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Doe & Sampling

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Department of Statistics
Preliminary Examination Question Bank
B.Sc.Part III

Q 1. Choose the correct alternative: (10)

1. An experimental design is
(A) a map (B) a plan of experiment (C) an architect (D) all the above.
2. If an experiment involves two or more treatments in which some treatments are fixed and the others
are of random nature, one should choose
(A) analysis of variance model (B) component of variance model
(C) fixed effect model (D) mixed effect model.
3. Missing observation in a completely randomized design is to be
(A)estimated (B) deleted (C) guessed (D) none of the above.
4. The following layout :
Meets the requirements of ……..
(A) CRD (B) RBD (C) LSD (D) factorial design.
5. In RBD with t treatments and r replications the degrees of freedom for sum of squares due to error are
(A) r(t-1) (B) t(r-1) (C) rt-1 (D) (r-1)(t-1).
6.The ratio of the number of replications required in CRD and RBD for the same amount of information
is (A) 6: 4 (B) 10 : 6 (C) 10 : 8 (D) 6 : 10.
7. CRD or RBD is better than LSD with same number of replications as in
LS of order (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) all the above.
8. Which of the following is a contrast?
(A) 3T1 + T2 - 3 T 3 + T4 (B) T1 + 3T2 -3T3 + T 4
(C) -3T1 -T 2 +T 3 +3T 4 (D) T1+ T2+ T3 - T4.
9. The method of confounding is a device to reduce the size of
(A) Experiment (B) replications (C) blocks (D) plot.
10. When the treatments require plots of different sizes for experimentation, frequently adopted design is
(A) confounded design (B) split plot design
(C) Factorial deign (D) Latin square design.
11. Randomization in an experiment helps to eliminate-
(A) Systematic influences (B) human biases (C) dependence among observations (D) all the above.
12. Errors in a statistical model are always taken to be –
(A) Independent (B) distributed as N (0,  e2 ) (C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A) nor (B).
13.Let  and  be the error variances of designs D1 and D2 utilizing same experimental material.
2 2
1 2
Then the efficiency of design D1 over D2 is-
(A) (1/  1 )/(1/  2 ) (B) (1/  2 )/(1/  1 ) (C)  2 /  1 (D) none of the above.
2 2 2 2 2 2

14. A linear combination of treatment means is said to be a contrast or a comparison iff-

(A) the sum of the treatment means is zero
(B) all the coefficients of the treatment means are unity
(C) the sum of the coefficients of treatment means is zero
(D) if number of positive and negative coefficients is same.
15. In a Latin square design number of rows,columns and treatments are-
(A) all different (B) always equal (C) not necessarily equal (D) none of the above.
16. The formula for estimating a single missing value in LSD of order m is-
(A) (R’+C’+T’-G)/ ( (m-1)(m-2)) (B) [m(R’+C’+T’)-2G’]/[(m-1)(m-2)]
(C) m(R’+C’+T’-2G’)/(m^2-1) (D) m(R’+C’+T’-2G’)/[(m-1)^2(m-2)^2].
18. The degrees of freedom for unrestricted error SS in ANOCOVA in CRD is-
(A) (n-t) (B) (n-2) (C) (n-t-1) (D) (r-1)(t-1).


Choose the most appropriate alternative. (10)

1. The number of samples of size n from a population of size N using SRSWOR method is ---
( a) NCn (b) N2 ( c ) NPn ( d ) n2.

2. The number of samples of size n from a population of size N using SRSWR is

( a ) n2 ( b ) N n ( c ) NCn ( d ) NPn

3. Sampling frame is a list of ---

( a ) sampling units in the sample ( b ) sampling units in the population
( c ) subgroups of sampling units ( d ) none of the above.

4. Which of the following statements is not true ?Standard error

( a ) cannot be zero. ( b ) cannot be one. ( c ) can be negative. ( d ) satisfies all the above.

5. Probability of drawing a unit at each selection remains same in

( a ) SRSWOR ( b ) SRSWR
( c ) both ( a ) and (b ) ( d ) none of ( a ) and ( b ).
6. Probability of including a specified unit in a sample of size n selected out of a population of size
N is :
( a ) ( 1/n ) ( b ) ( 1/N ) ( c ) ( n/N ) ( d ) ( N/n )

7. The formula for optimum allocation was discovered by

( a ) Tschuprow ( b ) Jerzy Neyman ( c ) both ( a ) and ( b ) ( d ) none of ( a ) and ( b ).

8. Probability of any one sample of size n being drawn from a population of size N is :
( a ) n /N ( b ) 1/N ( c ) 1/n ( d ) [NCn]-1.

9. A simple random sample can be drawn using:

( a ) tables of random numbers ( b ) lottery method ( c ) roulette wheel ( d ) all the above.

10. In SRSWR the same unit may be included in the sample :

( a ) only once ( b ) only twice ( c ) more than once ( d ) all the above.

11. Sampling is inevitable in the situation

(a) Blood test of person (b) when the population is infinite
(c) Testing of life of dry battery cells (d) all the above
12. A population consisting of all the physically existing items is called:
(a) Hypothetical population (b) real population
(c) Infinite population (d) all of the above.

13. A population consisting of the outcomes of the conceptually repeated trials is called:
(a) Hypothetical population (b) infinite population
(c) Finite population (d) real population.
14. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Lesser the number of strata, better it is
(b) More the number of strata, poorer it is
(c) More the number of strata, better it is
(d) Any strata should not contain more than ten items.

15. Which of the following inequality holds correct? For estimate of population mean
(a) Vsrswor(x) ≤Prop (x) ≤Vogt(x) (b) Vsrswor(x) ≥Prop (x) ≥Vopt(x)
(c) Vsrswor(x) ≥Vogt(x) ≥ Prop (x) (d) None of them
16. Under the proportional allocation one gets:
(a) An optimum sample (b) a self-weighing sample
(c) Both a and b d) neither a nor b
17. In systematic sampling, selected units in the sample are:
(a) Not easily locatable (b) easily locatable
(c) Not representing the whole sample (d) none of the above

18. Systematic sampling is not appropriate when

(a) Variation in units is periodic
(b) Units at regular intervals are correlated
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of (a) and (b)

19. Choose correct statement:

(a) Systematic sample is superior to stratified random sample
(b) Simple random sample is inferior to systematic sample
(c) Stratified random sample is better than systematic sample
(d) None of the above

20. When the two stage sampling is better than single stage Sampling?
(a) If the elements in the same stage are positively correlated
(b) If the elements in the same stage are negatively correlated
(c) If the elements in the same stage are uncorrelated
(d) None of the above

21. Select the correct alternative:

(a) Population mean increases with the increase in sample size
(b) Population mean decreases with the increase in sample size
(c) Population mean decreases with the decrease in sample size
(d) Population mean is constant

22. Which of the following statements is not appropriate?

(a) An increase in sample size decreases the standard error
(b) An increase in sample size decreases the sampling error
(c) Decrease in sample size result in the reduction of population standard deviation
(d) The precision of an estimate depends on sample size

23. A sample of size n is selected from the infinite population with population variance σ2. Then the
standard error of sample mean is:
(a) σ2/n (b) σ/n (c) σ/√n (d) σ

24. The term used for the difference between estimate and the concerned population parameter is
(a) Human error (b) standard error
(c) Non sampling error (d) sampling error
25. A sample of 25 units from an infinite population with standard deviation 10 results into total score
of 450. The mean of sampling distribution is:
(a) 45 (b) 50 (c) 18 (d) 1.8
26. If there is certain number of very high values in a sample, then it is preferable to calculate:
(a) Standard deviation (b) standard error (c) variance (d) all the above
27. Sampling error can be reduced by:
(a) Choosing proper probability sampling (b) selecting sample of adequate size
(c) Using suitable formula for estimation (d) all the above
28. There are more chance of non-sampling errors than sampling error in case of:
(a) Studies of large sample (b) complete enumeration
(c) Inefficient investigator (d) All the above
29. Stratified sampling belongs to the category of:
(a) Judgement sampling (b) subjective sampling
(C) Controlled sampling (d) non-random sampling
30. Which of the following is a contrast?
(a) 3T1 + T2 - 3 T 3 + T4 (b) T1 + 3T2 -3T3 + T 4

(c) -3T1 -T 2 +T 3 +3T 4 (d) T1+ T2+ T3 - T4.

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