Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study we report on a doorstepping intervention which produced a 12.5%, statistically significant,
Received 2 November 2014 increase in the recycling capture rate. More importantly, we investigate why doorstepping caused the
Received in revised form 2 June 2015 increase, through focus groups, structured interviews and questionnaires. By analyzing the findings with
Accepted 2 June 2015
respect to a pragmatic set of eleven clusters of determinants of behaviour change, we find that social
norms and emotion were important, with prompts as a more minor determinant. We can now plan
Key words:
further doorstepping knowing an emphasis on these is useful. Knowledge, skills, belief of consequences,
belief of capability, action planning, role clarification, feedback, and motivation were determinant clusters
Behavior change
found not to be important in this case.
Food waste Recycling behaviour change interventions often do not generally produce transferable learning because
Recycling they are usually presented as case studies and not broken down into key elements. Our analytical
Apartments approach of breaking down a poorly defined activity – doorstepping – into elements which influence
different clusters of determinants, and then exploring their separate impacts, allows some predictive
planning and optimization for other interventions. The specific context here was residential food waste
recycling in apartment blocks of communities in Shanghai, China.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
0921-3449/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
10 Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19
in preparation for the introduction of the program citywide by set of them to break down doorstepping activities and impacts into
2020. The pilot schemes primarily involved the delivery of infor- operational components.
mation, and sometimes involvement of local volunteers (Dai et al.,
2015), but almost all with poor results (Huang et al., 2014). Sev- 1.1. Breaking down doorstepping into elements
eral different alternative approaches are being explored, including
involvement of specialist NGOs (Xu et al., 2015), extra prompting Our exploratory search for cross-linkable determinants for
(Lin et al., 2015), incentives, and monitoring and feedback systems. analysing doorstepping started in the waste management litera-
In this work we report on explorations of the use of doorstepping ture, where we found dozens of case-study-defined determinants
to increase recycling as a potentially scalable activity that could which we managed to cluster into about 40 broad categories
overcome current difficulties. (Gordon, 2014). Besides being so numerous, these generally had
Doorstepping is already considered an effective method for the disadvantage of not being linked clearly to determinants of
changing recycling behaviour (DEFRA, 2007; Read, 1999) and it is behaviour change established in behaviour change literatures, for
often referred to as a specific strategy which is considered trans- example as summarized by Jackson, Darnton or Steg (Darnton,
ferrable to different contexts (Bernstad et al., 2013; Cotterill et al., 2008; Jackson, 2005; Steg and Vlek, 2009).
2009). It basically implies that persons involved in the recycling We thus considered the converse approach, to look at those col-
program knock at the doors of residents to deliver information, lections of determinants in behaviour change literatures which we
having a (usually short) interaction at the doorstep. Although in could then relate to the waste management activities. However,
political campaigns and fundraising this is normally done with we found the range large, and containing overlaps and gaps in the
no pre-notification to the residents, in recycling programs it is coverage of individual determinants that were difficult to under-
common for residents to be informed in advance, and sometimes, stand without specialist training in many different theories. Jackson
as in our case, for a local person to accompany the doorstep- speaks of the tension between approaches of theories/models
pers to effectively make an introduction and give them credibility. which try to cover all possible parameters and become unmanage-
Branded tabards are often worn and photo-identification cards on able, with those which focus on their main theoretical constructs
show. However, doorstepping as an intervention activity is not at the risk of missing other key determinants (Jackson, 2005).
well defined. Different doorstepping campaigns have their own We then considered the work of Michie, where a consensus had
conceptual approach and methods, and because of these it is dif- been developed from theorists, researchers and practitioners in
ficult to be specific about what lessons can be taken forward from health of eleven domains or clusters of determinants derived from
them for use in planning any further recycling programs such as in 128 constructs of 17 theories (Michie et al., 2005). We found that
Shanghai. these could be contextualized for waste management in general
For example, looking at the four most significant studies of and recycling in particular, in a way that allowed operationaliza-
doorstepping in the recycling literature shows that they each tion of the determinants. This approach would in principle allow us
have different target goals, component activities and domains of to link doorstepping activities to determinant clusters which them-
expected impact. Read (1999) presented doorstepping as an educa- selves already had links to behaviour change theoretical constructs.
tional instrument which delivered recycling knowledge and asked Such links to theory could be developed later: in this work the
residents to recycle; Timlett and Williams (2008) used it as a tool focus was the contextual operationalization of such determinants
for persuasion; Cotterill et al. (2009) indicated its main aim is to for recycling programs. We thus suspended our previous system-
improve awareness and attitudes and to remove structural bar- atisation of determinants from waste management and continued
riers, and Bernstad et al. (2013) focused on its use as a variation to work on operationalising from Michie’s domains.
on information delivery – oral versus written. Although all of these The contextualization for our purposes was as follows. The two
studies suggested that doorstepping as a named strategy was useful most obvious and necessary clusters were Knowledge (basic infor-
for increasing recycling behaviour, their approaches differed con- mation that the scheme existed, and what materials went where)
siderably, making it difficult to identify any area of learning that and Facilities (vital equipment and number of employees to make
could be used in the planning of new programs. It seems that some it feasible). Additional clusters included: Skills (the practical abil-
way of breaking down doorstepping into a set of constituent activi- ity to sort); Belief of Capabilities (do residents believe they can
ties or fundamental elements is needed, alongside a set of potential do it; that their community can do it); Belief of Consequences
determinants on behaviour change, before it can be studied more (actions make a difference); Norms/Social Influences (recycling is
systematically to inform future planning. considered ‘normal’ and others may have an opinion about it); and
Such difficulties are known more generally, outside waste Prompts (reminders which re-motivate action). Then there were
management. Jackson (2005) has written of the tensions in rela- the planning areas: Role Clarification (who should do what?) and
tion to the different kinds of variables which different behaviour Action Planning (what actual, exact, actions would be needed to
change approaches seek to measure, notwithstanding that those make this happen, and would the planning needed be ensured? This
approaches have been derived from related systems of knowledge left the topic of Motivation/persuasion for extra pushes towards the
in psychology, sociology and consumer marketing. Waste manage- making of a decision to recycle, and the overall topic of Emotion to
ment does not have a standard way of describing, categorizing or capture positive or negative emotions anywhere which might be
conceptualizing activities or their impacts, but rather draws from significant to the behaviour change observed.
different disciplines or, more commonly, creates local, case-study Work to this point suggested that these eleven clusters would
based descriptions. Thus, Read (1999) speaks of doorstepping in be very useful in the context of recycling, and between them would
educational terms (e.g. interaction, persuasion, social learning), cover a wide range of impacts of interventions. To pre-explore
Cotterill et al. (2009) in terms of structural barriers (facilities, skills, whether they would be useful for doorstepping in particular, the
action planning), Bernstad et al. (2013) in terms of delivery meth- four major published studies were considered in the light of these
ods (written or face-to-face information). In order to learn across clusters, and it was found that they did indeed assist in clarifying
different doorstepping programs it would be necessary to find and categorising sub-elements, as illustrated generally with the
determinants leading to behaviour change that have links across following notes. The study of Bernstad et al. (2013) made use of
all of them. These might be expected to already exist in the litera- information on how the waste would be treated and made useful,
ture of waste management, or of behaviour change, or of both. The and the related environmental impacts: these would be covered by
next step was thus to search for such determinants, and to use a the determinant clusters for Knowledge and Belief of Consequence.
Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19 11
Residents were also given a free kitchen caddy and liner bags, be important by residents, and semi-structured interviews were
which if were determinants would have come within the Facilities undertaken to investigate those in more detail. These qualitative
and Action Planning clusters. Timlett and Williams (2008) study methods were designed to provide evidence for the presence or
included basic information on the existence of the recycling scheme absence of all eleven clusters of determinants, as well as new
(Knowledge) and deliberatively used a conversational approach, to candidate determinants. Questionnaires were used pre- and post-
engage well and to resolve difficulties, which would likely be cov- doorstepping to provide robust triangulation of measurement of
ered within Belief of Capability and Skills clusters. Persuasion was one determinant which was predisposed to that form of evaluation:
purposely designed in, covered by the Motivation determinant and knowledge of the environmental consequences.
possibly Emotion. Interestingly they had a second parallel program
that they did not describe as doorstepping, but which included 2.1. Site choice
doorstepping as well as significant feedback and incentives, which
our approach could have accommodated with the Prompts, Action This work was undertaken in Shanghai, which although a
Planning and Motivation determinants. Cotterill et al. (2009) pro- metropolis of over 23 million people, is primarily composed of
vided information and replacement bins which relate to Knowledge thousands of small informally ‘gated’ communities of typically
and Facilities determinants respectively, and the influence of their 200–2000 families housed in 2–20 building structures. The com-
promotion of positive attitudes using enthusiasm and encourage- munity chosen for this work was built in 1988, and has a total of 75
ment via conversation be covered by the Motivation, Belief of stairwells up 6 floors, 986 households and a total of 2700 residents
Capability and Emotion determinants. The study of Read (1999) registered there. It is located in the northern district of Putuo, and
made use of young and colourfully dressed, highly visible doorstep- is very typical in Shanghai, being of middling age, level of affluence
pers to deliver information: all covered by Emotion, Motivation, and and only slightly under middling size, and having no exceptional
thus Belief of Capability as well as basic Knowledge. dominance of one type of profession or age group in its residents. It
All four interventions would have caused a one-off Prompt was, however, not chosen to be representative of Shanghai but for
effect, provided at least basic Knowledge, and would likely have its potential to meet key criterion to provide rich qualitative data
stimulated some aspect of Social Influences, because these are (Marshall and Rossman, 2006: pg 62): (a) access for research; (b)
intrinsic elements of doorstepping of any kind simply due to a visi- richness mix of people, interactions and structures of interest to
tor knocking at the door. In terms of the other determinants, these our topic; (c) trusting relationships between researchers and rele-
interventions differed. vant residents and gatekeepers; (d) applicable appropriate ethics;
In summary, the eleven determinant clusters developed seemed (e) our ability to assure data quality and credibility at that site..
to be suitable for the task required: to provide a lens through which The researchers knew its immediate history, and were known to
we might categorize, recognize and tease apart – although never its community committee and local volunteers. Their food waste
completely – various determinants of behaviour change due to diversion program had stabilized, and waste was deposited by res-
doorstepping components, even across very different doorstepping idents at only three waste stations, and collected at predictable
programs. This could allow us to build up learning from different times a day, which made the collection of actual primary data on
doorstepping programs, and transfer it to planning of new ones. the weights and contamination levels feasible. There was no ‘leak-
Furthermore, because of their original derivation from theoreti- age’ i.e. residents were not seen to be removing waste from the
cal constructs in (Michie et al., 2005), the determinant clusters we site for disposal elsewhere (e.g. compared to other communities
were using were likely to provide useful links between practice and which might have a public waste facility outside their gates). Other
theory with some further work. candidate communities with similar characteristics did not have
administrators as prepared to put the required efforts into a new
recycling intervention, i.e. accompany the doorsteppers and obtain
2. Methods institutional approvals.
This study used the ‘complementary’ mixed methods approach 2.2. Doorstepping design
(Greene et al., 1989) where the two related by different phenomena
were investigated differently. Quantitative data and analysis were The main aim in designing a doorstepping intervention is to
designed to determine whether there was a significant change in achieve the target behaviour change – in this case to increase the
the fraction of food waste recovered, using representative sampling fraction of food waste actually recycled. The development of an
of waste. Qualitative data and analysis was designed to then explore operationalizable set of determinant clusters would allow us to
what the underlying reasons were for the changes, as viewed by capture some of the pathways of the behaviour change, and in that
the key actors (residents): semi-structured questions allowed rich way to explore underlying assumptions made about the impact of
variety of concepts to emerge. different elements. We thus made a careful note of our own initial
It was first necessary to choose a suitable site for doorstepping assumptions as we designed the intervention, for later comparison.
which had recycling already ongoing, and to measure the pre- It was decided that the main message comprising the content of
intervention representative food waste diversion rates via waste the information given at the door would be about the environmen-
tonnages, including a compositional analysis to reveal the amount tal consequences of food waste sorting, which we would expect to
of food waste not being recycled. Importantly, this pre-intervention be picked up in measures of the Belief of Consequences determi-
situation had to be some time after any other major event, includ- nant cluster. Harris (2006) states that environmental knowledge
ing the initial launch of the waste sorting program which took among Chinese citizens is generally low, and that the Chinese are
place over the first two months. In this case, one further month rarely aware that their actions can have a harmful effect on the
was allowed to elapse before baseline data was taken. An effective environment. A log was kept of related events in the community in
doorstepping intervention was designed with the eleven clusters in preceding and continuing months of the program, and it showed
mind, and then implemented. Two weeks later, post-intervention that no information about Environmental Consequences was dis-
waste tonnage measurements were taken again in order to quanti- seminated, and our work in other communities had shown it was
tatively evaluate any changes in food waste diversion levels. Focus lacking. It was thus decided to focus on it, using highly visual aids
groups were then carried out to qualitatively explore, directly or to convey the message, with two posters of A2 size: one contain-
indirectly as appropriate, which determinants were perceived to ing images of current disposal methods to landfill and incineration,
12 Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19
and the second of steps to composting and pig feed. Colour leaflets If residents were not home they were doorstepped again later:
were also used at the door which contained more details about the a 67% interaction rate was achieved overall. Interactions were
alternative disposal pathways, the quantities of waste produced expected to take 5–8 min each.
both by Shanghai and the specific community itself, and notes on
the consequences of the different pathways. These were designed 2.3. Evaluating the impact of the doorstepping – from residents
to be briefly pointed to and then left with the residents where
interest was shown. To further emphasize the message of Envi- 2.3.1. Questionnaires
ronmental Consequence, three hand-sized stickers were offered to The impact of the doorstepping on the main determinant,
the residents for a choice of one to keep, nominally to put on their Environmental Consequence, was expected to be easily quanti-
refrigerator, or kitchen caddy if they happened to have one. They tatively evaluated using a questionnaire. Each household had a
portrayed a field of sunflowers, a collection of vegetables and some questionnaire sheet delivered: half of them four days before the
friendly looking pigs, as compost and pig-feed were potential prod- doorstepping and half five days afterwards. Two different colours
ucts from the food waste. It was postulated that the stickers might were used to distinguish the two phases, and to prevent duplica-
be considered a mild form of incentive, or act as a prompt if placed tion. The two halves were chosen to be similar by asking assistance
in the kitchen, or cause positive emotions and thus might show up from the local official Community Committee who oversees daily
in measures of Motivation, Prompt or Emotion determinants. activities in the community and knows the residents very well,
Having designed the main message, it was necessary to design including through their local records. They delineated two areas
the remaining aspects of the doorstepping, continuing to be that would have similar residents: although age, income, current
clear about assumptions as to which determinants they might job types, family size were all typically spread heterogeneously
activate. anyway, the committee told us they needed to take care that the
To restrict the variety of Social Influences that might be acti- balance of families who moved there from rural versus urban loca-
vated, it was decided to limit the volunteers to be pairs of university tions many years ago were also evenly distributed. This approach
students and local volunteers, i.e. no new international visitors or was used rather than giving the same population a pre- and then a
high ranking persons. A block leader, who generally liaised with post-questionnaire, as the latter approach would itself have been
residents in allocated blocks, guided the doorsteppers from door to likely to trigger a change in knowledge, or awareness of, environ-
door; their background presence reassured residents that the visit mental consequences.
was valid. It is unusual for residents to have unexpected knocks at It is customary in this part of China at this time to provide a
the door, as most acquaintances would text or phone first, so this small gift as acknowledgement of voluntary effort for activities like
step was necessary. The doorsteppers wore branded tabards. The questionnaires, and we saw this as a chance to impose a time con-
brochure only mentioned Shanghai and local community informa- straint on returns. The first 100 returned questionnaires were thus
tion – no references to overseas norms, as these had been found to advertised to be exchangeable for a small (unidentified) gift, and
be possibly influential in preliminary work. on being handed in to the community centre office produced a
To restrict Feedback, residents were simply told that their com- university-branded pen, diary or simple bag.
munity was ‘doing well but with room for improvement’, i.e. no The questionnaire was designed using guidance from the
detailed feedback was given or emphasized. Any references to how methodology of Davies (2007) and the doorstepping study by
residents might Plan their Action of recycling, e.g. by discussing Bernstad et al. (2013). It had three open-ended questions and two
caddies or bags was avoided. Roles were not clarified, and although relating to the demographics of the respondent. The open-ended
the resident might later feel they should recycle, the doorsteppers questions were used so respondents would not be forced to adopt
did not tell them, “You should be recycling” to thus directly clar- preconceived answers, and to help mitigate bias (Davies, 2007).
ify his role. No reward or direct Motivation was intended, beyond
the main message of Environmental Consequence. Belief of Capa- 2.3.2. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews
bility in the community cleaners, community committees or local Focus groups and interviews are well established qualitative
authority was avoided by not mentioning them, but statements methods suited to explore which factors might be important in
about “how easy recycling is!” were made verbally and in the situations such as this intervention, rather than their quantita-
leaflets to bolster the individual’s Belief of Capability in themselves tive contributions or weightings of the factors (Babbie, 2010; pg.
(self-efficacy). 327) because they allow researchers to better understand com-
The volunteers were trained beforehand, and carried out plex phenomenon in context without imposing external limitations
rehearsals, to ensure they were aware of the differences between (William, 2007) e.g. as built into the very structure of survey
determinants and did not accidently emphasize any. They had questions. For this purpose it is not necessary to focus on reliabil-
several discussions about the approach, and the final script was ity (quantitatively reproducible results) but on developing deeper
developed with consensus: validity (learning what the important factors to measure actually
“The municipal government of Shanghai is now promoting food are) i.e. to use a sample which contains sufficient diversity to popu-
waste recycling, and your community began two months ago. Your late possible factors that should be considered in the overall model
community is doing very well, but there is still much room for improve- of the situation. The use of qualitative approaches will improve
ment. Here is a brochure that reminds you about the classification understanding about how other factors are contributing (such as
details. emotions or norms or prompting) but will not provide measures of
Have a look at these two posters: our traditional waste disposal their relative contributions nor distributions across the population
methods are mainly incineration and landfill. However, if we separate that they apply to. Sampling for qualitative approaches thus aims
the food waste, it can be processed into compost or possibly food for to elicit a rich variety of concepts from participants, which in this
pigs. Here are several types of stickers, you can choose one, perhaps for case would be transcribed and analysed using open and axial cod-
your kitchen caddy or refrigerator. ing methods from Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967 pg
It’s easy to separate our waste, and if each of us carry out waste 101) to reveal candidates. In further studies these might be used to
separation, then the amount of waste will be reduced from this (hands build up theories, and be tested. In this current study the emphasis
high) to this (hands low). is on exploration of concepts, not testing of a theory.
Thank you for your time. " Focus groups are a useful way to elicit wide-ranging informa-
tion, as the participants would trigger each other to think about
Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19 13
even more aspects. By providing a safe space where they had ‘per- from which the capture rate of the food waste could be calcu-
mission’ to speak via a request to give the researchers feedback, lated, defined by WRAP (2010) as “the quantity of target material
residents could open up and prompt each other, and greatly control ‘captured’ divided by the total quantity of that type of material
the direction of the discussion – all leading to a richness of qual- present”:
itative data. Two focus groups were planned in order to identify
the main impacts of the doorstepping in terms of the determinant CR FW = FWdiv /(FWdiv + FWnotdiv )
clusters, and to ‘listen out’ for any unexpected ones. One group was
to be mainly community residents who regularly volunteered for 2.4.2. Waste compositional analysis
activities and knew the community in that light; the other was to A representational sample of the residual waste was analysed
have a convenience sample of residents who were available and to determine the proportion of the food waste present, i.e.
willing at the time. Both focus groups were carried out on site at
the community. FWnotdiv /(NFWnotdiv + FWnotdiv )
Semi-structured interviews can be useful to obtain more detail
There is great variability in the literature regarding sample sizes
on specific topics. In this case they were intended to be used to ask
for compositional analyses and no consensus has yet been reached
individual residents in a private and safe environment about their
(Dahlén and Lagerkvist, 2008; Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012).
responses to the doorstepping in general, as a warm-up, and then to
Nordtest (1995) suggests waste from no less than 5% of the entire
gently prompt them about each of the determinant areas that might
population should be analysed, SWA-tool (European Commission,
have been activated. Potential items which we predicted might
2004) suggest that no less than 45 m3 of waste should be analysed
arise and thus planned to capture included: different types of social
and Sfeir et al. (1999) investigated the effect of sample size on
Norms (due to visitors, ‘outsiders’, community members, Shanghai-
variability and concluded that 91 kg was a sufficient sample size
wide); Emotions (positive about community progress, positivity
provided that the waste categories under investigation were below
of doorsteppers, having visitors, provision of stickers, visual aids,
ten. The samples used in this investigation all exceeded 91 kg and
negative about visitors interrupting their home, unwelcome block
accounted for greater than 5% of the population assuming house-
leaders, feeling pressured by neighbours); feedback (from visi-
holders visited the waste stations at least once over the three day
tors, leaflets); prompts (from visitors, stickers, leaflets); Knowledge
(information that scheme existed); environmental consequences;
other consequences (chastisement from neighbours, public shame,
feelings of guilt for any reason); Belief of capability (community 2.4.3. Waste quantity data
is able since we have doorsteppers helping, committee is compe- The methodology for collecting data on waste quantities was
tent if it can organize doorstepping, I must be able if you are telling guided and informed by WRAP (2010)’s “Improving the Perfor-
everyone); Motivation (were stickers seen as rewards, was there mance of Waste Diversion Schemes: A Good Practice Guide to
any specific motivation result); Role clarification (were residents Monitoring and Evaluation”. Community #13 has three waste sta-
more clear that they should be recycling, or other roles?); Emotion tions each with brown bins for food waste and black bins for
(did the resident mention anything throughout the entire interview residual waste. Although other recycling and specialized waste
that indicated an emotional response to the doorstepping). streams were also collected in very small quantities; none directly
The schedule of questions is given in Appendix A. overlapped with food waste or residual waste and so were not
Consent for the data collection was obtained in advance from the
2.4. Evaluating the impact of the doorstepping – from waste
Community Committee, and plans discussed with the cleaners. The
residual waste quantity data were collected over three days during
the working week. Weekends were excluded because of potentially
2.4.1. Choice of indicators and measured quantities
inconsistent patterns, known to be possible from previous studies.
Evaluating whether or not the intervention had a significant
All of the residual waste bins were weighed before the cleaner emp-
impact required a quantitative approach, including representative
tied the contents into his waste cart. Other information recorded
sampling of valid samples of waste. (This is in contrast to the section
included: time, date, researchers names, weather, approximate vol-
above where a qualitative approach was more appropriate.) Previ-
ume, bin size and number, bin contents, waste station number,
ous researchers provide different methodologies and indicators to
empty bin weight and further comments and observations. This
evaluate household waste recycling (Berg and Källsortering, 1993;
process was repeated for all waste stations three times per day just
Bernstad et al., 2013; Dahlen, 2005; European Commission, 2004).
before the waste collection times (6 am, 9:30 am and 5 pm). The
The most relevant quantity to monitor in this study was the per-
researchers then waited near the bins until the waste had left the
centage of the food in the waste stream which is diverted into the
community to ensure any extra bags arriving in the meantime were
recycling stream, i.e. the capture rate of the food waste, CRFW . This
requires that we determine not only the amount in the recycling
The food waste data were collected using the same methodol-
food waste bins, but the amount which is not diverted and thus
remains mixed in with the ‘residual’ waste. This means that a rep-
resentative sample of the residual waste must have its composition
determined, at least in terms of food and non-food waste. 3. Findings
In summary, two types of waste bins were used, and directly
measured: 3.1. Food waste capture rates
Residual waste, RW = Non-Food Waste + Food Waste not
diverted The pre- and post-doorstepping data are shown in Table 1 and
Table 2 below. The quantity of diverted food waste showed a sta-
= NFWnotdiv + FWnotdiv tistically significant increase, causing a 12.5% increase in the food
waste capture rate (from 45.2% up to 57.7%), illustrated by Fig. 1.
Recycling (Food Waste) = Food Waste diverted (The same primary data was collected one year later and the food
= FWdiv waste capture rate was found to be 49.4%: we discuss durability in
Section 4).
14 Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19
Table 1
The amounts of food and non-food waste that were left mixed together by residents (i.e. not sorted or diverted, FWnot-div , NFWnot-div ), taken over three days. The percentages
were then used to scale up for the entire mass of waste, and compared to the sorted food waste which could be measured directly in the recycling bins, as in Table 2.
Table 2
Measured, scaled up (*) and derived (**) waste quantities (3-day totals were used: here reported as daily averages i.e. /3, to allow direct comparisons to other work). One
year later the capture rate was similarly measured and found to be still significantly higher, at 50%.
Average (kg) 567.5 543.8 287.5 405.4 347.7 297 45.3% 57.7%
SD (kg) 41.8 40.3 19.3 15.7 25.6 22
p-Value 0.122b 0.0052c
Quantities have been scaled up from ratios found in RW compositional analysis samples, as reported in Table 1.
Two sample t-test (data normally distributed).
Mann–Whitney u-test (before doorstepping food waste diverted data not normally distributed).
For researchers wanting to compare recycling rates, these were 33.6% to 42.7% pre- and post- doorstepping, respectively.
Fig. 1. Food waste not diverted and food waste diverted, two weeks before and two Two focus groups were conducted after the doorstepping cam-
weeks after the doorstepping intervention. paign, one with five residents and the other with six. Each one lasted
around 1.5 h. The participants were invited to share memories of
3.2. Questionnaires on Environmental Consequences the doorstepping event, with the interviewer listening out care-
fully for comments relating to any of the clusters of determinants.
Pre-intervention questionnaires were distributed to 439 house- Participants were then told that recycling had increased directly
holds on the right side of the community, and 93 valid after the doorstepping, and asked if they had ideas as to why. They
questionnaires were returned i.e. 21% of them. Post-intervention were then asked some short questions to clarify fine points, e.g.
questionnaires were distributed to 425 households on the left side did the residents think doorstepping in general was a positive or
of the community, and 170 valid responses were returned, a rate of negative activity. Transcripts were first open coded and then axial
40%. The division of the community was as suggested by the official coded (Greene et al., 1989) with reference to the 11 determinant
local Community Committee, to ensure the two were similar. clusters of Miche, for analysis.
The percentage of residents who answered YES to the ques- The responses indicated that the doorstepping did not influence
tion “Do you think the current way of waste treatment in Shanghai their Knowledge of the program or Belief of Consequences as they
(incineration or landfills) will have significant impact on the envi- were already aware of these. Most remembered the stickers. They
ronment?” increased from 68.5% to 71.2%, but this was not a did not think the visits themselves were positive or negative, but
statistically significant change: the data are given in Table 3. There- some thought they caused positive feelings to recycle more, while
others thought they caused slightly negative feelings of embarrass-
ment to recycle more. A few thought it served as a reminder or
Table 3
Answers to “Do you think the current way of waste treatment in Shanghai (inciner-
Prompt. However, they spoke a lot about the efforts and diligence
ation or landfills) will have impact on the environment?” of the doorsteppers, often implying that it made them feel positive.
Thus, Social Norms and Emotion were by far the most strongly and
Answers Yes No Not sure
frequently mentioned, with Prompt much less so. Other clusters of
Pre-questionnaire 68.5 20.7 10.9 determinants were negated or not mentioned, even with indirect
Post-questionnaire 71.2 11.2 17.6
Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19 15
In-depth structured interviews were designed to provide oppor- Norms, and actual Emotions. Only one mention was made of nega-
tunities to investigate the three topics elicited in the focus groups in tive emotions:
more detail, but were also coded for any comments which related to “. . .it (appearing in person at the door) makes them embarrassed.”
the other determinants. Five in-depth interviews were conducted, [INTV7]
lasting 20–50 min each. The schedule of questions is included However, having any visitors knock on doors is atypical in this
in Appendix B. They started with warm-up questions about the area, and on being asked, several residents implied they would feel
program generally, and then asked which activities might have negative if doorstepping happened frequently:
caused the 12.5% increase. Clarification questions then explored “It (frequent doorstepping) would work, but I think it will bother
whether there was any new knowledge, belief of capability, emo- people too much and they will be negative about it”. [INTV6]
tional response to doorstepping elements, a prompt effect, special The possibility that the doorstepping could have caused nega-
attitude towards the doorsteppers, or role of stickers as rewards tivity was explicitly broached to elicit comments, but it seemed not
or prompts. Some responses were received which negated some to be the case:
determinants: for example, the residents were already clear they “We feel happier than before, after the doorstepping campaign.”
had the role to recycle and the Community Committee had the [FG1]
role to organize the program, and so doorstepping did not influ- “We don’t feel any pressure or feel troubled.” [FG1]
ence Roles. The same main three themes as from the focus groups “People like you are welcome to come to our doors.” [FG2]
were found to be important: Emotion, Social Norms, and to a lesser A positivity brought by the doorsteppers was mentioned several
degree, Prompts. The fact that the results from the focus-groups times:
were mirrored, and that no new concepts emerged, suggested that “It (publicity) can touch people, especially the doorstepping type.
our sample size of 5 was sufficient for this variation sampling pur- Residents should be touched. If they didn’t participate in sorting yet, it
poses. Data on these are presented below organized by theme. would be a motivation for them.” [INTV3]
Part of the positivity came from knowing the doorsteppers were
university students, with a clear implication in this case that they
3.3.1. Norms
had a higher knowledge that should not be rejected lightly.
The doorstepping intervention was not designed to particularly
“It (doorstepping) definitely works! How could it not? We consider
emphasize social norms, as the script shows. However, both focus
that you are university students and you are young. You have devoted
groups and almost all interviewees mentioned some form of Social
yourselves to this work and (therefore) it must be important. How can
Norm effect:
doorstepping not work well?” [FG1]
“Now I feel there is a social atmosphere building up step by step
Interestingly, many comments used the Chinese expression,
[with reference to the doorstepping]. Since most of the residents are
“xinku, which has no exact translation into English but which can
participating in recycling, the rest will feel external pressure. As a result,
imply an acknowledgement, or sometimes a respect, for hard or
they will change gradually until they form habits.” [INTV4]
possibly unnecessarily volunteered work. It is not typically an indi-
“It (doorstepping) will promote certain pressure. Even though it is
cation of emotion, but the way it was used in this work sometimes
only a little stress, it will have an effect of promoting (a change of
implied a response akin to a relatively deep, slightly positive feel-
behaviour)”. [INTV3]
ing of satisfaction with or approval of the doorsteppers as people.
In some cases the emphasis was on the extrinsic nature created
The way it was used also implied that when residents considered
by someone coming to the door:
doorsteppers as ‘xinku’ they were more likely to try harder at recy-
“It (doorstepping) brings an invisible pressure. . .It is better to self-
regulate, but if not, then pressure from others can cause progress and
“It is “xinku” for volunteers to come up and down (the stairs). ”
motivation.” [INTV3]
“Some pressure from outside cannot come from inside an
“You’re “xinku”.” [INTV6]
individual. . .If a person does want to move forward, then the pressure
“I remember that (the doorstepping) . . . you are “xinku”.” [INTV8]
from outside can motivate him.” [INTV4]
“It is difficult and “xinku” to do this job and it takes time.” [INTV7]
It was implied that external doorsteppers were probably best
“. . . you are already very “xinku”, and we don’t have negative emo-
for people who were not well integrated into the community:
tion about you.” [FG2]
“Those who rent houses here don’t know us. They don’t have sense of
It was certainly true that the general behaviour of the doorstep-
belonging. So it is hard for the (local) volunteers to persuade or super-
pers even when away from a door was noticed and influential:
vise them to do waste sorting (Therefore, doorstepping is effective.)”
“They (doorsteppers) were very kind and nice. Sometimes they
come across unreasonable residents who would close the door or ignore
But others commented that the doorsteppers should include
them.” [FG1]
familiar people:
“You are really patient. . .One resident was carrying a bag of rice
“Familiar people work better, because it is the older people who will
upstairs and you (a doorstepper) offered to help carry the bag.” [FG1]
be at home. . .they will not recognize you.” [FG2]
In summary, the data clearly implicates Emotion as a significant
“. . .it would be better for the block leaders to pay more attention
determinant which influenced the residents, notwithstanding that
(i.e. do doorstepping), as they live in the buildings.” [INTV5]
the emotions mentioned were not necessarily strong ones.
In summary, social influence was clearly implicated as an impor-
tant determinant in doorstepping.
3.3.3. Prompts
3.3.2. Emotion The qualitative analysis showed that doorstepping could also
The doorstepping intervention was not specifically designed play the role of Prompt. Some said that it did serve as a reminder
to elicit emotions, for example in the way Tonglet et al. (2004) and might be appropriate and useful now and again.
designed their program, but many references were made to slight “Because the doorstepping itself is a reminder. . .people will regard
emotions arising, which seemed in fact to be influential in the it as something important if you doorstep. . . otherwise they will just
behaviour change. ignore it.” [INTV3]
The interview and focus group questions distinguished between “It is good to have doorstepping as a reminder; we may forget to
feelings of social pressure that would be better described as Social sort the waste. . .long term reminders are much better to foster such
16 Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19
sorting. In this way, after a long time, say one or two years, it will Furthermore, now that it is known from the qualitative data
become a habit.” [INTV1] that many local residents are sensitive to the character and visi-
“It is OK to remind residents every six months via doorstepping. We ble behaviour of the doorsteppers, it should be possible to enhance
will possibly forget it as time goes by.” [INTV7] the effects already seen. For example, planners should not hesitate
“Well, if so (you come bimonthly) then we will think why do you to accept doorsteppers that naturally evoke positive emotions and
knock on our door since we do quite well.” “Doorstepping should not ‘xinku’, such as students and older people, and not minimize visible
have a high frequency.” [FG2] extra efforts that they make in the community – possibly even to
This lesser impact of doorstepping on Prompting seems con- increase these e.g. by having the same doorsteppers previously do
sistent with the fact that this community had an abundance of other voluntary work which is valued and (appropriately) visible.
prompting in other ways, e.g. notices on the blackboards in the Using the findings of this work, another study is being carried out to
public areas, near the communal bins, and by public loudspeaker determine whether the Prompt and Emotion aspects of the volun-
announcements every few days. In the first months during its initi- teers can be in part induced by brightly coloured bins instead (Lin,
ation stages which pre-dated our baseline period, local volunteers 2015), and a further, extended study of the ‘Xinku’ effect is being
also stood by the bins to ‘help’ residents understand how to recycle. carried out (Johnson, 2015).
The role of Social Norms deserves further exploration, with the
data suggesting that some residents are sensitive to community
4. Discussion
norms, which could be enhanced e.g. with more emphasis on col-
lective participation and achievements in this particular scheme,
This study broke down the general operation of doorstepping
or of efforts made by various people so far, or making reference
into eleven clusters of determinants of behaviour change deemed
to aspects of identity of the community e.g. as a ‘responsible’ or
relevant to the context, and used them to analyse and understand
‘caring’ or ‘green’ community. The data further suggests that a vari-
the impacts of an intervention. In commonly reported terms, the
ation in approach might be useful for those residents who are not
intervention consisted of a doorstepping by student or young vol-
so involved in the community, e.g. who work long hours away
unteers accompanied by a local resident, with brief mentions about
from home, or are new. Having block leaders accompany doorstep-
environmental impacts with the use of visual aids, and the provi-
pers seemed important to longer-term residents, and ‘outsiders’
sion of an informative leaflet and a colourful sticker. In the language
as doorsteppers were considered better for residents who were
of the determinants, the intervention was designed to have a main
not embedded or thus influenced by the local community. Another
‘message’ about the environmental consequences of recycling food
aspect of social influences is their subjectivity: different stakehold-
waste intended to increase Belief of Consequences, and the intrin-
ers have been found to consider different social influences to be key
sic nature of the act of doorstepping, i.e. knocking on a resident’s
to success from the same intervention (Xu, 2015). For clarification,
door and engaging in conversation, was kept simple but expected
we also note here that residents were not ‘supervised’ or ‘observed’
to activate Prompting and some aspect of Social Norms.
when depositing their waste at the communal bins any time after
the initial launch of the program, i.e. which finished one month
4.1. Learning useful for improving local design before our intervention, and thus that aspect of social influence
was not an element of our intervention.
The intervention was successful in increasing the food waste
captured, but the focus groups and in-depth interviews showed 4.2. Learning useful for doorstepping programs elsewhere
clearly that main message regarding Belief of Consequences was
not even a minor determinant of the behaviour change, and This study has shown the usefulness of analysing and designing
questionnaires showed that the level of knowledge of environ- doorstepping via consideration of several clusters of determinants
mental consequences was already high before the intervention, of behaviour change. Rather than use determinants implied from
and unchanged by it. The researchers had kept a detailed log of only one theory or experimental approach and risk missing key
all activities taking place in the community to ensure no complex- information, we have shown that it is operationally not difficult to
ities arose, but it relied on information from other groups also, and investigate a large range of determinants, using post-intervention
after the entire research work a late report was received which qualitative data collection designed to reveal evidence of them. This
indicated that the residents had been given overview information may be less useful in the narrow investigation of a particular the-
about Environmental Consequences. The ‘main message’ delivered ory, but it has worked well to provide space for key determinants to
in the doorstepping was not, therefore, the cause of the impact in emerge from the data in a general grounded theory manner. Many
this case, which implied that the delivery approach was. Building intervention studies in waste have limited funding, and so simply
on this result, a further study is being carried out to determine the try out an intervention and then assume that any measured change
average results from a large sample of communities which used is a result of the intended effect, without having time to check other
information only versus another sample which used interpersonal possibilities. In our case we had designed-in a “Belief of Environ-
approaches including some forms of doorstepping (Dai, 2015). mental Consequence” element that we thought would cause the
The focus groups and interviews revealed that Social Norms and effect, but by spending more time collecting post-intervention data
Emotion were significantly activated determinants, with Prompt- we showed that the effect was in fact due to something else: Social
ing a minor contributor. These determinants were not purposely Norms and Emotions. Knowing that will make a great difference to
designed in, and are thus interesting to note as results of a planning of further programs.
rather neutral approach, for example compared to the enthusi- These results indicate a much deeper lesson not seen in the
astic approach used by Read (1999). For future local campaigns literature: that doorstepping should not be considered a generic
using a similar approach it is possible that a similar 12.5% increased ‘strategy’ but one with several elements, and that researchers
recycling could be obtained, above and beyond any that could be need to be vigilant about concluding and reporting which were
generated by an alternative main message, e.g. focusing on Roles key determinants. It seems unlikely that this is possible without
(it is the duty of the resident’s to sort at home!) or Action Planning post-event qualitative data collection to obtain rich and detailed
(how do you plan to get your food waste from your kitchen to the information.
recycling bin?) or Motivation (if we see you recycling you could win We do not claim in this work that the clusters of determinants
a prize. . .). which we used are special, and they are not precisely derived or
Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19 17
Table 4
Cost breakdown of the doorstepping intervention (time and materials).
Number Comments
defined either individually or as a set. We do believe that the ones is not analysed in this work. We thus are not confident to conclude
chosen cover a great range of those reported in various works, con- any durability effects from the doorstepping intervention in iso-
textualized for recycling. It is likely that this set will be equally lation, but can say that the particular program in addition to the
useful for a large variety of recycling studies. The usefulness of the doorstepping in the context of increasing public awareness seems
general approach also suggests that more efforts would be worth- to have produced an excellent level of durability.
while in developing further sets that specialized operationally for
other commonly studied areas of behaviour change, such as energy 5. Conclusion
reduction, use of public transportation, and water use reduction.
A non-contextualised reference set from which those could be This study aimed to design and understand a successful
derived should ideally be developed by going again through the doorstepping intervention by finding a way to break down
process covered in the work by Michie et al. (2005) but without the doorstepping into analysable elements, to thus facilitate progres-
step which brings in specialism for public health. sive learning for future programs.
The costs associated with this program are important to record. The intervention designed produced a statistically significant
They were not excessive: 210 person hours (of which 180 were vol- increase in food waste diverted, with the capture rate increasing
unteers) for 986 households (see Table 4 for details). In addition, impressively from 45.2% to 57.7%.
leaflets and stickers were prepared and purchased for each house- More importantly, qualitative studies showed that the elements
hold. The overall associated costs are not very different to other which made the main impression were Social Norms, Emotion and,
types of recycling programs, e.g. based on written information only. to a lesser extent, the Prompting effect, and this learning guides
Although the experience of the NGO and/or university staff was key, local planning to focus on higher visibility of the doorsteppers,
there are nowadays many similar organisations around the world knowledge that student and possibly older volunteers had special
that can provide such expertise. effectiveness, and increased emphasis on a ‘message’ of local com-
It is important to know what the longevity or durability of munity change of behaviour, with decrease emphasis or removal
interventions is, both in terms of their cost-effectiveness for policy- of the ‘message’ about environmental consequences.
making and in understanding the nature of the behaviour change Elements that did not impact significantly included Knowledge,
which has occurred. In this work the community was visited again Skills, Belief of (Environmental) Consequences, Belief of Capabil-
one year later and primary data collected using the same method- ity, Action Planning, Role Clarification, Feedback, and Motivation.
ology: a food waste capture rate of 49.4% was found. This is a Programs which assume that flooding residents with information
very respectable maintenance of the figure of 57.7% only 2 weeks and emphasis on environmental consequences might especially be
after the doorstepping. However, we are generally very cautious interested in this result.
about the data sometimes reported by researchers taken some time The approach of using an elemental analysis has proven very
later in non-laboratory studies i.e. in real-world, complex situa- useful, allowing much richer and more transferable and potentially
tions, because we are aware that there are many factors which generalizable learning to take place than other studies labelled
can influence waste and recycling practices and believe it is vir- as ‘doorstepping’. This approach generally shows potentially great
tually impossible to draw any valid conclusions about durability usefulness in pragmatic analysis of various recycling activities for
without regular data collection which can account for seasonal and planning purposes, such as recycling services, collection methods
other fluctuations such as special mass media campaigns, events and multi-faceted recycling programs. The particular clusters of
in schools with local children, etc. – a detailed log would need to determinants used are worthy of further development in order to
be kept. In addition, turnover rates would need to be monitored check their level of ‘completeness’, and to provide a stronger link
accurately, and it would need to be known exactly how well any to behaviour change theories.
newcomers were inducted into the program. In this community we
are confident that the turnover rate was quite low and that no major Acknowledgements
events affecting recycling had occurred in the community itself, but
general city publicity and increasing public awareness were chang- The authors acknowledge the contributions of Shang Qian,
ing factors. In addition, durability is more likely associated with Samim Lambrecht and Wang Xiao in the collection of data. MKH
elements relating to the changing and embedding of habits, which gratefully acknowledges the support of research funding through
18 Y.C. Dai et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 9–19
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