Fdar Charting 3 Oct12
Fdar Charting 3 Oct12
Fdar Charting 3 Oct12
7:00-3:00 am F> Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to frequent cough
as evidenced by reported altered taste sensation
D> Received lying in bed with an intact D5W @ 1L x 16 hours. With VS as follows:
T-38C, PR- 110 bpm, RR-28 cpm, BP- 130/90 mmHg, SPO2- 92%. With productive
cough. “Wala akong gana kumain at hindi ko malasahan”.
A> Assessed weight, measure or calculate body fat. Documented nutritional status
on admission, noting skin turgor, current weight and degree of weight loss,
integrity of oral mucosa, ability or inability to swallow. Monitored I&O and weight
periodically. Monitored laboratory studies: BUN, serum protein, and prealbumin.
Provided oral care before and after respiratory treatments. Referred to dietician
for any possible adjustments in dietary composition. Administered antipyretics as
appropriate. Evaluated total daily food intake. Promoted pleasant relieving
environment including socialization. Encouraged and provided for frequent rest
periods. Encouraged patient to choose food or have family member to bring food
that seems appealing and is not contraindicated
R> After 4 hours of nursing intervention, the patient was able to demonstrate
progressive weight gain goal with normalization of laboratory values and be free
of signs of malnutrition and importance of oral care