Rural Development
Rural Development
Rural Development
For a country like Bangladesh, rural development is important. The reason behind
this is that most of the people of the country are living in the villages. There is a
direct link between the rural development and the development of our national
economy. The rural sectors contribute about two-thirds of the GDP. We can
achieve our cherished goal of financial development by the development of our
villages which hold the key to our success.
In 1994, the Secretary General of United Nations Mr. Boutros Ghail defined
development, ‘as a decisive factor in shaping our world and it will define
relations among people, shaped the behavior of nations and determine the
ecological nature of the planet. Yet today development is in crisis. First there is
crisis of complexity; second, we have realized that development has no single
definition. No single strategy has been immune from failure. There is no certain
path to success.'
Tolal Population of Mathbaria Upazila are 263527; and among them male
131940; female 131587; Muslim 233999, Hindu 29337, Buddhist 9, Christian 9
and others 173. Water bodies Main rivers: Baleshwari, KATCHA, Pona.
Administration Mathbaria Thana, now an upazila, was formed in 1981.
Mathbaria (Town) consists of 9 wards and 16 mahallas. The city area is 15.92 km.
It has a population of 16,573 men and women 52.07% 47.93%, the population
density of 1,041 people per square kilometer. Literacy rate among the town
people is 51.5%. The city has a dakbungalow.
Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar i.e. One House One Farm (OHOF) is a poverty
alleviation project through family farming of the government of Bangladesh. The
goal of the project is poverty alleviation through e-financial inclu¬sion (i.e. fund
mobilization) followed by family farming livelihood and income generation of
the under privileged and smallholders of the country.
The vission of Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar i.e. One House One Farm is Poverty
alleviation and sustainable development through fund mobilization & family
The project will be implemented in 40527 villages of 4503 Unions under 485
Upazillas of the country. The total households to be covered under this project
will be 24,31,620 and that will provide benefits to 1,21,58,100 members of the
Target Beneficiaries:
In the project areas, the heads of the following categories of households will be
considered as target population to be determined based on the following criteria:
1. Poor women-headed households in the village;
2. Households having only homestead;
3. Landless people those who own land up to 0.50 acre of land including
homestead and who earn their livelihood by selling manual labor and have no
regular sources of income.
The 1st step, participatory fund mobilization: The poor saves BDT 200 per
month and Government gives the equal amount to them as bonus followed by
BDT 1,50,000 as revolving fund annually. All the money has been deposited to
the bank account of the village development organization (VDO).
The 2nd step, investment: The poor sit together in the cortyard meeting and take
decision for investment independently according to their need and livelihood.
The 3rd step, development of farm: After getting fund from the VDO each poor
develops small farms like fishery, livestock, poultry, nursery, vegetable gardening
etc. Thus every inch of land of the smallholders is used efficiently for agro
The 4th step, repay of the loan: After income generation the smallholder families
deposit (repay) loan in installment to the account of the VDO. Thus the fund is
being revolved and utilized for poverty alleviation by the poor permanently. Thus
it stands as a sustainable poverty alleviation cycle challenging the vicious cycle of
Enable the poor farmers for savings BDT 200 (USD 2.50) per household per
month and the project provides the same amount BDT 200 (USD 2.50) per
month as bonus/incentive
Provide revolving fund BDT 150,000 (USD 1920) annually to each of the
Provide them training in related fields of agriculture and farming Enable them
taking decision independently about farming & development sitting in the
evening courtyard meeting
(Citizen Services)
Name of Services-- To identify the poor people
Service Providing Methods-- To select 60 families (One member from one
familiy) from one or more villages within one word.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No cost
Time of providing services-- Within 15 days from to select villages
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Formation of village development association
Service Providing Methods-- Forming the village development association by
sorted 60 poor member from selected villages
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Within 15 days from to select members
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- To inspire for savings
Service Providing Methods-- inspire the association's members for saving
monthly 200 Taka
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Assist for ground meting
Service Providing Methods-- Providing assistance for association's members by
project in weekly ground meting
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association
Designated Officer-- Project's field assistant
Name of Services-- Training for awareness building
Service Providing Methods-- To provide training for members in Upazila level
regarding Organization, Management and Accounting.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Specialized Training for creating Developmental Worker
Service Providing Methods-- Providing Specialized Training for association's
members regarding agriculture, Animal husbandry, Fish, Duck-chicken, Nursery
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Assistance for Loan
Service Providing Methods-- To supply loan/fund to association's members for
income generating works by 8% service cost
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar)
Service cost-- No
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Assistance for Establishing Farm.
Service Providing Methods-- To provide assistance and suggestion to the
association's members for joining in income generating works by using provided
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar).
Service cost-- No.
Time of providing services-- Continuously after formation of association.
Designated Officer-- Project's field assistant.
(Institutional services):
Name of Services-- Online data entry and collection of member's family
Service Providing Methods-- To create online database and to collect personal
and family information of association's members.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar).
Service cost-- No.
Time of providing services-- Within 15 days from to select villages
Designated Officer-- Upazila coordinator
Name of Services-- Best working Prize.
Service Providing Methods-- Inspiring to work and giving award for best
working performance of members of association under the project.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar).
Service cost-- No.
Time of providing services-- Annual
Designated Officer-- Project Director
Name of Services-- Arrangement of Fairs
Service Providing Methods-- To circulate the activities of Project, to arrange
the fairs in Upazila, Zila and National level.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar).
Service cost-- No.
Time of providing services-- Annual
Designated Officer-- Project Director
Name of Services-- Establishing rural saving bank
Service Providing Methods-- To establish rural saving bank for stabilizing the
activities of project and providing services for poor population and transferring
the activities to bank.
Necessary Documents and Availability-- Upazila office (Ekti bari ekti khamar).
Service cost-- No.
Time of providing services-- Continuous process
Designated Officer-- Project Director
He earned BDT 40500 within a harvesting season investing BDT 10000 from the
village development organization under Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar Project.
Md. Ala Uddin, the successful beneficiary of Duphoti village development
Organization under One Hose One Firm Project was benefited by Bean
cultivation. His achievement was:
He earned BDT 42000 within a harvesting season investing BDT 15000 of which
10000 from the village development organization under Ektee Bari Aktee
Khamar Project.
Motiur Rahman Sana, the successful beneficiary of Mathbaria village
Development Organization under Ektee Bari Aktee Khamar Project has gained
solvency through Cow rearing. His achievement:
He earned BDT 13000 to 15000 per month investing BDT 20000 from the village
development organization under Ektee Bari Aktee Khamar Project.
There have some institutional and structural limitations of Ektee Bari Aktee
Khamar Project. Following are the probelems of Ektee Bari Aktee Khamar
Most first world countries have a developed rural ecosystem and thus their urban
centers are no longer over burdened. This does raise the carbon footprint,
ecological footprint and amount of waste generated in rural areas, one of the
possible downsides of current model of development. It might also lead to a loss
of rural, tribal, nomadic cultures as more and more area comes under the
influence of (western) civilization.
Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar project has been undertaken to enhance the status of the
rural poor. The project will cover 40527 villages in 4503 unions under 485
Upazillas of the country. The project will enable the rural poor and the
community people to find for their self-employment opportunities with the
physical and financial supports to be offered by the project. Besides, the village
organizations to be organized under the project would be the driving force to
mobilize the poor including the women. In this way the disadvantaged and
excluded groups of people including the women would be integrated with the
process of empowerment. Thus, the project will help to increase production of all
types and alleviate rural poverty.