Class Abbreviation Round Up Minute Approximate: N. Pro. Adj. V: V, V Adv
Class Abbreviation Round Up Minute Approximate: N. Pro. Adj. V: V, V Adv
Class Abbreviation Round Up Minute Approximate: N. Pro. Adj. V: V, V Adv
Class Abbreviation round up minute approximate
noun n. X x x
pronoun pro. he, his, him, everyone, all, something
adjective adj. X x x x
verb v: vi , vt X x x x
adverb adv. X x
conjunction conj. Coordinating: and, or, ...; Subordinating: if, when
because, although, ...
preposition prep. X x
interjection inter. God! Yes! No!
Within the sentence, the word must assume only one class.
Notice the ambiguity in “There is one minute error.”
“Round” assumes four different classes.
1. Nouns
2. Pronouns
An elegant, small, old, elongated, red, composite, Japanese, 4-wheel drive car.
4. Verbs
* Other forms: present; past; past participle; present participle (-ing); subjunctive:
respectively, is, are; was, were; been; being; be, were.
Important: Note the placement of adverbs relative to the auxiliary or the main
(Just recently,) Several countries (just recently) have (just recently) pooled their
resources (just recently) in order to carry out scientific investigations efficiently.
Words may change pronunciation according to its class; the following are
some examples:
5. Adverbs
7. Conjunctions
• Coordinating equal grammatical parts: and, or, for, but, so, yet, nor.
• Subordinating dependent to main parts: if, since, for, as, when, ... .
8. Interjections
Are sudden statements that express amazement, pleasure, or emotion: Yes! Wow!
Oh! Gee! No! What! well! Jesus!
Un PREDICT - - able
Examples of Affixes