140 Musta
140 Musta
140 Musta
Mohammad A. International equity offerings are now a well-established privatization route for telecom-
Mustafa and
munications companies—in addition to local offerings and sale to a strategic partner. However,
Carsten Fink
while many governments have raised billions of dollars using this method, some governments
of emerging economies still fail to give it serious consideration. The main advantages of
international offerings stem from the greater market depth and liquidity provided by
international capital markets: telecommunications companies are sometimes too big for local
markets to absorb, and more active trading attracts a wider shareholder base, implies
financial performance. International offerings also enhance the legitimacy of shares being offered
because companies must comply with transparent accounting rules and strict disclosure
standards in the host market. This Note outlines the offer process and implementation risks.
When companies make a public offering in a Global depository receipts (GDRs) are usually
market other than their home market, they must traded on major international exchanges out-
launch a depository receipt program.1 Deposi- side the United States—mainly the London
tory receipts represent shares of a company held Stock Exchange (LSE)—and in the U.S. over-
in a depository in the issuing company’s country. the-counter market. A company issuing GDRs
They are quoted in the host country’s currency does not have to comply with U.S. Generally
and treated in the same way as host country Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or full
shares for clearance, settlement, transfer, and disclosure requirements of the U.S. Securities
ownership purposes. These features make it and Exchange Commission (SEC). Thus, GDR
easier for international investors to evaluate the programs allow companies to enjoy the benefits
shares than if they were traded in the issuer’s of an internationally traded security without
home market. They also enable international in- changing their reporting practices. Companies
vestors to invest in foreign companies with low that wish to offer their securities to U.S. insti-
transactions costs and without the tax and paper- tutional investors and list their shares on a U.S.
work complications of acquiring foreign stock. stock exchange use American depository re-
ceipts (ADRs), which usually require adherence
Types of depository receipts to U.S. GAAP and more stringent SEC disclo-
sure requirements. Both GDRs and ADRs must
Issuing companies have a choice of several also meet the listing requirements of the ex-
types of publicly traded depository receipts. change on which they are traded.
The World Bank Group ▪ Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Network
Tapping International Equity Markets through Depository Receipts
A company can also access the U.S. market The custodian registers these shares in the name
through a private placement of depository of the depository bank, which issues the appro-
receipts, under SEC Rule 144a. So-called Rule 144a priate number of depository receipts and delivers
depository receipts, which trade only among them to the members of the underwriting syn-
large U.S. institutional investors, can be used to dicate. Trading then begins. Although depository
raise capital in the U.S. market without exten- receipts are traded exclusively in the host market,
sive disclosure, because the issuing company continuous arbitrage between the host market
does not need to register with the SEC. Offerings and the issuer’s home market tends to minimize
of GDRs outside the United States are usually the price differential between the two markets.
combined with Rule 144a depository receipts.
Depository receipt issues are usually marketed
The choice of type of depository receipts and through a book-building route, an offering
of the international markets to access depends method that leads to efficient price discovery.
on the related disclosure and reporting standards Typically the lead manager, or book runner,
and, if the securities are to be listed, on the builds the order book by forming a syndicate
requirements of the stock exchange. Although that fans out on a marketing run among insti-
ADRs usually offer higher visibility and attrac- tutional investors. The price and size of the
tiveness compared to GDRs, they require higher issue are determined on the basis of both an
standards of disclosure. Other factors influenc- in-house valuation of the issuing company’s
ing the choice include the potential demand from intrinsic worth and the bids received. Because
investors and the objectives of the offering. depository receipts trade mainly among large
institutional investors, shares can be sold in
Process bulk and thus quickly and cheaply.
An offering of depository receipts usually starts A useful advantage of depository receipt offer-
with the appointment of a financial adviser—a ings is that the question of foreign ownership is
financial institution such as an international in- addressed when the shares are first registered in
vestment bank—to manage the process. The the name of the depository institution. This is of
adviser sets the number of shares to be repre- special importance in emerging markets, where
sented by one depository receipt—that is, the foreign equity investment is often restricted.
depository receipt ratio (when the Chilean tele-
phone company Compañía Telecomunicaciones Implementation risks—lessons from
de Chile, or CTC, issued depository receipts, for Indian issues
example, each one represented seventeen com-
mon shares). The ratio is set so that the price of Ongoing privatization and financial liberaliza-
a depository receipt is comparable to that of tion in emerging economies have led to con-
similar securities in international markets. The tinuous growth in the number of depository
adviser also appoints a depository bank in the receipt offerings from these countries (table 1).
host market and a custodian bank in the country The amount raised and the equity share sold
of the issuer. The depository bank has respon- vary depending on the size of the company,
sibilities relating to shareholder rights (such as the privatization strategy, and financial market
payment of dividends and voting at shareholder conditions. Asian and Latin American compa-
meetings), which are stated in the depository nies have been the biggest source of offerings.
receipt certificate, and must also maintain a share
register of depository receipt owners. India, which has heavily relied on depository
receipts as a method of introducing private
The issuing company determines the number ownership, has been one of the largest issuers
of shares to be sold in the international market of these securities among emerging markets,
and delivers the shares to the custodian bank. raising more than US$4 billion in capital since
.. Not available.
a. Estimated.
Source: Company reports and newspaper articles.
route for start-up companies is to first establish and marketing between the U.S. market and the
a network, invest the company’s own funds, and European and Asian markets. Two road show
then approach international markets. teams circled the world twice in marketing the
issue, attracting about 650 institutional inves-
Third, the offering was poorly timed. Several tors from twenty-eight countries to the offering.
telecommunications issues were offered in the
same period, including a US$1.2 billion issue Second, with unrealistic pricing cited as the
from Venezuela’s CANTV, a US$450 million is- main reason for the previous failed attempts,
sue from Russia’s Vimpel Communications, and the government had by then realized that it
a US$12 billion issue from Germany’s Deutsche could not dictate the share price. It instead
Telekom. The offering by BPL Cellular Hold- adopted the market-driven book-building ap-
ings fared poorly relative to those of the other proach to price the issue.
telecommunications companies. Investors’ gen-
eral cautiousness toward Indian equity issues Finally, changes in investor sentiment toward
at the time of the offering may also have influ- Indian equity issues and India’s improved eco-
enced U.S. investors’ judgment. nomic fundamentals favored VSNL’s offer. A
prudent government budget further boosted
Fourth, potential investors were concerned about investor confidence before the offering.
the financial health of BPL Cellular Holdings. The
ADR offering document indicated negative net Conclusion
Viewpoint is an open
forum intended to worth, large liabilities, and operating losses of
encourage dissemina- US$117 million in the year of the offering. The Depository receipts offer a well-established route
tion of and debate on document also contained qualifications by the for telecommunications companies in emerging
ideas, innovations, and
best practices for ex- company’s independent international auditors. economies to access foreign capital markets. And
panding the private they help improve corporate governance in these
sector. The views pub- Finally, the absence of an independent regula- companies by increasing accountability and up-
lished are those of the
authors and should not tory agency at the time of the offering was an- grading financial accounting standards. But ex-
be attributed to the other reason cited for the failed ADR. When perience has shown that to guard against failure
World Bank or any of BPL Cellular Holdings concluded its success- of a depository receipt issue, much effort needs
its affiliated organiza-
tions. Nor do any of the ful US$100 million ADR issue in May 1997, the to be put into choosing the right type of deposi-
conclusions represent Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of tory receipts, marketing the issue, forecasting
official policy of the India had just been established. investor demand, and determining the share price.
World Bank or of its
Executive Directors Issuers cannot control all the conditions, how-
or the countries they VSNL ever. The health of financial markets, the sector’s
represent. regulatory environment, and the overall economic
To order additional Another success that followed a failure is the and political risk of the issuer’s home country
copies please call GDR issue by VSNL, the exclusive provider of influence the perceptions of international inves-
202-458-1111 or contact international telecommunications services in tors and thus the success of an international public
Suzanne Smith, editor,
Room F6P-188, India. After two failed attempts in 1994, VSNL offering through depository receipts.
The World Bank, successfully issued India’s largest-ever GDR of-
1818 H Street, NW, fering in March 1997, raising about US$448 mil- 1
Washington, D.C. 20433, The New York Stock Exchange is launching an initiative to allow
or Internet address lion. The issue was listed on the LSE and was companies to list directly.
ssmith7@worldbank.org. several times oversubscribed. It reduced the
The series is also government’s ownership in VSNL to 65 percent Mohammad A. Mustafa (mmustafa@
available on-line
(www.worldbank.org/ (15 percent of VSNL’s equity is owned by In- worldbank.org), Senior Financial
html/fpd/notes/ dian institutional investors). Analyst, and Carsten Fink (cfink@
notelist.html). worldbank.org), Consultant,
Printed on recycled Why did VSNL’s 1997 GDR issue succeed? First, Telecommunications Thematic
paper. there was better balance in demand forecasting Group