Ambient Conditions Impact Part2
Ambient Conditions Impact Part2
Ambient Conditions Impact Part2
Q3 2009
gas processing
special features
rotating equipment
instrumentation & control
T The presence of
he effect of ambient air mechanism in most gas-fired
temperature and humidity on combustion processes that burn clean
NOx emissions from gasoline- water vapour in fuels. High temperature zones within
and diesel-fuelled combustion engines the flame cause nitrogen molecules in
has been known for many years. A the combustion the air to separate, allowing them to
method for correcting the NOx for air combine with oxygen, which leads to
temperature and humidity can be found air appears to the formation of NOx. The amount of
in the US Code of Federal Regulations.1 thermal NOx formed depends largely
The effect of air temperature and
reduce the effective on the temperature of the flame and
humidity on burner NOx emissions has temperature of the residence time — the higher the flame
also been recognised for many years in temperature and the longer the
the petrochemical and hydrocarbon flame, resulting in residence time, the more NOx
industries. However, a general method production.
for making these corrections has not lower NOx emissions Water vapour in the combustion air
been reported. Perhaps this is due, in tends to act as ballast to absorb heat
part, to the wide variety of burner from the flame, lowering the
and heater designs and operating referred to as thermal NOx.3 Thermal temperature and reducing thermal
conditions. Part I of this two-part NOx is produced by the reaction of NOx. Figure 1 shows the theoretical
article, published in the Q2 2009 issue atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen at effects of combustion air humidity on
of PTQ, showed how ambient air elevated temperatures, and is the adiabatic flame temperature firing
conditions impact NOx and CO considered to be the dominant methane with 2% excess O2. The red
emissions from process heaters. Part II
addresses the significance of ambient
air temperature and humidity on burner
NOx emissions.
Air humidity effects 0lb flue gas/lb fuel
Historical data shows that industrial
burners (data for both high and low
NOx burners).5 The triangular symbols
&IELD DATA n ,OW ./X PREMIX RADIANT WALL BURNERS represent experimental data firing a
&IELD DATA n (IGH ./X PREMIX RADIANT WALL BURNERS single, diffusion-style wall burner. All
of the data are normalised to a NOx
4HEORY n POUNDS OF FLUE GAS PER POUND OF FUEL AT / value corresponding to zero humidity.
4HEORY n :ERO POUNDS OF FLUE GAS PER POUND OF FUEL AT / The NOx value, at zero humidity, is
%XPONENTIAL FIT THROUGH FIELD DATA obtained by extrapolating a best-fit
%XPONENTIAL FIT THROUGH TEST DATA exponential curve through the
experimental data. Experimental data
(UMIDITY GRAINSLB DRY AIR clearly show that for both the premix
and diffusion-style burners, NOx
decreases with an increase in air
Figure 2 Experimental data and model results showing the effects of air humidity on humidity. For example, a variation in
NOx emissions air humidity from 0 to 120 grains
corresponds to a 45% change in NOx for
line denotes zero flue gas mixed with burner. Again, notice that an increase in the high NOx burner (red symbols). As
the fuel prior to combustion, which is humidity corresponds to a reduction in previously discussed, this represents
representative of a high NOx burner. As flame temperature. For this case, the a change in the theoretical flame
the humidity of the combustion air flame temperature decreases by temperature of only about 2.3%.
increases, the temperature of the flame approximately 1.7% when the humidity The data also show the percentage
decreases. For example, the temperature increases from 0 to 120 grains. These NOx reduction is more pronounced
of the flame decreases by approximately results suggest that the effect of air for the high NOx burner than the
2.3% when the humidity increases from humidity on flame temperature is less low NOx burner. Based on theoretical
0 to 120 grains. Although the change in sensitive when more flue gas is mixed results previously discussed, the
flame temperature is small, it can have with the fuel prior to combustion. This flame temperature from a low NOx
a significant impact on the thermal NOx occurs because the flue gas also acts as a burner is less sensitive to variations in
production. The figure also shows the ballast to absorb heat from the flame, air humidity and, hence, changes in
effects of humidity when 10lb (4.5kg) of which reduces the effects of water NOx.
recycled flue gas are mixed with 1lb vapour.4 Based on these results, it is Figure 2 also shows results of a
(0.5kg) of fuel prior to combustion, expected that a low NOx burner will not simplified thermal NOx model.
which is representative of a low NOx see as a dramatic reduction in NOx with Assuming NOx production is
dominated by the thermal mechanism,
the ratio of NOx production with zero
air humidity to that at a given humidity
can be written as follows:
where χNO, at zero RH and χNO, at given RH is
the NOx, in terms of parts per million,
at zero air humidity and at a given
humidity, respectively, while terms
Tat zero RH and Tat given RH represent the
adiabatic flame temperature at zero
air humidity and at a given humidity,
respectively. Model results displayed
#OMBUSTION AIR TEMPERATURE ²& in Figure 2 are based on firing methane
with an ambient air temperature of
90°F (32°C) and a flue gas temperature
Figure 3 Effects of combustion air temperature on NOx emissions (from API 535) of 2000°F (1100°C). The model results
Parts I and II have shown how ambient
air conditions can have a significant
impact on NOx and CO emissions from
process heaters. These conditions
include air temperature and humidity,
barometric pressure and wind speed.
These conditions affect excess O2 levels,
which directly impact NOx and CO.
Frequent manual adjustments or
Figure 5 Multiple burners mechanically connected by a shaft to a single control motor automatic controls can be used to adjust