Renewing Places For People PDF
Renewing Places For People PDF
Renewing Places For People PDF
A. 21st century urbanization challenges: the need to include Planners and designers have historically ignored the human
youth and aging populations needs of diverse communities—and more specifically, the
poor, elderly, young, women, and racial/ethnic minorities—as
exemplified in the above quote attributed to New York City
The twenty-first century faces unprecedented opportunities
civil servant, Robert Moses. When surveying decades of public
and challenges for the development of communities in our
space studies and research, Clare Cooper-Marcus and Carolyn
cities. Since 2007, the majority of the world lives in urban
Francis note that, "Most of the design literature we have
areas, and the urban population is expected to increase to 6.1
reviewed—if it refers to users at all—assumes that they are all
billion people by 2030. Over 90 percent of this urban growth
able-bodied, relatively young, and male” [8]. Unfortunately,
will take place in emerging cities in Africa and Asia [3].
this bias was also reflected in professional practice and spatial
These trends will disproportionately affect those at the ends manifestations.
of the age spectrum: youth and senior populations. Three
In the United States, the National Industrial Recovery Act
billion people in the world are currently under the age of 25,
of 1933 and the Housing Act of 1937 allowed local
nearly half of whom are between the ages of 12 and 24. By
municipalities to engage in the “eradication of slums,” thereby
2030, two in three urban dwellers will be under the age of 18,
razing entire existing neighborhoods and destroying tens of
and the majority will be concentrated in rapidly-urbanizing
thousands of homes without the consent of residents [9]. This
countries characterized by informal settlements, limited access
legacy is perhaps what urban scholar Alexander Garvin refers
to services, and tenuous opportunities in the formal economy
to when he writes that “despite many remarkable successes,
American city planning has been plagued with continuing
At the same time, highly industrialized cities in Europe, mistakes” [10]. This “dismal record” took place in the U.S.
North America, and East Asia are dealing with the throughout the 1950s through the 1970s, featuring urban
phenomenon of shrinking cities characterized by out-migration renewal, the “wholesale slum clearance that displaced more
and low birth rates, as well as a growing population of seniors people than it housed; high-rise public housing that ill-served
aging in place. One in five people in the United States—about the poor; cultural, sports, and government ‘centers’ that were
88 million people—will be 65 and older by 2050 [5]. Many isolated from the rest of the city; and urban expressways that
cities have responded by implementing age-friendly city severed and blighted entire neighborhoods” [11].
policies to accommodate its aging population. New York City
This historical legacy and its spatial manifestations of
has implemented over 59 initiatives, such as traffic street
economic and social segregation persists to this day, with the
design projects that increase the length of crosswalk times and
unfortunate result of many communities remaining skeptical of
median refuges. The city also sponsors programs that offer free
urban planning and design practitioners who have failed to
transportation for seniors to access services such as grocery
keep their promises or have been hostile to their interests
shopping, recreational, and cultural activities [6]. Other
altogether [12].
cities— such as Philadelphia and Atlanta— have begun
to acknowledge the needs of an aging population in their cities
by offering targeted services or making design decisions in
regards to the built environment, but much more work remains C. Benefits of inclusive cities and consequences of exclusion
to be done in this area. Researchers have noted the benefits of youth participation
in planning outcomes [13, 14]. Youth can provide valuable
Given these trends, planners, designers, and engineers must information and perspectives about their daily lived
creatively adapt and re-think strategies to accommodate the experiences that designers may otherwise neglect, thereby
world’s growing elderly and youth populations. First, aiding in the creation of knowledge and better design outcomes
practitioners will have to create new processes to empathize [15, 16]. In addition, the youth themselves benefit from
with and engage these populations, refining the criteria for participation, in terms of citizen development, as they are
designs that accommodate a wide range of human needs. encouraged to become informed decision-makers, and in terms
Second, those in the profession of training future designers of social development, as they gain a sense of confidence, self-
must develop and update curricula so that the next generation efficacy, and social awareness [17].
of planners, designers, and engineers can better serve the needs
of the young and old. The societal costs of ignoring young people’s views on
their environment are quite high. The failure to integrate youth
perspectives can lead to marginalization, conflict, exclusion,
B. A historical legacy of disrupting human communities and violence, as recently seen to some degree in protests in
Ferguson and Baltimore [18, 19]. As Percy-Smith (2002)
claims, “The ineffectiveness of communities in facilitating the
“You can draw any kind of pictures you like on a clean engagement of young people in meaningful and self-
slate and indulge your every whim in the wilderness in laying determined ways leads to a sense of boredom, alienation,
out a New Delhi, Canberra and Brasilia, but when you apathy and frustration for many. The extent to which young
operate in an overbuilt metropolis you have to hack your way people are provided for within their neighbourhood can be seen
with a meat ax.” — Robert Moses [7] as a reflection of the extent to which young people and their
place needs are valued in the community” [20].
Involve local users, such as youth and seniors. Both At midday, students paired up and received an observation
demographics provided valuable insights on Chinatown toolkit booklet, which included ten activities derived from
through conversations and focus groups. The youth gained a urban design research methods, but with an explicit focus on
sense of agency and pride when leading tours and helping to user experience and human-centered design. 1 Student pairs
translate conversations for the Stanford students. were assigned to one of five segments along Market Street, and
they were free to choose any or all tools from the toolkit for
Recognize historical and social context. Learning the their observations. After two hours of observations, students
history of Chinatown, particularly through the voices of the returned to the classroom at the YBCA for another improv
residents and their advocates, helped to situate the design warm-up, followed by activities to compile insights gleaned
challenge and highlight local priorities. It also created a sense from their observations of the festival.
of empathy with, and commitment to, the residents of
Chinatown and their daily lived experiences. Referencing printed maps of Market Street’s segments,
students created outlines and visualizations to parse their street
Prototype in situ. The park itself proved a useful design observations and share their reflections on what made for a
laboratory. Using only basic supplies, students could quickly successful installation. They used techniques such as crafting
and informally test public space concepts, make additional mind maps, drawing axes and placing data points into four
observations, and gain feedback from users. The nature of the quadrants. After sharing observations, students voted on which
experience forced participants to be creative, flexible and of the observational activities they had found “useful”,
adaptable to new and changing conditions in the park “delightful”, or particularly generative of a “breakthrough”
throughout the day. Students gained more creative confidence
and greater appreciation for the neighborhood by interacting 1
See the Urban Observation Toolkit at