Pennzoil Sae 30 Motor Oil: ® Technical Data Sheet
Pennzoil Sae 30 Motor Oil: ® Technical Data Sheet
Pennzoil Sae 30 Motor Oil: ® Technical Data Sheet
PERFORMANCE, FEATURES & BENEFITS Always consult your owner's manual for the correct viscosity
Pennzoil® SAE 30 motor oil mono-grade with active grade and performance recommendation required for your
cleansing technology: vehicle.
· Provides proven wear protection Exceeds the requirements of the following industry
Pennzoil® Conventional mono-grade SAE 30 is · API SN and all previous Categories
recommended for use in all vehicles requiring the use of For a full listing of equipment approvals and recommendations,
SAE 30 viscosity grade engine oils under all driving please consult your local Shell Technical Helpdesk.
conditions. To find the right Pennzoil® product for your vehicles and
Pennzoil® SAE 30 Motor Oil can be mixed with other equipment, please consult to look up the
synthetic and mineral oils and is recommended for use in right motor oil recommendation using our oil selector.
all vehicle applications under all driving conditions.
These characteristics are typical of current production. While future production will conform to Pennzoil's® specification,
variations in these characteristics may occur.
HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT Protect the Environment
Health and Safety Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do not
Pennzoil® SAE 30 Motor Oil is unlikely to present any discharge into drains, soil or water.
significant health or safety hazard when properly used in ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
the recommended application and good standards of Advice
personal hygiene are maintained. Advice on applications not covered here may be obtained from
Avoid contact with skin. Use impervious gloves with used your Shell Lubricants distributor representative or Shell
oil. After skin contact, wash immediately with soap and Technical Helpdesk.
Guidance on Health and Safety is available on the
appropriate Safety Data Sheet, which can be obtained