Biocomplexity Institute
1100 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 2910
Arlington, VA 22209
Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) integrates voices from across the United We are on the edge of a data revolution. Information is at our fingertips. Our scientists
States, delving into a diverse array of disciplines to discover scholars who are making are on the front lines, equipped to design a future with this data that benefits the
an impact in their communities. Determined to start a dialogue, this program pivots on public. Creating change matters, and we can demonstrate how our on-going research
two pillars: a Forum comprised of our Distinguished Speaker Series and Annual Sym- benefits everyone from government agencies, to restaurant owners. Both the USDA
posium; and a Young Scholars initiative that immerses young scientists in real-world and the Gates Foundation have recognized how data are everywhere and that we
problems, preparing them to solve the issues of the future. know how to use it. Our latest project aims to use data to advance economic mobility
in rural communities and we will be doing it with the support of these two donors. We
DATA-DRIVEN, PEOPLE-CENTRIC are doing data science and we are doing it not just for the public, but for you. Join us.
DSPG has a vision: an inclusive future for all, fueled by ethical research. Our program WHAT OUR SCHOLARS ARE SAYING...
develops data scientists who are not only capable, they are also conscientious. Our
Young Scholars are conducting community-engaged research that not only impacts “My favorite part of the program is how
individuals directly, but also translates to large-scale issues which are globally applica-
the team invests in us along the way...
While completing these projects, we have
Through our Forum, our scientists have the opportunity to learn from each other about to implement some challenging methods
society’s needs. These conversations empower our scholars as they pursue answers from data science, which is only possible
to research questions that span understanding health and well-being in Fairfax County, through the amazing trainings the facul-
to measuring how embedded soldiers feel in their communities once they return from ty and staff provide. By the end of the
their posts.
summer, we’ve run the gamut on train-
ings—learning how to code in R, work
with APIs, web-scrape, and wrangle mas-
sive amounts of data to workable condi-
tions—basically, everything you need to be
a capable data scientist. The people are
amazing, the projects are inspiring, and
the education is fascinating. I couldn’t
DSPG 2019
have asked for more."