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Chapter 1.5

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From Graph theory:
Graph: If each element of a network is represented by a
line, the resulting diagram of the network is known as a
graph of the network.
Each source and shunt admittance across it are taken as
a single element.
If each element of the graph is assigned a direction, it is
known as oriented graph.
The direction is generally so assigned as to coincide with
the assumed positive direction of current in the element
Fig 6 shows the oriented graph

Fig 6
Tree: A tree of a graph is that part of the graph which has
sufficient number of branches to connect all the nodes
without forming a closed path. Fig 7 shows tree of the graph.
The tree branches form a sub-set of the elements of the
connected graph.
The number of branches b required to form a tree equals the
number of buses in the network (Excluding reference bus)
Co-tree: Those elements of the graph which are not included in Fig 7
the tree are known as links (or link branches) and form a sub-
graph, not necessarily connected are known as co-tree. The
number of links l equals the number of elements minus the
number of tree branches. Fig 8 shows the co-tree of the
The above system has 9 branches. Therefore it has 18
variables ie. 9 branch voltages and 9 branch currents. The
number of tree branches gives the number of independent
voltages (bus voltages V1, V2, V3 and V4) and the number of
tree branches equals number of buses n.
Fig 8
Primitive Network:
A network consists of many branches. Each branch consists of passive
and/or active elements. Fig 9(a) shows the network branch in
Impedance form and Fig 9(b) shows the network branch in admittance
zip = self impedance of element i-p
yip = self admittance of element i-p
Vip = Voltage across element i-p
Fig 9
Eip = Voltage source in series with element i-p
Iip = current through element i-p
Jip = current source in parallel with element i-p
For ac steady state conditions, all voltages and currents are phasors
and zip and yip are complex numbers.
The performance equation for impedance representation is
Vip + Eip = zipIip (1)
The performance equation in admittance representation is
Iip + Jip = yipVip (2)
The impedance and admittance representations are related by:
From equations (1) and (2)
Iip = (Vip + Eip)/zip = yip Vip + yip Eip
yip Vip + yip Eip + Jip = yipVip

Jip = - yipEip (3)

yip = (4)

A set of unconnected elements is known as primitive network

The performance equation in admittance (or impedance) form can be written
for all the branches. The set of these equations in impedance form is
V + E = zI (5)
I + J = yV (6)
V and E are branch voltages and source voltage matrices
I and J are branch current and source current matrixes
z is primitive impedance matrix (i.e. A matrix whose elements are branch self
impedances) and
y is primitive admittance matrix (i.e. Matrix whose elements are branch self
Since no mutual couplings have been assumed between lines z and y are
diagonal matrices.
Bus Incidence Matrix:
From Fig 6, the 9 – branch voltages (Vb1,Vb2,.... Vb9) can be expressed in terms
of 4 – bus voltages (V1, V2, V3 and V4) as under:
Vb1 = V1
Vb2 = V2 Fig 6

Vb3 = V3
Vb4 = V4
Vb5 = V1 - V4 (7)
Vb6 = V4 - V3
Vb7 = V2 - V3
Vb8 = V1 - V3
Vb9 = V1 - V2
equation (7) cn be written in matrix form as:
V = A Vbus (8)
where A is known as bus incidence matrix

The bus incidence matrix depicts the incidence of elements (branches) to the
buses in the graph of the network. The element aip of the bus incidence
matrix is written according to the rules given below:
aip = 1 if the ith element is incident to and oriented away from pth bus
aip = -1 if the ith element is incident to and oriented towards pth bus
aip = 0 if the ith element is not incident to the pth bus
Thus bus incidence matrix is rectangular and singular. Its dimension is e × n
where e is the number of elements (branches) and n is the number of buses.
The matrix can be partitioned into two sub-matrices, Ab of dimension b × n
and Al of dimension l × n where b is the number of tree branches and l is the
number of link branches.
Formulation of Ybus and Zbus:
Substituting equation (8) in (6)
I + J = y A Vbus (10)
Pre-multiplying Eq (10) by At,
At I + At J = At y A Vbus (11)
Since the matrix A shows the incidence of elements to buses, A t I is a phasor in
which each element is the algebraic sum of currents through the network
elements terminating at a bus. As per Kirchhoff’s current law, the algebraic
sun of currents at a bus is zero. Thus
At I = 0 (12)
Similarly, At J gives the algebraic sum of sources current at each bus. We
have designated this as Ibus.
At J = Ibus (13)
Substituting Eq (12) and Eq (13) into Eq (11)
Ibus = At y A Vbus (14)
We know,
Ibus = [Ybus] Vbus (15)
Comparing Eq (14) and Eq (15)
we get,
[Ybus] = At y A (16)
Using Eq (16) we can form [Ybus] and [Zbus] can be obtained by taking inverse
of [Ybus].
Ex 1: formulate Ybus for the network suing singular transformation.

y20 0
y= y14
0 y23

1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 -1
0 0 -1 1
0 1 -1 0
1 0 -1 0
1 -1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1
At =
0 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0

0 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0 0

[Ybus] = At y A

(y10  y12  y13  y14)  y12  y13  y14 

  y12 (y20  y12  y23)  y23 0 
=  
  y13  y23 (y30  y13  y23  y24)  y34 
 
  y14 0  y34 (y40  y14  y34)
Ex 2: The parameters of a 4 – bus system are given below. Form Ybus using
singular transformation:

Bus Code Line Impedance Charging Admittance (pu)

(pu) Ypq/2
1–2 0.2 + j0.8 J0.02
2–3 0.3 + j0.9 J0.03
2–4 0.25 + j1 J0.04
3–4 0.2 + j0.8 J0.02
1-3 0.1 + j0.4 J0.01

Draw the network and find bus admittance matrix

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