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Performance Based Seismic Design

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Performance Based Seismic Design

Course 1

Short history of seismic-resistant design

Course notes are available for download at

History of seismic design codes
 First attempts to introduce seismic design provisions in
building codes date back to the end of the 19th century –
beginning of the 20th century
 Reason – major earthquakes that occurred in
– 1855, Edo, Japan
– 1891, Mino-Awari, Japan
– 1923, Kanto, Japan
– 1906, San Francisco, USA
– 1908, Messina, Italy
History of seismic design codes
 1855 Edo (Japan) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 1891 Mino-Awari (Japan) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 1923 Kanto (Japan) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 1906 San Francisco (California, USA) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 1908 Messina (Italia) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 Earthquake engineering started at the end of the 19th
century when some European engineers suggested
designing structures with a few percent of the weight of
the structure as the horizontal load:
 This idea of seismic design was taken up and developed
in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1914,
Sano, a Japanese engineer, developed a quasi-dynamic
 On April 18, 1906 a major earthquake struck San
Francisco, followed by a wide-spread fire. Although
engineers learned explicit lessons from the 1906
earthquake, for the most part these lessons referred to
the need for greater fire prevention and for the use of
reinforced concrete (instead of timber) as a building
History of seismic design codes
 June 28, 1925 – Santa Barbara (California, USA)
History of seismic design codes
 June 28, 1925 – Santa Barbara (California, USA)
– Increased interest in earthquake engineering
– December 17, 1925: City Council passed a new building code with
a clause requiring buildings to be designed to withstand
horizontal forces produced by either earthquakes or wind
– Real beginning of earthquake engineering studies and research in
the United States
– 1927: shaking table built at Stanford
– Beginning of 30s: Richter devised a numerical scale for grading
– Instrumentally recorded earthquakes: the local magnitude scale
– 1927: Uniform Building Code (UBC) – lateral forces determined as
7.5%-10% of the sum of permanent and live loads
History of seismic design codes
 March 10, 1933 –Long Beach (California, SUA) earthquake
History of seismic design codes
 March 10, 1933 – Long Beach (California, SUA) earthquake
– Considerable damage, including school buildings (15 out of 35 schools
completely destroyed)
– First strong ground motions
– Development of the concept of response spectra: Maurice Biot. The
concept of response spectra was not used in a specific way in building
codes until 1952.
 1933-1959:
– 1943: Los Angeles Building Code (LABC) – the design requirements of a
constant lateral force coefficient – inadequate. Seismic coefficient that
was taking into account building flexibility associated with number of
stories was introduced.
– 1952: "Lateral Forces of Earthquake and Wind" – period of vibration T of
the building was introduced as a means of determining the base shear
coefficient C
– 1957: To consider the inherent ductility and energy dissipation capacities
of different structures, a coefficient K was introduced in the base shear
equation V=KCW, where K values were specified for four types of
building construction
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 Seismic design codes in Romania (Lungu et. al, 2003):
– Instrucţiuni provizorii pentru prevenirea deteriorării construcţiilor
din cauza cutremurelor şi pentru refacerea celor degradate
aprobate prin Decizia nr. 84351 din 30 decembrie 1941 dată de
Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice şi Comunicaţiilor, 9p.
– Instrucţiuni pentru prevenirea deteriorării construcţiilor din cauza
cutremurelor, aprobate prin Decizia nr. 60173 din 19 mai 1945 a
Ministerului Comunicaţiilor şi Lucrărilor Publice pe baza avizului
Consiliului Tehnic Superior din Jurnalul nr.7/1945, publicate în
Monitorul Oficial nr. 120 din 30 mai 1945, 10 p.
– STAS 2923-58 (neaprobat) Prescripţii generale de proiectare în
regiuni seismice. Sarcini seismice. Comisia de Standardizare
R.P.R., 31 Aug.1958, Vol.1-132 p., Vol.2-97 p.
– Normativ condiţionat pentru proiectarea construcţiilor civile şi
industriale din regiuni seismice P.13 - 63, aprobat de Comitetul de
Stat pentru Construcţii, Arhitectură şi Sistematizare cu Ordinul
nr.306 din 18 iulie 1963, 39 p.
History of seismic design codes in Romania
– Normativ pentru proiectarea construcţiilor civile şi industriale din
regiuni seismice P.13 - 70, aprobat prin Ordinul nr. 362/N din 31
decembrie 1970, Ministerul construcţiilor Industriale şi Comitetul
de Stat pentru Economia şi Administraţia Locală, 63 p.
– Normativ privind proiectarea antiseismică a construcţiilor de
locuinţe, social-culturale, agrozootehnice şi industriale P.100 - 78,
aprobat prin Ordinul nr.23/IX/ din 15 iunie 1978 al Guvernului şi
Consiliului de coordonare a activităţii de investiţii, 57 p.
– Normativ privind proiectarea antiseismică a construcţiilor de
locuinţe, social-culturale, agrozootehnice şi industriale P.100 - 81,
aprobat prin Decizia nr.83 din 21 iulie 1981 a Biroului executiv al
Consiliului Ştiinţific al Institutului de cercetare, proiectare şi
directivare în construcţii, 72 p.
– Normativ privind proiectarea antiseismică a construcţiilor de
locuinţe, social-culturale, agrozootehnice şi industriale P.100 - 91,
aprobat prin Ordinul nr.3/N din 1 aprilie 1991, Ministerul Lucrărilor
Publice şi Amenajării Teritoriului (MLPAT) - DCLP, 152 p.
History of seismic design codes in Romania
– Normativ privind proiectarea antiseismică a construcţiilor de
locuinţe, social-culturale, agrozootehnice şi industriale P.100 - 92,
aprobat prin Ordinul nr.3/N din 14 aprilie 1992, MLPAT, 151 p.
– Completarea şi modificarea capitolelor 11 şi 12 din “Normativul
privind proiectarea antiseismică a construcţiilor de locuinţe,
social-culturale, agrozootehnice şi industriale”P.100 - 92,
aprobate prin Ordinul nr.71/N din 7 octombrie 1996, Ministerul
Lucrărilor Publice şi Amenajării Teritoriului, 50 p.
– P100-1/2004 "Cod de proiectare seismică - Partea I - Prevederi de
proiectare pentru clădiri", – experimental. Aliniat la Eurocode 8.
– P100-1/2006 "Cod de proiectare seismică - Partea I - Prevederi de
proiectare pentru clădiri" – final
– P100-1/2013 "Cod de proiectare seismică - Partea I - Prevederi de
proiectare pentru clădiri"
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 The first Romanian seismic resistant design code was
developed by E. Titaru and A. Cismigiu in 1954.
 Several proposals for Standard no. 2923 were made after
1954, including a preliminary draft, in 2 volumes, in 1958.
 In 1963 this pioneering work was converted by the State
Committee for Constructions, Architecture and Town
Planning into the P13-63 code, published in 4300 copies
(39. pag.)
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 Normalised elastic response spectra for Bucharest –
evolution in seismic design codes (Lungu et al., 2003)
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 P100-92: TC=0.7, 1.0, 1.5
MRI = 50 years
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 P100-1/2006: Vrancea source - TC=0.7, 1.0, 1.6
MRI = 100 years
3.5 3.5
b 0 =2.75 3 b 0 =2.75
3 b 0 =2.75 3
2.5 2.5 2.5
2 2 2
1.925/T 1.5 8.8/T
1.5 1.5
2 1 8.25/T
1 5.775/T 1
0.5 0.5 T B =0.1 T C =1.0s T D =3 0.5
T B =0.07 T C =0.7s T D =3
T B =0.16 T C =1.6s T D =2
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Perioada T , s Perioada T , s 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Perioada T , s

 P100-1/2006: 3.5 b 0 =3
3 2.1/T
shallow sources in Banat 2.5
with ag = 0.20g and ag = 0.16g 2

MRI = 100 years 1.5

1 6.3/T
T C =0.7s
T B =0.07s T D =3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Perioada T , s
History of seismic design codes in Romania
 P100-1/2013: TC=0.7, 1.0, 1.6 (MRI = 225 years)
History of seismic design codes in Romania
Nature of seismic action
 Earthquakes are a very special type of natural hazard in
the sense that they are very rare, low-probability events,
whose consequences, when they do occur, are very large
in terms of destruction and suffering
 A significant feature of earthquake damage is that most
of the human and economic losses are due to failures of
human-made facilities such as buildings and lifelines.
 An unfortunate combination of the following factors can
create an earthquake disaster:
– Severity of the earthquake ground motion. This depends on: the
earthquake magnitude, source-to-site distance, direction of fault
rupture propagation, local site conditions and depth to base rock.
– The size and distribution of the population and economic
– The degree of earthquake preparedness, including
comprehensive earthquake risk mitigation programs and their
Seismic risk
 Seismic risk: "the probability that social or economic
consequences of earthquakes will equal or exceed
specified values at a site, at various sites or in an area
during a specified exposure time"
 Assessing and controlling seismic risk at any given site
requires at least the following:
1. Estimating the seismic activity at the site. This requires
identification of all seismic sources.
2. Predicting EQGMs that could significantly contribute to the
seismic risk.
3. Evaluating whether the EQGMs could induce (besides direct
significant vibratory motions to the entire facility system) any of
the following potential hazards at the site or the surrounding
region: surface fault ruptures, tsunamis, seiches, landslides and
Seismic risk
4. Predicting whether the predicted EQGMs could induce ground
failure, that is, liquefaction, settlement, subsidence, differential
compaction, loss of bearing and shearing strength and lateral
5. Assessing the performance of the facility system under the
direct and indirect effects of the predicted EQGMs and
estimating the degree of damage and losses.
6. Evaluating the possibility of the following incidents: fire, flood,
release of hazardous materials, environmental impact and other
consequences that could affect the built environment.
7. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis of seismic upgrading and
replacing existing hazardous facilities.

Evaluation and control of seismic risk is a complex

 P100-1/2013. "Cod de proiectare seismică - Partea I -
Prevederi de proiectare pentru clădiri".
 P100-3 / 2008 "Cod de proiectare seismică – Partea a III-a
- prevederi privind evaluarea seismică a clădirilor
 EN 1998-1:2004. "Eurocode 8: Design of structures for
earthquake resistance -Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings".
 EN 1998-3: 2004. "Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for
earthquake resistance Part 3: Assessment and retrofitting
of buildings"
 Bozorgnia, Z., Bertero V. (2004). "Earthquake
engineering: from engineering seismology to
performance-based engineering". CRC Press, ISBN 0-
 "The seismic design handbook, 2nd ed.", Farzad Naeim
(ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, ISBN: 0-7923-
 Lungu, D., Aldea, A., Arion, C., Cornea, T., Văcăreanu, R.
(2003). "Hazardul seismic în România", Partea I, cap. 2 din
"Construcţii amplasate în zone cu mişcări seismice
puternice". Coordonatori: D. Dubina şi D. Lungu,
Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara.
 FEMA 350 (2000). "Recommended Seismic Design
Criteria for Moment-Resisting Steel Frame Structures",
prepared by the SEAOC, ATC, and CUREE Joint Venture
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C. (FEMA Publication No. 350).
 FEMA 356, 2000, "Prestandard and commentary for the
seismic rehabilitation of buildings", prepared by the
American Society of Civil Engineers for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
(FEMA Publication No. 356).

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