Template For Project Description: Project Title 1. Main Objectives and Summary of The Project
Template For Project Description: Project Title 1. Main Objectives and Summary of The Project
Template For Project Description: Project Title 1. Main Objectives and Summary of The Project
For applicants for PhD positions: The project description should follow the page limit
specified in the announcement (normally 5-10 pages), including the bibliography. The
format is: A4 paper with 2cm margins, font size 12 (Times New Roman), single line
spacing. Font size 9 can be used for bibliography and captions.
For other applicants: The project descriptions should be approximately 10 pages,
including the bibliography. Otherwise as above.
Project title
2. Project background
In this section, you explain the current state of the knowledge in the field that the project is connected
to and how the project contributes new knowledge to the field.
Show briefly how your research is relevant to individual researchers, research groups, or projects at
the unit to which the project will be linked.
3. Theoretical framework
In this section, you briefly present and justify the theoretical foundation of the project.
The project description should include an explanation of the methodological foundation of your project
and any ethical challenges associated with the project. Justify the choice of methods and elaborate on
how they are suited to answer the research questions and/or hypotheses. Describe the data and
source materials to be used and how they will be collected and analyzed.