalized, confirmed cases who have been discharged after
testing negative and alleviation of clinical signs and symptoms
❑ Transferred
✓ Those hospitalized cases, regardless of case classification, who were transferred from
one hospital/disease reporting unit to another
✓ Include those who were given a THOC status (THOC - transfer to hospital of choice)
❑ Absconded
✓ Those patients who are to be admitted but chose to go home against medical advice
❑ Died
✓ Those patients who died in the hospital due to COVID-19.
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Guidelines in Filling Out the Case Investigation Form
Other Fields
Field Name Instructions
Name of Informant ▪ An informant is a person who can provide details about the case, as
stipulated in the medico-legal system, when the case is unconscious or
unable to respond to a query due to psychological incapacity
▪ Write the complete name of the informant in the format First Name, Middle
Initial, and Surname
Relationship ▪ Write the relationship of the informant with the case.
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Close Contact Line list Form
Contact detail(s) or number(s) of
the close contact
Unique ID either IS generated or manually generated
Last Name: Surname of the close contact gender at
First Name: Give Name of the close contact the time of
Middle Name: close contact mother’s maiden birth
Present age Date of first With or
of the close exposure of the without
contact close contact to a symtoms
known suspect (Yes or No
The date of birth of the close contact COVID-19 case:
Month (First) Month (First)
Present place of residence of the close Day (Second)
contact - Suggested to be written in this Day (Second)
Year (Third) Year (Third)
MUNCITY, Barangay, Purok/Zone/Street,
number (if any)
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Health Care Worker Risk Assessment
▪ Done for health care workers who cared for or attended to a
confirmed case
▪ Forms\Form_HealthCareWorker_WHO-2019-nCov-
HCW_risk_assessment-2020.1-eng (1).pdf
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Who is a Health Worker Who was at High Risk?
• Use PPE
• Remove and replace PPE according to protocol
• Perform hand hygiene before and after touching a COVID-19
patient or the patient’s surroundings, performing procedures, and
exposure to body fluid
• Decontaminate high-touch surfaces frequently
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Algorithm for the
Assessment, and
Management of Close
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Module 5:
(Personnel Management and Roles of
Contact Tracing Team)
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Module Objectives
At the end of the training session, the participants will be able:
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General Rules
▪ Recruiting – Because there is a risk of exposure to suspect or confirmed COVID-19
cases while performing contact tracing, hiring or recruiting of staff may be
difficult or challenging.
• Responsible Person: All Governors, City and Municipal Mayors, Punong Barangays, DILG
Regional Directors, The BARMM Minister of Local Government, and all other concerns
• Section 2.3 of the Memorandum Circular: LGUs shall identify human resources who may aid
the national government in the following:
• Conduct of contact tracing, assessment, and monitoring of persons under monitoring
(PUMs) and persons under investigations (PUIs)/suspect case;
• Issuance of certificate of completion of the 14-day quarantine period through their local
health units;
• Identified personnel shall be entitled with corresponding renumeration and/or hazard
pays, based on the guidelines set forth by concerned national government agencies.
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Department of Interior and Local Government
▪ National lead for the contact tracing activity (Regional Task Force to lead at
regional level)
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Contact Tracing Team
Team Leader: City or Municipal Health Officer
Co-Lead: City or Municipal PNP Chief
Secure the list of local COVID-19 cases from regional DILG
Lead in drafting plan for case investigation
Identify location of cases
Secure the area where case is located
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Functions of the Close Contact and Monitoring Team
Team Leaders: City or Municipal PNP Chief and City or Municipal Health Officer
1. Reports to the Local Executives
2. Organize and deployed local contact tracing teams
3. Listing of close contacts endorsed for close contact tracing and monitoring
4. Prepare and provide needed logistic for contact tracings and monitoring such as
forms, communication allowance, thermometer, PPE, etc.
5. Coordinate with appropriate barangay officials
6. Ensures that reports are submitted on time at the Regional DILG and RESU of the
Center for Health Development
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Functions of the Close Contact Monitoring Team
PNP, City/Municipal or Rural Health Physicians, Nurses or Midwives, BHERTS
1. Conduct daily monitoring of close contacts for 14 days
2. Accomplish recording forms and submit to health office at the end of each day
3. Facilitate transport for immediate referral of contacts who are symptomatic for
appropriate assessment and management
4. Provide health education and give instructions about what they need to do
5. Refer to appropriate offices non-health concerns/issues of close contacts
6. Submit accomplished forms to local health office
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Functions of the Epidemiology and Surveillance Officer in
Contact Tracing and Monitoring
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Assigned by the system or can be Date first conducted the Region the close contact
done manually monitoring activity is residing
Check box
Presenting specifying
signs/symptoms of presence or
close contacts absence of
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How do we assess and monitor close contacts?
▪ Face-to-face interview
• Team should use appropriate personal protection equipment
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What to Prepare Prior to Interview or monitor
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What to Do During the Interview and monitor
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What to Do After the Interview
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To Do
✓Update yourself about COVID-19 and the current strategies to control the
✓Coordinate with the RESU:
• Office (name/s if available) and number of local monitoring team
• RESU staff they can endorse additional queries/clarifications of close contacts
✓IT IS OKAY if you do not know the answer to their questions. Endorse/Get
the answers.
✓ALWAYS maintain data privacy and confidentiality
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▪ It is extremely important to communicate in a supportive
way when visiting and talking to people affected by
COVID-19 as they may be worried and stressed.
▪ MHPSS helps inform and raise awareness to foster
collaboration in case of possible resistance for the
contact, their family and other community members and
▪ Staff and volunteers should be well briefed about the
disease, so they feel confident about the messages they
deliver, and they should be trained in psychological first
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PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID for Persons who have or
who may have COVID-19
PREPARE ❑ Learn about COVID-19.
❑ Learn about available services and supports.
❑ Learn about safety and security concerns.
LOOK ❑ Check for safety.
❑ Check for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
❑ Check for people with serious distress reactions.
LISTEN ❑ Approach people who may need support.
❑ Ask about people’s needs and concerns.
❑ Listen to people, and help them to feel calm.
*Even if you must communicate from a distance because of safety precautions, you can still give the
person your full attention and show that you are listening with care.
LINK ❑ Help people address basic needs and access services.
❑ Help people cope with problems.
❑ Give information.
❑ Connect people with loved ones and social support.
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❑ Be honest and trustworthy. ❑ Don’t exploit your relationship as a helper.
❑ Respect people’s right to make their own well- ❑ Don’t ask the person for any money or favor for
informed decisions. helping them.
❑ Be aware of and set aside your own biases and ❑ Don’t make false promises or give false
prejudices. information.
❑ Make it clear to people that even if they refuse ❑ Don’t exaggerate your skills.
help now, they can still access help in the
❑ Respect privacy and keep personal details of the ❑ Don’t force help onto people, and don’t be
person’s story confidential, if this is appropriate. intrusive or pushy.
❑ Behave appropriately by considering the ❑ Don’t pressure people to tell you their story.
person’s culture, age and gender.
❑ Don’t share personal details of the person’s
story with others.
❑ Don’t judge the person for their actions or
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MHPSS Communication Considerations
When interacting consider and acknowledge the needs of
every person and group:
• Age, as children need things explained in simpler language
• Gender e.g. women may prefer to talk to women and men
to men
• Culture e.g. some groups may prefer not to hold eye
• Faith e.g. when people need to pray or what they can eat
• Needs and disabilities where assistance may be required
• Use understandable ways to share messages with people
with intellectual, cognitive and psychosocial disabilities.
Where possible, include forms of communication that do
not rely solely on written information.
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Try to find a quiet place to talk, and minimize outside distractions. Don’t pressure someone to tell their story (for example, don’t look at your
watch or speak too rapidly).
Respect privacy and keep personal details of the person’s story confidential, if Don’t touch the person, given the infectious nature of COVID disease.
this is appropriate.
Keep an appropriate and safe physical distance when talking to the person. Don’t judge what they have or haven’t done, or how they are feeling. Don’t
say: “You shouldn’t feel that way,” or “You should feel lucky you survived.”
Let them know you are listening; for example, nod your head or say Don’t make up things you don’t know.
Be patient and calm. Don’t use terms that are too technical.
Provide factual information, if you have it. Be honest about what you know Don’t tell them someone else’s story.
and don’t know. “I don’t know, but I will try to find out about that for you.”
Give information in a way that any person can understand – keep it simple. Don’t talk about your own troubles.
Acknowledge how they are feeling and any losses or important events they Don’t give false promises or false reassurances.
tell you about, such as the loss of their loved ones. “I’m so sorry. I can
imagine this is very sad for you.”
Acknowledge the person’s strengths and how they have helped themselves. Don’t think and act as if you must solve all the person’s problems for them.
Allow for silence. Don’t take away the person’s strength and sense of being able to care for
Don’t talk about people in negative terms (for example, don’t call them
“crazy” or “mad”).
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Module 6:
Infection Prevention and Control
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Module Objectives
At the end of the training session, the participants will be able:
▪ Understand and practice infection prevention and control in different
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▪ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes gloves,
medical/surgical face masks - hereafter referred as “medical masks”,
goggles, face shield, and gowns, as well as items for specific
procedures-filtering face piece respirators (i.e. N95 or FFP2 or FFP3
standard or equivalent) - hereafter referred to as “respirators" - and
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▪ For all, the most effective preventive measures include:
✓Maintain physical distance (a minimum of 1meter) from other
✓Performing hand hygiene frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub if
available and if your hands are not visibly dirty or with soap and water
if hands are dirty;
✓Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
✓Practicing respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into a bent
elbow or tissue and then immediately disposing of the tissue;
✓Wearing medical mask if you have respiratory symptoms and
performing hand hygiene after disposing of the mask;
✓Routine cleaning and disinfection of environmental and other
frequently touched surfaces.
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▪ In health care settings, the main infection prevention and control
(IPC) strategies to prevent or limit COVID-19 transmission include the
• Ensuring triage, early recognition, and source control (isolating
suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients);
• Applying standard precautions for all patients and including
diligent hand hygiene;
• Implementing empiric additional precautions (droplet and contact
and, wherever applicable for aerosol-generating procedures and
support treatments, airborne precautions) for suspected and
confirmed cases of COVID-19;
• Implementing administrative controls;
• Using environmental and engineering controls.
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Source: Adapted from the CDC website.
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How to put on (Click on the link):
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How to put on (Click on the link):
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How to take off PPE (Click on the link):
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How to take off PPE (Click on the link):
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Video presentation on How to Safely Put on PPE, Selected Equipment: N95 and
Gown (Click on the link:
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▪ Rational use of personal protective equipment for Covid-19
▪ Contact Tracing - CDC
▪ Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Outpatient Clinic Resumption in
the Context of COVID-19
▪ Hierarchy of Controls
▪ How to put on and take off personal protective equipment (PPE)
▪ Video Presentation on how to safely put on PPE
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