Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) : Pathogenesis RF
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) : Pathogenesis RF
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) : Pathogenesis RF
Pathogenesis RF
Atherosclerosis : progressive inflammatory disorder of Non modifiable
arterial wall – focal lipid rich deposit of atheroma – b/c Sex: M>F (pre-menopause), M=F (menopause)
larger – impair tissue perfusion, ulceration, disruption of Age
lesion - cause thrombotic occlusion/ distal embolization of Family h/o IHD
vessel Modifiable
When predominant inflammation plaque – thinning Hypercholesterolemia : high serum cholesterol, LDL
protective fibrous cap – vulnerable to mechanical stress – DM II
erosion, fissuring, rupture of plaque – expose to blood – Physical inactive
trigger platelet aggregation – thrombosis formation until Obesity
atheromatous plaque & arterial lumen – partial/ complete Excess alcohol consumption, smoking
obstruction – infarction/ ischemia
C/F Investigations
Central chest pain : tightness, heaviness 12 lead ECG
Anxiety, fear of impending death - ST elevation: occlusion – full thickness infarction
Breathlessness, vomiting, collapse - Diminution of R wave
Sympathetic: Pallor, sweating, tachycardia - Inversion of T wave
Vagal: vomiting, bradycardia - ST depression, T wave changes - Partial occlusion of
Impaired myocardial function: hypotension, oliguria, cold major vessel/ complete occlusion of minor vessel
periphery, narrow pulse pressure, raise JVP, 3rd heart unstable angina, subendocardial MI
sound, diffuse apical impulse, lung crepitation Cardiac biomarker
- Serum troponin
Complications - Unstable angina: no detectable rise in troponin,
Arrhythmia diagnosis based on clinical history & ECG
Heart failure – extensive myocardial damage - MI: rise plasma troponin T & I (within 3-6 hrs, remain
Pericarditis to 2 weeks)
Recurrent MI
Analgesia : morphine
- Relieve distress, lower adrenergic drive – reduce
vascular resistance, BP, infarct size
Establish early perfusion
- If symptoms of ischemia <12 hrs, persistent ST
segment elevation
Treatment of complications
FBC: leucocytosis (1st day), high ESR, CRP
Lipid profile
Chest X ray: cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema
ECHO: assess ventricular function, detect mural thrombus,
cardiac rupture, VSD, mitral regurgitation, pericardial
Coronary angiography: to revascularization in moderate/
high risk patient
Risk of stroke (CHADS2)
CHF -1
HTN -1
Age >75 – 1
DM – 1
Stroke, TA -2