September 2011
considered. Industrial safety is to be ensured through compliance with the applicable
provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.
This guide has been prepared by specialists in the field drawn from the Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Nuclear Power Corporation of
India Limited and other consultants. It has been reviewed by experts and relevant
AERB Advisory Committee on Codes and Guides and the Advisory Committee on
Nuclear Safety.
AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who have prepared and
reviewed the document and helped in its finalisation. The list of persons, who have
participated in this task, along with their affiliations, is included for information.
(S.S. Bajaj)
Chairman, AERB
The quantity ‘A’ for an amount of radionuclide in a given energy state at a given time
is defined as:
A = dN/dt
where, ‘dN’ is the expectation value of the number of spontaneous nuclear
transformations from the given energy state in a time interval ‘dt’. The SI unit of
activity is the reciprocal of second (s-1), termed the Becquerrel (Bq)
Systematic evaluation of the arrangements, processes, activities and related results for
their adequacy and effectiveness in comparison with set criteria.
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
A national authority designated by the Government of India having the legal authority
for issuing regulatory consent for various activities related to the nuclear and radiation
facility and to perform safety and regulatory functions including their enforcement for
the protection of the site personnel, the public and the environment against undue
radiation hazards.
(See ‘Activity’)
Collective Effective Dose
The total effective dose ‘S’ to the population is defined as:
S = Σ Ei Ni
where, ‘Ei’ is the average effective dose in the population sub-groups ‘i’ and ‘Ni’ is the
number of individuals in the sub-group ‘i’.
Combustible Material
Any material, used in a particular form in which it is used and under the conditions
anticipated will ignite and burn, generally accompanied by flames, glow or emission
of smoke or a combination thereof.
The process during which structures, systems and components of a nuclear or radiation
facility, on being constructed, are made functional and verified in accordance with
design specifications and found to have met the performance criteria.
Competent Authority
Any official or authority appointed, approved or recognised by the Government of
India for the purpose of the Rules promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act 1962.
Conditioning of Waste
The processes that transform waste into a form suitable for transport and/or storage
and/or disposal. These may include converting the waste to another form, enclosing
the waste in containers and providing additional packaging.
The presence of radioactive substances in or on a material/the human body or other
places in excess of quantities specified by the competent authority.
Principles or standards on which a decision or judgment can be based. They may be
qualitative or quantitative.
Decay Heat
The heat produced by the decay of radioactive nuclides.
The process by which a nuclear or radiation facility is finally taken out of operation in
a manner that provides adequate protection to the health and safety of the workers, the
public and the environment.
The removal or reduction of contamination by physical or chemical means.
Discharge (Radioactive)
Planned and controlled release of (gaseous or liquid) radioactive material into the
Discharge Limits
The limits prescribed by the regulatory body for effluent discharges into atmosphere/
aquatic environment from nuclear/radiation facilities.
Disposal (Radioactive Waste)
The emplacement of waste in a repository without the intention of retrieval or the
approved direct discharge of waste into the environment with subsequent dispersion.
A measure of the radiation received or absorbed by a target. The quantities termed
absorbed dose, organ dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, committed equivalent dose,
or committed effective dose are used, depending on the context. The modifying terms
are omitted when they are not necessary for defining the quantity of interest.
Any waste discharged into the environment from a facility, either in the form of liquid
or gas.
Exempt Waste
Waste, which is cleared from regulatory control in accordance with clearance levels.
The designation should be in terms of activity concentration and/or total activity and
may include a specification of the type, chemical/physical form, mass or volume of
The deliberate omission of a practice, or specified sources within a practice, from
regulatory control or from some aspects of regulatory control, by the regulatory body
on the grounds that the exposures which the practice or sources cause or have the
potential to cause are sufficiently low as to be of no regulatory concern.
Fuel Bundle
An assembly of fuel elements identified as a single unit (also called ‘Fuel Assembly’).
Gray (Gy)
The special name of the unit of absorbed dose. One ‘gray’ is equal to one joule per
1 Gy = 1 J kg-1.
High Level Waste (HLW)
A type of waste, which contains any of the following:
• The radioactive liquid containing most of the fission products and actinides
present in spent fuel, which forms the residue from the first solvent extraction
cycle in reprocessing, and some of the associated waste streams;
• Solidified high level waste from above and spent reactor fuel (if it is declared
a waste);
• Any other waste with similar radiological characteristics.
Institutional Control (Radioactive Waste)
The process of controlling the radioactive waste site by an authority or institution
designated under the laws of the country. This control may be active (monitoring,
surveillance, remedial work) or passive (land use control) and may be a factor in the
design of a nuclear/radiation facility.
Intermediate Level Waste (ILW)
Radioactive waste, in which the concentration or quantity of radionuclides is above
that of low level waste but below that of high level waste (HLW), with the thermal
power below that of HLW. It requires shielding during handling and transportation.
Thermal power of ILW is below 2 kW/m3. This is also termed as ‘Medium Level
The value of a parameter or attribute (which is variable) used in certain specific activities
or circumstances that must not be exceeded.
Long-lived Waste
Radioactive waste containing long-lived radionuclides having sufficient radiotoxicity
and/or concentrations requiring long time isolation from the biosphere. The term long-
lived radionuclides refers to half-lives usually greater than 30 years.
Low Level Waste (LLW)
Radioactive waste in which the concentration or quantity of radionuclides is above
clearance levels established by the regulatory body but with the radionuclide content
below those of intermediate and high level wastes. It does not require shielding during
handling and transportation.
Organised activities covering all preventive and remedial measures, both administrative
and technical, to ensure that all structures, systems and components are capable of
performing as intended for safe operation of the plant.
Member of the Public
Any individual in the population except for one who is subject to occupational or
medical exposure. For the purpose of verifying compliance with the annual dose limit
for public exposure, the member of the public is the representative individual in the
relevant critical group.
The continuous or periodic measurement of parameters for reasons related to the
determination, assessment in respect of structure, system or component in a facility or
control of radiation.
Near Surface Disposal
Disposal of waste with/without engineered barriers, or below the ground surface with
adequate final protection covering to bring the surface dose rate within prescribed
Normal Operation
Operation of a plant or equipment within specified operational limits and conditions.
In case of a nuclear power plant, this includes start-up, power operation, shutting
down, shutdown state, maintenance, testing and refuelling.
Nuclear Facility
All nuclear fuel cycle and associated installations encompassing the activities from
the front end to the back end of nuclear fuel cycle processes and also the associated
industrial facilities such as heavy water plants, beryllium extraction plants, zirconium
plants, etc.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
All operations associated with the production of nuclear energy, including mining,
milling, processing and enrichment of uranium or processing of thorium, manufacture
of nuclear fuel, operation of nuclear reactors, reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel,
decommissioning, and any activity for radioactive waste management and research or
development activity related to any of the foregoing.
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
A nuclear reactor or a group of reactors together with all the associated structures,
systems, equipment and components necessary for safe generation of electricity.
All activities following and prior to commissioning performed to achieve, in a safe
manner, the purpose for which a nuclear/radiation facility is constructed, including
A possibility worthy of further consideration for safety.
Any human activity that introduces additional sources of exposure or exposure pathways
or extends exposure to additional people or modifies the network of exposure pathways
from existing sources, so as to increase the exposure or the likelihood of exposure of
people, or the number of people exposed.
Pre-treatment (Radioactive Waste)
Any operation/conditioning of waste prior to final treatment before disposal.
Radiation Facility
Any installation/equipment or a practice involving use of radiation-generating units
or use of radioisotopes in the field of research, industry, medicine and agriculture.
Radioactive Waste
Material, whatever its physical form, left over from practices or interventions for which
no further use is foreseen: (a) that contains or is contaminated with radioactive
substances and has an activity or activity concentration higher than the level for
clearance from regulatory requirements, and (b) exposure to which is not excluded
from regulatory control.
Radioactive Waste Management Facility
Facility specifically designed to handle, treat, condition, temporarily store or
permanently dispose of radioactive waste.
Regulatory Authority
(See ‘Competent Authority’)
Regulatory Body
(See ‘Atomic Energy Regulatory Board’)
Regulatory Clearance
A type of regulatory consent, which is issued for a nuclear facility during the
intermediate stages of consenting process.
A facility where radioactive waste is emplaced for disposal. Future retrieval of waste
from the repository is not intended.
Repository, geological
A facility for radioactive waste disposal located underground (usually more than several
hundred meters below the surface) in a stable geological formation to provide a long
term isolation of radionuclides from the biosphere. Usually such a repository would
be used for long-lived and /or high level waste.
Repository, near surface
A facility for radioactive waste disposal located at or within a few tens of meters from
the earth’s surface. Such repository is suitable for disposal of short-lived low and
intermediate level waste.
Research Reactor
A critical/sub-critical assembly of nuclear fuel elements used for the purpose of research,
teaching and production of radioisotopes.
Residual Heat
The sum of the time-dependent heat loads originating from radioactive decay and
shutdown fission and heat stored in reactor-related structures and heat transport media
in a nuclear reactor facility.
Safety Analysis
Evaluation of the potential hazards (risks) associated with the implementation of a
proposed activity.
Safety Assessment
A review of the aspects of design and operation of a source which are relevant to the
protection of persons or the safety of the source, including the analysis of the provisions
for safety and protection established in the design and operation of the source and the
analysis of risks associated with normal conditions and accident situations.
Segregation (Radioactive Waste)
An activity where waste or materials (radioactive and exempt) are separated or are
kept separate according to radiological, chemical and/or physical properties to facilitate
waste handling and/or processing. It may be possible to segregate radioactive material
from exempt material and thus reduce the waste volume.
Short-lived Waste
Radioactive waste in quantities and/or concentrations, which will decay to activity
levels considered acceptably low from the radiological point of view within the time
period during which administrative controls are expected to last. Radionuclides in
short-lived waste will generally have half-lives shorter than 30 years.
The area containing the facility defined by a boundary and under effective control of
the facility management.
Solidification (Radioactive Waste)
Immobilisation of gaseous, liquid-like materials by conversion into solid waste form,
usually with the intent of producing a physically stable material that is easier to handle
and less dispersible. Calcination, drying, cementation, bituminisation and vitrification
are some of the typical ways of solidifying liquid radioactive waste (See also
‘Conditioning of Waste’).
Spent Fuel
Irradiated fuel not intended for further use in reactors in its present form.
Storage (Radioactive Waste)
The placement of radioactive waste in an appropriate facility with the intention of
retrieving it at some future time. Hence, waste storage is by definition an interim
measure and the term interim storage should not be used.
Technical Specifications for Operation
A document approved by the regulatory body, covering the operational limits and
conditions, surveillance and administrative control requirements for safe operation of
the nuclear or radiation facility. It is also called as ‘operational limits and conditions’.
Unrestricted Use
Any release or use of materials, equipment, buildings or site without any restriction
imposed by regulatory body.
Waste Form
The waste in its physical and chemical form after treatment and/or conditioning prior
to packaging.
Waste Immobilisation
The conversion of radioactive waste into solid form (by solidification, or by embedding,
or encapsulating in a matrix material) to reduce the potential for migration or dispersion
of radionuclides during transport, storage and disposal.
Waste Management
All administrative and operational activities involved in the handling, pre-treatment,
treatment, conditioning, transportation, storage and disposal of radioactive waste.
Waste Package
The product of conditioning that includes the waste form and any containers and internal
barriers (e.g. absorbing materials and liner), as prepared in accordance with
requirements for handling, transportation, storage and/or disposal.
Waste Treatment
Operations intended to benefit safety and/or economy by changing the characteristics
of the waste by employing methods such as:
(a) volume reduction,
(b) removal of radionuclides, and
(c) change of composition.
After treatment, the waste may or may not be immobilised to achieve an appropriate
waste form.
Determination of the physical, chemical and radiological properties of the waste to
establish the need for further adjustment, treatment, conditioning, or its suitability for
further handling, processing, storage or disposal.
Geological Disposal
Isolation of waste, using a system of engineered and natural barriers at a depth upto
several hundred meters in a geologically stable formation.
FOREWORD ....................................................................... i
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
1.1 General ....................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective ...................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope ....................................................................... 1
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................... 31
1.1 General
Radioactive waste is generated in the activities involving use of radioactive
materials and different stages of nuclear fuel cycle operations. The radioactive
waste may also be generated outside the nuclear fuel cycle activities in the
large scale processing of raw materials containing naturally occurring
radionuclides like processing of phosphate ores and oil or gas exploration.
Radioactive waste is also generated from the use of radioisotopes in medicines,
research, agriculture and industry. The origin and types of radioactive waste
are illustrated in Annexure - I. In general, radionuclide content of radioactive
waste from fuel cycle facilities are significantly higher compared to that from
non-fuel cycle facilities.
The radioactive waste varies in physical and chemical forms and in the
concentration of various radionuclides present. Activity levels of radioactive
waste range from very low levels associated with radioisotope applications
in laboratories, hospitals, etc to extremely high levels associated with spent
fuel-reprocessing. The nature of radionuclide varies with the nature of
activities involved, so the spectrum of half-lives of the radionuclides contained
in the radioactive waste can be equally broad or narrow. In general, the
radionuclides present will depend on the generating process and may include
thorium, uranium, transuranics and other artificial radionuclides.
Based on the form, type and concentration of radionuclides in the radioactive
waste, a variety of treatment and conditioning processes such as chemical
treatment, ion-exchange treatment, cementation, compaction, incineration,
etc are applied prior to disposal. Similarly, there are number of alternatives
for safe disposal of treated and conditioned waste, such as direct discharge
to the environment, near surface disposal and geological disposal.
A number of schemes have been evolved for classifying radioactive wastes
according to their physical, chemical and activity content to facilitate effective
1.2 Objective
The objective of this safety guide is to recommend a general system for
classifying radioactive waste to facilitate communication among all concerned.
Both qualitative and quantitative aspects are covered in this safety guide for
classification of radioactive waste to determine their safe management.
1.3 Scope
This safety guide provides guidance on classification of radioactive waste. It
addresses classification of solid, liquid and gaseous waste and identifies
characteristics important to their management.
This safety guide covers classification of a wide range of radioactive waste,
from the waste having such low levels of radioactivity that they cannot be
considered as radioactive and consequently can be disposed off without further
regulatory control to the waste having very high level of radioactivity and/or
significant amount of decay heat.
2.1 General
Classification is an approach which is used, mainly when the quantity of
elements considered (objects or ideas) is large, to ease management of the
elements by grouping them together and hence reducing their number.
Classification is realised by the use of some important parameters (criteria)
and by structuring these criteria.
Classification system for radioactive waste may be derived from different
points of view, like safety-related aspects, process engineering demands,
environmental considerations or regulatory issues. For the purpose of this
document, emphasis is given to the safety related aspects since these are, in
most cases, of the highest importance.
2.2 Purpose of Classification
Classification of radioactive waste is useful at all stages of waste handling,
viz. generation of raw waste and its conditioning, storage, transportation and
disposal. Therefore, classification of radioactive waste will serve the following
(a) At the conceptual level
(i) In devising waste management strategies
(ii) In planning and designing waste management facilities
(iii) In designating radioactive waste to a particular treatment/
conditioning technique or storage/disposal facility
(b) At the operational level
(i) In planning and execution of operational activities
(ii) In giving a broad indication of the potential hazards involved
(iii) In facilitating record keeping.
(c) For communication
(i) By providing universally understood words or acronyms,
which improve communication among experts, generators and
managers of radioactive waste, regulators and the public.
2.3 Parameters Important to Classification
There are a number of parameters that may be taken into account for
classification of radioactive waste. Important parameters that are used in one
or the other case are as follows:
(a) Origin
(b) Criticality
(c) Radiological properties
(i) Half life
(ii) Activity and concentration of radionuclides
(iii) Decay heat generation
(iv) Decay energy
(v) Surface contamination
(vi) Dose coefficient of relevant radionuclides
(vii) Surface dose rate.
(d) Physical properties
(i) Physical state
(ii) Size and weight
(iii) Compactibility
(iv) Dispersibility
(v) Volatility
(vi) Solubility
(vii) Miscibility.
(e) Chemical properties
(i) Chemical composition
(ii) Potential chemical hazards
(iii) Corrosiveness
(iv) Organic content
(v) Combustibility
(vi) Reactivity
(vii) Gas generation
(viii) Sorption coefficient.
(f) Biological properties
(i) Potential biological hazards
(ii) Bioaccumulation
2.4 Methods of Classification
One basic method of classification is a qualitative description of the individual
classes. In this case, mostly, general characteristics of the waste are used as
criteria for the classification. The other method is a quantitative approach,
i.e. numerical values are given for the definition of various classes.
2.4.1 Qualitative Classification
A broad classification system for all type of radioactive waste is based on
their origin, i.e. waste from
(a) Nuclear fuel cycle operations viz.
(i) Mining and milling
(ii) Fuel fabrication
(iii) Reactor operation/ power generation
(iv) Fuel reprocessing
(b) Production and use of radionuclides and its application in R&D,
health care and industry
(c) Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and/or site remediation
Another classification system is the differentiation of radioactive waste
according to the physical state, i.e. solid, liquid and gaseous waste. This
system stems from the process engineering needs for the treatment of different
radioactive waste streams.
(a) Solid waste can be further classified qualitatively based on the nature/
type of waste as:
(i) Combustible/non-combustible
(ii) Compressible/non-compressible.
(b) Liquid waste is qualitatively classified based on the source and nature
of waste in different ways in various facilities, for example:
(i) In Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, as potentially active
waste, active non-chemical waste, active chemical waste and
tritiated waste.
(ii) In Boiling Water Reactors, as clean radwaste, dirty radwaste,
and concentrate.
(iii) In Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, as regenerant waste,
ammonium diuranate filtrate, laboratory waste, organic waste,
alkaline waste, high active acidic raffinate waste, floor drains
and showers waste.
(c) Gaseous waste treatment methods are few, nevertheless there exist
considerable differences in activity levels and composition that justify
the classification of gaseous waste. It may be classified in accordance
with origin or method of disposal. The total discharges depend on
many local factors such as location and height of stack, direction
and speed of wind.
Another classification system separates waste into various classes on the basis
of activity and half lives of radionuclides present in the waste, as:
(a) Exempt waste
(b) Low level waste
(c) Intermediate level waste
(i) Intermediate level waste - short lived
(ii) Intermediate level waste - long lived
(d) High level waste.
These classes essentially address activity, radiotoxicity and decay heat
associated with the waste. Further distinction is also made depending on the
presence of short lived and long-lived radionuclides. The differentiation as
short lived and long lived is to address the long-term potential hazard
associated with the long lived radionuclides.
2.4.2 Quantitative Classification
The quantitative classification, i.e. categorisation, is based on specific
concentration of radioactivity and the type of radiation/ radionuclide present
in the radioactive waste.
The quantitative system of classification is important with regard to safety
aspects of waste management. It provides a link between the waste
characteristics and safety objectives set up by the regulatory authority or the
operating organisation. Since the safety objectives, in general, are formulated
in terms of numerical values, a quantitative approach to classification is
The quantitative classification of radioactive waste is also useful for effective
communication and issues relating to radiation exposure, contamination, safety
from criticality, heat generation of the waste, etc. The quantitative system of
classification is derived from regulatory requirements and is mandatory for
disposal of waste.
3.1 General
Radioactive wastes are classified into various categories on the basis of activity
concentration. The solid wastes are categorised on the basis of gross beta
activity and alpha activity. The liquid wastes are categorised on the basis of
gross beta, alpha and tritium activity. The gaseous wastes are categorised on
the basis of gross beta activity.
3.2 Waste Classification
The radioactive waste classification takes into account the physical nature of
the waste (solid, liquid or gaseous) as well as the type of radionuclides (alpha,
beta or gamma emitting) present in the waste.
3.3 Solid Waste
The activity level of solid waste range from very low levels associated with
radioisotope applications in laboratories, hospitals, etc to extremely high levels
associated with spent fuel reprocessing facilities. These wastes, after treatment
and conditioning, as necessary, are generally disposed in near surface disposal
facilities, like earth trenches, reinforced cement concrete vaults and tile holes
or stored under surveillance for disposal into deep geological repositories
depending upon their activity levels. Waste with very short lived radionuclides
are allowed to decay before disposal.
Solid waste with very low activity are classified as “exempt waste” and those
with significant activity are classified into four categories on the basis of
activity concentration of beta emitting radionuclides and alpha emitting
3.3.1 Exempt Waste
The waste generated from a practice or a source within a practice may be
exempted by the regulatory body provided that the following criteria are met
in all feasible situations:
(a) the effective dose expected to be incurred by any member of public
due to the exempted practice or source is of the order of 10 μSv or
less in a year, and
(b) either the collective effective dose committed by one year of
performance of the practice is no more than about 1 person Sv or an
assessment for optimisation of protection shows that exemption is
the optimum option.
Safety of Radiation Sources may be used as guidelines for exemption of waste.
For the purpose of the identification of the source of alpha activity, subscript
‘n’ for naturally occurring radionuclides should be added to the respective
category, wherever applicable. Otherwise, the radionuclides present in the
waste are considered to be of artificial origin. This identification helps in
taking decision regarding further treatment and handling of the waste. Representation of Solid Radioactive Waste
A solid waste representation would identify the type of radioactivity as well
as the category of each type of radioactivity. For example, B2A1 represents
the waste with beta activity in the range 1.0 x 104 to 1.0 x 105 Bq/g and alpha
activity ≤ 100 Bq/g.
The handling and disposal methodology for solid waste is detailed in AERB
safety guides on Predisposal Management of Low and Intermediate Level
Radioactive Waste (AERB/NRF/RW-2), Pre-disposal Management of High
Level Radioactive Waste (AERB/NF/RW-3), Near Surface Disposal of
Radioactive Solid Waste (AERB/NRF/SG/RW-4), Management of
Radioactive Waste from Mining and Milling of Uranium and Thorium (AERB/
NF/SG/RW-5), Management of Spent Radiation Sources and Radioactive
Waste arising from the use of Radionuclides in Medicine, Industry and
Research including Decommissioning of such Facilities (AERB/RF/SG/RW-
6), Liquid and Solid Radwaste Management in Pressurised Heavy Water
Reactors (AERB/SG/D-13) and Management of Radioactive Waste arising
from Operation of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power
Plants (AERB/NPP/SG/O-11).
3.4 Liquid Waste
The liquid waste is handled, treated and disposed on the basis of activity
concentration. The categorisation of waste should be done in such a way that
it represents the activity of waste with respect to each type of radionuclides,
viz. alpha, gross beta and tritium. So, a waste should be given a different
category on the basis of alpha, beta and tritium activity.
3.4.1 Categorisation of Liquid Waste Categorisation of Liquid Waste with respect to Gross Beta Activity
The liquid waste is classified into five categories with respect to the gross
beta activity.
Category-B1 comprises liquid waste whose beta emitting radionuclide
concentration is equal to or less than 4.0 x 104 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste
generally do not require treatment and is directly discharged to the
environment. However, the concentration at the actual discharge point of the
facility will be governed by the limits specified by the regulatory authority.
Category-B2 comprises liquid waste whose beta emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 104 Bq/m3 and equal to or less than 4.0 x
107 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is normally treated by usual methods like
chemical treatment, ion-exchange or evaporation and shielding of equipment
may not be required.
Category-B3 comprises liquid waste whose beta emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 107 Bq/m3 and equal to or less than 4.0 x
109 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is normally treated by usual methods like
chemical treatment, ion-exchange or evaporation and shielding of equipment
may be required.
Category-B4 comprises liquid waste whose beta emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 109 Bq/m3 and equal to or less than 4.0 x
1014 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is treated by specific ion-exchange resins or
evaporation and shielding of equipment is necessary.
Category-B5 comprises liquid waste whose beta emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 1014 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is subjected
to immobilization in matrices like glass, require cooling for decay heat removal
and shielding of equipment is necessary.
Categorisation of liquid waste on the basis of gross beta activity is given in
Table - 3.
Category-A2 comprises liquid waste whose alpha emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 103 Bq/m3 and equal to or less than 4.0 x
107 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is normally treated by usual methods like ion-
exchange, reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, etc.
Category-A3 comprises liquid waste whose alpha emitting radionuclide
concentration is higher than 4.0 x 107 Bq/m3. Such liquid waste is normally
immobilized in matrices like glass.
For the purpose of the identification of the source of alpha activity, subscript
‘n’ for naturally occurring radionuclides should be added to the respective
category, wherever applicable. Otherwise, the radionuclides present in the
waste are considered to be of artificial origin. This identification helps in
taking decision regarding further treatment and handling of the waste.
Categorisation of liquid waste on the basis of alpha activity is given in
Table - 4.
Category-T3 comprises liquid waste whose tritium concentration is higher
than 1.0 x 108 Bq/m3. This waste may require dilution before discharge to the
The categorisation of tritiated liquid waste is given in Table - 5.
13 Categorisation of Gaseous Waste with respect to Gross Beta Activity
The gaseous waste is classified into three categories on the basis of their
gross beta activity.
Category-B1 comprises the gaseous waste whose radionuclides concentration
is lower than 4.0 Bq/m3. These gaseous effluents do not normally require any
treatment and are discharged directly into the air.
Category-B2 comprises gaseous waste whose radionuclide concentration is
higher than 4.0 Bq/m3 and equal to or less than 4.0 x 104 Bq/m3. The
radioactivity is associated mainly with particles and gaseous effluents and
are usually treated by simple filtration.
Category-B3 comprises gaseous waste whose radionuclide concentration is
higher than 4.0 x 104 Bq/m3. The radioactivity is associated mainly with gases
and gaseous effluents and are usually treated with filtration in conjunction
with other methods.
Categorisation of Gaseous Waste with respect to Gross Beta Activity is given
in Table - 6.
Categorisation of Gaseous Waste with respect to Gross Alpha Activity is
given in Table - 7.
I.1 General
. Operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities generate radioactive waste. It may
also be generated in other activities such as use of radioisotopes in research,
healthcare, industry and large scale processing of materials containing
naturally occurring radionuclides. The concentration of radionuclides present
in the waste may vary from low levels to high levels depending on the nature
and type of the facilities. This annexure briefly describes the origin and type
of radioactive waste generated from various nuclear activities.
I.2 Mining and Mineral Processing Waste
The initial step in the nuclear fuel cycle is the mining of uranium or thorium
ores. The mined materials which are not subjected to further processing
constitute the mine tailings. These materials generally get accumulated as
waste piles, usually in proximity to the mines. Mine tailings resulting from
the mining of uranium and thorium ores generally contain some radioactive
components and require to be managed in order to prevent their dispersion
through natural processes.
The ores, from which uranium or thorium are to be separated and sent to
mills for treatment, generally undergo crushing and chemical processing. After
removal of uranium / thorium, the reject mill tailings contain little of the
parent nuclide and its decay products.
Radioactive waste may also arise from the extraction and processing of the
materials containing naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as
phosphate minerals, copper and other mineral sands. These wastes generally
contain long-lived radionuclides in very low concentration. The concentration
of the radionuclides in these waste streams may exceed the exempt levels.
Because of the large volume and low specific activity, these wastes are
generally disposed off as landfill in the exploited mined areas or nearby
I.3 Waste from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
Operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities may generate low level, intermediate
level and high-level radioactive waste. High-level wastes (HLW) are generated
mainly from the chemical processing of spent fuel. Low and intermediate
level waste (LLW and ILW) may be generated as a result of reactor operations,
reprocessing, decontamination, decommissioning and other fuel cycle
activities like nuclear fuel fabrication, post-irradiation examination of fuel
and structure material.
I.3.1 High Level Waste
Spent nuclear fuel predominantly contains large amounts of fissile materials,
other actinides and fission products. It generates significant decay heat when
freshly removed from the reactor and is usually placed in storage pools,
generally located within the reactor building.
Processing of spent fuel generates liquid and gaseous radioactive waste. Solid
radioactive waste such as fuel element cladding hulls and other insoluble
residues are generated during fuel dissolution. They may also contain
activation products, as well as some undissolved fission products, uranium
and plutonium. The principal liquid radioactive waste stream is the nitric
acid solution, which contains both fission products and actinides in high
concentrations. Liquid HLW is generally stored in stainless steel tanks, prior
to solidification (vitrification). Deep geological disposal is one of the generally
accepted options for the disposal of high-level radioactive solid waste.
Gaseous wastes are cleaned off particulate activities and dispersed through
high stacks.
I.3.2 Low and Intermediate Level Waste
Manufacturing of reactor fuel, reactor operation and decommissioning of
nuclear facilities generate low and intermediate level radioactive waste. Waste
from fuel manufacturing facilities includes contaminated filters from off-gas
systems, lightly contaminated trash and residues from recycle or recovery
operations. This radioactive waste generally contains uranium and also
plutonium in the case of mixed oxide fuel.
Reactor waste is normally contaminated with fission products and activation
products. Radioactive waste from treatment of the primary coolant and off-
gas system includes spent resins and filters as well as some contaminated
equipment. Radioactive waste may also be generated from the replacement
of activated components such as control rods or neutron monitoring
instruments. Radioactive waste generated from routine operations of nuclear
reactors also includes contaminated clothing, mops, paper, plastic and other
contaminated articles.
I.4 Waste from Institutional Activities
Institutional uses of radioactive materials include activities in the fields of
research, industry and medicine. The activities, particularly in the field of
research, are variable and result in the generation of different categories of
radioactive waste. Institutional waste can be of gaseous, liquid or solid form.
Most institutional radioactive waste is in solid form and is generally handled
in a comparable way to waste produced within the nuclear fuel cycle.
I.4.1 Production and Use of Radionuclides
The production and use of radionuclides are not directly related to nuclear
power production. These activities generate smaller quantities of radioactive
waste than fuel cycle activities.
(a) Research activities: Research units include a variety of facilities such
as research reactors, accelerators, and laboratories. All may generate
radioactive waste, with the type and volume of waste dependent on
the research conducted.
(b) Radioisotope production: The type and volume of radioactive waste
produced depends on the radioisotope and its production method.
Generally, the volume of radioactive waste generated from these
activities is small but activity concentrations might be significant.
(c) Radioisotope applications: The use of radioisotopes may generate
small volumes of radioactive waste. The type and volume of
radioactive waste produced will depend on the application.
I.4.2 Disused Sealed Sources
Sealed sources are characterized by the concentration of their radioactive
contents and are widely used in research, medical or industrial applications.
They may still be containing large and highly concentrated amounts of a
single radionuclide and are hazardous at the end of their useful lives. Such
discarded sources also require appropriate management.
Sources are described according to the activity and half-life of the radionuclide
they contain. Sources containing radionuclides with half-lives less than 100
days (for example, 90Y, 192Ir, or 198Au used in brachytherapy) are generally
stored for decay and eventually disposed off. Other sources containing
radionuclides with higher half-lives, such as 137Cs or 60 Co, require other
management options.
I.5 Decommissioning Waste
At the end of the useful life of a nuclear facility, adequate actions have to be
taken to take the facility out of service, in principle finally leading to
unrestricted release or use of the site. The activities involved in
decontamination and dismantling of a nuclear facility and the cleanup of the
site will lead to the generation of radioactive waste which may vary greatly
in type, activity concentration, size and volume. This waste may consist of
solid materials such as process equipment, construction materials, tools, soil,
etc. To reduce the amount of radioactive waste, decontamination of materials
is widely applied. Radioactive liquid waste streams may also originate from
decontamination processes.
Nuclear facilities within the institutional sector will also require decommissioning.
The type of waste will be similar to that arising from nuclear power plants (in
the case of research reactors). The volume of waste generated during
decommissioning of these facilities will be substantially small as compared to
waste generated in decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.
The category-B3 solid waste activity is limited to the activity concentration
corresponding to the surface dose rate of 500 mGy/h, i.e. 2.5 x 106 Bq/g,
which is 25 times that activity limit of category-B2 solid waste.
The waste with activity concentration higher than that of category-B3 solid
waste is category-B4 waste.
II.2 Categorisation of Solid Waste on the Basis of Alpha Activity
The alpha activity of mining and milling waste is generally less than 100 Bq/g
and of the fuel processing industry is of the order of 100 to 1000 Bq/g.
As per IAEA guide, the alpha activity content of the waste suitable for near
surface disposal should not be more than 4000 Bq/g in individual waste
package and overall average should not be more than 400 Bq/g.
So, the alpha waste is divided into four categories, category-A1 - < 100 Bq/g,
category-A2 - 100 to 1000 Bq/g, category-A3 - 1000 to 4000 Bq/g and
category-A4 - > 4000 Bq/g.
Further the treatment, handling and disposal of artificial radionuclides are
different from the natural radionuclides. So, the source of the radionuclides
in waste should be mentioned to be natural ‘n’.
* If the radionuclides are of natural origin, then along with the category of the alpha waste, a
subscript ‘n’ should be specified for natural origin, otherwise the radionuclides are considered
to be artificial origin.
* if the radionuclides are of natural origin, then along with the category of the alpha waste, a
subscript ‘n’ should be specified for natural origin, otherwise the radionuclides are considered
to be artificial origin.
TABLE - IV (b)
TABLE - IV (d)
Nature of Beta activity Alpha activity Category
operation (Bq/m3) (Bq/m3)
Nuclear fuel < 4.0 to 104 < 4.0 x 104 B1A1
fabrication B1A2
(cooling water)
Post irradiation 2 x 105 to 5 x 105 4.0 x 104 to B2A2
examination of fuel 6.0 x 104
and structural
Chemical quality 4.0 x 104 to 7 x 105 2 x 105 to 5 x 105 B2A2
Operation and maintenance of PHWR based nuclear power plant generates radioactive
liquid and solid waste carrying essentially beta-gamma emitters along with tritium.
The details of the different liquid and solid waste, their radioactivity levels, dose rate
and category are given in Table - IV (e) and Table - IV (f) respectively for solid and
liquid waste.
Nature / Source of Waste Beta Category
Dose Rate Activity
(mGy/h) (Bq/g)
Assorted wastes ( compressible/ 0.01 to 0.2 1 x 104 to 1 x 105 B1
combustible) B2
Assorted waste (non compressible/ 0.01 to 1.0 1 x 104 to 1 x 106 B1
non combustible) B2
Ventillation filters 0.02 to 0.1 1 x 104 to 1 x 105 B1
Ion-Exchange resins - Primary 50 to 1000 1 x 106 to 1 x 107 B3
Heat Transport system B4
IX resins - Moderator system 10 to 50 1 x 106 B3
6 7
IX resins - Spent Fuel Storage Bay 20 to 250 1 x 10 to 1 x 10 B3
Cartridge filters of purification 10 to 50 1 x 106 to 1 x 107 B3
systems B4
Solidified sludges 0.1 to 2.0 1 x 104 to 1 x 106 B1
TABLE - IV (f)
Nature of Source of Activity Category
Waste Waste Beta Tritium
(Bq/m3) (Bq/m3)
Potentially Shower room/ 1 x 103 to 1 x 104 1 x 103 to 1 x 104 B1T1
active waste wash rooms
Laundry waste 10 x 104 to 10 x 105 1 x 103 to 5 x 104 B1T1 or B2T1
Active non- Floor drains/ 10 x 105 to 10 x 107 5 x 105 to 5 x 106 B2T1
chemical waste equipment
Active Decontamination/ 10 x 107 to 10 x 108 1 x 106 to 5 x 106 B3T1
chemical waste Labs
Tritiated RB sumps 10 x 107 to 10 x 108 1 x 107 to 1 x 109 B3T1, B3T2 or
waste - I B3T3
Tritiated Upgrader 10 x 105 to 10 x 106 1 x 107 to 1 x 108 B2T1, B2T2 or
waste - II rejects B2T3
Sludges/slurries 10 x 107 to 10 x 109 1 x 105 to 1 x 106 B3T1 or B4T1
3 3
Organic liquids 10 x 10 to 19 x 10 5 x 104 to 5 x106 B1T1
Reprocessing of fuel from research and power reactors generates various categories
of solid and liquid waste containing beta-gamma as well as alpha-emitters. These
waste are termed as low, intermediate and high level waste based on their activity
content. Spent solvent results in generation of organic waste. Such facility also generates
hulls and other radioactive solid waste. The details of the different liquid and solid
waste, their radioactivity levels, dose rates and categories are given in Table - IV (g)
and Table - IV (h) respectively for solid and liquid waste.
Nature of waste Beta Alpha Category
Dose Rate Activity Activity
(mGy/h) (Bq/g) (Bq/g)
Assorted wastes, PVC,rubber, <2 < 104 < 100 B1 A1
cotton items,Ventilation
Spent resin and equipment 2 to 20 104 to 105 100 to 1000 B1A1
components(Non compressible) B1A2
B2 A2
Vessel off gas filters, 20 to 500 105 to 106 100 to 1000 B2A1
B3 A2
Zircalloy hulls 8000 > 2.5 x106 > 4000 B4 A4
TABLE - IV (h)
Nature of waste Activity Category
Beta Alpha
(Bq/m3) (Bq/m3)
Low Level Waste (LLW) -
mainly steam condensate, low
active vapour condensate, change 4 x 104 to 4 x 107 < 4 x 105 B2A2
room water and personal
decontamination water etc.
Intermediate Level Waste (ILW)
- mainly from secondary waste 3.7 x 1010 to 3.7 x 1012 > 4 x 107 B4A3
concentration cycle.
Degraded Organic Waste from
solvent extraction column 3.7 x 1010 to 3.7 x 1011 > 4 x 107 B4A3
containing DBP and MBP
High Level Waste (HLW)
generated from co-deconta- > 3.7 x 1013 > 4 x 107 B4A3
mination cycle, containing 95% B5A3
of fission product.
Nature of waste Activity Category
Beta Alpha
(Bq/m3) (Bq/m3)
Low Level Waste (steam
condensate and potentially active < 4 x104 --- B1
Low Level Waste - mainly steam
condensate, change room water, 4x104 to 4x106 --- B1
personal decontamination and B2
low level vapour condensate.
Low Level Waste - mainly
effluent from ion exchange 4x107 to 4x108 4x104 to 4x107 B2A2
treatment B3A2
The radiation sources after use are declared as radioactive waste. These are invariably
sealed in suitable metallic containers and have isotopes in the concentrated form. The
details of the waste and its classification is given in Table - IV (k).
TABLE - IV (k)
Neutron sources are also used in industry and research. Typical examples of application
are in water logging. An example of neutron source is Am-Be source, where Cf-252 is
used as activator. Typical activity of spent Am-Be source is of the order of 0.1 to 100
GBq and dose rate less than 10 mGy/hr. In view of the alpha content, these waste are
categorized as A4 waste, considering the alpha activity.
The solid waste of higher category, i.e. waste having a dose rate above 0.5 Gy/h,
alongwith alpha activity above 4000 Bq/g (Cat A4B4 waste) should be either stored
under proper surveillance or disposed in the deep geological repository.
The discharge of liquid and gaseous waste is governed by the site specific conditions.
The discharge limits are prescribed in the Technical Specifications for the operation
of facility and the limits prescribed in the Authorisation for Safe Disposal / Transfer of
Radioactive Waste issued by the Competent Authority under the Atomic Energy (Safe
Disposal of Radioactive Waste) Rules - 1987 (GSR-125).
Radiation Sources and Radioactive Waste arising from the use of
Radionuclides in Medicine, Industry and Research including
Decommissioning of such Facilities, AERB/RF/SG/RW-6, Mumbai, India
14. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, Decommissioning of Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Facilities other than Nuclear Power Plants, AERB/NF/SG/RW-7,
Mumbai, India (2012).
15. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, Decommissioning of Nuclear
Power Plants and Research Reactors, AERB/NPP&RR/SG/RW-8, Mumbai,
India (2009).
16. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, Liquid and Solid Radwaste
Management in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-13, Mumbai,
India (2002).
Members of ECSGRW-1
Shri K.T.P. Balakrishnan : BARC
Shri S.B.Bodke : BARC (Former)
Shri R.K. Budhwar : BARC
Dr. P. Vijayan : AERB
Smt Chitra S. : BARC
Shri K.G. Gandhi : BARC
Shri P.M. Gandhi : BARC (Former)
Shri M. Krishnan : BARC
Shri Surender Kumar : BARC
Shri K.A.Pendarkar : BARC
Shri M.N.B. Pillai : BARC
Dr. R. Pushparaja : BARC (Former)
Shri S. Ramachandran : BARC
The recommendations of the above Committee have been harmonised and integrated
in this safety guide.
Members of ACSDRW
Dr P. Vijayan : AERB
( Secretary)
Members of ACNS