Pro Show Gold 4
Pro Show Gold 4
Pro Show Gold 4
This document copyright © 2009 Photodex Corporation. All rights reserved. As of publication,
ProShow, CompuPic and CompuPic Pro software copyright © 1995-2007, portions copyright ©
Photodex, ProShow, the ProShow logo, CompuPic, and the Photodex logo are registered
trademarks of Photodex Corporation.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Photodex Corporation.
The ProShow Producer and ProShow Gold programs and all files distributed with ProShow
Producer and ProShow Gold are the property of or distributed through a distribution license
held by Photodex Corporation. Distribution in any modified form is expressly forbidden without
written permission from Photodex Corporation, which shall not be unreasonable withheld.
Any exploitation of ProShow Producer or ProShow Gold for profit is forbidden without written
permission from Photodex Corporation.
Microsoft, DirectDraw, DirectX, FrontPage and Windows are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. QuickTime
and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used
under license. Macromedia, Flash, and Dreamweaver are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Macromedia, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Portions copyright © 1988-94 Sam Leffler, and copyright © 1991-94 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Portions copyright © 1996 Frank Pilhofer.
Portions copyright © 2001 Michael David Adams.
Portions of this software are based, in part, on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Table of Contents
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Installation and Registration
You may install ProShow Gold from the ProShow Gold CD or by downloading
a copy from our web site, Be sure to close any CD–R or
DVD authoring applications to ensure proper installation.
Step-by-Step Installation
1. When the startup screen appears, click < Next > to begin installation.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 1: Getting Started
2. Confirm your registration status. The first screen tells you if you
are installing as an evaluation or as a registered copy. If you have a
registration number, click < Enter Registration >. Click < Next > to
acknowledge your registration status.
3. License Agreement. To use ProShow Gold, you must agree to the terms
of the license agreement. Read the terms of this agreement carefully,
and click < I Agree > to continue. If you do not agree, click < Cancel >
to abort installation.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 1: Getting Started
6. Ready to Install. When this screen appears, you are ready to install the
ProShow Gold. Click < Install > and wait for installation to complete.
System Requirements
• 2 GHz+ processor
• 1GB system memory
• Accelerated 3D graphics card with 64MB RAM
• DirectX 9.0 or better
• DVD+R/RW/-R/RW writer
• 1024x768 display
• Windows XP
• 70MB hard drive space for installation
• 500 MHz+ processor
• 256MB system memory
• DirectX 8.0 or better
• 1024x768 display
• CD/DVD writer for disc authoring
• Available USB port
• Windows XP/2000
• 70MB hard drive space for installation
A variety of factors can influence rendering and playback performance.
The required specifications are the minimum necessary for the program to
function. Performance may be compromised on a system meeting only the
minimum requirements.
About Registration
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
To Register
Registration Key:
1. After installing, open ProShow Gold.
2. Choose Help > Enter Registration Key.
3. In the window that appears, carefully enter your name, phone number
and registration key EXACTLY as they appear in the e-mail you received
from Photodex.
4. Click < Activate Registration >.
Registered users of Photodex presentation products receive free software
upgrades for one year following registration. Checking for upgrades is
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 1: Getting Started
If you encounter problems with ProShow
Gold, there are several resources available.
• This User’s Guide contains details on every feature in ProShow Gold. To
view a PDF version of this User’s Guide, visit
• Help is built into the software and contains hundreds of pages of
reference material. To access this material while you are working in
ProShow Gold, choose Help > Contents.
• Photodex Online offers additional information on technical support.
• Photodex E-mail and Phone Support puts you in contact with a
Photodex Support Representative to resolve any problem you have
with ProShow Gold.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2: The Work Area
To Move a Pane:
Most panes can be moved, but some may not be moved due to size, shape or
1. Click and drag the title bar at the top edge of the pane. For panes
without a title bar, click and drag the vertical bar at the left edge.
2. Drag the pane to the desired location. As you move around the work
area, a highlighted rectangle will appear, showing you where you can
drop the pane.
3. Release the mouse button and drop the pane in the desired location.
To Resize a Pane:
Most panes can be resized, but some may not be resized due to shape or
1. Click and drag the separator between two panes.
2. When you have reached the desired size, release the mouse button.
To Float a Pane as a Separate Window:
1. Click and drag the title bar along the top of the pane.
2. Drag the pane outside of the work area and release the mouse button.
To Restore Default Layout:
1. Choose Window > Default Window Layout.
2. If your layout has hidden the menu, press < CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+0 >.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
New Dones the current show, if any, and starts a new show.
Open allows you to open an existing show that has been saved.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2: The Work Area
Timeline changes your slide list between list and timeline modes.
Styles opens the Slide Style options window, to control the ap-
pearance of slides.
Layers opens the layers options for the slide you have selected in
the slide list.
Effects opens the various effects options for the slide you have
selected in the slide list.
Captions opens the captions options for the slide that you have
selected in the slide list.
Create Output opens the output creation options, where you can
select what output you would like to use for your show.
Task Monitor
The Task Monitor displays any processes that are running in ProShow Gold.
Often, when you add content to your show, the Task Monitor will indicate
that Gold is loading files, so you may not be able to use the program for a
few moments. Resize the Task Monitor to view multiple processes at once.
Also, you can access all workspace display features by right-clicking on the
Task Monitor, including the following:
• Right-click and select a window from the list to hide or show windows
in the workspace.
• Apply, save or reset window layout.
• Set display options for folder list, file list, slide list and toolbar display.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2: The Work Area
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
Playback Controls
• Play starts playback from the current slide list position.
• Stop ends playback and returns the show to the position where
playback began.
• First Slide resets the position to the beginning of the show.
• Last Slide jumps to the end of the show.
• Timing Indicator shows the time of the current position in the show
and the number of the slide currently displayed.
• Trackbar indicates the playback position in relation to overall show
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2: The Work Area
• Slide Timeline View displays the slides and show audio in a timeline
view that you can zoom in or out on using your mouse wheel. The
show soundtrack is still represented as a waveform.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
The Preferences options in ProShow Gold control various software settings
related to appearance, Internet connectivity, editing, startup and sound ef-
To Access Preferences:
1. Choose Edit > Preferences.
2. Select a category from the list on the left.
3. Make adjustments to the settings.
4. Click < Done >.
Appearance Preferences
The Appearance category controls the way user interface of
ProShow Gold looks and behaves.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
• Use Stylized Buttons controls the custom look of the standard buttons
in dialogs.
• Add Done button to docked panes creates an “X” Done button which
can be clicked to Done various interface panels in ProShow.
File List
• Use Shaded Selection in the File List changes the look of the selected
area in the file list.
• Colorize Selected Thumbnails in the File List changes the appearance
of selected files in the file list.
Folder List
• Bold folder names toggles folder names display in bold.
• Show arrows toggles whether folder arrows are displayed.
• Show lines toggles whether folder tree lines are displayed.
• Show knobs toggles whether the + or - folder icons are displayed.
• Force white background toggles a white background for the Folder
• Grey backgrounds toggles a grey background for the Folder List.
• Show plus signs in folder icons toggles the display of + images in your
folder icons.
• Animate folder expansions toggles animations when opening folders.
• Show fixed media volume labels toggles the display of names for local
drives on your PC.
• Show removable volume labels toggles the display of names for
removable drives on your PC.
• Show volume serial numbers toggles the display of serial numbers for
drives on your PC.
Thumbnail Text
• Filename toggles the display of the filename text on your slide
• Short Filename toggles whether truncated file names are displayed on
your slide thumbnails.
• File Size toggles whether the size of your layer files are displayed on
your slide thumbnail.
• Date and Time toggles whether the date and time of files are displayed
on your slide thumbnail.
• Image Resolution toggles whether the image resolution is displayed
on your slide thumbnail.
• Image Dimensions toggles whether the image dimensions are
displayed on your slide thumbnail.
• File Format toggles whether the file format is displayed on your slide
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 2: The Work Area
• Path to File toggles whether the folder path to your file is displayed on
your slide thumbnail.
• Raw Image Size toggles whether the RAW image size is displayed on
your slide thumbnail.
• Image Area toggles whether the image area is displayed on your slide
• Image Orientation toggles whether the image orientation is displayed
on your slide thumbnail.
External Editors
The External Editors category of preferences allows you
to configure which programs are used to edit your show
content. There are a number of places throughout ProShow
Gold where you can click < Edit > to launch an external
The Colors Preferences control the color scheme of Gold, and can be fully
customized to your preference.
Color Configurations
• Select from ProShow Gold and ProShow Gold color schemes, as well as
load any custom color schemes you have created.
• Save adds the current color scheme to the list of selections.
• Delete removes the selected color scheme from the list.
• Apply sets the current color scheme selection for Gold.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
Choose each section of the user interface and set a custom color for that sec-
tion. Use Save to create your own color scheme when complete.
Audio Control
Lists the function and assigned keyboard shortcut for audio functions during
preview playback. To create your own hotkey, click Change.
The Internet preferences containsettings for your web
browser and email server.
• Account Name is the login name for your outgoing mail server, if
required. Check with your Internet Service Provider to see if your
outgoing SMTP server requires a login.
• Password is the password for your outgoing mail server. Check with
your Internet Service Provider to see if your outgoing SMTP server
requires a login.
Web Browser
• Web Browser specifies the program used to view web pages.
Miscellaneous Preferences
Miscellaneous preferences contains settings for various op-
tions in ProShow Gold.
DirectDraw Support
• Enable DirectDraw Support controls the use of DirectDraw for high-
performance playback.
• Currently Using DirectDraw Support is displayed for informational
purposes only to indicate whether or not ProShow Gold is using
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 2: The Work Area
• Automatically check for updates toggles whether ProShow checks for
updated versions. The reminder period can also be configured.
• Automatically track favorites based on file usage designates files and
folders that you use regularly as ‘Favorites’. These files will appear in the
Favorites pane, which may or may not be activated.
Maximum Internal Rendering Resolution
• Controls the maximum rendering size of preview playback. This does
not affect output resolutions - only shows being created.
• Transition Edges displays a thin black edge during pixel transition
• Preview Monitor determines which monitor will be used for full screen
preview playback on multi-monitor PCs.
• Color Profile for Previews determines if an installed color profile will be
used for preview playback.
Show Defaults
In Show Defaults, you can configure the default settings for
a new show. This allows you to apply your most commonly
used settings to every new show you create in ProShow
Gold, saving time.
• Default Transition Duration sets the default transition timing for the
• Default Transition Effect sets the default effect for transitions.
Startup Folder
• Last Folder Used loads the last folder used in the folder list.
• This Folder loads a specified folder every time ProShow Gold opens.
Click < Browse > tospecify which folder.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 3
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
Show Components
When you are creating a show, you need to think about the components that
make up a show.
• Content is the substance of your show. Every show starts with your
• Timing is crucial to the mood and feel of your show.
• Transitions add interest to your show for a more dynamic feel.
• Editing, Effects, Motion and Captions add interest and assist in creating
the mood of your show.
Your show Content consists of all images, video and audio in your show. In
order to let you spend more time customizing your show, ProShow Gold
makes it very easy to get started by letting you drag and drop content into
your show.
Since blank slides do not contain any content,they are perfect for creating
title slides. Title Slides are simply blank slides with captions added.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
You can also create a new slide by adding a blank slide and then adding
content or captions. In ProShow Gold, you can add unlimited layers to slides.
Each layer can have independent motion effects and timing. For a more
in-depth look at using multiple layers, please see Chapter 21: Overview of
ProShow Gold gives you complete control over the timing of your show.
You can choose to create a fast-paced, high-energy show or a slow, relaxing
show. It’s entirely up to you!
• Slide Timing represents the amount of time a particular slide will
remain visible in your show.
• Transition Timing is the duration of the transition from one slide to the
Slide Timing
Slide times determine how long each slide will be visible. By increasing or de-
creasing the slide time, you change the image or video’s effect on the viewer.
The slide time is displayed below the slide thumbnail in the slide list.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
Transition Timing
ProShow Gold allows you to configure the exact length of each
transition effect. Transition Timing does not affect your Slide
Timing in any way. The transition effect will occur as quickly or as
slowly as you want, based on the Transition Timing.
Transitions occur when one slide disappears and the next appears. In Pro-
Show Gold, there are over 280 transition effects to choose from so you can
pick the perfect effects for your show.
Some Transitions, like the circular wipe, for example, have several variations.
There is a single-pass version, a double-pass version and a soft version. The
one-pass version applies the transition with a single movement through the
slide while the two-pass effects happen twice, with some of the slide chang-
ing on the first pass and the rest of the change occurring on the seconds
pass. The soft variation gives the effect a faded edge instead of a distinct
edge. There are also two different types of cross fades: linear and non-linear.
The linear fade occurs at a constant speed, while the non-linear fade changes
over time, giving it a more natural feel.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
ProShow Gold also displays a list of your Recently Used Transitions. As a gen-
eral rule, shows with a few carefully selected transitions are more visually ap-
pealing than ones that use a different transition for every slide. Gold makes it
easy to see which transitions you have used for your show.
To Set a Transition:
1. In the slide list, click on the transition you would like to change.
2. This opens the choose transition window. In this window, preview any
transition by hovering over it with the mouse pointer.
3. Select the desired transition by clicking on it.
Random Transitions
ProShow Gold provides two different types of Random Transitions. One type
randomly selects the transition for you and the other randomly selects transi-
tions each time you play the show.
• Randomize Transitions selects, at random, a transition for each slide.
The transitions selected can be changed as desired. To select the
random transitions to use for your show, Chapter 5: Customizing Your
• Random Transition randomly selects a transition every time you play
the show. You have no control over what transition plays when you
select this option. To select the random transitions to use for your
show, Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
You can make simple modifications to your images and vid-
eos in the Editing options in ProShow Gold’s slide options.
Editing Tools
• Rotate rotates the selected layer by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Select the
degree of rotation from the drop-down menu.
• Flip allows you to flip the selected layer horizontally, vertically, or both.
Check the box next to the desired effect.
• Red-Eye enables and disables red-eye correction of the selected layer.
Click < Red-Eye > to launch the red-eye dialog.
• Crop enables and disables layer cropping. Click < Crop > to launch the
crop dialog.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
Reset any of these options by clicking the Reset button next to the desired
adjustment tool.
• Brightness allows you to lighten or darken the layer. Increase the value
to lighten, decrease to darken.
• White Point determines the brightest point in the layer and allows you
to adjust the layer accordingly.
• Black Point determines the darkest point in the layer and allows you to
adjust the layer accordingly.
• Contrast allows you to increase and decrease the contrast between the
light and dark parts of the layer.
• Hue allows you to change the overall hue of the layer.
• Sharpen allows you to make edges more defined in the layer.
• Colorize enables and disables layer colorization.
• Set specifies the color used to colorize the layer.
• Outline enables and disables the addition of an outline to the layer.
• Set specifies the outline color.
Drop Shadow
• Drop Shadow enables and disables the addition of a drop shadow to
the layer.
• Set Color specifies the drop shadow color.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
Using ProShow Gold, you can pan, zoom and rotate content
to create a variety of dramatic effects.
To Pan a Layer:
1. Select the slide to apply panning to by clicking on the slide in the slide
2. Choose Slide > Effects > Motion Effects.
3. Select the layer you would like to apply panning to.
4. Click and drag the layer in the previews to set starting and ending
5. Click < Ok >.
To Zoom a Layer:
1. Select the slide to apply panning to by clicking on the slide in the slide
2. Choose Slide > Effects > Motion Effects.
3. Select the layer you would like to apply zooming to.
4. Using the zoom sliders, resize the selected layer in the previews to set
starting and ending size.
5. Click < Ok >.
To Rotate a Layer:
1. Select the slide to apply panning to by clicking on the slide in the slide
2. Choose Slide > Effects > Motion Effects.
3. 3 Select the layer you would like to apply rotation to.
4. Using the rotation slider, rotate the selected layer to set starting and
ending rotation.
5. Click < Ok >.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
ProShow Golds lets you add fully customizable Captions to
your show. Each Caption is rendered with unmatched qual-
ity to give a clean, professional appearance.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 3: Creating Your First Show
To Create Output:
1. Save the show by choosing File > Save.
2. Choose Create, then select your output format or from the create
output window that appears.
3. Customize your output in output options.
4. Click < Create >.
For more information on the wide range of output formats, see Chapter 6:
Overview of Output.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4
Customizing Slides
Using the Slide List
The slide list is where you spend most of your time creating your show. Pro-
Show Gold’s slide list is a drag and drop interface, so it’s easy to add content
to your presentation.
In ProShow Gold, you have the option of using the normal Slide List, which
appears by default, or the Slide Timeline, an alternate view that shows a
timeline of your show. The Slide Timeline is helpful when you are synchroniz-
ing your shows to your show soundtrack. To zoom in and out of the Slide
Timeline, simply move your mouse wheel up and down.
Managing Slides
Creating, moving and deleting slides is very easy in ProShow Gold. All can be
done in the slide list.
To Add a Slide:
1. Use the folder and file lists to browse for slide content.
2. In the file list, select the file you would like to add to your show.
3. Drag the selected file into the slide list.
To Move a Slide:
1. In the slide list, select the slide to be moved by clicking on it.
2. Drag the slide to a new position in the slide list.
3. Release the mouse button to drop it into position.
To Copy a Slide:
1. In the slide list, select the slide to be copied by clicking on it.
2. Choose Edit > Copy or press < CTRL + C >.
3. Click on the slide that you would like to follow the copied slide.
4. Choose Edit > Paste or press < CTRL + V > to paste the slide.
To Delete a Slide:
1. In the slide list, select the slide to be deleted by clicking on it.
2. Choose Edit > Cut or press < Delete > or < CTRL + X > on your
keyboard or choose Slide > Delete Slide.
Customizing Slides
Slides are customized using the Slide Options window. From Slide Options,
you can add captions and motion, make editing adjustments and more. Here
are some of the attributes that can be customized:
• Slide Layers
• Image Scaling, Position and Rotation
• Brightness, White Point, Black Point and Hue
• Drop Shadow, Outline and Outline Color
• Colorization
• Panning Motion Effect
• Zooming Motion Effect
• Rotation Motion Effect
• Text Captions
• Effect, Colors and Fonts for Captions
• Slide Sounds and Voice-overs
• Volume and Fading for Slide Sounds
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
• Background Color
• Background Image
• Adjustments for Background Image
• Interactivity
Slide Options
There are a number of different ways to access Slide Options.
Other Controls
• Previous/Next Slide lets you move between slides within slide options.
• Slide Duration sets the duration of the slide within slide options.
• Ok applies changes to slide options and closes the dialog to return you
to the main workspace.
• Cancel disregards any changes you have made since opening the Slide
Options window.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
• Slide Styles which allows you to quickly create entire slides by adding
layers and choosing a pre-made style to use. These styles come with
motion, audio, adjustments, and everything else.
• Slide Settings which allows you to add notes to your slide, name your
slide, change slide timing, configure a watermark, or add interactivity.
• Background which allows you to configure a custom background for
your slide.
Layers controls all settings relating to layers, and contains three
• Layer Settings allows you to configure your layer size, position,
masking, adjustment layer, and template options.
• Video Settings allows you to change all aspects of your video, such as
time, audio level, and trimming.
• Editing applies adjustments such as color correction, rotation and drop
shadows to a layer in the slide.
Effects allows you to configure Motion effects.
• Motion Effects adds and controls motion effects like pan and zoom,
and allows you to add keyframes.
• Caption Settings allows you to insert text on a slide and customize the
font style, color and effects for text
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
The Slide category controls the basic settings for the con-
tent of your slide. Among other things, you can do the
following in this window:
Slide Styles
Slide Styles allows you to use pre-defined slide settings to quickly create
entire slides. You can not only use the slide styles provided by default, but
you can also create your own new styles after configuring a slide. This allows
you to save time and create shows more efficiently.
• Preview displays what the slide style will look like once applied.
• Slide Style List allows you to select any pre-defined slide styles that you
• or have created in the past.
• Ok uses the currently selected slide style from the Slide Style List. Note
that certain slide styles require multiple layers, as listed when each
style is selected.
• Create opens the Create Slide Style dialog window, which allows you to
create a new slide style based on the current slide settings. Create your
slide in full, and when you are ready to save it as a style, click Create, fill
out the fields that appear, and choose which settings of your slide will
be included. It will be displayed in the list once created.
• Manage opens the Manage Slide Styles dialog window. Select styles to
Add, Remove, Export, or Download. Click on Done once complete.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Slide Settings
Slide Settings gives you the ability to name your slide, add notes about the
slide, change slide timing, add slide actions, and configure the appearance of
a watermark on the slide.
• Slide Name and Notes gives you text fields to give the slide a name, or
enter any relevant notes you may have about the slide. The audience
will not see these, so they are for your organizational purposes.
• Slide Timing allows you to change the Slide Time of the slide, Lock the
slide to prevent the time from changing, or add Manual Control to the
slide playback.
Here you can configure a custom background for your slide, as well as
change the appearance of the custom background.
Background Type
• Override Show Background Options for this Slide enables and disables
the background options for this slide. All other Slide Background
options are deactivated until this option is selected and the slide will
use the default Show Background configured in Show Options.
• Type sets the type of background to Ok to the slide. Choose from Solid
Color and Image.
• Solid Color allows you to set a color for your background. Click < Set >,
click on the desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set > again to
Ok the effect.
• Image allows you to choose an image for the background. Click <
Browse > to select an image file. Click < Edit > to launch the external
editor configured in Preferences.
• Brightness allows you to lighten or darken the background image.
Increase the value to lighten, decrease to darken.
• White Point determines the brightest point in the image and allows
you to adjust the background image accordingly.
• Black Point determines the darkest point in the image and allows you
to adjust the background image accordingly.
• Contrast allows you to increase and decrease the contrast between the
light and dark parts of the background image.
• Hue allows you to change the overall hue of the background image.
• Sharpen allows you to make edges more clearly defined in the
background image.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Editing Tools
• Scaling lets you select the default size for the background image.
There are a number of options you can use to scale the background
image. Fill Frame sizes the layer to fill the entire frame and may crop off
the edges of the background image. Fit Frame sizes the background
image so that the entire layer is visible, sometimes filling only part of
the frame. Stretch to Frame stretches the background image so that it
fills the entire slide, potentially distorting it. Fill Safe Zone is much like
Fill Frame, but it sizes the background image to fill the safe zone. Fit to
Safe Zone is much like Fit Frame, but it sizes the background imager to
fit in the safe zone.
• Rotate rotates the background image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Select
the degree of rotation from the drop-down menu.
• Flip allows you to flip your image horizontally, vertically or both. Check
the box next to the desired effect.
Colorize Image
• Colorize Image allows you to colorize the background image using
a selected color. Click < Set >, click on the desired color in the color
wheel, and click < Set > again to Ok the effect.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
The Layers category controls all settings relating to the
layers in your slide. It gives you access to the following
• Add, remove and re-order layers.
• Change slide content.
• View content information.
• Set the volume and length of video clips.
Layer Settings
Layers List
The Layers list appears in all panes of the Slide Options window, so you can
always change layers while working. You can do the following with the Lay-
ers list:
• Add (+) adds a new layer to a slide. Choose from Add Image or Video,
Add Solid Color or Add Gradient to create a new layer.
• Del (-) removes the selected layer from the slide.
• Up moves the selected layer up the list, placing it on top of other layers
in the slide.
• Down moves the selected layer down the list, placing it under other
layers in the slide.
• Right adds the selected layer to the mask.
• Left removes the selected layer from the mask.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Selected Layer
• Source File Information displays information about the current layer.
The information includes filename, resolution, file size and type. This
option is not available for gradient or solid color layers.
• Select File allows you to choose content for the slide. This option is not
available for gradient or solid color layers.
• Edit File launches the external editor configured in Preferences.
• Properties displays the file information preview and other information
for the selected layer. This information is not available for gradient or
solid color layers.
Layer Settings
• Scaling lets you select the default size for content in a slide. There are
a number of options you can use to scale a layer. Fill Frame sizes the
layer to fill the entire frame and may crop off the edges of the layer. Fit
Frame sizes the layer so that the entire layer is visible, sometimes filling
only part of the frame. Stretch to Frame stretches the layer so that it
fills the entire slide, potentially distorting the image. Fill Safe Zone is
much like fill frame, but it sizes the layer to fill the safe zone. Fit to Safe
Zone is much like fit frame, but it sizes the layer to fit in the safe zone.
• Position sets the default position of the layer on the slide. Click and
drag the layer in the preview window or specify coordinates in the
position value boxes. Settings applied in Motion will override this
• Zoom sets the default size of the layer in the slide. If motion is applied
in Motion Effects, it will override this setting. Increase and decrease the
zoom to make the layer larger and smaller, respectively.
• Aspect sets the aspect ratio of the layer, determining how it will appear
when viewed.
Slide Settings
• Style marks the image as replaceable, should you want to create a slide
style using the current slide. Uncheck this option if you want the style
to always use the current image.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Video Settings
Video Clip Settings
• Length shows the current length of the video file.
• Looping toggles whether the video will loop until the slide is complete.
• Trim Video launches the Video Trimmer, which allows you to set the
starting and ending point visually, with accuracy down to a single
• Preview Video plays the video as it is currently configured.
• Sync Slide Time matches slide duration to video clip length.
• Speed specifies the speed of video clip playback.
The Editing options let you make basic changes to your slide content before
you add motion and adjustment effects. These adjustments are settings that
are saved only in ProShow Gold, so they do not affect your original content.
To Access Editing:
1. In the slide list, click on the slide you would like to modify.
2. Choose Slide > Layers > Editing.
3. Make adjustments to the selected layer.
4. Click < Ok >.
• Before and After previews the original content next to the adjusted
Reset any of these options by clicking the Reset button next to the desired
adjustment tool.
• Brightness allows you to lighten or darken the selected layer. Increase
the value to lighten, decrease to darken.
• White Point determines the brightest point in the selected layer and
allows you to adjust the layer accordingly.
• Black Point determines the darkest point in the selected layer and
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Editing Tools
• Rotate allows you to rotate the selected layer by 90, 180 or 270
degrees. Select the degree of rotation from the drop-down menu.
• Flip allows you to flip the selected layer horizontally, vertically or both.
Check the box next to the desired effect.
• Red-Eye enables and disables Red-Eye correction of the selected layer.
Click < Red-Eye > to launch the Red-Eye dialog.
• Crop enables and disables layer cropping. Click < Crop > to launch the
Crop dialog. In this dialog, you can enter precise values for cropping
or you can click and drag to set the cropping region using the mouse
pointer. Use the rotate slider to make slight adjustments to layers for
• Colorize enables and disables layer colorization.
• Set Color specifies the color used to colorize the selected layer.
• Outline enables and disables the addition of an outline to the selected
• Set specifies the outline color.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Drop Shadow
• Drop Shadow enables and disables the addition of a drop shadow to
the selected layer.
The Effects category controls all overall effects you can add
to your slide. This includes both Motion and Adjustment
effects. Each type uses keyframes to create the effects you
want to see.
To Access Effects:
8. In the slide list, click on the slide you would like to modify.
9. Choose Slide > Effects > Motion Effects.
10. Make adjustments to the selected layer.
11. Click < Ok >.
Motion Effects
Motion options control the motion of layers in your slide. With ProShow
Gold, you can use pan, zoom and rotate to create a variety of effects:
• Stacking Images places layers on top of one another at staggered
intervals, giving a feel of 3-dimensional movement.
• Image Tiling creates a mosaic effect over time, placing images
randomly into a grid pattern.
• Supplemental Visuals Over a Video overlays image layers on a video,
giving a ‘newscast’ effect. Images appear over the video, stop on the
screen and then move off of the screen, all while the video plays in the
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Starting/Ending Position
Each layer has a starting point and ending point, shown in the starting and
ending previews. Any differences between the starting and ending point will
create a motion effect as the slide moves from beginning to end.
• Pan sets the position of the selected layer on the slide. Click and drag
the layer in the preview window or specify coordinates in the Pan value
• Zoom sets the size of the selected layer. Set zoom by clicking the layer
in the preview window and using your mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
To enable and disable zooming x and y coordinates individually, click
the link button.
• Rotate allows you to rotate the selected layer. Use the rotation slider or
click and drag the blue triangle on the preview.
Matching Options
Matching Options allows you to match layers within slides or from one
slide to the next to create fluid motion effects. Matching also automatically
updates related layers so that you can make changes once and the matched
layers will also reflect that change.
• Match Starting Frame to End of Previous Slide matches the layer
position of the selected layer to the previous slide.
• Match Ending Frame to Start of Next Slide matches the layer position
of the selected layer to the next slide.
Motion Styles
Motion style determines how the layer will move for each value - pan, zoom,
and rotate. Each type has a slightly different look:
• Smooth is an even acceleration and deceleration at the beginning and
end of the motion.
• Accelerate becomes faster until the motion comes to an abrupt stop.
• Decelerate starts fast and slowly reduces in speed until the motion
• Linear is a flat rate of movement for the layer.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
Copy Features
Select the Copy button in the Preview toolbar to open the copy set-
tings dialog window.
• Copy Start to End copies the selected layer from starting position to
ending position.
• Copy Start to End(All Layers) copies all slide layers from starting
position to ending position.
• Copy End to Next Slide copies the ending position of the selected layer
to the next slide.
• Copy End to Next Slide (All Layers) copies all the ending positions of all
slide layers to the next slide.
• Copy All Layers to Next Slide will copy all layers and settings to the
next slide.
• Copy Layer to Next Slide will copy the selected layer and all settings to
the next slide.
The Captions category lets you add customized text to the
current slide. Captions include any type of text, macros or
symbols, each configured with different settings, motion,
effects and interactivity settings. In addition, you can com-
bine Caption Motion with keyframes to move, adjust, and change how your
captions are displayed while the slide is in motion.
To Access Captions:
1. In the slide list, click on the slide you would like to modify.
2. Choose Slide > Captions > Captions from the menubar.
3. Make adjustments to the selected layer.
4. Click < Ok >.
Caption Settings
Captions List
• Captions List shows which captions have been added to this slide. Each
caption has three boxes next to it, Global/Slide, Visible and Transitions.
Global/Slide makes the caption a global caption, so that it is seen
on all slides in your show, or a slide caption that will only appear on
the current slide. Visible hides and shows this caption. Transitions
determines whether or not the caption is affected by the slide’s
transition effects.
• Add (+) adds a new caption.
• Del (-) removes the selected caption.
• Up moves the selected caption up the list, placing it on top of other
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
• Caption Color allows you to colorize the selected caption using a
selected color. Click < Set >, click on the desired color in the color
wheel, and click < Set > again to Ok the effect.
Preview Area
• Preview Position allows you to click and drag any caption to position or
resize it in yourslide.
Text Effects
Text Effects controls how the caption behaves when it appears on the slide,
when it is sitting on the slide and when it leaves the slide.
• Fly In sets the text effect used when the caption appears on the slide.
Click < Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Normal sets the behavior of the caption while it is displayed on the
slide. Click < Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Fly Out sets the text effect used when the caption leaves the slide. Click
< Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Show Fly-In, Normal and Fly-Out effects combined in preview previews
all three caption effects at once in the choose caption effects dialog.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
• Outline enables and disables the outline around caption characters for
the selected caption.
• Color sets the color for the caption outline. Click < Set >, click on the
desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set> again to Ok the effect.
Drop Shadow
• Drop Shadow enables and disables the use of a drop shadow on the
selected caption.
• Color sets the color for the drop shadow. Click < Set >, click on the
desired colorin the color wheel, and click < Set> again to Ok the effect.
Caption Placement
• Align moves the text anchor point between Left, Right, Center and Fill.
• Position allows you to specify numerical values for caption position.
The Sounds category lets you add sounds to the current slide. You can use
slide sounds to add voice-overs, sound effects and more
without having to edit your soundtrack.
Slide Sound
• Sound specifies the sound file to be used as a slide sound. Click <
Browse > to select a sound file.
• Preview Sound previews the current slide sound. Click < Play > at the
bottom of the Sound toolbar to preview the current slide sound.
• Remove Sound removes the current sound. Click the Reset button to
remove the current sound.
• Record Voice-Over begins recording the voice-over for the selected
slide. Click < Edit > to launch the external editor configured in
• Slide Time locks the slide time to the length of the slide sound when
• Offset specifies when the sound will begin playing after the previous
slide is over. A positive value is the number of seconds into the new
slide where the sound will begin. A negative value is the number of
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 4: Customizing Slides
seconds before the slide (in the previous slide) where the sounds will
• Edit Fades and Timing launches the Audio Trimmer, which allows you
to set the starting and ending point visually, with accuracy down to a
single frame.
• Sync Slide Time increases or decreases slide duration to match the
length of the slide sound exactly.
• Continue Playback of Sound After Slide Ends enables and disables slide
sound playback after the slide ends. The sound will play until the clip
ends when enabled.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 5
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
Show Options control the basic settings that affect your
overall show. You can access these options at any time, even
before adding slides to your show.
Show Settings
The Show Settings tab controls the basics of your overall show, and gives you
access to the following options:
• Show Title specifies the title that will be used as the show title.
• Show Notes allows you to enter notes about your show for
organizational purposes.
Show Thumbnail
• Select Thumbnail sets a different slide or image as the show thumbnail.
Preview Area
• Preview Position displays the Safe Zone for the show.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
Aspect Ratio
The Aspect Ratio of your show affects how your show appears in previews
and output. The Aspect Ratio affects the relationship between the height
and width of your show, not the exact dimensions.
• Aspect Ratio specifies the aspect ratio for your show. The 4:3 setting is
the standard for fullscreen television and computer displays. The 16:9
setting produces a widescreen display. Click < Custom > to specify a
custom aspect ratio.
Show Background
The Background options allow you to apply a background
color or image to the entire show. The changes made to the
Show Background will affect the entire show, unless you
specifically choose to apply a different background to an
individual slide. You can do the following from this window:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
• Brightness allows you to lighten or darken the background image.
Increase the value to lighten, decrease to darken.
• White Point determines the brightest point in the image and allows
you to adjust the background image accordingly.
• Black Point determines the darkest point in the image and allows you
to adjust the background image accordingly.
• Contrast allows you to increase and decrease the contrast between the
light and dark parts of the background image.
• Hue allows you to change the overall hue of the background image.
• Sharpen allows you to make edges more clearly defined in the
background image.
Editing Tools
• Scaling lets you select the size for your background image. There are a
number of options you can use to scale the image. Fill Frame sizes the
image to fill the entire frame and may crop off the edges of the layer.
Fit Frame sizes the image so that the entire image is visible, sometimes
filling only part of the frame. Stretch to Frame stretches the image so
that it fills the entire slide, potentially distorting the image. Fill Safe
Zone is much like fill frame, but it sizes the image to fit in the safe zone.
Fit to Safe Zone is much like fit frame, but it sizes the image to fit in the
safe zone.
• Rotation allows you to rotate the background image by 90, 180 or 270
degrees. Select the degree of rotation from the drop-down menu.
• Flip allows you to flip the background image horizontally, vertically or
both. Check the box next to the desired effect.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
• Colorize you to colorize the background image using a selected color.
Click < Set >, click on the desired color in the color wheel, and click <
Set > again to apply the effect.
Show Captions
In Show Captions options, you can quickly and easily add
captions to your entire show. Use Show Captions to quickly
add copyright notices, contact information, file names and
slide numbers. You can do the following from this window:
Captions List
Captions List shows which captions have been added to the entire show.
• Add (+) adds a new caption.
• Del (-) removes the selected caption.
• Up moves the selected caption up the list, placing it on top of other
captions in the show.
• Down moves the selected caption down the list, placing it under other
captions in the show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
• Text Field edits the text of the selected show caption.
• Font sets the font to be used for the selected show caption. ProShow
Gold supports all TrueType fonts currently installed on your computer.
• Size sets the size of the selected show caption text. Pick a size from the
drop-down menu or manually enter a specific value.
• Bold, Italic, Shadow sets the attributes for the selected show caption.
• Insert Macro launches the insert macro window, where you can select
a macro, special character, or EXIF field to insert in the selected show
• Color allows you to colorize the selected show caption using a selected
color. Click < Set >, click on the desired color in the color wheel, and
click < Set > again to apply the effect.
Preview Area
• Preview Position allows you to click and drag any show caption to
position it in your show or resize it as desired.
Text Effects
Text Effects controls how the caption behaves when it appears on the slide,
when it is sitting on the slide and when it leaves the slide.
• Fly In sets the text effect used when the caption appears on the slide.
Click < Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Normal sets the behavior of the caption while it is displayed on the
slide. Click < Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Fly Out sets the text effect used when the caption leaves the slide. Click
< Browse > to launch the choose caption effects dialog.
• Show Fly-In, Normal and Fly-Out effects combined in preview previews
all three caption effects at once in the choose caption effects dialog.
• Outline Caption enables and disables the outline around caption
characters for the selected caption.
• Color sets the color for the show caption outline. Click < Set >, click on
the desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set> again to apply the
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
Drop Shadow
• Drop Shadow enables and disables the use of a drop shadow on the
selected caption.
• Color sets the color for the drop shadow. Click < Set >, click on the
desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set> again to apply the
Caption Placement
• Align moves the text anchor point between Left, Right, Center and Fill.
• Position allows you to specify numerical values for caption position.
In the Music category of the show options, you can config-
ure all of the settings related to the audio track that make
up your soundtrack. You can do the following from this
Master Volume
• Master Volume sets the overall volume of the show. This setting affects
the volume of all sounds in your show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
The Track list displays the individual audio tracks that make up the
soundtrack. These tracks are listed in the order in which they will play.
Part 1: Working in ProShow Gold
Chapter 5: Customizing Your Show
• Volume specifies the volume of the selected audio track during the
slide sound.
• Fade Out sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will
take to fade out when a slide sound plays, in seconds. For no fade,
specify zero seconds.
• Fade In sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will take
to fade in when a slide sound plays, in seconds. For no fade, specify
zero seconds.
Soundtrack Tools
• Save Music From CD activates the audio CD feature, allowing you to
use a track directly from a CD.
• Record Slide Timing launches the record slide timing feature for timing
the show to specific slides.
• Sync Slides to Audio uses the existing slide times and increases them
proportionately so that they add up to equal the length of your
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 6
Overview of Output
Choosing an Output Format
Once you finish composing your presentation, you are ready to move on
to the next step in the slide show creation process: choosing an appropri-
ate output format. This is a very important step when you consider that the
output format you choose must match your audience’s needs. With so many
output options, there’s guaranteed to be a suitable format for your show.
• DVD Creation is the best option for playback on a DVD player. Include
an optional PC Autorun for hassle-free PC playback.
• Blu-ray Creation gives you the ability to create high definition shows to
harness your HD television and Blu-ray player.
• Device Creation gives you the ability to view your slideshow on a wide
variety of multimedia devices available from modern game consoles to
• Video CD Creation is a good option if you don’t have a DVD burner or
DVD media. Video CDs will play on most DVD players.
• Video File Creation lets you choose from a wide variety of video file
formats, including WMV, MPEG 1 and 2 and HD Video.
• Share Show Online creates your show output and uploads it to the online sharing service so you can share your
shows for free.
• Web Show Creation outputs your show and generates the HTML code
for your website. Show playback is controlled by Photodex Presenter, a
free web plug-in.
• Flash Show Creation outputs your show for web playback to FLV so
that it can be easily integrated into your website. No Flash experience
• E-mailing Shows creates an executable file then e-mails it from within
ProShow Gold using your preconfigured e-mail preferences.
• Autorun CD Creation creates a disc containing your show that runs
automatically when loaded into a Windows PC. Requires no additional
software to replay shows.
• Executable Creation makes a stand-alone slide show that will play on
any Windows PC without any additional software.
• YouTube gives you the ability to upload your shows directly to YouTube
and share them on one of the most popular video sites on the Internet.
• Screen Saver Creation creates a screen saver of your show that will play
when your computer is idle.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 6: Overview of Output
• DVD and Video CD slide shows are limited by the length of the show
time (length) that will fit on the disk.
• Video CD still shows are limited to 99 images. This is a limitation of the
Video CD format.
• YouTube video is limited to either 10 minutes of length or 100
megabytes of size.
• All other formats, executables and web shows, for example, can have
any number of slides, but you need to keep the output file size in mind.
For example, some systems limit executable size to 2.1GB. This is based
on your system and will vary
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 6: Overview of Output
Presenter Controls
• Pause/Play button temporarily pauses or resumes playback of the
show. The current slide will be displayed until show playback is
• Sound On/Off enables and disables sound for the show.
• Volume Control sets the volume level for show sound.
• Fullscreen toggles whether the show is played in fullscreen or not.
• The Trackbar allows you to scrub to any point in the show that you
want to see.
• Previous Slide returns to the previous slide in the show and can be
accessed by right-clicking in the Presenter window.
• Next Slide advances to the next slide in the show and can be accessed
by right-clicking in the Presenter window.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 6: Overview of Output
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 7
Customizing Menus
Using Menu Customizations
ProShow Gold includes a complete menu authoring system
that allows you to create fully customized menus for most
of the output formats. With complete creative control over
how your menu looks and behaves, you can create profes-
sional, Hollywood-style menus with background music. In
the customize menu window, you can do the following:
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
General Options
• Next / Previous Page (Icon) moves from one menu page to the next.
• Pages Display shows the page number of the current menu page.
• Ok applies all changes and closes the Customize Menu window.
• Cancel removes all changes and closes the Customize Menu window.
The General category of the Customize Menu dialog con-
trols the structure of your menu. From here, you can add,
remove and rearrange the pages in your menu.
The Layers in your page appear in a list underneath the preview. To manage
these layers, use the controls beneath the list.
Main Title
• Main Title sets the title of the main menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
Navigation Settings
• Loop All adds or removes the Loop All function from the menu. Loop
All allows the viewer to watch the shows in a continuous repeating
• Play All adds or removes the play all function from the menu. Play All
allows the viewer to watch the shows once, in order.
Background Color
• Background Color specifies the default background color to be used
on the menu page.
Background Image
• Background Image for All Pages allows you to select the background
image for all pages in your menu.
• Browse allows you to browse for the imagethat you would like to use
on all menu pages.
• Scaling specifies how the image will be applied to the menu
background. Choose from Fill to Frame, Fill Frame or Stretch to Frame.
• Custom Background Image for this Page allows you to choose a
background image for only the currently selected page.
• Browse allows you to browse for the image that you would like to use
on the selected menu page.
• Scaling specifies how the image will be applied to the menu
background. Choose from Fill to Frame, Fill Frame or Stretch to Frame.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
Music Track
ProShow Gold lets you choose background music that will play while your
menu is displayed.You control all the settings related to music that plays on
all pages of the menu, as well as custom music settings for individual pages.
• Music Track for All Pages determines a single piece of music that will
play in every page of your menu.
• Click < Browse > to select an audio file.
• Save From CD activates the Audio CD feature, allowing you to use a
track directly from the CD.
• Edit Track launches the external audio editor configured in Preferences,
allowing your to edit the selected audio track.
• Volume specifies the volume of the selected audio track.
• Fade In sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will take
to fade in, in seconds. For no fade, specify zero seconds.
• Fade Out sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will
take to fade out, in seconds. For no fade, specify zero seconds.
• Edit Fades and Timing launches the built-in audio trimmer. Click <
Edit Fades and Timing > to open the Audio Trimmer so you can adjust
the length of the selected audio track and set fade times using a
• Custom Music for This Page displays the audio file that you have
selected for the custom page music. Click < Browse > to select an
audio file.
• • Save From CD activates the Audio CD feature, allowing you to use a
track directly from the CD.
• • Edit Track launches the external audio editor configured in
Preferences, allowing you to edit the selected audio track.
• • Volume specifies the volume of the selected audio track.
• • Fade In sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will take
to fade in, in seconds. For no fade, specify zero seconds.
• • Fade Out sets the amount of time that the selected audio track will
take to fade out, in seconds. For no fade, specify zero seconds.
• • Edit Fades and Timing launches the built-in audio trimmer. Click < Edit
Fades and Timing > to open the Audio Trimmer so you can adjust the
length of the selected audio track and set fadetimes using a waveform.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
The Layers options let you edit objects on a menu page.
Layer Settings
• Select File allows you to select a new file to replace the current one.
• Edit File launches the pre-configured external image editor.
• Properties displays the meta-data for the selected file.
• Source displays the source file for the selected object.
• Resolution shows the resolution of the selected file.
• Size displays the file size of the selected object.
• Type shows the file type of the selected object.
• Length displays the length of the selected file if the file is a video clip.
• Position specifies the position of the selected object on the menu
page. Click and drag the object into position or specify exact x and y
coordinates in the space provided.
• Zoom increases and decreases the size of the selected object. Click the
object and move your mouse wheel or move the zoom slider to adjust
thumbnail size.
• Trim Clip launches the built-in video trimmer. Specify clip length and
video offset.
• Volume sets the volume of the video clip.
The Editing options allow you to make quick changes to your menu page
content. These adjustments are simply settings saved in ProShow Gold, so
they do not affect your original content.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
• Opacity specifies how opaque or transparent the current layer will
appear to be. As the value nears 0%, it will become more and more
• Brightness allows you to lighten or darken the layer. Increase the value
to lighten, decrease to darken.
• White Point determines the brightest point in your layer and allows
you to adjust the layer accordingly.
• Black Point determines the darkest point in your layer and allows you
to adjust the layer accordingly.
• Contrast allows you to increase and decrease the contrast between the
light and dark parts of the selected layer.
• Hue allows you to change to overall hue of your layer.
• Sharpen allows you to make edges more clearly defined in your layer.
• Colorize allows you to colorize your image using a selected color. Click
< Set >, click on the desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set
Color > again to apply the effect.
Editing Tools
• Rotation allows you to rotate your image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
Select the degree of rotation from the drop-down menu.
• Flip Horizontal flips the selected layer horizontally.
• Flip Vertical flips the selected layer vertically.
• Shadow enables and disables the use of a drop shadow on the
selected layer.
• Color specifies a color to be used for the outline of the selected layer.
Click< Set >, click on the desired color in the color wheel, and click <
Set > again to apply the effect.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 7: Customizing Menus
You can add any number of text elements to your menu
using Captions options. ProShow Gold gives you complete
control over the placement, appearance and behavior of the
captions in your show menu.
Captions List
• Add (Icon) adds a new caption to the current page.
• Delete (Icon) removes the selected caption from the page.
• Up moves the selected caption closer to the beginning of the list,
placing it before other objects in the list.
• Down moves the selected caption closer to the end of the list, placing
it after other objects in the list.
Caption Text
• Text Field edits the text of the selected caption.
• Font sets the font to be used for the caption. ProShow Gold supports
compatible fonts currently installed on your computer.
• Font Size sets the size of the caption text.
• Bold applies the bold attribute to the caption.
• Italic applies the italic attribute to the caption.
• Color specifies a color to be used for the selected caption. Click < Set >,
click on the desired color in the color wheel, and click < Set > again to
apply the effect.
Caption Settings
• Drop Shadow toggles whether the caption will have a drop shadow or
• Outline toggles a black outline around the selected caption.
• Align moves the text anchor point between left, right and center.
• Position shows numerical values for the caption’s position so that you
can set precise positions for multiple captions.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 8
DVD Creation
Using DVD Creation
ProShow Gold allows you to create DVDs of your slide shows to share with
clients, friends and family. The DVD format is very popular because it will play
on most DVD players and it has the highest quality TV playback. Also, you
have the option to include a PC executable on a
DVD for hassle-free PC playback.
Standard resolution for DVD output is 720 x 480 (720 x 576 for PAL). This is
much lower resolution in comparison to PC playback resolution. Photogra-
phers or professionals may notice the reduced resolution, but most consum-
ers will not as they are used to the DVD format.
To Create a DVD:
1. Click Save to save your show.
2. Click the Create Output button in the main toolbar.
3. Click on DVD from the create output window.
4. Customize your DVD using the various category options in the Create
DVD Disc dialog.
5. Click < Create >.
Shows adds and removes shows from the DVD. Sets show titles
and thumbnails.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
From the Menu options, you can control all aspects of your
DVD menu. The Menu options control the theme and layout,
as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your DVD. Since you can combine any number of shows
and videos in your DVD, you will need to use the Shows
window to manage them. Among other things, you can do
the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the DVD. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the DVD.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the DVD.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the DVD menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Options window controls all of the settings related to
DVD format, quality and more. In this window, you can do
the following:
DVD Type
• DVD Type specifies the quality for the DVD. Choose from the drop-
down menu and view related information, including capacity, in the
DVD Type Information section.
Video Standard
• TV System selects the television standard to be used on the DVD.
Audio Format
• Audio Type specifies audio encoding format for the DVD.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
The Disc Burning options control all of the settings related
to DVD burning, burner selection and more. In this window,
you can do the following:
DVD Writer
• Writer selects the drive that will be used to burn the DVD. In addition
to the available drives on your machine, you may want to write to an
ISO image file, which you can import into other DVD/CD authoring
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
Disc Options
• Speed sets the speed at which the DVD is written. The default is the
maximum speed for your DVD burner.
• Disc Type specifies whether you are burning to a DVD disc or a CD.
Multiple Copies
• Copies specifies the number of copies of the DVD to be burned.
This section contains tools for diagnosing burning problems. They should
typically not be changed unless you are familiar with what they do, or are
asked to do so by a Photodex representative.
DVD+R/RW Compatibility
• Bitsetting specifies the bitsetting method used for the DVD. Bitsetting
reconfigures DVD+R/ RW media to make it more compatible with
standalone DVD players. Bitsetting only works with +R/RW media. In
addition, not all writers support bitsetting.
• Detect determines whether or not your DVD writer supports bitsetting.
Do not use bitsetting if your DVD writer does not support it.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
The Executable options let you add a PC executable to your
DVD. When the DVD is loaded into the computer, a PC exe-
cutable version of the slide show will automatically play; the
user does not have to have DVD playback software on their
computer. In addition, the PC executable takes advantage
of the higher resolution supported by computer displays, providing superior
quality versus DVD playback on a computer. You can adjust the following
options in this window:
PC Autorun
• Include PC Autorun on DVD enables and disables the use of a PC
executable on your DVD.
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable included
on the DVD.
• Full Screen toggles whether the executable opens in full screen mode.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 8: DVD Creation
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 9
Blu-ray Creation
Using Blu-ray Creation
ProShow Gold allows you to create high definition Blu-ray versions of your
slide shows to share with clients, friends and family. The Blu-ray show format
is enormously powerful because it is capable of showing off the best HD
televisions and Blu-ray players have to offer.
There is no higher resolution format available for displaying your shows. You
still have the option to include a PC executable on a Blu-ray show for hassle-
free PC playback.
To Create Blu-ray:
1. Click Save to save your show.
2. Click the Create Output button in the main toolbar.
3. Click on Blu-ray from the create output window.
4. Customize your disc using the various category options in the Create
Blu-ray dialog.
5. Click < Create >.
Shows adds and removes shows from the disc. Sets show titles
and thumbnails.
Options controls output quality, Video Standard selection and
video options.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
From the Menu options, you can control all aspects of your
Blu-ray menu. The Menu options control the theme and
layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your disc. Since you can combine any number of shows
and videos in your disc, you will need to use the Shows
window to manage them. Among other things, you can do
the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the disc. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the disc.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the disc.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Blu-ray menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Options window controls all of the settings related to
Blu-ray format, quality and more. In this window, you can do
the following:
Blu-ray Type
• Blu-ray Type specifies the quality for the disc. Choose from the drop-
down menu and view related information, including capacity, in the
Blu-ray Type Information section.
Video Settings
• Framerate selects the framerate you want to use on the disc, which is
determined by the Blu-ray Type you have selected.
• Quality selects the overall visual quality of the final show.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
• Disc Name configures the name that the disc uses when inserted.
• Thumbnail is the image that will appear when the disc is loaded on
some Blu-ray players.
• Select image allows you to browse for a custom image to use as your
disc thumbnail.
The Burning options control all of the settings related to
Blu-ray burning, burner selection and more. In this window,
you can do the following:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
Blu-ray Writer
• Writer selects the drive that will be used to burn the disc. In addition to
the available drives on your machine, you may want to write to an ISO
image file, which you can import into other disc authoring programs.
Disc Options
• Speed sets the speed at which the disc is written. The default is the
maximum speed for your Blu-ray burner.
Multiple Copies
• Copies specifies the number of copies of the Disc to be burned.
Disc Label
Disc Label sets the label that appears when you browse for the disc on your
This section contains tools for diagnosing burning problems. They should
typically not be changed unless you are familiar with what they do, or are
asked to do so by a Photodex representative.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
The Executable options let you add a PC executable to
your disc. When the disc is loaded into the computer, a PC
executable version of the slide show will automatically play;
the user does not have to have Blu-ray playback software
on their computer. In addition, the PC executable takes ad-
vantage of the higher resolution supported by computer displays, providing
superior quality versus Blu-ray playback on a computer. You can adjust the
following options in this window:
PC Autorun
• Include PC Autorun on Disc enables and disables the use of a PC
executable on your disc.
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable included
on the disc.
• Full Screen toggles whether the executable opens in full screen mode.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 9: Blu-ray Creation
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 10
Supported Devices
ProShow Gold supports a number of Devices:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 10: Creating Video for Devices
Profile Settings
• Profile Name allows you to enter a name for the custom profile.
• Format allows you to choose from the available video encoding
• File Extension displays the file extension that appears at the end of the
video file name.
Video Settings
• Compression specifies the compression rate for the video. The available
compression type varies depending on which video encoding Format
you choose.
• Resolution sets the actual dimensions, in pixels, of your video file.
• Frame Rate determines the number of frames per second used in the
• Aspect Ratio specifies the Aspect Ratio for the video. The 1:1 setting
is for PC playback only, the 4:3 setting is the standard for fullscreen
television and computer displays and the 16:9 setting produces a
widescreen display for both PC and television playback. Use caution
when changing this setting as it may result in image distortion. It is
recommended that you set the aspect ratio in Slide Options before you
begin creating your show.
• Bitrate controls the size and quality of the video output.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 10: Creating Video for Devices
Audio Settings
• Audio Format allows you to choose from the available audio encoding
• Channels lets you choose between Mono and Stereo sound.
• Sampling Rate sets the rate at which samples of the analog audio
signal are taken for digital conversion. A higher Sampling Rate will
produce better quality sound than a lower one.
• Bitrate controls the file size and quality of the audio output.
Not all Sampling Rate/Bitrate combinations are allowed. The allowed combi-
nations differ by codec. If you enter an incompatible combination, you will
not be allowed to save the Custom Profile. When creating a custom device
profile it is best to consult your device documentation to determine if your
device has specific requirements in order to play your video.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 11
Video CD Creation
Using Video CD Creation
In ProShow Gold, you can easily create a Video CD in order to view your
shows on a TV. Video CDs work like DVDs, but they are created on a CD-R or
CD-RW. Video CDs have lower quality and compatibility than DVDs. There are
two types of shows that you can create using the Video CD output format:
• Video Shows are the slide shows that you create, complete with
motion effects and transitions. Video Shows are limited in length based
on the amount of space available on your CD. They support Video
Menus, which can have video thumbnails and background music.
• Still Shows display higher resolution images, but they do not include
any motion effects or transitions. Still Shows are limited to 99 images
and they contain Still Menus, which is a solid, still image.
Shows adds and removes shows from the Video CD. Sets show
titles and thumbnails.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
From the Menus options, you can control all aspects of your
Video CD menu. The Menu options control the theme and
layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Themes
• Themes, on the right, selects which category of themes to display in
the theme list.
• The Load Menu icon loads a saved menu.
• The Save Menu icon saves the current theme and layout for future use.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
This option is only available for Video menus, not for Still menus.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout displays various layouts for shows that are displayed on a menu
• Aspect controls the aspect ratio of the menu included on the disc. This
is best to match with your show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your Video CD. Since you can combine any number of
shows and videos in your Video CD, you will need to use the
Shows window to manage them. Among other things, you
can do the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add adds a new show to the Video CD. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Video CD.
• Del removes the selected show from the Video CD.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail selects an image or video that will represent the
selected show in the Video CD menu.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the Intro Show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the Intro Show.
The Output Options controls all of the settings related to
Video CD format, quality and more. In this window, you can
do the following:
Video CD Type
• Video CD Type specifies the quality for the Video CD. Choose from the
drop-down menu and view related information, including capacity, in
the Video CD Type Information section.
• Show Types allows you to include video shows and/or still shows on
the Video CD. Video Shows are simply the slide shows that you create,
complete with motion effects and transitions. Still shows display
higher resolution images, but they do not include any motion effects
or transitions.
Video Standard
• TV System selects the television standard to be used on the Video CD.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
Audio Format
• Audio Type specifies audio encoding format for the Video CD.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
The Burning options control all of the settings related to
Video CD burning, burner selection and more. In this win-
dow, you can do the following:
CD Writer
• Writer selects the drive that will be used to burn the CD. In addition to
the available drives on your machine, you may want to write to a CUE/
BIN image file, which you can import into other DVD/CD authoring
Disc Options
• Speed sets the speed at which the CD is written. The default is the
maximum speed for your CD burner.
Multiple Copies
• Copies specifies the number of copies of the CD to be burned.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
This section contains tools for diagnosing burning problems. They should
typically not be changed unless you are familiar with what they do, or are
asked to do so by a Photodex representative.
The Executable options let you add a PC executable to your Video CD. When
the Video CD is loaded into the computer, a PC executable
version of the slide show will automatically play; the user
does not have to have Video CD recognition software on
their computer. In addition, the PC executable takes advan-
tage of the higher resolution supported by computer dis-
plays, providing superior quality versus Video CD playback
on a computer. You can adjust the following options in this window:
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
Enable PC Autorun
• Include PC Autorun on Video CD enables and disables the use of a PC
executable on your Video CD.
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable included
on the Video CD.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode your video
clips for the show.
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 11: Video CD Creation
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 12
• DVD creates a video file that can be burned to a DVD using external
DVD authoring software.
• HD creates a video file that can be burned to a DVD or HD disc format
using external DVD authoring software.
• Video CD creates a video file that can be burned to a CD using external
Video CD authoring software.
• PC creates a high-quality video file for PC playback only.
• Custom allows you to choose from a number of customizable video
files formats. See below for more information.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 12: Video File Creation
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 12: Video File Creation
• Aspect Ratio specifies the aspect ratio for the video. The 1:1 setting
is for PC playback only, the 4:3 setting is the standard for fullscreen
television and computer displays and the 16:9 setting produces a
widescreen display for both PC and television playback. Use caution
when changing this setting as it may result in image distortion. It is
recommended that you set the aspect ratio in Slide Options before you
begin creating your show.
• Encoding sets the encoding quality used to create the video.
• Color Profile determines which color profile is to be used when
rendering the video.
• Desaturate images to enables the desaturation of the video,
preventing the colors in the video from becoming too extreme and
resulting in an unnatural-looking video.
• Apply anti-flicker to this video enables and disables the anti-flicker
filter during video rendering
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 13
Shows adds and removes shows from the shared show. Sets
show titles and thumbnails.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 13: Sharing Shows Online
From the Menu options window, you can control all aspects
of your shared show menu. The Menu options control the
theme and layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 13: Sharing Shows Online
This category of the options lets you add shows and video
clips to your shared show. Since you can combine any num-
ber of shows and videos in your shared show, you will need
to use the Shows window to manage them. Remember,
the number of shows that you can add to a shared show
is virtually unlimited, but each additional show will increase the amount of
time it takes to upload. Among other things, you can do the following from
the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Share Show. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the show.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the share show.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Share Show menu.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 13: Sharing Shows Online
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Uploading options for share show online let you specify
which account you would like to use to upload your photos
to the Photodex website ( You
can complete the following tasks in Uploading options:
Account Information
• Member Name specifies the member name for your online sharing
• Password specifies the password for your online sharing account.
• View Albums launches a web browser displaying your account and
online show collection.
• Create Account launches a web browser displaying the selected online
sharing service so that you can set up an account.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 13: Sharing Shows Online
Album Selection
• Album lists the available albums in your online sharing account. Select
one of these albums as the destination for your shared show.
• Show Caption specifies the caption for your shared show as it will
appear on the sharing site.
Uploading Options
• Mature Content indicates whether or not the show includes content
that may not be suitable for all audiences. For information on the rules
related to sharing mature content, please refer to the membership
agreement for the sharing service that you are using.
• Privacy makes your show visible only to you. Guests who visit your
albums will not be able to view this show.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 14
Shows adds and removes shows from the web show. Sets show
titles and thumbnails.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
From the Menu options window, you can control all aspects
of your web show menu. Menu options control the theme
and layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
This category of the menu options lets you add shows and
video clips to your web show. Since you can combine any
number of shows and videos in your web show, you will
need to use the Shows window to manage them. Remem-
ber, them number of shows that you can add to a web
show is virtually unlimited, but each additional show will increase the size of
your overall upload. Among other things, you can do the following from the
Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Web show. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Web show.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the Web show.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Web show menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Output Options controls settings related to generating
the web show, including playback size, rendering options
and protection. In this window, you can do the following:
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the size of the show in pixels. This is used for
generating the sample HTML for your website.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be displayed during playback.
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
ProShow Gold’s web shows are in PX format, a streaming format for slide
shows. The shows are played using the Presenter Web plugin, which plays
your shows inside a web page. Presenter must be installed, the HTML on your
page must be properly configured and the web show must be uploaded to
your web server for it to play properly.
Adding a web show to a web page requires adding a few lines of custom
HTML and JavaScript code. You must be familiar with these technologies to
use a web show. If you are usingm a visual editor to create your website, you
must be able to edit the source code of your web page directly. You cannot
use the visual editing features in those programs to add a web show.
Be sure to read the following “Adding Code to Your Web Page” section for
complete information on adding generated HTML code to your web page.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
Be sure that you upload the PX file to the correct folder. Every website has
a different structure, so you must know the correct folder to upload to. The
folder you choose determines the URL for your show and it may affect the
HTML code that must be added to your website.
Sample Code
<script language=”javascript” src=”http://
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 14: Web Show Creation
• Line 1 includes the ‘presenter.js’ script library from the Photodex server,
which contains the routines that embed your show in the page and
enables show controls.
• Line 2 begins a new JavaScript block.
• Line 3 calls the PhotodexObject function, which embeds your show.
This function is passed several parameters. ProShow is the type of
object being included. In this case, a ProShow slide show. Object name
is the unique name of your object. You cannot use the same object
name twice on one page. URL to PX file is the link to the web show PX
file that you uploaded to your server (i.e.
slideshow.px). Width and Height are the dimensions at which you want
to display the show on your web page.
• Line 4 closes the JavaScript block and ends the section of included
You have the options of writing this code yourself or using the View HTML
feature in web show creation. Click < View HTML > to view the code.
• Make sure your PX show is where you think it is. Type the URL for the
PX file in your web browser. It should prompt you to save the file. If
not, you have the wrong URL for your web show. Correct the URL in the
Line 3.
• Make sure your web server can deliver PX files. Some web servers
are configured to reject unrecognized file types. Consult your server
administrator for more information. Remember, your server must be
able to deliver PX files as binary octet streams.
• Make sure that the Presenter Web Plug-In is properly installed and
functioning. Test this by viewing any shows on the Photodex website
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 15
Flash Creation
Using Flash Creation
You can easily output your slide shows to Flash with ProShow Gold. Flash
video is a mainstay of web development that was previously inaccessible
to the general public due to a steep learning curve. ProShow Gold flattens
this learning, allowing you to create Flash videos with zero Flash experience.
Choose Flash video (FLV) playback to create output for your web page.
Since the Flash format is low quality, it is recommended that you offer both
a Flash version and a PX file (Photodex Stream File) version of your show.
This give the audience the choice between the low-quality Flash version of
your show and a high-quality version that can be viewed using the Photodex
Shows adds and removes shows from the Flash show. Sets show
titles and thumbnails.
Options controls options for the Flash show playback size, ren-
dering options and protection.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 15: Flash Creation
From the Menus window, you can control all aspects of your
Flash show menu. The Menu options control the theme and
layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 15: Flash Creation
This category of the options lets you add shows and video
clips to your Flash show. Since you can combine any num-
ber of shows and videos in your Flash show, you will need
to use the Shows window to manage them. Remember, the
number of shows that you can add to a Flash show is virtu-
ally unlimited, but each additional show will increase the size of your file.
Among other things, you can do the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Flash show. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Flash show.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the Flash show.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Flash show menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 15: Flash Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Output Options controls options for generating the
Flash show, including playback size, rendering options and
protection. In this window, you can do the following:
Video Options
• Video Format selects the encoding format used for the Flash video.
• Video Bitrate controls the size and quality of
• the output.
Output Options
• Resolution specifies the resolution for the Flash show.
• Frame Rate specifies the number of frames per second to be displayed
in your Flash show.
• Loop Show allows you to set the show to repeat when no menu has
been added to the show.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 15: Flash Creation
The HTML on your page must be properly configured and the Flash show
must be uploaded to your web server for it to play properly. Adding a
Flash show to a web page requires adding a few lines of custom HTML and
JavaScript code. You must be familiar with these technologies to use a Flash
show. If you are using a visual editor to create your website, you must be able
to edit the source code of your web page directly. You cannot use the visual
editing features in those programs to add a Flash show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 15: Flash Creation
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 16
E-mailing Shows
Using the E-mail Show Feature
E-mailing slide shows has never been easier! When you select the E-mail
show feature, Gold automatically creates an executable of your show that
you can e-mail to anyone from within the program. Before you e-mail a show,
be sure to configure your e-mail settings as described in Chapter 2: The Work
To E-mail a Show:
1. Click Save to save your show.
2. Click the Create Ouput button in the main toolbar.
3. Click on E-Mail Executable in the create output window.
4. Customize the PC executable of your show using the various category
options in the E-Mail Show dialog.
5. Click < Create >.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 16: E-mailing Shows
From the Menu options window, you can control all aspects
of your PC executable menu. The Menu options control the
theme and layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
This category of the options lets you add shows and video
clips to your PC executable. Since you can combine any
number of shows and videos in your PC executable, you will
need to use the Shows window to manage them. Remem-
ber, the number of shows that you can e-mail depends on
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 16: E-mailing Shows
the size of the destination e-mail server and user account. Among other
things, you can do the following from the Shows options:
• Add and remove shows on your PC executable.
• Change the order of shows on your PC executable.
• Set the title for each show appearing on your menu.
• Select a thumbnail for each show appearing on your menu.
• Enable and disable an intro show that will play before the menu.
• Specify which intro show to add to your PC executable.
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the E-mail show. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the E-mail show.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the E-mail show.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the E-mail show menu.
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 16: E-mailing Shows
The Executable window controls options for generating the
PC executable for E-mail Show output, including playback
size, rendering options and protection. In this window, you
can do the following:
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable included
on the E-mail show.
• Full Screen toggles whether the executable opens in full screen mode.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 16: E-mailing Shows
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 16: E-mailing Shows
• Address Book Icons opens the Windows address book so that you can
add e-mail addresses to your message. This address book is a standard
feature included in Windows.
• To specifies the e-mail address of your intended recipient(s). The
address will be visible to everyone who views the e-mail.
• CC (Carbon Copy) sets the e-mail address of additional intended
recipient(s). The address will be visible to everyone who views the
• BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) specifies the e-mail address of additional
intended recipient(s). The address will be not be visible to everyone
who views the e-mail.
• From sets the sender’s (your) e-mail address. The address will be visible
to everyone who views the e-mail.
• Subject specifies the subject of your e-mail.
• Message specifies the text of your e-mail.
Encoding Method
• Encoding Method determines how the message is encoded for
delivery. ProShow Gold defaults to Base64, the most common
encoding format. This option does not affect your show in any way,
it only affects the way that the message is e-mailed. You should not
change this setting unless you have a specific need to do so.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 17
Autorun CD Creation
Using Autorun CD Creation
In ProShow Gold, you can easily create an autorun CD in order to view your
shows on a PC. autorun CDs are burned to a CD-R or CD-RW, and they are
configured to play automatically. Any PC user can play an autorun CD back
on their PC with no additional software.
Shows adds and removes shows from the autorun CD. Sets show
titles and thumbnails.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
From the Menu options, you can control all aspects of your
CD menu. The Menu options control the theme and layout,
as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your Autorun CD. Since you can combine any number of
shows and videos in your Autorun CD, you will need to use
the Shows window to manage them. Among other things,
you can do the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Autorun CD. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Autorun CD.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the Autorun CD.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Autorun CD menu.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Executable options let you add a PC executable to
your Autorun CD. When the Autorun CD is loaded into the
computer, a PC executable version of the slide show will
automatically play; the user does not have to have Autorun
CD playback software on their computer. In addition, the
PC executable takes advantage of the higher resolution
supported by computer displays, providing superior quality versus Autorun
CD playback on a computer. You can adjust the following options in this
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable included
on the Autorun CD.
• Full Screen toggles whether the executable opens in full screen mode.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
The Burning options control all of the settings related to
Autorun CD burning, burner selection and more. In this
window, you can do the following:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
CD Writer
• Writer selects the drive that will be used to burn the Autorun CD. In
addition to the available drives on your machine, you may want to
write to an ISO image file, which you can import into other Autorun
CD/CD authoring programs.
Disc Options
• Speed sets the speed at which the Autorun CD is written. The default is
the maximum speed for your Autorun CD burner.
• Disc Type specifies whether you are burning to a Autorun CD disc or a
Multiple Copies
• Copies specifies the number of copies of the Autorun CD to be burned.
CD Disc Label
Disc Label sets the label that appears when you browse for the disc on your
This section contains tools for diagnosing burning problems. They should
typically not be changed unless you are familiar with what they do, or are
asked to do so by a Photodex representative.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 17: Autorun CD Creation
Copy Protection
• Copy Protection toggles whether the Autorun CD will use copy
protection features. This does not prevent the disc from being
physically copied, but will prevent the show from playing when viewed
from a copied disc.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 18
Executable Creation
Using Executable Creation
An executable is a standalone slide show that runs on any Windows PC. Pro-
Show Gold includes all of the information needed for playback; no additional
software is required. Ease of playback makes the executable output a widely-
used format for sharing shows.
To Create an Executable:
1. Click Save to save your show.
2. Click the Create Output button in the main toolbar.
3. Click on PC Executable from the create output window.
4. Customize your Executable using the various category options in the
Create Executable dialog.
5. Click < Create >.
Shows adds and removes shows from the executable. Sets show
titles and thumbnails.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 18: Executable Creation
From the Menu options window, you can control all aspects
of your executable menu. The Menu options control the
theme and layout, as well as additional customizations.
Menu Contents
• Title specifies the main title for the menu.
• Thumbnails allows you to set video loops of a show as a thumbnail.
Menu Layout
• Create Custom Menu launches the Customize Menu window, which
contains additional authoring capabilities.
• Layout determines the number of thumbnails that will be visible on
the menu.
• Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the show, which is dependent on
how the show will be viewed.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 18: Executable Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your Executable. Since you can combine any number of
shows and videos in your Executable, you will need to use
the Shows window to manage them. Among other things,
you can do the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Executable. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Executable.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the Executable.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Executable menu.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 18: Executable Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Executable options lets you configure the details of
your Executable. The user does not have to have specific
playback software on their computer. In addition, the PC
executable takes advantage of the higher resolution sup-
ported by computer displays, providing superior quality
versus formats such as Executable or Video CD. You can adjust the following
options in this window:
Executable Startup
• Window Size specifies the startup size of the PC executable.
• Full Screen toggles whether the executable opens in full screen mode.
• Image Size determines the largest size at which images in the show will
be stored in the show file.
• Monitor specifies which monitor the show will play on when it
• Loop Show enables and disables continuous show looping. A show
menu will override this feature.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 18: Executable Creation
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
On-Screen Controls
• Enables and disables the use of on-screen playback controls which
handle pausing, resuming, seeking, and adjusting volume.
• By Days limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC executable to a specified number of
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC executable for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 19
Screensaver Creation
Using Screensaver Creation
A Screensaver is a program that runs when you are not using your computer
to ensure that you monitor is not damaged, or ‘burned’, by static images.
ProShow Gold allows you to create a Screensaver from any show you make
so that it will be displayed anytime the computer is idle.
To Create a Screensaver:
1. Click Save to save your show.
2. Click the Create Output button in the main toolbar.
3. Click on Screensaver from the create output window.
4. Customize your Screensaver using the various category options in the
Create Screensaver dialog.
5. Click < Create >.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 19: Screensaver Creation
This category of options lets you add shows and video clips
to your Screensaver. Since you can combine any number of
shows and videos in your Screensaver, you will need to use
the Shows window to manage them. Among other things,
you can do the following from the Shows options:
Included Shows
• Add (+) adds a new show to the Screensaver. When clicked, you will be
prompted to select a saved show to add to the Screensaver.
• Del (-) removes the selected show from the Screensaver.
• Up moves the selected show up the list, placing it before other shows
in the menu.
• Down moves the selected show down the list, placing it after other
shows in the menu.
Selected Show
This area previews the selected show thumbnail, along with information
about the show.
• Set Menu Title sets a new title for the selected show.
• Set Menu Thumbnail allows you to select an image or video that will
represent the selected show in the Screensaver menu.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 19: Screensaver Creation
• Include Intro Show enables and disables the intro show. This box is
checked by default.
• Select Show specifies which show will be used for the intro show.
The Screensaver options let you customize the look of your
Screensaver. When the Screensaver is loaded into the com-
puter, a Screensaver version of the slide show will automati-
cally play when the screensaver starts; the user does not
have to start it up manually. In addition, the PC Screensaver
takes advantage of the higher resolution supported by computer displays,
providing superior quality. You can adjust the following options in this
Quality/Performance Settings
• Rendering sets the maximum size for your show during internal
rendering. This does not affect the display size of your show.
• Resizing specifies how your photos are resized before being rendered.
This eliminates the need to resize your images before bringing them
into ProShow Gold.
• Image Quality determines the quality setting used for image
• Video Clip Resolution allows you to specify the video resolution of
video clips used in slides in your show.
• Video Quality sets the general quality level used to encode the video
clips used in slides in your show.
• Audio Quality sets the general quality level used toencode your audio
for the show.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 19: Screensaver Creation
• By Days limits the usage of the PC Screensaver to a specified number
of days.
• By Runs limits the usage of the PC Screensaver to a specified number
of runs.
• Password allows you to specify a registration key or password that will
unlock the PC Screensaver for unlimited use.
• Info URL specifies a website for the user to visit for more information
about the show.
• Info Link Text specifies the text that represents the link to the Info URL.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 20
Account Information
In the account information section of the YouTube upload window you can:
• Enter your YouTube username
• Enter your YouTube password
Video Information
The video information section is where you enter details about your video.
You can enter your:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 20: Video for YouTube
Video Categorization
Video categorization allows you to enter information that will make your
video more visible to those searching YouTube.
Tags are the key words that are used to find your video when a viewer
searches YouTube. You can enter as many tags as you feel are relevant to your
• Video Category is the category that YouTube will use when you upload
your video..
• You must completely fill out this section in order to upload your video.
Size Limitations
YouTube restricts the size or length of the videos you can upload. You cannot
upload a show that is greater than 100 megabytes in size, or longer than 10
minutes in length.
Part 2: Output in ProShow Gold
Chapter 21
ProShow Files
Understanding ProShow Files
Advanced users may find it helpful to understand how ProShow Gold saves
shows to your computer. ProShow Gold creates a number of different files for
various uses, including backup file caching and customizing your workspace.
• Show Files are the various components that make up your show and
they can be used to recover your work in the event of a system crash.
• Menu Files save menu, theme and/or layouts created in the authoring
stage of show creation.
• Output Files relate to certain aspects of the output functions in
ProShow Gold.
• Workspace Files consist of custom window layout files you can use to
load custom workspace settings and configurations.
Show Files
• PSH File (Photodex Slide Show File) is the main file for you show. This
file contains all the settings and options ProShow Gold needs to load,
create and play your show. This file does not contain any of your show
content. ProShow Gold simply links to your files and does not alter or
move them. This PSH File is what you would save in order to save a
show. If the file is deleted, your show no longer exists, but the content
included in the show remains in its original location.
The PSH File contains a list of all the other files used in your show. If you
move the PSH file, ProShow may not be able to link to your content properly.
If you attempt to load a show and the content cannot be found, ProShow
Gold will prompt you to locate the files in order to load the show properly.
If you wish to backup your show, you must backup both the PSH File and the
original content used in your show. The collect show files feature will auto-
mate this process and ensure that all content is copied correctly.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 21: ProShow Files
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 21: ProShow Files
Menu Files
• MNU Files (Menus) are saved menus. With ProShow Gold’s advanced
menu authoring system, you can save completed menu designs for
later use. These files can be saved in any location.
Output Files
• ISO and CUE/BIN Files are disc images used to burn CDs and DVDs.
These files include all information and data necessary to write a disc.
These files are created when authoring a DVD, VCD or Autorun CD and
you have the option of saving these files rather than writing a disc.
Most CD and DVD burning applications can read these files and create
a final disc from that information.
• PX Files (Photodex Stream File) are ProShow Web Shows that are
created when you choose the Web Show or Share Show output format.
The file is a compressed web stream that is copied to a web server
for playback over the Internet. A PX file cannot be edited or used to
recover lost content. To play a PX file, you must install the Presenter
web plug-in or ProShow Gold.
• Temporary Video Files are created by ProShow Gold when you select
any output format that requires video rendering. This file is stored in
the same folder as the PSH file. This file contains video rendered by
the application and has an MPG file extension. These files allow you to
create multiple copies of the show without re-rendering the video. You
may delete these files at any time, but you will have to rerender the
video to do so.
• Show Cache Folders store video created for output (DVD, VCD, etc.) in
ProShow Gold. This allows you to easily create multiple copies of the
show without re-rendering the video. These files are stored in a folder
created by ProShow Gold. The folder is named using the name of your
show file, followed by _psdata. Do not delete this folder unless you
want to re-render the video for that show.
Workspace Files
• DPR Files (Window Layouts) are saved window layouts. From the
window menu in ProShow Gold, you can save and load custom
window layouts for your workspace. These files are saved in the
Layouts folder in ProShow Gold’s installation folder.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 21: ProShow Files
3. Select a file from the list of missing files and click < Locate >. The name
of the missing file will automatically appear in the File Name field to
assist you in locating the correct file.
4. Navigate through your folders until you locate the missing file. Then,
select that file and click < OK >. This will return you to the Find Missing
Files dialog where the file you found is listed with a green check next
to it.
5. Once you have located all the missing files, you will see a message at
the top of the dialog that reads All files have been located successfully.
6. Click < OK > to exit to the Work Area.
Collecting Show Files
The Collect Show Files feature copies all of your show content and places it
in one folder so that you can easily backup your show or move it to another
location on you computer.
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 21: ProShow Files
Burn to DVD/CD
• Writer selects the CD or DVD burner used to write the disc.
• Speed changes the speed at which the disc is written.
• Simulate tests the burning process to see if it functions correctly,
without actually writing the data.
• Copies specifies how many copies of the disc to make.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 21: ProShow Files
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 22
Overview of Layers
Using Multiple Layers
Layers are a familiar concept to any artist or designer who has used modern
illustration software. ProShow Gold applies the use of layers to presentation
software, allowing unlimited layers in a single slide. These layers allow you
to create collages, use borders with transparency and apply other advanced
effects to create exciting and engaging slide shows.
About Layers
A Layer is a particular image, video, solid color or gradient that is added to a
slide. When you add more than one image or video to a slide, ProShow Gold
stacks them in order, creating Layers. These Layers can be re-ordered in any
combination. Other elements in your slide that are not layers are:
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
Layers are placed in a particular order depending on how you add them to
the slide. The first image or video that you add will be the bottom layer. All
Layers that you add after that will be stacked on top of that layer. In ProShow
Gold, you can easily rearrange these Layers to suit your needs. There are
numerous effects that you can create using multiple layers, including:
Part 3: Features in-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
Adjusting Layers
Each layer in ProShow Gold is adjusted separately. This allows you to make
specific corrections to individual slides while leaving the others untouched.
In Slide Options, there is one central place to make adjustments to layers:
• The Layers category allows you to size and position your content, set
the aspect ratio, edit video clips.
• The Editing tab contains options including color correction, drop
shadows and colorizing.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
Copying Layers
You may find that you want to copy a layer from the current slide to the next
slide that you are working on in order to create complex motion effects.
ProShow Gold makes this a one-click operation.
Part 3: Features in-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
When you match a layer to the next slide, the ending position of the layer in
the first slide matches the starting position of the layer in the next slide. You
can also match to the previous slide, which sets the ending position of the
layer’s first slide to match the starting position of the layer in the next slide.
ProShow Gold lets you match any layer in one slide to any layer on the next
slide, even if they are different images. This allows you to use transition effect
to add interest to your show.
ProShow Gold supports transparency features for images, video and cap-
tions. You can use transparency to create interesting effects, including the
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
Part 3: Features in-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 22: Overview of Layers
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 23
In ProShow Gold, there are two built-in tools for manipulating your
soundtrack and sound effects. You can precisely sync and crop audio without
ever leaving the program using the following tools:
• Audio Trimmer allows you to crop audio, add fades and preview the
edited audio file.
• Record Slide Time allows you to link certain points in the music to
slides in your show simply and easily.
Audio Trimmer
ProShow Gold features a built-in audio trimmer that allows you to easily crop
audio for use in your show.
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 23: Audio and Video Utilities
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 23: Audio and Video Utilities
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 23: Audio and Video Utilities
4. Select the track you would like to use in the Available Audio Tracks list.
5. Select the Format you would like to use from the drop down list, either
OGG or MP3.
6. Click < Save Track >.
7. In the Save Audio CD Track dialog, specify where you would like to save
the track.
8. Click < Save >.
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 23: Audio and Video Utilities
ProShow Gold makes it easier than ever to add video to your slide show. By
offering a builtin video trimmer, Gold eliminates the need for costly and com-
plex video editing software. Video clips can be added like any other layer to a
slide, undergoing the same editing and effects that any other layer would.
Video Trimmer
The built-in video trimmer lets you use only the part of the video clip that
you need. With ProShow Gold, you spend more time creating the show than
having to prepare your content.
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold
Chapter 24
Macro Description
\F Filename with extension
\f Filename only
\e Extension only
\[exif fieldname] EXIF data field, fieldname is name of field
\R Image resolution in pixels
\w Width of image in pixels
\h Height of image in pixels
\t File date
\T Current date
\c Number of colors
\C Number of colors, formatted
\b Number of bits per pixel
\p Current Slide Number
\P Total number of slides
\s File size in bytes
\S File size in kilobytes
\o Folder name where image is stored
\d Full path to image, no trailing backslash
\D Full path to image, with backslash
\\ Single backslash (‘\’)
Photodex | ProShow Gold User Guide
Chapter 25
Part 3: Features In-Depth in ProShow Gold