Key Concepts in Gas Detection: A Guide To Understanding Todays's Gas Detection Technology
Key Concepts in Gas Detection: A Guide To Understanding Todays's Gas Detection Technology
Key Concepts in Gas Detection: A Guide To Understanding Todays's Gas Detection Technology
Key Concepts in
Gas Detection
A Guide to Understanding
Todays’s Gas Detection
Key Concepts in Gas Detection
Gas-detection systems are important front-line watch
dogs, and provide many process plants with early Types of Gas Detectors
notification of dangerous releases. Proper design and There are a number of methods used to detect the
layout is critical to the functionality of these systems, presence of various gas compounds. Typically, the
but poses a challenge for many users since little most universally accepted methods are
standardized guidance is available. A qualified safety
professional should be involved in all ultimate design • Electrochemical
decisions. When designing a gas-detection installation, • Catalytic bead
the user must remember that gas detection is only one • Infrared
part of a facility’s comprehensive safety management • Papertape
plan. To be most useful during facility operation,
monitoring system users should address not only how Electrochemical
many sensors are required and where they will go, but Electrochemical gas sensors contain various
also how the real-time data provided by these devices components designed to react with a specific toxic gas;
can be used to improve the overall safety of the plant the reaction generates a current which is measured by
and its workers. the instrument and translated into a concentration
value (PPM or PPB).
What is a Gas?
GAS - a substance that is normally in gaseous state at
ordinary temperatures and pressures
VAPOR - a gaseous form of a substance that is liquid
or solid at normal temperatures and pressures
FUME - airborne dispersion consisting of minute
particles that come from heating a solid (often an oxide
resulting from a chemical reaction between the particles
and oxygen.
Monitoring outdoor gas releases is significantly more 8. Avoid strong electromagnetic fields. Mounting
complex, as gas behavior is impacted by many more the gas transmitter near power transformers or other
variables. Meteorological conditions must be strong EM fields may cause undesirable results.
considered because gas disperses most rapidly during 9. Avoid pressure and excessive air velocity.
sunny afternoons with light wind, and least rapidly GasPlus sensors are designed to measure gas
during clear nights with light wind. concentration under normal atmospheric conditions
It is important to note that predicted release behavior with up to 1 LPM air flow. High air velocities will
can be significantly altered by topographical result in inaccurate measurement and reduce sensor
characteristics created by buildings, process vessels, life.
piping arrays and so on, since most dispersion models 10. Conduit Seals. Protect the transmitter
assume flat surfaces. electronics from moisture by thoroughly sealing the
conduit entries and tightening the cover of the
transmitter housing.
11. Distance. All systems that separate the gas
Installing a Gas Detector sensor (or transmitter) from the main controller
electronics have distance limit specifications.
Quick List Ensure that the application’s distance requirements
are within specifications and that the appropriate
Prior to installing a gas transmitter, consideration gauge wiring is used.
should be given to the following items when choosing
its location:
1. Orientation - Always mount the sensor pointing
2. Gas Density - For gases heavier than air, it is
recommended that the sensor be installed
approximately 18" from floor level. In these applications
care should be taken to protect the sensors from
physical damage. For gases that are lighter than air,
sensors should be installed at a high level or close to
the potential leak source.