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Assignment 2 (E Code)

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MILK Animal Food conditioner - Source of liquid to hydrate the dry
(NO CODE - From animal source (cow, camel, goat, - Emulsifier ingredients
NUMBER) sheep etc.) - Stabilizer - Adds flavour
- Anticaking - Supports browning
- Softens texture

CREAM Animal Food conditioner - Creams are used to thicken and

(NO CODE - Composed of the higher-fat layer skimmed - Emulsifier enrich food
NUMBER) from the top of milk before homogenization - Stabilizer
- Anticaking
- thickeners

SUGAR Plant Flavouring substance - Giving the sweet taste of the food
(NO CODE - Present in fruit and honey

CORN SYRUP Plant Flavouring substance - Giving the sweet taste of the food
(NO CODE - Glucose obtained from corn or maize
NUMBER) starch.

WHEY Animal Food conditioner - Whey protein is an incredibly

(NO CODE - Whey protein is one of the primary - Thickener versatile nutritional ingredient
NUMBER) proteins found in dairy products - Stabilizer - Also to improving appearance of
- Gelling agent food products such as yogurt

WHEY SOLID Animal Food conditioner - Whey protein is an incredibly

(NO CODE - Whey protein is one of the primary - Thickener versatile nutritional ingredient
NUMBER) proteins found in dairy products - Stabilizer - Also to improving appearance of
- Gelling agent food products such as yogurt

NON-FAT DRY Animal Food additive - Powdered milk can be used to

MILK - From animal source (cow, camel, goat, - Flavour enhancer make milk
(NO CODE sheep etc.) - help maintain a thick consistency
NUMBER) - Made from skim milk that has been dried and proper texture of food
by spraying into hot air
SODIUM Mineral Food conditioner - used as a pH regulator to
CARBONATE - Mined from nature - Anticaking agent maintain stable alkaline
(E 500) - Stabilizer conditions
- Acidity regulator

DI-PHOTASSIUM Animal Food conditioner - binds metals and prevents

PHOSPHATE - Found in the bones discoloration due to metals
(E 450) Mineral - used as bread enhancer and
- Mined from nature calcium supplement.
SODIUM Plant Food conditioner - gives club soda both its sour and
CITRATE - Found in citrus fruits, corn, and other - Anticaking agent salty flavours
(E 331) foods - Acidity regulator - reduces the acidity of foods
Animal and microbe allows specification with strongly
Preservative acidic ingredients.
CHOCOLATE Plant Flavouring substances - used directly as baking or
LIQUOR - From cocoa beans to form a cocoa mass bittersweet.
(NO CODE (paste), then melted become liquor - Added in bakery formulation in
NUMBER) the form of chunks or molten fluid
- Dairy free ingredient and suitable
for vegan diets.

COCOA BUTTER Plant Food Conditioner - Used in the manufacture of

(NO CODE - Fat from cocoa beans - Stabilizer chocolate confections,
NUMBER) Antioxidants pharmaceutical ointments, and
Flavouring substances toiletries.
(Cocoa aroma) - Contains antioxidant that
discourage rancidity.
SOY LECITHIN Plant Antioxidant - Helps bond oils to other
(NO CODE - Mixing of soybeans oil and hot water ingredients and ensures that
NUMBER) Food conditioner liquid foods, such as salad
- Emulsifier/lubricant dressing, stay mixed. 
- Flavour protector
- Enhances the elasticity and
quality of baking dough.
VANILLA Plant Flavour Enhancer - Used in baked goods, beverages,
(NO CODE - From vanilla orchid, then pollinated custards and even some savoury
NUMBER) producing pod contain vanilla beans foods like sauces or vanilla
scrambled eggs.
- As flavour in various drinks or
- Used in medical purpose.

HIGH FRUCTOSE Plant Flavouring substances - HFCS 42 is mainly used in

CORN SYRUP - From corn syrup added with enzymes processed foods, cereals, baked
(HFCS 42 & such as glucose isomerase (convert goods, and some beverages
HFCS 55) glucose to fructose) - HFCS 55 is used primarily in soft

BUTTERMILK Animal Food Conditioner - Uses in dietetics, industrial

POWDER - Made from pasteurized or ultra- - emulsifier pastry, and feed.
(NO CODE pasteurized low-fat or skim milk with non- - antifoaming agents - Proteins in dry buttermilk act as
NUMBER) fat dry milk solids - water binding oil/water interfaces, aiding in the
- Added with lactic acid bacteria cultures formulation and stabilization of fat
Flavour Enhancer emulsions. These properties are
particularly useful in soups, baked
Colouring substances goods, beverages, and salad
- Appealing for applications in
baked goods or sauces, dairy
proteins react with lactose and
other reducing sugars during
baking or cooking to produce a
desirable browning effect
TURMERIC Plant Flavour Enhancers - Adds flavor to food, which
(E 100) - From the root of Curcuma longa, a explains its presence in curry
flowering plant of the ginger family. Colouring substances powder.
- Mostly used to color and flavor
Antioxidants mustard, soups, sauces, gravies,
and dry seasonings.
- Used as a colorant in cereals.

Salt Mineral Flavour Enhancer - adds flavour

(NO CODE - Crytalline minerals - as seasonings
NUMBER) - Sea water Flavouring substance - as preservation
Potassium Berries Preservative - inhibits mold
Sorbate - Sorbic acids Antimicrobial agent - food preservation
(E 202) Synthetic - Prevention yeast growth

FD&C Blue #1 Synthetic Colouring substance - Add Brilliant Blue color

(E 133)
FD&C Yellow #5 Synthetic Colouring substance - Add lemon Yellow color
(E 102)
FD&C Green #5 Synthetic Colouring substance - Add Fast Green color
(E 143)
Propylene Glycol Synthetic Preservative - Synthetic substance that absorb
(E 1520) moisture
ANNATO Plant Colouring substances - produce a range of yellow-orange
(E 160 b) - Seeds of the achiote tree (Bixa Orellana) colors in processed cheese
Flavour Enhancer
- provide an appropriate tone to
margarine and mayonnaise

CALCIUM Mined from limestones Food conditioner - Firming agent in canned potatoes,
SULFATE - Anticaking agent tomatoes, carrots, lima beans,
(E 516) - Stabilizer and peppers
- Dough strengthened: the absence
of calcium ions causes bread
dough to be soft and sticky and
produces bread of poor quality.
DISODIUM Derived from the element phosphorus Preservatives - preserve sausages and cooked
(E 339 (ii)) Food conditioner - make soft drinks and cheese
- Anticaking agent smooth
- Stabilizer - preserve bakery products
- Emulsifier - enriched farina
- Thickener - maintain the smoothness of ice
- Flavour Enhancer cream and artificially sweetened
CARRAGEENAN Plant Preservative - a thickener in soups, sauces,
(E 407) - Red seaweed (Irish moss) puddings
Food conditioner - makes ice cream and yogurt
- Emulsifier creamy
- Thickener - prevent spoilage
- Stabilizer - suspends the nutrients in baby
POLYSORBATE Polyethoxylated sorbitan and oleic acid Food conditioner - makes products look and taste
80 - Emulsifier creamier
(E 433) - Stabilizer - bulks foods up
- acts as a binder for ice creams
and pudding
- helps dissolve ingredients so they
can more easily blend together
- in chewing gum, ice cream,
gelatin, and shortening.
LOCUST BEAN Plant Food conditioner - a stabilization agent in ice cream
GUM - Seeds of the carob tree - Thickener to prevent ice crystals from
(E 410) - Stabilizer forming
- Gelling agent - thickener in salad dressing

GUAR GUM Plant Food conditioner - most frequently used gums in

- Guar beans - Thickener gluten-free recipes and gluten-
(E 412)
- Stabilizer free products
- Gelling agent - increases dough yield, gives
greater resiliency
- improves texture and shelf life
- improve the thickness of whole-
grain flours
- thickens milk, yogurt, kefir
- maintain homogeneity and texture
of ice creams 
CELLULOSE Plant Food conditioner - create texture and improve
GUM - Cell walls of all plants (trees or cotton) - Thickener mouthfeel
(E 466) - The biggest source of insoluble fiber in - Stabilizer - retain moisture and stabilize
fruits and vegetables. recipes
MONO- 1. Plant Food conditioner - improve the consistency of
DIGLYCERIDES - Vegetable oils (soybean, canola or - Emulsifier margarine
(E 471) rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed, coconut - prevent the oil in peanut butter
or palm oil) from separating
2. Animal - give ice cream a creamier
- Animal fats consistency
- reduce stickiness in candy

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