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Mild chemical processes of various analytes and detection methods involving revolutionary
strategies in the fields of analytical chemistry, biology and environmental sciences have been
extensively developed. This critical review focuses on representative examples of mild chemical
processes that can be used in fluorescent chemodosimeters for ion sensing (anions and cations).
A systematisation according to the type of reaction mechanism is established. Numerous examples
including extensions combined with catalytic and material sciences applicable in fluorescence
imaging and water treatment are also discussed (151 references).
1. Introduction mercury ions are toxic to organisms, and their early detection
is advantageous.4,5
Numerous small anions and cations, which play vital roles in In recent years, numerous analytical technologies have been
human life, exist within organisms and in the external environ- developed to detect such environmental, medical and cellular
ment. Consequently, the detection of such targets is of great analytes. For instance, techniques based on fluorescent probes
interest and importance to many chemists, biologists and can be both sensitive and selective. They are also rapid, easily
environmentalists. For instance, iron, sodium and zinc ions carried out in real time and space, as well as economical.
are functionally involved in key biological processes, such as Consequently, they have received special attention and notable
muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses and regula- progress has been made.6–9 Most fluorescent probes are
tion of cell activity.1–3 Anions also play fundamental and abiotic supramolecular systems that commonly bind analytes
functional roles in many biological processes, and thus, in by noncovalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonding, electro-
healthcare. Some small ions that induce biological dysfunctions static attractions and coordination phenomena.10,11 Many
are of paramount research importance. Cyanide, lead and effective fluorescent probes have been proposed for a wide
range of targets.8,12–18
State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Faculty of Chemical, Unlike traditional probes and chemosensors that can convert
Environmental and Biological Science and Technology, a chemical stimulus into some form of action, the recently
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.
E-mail:,; discovered chemodosimeters have extensive applications as
Fax: +86-411-8498-6306; Tel: +86-411-8498-6327 reagents for measuring cumulative amounts of reactants based
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 4511
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Jiangli Fan received her PhD Xiaojun Peng received his PhD
from the Dalian University of from the Dalian University
Technology (China) in 2005. of Technology in 1990. After
In 2010, she attended the completing a postdoctoral
University of South Carolina research in Nankai University,
as a visiting scholar. She is he worked at the Dalian
currently an associate professor University of Technology in
at the State Key Laboratory 1992. In 2001 and 2002, he
of Fine Chemicals, Dalian attended the Stockholm
University of Technology. University and Northwestern
Her research is focused on University as a visiting scholar.
fluorescent dye-based probes He is currently the director of
and their biological applications. the State Key Laboratory of
Fine Chemicals of China at
Jiangli Fan Xiaojun Peng the Dalian University of
Technology, where he is also
a professor. His research interests cover fluorescent dyes for the
bio-imaging, biolabelling, and photochemistry of supramolecules.
4512 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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2. ‘‘De-reaction’’-based chemodosimeters
In this section, we describe special chemodosimeters based on
typical ‘‘de-reactions’’ including desulfurisation, deselenation
and deprotection, induced by Hg2+, MeHg+, Ag+, Cu2+,
Cu+, Pd2+, O2 , SO3 2 and S2. Some cyclization or
hydrolysis reactions following these de-reactions are also
discussed. These chemodosimeters largely depend on special Fig. 3 Basis of the reaction-based detection of Pd2+ by chemodosi-
characteristics towards the corresponding analytes, such as the meter 4.
thiophilic character of mercury.
homogeneously distributed pores (2–3 nm), a large specific
2.1 Ion-induced desulfurisation
surface area exceeding 1000 m2 g1, and nanoparticulate
Hg2+ is well known to be thiophilic and plays a critical role in character. Chemodosimeter 3 did not yield a response in the
Published on 25 April 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CS00004K
desulfurisation reactions. Under special conditions, Pd2+ can presence of other metal ions (thiophilic transition metals and
also induce desulfurisation. alkali/alkaline earth metals) or various anions such as CO32,
The central cyclobutene ring of squaraine dyes is vulnerable Cl, PO43 and SO42. Reagent 3 acted not only as a probe
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to nucleophilic attack because of its electron-deficient character. for detecting Hg2+, but also as an adsorbent for removing it
Such a reaction breaks the conjugation and changes the spectral from aqueous solutions.
properties of the dye. Martinez–Manez et al.32 designed highly Palladium and palladium-containing salts play important
selective and sensitive squaraine-based chemodosimeter systems roles in syntheses involved in drug development. They are
(1 and 2, Fig. 1) for the dual determination of Hg2+ by often used as catalysts in the Heck, Sonogashira and Suzuki–
chromogenic and fluorogenic changes in acetonitrile–CHES Miyaura reactions. Unfortunately, Pd-catalysed reactions
buffer (4 : 1, v/v, 10 mM, pH 9.6) based on the aforementioned often give products with potentially hazardous levels of Pd
mechanism. In their study, only the addition of Hg2+ resulted contamination even after purification. Thus, the detection and
in a dramatic colour change owing to the appearance of a new removal of palladium are of considerable concern. Anslyn
and intense absorption band at 642 nm belonging to the et al.34 developed the highly sensitive Pd2+ chemodosimeter 4,
squaraine dye. The reaction product showed a comparati- whose mode of action (Fig. 3) was based on the thiol-scavenging
vely large molar extinction coefficient and a moderate fluores- ability of Pd2+ in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Upon Pd2+
cence quantum yield. The detection limit for Hg2+ was less addition, the absorption band at 317 nm decreased but that at
than 2 parts per billion (ppb) as monitored by fluorescence 656 nm increased, turning ON the colour. This system could
spectroscopy. provide high sensitivity to palladium. The detection limit was
By combining the aforementioned chemodosimeter with 0.5 ppm with naked eye inspection in organic media, and as
the advantageous features of ordered 3D mesoporous silica, low as 100 ppb by instrumental detection.
Martinez–Manez et al.33 prepared a dual-function hybrid This system used a suitable dye of the ‘‘switched off’’ type,
material 3 (Fig. 2) for the detection and removal of Hg2+ produced by simple addition reaction with small organic
from aqueous environments. The mesoporous inorganic sup- molecules that acted as a ‘‘spectroscopic inhibitor’’. This leuco
port material UVM-7 (MCM41 type) in that work possessed form of the dye represented the actual chemodosimeter, being
colourless and non-fluorescent. In the second step, the target
analyte reacted with the inhibitor, restoring the chromophoric
system with the reappearance or ‘‘switching ON’’ of both
colour and fluorescence.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 4513
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Fig. 6 Basis of the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemodosi- Fig. 9 Reaction route for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by
meter 7. chemodosimeters 11–16.
4514 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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intensity was observed both at 390 and 440 nm. Yen et al.42
later developed three similar probes 14–16 (Fig. 9) without an
azo dye moiety. Chemodosimeter 14 detected Hg2+ more
rapidly. However, there were some interferences from Cu2+
and Ag+.
Fig. 12 Sequence for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+/Ag+ by
chemodosimeter 19.
2.3 Ion-induced desulfurisation (deselenation) followed by
hydrolysis Chemodosimeter 18 was successfully applied in the fluores-
43 cence imaging of Hg2+ in living cells.
Ma et al. reported a rhodamine B thiolactone 17 as a highly
Similarly, exploiting the strong affinity of Se for mercury
selective and sensitive sensor for Hg2+ in phosphate-buffered
and silver (Ag), a fluorescent probe 19 based on rhodamine
saline (PBS; 20 mM, pH 7). Electrospray ionisation (ESI) mass
selenolacetone was presented by Ma et al.45 for imaging both
spectroscopy (MS) indicated that the reaction mechanism
Hg2+ and Ag+ in living cells. As shown in Fig. 12, the Se atom
Published on 25 April 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CS00004K
proceeded via the route depicted in Fig. 10. The high thiophili-
first bound to Hg2+/Ag+. Subsequently, complex 19–Hg2+/Ag+
city of Hg2+ led to the formation of two types of complexes,
promoted the hydrolytic cleavage of the selenolacetone bond,
namely, A and B, which produced MS signals at m/z 559.1 and
which released fluorescent rhodamine B. This phenomenon
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Fig. 11 Reaction route for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by Fig. 13 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo-
chemodosimeter 18. dosimeters 20–22.
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in the near-infrared (NIR) region, can also extend the trans- blue to pea green. In the emission spectra, the addition of
mission depth in tissues and reduce the damage to living cells. Hg2+ led to radiometric fluorescence changes with a turn-off
The modified chemodosimeter 21 showed high sensitivity mode at 780 nm and a turn-on mode at 830 nm. The detection
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
down to the ppb level under either SPE at 405 nm or TPE limit for Hg2+ was evaluated at the nanomolar level by
at 800 nm. monitoring the fluorescence titration. A type of fast colori-
Au nanoparticles (NPs) provide high sensitivity for the metric and ratiometric NIR indicator for Hg2+ and MeHg+
detection of metal ions because they exhibit characteristic in aqueous solution was demonstrated. The NIR long wave-
surface plasmon resonance absorption properties, which length of excitation is not harmful to organisms.
strongly depend on the size, shape and interparticle distance. Tae et al.51,52 developed a highly selective and sensitive
Consequently, Tian et al.49 developed a selective Au NP-based rhodamine-based chemodosimeter 26 for Hg2+, which success-
nanosystem by the immobilisation of chemodosimeter 22 on fully functioned in the cells, tissues and organs of zebrafish, as
the surface of Au NPs to utilise the characteristic optical well as in an aqueous solution (Fig. 15). This system coupled
properties and good dispersity of Au NPs in water. The the well-known equilibrium of rhodamine derivatives between
sensing performance of the probe for the determination of spirolactam (fluorescence/absorption-OFF mode) and ring
Hg2+ was tested. In DMSO–water solution (1 : 1, v/v), 22 opening (fluorescence/absorption-ON mode). The stoichio-
displayed a main absorption band at 446 nm and an emission metric and irreversible Hg2+-induced reaction of thiosemi-
maxima at 542 nm. Upon the addition of Hg2+, the band at carbazides to 1,3,4-oxadiazoles resulted in a rapid colour change
446 nm decreased significantly, and a new absorption band from colourless to bright pink. The fluorescent response
was observed at 348 nm with an isosbestic point at 385 nm. (557 nm, F = 0.52) for Hg2+ over other metal ions was
Unlike compound 20 with a significant emission maxima shift, remarkably high, and the LOD of 2 ppb in aqueous solutions
the fluorescence of 22 was considerably quenched in the conformed to the standards of the US Environmental Protection
presence of Hg2+ with a hypsochromic shift of about 12 nm Agency (EPA). Chemodosimeter 26 was successfully applied in
from 542 to 530 nm. With the support of nanomaterials, the real-time monitoring of exogenous Hg2+ in C2C12 cells and
chemodosimeters can more efficiently detect essential metal in zebrafish, and in the imaging distribution of accumulated
ions in real environments. Hg2+ in different organs of zebrafish. This probe possessed the
In the natural environment, mercury exists in the form of most in demand properties of chemodosimeters including good
inorganic mercury species (e.g., elemental mercury and mercuric performance of various applications.
salts) and organomercury (e.g., MeHg+). Both elemental and Tae et al.53 observed that the aforementioned desulfurisation
ionic mercury can be converted into methylmercury by bacteria reaction can also be promoted by MeHg+. Upon the addition
in the environment, and subsequently, into methylmercury of MeHg+ to 10 mM solutions of rhodamine thiosemi-
species. This species can readily pass through biological carbazides 27 (Fig. 16) in water (1% DMSO) at 25 1C, probe
membranes and bioaccumulate in organisms via the food chain. 27 showed strong fluorescence intensity changes. Although the
Therefore, methylmercury is more toxic to fish, animals and desulfurisation reaction of MeHg+ was less efficient because
humans than inorganic mercury. Apart from a naphthaleneimide of its weaker thiophilicity than Hg2+, the detection limit of
series, Tian et al.50 devised a series of tricarbocyanine derivates probe 27 for MeHg+ was still observed at a nanomolar level
based on a fluorescence titration curve. Apart from living
cells, 27 can also be used to detect methylmercury in organisms
Fig. 14 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+/MeHg+ by Fig. 16 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+/MeHg+ by
chemodosimeters 23–25. chemodosimeter 27.
4516 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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fluorescence intensity at 530 nm accompanied by the appear- Fig. 19 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo-
ance of a new peak at 635 nm with an increased quantum yield dosimeters 30–33.
of 0.022. This system exhibited high selectivity to Hg2+ except
for some fluorescence quenching by Cu2+ in competition of Hg2+ induced a 73-fold enhancement in fluorescence intensity
experiments. X-Ray crystal structure and elemental analyses with an LOD of 3.1 108 M. There was also fluorescence
were performed to confirm the occurrence of Hg2+-induced quenching induced by Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. Another coumarin-
desulfurisation and the cyclization that followed. based OFF–ON type chemodosimeter 33 was reported by
As shown in Fig. 18, Kim et al.55 first reported an example Peng et al.58 Upon the addition of Hg2+ into an acetonitrile–
of a two-photon Pt2+-containing rhodamine probe 29. In the Tris-HCl solution (3 : 7, v/v, 20 mM, pH 7.0), a 12.5-fold
presence of Hg2+, a significant 23-fold increase in fluorescence fluorescence enhancement and a red-shift of about 20 nm
intensity was observed in acetonitrile–HEPES buffer (1 : 4, v/v, (486/506 nm) were observed in the emission spectrum. However,
10 mM, pH 7.4). This system showed good selectivity and Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ quenched the fluorescence due to
enabled the visualisation of Hg2+ accumulation as well as trace their intrinsic quenching nature.
Hg2+ in living HeLa cells by two-photon microscopy. Shiraishi et al.59 presented a benzosadiazole-thiourea conju-
Shiraishi et al.56 reported a highly selective fluorescent gate for Hg2+ detection based on the Hg2+-induced desulfuri-
probe composed of coumarin-thiourea for Hg2+ detection in sation of thiourea along with the formation of an imidazoline
acetonitrile–HEPES (1 : 1, v/v, 100 mM, pH 7.0). Without moiety. In the absence of Hg2+, free 34 (Fig. 20) showed
cations, the probe showed strong fluorescence at 450 nm with bright green fluorescence at 530 nm in acetonitrile–HEPES
a quantum yield of 0.45. Promoted by the Hg2+-induced buffer (9 : 1, v/v, 10 mM, pH 7.0), whereas the fluorescence was
desulfurisation of the thiourea moiety, 30 (Fig. 19) underwent quenched significantly with the addition of Hg2+. This ON–OFF
a significant decrease in the fluorescence intensity (F o 0.02) assay was rapid (o1 min) without other interference and enabled
due to a decrease in the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT).
Usually, an OFF–ON type sensor is preferred over the
ON–OFF type because fluorescence may be quenched not
only by targets but also by some uncertain factors in the
environment. Therefore, the simple OFF–ON type probes 31
and 32 were presented by Wu et al.57 also based on Hg2+-
induced desulfurisation followed by cyclization in acetonitrile–
Tris-HCl buffer (1 : 4, v/v, 10 mM, pH 7.4). Although 31
required heating at 60 1C (5 min) and both its excitation as
well as emission wavelengths were below 400 nm, the addition
Fig. 18 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo- Fig. 20 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo-
dosimeter 29. dosimeters 34–36.
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Fig. 21 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo- Fig. 23 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo-
dosimeter 37. dosimeter 40.
4518 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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reported a Cu2+-promoted desulfurisation and cyclization- of 0.28. Upon the addition of ClO, red-shift ratiometric
based chemodosimeter 41 (Fig. 24). In acetonitrile, free 41 had changes appeared and F509nm/439nm gradually increased to
an intense red colour with an absorption band at 500 nm and 2.74. Probe 43 showed a high selectivity towards ClO over
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
fluorescence emission at 590 nm. The addition of Cu2+ other species. The probe can also be used conveniently for
induced a blue shift to 450 nm in the absorption spectrum hypochlorite detection at the micromolar level by simple visual
and an emission shift from 590 to 555 nm with increased detection.
intensity. This system solved the problem of the inherent Hydrazone is one of the common protective groups for
fluorescence quenching nature of the paramagnetic species carbonyl compounds, and its deprotection process is easily
Cu2+ using fluoroionophores. In this work, silica-immobilised carried out under Cu2+-catalytic hydrolysis. Inspired by this
anthraquinone was prepared by a coupling reaction of the process, a new turn-on coumarin derivative for Cu2+ detec-
chemodosimeter receptor with mesoporous silica, which had a tion in acetonitrile–acetate buffer (1 : 1, v/v, 10 mM, pH 5.0)
weak fluorescence and red colour. Functionalised nanomaterials was presented by Han et al.69 Upon the addition of Cu2+,
such as mesoporous silica have homogeneous porosity and large coumarin dye regenerated from 44 (Fig. 27) induced an 18-fold
surface areas, making them promising inorganic supports for fluorescence enhancement at 502 nm, which was confirmed by
chemodosimeters. The introduction of Cu2+ induced an obvious coumarin 334 via UV-vis, fluorescence and 1H nuclear magnetic
increase in fluorescence intensity at 560 nm and a colour change resonance (NMR) spectra. Given that the catalytic cycle assisted
from pink to yellow, whereas other metal ions exhibited no by Cu2+ amplified the fluorescence signal, 44 exhibited an LOD
significant spectral changes. However, whether Hg2+ inter- of 8.7 108 M for Cu2+, which was below the EPA standard
fered with Cu2+ detection was not discussed because Hg2+ of 20 mM in drinking water. No significant increase in the
was not involved in the selectivity experiments. The process fluorescence intensity was observed upon the addition of any
would have produced more significant results if it was carried other metal ion.
out in aqueous media. 1,2-Ethanedithiol can be used for the protection of alde-
Ahn et al.67 devised a rhodamine B derivative 42 (Fig. 25) as hydes via reactions with aldehyde groups. The protected
a fluorogenic and chromogenic probe for the detection of Ag+ aldehyde group can be converted back upon addition of
and Ag NPs in various situations. They worked on the basis of Hg2+, which affected the ICT efficiency of the fluorophore.
Ag+-promoted ring opening and oxazoline formation by the Kim et al.70 proposed a water-soluble coumarin derivative 45
specific molecular interaction between Ag+ and iodide. The
addition of Ag+ to 42 afforded obvious fluorescence enhance-
ment centred at 580 nm (F = 0.71) within 10 min, and a
colour change from colourless to pink was observed. The
saturation titration plot indicated a 1 : 1 stoichiometry
between probe 42 and Ag+. The fluorescence response of
probe 42 towards Ag+ was linear within the range of Fig. 26 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of ClO by chemo-
0.1–5.0 mM Ag+ with an LOD of 14 ppb. The results clearly dosimeter 43.
demonstrated that the simple pioneering detection method can
be applied for the quantification of Ag NPs in consumer
Fig. 25 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Ag+ by chemo- Fig. 27 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo-
dosimeter 42. dosimeter 44.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 4519
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Fig. 29 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cd2+ by chemo- Fig. 32 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of perborate by
dosimeter 48. chemodosimeter 51.
4520 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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perborate ions, a strong absorption band at 491 nm appeared in ethanol–water medium (1 : 1, v/v). The selectivity towards
with the characteristic colour of fluorescein, accompanied by an Cu2+ also resulted from the oxidative cyclization of the weak
intense fluorescence at 517 nm. Probe 51 exhibited pronounced fluorescent substrate into a highly fluorescent product. The
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
perborate selectivity over other commonly employed oxidants introduction of naphthaline instead of benzene increased the
with an LOD of 2.2 105 M. fluorescence intensity, and an acetone-based Schiff base exhibited
Cu+ and not Cu2+ is the dominant oxidation state in a greater water solubility than benzene derivatives.
cytosolic reducing environment. Cu+-selective probes, ideally Based on an oxidative cyclisation mechanism induced by
with a turn-on response in fluorescence intensity, are prefer- Cu2+, a variety of N-acylhydrazone compounds 55–58
able for cell imaging. Taki et al.76 developed a highly sensitive (Fig. 35) as chemodosimeters for Cu2+ were reported by Jiang
fluorescent probe 52 (Fig. 33) for the detection of intracellular et al.79 In the presence of Cu2+, these sensors can undergo
Cu+ in living systems. In HEPES buffer solution (50 mM, transformations from non-fluorescent N-acylhydrazones to
pH 7.2), the probe was non-fluorescent. However, upon the highly fluorescent rigid 1,3,4-oxadiazoles accompanied by
addition of Cu+, a 4 100-fold enhancement in fluorescence selective and dramatic fluorescence enhancements in aceto-
intensity at 513 nm was observed. Probe 52 displayed good nitrile and acetonitrile–water solutions. The mechanism was
selectivity among other metal ions except for Co2+. In the difficult to confirm by cyclic voltammograms. Nevertheless,
absence of GSH, which can rapidly reduce Cu2+ to Cu+, evidence for the sensing reaction was obtained from compari-
Cu2+ did not show a fluorescence response. This finding sons between the high-resolution MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR
indicated that the formation of deprotected fluorescein by data of the oxidative cyclization products and synthetic
the cleavage of the benzyl ether linkage was the reason for 1,3,4-oxadiazeles. The chemodosimeters presented an LOD
the fluorescence enhancement. Imaging experiments in cells for Cu2+ at the nanomolar level in acetonitrile and at the sub-
verified the optical changes and proposed mechanism. micromolar level in aqueous environments. However, a longer
response time was required for aqueous media. With a design
3. Cyclisation-based chemodosimeters strategy similar to Cu2+-induced oxidation, Tong et al.72
designed a new probe 59 also based on Cu2+-induced oxidative
In this section, we describe special chemodosimeters based on
cyclization followed by hydrolysis derived from a rhodamine
typical cyclisation reactions. Ion-analyte-induced cyclisation can
fluorophore. Free 59 showed no obvious absorption but exhibited
obviously change the spatial pattern, conjugating morphology
green fluorescence from the Schiff base part at 515 nm. The
and electron distribution of a chemodosimeter, thereby affecting
introduction of Cu2+ led to the appearance of the rhodamine
its absorption and fluorescence properties.
characteristic colour and fluorescence.
Lin et al.77 utilised an irreversible Cu2+-promoting cyclization
The first OFF–ON fluorescent chemodosimeter 60 (Fig. 36) for
reaction of a Schiff base to develop a novel turn-on fluorescent
Au3+ detection in ethanol–HEPES (1 : 1, v/v, 10 mM, pH, 7.4)
chemodosimeter for Cu2+. 1-(2-Methoxybenzylidene)-4-phenyl-
semicarbazide 53 (Fig. 34) was used as the substrate in
Fig. 34 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo- Fig. 35 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo-
dosimeters 53 and 54. dosimeters 55–59.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 4521
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was reported by Yoon et al.80 The chemodosimeter displayed a form pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazole, displaying intense fluorescence
highly selective fluorescence enhancement and colorimetric at 481 nm as proven by 1H NMR. Only F can induce this
OFF–ON fluorescence switch with an LOD of 2.72 106 M
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Fig. 37 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo- Fig. 39 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo-
dosimeters 62 and 63. dosimeters 65 and 66.
4522 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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as a chemodosimeter for Cu2+ detection by Czarnik et al.85 and can be used as a chemodosimeter for the sensitive and
Indicator 65 showed no absorption and fluorescence in selective detection of Cu2+. When Cu2+ induced hydrolysis of
HEPES buffer solution (10 mM, pH 7.0). Specifically, among the a-amino acid ester, cyclic PNAs transformed into nucleic
usual tested metal ions, only the addition of Cu2+ and Hg2+
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
Fig. 41 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo- Fig. 43 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo-
dosimeter 68. dosimeter 70.
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Fig. 44 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Cu2+ by chemo- trace element that plays significant roles in chemical and
dosimeters 71 and 72. biological processes. However, most sensors undergo fluores-
cence quenching due to the paramagnetic nature of Fe3+.
Published on 25 April 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CS00004K
Mokhir et al.91 described improved substrates for Cu2+- Bis(coumarinyl) Schiff bases 74 and 75 (Fig. 46) were designed
catalysed hydrolysis, namely, esters of 2-hydroxypyridines 71 by Lin et al.93,94 as fluorescence turn-on chemodosimeters for
(Fig. 44). These esters were defined as catalytic chemodosi- Fe3+ based on Fe3+-promoted hydrolysis. In the absence of
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meters because they accumulated and amplified both the Fe3+, 74 showed only a weak emission at 402 nm with a low F
absorption and fluorescence signals in response to the analyte. of about 0.004 due to ICT process. However, upon the
The hydrolysis reaction did not proceed with other metal ions addition of Fe3+, the bis(coumarinyl) Schiff-base 74 hydro-
even with a 10-fold excess of Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, lysed and released a product, highly fluorescent coumarin,
Co2+, Mn2+ and Hg2+, as well as a 100-fold excess of Mg2+ with a higher F of 0.27 in methanol–water solution (49 : 1, v/v).
and Ca2+. A maximum of 55 catalytic TNs were achieved for Chemodosimeter 74 exhibited negligible fluorescence varia-
acetic acid 2-hydroxypyridine ester. Although there were fewer tions in the presence of other metal ions, except obvious
TNs (12) achieved with 72, the lowest LOD reached 10 nM. quenching by Cu2+. Approximately 50 min was needed to
Compared with stoichiometric metal-promoted reactions, the reach the maximum fluorescence intensity. A very low signal
reactions in that study were more meaningful and useful for ratio for Fe3+ detection was observed due to the poor
the detection of catalytic targets. wavelength shift (10 nm). Chemodosimeter 75 was developed
by modifying the strong electron donor group diethylamino
4.2 Ion-induced Schiff-base hydrolysis moiety and the electron withdrawing group diaminomaleo-
Based on the mechanism of Hg2+-promoted hydrolysis, a new nitrile moiety based on 74. Probe 74 exhibited a significant red
fluorescent chemodosimeter 73 (Fig. 45) was reported by Peng shift because of effective ICT induced by the electron
et al.92 for the single-selective and ppb level-sensitive detection push–pull system. The emission spectrum of 75 displayed a
of Hg2+ in natural waters. An ethanol–water (1 : 1, v/v, pH 7.0) maximum emission of around 573 nm, which was red shifted
solution was used as the testing system to investigate the by about 171 nm compared with that of 74. When Fe3+ was
chemical response of 73 to Hg2+ at room temperature. A introduced, a coumarin derivative formed as a hydrolysis
time course study revealed that the recognising event can be product, accompanied by a fluorescence decrease at 573 nm
completed in 8 min. Probe 73 exhibited no evident fluorescence and the appearance of a strong peak at around 461 nm in
and absorption in the spirocyclic form. Only after the addition of methanol–water solution (99 : 1, v/v). This substantial shift of
Hg2+ the intensity of fluorescence emission significantly was up to 112 nm in the emission spectra enabled a near-complete
enhanced by 4370-fold at 579 nm, with a quantum yield of 0.75. separation of the emission peaks before and after treatment
An absorption band centred at 554 nm was clearly observed. The with Fe3+. However, about 35 min of maximum spectral
fluorescence response of 73 to Hg2+ had little interference from changes was needed after the addition of Fe3+.
sulfur compounds, such as cysteine and glutathione. Its cell Example 76 for Fe3+ detection (Fig. 47) was developed by
permeability and non-toxicity to cell cultures suggested its Kang and Kim et al.95 The process exploited the high affinity
potential use in Hg2+ imaging in living cells. of the ethylenediamine moiety towards Fe3+ and Schiff-base
Schiff bases are compounds with a functional group con- complex hydrolysis induced by Fe3+ due to its strong Lewis
taining a CQN bond, which is always involved in some acid activity over other metal ions. This hydrolysis reaction
enzymatic transformations. The hydrolysis of Schiff bases can turned on the absorption at 526 nm and green fluorescence
be promoted by acids, amines and metal ions. The detection of emission at 551 nm with an LOD of 0.1 mM in acetonitrile–
trace amounts of Fe3+ is critical because iron is an essential water solution (1 : 19, v/v). Probe 76 could also successful act as
an Fe3+ detector in living cells without any detrimental effect.
Fig. 45 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo- Fig. 47 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Fe3+ by chemo-
dosimeter 73. dosimeter 76.
4524 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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reactions, which were attributed to the highly electron-rich features of 79 included rapid response (o1 min), cell
S atom in 78. When Cu2+ was gradually added to a colourless membrane permeability, high selectivity, as well as applica-
solution of 78, a new absorption band at 555 nm and a new tions in fluorescence imaging in living cells and detection of
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
emission band centred at 580 nm appeared. Probe 78 displayed residual Au content in Au-catalysed synthetic samples for the
high sensitivity with a LOD below 10 ppb for Cu2+, a rapid first time.
response time less than 1 min, and good selectivity for Cu2+ Ma et al.99 recently reported a chemodosimeter 81 (Fig. 51)
over other trace transition-metal ions and abundant cellular as a highly selective and sensitive fluorescent probe for hypo-
cations. Confocal and two-photon fluorescence microscopy chlorite anion (OCl). The proposed reaction mechanism
experiments established the in vivo utility of 78 for monitoring involved the OCl anion selectively oxidising the hydrazo
Cu2+. group to form the analogue of dibenzoyl diimide, which then
Based on the mechanism of the Au3+-promoted hydrolysis of hydrolyzed and released rhodamine B. Probe 81 showed no
acylsemicarbazides to carboxylic acids at room temperature, a obvious absorption and fluorescence, but both a pink colour
new rhodamine-based chemodosimeter, 79 (Fig. 50), was reported and intense fluorescence (lem = 578 nm) appeared upon the
by Lin et al.98 for Au3+ detection in PBS (pH 7.4, 0.3% DMF). addition of OCl. In Na2B4O7/NaOH buffer (30 mM, 30%
THF, pH 12), 58 displayed a high selectivity to OCl among
Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, Hg2+, K+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+,
Pb2+, Zn2+, MnO4, H2O2, Cl, OCl, ClO3, SO42, NO3,
PO43 and SiO32. There was a good linear correlation
between the fluorescence increase and OCl concentration
over the range of 1–5 mM, with an LOD of 27 nm. The probe
was also stable at room temperature for as long as 1 week.
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Fig. 52 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Hg2+ by chemo- metal ions. Wang and Peng et al.104 developed a chemodosimeter
dosimeters 82–84. 86 based on 1,8-naphthalimide for the selective recognition of
Hg2+ and Au3+ by ratiometric fluorescent sensing. In HEPES
the intense fluorescence at 649 nm was also efficiently buffer (10 mM, pH 7.4, 0.05% DMSO) solution, the addition
quenched upon the addition of Hg2+ with a LOD of 28 mM of Hg2+ induced a clear ratiometric fluorescence change, i.e.,
(within 2 h).101 Chang et al.102 introduced the FRET strategy decreased at 543 nm but increased at 486 nm with an iso-emission
into this design using coumarin as the donor. In the absence of point at 509 nm. When the pH of the methanol–water (19 : 1, v/v,
Hg2+, 84 exhibited a strong emission at 525 nm and a weak pH 9.0) solution was changed, only Au3+ changed the fluores-
emission at 440 nm under excitation at 340 nm. This phenom- cence emission of 86 from 509 to 473 nm.
enon was due to the fact that the emission energy of coumarin Koide et al.105 reported a new type of Hg2+ chemodosimeter
was transported to fluorescein via the FRET process. The 87 (Fig. 54) based on a clever application of the oxymercuration
fluorescence intensity of coumarin at 440 nm increased signifi- reaction. In the presence of Hg2+, indicator 87 was found to be
cantly, whereas that of fluorescein decreased obviously in the converted into a product with green fluorescence. Interfering
presence of Hg2+ because the mercuration prevented the FRET metal ions induced little change (Li+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+,
process. Ba2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Co2+, Mn2+, Pb2+, Cd2+,
Some chemodosimeters were developed for Hg2+ detection Fe3+ and Ag+). The application of the probe for Hg2+
based on the mechanism of the Kucherov reaction. In this detection extracted from salmon tissue or leached from a dental
reaction, alkynes reacted with water in the presence of a amalgam was also demonstrated. The probe was sufficiently
catalytic amount of Hg2+ to give an enol, which tautomerised sensitive at the ppb level for mercury in pure water or in pH 7
to a ketone. Kim et al.103 developed a novel fluorescent buffer solutions both at 90 1C. The probe was also compatible
chemodosimeter 85 (Fig. 53) based on a fluorescent coumarin- with strong oxidants such as cyanide.
derived alkyne. Upon the addition of Hg2+ in PBS buffer Similarly, based on the oxymercuration of vinyl ethers,
(pH 7.4), the absorbance of 85 at 425 nm decreased but that at Koide et al.106 developed another fluorescence chemodosi-
471 nm increased because the carbonyl group was more meter 88 for mercury detection in dental and environmental
samples. Although chloride ions can interfere with oxymer-
curation, the addition of AgNO3 solved this problem. Fine
electronic and structural tuning led to the development of a
more responsive probe that was less sensitive to chloride ion
interference. This second-generation probe was able to detect
1 ppb Hg2+ in water.
Ahn et al.107 presented a simple and efficient fluorescent
probe 89 (Fig. 55) for both organomercury and inorganic
mercury ions based on the mercury ion-promoted hydrolysis of
fluorescein-derived aryl vinyl ether. First, vinyl ether locked the
fluorescence of 89. Subsequently, with the addition of mercury ion,
4526 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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typical Tsuji–Trost reaction. The Tsuji–Trost reaction was intensity ratio F553nm/480nm and the Pd concentration range
named after Jiro Tsuji, who first reported it in 1965, and of 0–7 mM. The LOD was 0.07 mM. The good selectivity
Barry Trost, who introduced phosphine ligands in 1973. This towards Pb2+ and the low toxicity to cultured cells enabled the
Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 27 July 2012
reaction is a palladium-catalyzed substitution reaction of a application of this probe in the fluorescence imaging of Pb2+
nucleophile with a substrate containing a leaving group in an in living cells.
allylic position.108,109
Koide et al.110 developed a fluorescein-based Pd probe
7. Rearrangement reactions
based on its capability to catalyze allylic oxidative insertion
to cleave the allylic C–O bond of an allylic ether into a This section describes special chemodosimeters based on
fluorescein derivative. The conversion of 90 (Fig. 56) to typical rearrangement reactions. These reactions are a broad
fluorescein dye was particularly efficient with Pd, whereas class of organic reactions that include the Beckmann, Claisen,
other p-philic metals such as Ag, Ni, Au, Rh, Co, Hg and Hofmann and Wolff rearrangements. Some rearrangements
Ru did not catalyze the deallylation reaction. In the quanti- under mild conditions can be used for the detection of
tative detection of Pd, this fluorescent method allowed the analytes.
detection of less than 50 ng of Pd and exhibited a good linear
relationship (R2 = 0.993) between the fluorescence intensity 7.1 Pd2+/4+ and Pt4+ catalyzed aromatic Claisen
and Pd concentrations of 0.95 to 95 ng. This fluorescent rearrangement reaction
chemodosimeter can be applied to Pd analyses in pharmaceu- As discussed earlier, Koide et al.113 demonstrated that the
tical products and Pd detection in rock samples. transformation of the non-fluorescent compound 92 (Fig. 58)
Similar to the Pd-catalyzed Tsuji–Trost reaction, Koide to the green fluorescent compound F was highly specific to Pd
et al.111 found that this indicator 90 could also undergo the and Pt, which could be used to detect these metals sensitively
Tsuji–Trost reaction when catalyzed by Pt. They realised the via the Tsuji–Trost reaction. The non-fluorescent 92 also
selective determination of palladium in the presence of platinum noticeably rearranged to the fluorescent compound G via the
by controlling the pH of the reaction media. This method can Claisen rearrangement. Although this rearrangement can be
be applied to palladium determination in soil samples. catalyzed by numerous metal species, extreme operating condi-
Zhang et al.112 introduced a 4-hydroxynaphthalimide-based tions such as high temperatures were needed. After screening
probe 91 (Fig. 57) for the ratiometric detection of palladium the different metals, only PdCl2 was found to promote this
species via the palladium-catalyzed depropargylation reaction. rearrangement at 50 1C after 4 h in DMSO–buffer (1 : 4, v/v,
In the absence of palladium species, free 91 showed characteri- pH 10), whereas the others needed high temperatures and
stic absorption at 364 nm and fluorescence emission at 480 nm organic solvents.
in PBS buffer (20 mM, pH 7.4). The introduction of the For PdCl2, the lower LOD was ca. 3.9 mM (390 ppb) in
palladium species (Pd4+, Pd2+ and Pd0) cleaved the propargyl DMSO–buffer (1 : 1, v/v, pH 10). Prolonged incubation resulted
ether, and the catalytic activity was Pd4+ 4 Pd2+ 4 Pd0. in proportionally increased sensitivity. The detection of Pd2+
For the most toxic Pd2+, the addition resulted in an 89 nm contamination in the presence of Pd0 also worked well at 50 1C
for 4 h in DMSO–buffer (1 : 4, v/v, pH 10), which are the
usual conditions for the synthesis of organic compounds.
Fig. 56 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of Pd by chemo- Fig. 58 The reaction scheme for the reaction-based detection of Pd
dosimeter 90. by chemodosimeter 92.
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4528 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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mechanisms for 98 and 99, respectively (Fig. 62). Probe 98 Fig. 65 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo-
Published on 25 April 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CS00004K
quenching. Probe 99 exhibited absorption at 560 nm and tetrahydrofuran (THF) at 403 nm, but immediately exhibited
fluorescence emission at 577 nm. The gradual addition of F strong yellowish-green fluorescence at 520 nm after the addi-
induced ratiometric changes in absorption, in which the band tion of F. Probe 101 displayed a rapid response, excellent
at 560 nm decreased but a new band at 682 nm appeared and selectivity, and good sensitivity with an LOD of 1.0 mM. This
increased. There was also fluorescence quenching at 577 nm. detection process was investigated in a water–DMF mixture;
Ma et al.121 developed an ICT mechanism based chemo- however, the fluorescence enhancements decreased with increased
dosimeter 100 (Fig. 63) for the ratiometric detection of F in water content.
ethanol–HEPES (3 : 7, v/v, 20 mM, pH 7.4). Probe 100 Li et al.123 described a portable and sensitive probe for F
displayed an absorption band at 407 nm, but F addition detection based on the special affinity between fluoride and
triggered the cleavage of the Si–O bond and released a fluorescent silicon. In the absence of F, free 102 (Fig. 65) displayed an
dye. Consequently, there was a 110 nm red shift in the absorption emission band at 418 nm in an aqueous solution with the aid
spectrum. Similarly, the addition of F resulted in a ratiometric of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. However, upon the
red shift in emission from 500 to 558 nm. The ratiometric change addition of F, this blue–violet emission decreased and a
of absorption made 100 a ‘‘naked eye’’ probe, and the ratiometric new band appeared and increased at 560 nm. This system
change in fluorescence enabled a quantitative determination of F showed good selectivity over normal anions and excellent
over the concentration range of 0.5–28 mM with an LOD of sensitivity with an LOD of 100 ppb. The development of the
0.08 mM. Ratiometric fluorescence imaging was achieved because test paper made F sensing easier and more convenient.
of its cell membrane-penetrating ability and low toxicity. 8.2 F triggered Si–C bond cleavage
Bai et al.122 reported a colourimetric and ratiometric chemo-
dosimeter 101 (Fig. 64) for F based on the combination of the Ravikanth et al.124 introduced trimethylsilylethynyl groups
desilylation reaction and excited-state proton transfer mechanism. into BODIPY dye at the 3,5-positions to act as a chromogenic
and fluorescent probe 103 for F detection (Fig. 66). The basis
Fig. 64 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo- Fig. 66 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo-
dosimeter 101. dosimeters 103–105.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 4529
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Fig. 67 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo- 9. CN-induced nucleophilic addition
dosimeters 106 and 107. This section describes special chemodosimeters based on
typical CN-induced nucleophilic addition reactions. Cyanide
was the F-induced transformation of the electron-rich trimethyl- ion is extremely toxic because it can inhibit the enzyme
silylethyne group to the electron-deficient ethyne group in cytochrome oxidase after absorption by the lungs, skin, and
CH2Cl2. Upon the addition of F, the cleavage of trimethylsilyl so on. The maximum allowable cyanide concentration in
groups by F led to ratiometric changes. These changes were
Published on 25 April 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2CS00004K
Fig. 68 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of F by chemo- Fig. 69 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of CN by chemo-
dosimeter 108. dosimeter 109.
4530 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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Fig. 72 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of CN by chemo- Fig. 73 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of CN by chemo-
dosimeters 112 and 113. dosimeters 114 and 115.
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dosimeters 116 and 117. dosimeter for CN determination. Although the fluorescence
was quenched with a slight blue shift from 364 to 365 nm by
destroyed and the ICT process was disrupted. Consequently, CN, an evident turn-on of absorption at 375 nm that can be
the absorption band at 398 nm red shifted to 409 nm and that observed by the naked eye was also obtained. Probe 119 displayed
at 609 nm disappeared. Interestingly, the fluorescence was also good selectivity and excellent sensitivity towards CN with an
enhanced with some red shift due to the blocking of the LOD of 13 ppb. Unlike other irreversible chemodosimeters, this
conjugation-based ICT process, as explained by density func- CN sensing behaviour was reversible with the help of Au3+. The
tional theory (DFT)/time-dependent DFT calculations. probe can also be used as an Au3+ probe.
Jung et al.137 introduced the FRET process using the Tae et al.140 developed a novel acridine orange-based chemo-
spiropyran-polythiophene conjugate, which was developed as dosimeter 120 (Fig. 76) to detect cyanide in DMSO–water
a probe 117 for CN. Polythiophene emitted at 556 nm. UV (19 : 1, v/v) system. The detection strategy was based on the
irradiation for 2 min induced a new absorption band at 585 nm nucleophilic addition of cyanide to the 9-position of the
and efficient fluorescence quenching in THF as a result of FRET. acridinium ion. This process broke the conjugation of the molecule,
There was a large overlap between the emission of polythiophene which induced a marked fluorescence decrease and colour
and absorbance of the opened merocyanine. This quenching was change from orange to pale blue. The selectivity of 120 for
reversible by irradiation with visible light. Among the normal CN in aqueous media was below 1.9 mM, the standard
anions, only the 117 solution with CN inhibited quenching due prescribed by the WHO for allowable cyanide concentration
to the formation of a CN-adduct. in drinking water. Mashraqui et al.141 developed 121 as a CN
probe based on the p-deficient pyridinium ring. After reacting
9.3 CN addition reaction of a CQ
QC double bond
with CN in DMSO–Tris-HCl buffer (7 : 3, v/v, pH 7.0), the
Based on a Michael addition reaction, a simple coumarin p-rich adduct of 1,4-dihydropyridine that enhanced the ICT
derivative 118 (Fig. 75) for cyanide detection in water was process was formed. The result was a red shift in absorbance
developed by Kim et al.138 The coumarin derivative was a from 330 to 406 nm and a fluorescence turn-on response
good Michael acceptor due to the electron-withdrawing ability (10-fold). This system showed good selectivity and sensitivity
of aldehyde. When cyanide ion was added to the b-position of towards CN with an LOD of 1.6 mM.
the aldehyde group in aromatic coumarin, the fluorescence of
118 was quenched and there was an absorption change from
10. Conclusions
446 to 282 nm. The probe showed a selective and sensitive
response to the cyanide anion over other various anions with a This review considered fluorescent chemodosimeters that
recognised biomedically and environmentally significant cations
(such as Hg2+, Pb2+, Cu+, Cu2+, Ag+, Fe3+, Au3+ and
MeHg+) and anions (such as CN, F, BO3, OCl, S2 and
O2 ) reported over the past two decades. The successful
development of systems that can monitor such analytes in real
time and space based on mild reactions was clearly demon-
strated. For a systematic elucidation, these chemodosimeters
were classified according to the reaction type, such as ‘‘de-type’’
(desulfurisation, deselenisation and deprotection), cyclization,
hydrolysis, (oxy)mercuration, Tsuji–Trost, rearrangement,
cleavage and nucleophilic addition reactions. Chemodosi-
meters are still in their infancy compared with classical
Fig. 75 Scheme for the reaction-based detection of CN by chemo- supramolecular systems. However, they have clear potential
dosimeters 118 and 119. uses in environmental, biomedical and industrial samples.
4532 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 4511–4535 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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