Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Journey Verifying A New Method For An Imperfect Test
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Journey Verifying A New Method For An Imperfect Test
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Journey Verifying A New Method For An Imperfect Test
From the 1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, and 2 Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, GA.
The rate of sedimentation of blood-formed elements in the method has to manipulate and pour blood into the
a predetermined amount of time, also known as the eryth- Westergren-Katz tube, the technique is considered to have
rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is used around the world a high biohazard risk. Thus, many companies have looked
by many clinicians in an effort to assess acute inflamma- into using methods that are better suited to modern clinical
tory response. ESR results have been incorporated into laboratories.
many practices and algorithms as a way to determine the One of the methods accelerates turnaround time to
presence of active inflammation.1-4 However, ESR is a less than 30 minutes by using the Boycott phenomenon.7
phenomenon that is not well understood since aggrega- For this method, the sample can be obtained directly (by
tion, precipitation, and packing of RBCs are facilitated by using the vacuum) or filled manually into shorter, rect-
many plasma proteins, including fibrinogen and immuno- angular, tapered tubes that are placed in an instrument
globulins, and affected by the amount and shape of RBCs.5 that maintains the temperature and holds them at an 18°
Because this phenomenon lacks specificity, clinical chem- angle to the vertical. The height of the RBCs is measured
ists and pathologists who direct clinical laboratories where using light transmission after the tube has been in place
ESR is measured believe it is a very imperfect test. In for 20 minutes, and a mathematical correction is applied
this editorial, we review how instrumentation in clinical to make the measurement comparable to the Westergren
laboratories has progressed to make it easier, faster, less ESR. Authors have found both favorable and unfavorable
hazardous, and more standardized to perform ESR, and comparisons of the shorter method to the standard refer-
we describe the challenges clinical laboratories encounter ence method.8,9 However, since we do not really know
when verifying fundamentally different technologies that what analytes are being measured with either technique,
measure the ESR phenomenon. why not use the method that offers advantages from the
The ESR testing method was developed by R. S. laboratory standpoint, including less manipulation of the
Fåhræus and A. V. A. Westergren. The original method specimen, smaller sample volume, and decreased turn-
was first described in 1921, and modifications of the around time?
original method have been selected as the reference stan- A second alternative sedimentation rate method that
dard by several agencies.6 In general, this method uses uses rheometry has also made it onto the market. Rheom-
blood that has been anticoagulated and diluted and then etry measures the flow and deformation of materials under
placed in the Westergren-Katz tube, which has to stand applied forces and can be determined on a microscale using
in a strictly vertical position in a rack for 1 hour at room optical techniques as the sample flows in a microcapillary.
temperature. The result is the measurement in millimeters When applying rheometry to determining the ESR, the
of the distance erythrocytes have fallen. This method is instrument uses anticoagulated blood that is sampled directly
manual and has many preanalytical and analytical factors from the tube from which it was drawn (usual tubes used
that can alter results. In addition, as the person performing for other purposes in the laboratory), and multiple optical
and elevated for the other. There were a total of 50 cases,
but review of the medical record was possible only in 45.
60 There were 25 female patients with discrepant results; in
36%, the method using rheometry could be considered to
correlate better according to the medical history. Of the 20
20 male patients, 55% were considered to correlate better with
the method using rheometry. The average difference was
20 mm in female patients and 16 mm in male patients, and
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